3-Pack: Pro Wet Brushes

- Okay, so you’re prolly like, lol? What’s a “pro” hair brush? At least, that’s how I felt (see write-up). BUT, when we sold regular Wet Brushes a little over a month ago, we did get this comment from @medz, which does note a not entirely insignificant difference in quality. So, there you go!
- Doesn’t tug. Works on wet or dry hair of any type. Doesn’t do damage to hair. Basically just a really great brush.
- You get three of them: one for you, one for a friend/spouse, and one, per the above medz post, for your cats.
- These will ship in about a week, so you’ll have to dry brush your hair for that much longer
Seeking A True Pro
Here at Pompa-Doer, we are driven by one simple principle: “the hair could always go over there.” Our devotion to innovative hair-brushing has earned us countless write-ups in leading hair-industry periodicals, such as Hairper’s, Vanity Fhair, and TIME (To Brush Your Hair) Magazine. Now, we’re seeking a highly motivated directional technician to join our rapidly-expanding hair agency.
Top candidates will hold a BFA (Bachelor’s of Follicle Art) in hair-brushing. Special consideration will be given to graduates of top programs, such as Hairvard, Combridge, Strandford, the Sor-bun, or the Massacrewcuts Instaroot of Technology.
Candidates must possess their own Wet Brush Pro and have logged at least twenty hours on it. Hours logged on any other brush will not be considered, as those brushes do not guarantee their product will glide effortlessly through any hair type. Each hour logged with a standard Wet Brush (but not a Wet Brush Pro) will count for half.
Job Duties Include:
- Brushing hair to the right
- Brushing hair to the left
- Brushing hair up
- Brushing hair down
In addition to your resume and cover letter, please include responses to the following supplemental questions:
What is your P.P.P. (personal part philosophy)? Could you discuss a time when your PPP was challenged and how you reacted?
Are you, or have you ever been, a member of any organization renounced by the Hair Council, such as the Militant Anarchist National Brush User Nexus (The M.A.N.B.U.N.) or The Radical Allied Comb-Holding Elites List (The R.A.C.H.E.L.)?
If you could only bring one thing with you to a desert island, what would it be? (Hint: it should be a Wet Brush Pro.)