You and this ArMeh!
7Do you play Clash of Clans? Are you a member of A Mediocre Clan? NO? Why not?
We have some spots open and are looking for some new people to come war with us a couple of times a week. As of now, we plan to declare war on Thursday afternoons ( around noon central) and Sunday evenings (around 10pm central). Come join us and help us build on our currently torrid 1-0 streak!
Please mention Meh in your join request or you may be rejected.
- 12 comments, 18 replies
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Dat picture doe
@MEHcus Our fearless clan leader, rushing into battle!
We should also mention that we give awesome clan castle troops.
And that beginners are welcome!
Request for temporary fake site moderator to add the words 'clash of clans' in the subject topic so those who play the game open the thread.
@marklog Paging @MEHcus
@marklog I actually left it out on purpose. I wondered if it might lure some people in that would have otherwise ignored it as just another CoC thread.
But I don't really care one way or the other...
@mediobarkre it worked but you can't tempt me...
@marklog So change it or not? If so what do you want the title to be?
@MEHcus whatever the OP wants :)
@mediobarkre It worked to get me to look when I normally wouldn't have as well.. But I'm not looking to play clash of clans, so I guess it doesn't matter? haha
@marklog yeah yeah whatever
@MEHcus Don't get snarky because your body was photoshopped onto that head.
Do you accept teenagers? My daughter may be looking for a clan.
@sammydog01 I am going to have accept teenagers (begrudingly :) ) for the next 10 years. That, however, is another story...
I am unaware of any age restrictions for our clan. I know that a couple of members have or have had kids in the clan. As long as she can accept rare instances of adult language similar to that seen on this fine forum, I say let her request away.
@sammydog01 what @mediobarkre is trying to say is I curse a lot when frustrated with this game.
@DaveInSoCal Me too so she's used to it.
We are now on a torrid 2-0 streak! Join us before 10pm Sunday if you'd like to be a part of our next war!
MEHcus Wants You!
To join our clan!
We'll be starting another war around noon Central tomorrow. Care to join us?
We've had a couple of pretty close losses lately. While they've been fun, we'd really like to win. Can you help us get over the top? Join us!
We'll be starting a new war tomorrow, around noon Central.
Don't forget to say Meh in your join request.
We'll be starting war tonight @ 10pm Central. Join us!
I just joined the game today! Lets see if I can figure everything out.
@conandlibrarian Outstanding! When you get your Clan Castle built, you'll be able to join us. Search for A Mediocre Clan. Please mention Meh in your join request. If you have any questions, please ask. We're happy to help.
@conandlibrarian Still playing?
We'd really like some more Mehricans to join our clan. We'll start our next war on Thursday (11/19) around noon Central. Please join us!
@Pavlov- didn't you say @MrsPavlov plays Clash of Clans?
@dashcloud Both the Mrs and my son play but they may be reluctant to leave their current clan . . . I'll ask.
We're still looking for some clashers to join us. We declare war on Sunday nights and Thursday afternoons. If you'd like to join us, please drop a note in either this thread or the original CoC thread so we can open the clan up for you to join.