Number 4 is unlucky in Asian culture
6Word for four sounds similar to word for Death in Mandarin and several other Asian languages. It’s considered unlucky so buildings won’t have a 4th floor or a room 4, etc…
What does this mean about my click count?
Should I just lie low until tomorrow at midnight?
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@OnionSoup, I wouldn’t worry. You still have five lives left.
If you’re into that.
(also, other sources say it means different things, but … I think … angel numbers are always positive?)
Here’s another version:
Oh my, I need to quick looking at these.
Okay, I’ll be done now. What a rabbit hole I was only vaguely aware of before.
@xobzoo lol … well, I’ll see it as a good omen for now
… But if I die today, I’m going to haunt Meh’s warehouse as a ghost for eternity. They need a ghost
I like going with the Angel number version that @xobzoo speaks about up above, you can’t go wrong with that kind of positivity! Heck, I might just stop clicking all together to have those Angel numbers working in my favor every day!
I don’t think I’ll live long enough for the next number in the series 55555 (five fives) it took a decade to get this far.
Unless meh puts an immortality tonic in my next IRK.
Meh… Please give me an immortality tonic in my next irk so I can reach the next milestone.
@OnionSoup when your teeth all fall out in the next century, I can’t imagine the following millennia would be enjoyable.
So would ending all military file names in the digit “4” help ward off Chinese hackers?
@phendrick Maybe. But replacing the contents of all the files with '4’s certainly will.
(It would also be provably unlucky.)