Who want's to be a Superhero "Unmehficial" Contest!
32Aka “The Good Deed Contest”
Two weeks ago I was in a convenience store and after checking out I noticed a deli worker from the store going up to the counter and buying a big bag of chips. I thought that sucks. Before she finished, I told the clerk “I have that covered.” The woman just looked at me (kinda baffled) and said, “why?” I said “why not? - It’s a good deed, enjoy your chips.” She then showed a big smile and said “Thank You!”
My day was better because of it and so was hers. So here is the contest. Do something special for someone you don’t know. Let them know that people care and can do good things.
I have a couple of amazon gift cards and maybe even a very sad random fuko of shit I can find around the house to send.
The rules:
- do something good and tell a story about it
- must be someone you don’t know.
- be honest in reporting it.
- entries are will be randomly chosen for prizes - not based on stars.
- don’t tell me you held the door for someone - if that is a good deed for you - you are probably an asshole.
- These things take time and are not to be forced. Contest will end on 8/22/2016.
This is not about the prize. This about doing a good thing no one would expect. Pay the toll of the guy behind you and tell the toll taker to tell him to have a great day. Make a pie and bring it to that neighbor you might not have met yet. Just make it unexpected and creative. It’s not about money here, just thought. And even if you don’t get a prize. You have still won (you are an amazing community).
- 55 comments, 210 replies
- Comment
p.s. meh staffers are invited to take part.
damn. no topic bubble again. @mehcus, can you help? Thanks.
can we use this?

@mfladd @mehcus Could you take away the extra ’ too? It distracts from @mfladd’s good intentions![:]]()
@mikibell Hahaha I don’t even know where it is, but people must expect this of me. Thanks for the cleanup request.
@mfladd want’s… We know you are the best! Great idea, btw!
@mfladd a bit late, but I added your image for the header/bubble.
@Thumperchick aww…you are awesome.
@mfladd that’s my logo
@hallmike That’s how I have always considered you, silly rabbit. But you can still be a superhero.

@mfladd Funny - my parents nicknamed me “Bugs” when I was a baby. They still call me that to this day.
@hallmike where the hell did that first post of yours come from? You did not post that Boycott sign originally. You had a text post. What the hell? I call shenanigans!!!
I think @hallmike has been suspended for some reason. Hope you make it home soon.

Weird, my wife and I actually did something very similar today. We were at Sams Club getting ready for a celebration/party for our 10 month old daughter, standing in line to checkout.
An elderly man came up in the line behind us, and was kind of smiling at our daughter. He started making faces and stuff and her, and she was giggling and such. We noticed that all he was purchasing was bananas.
He continued making small talk while in the line, and our daughter continued staring at him and laughing. When our stuff is done ringing up, we also told them to ring his up too. He said it was okay, but we again, said “no, that’s ok, we got it”. He obliged, thanked us, and seemed pretty happy. Although he did try to hand us the wad of ones he had in his hand.
(Side note, if you do this at Sams, apparently you have to get somebody to print an item receipt to show the item checker at the door, oops).
I am not playing for prize, just thought it was interesting that you posted something very similar when this just happened to us as well.
Another side note: We recently moved into a new development. A bunch of people finally moved in around us, and we invited all of them to join the party (after the formal celebration) as well! Beer and food for all.
this qualifies you (and family). Well done.
@lichme You should have let him go ahead of you in line. Good deed without any cost and he would have had his receipt to get out of the store
I held the door for someone . . .
@Pavlov Luv or not. I will put you down.

@Pavlov Ho… Hodor?
Maybe about 40 years ago, a cashier gave me too much change. After wondering about what to do about it for a while, I decided to keep it. Then, I wondered if I’d burn in Hell for eternity for keeping this extra money. I weighed the options here, as I had the extra money right there in my hand but was it worth the chance of eternally burning.
Anyway, I went back and told that cashier that he had given me too much change. Of course I kept a portion for my trouble, but returned a lot of it.
@daveinwarsh sorry. DQ’d (statutes of limitation)

@mfladd Are you adding new rules?
Did I miss the fine print??
@daveinwarsh Yup. My game, my rules
What if I changed the word ‘years’ to ‘minutes’?
@daveinwarsh But then you wouldn’t be honest. Plus, you did keep a little of the cash.
New rule: the act of kindness must have happened within the last month to be eligible - so say we all.
@mfladd ooo… I just re-read this and it doesn’t sound right. Good deed is eligible from July 2016 to the end of the contest on 8/22/2016
@mfladd SO SAY WE ALL!
Hmm timely. So I am (finally) living in HUD housing rather than basements and sheds. There is an older woman who has early Alzheimer’s and her son gets her groceries. Today when I was at the crappy fake food lunch they serve here (think $1 for middle school low grade cafeteria food more or less) someone begged the cafeteria lady for cartons of leftover milk to take upstairs (turns out same floor as I am on). She told me about this woman I have not met yet and how she had all her bottom teeth pulled out the other day and was struggling to eat, son wasn’t buying her soft food until the weekend, she doesn’t cook…
So we were talking at that lady’s door and she said she was eating soggy cereal mostly right now (by choice). I get a food box every month due to some poverty program this place has due to also having food stamps. So I scavenged through that box for cereal, canned apple sauce, grape juice, and several boxes of shelf stable milk from that. Then took the container of blueberries on sale I had bought myself along with some bread and peanut butter, jelly and canned peaches and my lovely ice cream I had also bought as a treat and took that stuff down the hall to her. She was thrilled. Sad all it took was this pitiful bit of food to make her day. At least now she can eat until her stupid son gets his sorry butt in gear to buy his mom some food this weekend.
@Kidsandliz Damn, just damn. This is the point. Sometimes it is just the smallest act that will bring them the most joy. Probably has to do with the humanity of it. Well done, my friend!
I allowed someone to merge into my lane after they signaled.

@narfcake Driving home from OH I was going through Missouri and one of those big LED traffic accident ahead signs said on it something along the lines of “Turn signals. The original instant message. Use them”. I cracked up.
@mfladd Fine. I’ll let TWO people merge in next time!
@Kidsandliz Heh! Here in the LA metro area, the signs are mostly used to show how long it’ll take to the next major freeway transition.
Hey @mfladd in my state not only do people not signal, even if you do they don’t usually let you in. They don’t let you out of side streets or driveways either. Maybe it is like that in @narfcake’s state. Someone actually allowing you to change lanes without risking an accident or get out of a driveway is a big deal in some states LOL
@Kidsandliz Californians tend to be assholes in urban areas and nicer out in the rural areas.
@narfcake I work with people that speak like this, and I occasionally speak like this.
@Kidsandliz OH - IO!
Good deed in story format:
Last Tuesday I was on my way to my community garden plot and found an abandoned pocketbook at the side of the road. Debated on getting out of car for about 2 seconds. Was it garbage that fell out of the garbage truck? Did someone put it on their roof, forget and drive off? Stolen and dumped the evidence?
I put the old Jeep into park, hopped out, grabbed the coral London Fog bag and went on my way. At the garden parking lot, I opened it and found used kinda stinky fast food bags and an empty wallet - I found a stolen purse! Digged around some more and found an employee badge/key card with a list of names and telephone numbers stuck in the back. I called the woman’s number and she came and picked it up. It was indeed stolen from her car while she was at the dog park.
We talked for a bit. I went to get my tomatoes and karma points and she went home.

/image karma
@looseneck That was taking the time to check and see what might possibly be a good deed, and actually was. How many people would have thought about stopping to see if it was someone’s? How many people would have gone thru the effort to return it. Nice job!!!
Remember, no good deed goes unpunished. Nevertheless, I can’t stop.
Just yesterday a professor from Cooper Union wanted to buy some of my colorful sound-responsive gadgets for a project and could only afford two or three of them, and she asked for the educational discount. Now I actively support education and she asked quite nicely; so I sent a whole box of them, one dozen, free. I hope the students will enjoy working with my gadgets, learn something, and are inspired to create their own even better projects.
Now by doing this deed I reduce the perceived value of my products by giving them away, earn a reputation as the guy that gives away free stuff, and of course don’t make any money. Punishment accepted, still worth it.
@uwacn You have a video of what your gadgets do? The Cooper Union prof hopefully with thank you with a video of how your stuff was used with permission to post it on your sales site.
@uwacn oh, please post a photo…sounds like something my son needs…or send me more info to username at onmyhonor dot com…
@uwacn You have done well, Grasshopper. Especially since it was going for educational purposes. Hopefully, your good deed will bring you more orders in the future.
I would also like to see an example of your gadgets as others have mentioned.
Haha, @mfladd, you are such a marshmallow!
@KDemo omg …so cute…
Careful…I was suggested the same about @mfladd and he threatened to beat me to a bloody pulp! (Or some such nonsense)
@thumperchick Is @puppycat up to marshmallows yet? I remember when daycare gave my kids marshmallows, I had no idea they were a baby safe food. Now, they aren’t kids safe – gone as soon as the bag appears!
@mikibell she just started avocado this week as her first food. Half the time she hates it, half the time she loves it.
@Thumperchick sweetttt… we haven’t seen any pictures lately!! (saw that coming, didn’t you??
@KDemo Keep it up and it will be you on the stick!

@mikibell here’s from a few weeks ago.

@Thumperchick - Talk about marshmallows. She keeps getting even more adorable!
And real food? Milestones!
@Thumperchick goodness, she is beautiful!
@Thumperchick My 7 month old would watch us eat real food with a look of “hey, where’s mine!”. Once we started giving her real food she has a taste and just kinda gives us a look that says “what is this nonsense”. The first food that she has eaten more than a bite of (including ice cream) is an apple mango baby food!
@Thumperchick Simply beautiful. You are blessed, T.
@Thumperchick Wow, she’s gorgeous!
I often do kind things for people, I love it. For instance, in stores, I often ask for a comment card to report good service, or simply tell the manager if one is available. It doesn’t just make them feel better, but offers the possibility of more far reaching outcomes, and it’s so easy to do.
I would never want a prize for these acts, they are their own reward.
Also, I held the door for someone.
@KDemo Those comments cards mean a lot. It’s one thing to thank someone for going above and beyond in their job duties, but another to make sure their boss hears about it. Could make a big difference on a performance review.
@KDemo thanks for that. You have no idea how good it feels when someone actually takes the time to call or write in a good comment. I have people tell me to my face all the time how happy they were with me, which is nice… But when they go out of their way to find a manager or write an email, it makes a big difference.
@KDemo I love when people do that. I have done the same when they are deserving. In my youth, people did it for me and I was so appreciative. Any thing you have done recently even though you would never want a prize.
But that door thing. Don’t get me started.
@mfladd - Mailed in a comment card about the helpful guy manning the mobile Goodwill collection truck (maybe cheating a little because they give you a postage-paid card with every donation), and the Subway Shop manager happened to be convenient, so I let him know about some particularly friendly service that day.
And what if it was a trap door?
I held open the door for THREE people!

@mfladd I always thought I was a good person…but darn, I haven’t done anything in days that qualifies!
@mikibell You are. And it is a long month. Runs till 8/22. Even if you don’t I love reading these stories. I am just sort of behind here with FESUSGL, a possible cribbage tournament and other various threads. But I am tryng to catch up
Does firing someone, and losing days of sleep over the guilt count? I still feel incredibly guilty about it, five days later. I know it was the right thing to do, but have a hard time thinking that person is struggling because of me.
@conandlibrarian Ouch, but no. Sorry, for your guilt - that had to be hard. But some things just have to be done. I hope they land on their feet soon.
@conandlibrarian They are struggling because of their lack of performance/poor behavior, yes you did what needed to be done, but it is a consequence of their behavior/performance (or lack there of) rather than your fault. I’d also guess you did what you could to help them improve their performance and if they did not that, then it is on them and not on you.
my real life saving opportunity, wasted :
but at a very late breakfast today, I partially redeemed my feng shui, as follows:
a young couple, college aged, at the next table over at the diner my husband and i dropped into, ordered french toast to share.
i just kinda half heard this and assumed they were ordering a spartan breakfast due to low cash supplies.
so i said to my wife, “how about if we pick up their check?” she agreed, and of course the plan was to do it anonimously…
the check came, and the young couple had actually ordered 2 full breakfasts, plus french toast to share

we gladly paid the bill and left. we did not get to see their expression to know if they appreciated it, but hopefully it at least made them smile…
@Yoda_Daenerys Oh shit! Damn college kids.
But your Karma is that much richer!

@Yoda_Daenerys That was a great thing to do. Too bad those young kids have such large stomachs.
not really my good deed…at a Post Office (a tiny one with 2 employees in the hospital currently) in a long line…a guy came in, obviously unwell, to pick up his mail. he was very short, under 5 feet tall I think, he had a box at that PO and the computer had, years ago, auto-assigned him a box at the top that he could not reach. so he had to come to the counter to get his mail.
we didn’t know why he was there, just could tell by looking that he wasn’t feeling well. the person in front of him in the line said to him, “go in front of me”, and the guy who was ill actually tried to act like nothing was wrong and refuse the gesture! we all turned around and looked, and we all wound up insisting that he go to the front of a line of 15 people. again, he tried to refuse, but we insisted…he finally agreed, and finally told us he’s just gotten out of the hospital himself, which was why he looked so exhausted, and how he had to pickup his mail at the counter, being unable to reach his box.
the PO manager (a new one) was in earshot, and heard his story. she asked if he wanted to change boxes to a lower one. he thought about that and accepted, and she opened a new computer station to do that for him without slowing down the line, and helped him with the paperwork and forwarding, and warned him how long it would take to get some companies and magazines to update everything. when it came time to pay for the box, the first guy still waiting in line insisted on paying for the box, and paid for several years I think.
the guy who now had a new much lower box was so moved he could barely speak, as were many of us.
@f00l That Is a great story! Thanks for reporting it.
@f00l Yeah sometimes it is the small things in the middle of a crisis that really make a difference. In the middle of one of my two cancers one year I I was so stressed out, worn out and frazzled (work was making me come in the same day I had my second day of chemo - had it two days in a row 8 hours one day and 6 the next - and work 13 hour days the next two so I could get my 40 in) and someone did something nice for me and I burst into tears…
I was involved in a run this weekend and we had dozens of leftover bagels and bananas. I took all the leftovers and went to where i know the big homeless area is and handed out all the extra food
@CaptAmehrican And because of your username you get both for that good deed.
@CaptAmehrican Great cause. The amount of food thrown out in this nation is appalling.
@mfladd - I did not kill my daughter today. It would have been justifiable homicide. Does that count? LOL
We know you are an angel.

I know the feeling
On June 21 I flew from Alabama to Cali, using my own savings as her funds are always short, to help my sister while she recovers from double knee replacement.
Her daughter is 46 and lives at home. She has severe cerebral palsy and won’t let anyone else in the family care for her but my sister and myself. We are also the only two people who can medically care for her as we are the only ones on her conservatorship.
I love my sister. She’s the only one I have and the only family I have left. Our parents are passed and we have no other siblings. I love being able to step away from my world and help keep hers together until she is back on her feet.
Except for her youngest son and husband. Both are perfect. Perfect jerks. The son is a meth head and stoner, so you never know if he’s been sleeping or on a week long run. Plus he’ll steal anything that isn’t locked down so I have to keep my suitcase locked at all times and whatever I need daily always within sight. The husband is a lifelong alcoholic that flips from semi tolerable to a$$hole in 2.1 beers with no warning.
So far my niece has been a joy and I am loving spending time with her while caring for her. There are four years between us, I’m older, so she was my first life size Barbie many years ago.
The son has accused me of trying to take over his mothers life, even though I have an app on my phone counting down the days until I can go back to my quiet life. He hates that 1.) I’m not scared of him or his threats because I will lock him up the first time he puts a hand on me and 2.) When my sister asks me to do something she needs done (banking, bill paying, other random appointments, etc) I do them to HER standards and not his and refuse to be bullied… And her husband hates me because when she decided she was done with his bull 10 years ago, I was the one who downloaded and filed her divorce at her request and she has already threatened to have me do it again. This was supposed to be a simple trip to help my sister for a few weeks until she is back on her feet. It has turned into 10 weeks minimum (thank you to my son who is keeping my house and my cats happy and together) and more tears than I should have had to shed. I don’t regret helping sis. I never have. But the males in her house are convinced the only way to exist is to make everyone else’s life complete hell.
Now, due to slow healing and her having a few problems with balance and physical therapy, this trip may end up extending into September. I promised her that I will stay until she is able to completely care for her daughter again and can take care of herself. Staying for less time is just self-defeating in my opinion.
For me it’s a simple case of “she needs me so I’m here”. I just wish it had run according to our preplan and stayed calm and peaceful.
Fucking awesome. I hope you or she or she with assistance can find some way to severely reduce the impact husband and son have on her life…perhaps an abused family member counselor and services or the like? It sounds like she could really use a lawyer.

Wow. That is a lot just reading, never mind living thru. The fact that have you done this for her and put up with that train wreck of a family speaks volumes. Family is everything.
Technically, this would be ineligible since it was not a stranger.

But I am pushing the golden ticket buzzer that allows you stay in for that story of doing something oh so good!
(my game my rules, anyone disagree?)
Oh shit. my golden ticket buzzer gif didn’t load.

@sarahsandroid after re-reading my post it did not actually convey what I meant (not surprising for me).
The 'family is everything" part means the wonderful niece you are helping. The rest of the family - well you know. But I hope they get help too.
@mfladd Although it is possible to care about someone you wish was not in your family at this point in time and would prefer to limit contact with due to their currently dysfunctional behavior… Of course that you still care about them and can’t make them change their behavior makes your own mental anguish greater (speaking from experience here)…
@mfladd thanks. Not sure right now if it matters if it qualifies, but thank you for the golden buzzer
. Just needed a virtual hug from someone outside the fracking disaster. Can’t really talk to anyone else near because it will get back to her and she has enough on her plate. Plus she needs to feel the love in the visit and not sorrow or embarrassment over what her idiots have pulled while she’s not holding their leashes.
And not looking for pity. I am where I need to be. Just gets hard some days.
Reminded her the other day that my house (in Alabama) is fully wheelchair accessible and she is still welcome. Her idiots aren’t. But she and niece are always welcome and she would have all the help she needs or wants. No drug problems. No disrespect problems. No felony problems from house members. All the bills are paid. Plus she can enjoy my cooking too… She won’t take me up on it. Too used to the games and resources in California. I just shake my head.
Thanks Mehzers for letting me share. Big hugs all around.
@sarahsandroid I know it doesn’t
We are always here for venting 
I’ve recommended counseling for all. To no avail. Sis comes home this Friday. Everybody will get their attitude adjusted. Just needed to vent a bit. I love meh
@sarahsandroid Venting can help. My daughter has a number of issues (I adopted her as a grade schooler and her life was pretty rough/tough prior to me and that has left its mark). It is a serious drag to have to keep everything locked up. Have that problem in my household too. Then every time I slipped up things were stolen. Fortunately for me she can’t live here anymore due to the rules of the HUD housing I am in. When she comes over I just stuff things in the bedroom, shut the door and she is never alone my bedroom (2 room apartment), never alone in my apartment. Makes it much easier. Hate to live like that though.
I’m glad you are at the stage where you can sustain better boundaries w her, since that is unfortunately necessary.
We all know young adults who are incredibly trying or self-indulgent or destructive and later become stand-up people, tho sometimes it takes a decade or three. I know you would have never gotten into the relationship if you didnt have some faith in humanity. I hope that is paying off for you.
@sarahsandroid good call!
@f00l Not paying off yet… keep hoping though. And I do see tiny improvements here and there… sometimes a microscope is needed to see them however…
My wife came home the other day boasting how she was a better person than me. Story goes she was in line at the grocery store and the lady in front of her was paying for food staples with an EBT card and she was like $3 short of the total. The lady pulls a quarter out of her purse, but can’t find anything else. My wife then hands her the cash to cover it. The lady was very grateful as was the cashier because an awkward situation was averted. The lady offered to give my wife the quarter, but she told her to keep it. Upon hearing the story, I patted my wife on her head and said, “Good job, babe.”
Probably doesn’t count as it was a month or two back, but… We were in a store parking lot and I saw a lady take a tumble while walking up to the store. Rather than laugh or grimace to myself at how silly it looked when she fell, I immediately jogged over and offered her my hand and pulled her up. I asked if she was alright and then made some small talk and she was able to laugh it off. Lots of people saw and I know how embarrassing that can be. I just hope I was able to make it less so for her.
@medz Month counts, but any possible prize will go to your wife. And not to buy you more damn socks. She rocks!

Hey @mfladd … does this count?? On our way to the drive-in the other night, our friend met us in a parking lot. When we arrived, she asked me to check out a car that was parked a few rows away. She thought there might be a dead lady in it. (No joke!)
So, considering the hubs knows cpr and all that, I drove over to the blue car, where there was indeed a woman whose chin was all the way to her chest. I looked at the hubby, he shrugged and said, she probably had passed away. Being the ever optimist, I belted out " Helllllooo" and OMG, her head shot up like someone had used a cattle prod on her! She replied, " I am just reading!"
Scared the crap outa me, but I was glad she was ok – I really didn’t want to have to deal with the police and miss the movies if she had passed (kinda ruins the good deed, huh??)
I feel like my life is a Laurel and Hardy movie!
Heading ##
@mikibell Haha! It could of been. But alas she was ok and just freaked you out. But the thought counts.

I held the door for an entire tour bus-load of senior citizens today.
Wait, was I supposed to hold it open?
Shit. My bad.
@MrsPavlov I was going to go with: I held the door open for a guy in the bathroom yesterday. He finally asked me to close the damn stall door so he could shit in peace.
@MrsPavlov With all due apologies to the entire bus of senior citizens.

@MrsPavlov I know how you feel. There should be a wink or something after my comment.
@MrsPavlov I end up doing that sometimes… I hold it open for one person and then end up holding it open for what seems a never-ending stream.
This is a tough topic as I don’t think about the things I do as being ‘good deeds’ or going out of my way. They’re simply what I’d like to believe we should all be doing as human beings. Whether it’s giving a helping hand when needed or doing little favors, we’re all here for each other. It’s probably why I work in healthcare and love what I do. The best thing I can do for someone is making my patients feel better. Sometimes it’s just helping them mentally or providing a needed smile and other times it’s performing the test that diagnoses their illness. Every day is a challenge to myself to have made a sick patient’s day better somehow.
I guess there are example of little things that I don’t think much about. Lately, at one intersection in an impoverished area I sometimes pass through on the way home, I’ve been seeing a few groups/kids collecting money for their teams or youth programs. It’s amazing how many people roll their windows up and ignore these kids. I hope the money I’ve given helps the girls track team to get to Florida and the youth boxing team to buy some new equipment. Last week my gf and I went out to dinner. Halfway through our dinner we overheard a girl come in and ask at the host(ess) stand if anyone had jumper cables. Having one of those nifty RAVPower jump starters in my car I volunteered to help and went out to jump start her car. I hadn’t thought twice about this until I saw this thread. Ironically, on Monday a coworker who often does nice things for people had mentioned wanting to get a small bluetooth speaker. I surprised him with one I had bought here last year and had never opened. He kept trying to pay me for it until I finally convinced him it was simply payback for all that he does for others. Today, I brought in donut holes to share. Ones that I can proudly say I didn’t buy but instead my gf picked up at the market last night specifically to give me to bring in to work.
TL;DR: We should all be superheros every single day.
one another!
@cinoclav Yeah agreed. What I had done was prior to reading this thread although the same day and that is what human beings (should) do - help each other.
@cinoclav Well done, my brother from another mother.

I’ve resisted making political commentary on Meh for a long time now… That’s my good deed
@sohmageek And here I thought it was in self defense LOL
@sohmageek PS or you could just title a thread “Enter this thread at your own risk due to it’s potential to nuke the net…” Just saying…

I was at a restaurant tonight and went to the ladies room. One toilet was full of shit so I used the other one. Then I thought about @mfladd and flushed the disgusting one too. Does that count?
@sammydog01 Does the shit never end?

@sammydog01 But, I am also concerned that shit made you think of me

@mfladd At least I was thinking about you.
@sammydog01 I’ve done that in the past.
@juststephen Apparently it’s just common courtesy. Who knew?
I went out today and handed out free Arizona Ice Teas to people on River Street as the high qas 98 today, heat index 115.
It’s surprising how many people say no, due to being so sceptical about the intentions behind the giver. I’ve done this in the past as well.
I also put out little dime sized tokens with a penny on top that read you are loved on one side and you are beautiful on the other.
I have an Arizona Iced Tea to a guy that was making names out of metal, he wanted to make me one as he was surprised by my RAOK.
I now see this thread and thought I’d share.
I still have 980 more tokens to make, as I bought a bag if 1000.
@juststephen I love that!
@juststephen ooh, I used to have a necklace of my name like that. Gotta have patience to make those things.
@RiotDemon It took the man about 30 seconds.
@juststephen lots of practice then!
@juststephen aluminum tie wire for chain links I’m guessing? Very cool!
It didn’t let me edit my post. So many people are appreciative though! One guy asked for another for his cousin, I was happy to oblige.
Another couple were in shock, “Really?” Yup. Really.
CVS has these Arizona drinks on sale for $0.50 and they’re two and a half times the size of a can of soda it seems.
I post this not to toot my own horn, bit to give people ideas!
I used to paint tokens, hot glue giigly eyes and make faces on the top, then put “You are loved” on the bottom, bit I haven’t had enough time. The 1000 are going to be a bit tougher, without paint.
I try to do this kind of thing whenever I can, it makes me happy to see others happy.
I wasn’t going to mention this to anyone, but now that I see this Meh thread, I thought I’d share.
@juststephen Nothing about this thread is about tooting your own horn. Much of what people here is, or could, be anonymously which is awesome. But here is one place they can come and tell the story and let everyone enjoy it as a good deed.
Well done. Handing out drinks to strangers in hot weather I love. I also and completely love the skeptical side of society you noted. I see both sides. You are on the better side.

So one of my main IT clients is involved in civil aviation and I spent in excess of thirty hours this week working on their PCs, getting everybody clean installs of Windows 10 (except a few holdouts who insisted on keeping 7) and reinstalling their software and such. Last night I’m there working until 1 AM and talk to one of their night shift guys who is involved with the Civil Air Patrol.
It seems that they have recently obtained two ex-servers from a government facility that they want to use to build a sim pit and he wanted to know where to get inexpensive copies of Windows 7 from. I couldn’t give him much to go off of as this stuff has only gotten more expensive, not less, but we chatted for a bit and I learned that the CAP is 501c3 and relies heavily on donations and fundraising to survive. They have a ton of aging equipment with most of their computers barely able to run XP, much less anything modern.
Fast forward to 1 AM (been there since 10 AM) and I’m packing up my vehicle to leave when I remember I’ve got a Windows 7 Home Premium machine we’d just retired from public use in my trunk destined for recycling. The machine works fine, it’s a bit old but it hasn’t lived a hard life, in reality we retired it simply because having programs blocked via parental controls rather than group policy was embarrassing. I decided to see if he thought the CAP would have a use for it so I spent the next half hour tracking him down (you’d think it would be easy at that hour but there are many buildings) until I finally remember he’s got the phones forwarded to his cell. Long story short, he’s got the computer in his car, offers me a donation letter which I decline, and I leave with his cell phone number for future donation candidates.
@jbartus I feel silly having posted this because the more I think about it’s not like I put myself out there or anything… the computer was due to be recycled, so I didn’t really give anything of myself. It was dumb to share.
@jbartus No, it was not dumb to share - ever. You did something nice for some one. I agree it is a gray area - work related - on the truck giving it to a customer. Is still a very kind thing to do.
I will have to call a tribunal council on this one.
@carl669, @narfcake, @Kittysprinkles Does this good deed pass the test (based on my rules that seem to change) Yay, or Nay?
@mfladd technically not a customer but still… it’s like taking credit for someone getting a free couch because I put it on the curb.
@jbartus love that analogy.
@mfladd yay. @jbartus could have simply searched for a couple minutes and given up. instead, he remained persistent and tracked down this person.
also, i vote yay because i learned something. i had no idea CAP was a 501
@carl669 1 vote yay. two for a consensus.
@mfladd I vote yes - you did something nice for someone that you didn’t have to do without expecting anything in return.
@mfladd Yes.
@mfladd i concur
@mfladd @carl669 @Kidsandliz @narfcake @KittySprinkles you guys are too kind, really, but thanks!
Oops meant to say @jbartus and not @mfladd (replied to the wrong one and as I was not paying attention).
@jbartus Hey, I do not now nor have I ever resembled that remark.
@Kidsandliz I connected the dots, never fear.
@jbartus The council has spoken. It is in

Where can I find an online free program that is good to do this (fix an old damaged photo)? There is a 90 year old guy in this building. He was telling the desk he had a wall leak and that it ruined a photo of value to him. Thinking it might be of his wedding or something I waited until he was done with his maintenance request and came back to the elevator and got on with him. Wasn’t that but turned out to be equally irreplaceable.
He had a lovely softly tinted navy portrait photo of him at about, I’d guess, 18 or 19 years old hanging over the crap motel style A/C heater we have. My guess is that it got condensation under the glass and it condensed rather than a wall leak based on the damage to the wall and that these things have given me condensation on the inside of the window that is right next to it (never mind it is 10 degrees warmer in the other room that has no heater/AC).
It needs a photoshop repair (which I can do as my advisor had me do about 100 or so of these for him when his family was fighting over family photos - didn’t know that was in the job description of being a research assistant as a grad student LOL but I learned how to do this and got really good at it). Anyway I don’t own any photoshop type programs. Does anyone know of one that could handle this that is free that I could find online? This is around an 8x10, or so (maybe marginally bigger), photo. Or is there someone who is willing to do this free for him and I can go to office max to use a decent scanner to scan it (my scanner is only 200 resolution) and send you the file.
It is going to need a fair bit of work. He wiped off the mold and unfortunately with it came a fair bit of tint. I am thinking that when enlarging those spots it should be possible to see at least some pixels in the left chin on the left to better reconstruct that as I can almost see that now. It is irreplaceable and he is crushed. I don’t know how much it will then cost me to then print it for him in matt finish at one of those photo printing machines, but it seems to me this is a project worth doing.
@Kidsandliz There’s GIMP that can do all of the above that is opensource and free. I’m no expert, but I have repaired several photos being a photographer, however it’s hard to tell you anything sight unseen.
If it’s mostly those few spots, it shouldn’t be that hard.
@Kidsandliz If you can get me the scan at jbartus[funny A symbol]mehmbersonly[dot]com I’ll see what I can do.
If you want to give it a try yourself and you’re on Windows 10 Adobe has a version of Photoshop on the Windows Store for Free* (in-app purchases, not sure how far it goes) called Adobe Photoshop Express.Just researched, it’s very basic.Gimp is an alright editor but I’m not sure it’s up to scratch for detailed photo restorations.
@Kidsandliz Another nod for GIMP. I’ve done a fair number of photo repairs for my boss at my old work too. Likewise, I can’t guarantee anything sight unseen, but I have no qualms in helping out with this.
@jbartus I typically use Paint Shop Pro for them, which isn’t free. Gimp has almost all of the same features, however the layout is much, much different.
@Kidsandliz It looks like you have a few people here that are willing to give it a go. Between us, one of us should be able to do something.
@juststephen @jbartus @narfcake thanks everyone. I will go talk to him and see if he will part with his photo long enough for me to go to office max to get a decent scan. Might take a few days to do this as I have a deadline I am up against for grading.
Somehow i know you are just out there doing good deeds all the time.
@Kidsandliz you don’t need this, but it still applies.

@juststephen @jbartus @narfcake He has been gone this weekend so I haven’t been able to borrow the photo yet. Someone said they thought he’d be back Mon or Tues.
@f00l No not really, only if I trip over an opportunity.
@juststephen @jbartus @narfcake Yesterday I took the photo first to a photography store. Unfortunately they didn’t have a scanner for a 11x14 photo. So I went to office depo. Took a handful of scans before I could get them to understand that I didn’t want contrast increased; doing this just took out pixels and we needed as many as we could get in the areas that were damaged; that you guys can manipulate the raw scan… So I will be sending 4 scans in case they each offer something (they made me pay for all of them - fortunately they are cheap) of which one is their highest resolution, no manipulation of anything by the scanner.
When I returned the photo to the owner he said what he gets back doesn’t need to be 11x14, that smaller would be fine too (I was thinking it might look better smaller based on the issues with it - if we make it smaller we will need to get a frame); he was so grateful that we were even trying. I reminded him we may not be able to save this. He said even if it wasn’t perfect, as long as it looked at least sort of like him he’d be happy. I asked him if he had any other photos of himself from his youth. He said he had none, not even his wedding photos. If you need a photo of him now (at 90) to get some idea of how to fill anything let me know and I will take one. As I looked at that photo and him side by side, because he is still thin you can still see the same face lines.
I will send them later today, at the moment am in a hurry to get out the door.
@Kidsandliz can send to stephen90022(at)gmail.com. It’s an address I just created as I don’t want to post my primary out in the open.
@Kidsandliz You can send it to: jose nine zero nine five two at outlook dot com.
@Kidsandliz reminding:
jbartus[that funny looking A]mehmbersonly[period]com
@Kidsandliz Still haven’t received anything. I know you’re busy and such.
@juststephen Yes I know. I had misplaced the flash drive and finally found it. I will go do that now so you guys don’t kill me LOL. I will post again when it is done.
@juststephen @jbartus @narfcake OK I just sent the 4 files as an attachment from my user name at the usual yahoo. In the message it explains what you have (the girl who did the scans named the files allegedly telling what she did nor didn’t do) and asks whether or not I need to get more scans since 3 of the 4 files are KB and not MB sized and the unfortunately the MB one has been screwed with by the girl who couldn’t understand why I didn’t want her to increase contrast, etc. with the scan (and unfortunately the unscrewed with scan is a KB sized one. Sigh.). Let me know. Thanks so much for being willing to see if we can save this. He is just so grateful we are trying (and understands we may not be successful).
@Kidsandliz Wow. That’s a lot worse than I thought it’d be. I’ll give it a go, but it doesn’t look promising.
@Kidsandliz Hey. I did something fairly quickly. Let me know if this is going in the right direction. Hope you don’t mind me posting the image here.
@juststephen Yeah I know it is really destroyed. That is why I wondered if a photo of him now might help since that would help tell the face shape, nose shape, ear… Would it help if I took a photo of the photo and sent it too? I probably should hunt up the navy shirt thing he was wearing so that you know what that looks like. Not sure what you did so far as I don’t have the others open (they are on the flash drive and that is put away).
@juststephen I think the shirt is one of these

he was not wearing a hat in it. I will ask him which it is. I can’t remember off the top of my head.
@juststephen here is a photo from that era so might be more accurate

Anyway the uniform he is wearing is some variation on these. I will check with him and see which one it is unless you can tell from the photo.
@Kidsandliz Orig.
@juststephen Vs the little bit of editing I did:
I’m sure the others can do better. I’ll try more tomorrow if I have time. Sunday is always my busy day.
I know a lot of detail was lost in his jacket - didn’t have time to properly work on it, so I improvised.
@juststephen I am sure it won’t matter to him it if takes a month to do… If I had a decent program to try I was going to try to rebuild the missing parts of his face. I did that successfully on several old photos that my advisor asked me to do (didn’t know that was part of grad school LOL) that had creases and a hole. Takes a long time to do it though as I was practically doing it pixel by pixel. It isn’t a black and white photo though… more that brownish and white.
@Kidsandliz You might have more experience than I do with this, then.
One thing you could try if you want to spend a few bucks is Fiverr. There’s a few folk that do very inexpensive ($5) restoration work.
I mostly do editing for my photography, therefore I usually don’t have to do any detailed recovery due to issues like these. It’s more adjusting, color corrections, removing flaws and blemishes, fixing lighting issues, etc.
I use Paint Shop Pro x7, Lightzone and a few other programs.
You could try Gimp as was suggested. Out of curiosity, what program did you use for those in the past?
@juststephen Photoshop. The expensive version that the school owned. I just looked at Fiverr - might be worth going that route. I have to be careful though how much I spend as I lost my main adjunct job for the fall due to low enrollment (was last hired, they are hoping they will have classes for me to teach in January) and I already get food stamps.
@Kidsandliz I know all about fixed income and I don’t qualify for food stamps due to living arrangements. A few offer their services for $5.
I’d wait and see what the other few that offered are able to do first. I might try properly in a couple days.
I wish you the best,
@Kidsandliz would it be okay for me to send these scans to a couple of places? As @juststephen said this is rather more severely degraded than I had thought it would be. I’m going to give it the old college try but I’m thinking it might be best to get a professional who does this for a living involved.
To be clear, I would happily cover the costs thereof, I just need your okay (and his I suppose) to get it looked at.
Also, I was wondering if you’d tried contacting the navy to see if they keep these sorts of things on file. Even a microfiche of the original negative could prove valuable for restoring this and/or printing anew. I don’t have his particulars or I would have already started making inquiries as to the existence of such records, plus I’d want permission
I’m not feeling like we have a good handle on the uniform he’s wearing at all and I can’t find a comparable reference photo. It looks like he’s wearing the undress or dress service uniforms for enlisted personnel but he’s got a navy shirt on with a stark white collar thing and I can’t find anything that matches that.
Is it possible that this photo isn’t of him in a navy uniform at all? The white blob smacks of a pocket square, the white collar fits for a dress shirt with an oversized (to modern tastes) collar like the ones in the following image, the dark areas could be his blazer and the stripey blob near where the V of the jacket would be could be a neck tie.
If it’s definitely a navy uniform, is there any chance he was an officer?
@jbartus Feel free to send it where ever might help. On the back it has a name of a studio and address in a small town which was bought by someone else (name still the same, location is not) and no longer has negatives that old (already called them as that would have been the easiest - just buy a new one).
@jbartus Based on his age at the time of WW2 it is unlikely he would have been an officer as he wasn’t even old enough when it began. I will ask him and show him the photos I have found so far to see what matches.
@Kidsandliz yeah I didn’t think so. I’m really leaning towards civilian garb here. I feel pretty sure I’m seeing lapels and what has to be a tie.
@jbartus Take a look at 2 of the photos I put of of uniforms. Two of them have a tie of sorts.
@Kidsandliz Got the files; I’ll see what I could work up tomorrow. No doubt this is definitely a challenge.
@Kidsandliz I can find no examples with a striped tie, nor any with a white… I’m gonna call it a cape cause I don’t know what it’s called… paired with a Navy shirt. There are navy uniforms with white stripes on the border of the capes and white capes on white uniforms but no hybrid. There’s also the matter of the ‘pocket square’ blob.
Anyhow, you said you’d ask him. If you talk to him and he says it’s definitely his uniform please ask him what kind of uniform. Here’s a visual reference: http://www.usww2uniforms.com/figures_navy.html
If there’s some specific variation thereof that might explain the detail issues but I can’t find anything even leaning the right direction.
@jbartus I’ll ask him Tuesday. Buried in the term ending tonight and grading (asking him will likely result being invited in, offered something and an hour of my time). What you have might not show WW2 ones though - that might be current (only quickly glanced).
@jbartus Oh wait I saw at the top it said WW2…
@Kidsandliz yeah I specifically referenced WW2 when looking for it because I’m a weird person and find things like uniforms and such interesting so I knew about their having had very different uniforms back then. Some have been discontinued, some replaced, some modified.
A few months back I was shopping at my local grocery store, as per usual I had a cart full of things. I was in no rush and allowed three patrons to go in front of me in line, no big deal on my part… The cashier’s know me by name as do the people bagging groceries for me and in return I know their names. Imagine my surprise when I got to the front of the line the cashier Mary tells me that one of the gentlemen I let go in front of me wanted to say thank you but was in a hurry so he paid 40 dollars towards my groceries. I was speechless I’ve never been the recipient of a random act of kindness before. I am usually the one doing it. It warmed my heart and made me teary eyed. Their are kind people in the world. Just thought I would share a heart warming story.
@JGraham29 I know, right?! It makes everyone’s day better. Thanks for sharing that.
Helped pack a ton of elementary/middle/high backpacks with supplies for a few hours and then, tomorrow, we’ll give them out to kids in the neighborhood that needs them. We’ll also be handing out snacks and drinks as it got to 102 today and will be that tomorrow as well… 115 heat index or higher due to humidity.
@juststephen You rock! What a great thing to do.

I took my elderly and frail neighbor to Walmart Friday night so she could do grocery shopping while I ran some errands. While I was at Lowes, I helped an elderly man load a HUGE dining room light fixture into his car. Went back to pick up my neighbor and helped her get her groceries into her house. I will be collecting her Golden Retriever this week to take her with me on night walks- because 8pm is only a smidgen cooler than 7pm.
@PrincessSuzuki Neighbor animal love? You now have a special place in my heart for that act of kindness.
I volunteered at a company called Random Acts of Flowers, they take donations of flowers that stores, florists, banquet halls and the like would have otherwise thrown away, but are still in good condition. Then they create fresh, new floral arrangements and deliver them to area hospitals and other community centers with people in need of cheering up. This particular day was a Friday and they had A LOT of donations that week due to a horticulture show at the area convention center. There were so many flowers left over even after stuffing their coolers full and making up the 150 arrangements needed for that afternoon’s delivery that they offered the volunteers the leftover flowers. I took as many as I could carry, it was about 8 bouquets. I take public transportation into the city so I randomly handed them out to people on the sidewalk en route to the train and on the train. Loved the reaction of the recipients and it cost absolutely nothing!!!
@cbilyak What a great idea that is!

Last night i biked over to nearby bike paths of ellicott city to see how bad the destruction was (flood damage) a guy was also biking on the bike path had popped his bike tube tire. I have my spare and my tire change levers and pump. Our tires were the same size. I fixed his tire and pumped it up only to hear he is a local fireman and had been involved in saving people from the floodwaters. So although go me for being a prepared girlscout go him for actually going into floodwaters.

So, I got the opportunity to have lunch out in public without ruggies… peacefully, enjoying my soup and sandwich allllll by myself. A lady asked if she could take the extra chair from my table. I didn’t yank her chain and tell her that my imaginary friend was sitting there
@mfladd While I am completely teasing you, I applaud this thread.
I have been the recipient of so many nice things since my husband was ill. Our friends held a fundraiser in my husband’s honor. It raised enough money to cover our out of pocket expenses! My personal friends donated all of the desserts and to the raffles while my in-laws donated the food and to the raffles. The waitresses donated their time, and hugged ME when I tried to thank them. All in all it was so sweeeet…
Our neighbors delivered food to our door when he was first home, and others have been helping with taking out the trash bins, etc.
My girlfriends took me out to a wing place I was dying to try, to get me out of the house, and possibly, to save my husband’s life. Unbeknownst to me, they covered my bill.
Soooo many nice things, that it is a struggle to say thank you enough.
I still do the normal nice things like holding doors, and letting people get ahead of the line, etc. But, considering our friends just raised funds to help us, I haven’t been able to be “pay” it forward for anyone lately.
I think my friends qualify for a few stars, personally
@mikibell oh and my mil, when she heard my dryer was broken, washed and dried a week’s worth of my son’s clothes instead of just sending them home dirty
and so that I didn’t have to drive around in the heat wave without air conditioning, my parents have lent me their car for two weeks because I blew the clutch on the air conditioner compressor in my car… Yes, I am spoiled!

I went camping this past weekend with my son. At bedtime, I intentionally left some snack foods out for the raccoons, instead of locking them all up. At about 2am, I woke up to hear them gleefully destroying my campsite and eating their snacks.
Okay, it wasn’t intentional at all. I forgot the damn can of Pringles on the table! Little sons of bitches made more noise than Donald Trump at a screaming contest against himself.
I keep meaning to do nice things for people, but I don’t go out much. Does that count as doing something nice for everyone else?
@capguncowboy it counts in my book, but I keep getting DQ’ed … so probably not!
@capguncowboy I hope you brought enough for everybody.

Last night I went to get a pizza for the kids. I noticed a father and his two kids getting dinner. One had a Batman shirt on - I am a sucker for comics. After he paid I told the person at the counter to give them back their money back when the order was ready, I had it covered (tipped him). I stuck around just to see that the deal was done - you never know.
The guy came up to me outside, shook my hand, and thanked me. Again, he looked baffled that someone would do this. (took one out of your book @Yoda_Daenerys
My contest so I am disqualified.

@mfladd I don’t care if it’s your contest or not, you still get a bug:

@mfladd well done
I blame you, @mfladd … this is more a proud post than a do-gooder post
As part of the BSA, we have a sponsoring organization that is in a local church. The Church has a daycare in the hall. Recently, the kids of the daycare had a learning experience of planning a family fun night. They made a list of “wants” and then researched the costs of such “wants”. When they narrowed down the “wants”, they came up with a “need” list. They needed n dollars to do the event. So the kids busted their butts to raise the money they needed. They were sooooo excited that they did it all on their own.
Recently, we found out that someone broke into the daycare and stole their money. I sent a note to my troop committee chair and scoutmaster and they are going to donate a good portion of the money for the fun night. However, they want the boys to agree to the spending of their own hard earned money.
I relayed to my son the circumstances and his response was “That sucks” to the money being stolen, and “Go for it” on the donation. Then, his next concern was whether the kids had been informed that the money was stolen, because “wouldn’t that be terrible to find out at 5-years old that people steal from kids”?? OMG…
To top it off, my kid offered $20 of his own money that he has been saving to invest in arduino parts. My heart is full of pride!!!
I had called the Church secretary to confirm to story was true, and told her I would do my best to help. Not in my wildest dreams, did I expect these results. I love my kid…
@mikibell You should be proud. The fact the understood just how insightful he was on understanding that communicating this theft may have on small children. And the fact the he offered up his own money to help with this event speaks to his own good soul, and to your parenting skills.
He gets a bee.

So, I got home after a long day of going out to get medicine and chores and I notice the neighbor has a popalock van there.
The guy tried for an hour and couldn’t get it unlocked. He left. I knew how to do it, my fsther got home, so we got it open in ten minutes.
The knob was actually broken, which is why we couldn’t get it undone.
Therefore, I offered to go to Home Depot and get and install her another.
She rold me she was broke, but I told her not to worry about it and to just psy me back sometime.
Once my father gets done putting the weatherstripping back on the door, I’ll go over and install the new lock for her.
If she never pays me back, no biggie.
Just some time and $10 for the cheap lock. She seems surprised I’m going through all this trouble, but I really like to help folk if I can. In this case, I’m able.
I’m by no means rich, living on a fixed income, but I do what I can.
She just moved in two weeks ago and is having all sorts of issues.
#gooddeedfortheday #makesmyhearthappy #loveyourneighbor
@juststephen You are a good person. When I grew up neighbors always helped each other. I am lucky to have one living next door to me. Many people I know now just have people who live next door to them.
Not really random, but still a good deed. Not really sure if it qualifies, but still wanting to share. I’m volunteering to help turn a former crack house into a women’s temporary shelter. So helping to clean up a not so great neighborhood and giving women a place for reprieve from abusive partners and such. It’s a two story building that has two separate apartments, two bedrooms each.
Place was emptied out, today we primered the place. It’s going to get new exterior doors, a new kitchen, new flooring, a few new windows, etc.
I’m hoping my schedule allows for me to go back and help again.
This is the second safe space type shelter that I’ve helped with. It’s sad that these need to exist, but I’m glad to help, at least in a small way.
@RiotDemon That is a great deed, and a good cause. Thank you for sharing. Let us know how it turns out.

Well, this probabably happened 4 years ago but has a timely twist so…
It’s a Friday night, my good friend is just leaving after helping me gather misc electronics for a trash run (and beating me 14-7 in wii tetris because I sort of suck).
We open the door and begin the process of carrying said electronics out in boxes to my car for the short trip to the dumpster. To neither of our suprise, the neighborhood crackhead ie my neighbor lady was out watching us and going on about something forgettable, when she notices that in one of the boxes is 15 wii consoles, which when purchased and refurbed had some worth but with the advent of wiiu had fallen into my category of ‘more value in dumpster than $15 a piece on eBay before fees and grief’.
The neighbor, being a 60+ year old female version of a garden gnome didn’t seem the likely target audience (although now thinking about it, 60+ year olds were the only demographic). However on view of the wii’s among the collection of misc electronics, she sort of asked in a sheepish way where we were taking everything. Taking it as a cue, I asked her if she’d like a wii. Her response was one that my friend and I still laugh about to this day. It was something of a crackheaded ‘really? really? Reallllly???’ but probably repeated at least 50 times in that manner, rather loudly as a 60+ year old female crackheaded version of a garden gnome does. I said sure.
I went inside, unhooked and quickly boxed my personal wii, 2Tb hdd full of gamecube games, all of my accessories and of course the battery powered wii sensor bar (I’d modded the original so it could be used in 3 rooms and didn’t feel like desoldering). Brought it out to her, with another series of reallys before her accepting the lot and promising to buy me a pizza.
I proceeded to help my friend with the other boxes of stuff, dumpstered it before taking my friend home.
Two years went by with no free pizza before she finally moved out. To be honest I figured she’d just died or something, at least she wasn’t out there every day I’d come home - keeping tabs on all things ghetto condo life.
My good deed came just last Monday. I was outside working on my car when someone drove around and parked behind me essentially blocking me in. It was the garden gnome, in all of her glorious self, in an expectedly typical mid 90’s Chrysler Cirrus.
She got out of the car, ran (if that’s the word for it) over and gave me a big hug before explaining that she’s been and still is living in an assisted living facility, dealing with her multiple sclerosis. Her parents had also moved with her, and she was doing well but misses talking with me every day when I’d come home from work. I returned the hug, exchanged phone numbers and we’ve been talking nearly every day since.
So I guess my deed up for vote is learning not to judge a book by its cover, that maybe perhaps MS can disguise itself as crackheadedness and to give people more of a chance in life.
Or maybe it’s her that deserves the deed for opening my eyes. Either way it felt good, and recognizing how I’d missed her and her ‘neighborhood watch’ if you will.
Beats the shit out of the white trash above me now with their kids running with shoes on wooden floors day and night, and the since vacant condo now used for drug distribution. You don’t always learn how good you have it until it’s gone.
Crackheaded Garden gnome lady, you were underappreciated and will be forever missed.
Tldr I gave away a wii and learned the value of good friends.
@lysdexia I read every word. That is a great story with a few different morals to it. “crackheaded version of a garden gnome” also made me laugh. Thank you very much for sharing that!
But you are right about the 4yr old part. For this reason only…

BUT, if you squint your eyes really hard and look at the DQ you will see a blue bee beehind it
Plus if you did win, you would probably get that same Wii you gave away 4 yrs ago, anyway
@mfladd I appreciate it - but calling shenanigans!!!
The deed as such happened last Monday, when the garden gnome returned. That is when my appreciation of her struggles came to me, giving me the ability to see her as a person and to give her a hug. DID I MENTION I GAVE HER MY NUMBER AND THAT WE NOW COMMUNICATE ON A DAILY BASIS?!?
So no, my story was NOT about the wii given away 4 years, but of my acceptance of her as a person with struggles and forming a friendship with a nice woman with MS - all occurring within the contest deadline.
I DEMAND you remove that DQ sign, turn that Blizard upside down and show me some bee of a blue color!
It’s the right thing to do!
Plus you may have missed it in the story, but I gave away my wii that I so dearly treasured.
But if you disagree with my argument I’ll not begrudge you, such is life no potato only suffering.
@lysdexia For quick reference, this was the same woman who since I moved into my first condo had been a daily annoyance.
I’d some nights work a long shift, and park in the rear to avoid this woman.
By giving this garden gnome my number, I’ve given a part of my SOUL and she is happier for it.
Sob I think I see your logic now.
@lysdexia Your appeal will be heard by the Council of 3 (3,3,3,3, echo). @narfcake, @KittySprinkles, @carl669 you have been summoned to review the above case and render a verdict. The majority vote of the three will be the final verdict. So Say We All!
@mfladd I’ve decided to relinqush my claim.
Rest up, for I shall be back with my new random act of vio… kindness!
/image foamy bagel

Yesterday I went to the hospital ER to sit with a guy I know from church and brought him some waters and stuff.
@juststephen That was a kind thing to do. Since I work in hospitals I know just how miserable waiting in an ER can be.
@mfladd I didn’t stay too long as there wasn’t hardly any seating and everyone seemed to have the flu or viruses.
Considering I am already stuck and have a horrible immune system, it wouldn’t have been wise to stay too long.
Picked up trash from the streets nebear my church with some folk today.
Debating calling the police on what sounds like dozens of barking dogs.
I go to the dollar store every month or so and buy stuff like socks, toothpaste, toothbrushes, deodorant etc and pack it up into ziplock bags that I keep in my car. When I see a homeless person or someone asking for money, I offer them a bag. I feel like I’ve been pretty lucky when it’s all said and done so I share what and when I can
@AnnaB Yes! Why am I not surprised you are here

I always buy someone a gift on my birthday, so I bought someone a gift today.
Happy Birthday!
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ •.¸¸.
I guess this would count as one of the more significant things I’ve done recently, tho in truth my only action was serving the ball, so to speak. I’m going to go with it becasue I’m really tired and need to get some sleep.
@baqui63 You began, and ran a successful “good deed”. Well Done! And a well done to the community that donated!

@mfladd Also, on the off chance that I win, please reroll the dice or whatever. There are more deserving mehricans plus I have no need for more fuku|o or BOC type stuff. (Trust me on this: I could send out at least two or three dozen decent ones if it were not for the high cost of shipping.)
@baqui63 I am pretty sure the prize is the wierd looking bug and the letter q . I am not sure why a bug named q is the way we get congrats but hey awesomeness
@CaptAmehrican “Qualified” Seriously?
This may qualify as a good deed by my employer - but I volunteer as a reading coach and help the high school’s robotics team during the school year.
Employees are supposed to log our volunteer hours, which function as entries in a monthly drawing. I won the drawing, and received a $1,000 ‘disbursement card’ to donate to the charity of my choice.
$500 to the classroom where I volunteered, and $500 to the robotics team…
@Jasongb You earned the entry for doing a good deed. The fact that the prize goes on to others is a plus. Nice job!

I’m helping my far-away parents shop for houses 50-100 miles from my place. I get along with them better when they’re far away, but they just don’t have access to the medical care they need, and their social network is, uh, dying off. So I’ve revealed my identity to high-pressure salespeople, spent tons of time shopping online and going over their nebulous requirements with the realtors, and will be spending half of every weekend out in the sticks looking at houses for the foreseeable future.
Also, in the door-holding category, a couple of days ago a lady at a craft store was explaining to the cashier why she didn’t have a coupon, so I faux-accidentally chucked my phone (with coupon already displayed, because who walks into a craft store unarmed?) under the cashier’s scanner. Lady was amused.
@whogots That is a great thing you are doing for your parents - you are a good son/daughter. But because they are family.

But you also helped a stranger with a coupon. Many people wouldn’t have even of thought of doing such a simple good deed.

I am glad to give you the bee (more so for your parents.)
Stopped at the grocery store and there was a little old lady in front of me who had a cane and was having trouble getting her items out of the cart. I took them out for her, and then loaded the cart back up when the checker was finished. I followed her out to car and loaded it up for her. She asked me why I was such a good samaritan? She then told me, my mother must have raised me right
It made my day.
My contest - DQ’d

@mfladd and she thought you were a stalker and all the while clutched her cane, ready to bop you on the head!
@mfladd I love when an older person tells me my parents raised me right. I always feel their generation has higher expectations for behavior than the current so I feel like I’ve really done good!

@jbartus Yes! First Puma Bee.
@mfladd Georgia Bulldog/Atlanta Falcon Bee!!
@mehbee @mfladd
In fairness, the credit is going to your parents and not you - who could in reality be just .001 points ahead of the rapscalions that oldbie has encountered in the past hour (average short term memory bank for said oldbie).
That and they’ve only likely seen you for 5 minutes maximum. I cba doing math, but that’s a very low percentage of the time you’ve been on earth (you are from earth?!).
As an example, what do you think this same oldbie would say having 5 minutes insight into your personal life, where you think you’re alone MASTURBATING. Sure that only takes 30 seconds but I doubt you’d redeem yourself in the following 4 minutes 30 seconds.
So don’t feel so good when you get this praise, you are not special beyond that 5 minute confrontation and even then not so much. You’re just as much a cunt as the rest of us!
This whole contest is a bit ridiculous and self-serving. Anyone that did a good deed wouldn’t likely know they did, and if they did wouldn’t spend the time to go on some corporate sales website to discuss it.
#igetnodeed #rigged #nopotato
/youtube russian good deed
@lysdexia Don’t like it, no problem…just run along and play some where else.

@mehbee @mfladd sorry, hard to express sarcasm on the interwebz these days.
/image shame

/image remorse

/image troll

@mfladd Aww.
This doesn’t qualify because it was on 17Jul but I was at a Braves games. I tend to have to get up and wander at some point so I went in the store near our seats. There was a family behind me and their daughter was saying she was having so much fun and that she was happy she finally got to go to a baseball game. As we are waiting she started looking at some postcards and showing her mom. Her mom was like no, I’m not getting you one…I mean they had several items, I’m sure at least one was for her. Anyhoo, I always love finding a surprise from someone and wanted her to have one since it was her first game. When it was my turn at the register, I picked out a pretty postcard of the stadium at night. I paid for it and added the cashier to give it to the little girl after I left. I would have tried to spy and see if she liked it but got a text that the game was getting good. I have a lot of great memories from going to the games with my family. My father, who has passed away, instilled a love of going to the game in all his daughters. I’ve gone with all but one of my grandkids to their first game so it was as much for me as for that little girl. Not really a good deed, just passing on a little of the love my dad passed to me.
@mehbee That is a great story! Great Dad passing that love onto his daughters. I am doing the same with mine. And making a little girls first time at a ballgame even more fun is a good deed! 5 days difference. Executive call (my game, my rules). It qualifies!

@mfladd You’re too sweet!
This contest is now closed. Prizes will be announced tomorrow. I have something for everybody. You are a fucking amazing community" Thanks to everyone that posted and tuned in. I now need to focus on fantasy football as I have not done any research yet. So leave me alone.

and kudos to the person who edited/created the opening song. It was “fucking” perfect.
You kidz are really amazing with all of the good deeds you do. Keep it up!
School starts this week so I dropped off the boxes I always collect through the year. So all year I will collect boxes of the free after rebate ream of paper and the $0.05 glue stick and other loss leader school supplies and just put them in a box and I drop them off every year at the local Catholic school to me. I ended up having two cases of paper about 20 notebooks and a ton of pens and pencils and things like post it notes
@CaptAmehrican Well done!

@CaptAmehrican As a parent of Catholic school children – thank you! There are a lot of kids who can’t afford those supplies. My children’s mother is very cheap and buys all the 5 cent supplies during the summer to reduce our costs, too.
Yes, I know they could go to public schools, but the schools near my home are not exactly leaders in education!
You have been randomly chosen as winners. Please send me a working email address so I can get you amazon gift cards. I want to do another little something for everyone else that did good deeds. But a confidential family emergency has come up that will not allow me the time for this. I apologize.
You are an amazing community.
I will be gone for some time. Take care.
@mfladd You’re awesome, too. I’m so sorry to hear about the family emergency. I’ll pray for a quick resolution to the issue, whatever it may be.
A random email you can use as you can’t message on here (hint, hint to the developers) is stephen90022 at gmail.com
@mfladd I am sorry you have a family emergency come up. No family needs that. I hope that whatever is going on has the best outcome you can expect under whatever the circumstances your family is dealing with; that everyone has the emotional strength to get through it. Mine is my username at the usual yahoo. And thank you for doing this!
@mfladd good luck.
@mfladd Wishing you and your family the very best. Hope all will be okay.
@mfladd Thank you for taking the time out to do this (mine came)… with whatever you are dealing with it could have waited. I hope things are improving.
@mfladd I hope you and your family are doing okay- you did an amazing thing here!
@dashcloud Thanks. I just wanted to showcase what an amazing community this is. I for one, already knew it!
And @snapster, take heart. This community on meh, is greater than wOOt ever was!