2-Pack: International Report V-Neck Shirt (Lavender, Pink)

We Have Some Concerns

There have been a couple of things bugging us lately.

No, not that. Please stop dramatically gesturing at the world in general. That will all work itself out in three billion years with the heat death of the sun, at the very latest.

Let’s talk about some more immediate, manageable concerns.

Like the state of your wardrobe. Or maybe that of your significant other.

Because my goodness.

When it comes to men’s casual wear, it genuinely doesn’t take much to land in the top 10th or 20th percentile of overall fashion standards. (Note that we’re talking about overall fashion standards rather than overalls fashion standards, which are…different.)

Honestly, most of it is just giving the impression that you got dressed on purpose, and these shirts do exactly that. They’re an interesting color. Fashionable, even. They’re cut in a distinct way. Hell, almost as if by magic they’ll make it kind of unreasonable to leave the house in sweatpants, more or less forcing you to wear something respectable, maybe even with belt loops.

It’s a big opportunity, is what we’re saying.

Will it change your wardrobe? No. It’s two shirts. And they’re similar enough that if you wear them in close succession, people will probably think you’re a weirdo. But it isn’t about that. It’s about adding a couple of mildly proper items into the mix and seeing if the effect starts to spread. You’ll be shopping for shorts without cargo pockets before you know it.

Which brings us to another concern. Customer demographics.

Because ya’ll are a mess.

We love hearing from you on all of the various and ridiculous topics that unfold over on the forum (to say nothing of the comment sections that come with each daily post), but if we’re being honest it kind of seems like a lot of us are just barely keeping grips with basic sanity. So while we’re all about learning the intricacies of the new religion that you’ve been fleshing out based on random acts of pasta landing on doorsteps, the whole vibe here begs a question—where are all of the normal, boring Meh folks?? The ones who buy things quietly and don’t tell us about it. The ones who read, but don’t post.

You’re probably out there living your best life, wearing awesome shirts like the ones in today’s deal.

Well, we’d like you to get off of your pool chair and jump into the actual pool. The water is fine.

There’s no better place to start than by flexing about how you have your life together with today’s forum topic, Daily Deals and a Path to a Better Life.

Help show us the way, infrequent commenters and those who forgot they even had a login to this place.

We’ve been waiting for you.

(Still buy these shirts, though. This business doesn’t work as an elaborate scheme to maintain a bizarre forum community if you don’t buy stuff sometimes.)

Our Community →

So far today...

  • 88531 of you visited.
  • 41% on a phone, 2% on a tablet.
  • 2954 clicked meh
  • on this deal.

And you bought...

  • 652 of these.
  • Deal ended .
  • That’s $7700 total.
  • (including shipping)

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