4-Pack: Charlee Bear Meaty Bites Freeze Dried Beef & Sweet Potato Dog Treats

  • Best by October, which is soon
  • But also: they’re dog treats, so we wouldn’t worry too much
  • Dogs seem to like them
  • Are they available in Georgia Red: No, and if you open a package and the treats are bright red, please inform customer service
see more product specs

Canine Cuisine

Sigh. There’s always gotta be that person. You know, the one who sees any food product for sale, even freeze-dried meaty dog treats, and says something like:

For $10 a pound, I’d rather steam some chicken or beef and give them plain yogurt for treats.

That’s a comment from the last time we sold these. And let’s be entirely clear: everything here is true. It probably would be a bit cheaper to buy some raw meat, steam it, and mix it in with a little store-brand yogurt. In fact, it’s likely even cheaper than you think. Because you probably won’t actually follow through and do it.

We know @ravenblack agrees:

This is similar to the excuse I use to not buy snacks for myself, too (I can make the same thing myself cheaper and the quality would be better), but then the trick is, I don’t do it, so then I just have no snacks.

But yeah, if you’re the kind of person who has enough free time to cook dog treats, then go for it. For the rest of us, there are pre-packaged options. Like these. And honestly, they’re pretty good.

At least that’s what we learned from those who bought them.

@bugger gave a good breakdown of the quality and value:

I got these last time around and even though it’s got a few strange ingredients it’s 90+ percent good stuff which is about 80% better than 90% of all dog foods except for the top 12% of the extremely good dog foods & Treats which are usually about 290% more expensive.

Whereas @goldnectar spoke to how they’re enjoyed by actual doggos:

I bought these last time for two very treat picky pugs. Their interest in these treats seems to be holding.

In other words, solid quality, great price, loved by dogs, even picky ones.

So get them if you think your dog would like them. And, if you’ve gotten them before, definitely let us know how your dog liked them in the comments.

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