2-Pack: Jelly Belly Jumbo Easter Box
- 2 enormous boxes of Jelly Belly jelly beans
- Each box has about 75 single servings
- The flavors? Oh, you know, they’re assorted!
- Model: 4-WH0M-TH3-B3LLY-T0LL5
There's No Need To Worry
Easter is right around the corner. Okay, actually, it’s still a couple months away. But c’mon, it’s not like these two huge boxes of Jelly Bellies are going to go bad in the next few weeks (or decades). So get them now and hold onto them until it’s time for the big bunny to pay a visit. And if you’re worried about your little egg hunter eating too much, don’t, because each box is packed with approximately 75 single-portion bags.
Now, if you’re wondering which flavors we’re talking about here, all we can say is: assorted. It’s Jelly Belly, after all! They have SO MANY kinds!
But, in case you were worried, we will let you know that there are a few flavors we can guarantee are not included. Such as:
- Sunday afternoon dread
- Buttered popcorn, pre-buttering, pre-popped
- Pan-seared duck breast with a side of parsnip puree and crispy Brussels sprouts
- Cherry pit
- Wistful reflection about the grassy fields of one’s youth
- Ham hock
- Flour
- Unceasing flames
- Coconut crusted halibut
- That feeling when the alarm goes off but you’re in deep REM sleep
- Lightning
- Minnow (made with real minnow)
- Cashmere
- The last French fry, but with your dog looking on, so you feel really guilty eating it yourself
That’s right! You don’t have to worry about those being in there. So get a couple big boxes of jelly beans and be ready for Easter! Or just eat them now. You’re an adult. You can do whatever you want, really.