Who's a guy gotta bribe to get the effing forums fixed?
12Seriously… I’m so frustrated with composing a long response to someone, hitting “Say it” and having the site go into a tailspin. It happens frequently enough, I try to remember to “select all -> copy” before I release my post into the wild, for fear of losing it. But… often enough I forget, and I lose my composition.
So… what’s it gonna cost to fix this problem, and (if I can afford it) who do I have to pay? 'Cause this sux!
EDIT: How wealthy is this? I was posting this topic, and just a heartbeat before clicking that green “Say it” button I paused, selected all my text and copied before clicking on.
AND… wouldn’t you know it? The effing forum went into a tailspin and I lost my post!!! Irony? Bot conspiracy? Just pain crappy forum hardware running in some Korean server farm operating on the backs of child slave labour?
- 19 comments, 88 replies
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For $1.99 and two box tops, I can fix the forum. I only accept checks, no cash.
@Barney Check is in the mail…
Oh, which two box tops??
@Barney @ruouttaurmind
@llangley @ruouttaurmind I undervalued myself?
@Barney Undervalue your service, do twice the work for half the reward. Overvalue your service, do half the work for twice the reward. Err on the side of overvalue.
I cannot recall the contributor of that little tidbit, but it’s fundamentally flawed.
Perhaps they are trying to tell you something??
/giphy be concise

I lose concise posts much more frequently than long ones (probably because I don’t bother to copy the concise ones before setting them free?)
Annnndddd… yet again.

Sometimes it feels like it’s a good idea to write out your remarks in a text editor and then PASTE them in a thread, text, or eMail.

I thought these errors were because of my crappy phone. I get the 500 error all the time.
@RiotDemon Nope. At first I thought it was my crappy home internet which is basically two paper cups and a string. Then I realized it happens in my office too, and my friend’s wifi networks, my phone, my tablet, my desktops and my laptops… everywhere I go, it’s still very common.
So… no, not you or me… but “they”.
@RiotDemon @ruouttaurmind It’s always “They”.
@Barney @ruouttaurmind
/giphy they

@Barney @RiotDemon @ruouttaurmind

/giphy “They” suck
@Barney @RiotDemon @therealjrn Shhhhhhh! They are listening…
I often get these page fuck-ups. I learned long ago to copy before hitting send with long messages. I also thought maybe it was just me.



Trying to send this gif the first time = “This page isn’t working meh.com is currently unable to handle this request.
I have learned sometimes I have to close out the meh tab and start with a new one. It doesn’t always work, but sometimes it does.

/giphy 8bit fix whale
I notice no one has pinged @snapster yet that his Mediocre creation has dipped well below the mediocre level
And I will say it one more time since this a meh infrastructure bitch thread. Fix the damn issue with the http**(s)**. I am tired of it!

@mfladd what issue?
@shawn The fact that for those of us who do not use slash commands and prefer pasting a gif/image onto the site always have to physically remove the “s” from https: or else everyone else will not be see the gif/image. It’s a well documented problem here.
@mfladd I’d look into an example if you have one. I can’t recreate the issue with the URL you used above.
http version

https version

@mfladd @shawn Here’s a bb code link from imgur:

People tell me they can’t see it if I don’t remove the “s”. I can see it though. So I forget.
@mfladd @shawn once you see the http version, the https version will show.
@RiotDemon Can you see the image I have posted here?
@RiotDemon I see a big broken box. Really big.
@sammydog01 nope. What about mine below?
Edit: oh look. 500 error.
@sammydog01 thanks for the example. This is clearly being blocked by imgur.com (not us) with a 403 status code. I’m not sure why but I’ll keep digging. I’m assuming you’re able to see it because you’re signed in to imgur.com.
@shawn Pick a random pic from google images that has an https, then post it here. We will not see it.
Also remember, as people are saying above. When you post it you will be able to see the image. Others here won’t.
@shawn I don’t think I’m signed into Imgur. It says I’m not anyway. If I delete the s everyone can see it.
@sammydog01 No, I can’t see the image you posted above. It is just a grey dot, unlike RiotDemons that is an empty box.
@mfladd give me an example that’s not from imgur.com
@shawn Ok, so I right clicked on @RiotDemon’s image, copied the address, pasted it into my browser, and her image showed up. And now it shows up for me here too. Like she said.
@shawn If you have a todo list of image related issues, please consider adding this way down on the bottom…
Often (usually) when I try posting more than one image in the same post, once I finish and post, the post shows the same image multiple times rather than unique images. I usually go back and delete the duplicates, and re-upload one at a time, edit, add the next, and so on. Very rarely a multiple image posting woks the first try. I haven’t yet tried to isolate if this only happens on mobile devices, or mobile and desktop, but I will if that’s helpful?
@sammydog01 Makes sense. imgur.com is blocking the image with a 403 status code when it sees the request coming from a referral (this page). Once you visit directly without a referral your browser caches that image. When you visit this page again your browser has the image cached.
What I believe imgur.com wants us to do is use their embed widget (https://help.imgur.com/hc/en-us/articles/211273743-Embed-Unit).
If anyone want to contribute the code to convert a imgur.com image URL to their embed widget I’d accept a pull request in our Mehdown project: https://github.com/mediocre/mehdown
@mfladd https image hotlinked from Google:
I see border sheep.
@ruouttaurmind I see them too.
@ruouttaurmind well that ain’t right. And yes, I can see it. But remember most of the time the poster can see what they posted, but OTHERS can’t. See examples from above.
Why do you think you have seen people post so many times to others when they have a broken image - remove the “s”.
How about this one?

@shawn The problem is it can happen with any image, not just those from imgur.
@mfladd @ruouttaurmind that’s another imgur link, Shawn is looking for any other sites.
@Ignorant @ruouttaurmind I just notice that conversation above after I posted.

How about this?
@Ignorant @mfladd Right. I am confident in @Shawn’s diagnosis for Imgur hotlinks. I was trying for non-Imgur https images.
@Ignorant @mfladd Barb as Yentl.
@Ignorant @ruouttaurmind Haha…that is my fault. I automatically took the “s” out, out of habit
check again.
@mfladd Mind blown gif
Because it’s not being hosted at Imgur.
@Ignorant @ruouttaurmind @shawn True on imgur, but I think in the future we need to ping him when we come across non-imgur images that don’t load because of the “s”.
hmmm… on seeing mind blown. I will be watchful for all of this now to get it sorted out. I have posted many any image not from imgur that has broken because of the “s”.
@mfladd Agreed. Because he’s confident it’s only an Imgur thing and I don’t have any reason at this time to doubt that.
I’m with you, but I am not sure any other hotlinks are a problem.
@mfladd @ruouttaurmind I only know how to do imgur.
@mfladd BTW, blocking hotlinking is likely to be more common as WordPress 5 becomes populate and easy block plug-ins proliferate.

Hang in there. Mehdown v2.41 might help us out… https://github.com/mediocre/mehdown/pull/74
@shawn Sweeeet! I hope so. Thanks for listening.
@shawn Is it fixed?
Oooo…that is weird. Imgur has to come with that big box? I guess they require advertising.
@mfladd I fixed the damn issue with the http**(s)**. So you’re going to have to find something else to get tired of!!! !!! !!!
@shawn I liked it better when it was broken and didn’t have all that Imgur nomenclature attached.
@ruouttaurmind it’s easy to go back to that
@mfladd @shawn at least now if you forget to take the s out it’ll still show up. Granted, the border is ugly since it’s not centered.
@shawn I don’t hotlink, so I’m on board with that.
JK… keepin’ the other kiddies happy is good too.
I know you must surely have ten thousand “most important” things to do, and I’m sure I speak for everyone involved in this witch hunt when I say… we really appreciate your time and effort. Thank you, Shawn.
Now about that timeout error…
@shawn Nope, I will continue to bitch at times. But thanks for looking at the problem. I understand it is an imgur thing that requires a widget.
@RiotDemon @sammydog01 me too - both posts broken boxes, second one big first one smaller
@RiotDemon It’s a picture of a complete whiteout?
@mfladd @shawn I’m tired of composing a long post before realizing that I wanted to add a pic so I have to turn my phone sideways and start over…
@mfladd @shawn ps but thanks for fixing that ‘s’ thing!

Edit: @shawn what the heck is this now?
This is the same picture I posted above. Thought it would show up with the new embed thing.
@RiotDemon oh fun. you found some other imgur.com URL format that has a
in the URL that doesn’t appear to be supported in their embed. Looking for a workaround…@RiotDemon fixed it
Thank you @shawn. You’re the best!
@LaVikinga @RiotDemon @shawn
@shawn woohoo!
Two options:
Not so difficult, no?
My computer is an antique that has been rode hard and put away wet. I used to lose messages most of the time, until Windows 10 died and I had to restart the whole thing many months ago.
Since then, the forum has worked great for me, though it is just starting to act up again.
Just saying that maybe it’s not the forum, but your system?
@kdemo Phone on mobile and wifi, tablet on mobile and wifi, at home desktop and laptop, at work desktop and laptop… as a test, when the laptop gave the 500 error this afternoon, I grabbed the cell phone on mobile data and same situ. All other websites responding fine though.
If it’s me, I must have a giant dark cloud hovering over my head for all those devices to experience the same symptoms regardless of what networks they’re connecting to, no?
@ruouttaurmind - Well there goes that theory.
/giphy never happened to me

I always thought it was just me…
Btw @shawn great job jumping into action on that imgur issue!
Clearly it is because they are working on getting the /me emote to work properly, so to be honest all the breakage is worth it.
Once you can do a /me giggles and it turns into an emote in comments… it will be worth all the lost edits and shortened replies… trust me… totally worth it.
@thismyusername I have never understood this request. It’s redundant when we already present metadata including the username alongside the comment/reply. If you really want to talk about yourself in the third person why not simply emulate this in formatted text?
@shawn giggles
@shawn I think what people envision is the metadata being stripped except for the time stamp.
@Ignorant @shawn
This one seems like an odd request for a forum in particular, since it’s best use is in a chat and it loses context quickly.
For example, how do you account for the change in tense afterward?
@shawn giggles 35 minutes ago
Would make more sense as:
@shawn giggled 35 minutes ago
@shawn for example a reply that is simply /me giggles would show up in the thread/forum as:
@shawn also if your seeking data, I haven’t had any 500’s the last weeks, but in the past I’ve seen it happen from time to time.
@Ignorant @thismyusername a special rendering mode just so we can talk about ourselves in the third person?
@shawn rolls his eyes all over the place
@shawn @thismyusername
/Me agrees
When are we going to get the /tableflip emote?
@therealjrn I would use that every day.
@therealjrn i see that i’ve been summoned for my minimal programming skills once more
@sammydog01 @therealjrn Here ya go kids:
@woodhouse @sammydog01
@therealjrn is pleased and full of anticip…no…wait…that’s something else.
@therealjrn You’re the best too @woodhouse!
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
┬─┬ノ( º _ ºノ)
@Ignorant @sammydog01
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
@woodhouse Yay!
┬─┬ノ( º _ ºノ)
@Ignorant So helpful of you!
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Needs to be added to the autocomplete dropdown list though
FYI there are plugins such as “autosave” or “Text Input Recover Extension” that will save textbox content and repopulate it when disaster strikes. Real lifesavers in various situations.
For what it’s worth (a few pixels on a screen), I haven’t had any of the 500 errors. Maybe I’m just lucky?
Please specify North when referring your crude Korean remarks. The South Koreans are good people with great culture and a beautiful country.
Were you replying to someone or was this an off the wall non sequitur?
@Crood @jst1ofknd the OP mentions Korea.
@Crood @RiotDemon
Sorry. It was TLDR…
I agree. They worked better when pagination was enabled!