@DrWorm I think watching old B&W movies relaxing, especially as I’ve seen them all many times before… obviously not all movies on TCM are relaxing, but if you go into their movie list there’s usually a few to choose from also.
@lordbowen Especially when it’s being the non-history channel.
When there are back to back episodes of Ancient Aliens, youngest offspring and I can really our “mock” on. I’ve seen her laugh so hard at a few theories I thought she was going to pass out.
Don’t really watch tv, but I do the thing all the same. I just use music instead.
Something electronic, maybe post-rock if I’m napping, can be more dubsteppy if I’m awake.
buy af. I just moved to a new apartment and have been meaning to buy this non-exact thing. Thank you, meh!
I’m 41 and haven’t had cable since I started college. Back then I would watch 90s movies on video that we scammed from BMG. Skipping most of my life… Now I stream something that won’t give me fever dreams.
Either Cartoon Network/Adult Swim(same channel) or Motor Trend(formerly known as Velocity). Honestly these two are neck and neck for most screen time at my place.
@sicc574 Me too. I pay for pseudo cable just for Cartoon Network/Adult Swim. My cable provider has something similar to DirectTV Now that’s half the price of that ($20 a month) that has streaming live TV, but also gives me all the Apps for each channel on my Roku TV. I’ll run the Cartoon network app all day int he background. And I don’t have kids…
Big fan of Food Network for zone-out purposes. Also during baseball/football/hockey season, if there’s a game on I’ll turn on that, even if I don’t care about who’s playing.
People still watch TV? With Netflix/YouTube/prime/Hulu? Maybe it’s the same people still listening to the radio… My TV calls itself a tunerless display and doesn’t even have the capability to watch “tv” embrace the future
@llsncl I’m staying w/ my bro & his gf for the weekend and had my first experience w/ Hulu.
Last night after they went to sleep I watched the first episode of Castle Rock - it was either that or 11/22/63.
I knew I was taking a big risk, in case I really liked the show and wanted to continue watching it.
I think I may have been converted.
I’m leery of streaming video though - Hulu had occasional drop-outs and buffering (their internet isn’t great), and I have occasional (but too frequent) issues when streaming Netflix at home over FiOS.
So, not sure I’m ready to cut the cable cord, but definitely going to consider it, now. Need to look into TiVo as well.
@DennisG2014@moonhat@ZeroCharisma I think my favorite episode was the one where they make CRT picture tubes. Almost a lost art now, but very fascinating.
Scroll through Netflix…I have seen it
Scroll through HBO…seen it (rip GOT)
Sorta scroll Hulu…interface sucks!
Skip Prime…I’ve seen the decent shows
Plex + torrents…wins every time 🥳
@PooltoyWolf Yes, he was, which is why i’ll happily zone out to Forensic Files for hours on end even though I’ve seen most episodes at least three times each. When there’s an episode that I just can’t stand to watch again, I switch over to Investigation Discovery, though half their shows are garbage.
The Comedy Network. (I guess if I was in the states, it would be Comedy Central?)

@daveinwarsh To each his own. I love TCM. It would be one of the last channels I would opt for if I were going to zone out.
@DrWorm I think watching old B&W movies relaxing, especially as I’ve seen them all many times before… obviously not all movies on TCM are relaxing, but if you go into their movie list there’s usually a few to choose from also.
@lordbowen Especially when it’s being the non-history channel.
When there are back to back episodes of Ancient Aliens, youngest offspring and I can really our “mock” on. I’ve seen her laugh so hard at a few theories I thought she was going to pass out.
Whatever the heck my wife was watching before she dozed off. I couldn’t give any fucks at all about what’s on TV…
Implying I have any of these channels.
Or a couch, for that matter.
TBD. It’s an OTA channel on a local station’s sub-channel. Stream on tbd.com.
@mike808 TBD is addictive, sometimes I’ll come across it while channel surfing and end up watching 45 minutes of random video clips.
If I’m tired and lie on the couch, I just fall asleep.
@awk Same. Usually with the all classical station playing on the radio.
HGTV followed closely by Golf Network.
@FrostByte So, you like to watch grass grow.

/giphy huge yawn
Don’t really watch tv, but I do the thing all the same. I just use music instead.
Something electronic, maybe post-rock if I’m napping, can be more dubsteppy if I’m awake.
Pluto on the Firestick 4K.

/image fire stick
@Mehrocco_Mole that’s a huuuuge image
@Mehrocco_Mole @moonhat That’s what she said.
I would rather read.
Just keep flipping channels.
@andyw - while looking for another one. Comment: they all suck.
YouTube or Netflix.
buy af. I just moved to a new apartment and have been meaning to buy this non-exact thing. Thank you, meh!
I’m 41 and haven’t had cable since I started college. Back then I would watch 90s movies on video that we scammed from BMG. Skipping most of my life… Now I stream something that won’t give me fever dreams.
@00 It weirds me out when I see posts by you cuz I always assume they’re by @f00l. Just had to get that out of my system.
@00 @UncleVinny
What wuz that?
Sorry I must’ve been asleep on the couch
Either Cartoon Network/Adult Swim(same channel) or Motor Trend(formerly known as Velocity). Honestly these two are neck and neck for most screen time at my place.
@sicc574 Me too. I pay for pseudo cable just for Cartoon Network/Adult Swim. My cable provider has something similar to DirectTV Now that’s half the price of that ($20 a month) that has streaming live TV, but also gives me all the Apps for each channel on my Roku TV. I’ll run the Cartoon network app all day int he background. And I don’t have kids…
@sicc574 Came here to say exactly the same thing.
Big fan of Food Network for zone-out purposes. Also during baseball/football/hockey season, if there’s a game on I’ll turn on that, even if I don’t care about who’s playing.
CrimeTV, escape, courtTV,
justice channel… keeping up on all the new ways of being a homicidal maniac
CSPAN political coverage is usually good for a little snooze.
I just put on a livestream from the camera I have hidden in @therealjrn’s bathroom.
Oops, I’ve said too much. How do I delete this message!?!?!
@UncleVinny As a VolMod …

@f00l remember how I said I’d already said too much?
@UncleVinny No problem, but @Alexa tells me the one for @mfladd is much better. Oh wait, you wanted boring right? You’re good.
@alexa @mfladd @therealjrn @UncleVinny
I’m betting @Alexa has the ultimate wacky/intimate outgoing vid feed from @therealjrn’s bathroom.
People still watch TV? With Netflix/YouTube/prime/Hulu? Maybe it’s the same people still listening to the radio… My TV calls itself a tunerless display and doesn’t even have the capability to watch “tv” embrace the future
@llsncl no need to be so snarky, sheesh
@llsncl I’m staying w/ my bro & his gf for the weekend and had my first experience w/ Hulu.
Last night after they went to sleep I watched the first episode of Castle Rock - it was either that or 11/22/63.
I knew I was taking a big risk, in case I really liked the show and wanted to continue watching it.
I think I may have been converted.
I’m leery of streaming video though - Hulu had occasional drop-outs and buffering (their internet isn’t great), and I have occasional (but too frequent) issues when streaming Netflix at home over FiOS.
So, not sure I’m ready to cut the cable cord, but definitely going to consider it, now. Need to look into TiVo as well.
Some of my favorite YouTube channels:
Project Farm
Hydraulic Press Channel
PBS, unless they are fundraising, then the wind blowing the trees outside. You would be surprised how fast leaves grow, turn colors, and fall.
SyFy - trashy cheap monster movies,futurama rerurns and 6 minute commercial breaks always good to mush the mind …
@stolicat And 6 Sharknado movies…
Cartoon Network
Discovery Channel, How It’s Made.
@ZeroCharisma Yes! Love that show, it can be very mesmerizing.
@ZeroCharisma Great choice!
@ZeroCharisma yes! love it!
@moonhat @ZeroCharisma @PooltoyWolf I’m whistling the theme song right now…

@DennisG2014 @moonhat @ZeroCharisma I think my favorite episode was the one where they make CRT picture tubes. Almost a lost art now, but very fascinating.
Do people even still have cable?
Scroll through Netflix…I have seen it
Scroll through HBO…seen it (rip GOT)
Sorta scroll Hulu…interface sucks!
Skip Prime…I’ve seen the decent shows
Plex + torrents…wins every time 🥳
Netflix/Amazon/Audible. Get outta here with your ads.
Turner classic movies. I just watched Casablanca for the 52nd time.
@dhelmick56 Hey, TCM is airing the first 19 Bond flicks! Thursday 9/5 was the first 5 (Connery) films.
MeTV or maybe AntennaTV
Binge watch The Oroville on demand or whatever channel is marathoning some NCIS/LA/New Orleans.
Discovery or Science.
I flip thru netflix or hulu…then decide on nothing after wasting an hour on options
Reruns of Forensic Files on HLN! Peter Thomas was the best narrator ever, I’ll miss him.
@PooltoyWolf Yes, he was, which is why i’ll happily zone out to Forensic Files for hours on end even though I’ve seen most episodes at least three times each. When there’s an episode that I just can’t stand to watch again, I switch over to Investigation Discovery, though half their shows are garbage.
@ahacksaw I remember hearing his Burger King commercials and thinking they were great, haha.
I prefer silence and a nap.
However, logically, any good couch potato should be a YouTuber.

@rockblossom is that a picture of a shower-couch next to the potato? I think it is
@moonhat If not, someone should invent one. Watch TV, take a nap, then shower without moving from the spot.

/image showercouch
hmm, not quite what we’re looking for
@moonhat @rockblossom My world just got bigger. I suddenly need a shower couch.
I am not sure I don’t spend more time frowning at Netflix thumbnails than actually watching the videos.
YouTube Soothing Relaxation channel
Whatever channel has Law & Order. If none are playing that, I go to Discover ID and watch LE solve murders and shit.
ESPN or the History Channel
Nobody has said Hulu yet? For me it’s Hulu, Netflix, or Amazon Prime Video.
Tool restoration videos on YouTube.
@dannybeans holy crap! I have a new favorite thing to watch!
@melonscoop Yeah, isn’t it great? So satisfying and Zen. And you won’t run out any time soon - there are at least half a dozen channels doing it.
You people might enjoy this subreddit then…
It’s called you read, yes read, a book
@Cerridwyn But reading is so much more comforting with the tv on!
i prefer celtic music
@Cerridwyn Sure, but Dracula Has Risen From the Grave just started and its super-dramatic opening music lends gravity to my reading.
Whichever channel has the test pattern!
Lifetime and I’m so embarrassed to say it bc I’m not my grandma.
If I really want to turn off my brain/not think… FoxNews.
Stuff on demand