2-Pack: JVC Wireless 15W Rubberized Charging Pads

  • They look real rugged!
  • Up to 15W power delivery for faster charging
  • Nice big surface area with 3 charging coils for maximum coverage
  • Rubberized and lipped so your phone won’t slip off
  • Interior dimensions are 6.75 x 3.75 inches
  • What they always order at the Thai place: Pad Thai
see more product specs

Stay Put

“My phone! It keeps SHIFTING! If only it wouldn’t!”

“I put my phone down on a charging pad, but then I bumped the table, and the phone fell off onto the sleeping dog, who awoke thinking he was being attacked, and so he bit my friend who was over. Now, I no longer have that friend, and also, I’m dealing with a huge lawsuit!”

“‘Hey,’ said the man to me, while I sat in the park busking, ‘I’m a big time record executive. And I like your style, kid. Here, give me your phone and I’ll put my number in it. You call me when you’re ready to be a star, okay?’ I couldn’t believe it. Me, a boy from rural Kansas, had interest from a major player in the music industry. And my first week in the big city, too! This must be why they call it Los Angeles, I thought, because it certainly seemed like there was an angel watching over me. But then, when I got home and tried to put my phone on my charging pad, I was too excited. I put it down with too much force and it slid off the surface, out the open window, and would’ve shattered on the sidewalk below. But instead, it was caught by man who immediately called the executive and signed a lucrative deal for himself. Now I’m heading home to Kansas with my head hung low.”

These are things real customers have said.

By which I mean, I, a real customer of this site, wrote them, and then, I read them aloud, which technically means I said them. So nothing I’ve said is a lie. Except for all the stuff in the quotes.

Why do you need a charging pad with a “rubberized anti-slip surface”? I don’t know. But at least you can rest assured your phone (or whatever you’re gonna charge on these things) won’t shift too much, right?

And really, who cares? It’s a 2-pack of charging pads with a nice amount of surface area, 3 surface charging coils each, and 15W worth of power.

So get them, and maybe benefit from their lipped, anti-slip surface in ways you can’t possibly anticipate!

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  • That’s $10912 total.
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