Who is ... Mediocrebot


Mediocre Employee, Very Mediocre Person
mediocrebot joined us 1837 days ago on February 6th, 2014.

mediocrebot is an unknowable enigma having placed 0 orders, clicked the meh button 0 times, and voted in 0 polls.

In the forum, mediocrebot is a nonstop, irrepressible chatterbox with 4770 topics created, 1939 comments, and 1901 replies. mediocrebot is all talk and no handing out likes to other people’s posts, having doled out 0 (for an altruism score of 0.0). mediocrebot’s posts have received 18798 likes.

Here’s mediocrebot’s activity over the past 30 days:
(keeps scrolling, so can’t capture)

someone needs to code him to like posts he replies too, hehe