What was your first purchase on meh or "the other site"
4So I joined the community of BOC and IRK buyers back in April 2011. I was looking through my old purchases and was reminiscing on the things I got like sleep sacks for my now 8 year old… my first and only memory foam mattress… my kid’s first tablet.
So I had to look, my very first purchase back when it was “the other site” was a set of topsy turvey planters LOL
On Meh, my first purchase was a Greek Yogurt Maker that I still have
What was your first purchase? Any that give you nostalgia? any really good buys you are still using?
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I just joined at the end of Feb after seeing some IRK on one of my forums and purchased the noodle bowls - I love them…using one as I type this…
From woot, a green laser pointer.
@Ignorant I love the write-up for that shirt!
@Ignorant also my first buy. bought two. never worn them.
My very first purchase here was only in 2019 (it took me to long to figure out why woot got crappy) but it was 3,3 in 1 lightning cables. On the other site I joined back in 2009 and my first purchase was a shirt called monkey bars. I still love the shirt it’s just shrunk in the dryer.
I have that trouble with a lot of my shirts… and I NEVER use a dryer!
At Woot, on July 20, 2004:
Aspire Digital AD-1100 Plus 650 watt Home Theater
June 2009
@walarney I just bought my husband a laptop from woot yesterday
If we’re adding Amazon, put me down for a German/English dictionary in 1998 followed a few months later by “Programming Windows CE”
First purch here was December of '14. Remote control helicopters (given as holiday gifts). First on Woot was October '13. Some Peerless bathroom faucets (still use them every day).
@ruouttaurmind Hey, same (first meh purchase) here!
First Woot purchase July 31, 2006 -
SanDisk 256 MB MP3/WMA Player with FM Tuner and Voice Recorder
Day zero shirt here at meh.
Not a shirt at Woot. I don’t believe it was the Zune 30GB, but it’s an early one I remember. With 900+ orders over the years, I don’t want to find out either.
On the other site, back in 2009…
Acu-Rite Wireless Digital Cooking and Barbeque Thermometer
@tinamarie1974 My mom finally bought herself one of these (not from here) and she uses it ALL the time! I’d say it’s been one of her best/most used purchases in years. Of course I reap the benefits with all of her delicious meals she makes and then saves me. Do you use yours often?
@Lynnerizer I go in spurts. There is a restaurant supply store close-ish and if I am able to go (membership required) I stock up on steak, hamburger and cheese (think a whole wheel of Grana Padano
) when those opportunities present themselves I use it because you have to buy in bulk. Then it sits…and waits…collecting dust.
My JBL Radial speaker dock I bought on Woot in 2008 wasn’t my first purchase there, but I still use it every day (it’s hooked up to an Echo Dot in my living room) and still love it! And appropriately enough, my first Meh purchase was a JBL Onbeat Micro speaker dock that I gave away.
@Xeem I’ve been considering getting a speaker next. I realized my house is relatively lacking in music.
From woot Oct 17, 2010:

From meh:
@Thumperchick I just pulled that Sansa out of a drawer last week. Doesn’t hold a charge for more than a day.
9 Jan 2006: A Roomba. I still have it. Somewhere. Gathering dust in the laundry room, I think. It still works, more or less.
Added for the record: First purchase at Amazon was on 23 Jan 1997, and it was books. It was books because in January of 1997, that is what was sold at 'Zon. That was ALL that was sold at Amazon. And they were shipped USPS Book Rate.
@rockblossom I still have my welcome email to Netflix from 2007. But my email account I had back in the 90s has long since been deleted from ether of the net.
@mbersiam @rockblossom Likewise, as the freenet I used was no longer able to continue service. Even after getting DSL and little desire for dialup speeds, the $15/year was worth the “just in case”.
(When I started, it was a 15-line 2400-baud modem bank primarily for community, USENET, and email access.)
@mbersiam @narfcake @rockblossom The blessing and curse of AOL – I still use my very first email address. It’s first initial + last name.
@rockblossom Aren’t Roomba’s supposed to gather dust?
@mehcuda67 Yes, but I prefer that my vacuums gather the dust on the inside, not the outside.
First Woot: Fixit Signature Series 69 piece 18V Cordless Drill Set in May, 2005. I think I still have parts of the set. The drill died years ago, but it was before I had real $$ and a house.
First Meh: ACCU FORCE 3.5 CHANNEL HELICOPTER in 2015. It crashed not long after purchase and never flew again.
First Meh purchase: CHEERSON CX-10C VIDEO CAM QUADCOPTER, Nov 30 2015.
First Woot purchase: XtremeMac XtremeHD v1.3 HDMI Cable, Nov 27 2007.
First Amazon purchase(s): The Stinky Cheese Man and Other Fairly Stupid Tales & Polkabats and Octopus Slacks: 14 Stories books, Aug 21 1999. [That was before my kids were born!]
@compunaut ok so I had to go look at what my first amazon purchase was. At least on the account I have now, it was in 2006 and was a bluetooth headset. I completely forgot about it and now I miss it. that thing lasted forever.
My first Meh purchase was a Day Zero T-shirt on 7/8/2014.
My first Woot! purchase was Random Crap on 7/12/2007, followed by a MAINStage Sound System on 10/3/2007.
First Meh was a 3 pack of LED Rope lights on 1/7/2016.
First Woot! was a $13 SanDisk 256MB MP3 player on 8/18/2006.
First Amazon was “The Dragonbone Chair” by Tad Williams (paperback) on 3/25/1998.
My first purchase here was a Black on Black Meh shirt in American Apparel flavour.
1st Meh purchase was August 2014, got the Toccs Snap Cable for micro USB, 3 for $1
1st Woot purchase was October 2006, bought a 10 cup high speed coffee maker
Bajillions of dollars later and plenty of stuff I probably did not need, I would not change a thing!!
Fuku 2
I didn’t buy the t-shirt though I should have. The first fuku doesn’t show up in the orders here.
I should have known from the purchase code what kind of place this would be.
/giphy filthy-calamitous-society
From that other site: 2007-11-22 Sandisk 1GB Media Player with FM Tuner and Voice Recorder

From the Mothership: 2003-06-25

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Morningsave.com : 2019-01-21

Palm 65qt Wheeled Cooler
/giphy tailored-gorgeous-ocelot
From wine.woot: 2009-03-26

Penfolds Bin 28 Shiraz 3-pack.
Tasting notes: Absotively legubrious.
Steak knives that we are still using.
First woot purchase? Unknown. I scrambled the account when Amazon bought it. Boycotted it for about 10 years. I mostly bought from the later wine.woot and mostly gourmet food stuffs, not wine. So it might have been Thanksgiving Coffee or cheese from BeeHive.
it appears to have been batteries - July 28th, 2014

My favorite early buy from 2015
Oh, and my first FU bag? Remember this April 1st?
@Cerridwyn Love that cat fan!
Woot: Nov of 2013. $260 worth of Bluetooth speakers and headphones. Stocking stuffers for my wife, kids and all the significant others.
Meh: December of 2015. Cheerson quadcopter.
My first Woot: two pairs of Labtec Elite 825 Stereo Headphones. That was in January 2007.
My first Meh: two of the Day Zero shirts. July 8th, 2014.
Woot: March 2005, HP Photo Paper Bundle II

I even still have some of it. Of course, I don’t have a photo printer anymore, so… oops I guess?
Looks like the only order older than mine on this thread so far is @dave
From Meh: The Day Zero shirt, of course. After that though, this backpack in July, 2014.
First order on “the other site” was an SSD. First thing I bought here, (big surprise) power banks.
My very first Meh purchase was a CyberPower 200-watt car power inverter, way back in March 2017, which I still have and use. It works well! Originally I bought it because it has interchangeable power terminals, allowing it to be connected directly to a battery.
@PooltoyWolf Hmmm… have you been using it to blow up inflatables, perhaps?
@compunaut I can’t ever remember using it for that purpose but I suppose it’s possible it’s happened at least once. I usually carry a beefy hand pump in the car! There’s also the fact that 200 watts is really close to the rating on most AC air pumps. It might not run them!
I’m late to the meh party. My first purchase in January 2020. I had been disgusted with woot after they got sucked into the Amazon vortex but I had no idea that meh existed until a friend told me. First purchase was a set of four led puck lights. Still use three of them. The fourth ended up with corroded batteries. First irk was a few weeks later. One of the items was a set of wool dryer balls I’m still using too.
@ironcheftoni Love those wool dryer balls, they were one of my first things to buy too!
@ironcheftoni yeah I quit woot for a long time too
Still use these today. They’re pretty good!
@djslack these were great. gave a set to a niece and use the others almost daily.
My first Meh.com purchase…A product I still use regularly…Hamilton Beech Slow Cooker, July 27, 2016.

First woot purchase was a cool “Ugly Sweater” t-shirt November 6th 2015…
It does what I want and nothing that I don’t want (including reasonable permissions for the app).
I broke the case of this one while doing some woodworking and was pretty bummed out. Meh sold the same model again days later and I jumped on it. It’s still my daily driver (watcher?)
First woot was Feb 2006, Creative Labs Bluetooth Phone Headset – 2 Pack. Looking through the stuff I bought I see that I’m apparently a sucker for headphones.
Best woots: Leakfrogs. Every time I saw them I bought the max. Those things are the bomb, and are all still in use.
First Meh: Aug 2014, POWERNOW 10K MAH POWER BANK. I still use it.
@pepekraft Leakfrog saved my shit twice. Best wootage ever.
My first Woot! was a battery pack brick (before the existence all of the more elegant charger things for sale all the time). That was one of the first Woot!s offered (I think the first was an electric lawn mower or something, but I didn’t Woot! on that one).
My first Meh was a few Energizer headband lights.
If you notice a battery theme here, it’s because you’re crazy. There is no battery theme. And the battery pack brick thing didn’t work that well or last that long. Guess I should have stored it in the refrigerator…
@shahnm I lied. My first Woot! was actually something called a “Geek Koozie”, on October 13, 2004. I don’t remember that thing. The picture no longer comes up for the item, and the item web page gives no clue…
See. I told you there was no battery theme.
How do I post a picture of it?
@NanaAkorlibarba Just click on the picture icon (6th one across) and upload it.
@NanaAkorlibarba If you’re on your phone you have to turn it sideways to get the picture icon (little mountain in a square.)
Day Zero Shirt.
an upscaling DVD player that didn’t work and had to be returned.
Woot. 2004. Bag O’ Crap II. It was still available at 6:30 am so I thought, what the heck. Ended up with a pile of Priority Pucks, an iOmega camera(?) bag and a digital watch that smelled like it had been soaked in gasoline and left in more than one warehouse fire. Good times

@capnjb Ooh nice, you beat my March 2005 first Woot purchase date, but not quite @dave’s first purchase in July 2004.
I’m impressed that you still remember what you got.
@capnjb I had so many of those blue priority pucks! I feel like I could still find a couple if I really dug around here.
@dave @The_Tim It’s the smell of the watch I won’t forget
The rest of the memory is just along for the ride…heh. 
@capnjb @dave Okay I had to google what the heck a “priority puck” was but now that I saw it I remember getting at least one, too. I bet it’s still floating around my house somewhere.
Ouch, expensive…
@embedit I don’t want to think about what I paid for my iRiver MP3 player…
@embedit Well shit… looks like I actually bought two! LOL. At least I got a gig of storage for $100… geeze.
@capnjb That’s $130 in todays dollars
@capnjb @embedit By 2007, my Sandisk 1GB Media Player with FM Tuner and Voice Recorder was just $15.
Ooh, boy! You got a deal!
@embedit @mike808 Don’t tell anyone, but I think I bought that one too!
Meh: day zero shirt.
Woot… apparently a TV tuner for a computer back in 2010?
Well then. I wonder where that even is… Did I give it away? Wonder if it would work with my Plex server…
Bath! I got a tub full of those neoprene electronics cases. Still have many stored away just waiting for the perfect use. That was my first Meh! Purchase. I only ever recall one purchase from that other place. It was three or four sets of lock and lock containers of various sizes. I thought they were pretty awesome and gave them as gifts as well as keeping some for myself. My first purchase from Amazon was an iron about 10 years ago. Ironically that was my last purchase from Amazon as well, about a month ago.
My first order. It arrived yesterday and I love it
Both kind of iconic!
first meh: 10/6/15 (also my join date…)

First woot: 11/3/09 (also my join date…)