Today's SideDeal

144-Pack: Roar Plus Complete Hydration Vitamin & Electrolyte Drink Mixes

  • $0.25 each, not $2.25 each
  • A heaping helping of electrolytes, vitamins, antioxidants, and other good stuff
  • Great for recovering from a grueling workout/run/bike ride
  • Best by January 30th 2025
  • Can it make a margarita: No, but it can help out the morning after a few margaritas
see more product specs


There’s the post-run feeling. And then there’s the post-post-run feeling.

The post-run feeling is amazing. Whether you ran one mile or twenty-six, you can’t help but experience a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. After all, you did something. You pushed yourself. You said to your body, “No more sitting around, friend. We gotta MOVE.” And your body listened.

Also, you’re absolutely shitfaced on endorphins. There’s that, too.

But the post-post-run feeling? Not so great. That’s when the endorphins fade, the thrill of doing something physical dies down, the muscles cool and stiffen, and your body says, “Hey, hate to bother you, but just an FYI: you know all that sweat that came out while we were jogging before? So, that was actually some important stuff, and you’re gonna have to replace at least some of it ASAP, or else endure a woozy, headache-y feeling for the rest of the day.”

This stuff allows you to feel the post-run feeling without suffering through the post-post-run feeling. You just mix it into some water, and you get a healthy dose of electrolytes, vitamins, antioxidants, and some other good stuff.

(And yes, just to be clear, we’re using running as our example in this write-up because that’s the preferred exercise of the copywriter writing this. But this stuff can help you recover after any workout. It might also be of assistance when the only exercise you did was exercising your right to do shots the night before.)

Now, of course, the obvious question here is, how does it taste? To answer that, we checked Amazon. Here are a few snippets we found from the reviews:

  • “I really like the flavor…keeps me hydrated”
  • “These were awful. Chemical tasting and not at all worth the price.”
  • “Roar beverages are tasty”
  • “I love the flavor of the drink plus 100% vitamin c and almost no sugar.”
  • “Hated the taste, use it for hydration”

We chose to end with that last one because we feel that it best sums up the situation here. You might love the taste, but even if you don’t, it’ll still inject some electrolytes back into your system.

Not too shabby, right?

So get some. It’ll help you feel good.

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