@Pavlov I don't know if I'd think it was a bomb, but seeing you carrying a backpack would be so uncharacteristic that I might grab my bug out bag just in case the world was ending.
Why would I? What do people carry in their backpacks? Or is carrying an empty backpack around a new trend I'm not aware of, like when people wear nonprescription glasses?
Mostly reading material, I guess -- I've got three books and a couple printed economics papers, plus a laptop, pens, notepad. When it's warm during the day, I put my jacket in it.
I used to, but I have osteoporosis. :/ I may start again if the bones can take it. Corse, My spine is still fucked up even if my bone density gets back to normal.
Too many that know me might think it was a bomb . . .
@Pavlov I don't know if I'd think it was a bomb, but seeing you carrying a backpack would be so uncharacteristic that I might grab my bug out bag just in case the world was ending.
Also, I sleep in a backpack.
U rule.
They are so comfy.
@PocketBrain That must be a really big backpack. Do you have a mattress in there?
I just curl up like a wee flower ;)
Why would I? What do people carry in their backpacks? Or is carrying an empty backpack around a new trend I'm not aware of, like when people wear nonprescription glasses?
@awk (I wear a messenger bag, but close enough.)
Mostly reading material, I guess -- I've got three books and a couple printed economics papers, plus a laptop, pens, notepad. When it's warm during the day, I put my jacket in it.
Also, if I buy anything, it goes in the bag.
@awk contigo or buba thermals. I always carry water with me.

I do carry a backpack a lot... but not quite every waking hour
Bulky. Plus the work lockers are too small to fit a backpack in there.
My gigantic purse acts like a backpack. Water, mittens, hat, earmuffs, phone, wallet - everything I need fits!
I used to, but I have osteoporosis. :/ I may start again if the bones can take it. Corse, My spine is still fucked up even if my bone density gets back to normal.
I use a Maxpedition Sling bag...perfect for EDC and CC