@dashcloud I found nothing would load at midnight - not even the forums (I was on the forums, clicked on forum and nothing happened) and the meh page wouldn't load either...
@PurplePawprints Pretty decent. With only two LEDs, it's not super bright, but it's effective. Mine was a store brand, but looks identical in design from what I can tell.
i bought what appears to be an identical energizer headlamp (minus the camo headband) at target about 3 years ago. i like it. mine swivels up and down. this product description doesn't mention that. does this one swivel?
In for 3. I bought a headlamp last year to use the light in a Halloween costume, and we use that thing all the time. I used to make fun of people for wearing them, but they really do come in handy.
@3XP the costume was for my daughter. She likes Doctor Who and wanted to be a Victorian TARDIS, so we had a blue skirt, blue top, white corset (as the windows) and using foam I made a hat. The hat had a few tiers for the top of the tardis and then the area below the light. I tucked the head lamp into the foam, used a cut up water bottle as the main light, and used more foam for the top and light casing. It lit up really well, but kept falling off her head.
Read the negatives for this light. Apparently it turns itself on easily in a backpack as the slider switch slides too easily. I was going to buy all my christmas presents with this deal until I read that over and over in the negatives (and sometimes mentioned in the better reviews too).
Trying to order three of these, but I keep getting an error. (Oops, let's try that again / Something went terribly wrong.) All my info is correct, so I don't know why it won't go through...?
@Pony Double check that your billing address matches your statement exactly. I've heard that's been an issue in the past. Also, if you have an apartment number, I've heard that switching where that number is entered can make it go through.
After a ridiculous amount of lost sleep and repeated futile attempts, my order has finally gone through. Now I can take my miserable sick self back to bed and die. I bequeath my headlamps to my husband... ~THUD~
I've had the non-camo version of this energizer headlamp for about three years now, actually two of them. Got them as a two pack from Home Depot for just a bit more than two would be here with shipping. They have held up great with the kids using them camping, only have had to swap out batteries once over that time. The switch slides from a central off position to red LED in one direction and white in the other. I haven't had any issues with them turning on accidentally, I find them to be a great inexpensive headlamp that put out a decent amount of light.
I got 3! One for both of my bigger kids and 1 for a random stocking stuffer and nobody begs to play with the one I keep at my bedstand. I'm so glad I'm working late tonight, this won't last.
@GEMLING You do realize just because your kids will have one that will not prevent them from still taking yours- after all yours they can find. Theirs are buried under 18" of junk in their bedrooms or elsewhere in the house like tucked under the refrigerator...
Someone at Meh really wants to be English. Last night the writeup had wrong subject-verb agreement and tonight the period in the headline is incorrectly placed outside the quotation marks. WTH
@editorkid I'm not English, but I always put the period outside the quotes, because it makes more sense to me that way. When the period's inside the quotes, it looks like it's part of the quote, and the sentence is missing its punctuation.
@editorkid The period is outside of the quote because the quoted text isn't really a quote. Example time! Medz says, "editorkid is wrong." VS editorkid is "wrong". I'm telling @JasonToon on you.
@medz Really, this is a distinction no one draws. Curl up with a few reliable stylebooks -- CMOS, Words Into Type, AP -- and your favorite dictionaries and report back.
@editorkid No thanks. I have meaningful work to do. I'm sure your period placement expertise will help better the world. Thank you for your commitment to the cause.
@Kidsandliz You're welcome. :-) The limits can vary from item to item, but typically you can only buy three per account. If you only buy one the first time, you can place an additional order for 1 or 2, but it won't let you go over the daily item limit.
@Kidsandliz Yep, from the FAQ Q: Why can’t I buy more than x? ----- A: Because jerks will come in and buy up everything before you even get here and try to sell it to you for more on eBay. We want to sell to actual people, not to other stores.
@JonT Hard to read what you can't find since your search function is from the dinosaur age. FAQ needs a sticky, or you need to bump it when it vanishes off the page so it can be found… just sayin'
@Kidsandliz They did finally link to it on the main page at the bottom. Of course, people still ask where to find their orders, so it doesn't really seem like anyone ever goes down there.
@PurplePawprints I guess since it didn't used to be and the thread addressing what changes do you want to see got a metaphorical shoulder shug from meh I presumed the vanishing of threads without knowing what they were called to go search for them wasn't going to change… and so that is why I didn't go looking - no reason to think anything was going to change or that they'd be easy to find… Improvements. Who would have thought?
I'm actually a bit tempted by this offer. The only problem is that I already have couple of headlamps and I'd feel wasteful if I grabbed another one. Unless I was going to stop doing writing and become a picker and needed back up that is...
In for 2, not 3. I want to LEAD, not follow. Is it strange and unsettling that I just bought these while wearing a headlamp? I do not joke about such things.
Only 30 lumens. I'm not exactly sure what that is, but I don't think it's a lot. I'm betting my Petzel fancy headlamp I got years ago is much better. The question is : Do I want a couple extras for gifts and/or backups and such ?
I definitely succumbed to peer pressure in the 80's and wore my backpack on one shoulder. I also tight-rolled my jeans (or pegged them, as we called it), wore a swatch watch, and rocked Jams shorts. However, I will fight peer pressure today by passing on this deal. Meh.
I already have one of these, and love it. Just bought two more. The red LED is fantastic for reading books at night without having a bunch of bugs attacking your face. I take mine with me everywhere I go.
@RedHot I live in the south and I'd never heard of it. Likely it's more cultural than regional. I thank my parents I didn't know what it was till last night.
@bluedyn could be. though I live in Raleigh now (very different) and I have never been asked what it was. I will also say I've never actually been frog gigging (only flounder) but the term 'gig' has always been fairly well known wherever i've been.
Bought 3, Xmas probably. I already have a CREE headlamp. I'm not sure where it came from, strange flashlights and such just seem to appear around here. (The older we get the more weird shit seems to show up. It's a senior citizen thing.) This lamp though, is my 'go to' flashlight. It's a zoom model that adjusts from almost car headlight strength to laser pin point, or so it seems. it'll be interesting to see how the Meh headlamps size up next to my CREE.
I bought 2, don't know why and see Meh has pulled in over 17K with these headlamps. Meh is getting in our heads knowing we buy flashlights as much as we avoid buying speaker docks.
Got mine yesterday. Went for a late night walk. I used the red light in the dark parts of the path. It took some practice to turn the red light off without going too far and turning on the blinding white light.
I just got my three- they look great. Will put one in my truck's emergency kit, give one to my hubby, and keep one handy for when I need to go outside at night or the power goes out. That was a pretty sweet deal.
A little late to the discussion but these are great. I got a qty of 3 on this order. Lowes had them for almost the same price for just 1. They also had a junky off brand two pack with crap batteries for almost the same price as 3 of these.
Great purchase, glad to have this type of site back. So sick of a silly number of items across a silly amount of pages.
Condition - New
Warranty - 3 Year Guarantee - Energizer
Ships Via - FedEx SmartPost
What’s in the Box!?
1x Energizer Trailfinder Headlamp
Trailfinder Headlamp
Packaging Front
Packaging Back
Price Check
$17 at Amazon (350+ reviews)
Find a relevant price comparison? Please share it in this thread
Estimated Delivery
FedEx SmartPost: Wednesday, December 6th - Monday, December 11th
@RicoSuave I'd have to give this one a heavy meh as well.
Three bux? Sure, why not.
Easy 3-buy. Didn't even need to read the description. meh is getting slammed.
3 year warranty too? Nice!
@JazzyJosh ditto for me
@JazzyJosh ditto for me
@JazzyJosh yup. Insta-buy
@JazzyJosh In for two!
@JazzyJosh et moi.
@JazzyJosh My first buy 3 of meh. Cheap and practical is a winning combination.
How did you sell over 1,000 in three minutes?
@pooflady I only see 106 sold....
@pooflady by not updating the stats from the mini-speakers...it's down to 106 now.
@pooflady They didn't. I'm only seeing 106 having been sold. Granted, that's still a lot in six minutes.
@pooflady This should answer your question: https://meh.com/forum/topics/funny-12-am-meh-page-glitches
@dashcloud Okay, thanks.
@dashcloud I found nothing would load at midnight - not even the forums (I was on the forums, clicked on forum and nothing happened) and the meh page wouldn't load either...
@pooflady why, you don't think we could!?!? :(
@JonT Only if it's a bag of something.
I always have a headlamp on hand - they're great for power outages, or hands-free outdoorsy lighting, or doing home/car repair.
@saramwrap Don't forget garage autopsies.
@saramwrap also great for night gardening.
@ceagee Really, with a headlamp you can add "night-" to any activity. Nightsunbathing, nightdayhiking...
I jumped all over this. I can easily find a ton of uses for these.
Is that Light Maul?
I already have one almost exactly like this. But, it's three bucks, and I'm a VMP. Plus, this one is camo. So... in for one. Why not?
@DJP519 How well does it work?
@PurplePawprints Pretty decent. With only two LEDs, it's not super bright, but it's effective. Mine was a store brand, but looks identical in design from what I can tell.
$17 price comparison is a joke, but a decent deal at $3. Grabbed 1 might grab a few more.
@Stallion If you have a better price comparison, you can post it.
Hmmm... I bought 3, what am I doing with my life??!? meh
@jjohns71 Spent $9 if you are a VMP. Hardly anything to blink an eye at. Don't let this drop you down a notch in life, jump up 2 notches instead:)
@jjohns71 just did the same, the VMP makes this too easy
$9.50 on ebay, but that price will probably drop in a week or two
@somf69 hmmm wonder if ebay names are the same as on here…. inquiring minds want to know
In for 3. And last purchase was ~28 days ago, so I also caved on VMP. Ugh. Or yay? Meh.
i bought what appears to be an identical energizer headlamp (minus the camo headband) at target about 3 years ago. i like it. mine swivels up and down. this product description doesn't mention that. does this one swivel?
@jaybird Yes. It's adjustable.
@ChadP ah, so that's what the adjustable means...derp derp derp
@jaybird Nah, I would have assumed adjustable meant you could adjust the fit. Yours was a good question.
@jaybird @PurplePawprints I went ahead and changed it to make it clearer. You win! :)
@ChadP Aww, thanks! What did we win? I hope it's a new car!
@PurplePawprints umm...................................................it's not.
@ChadP Well, that's disappointing.
@PurplePawprints maybe we win a fashionable new headlamp?
@jaybird I wouldn't complain if they stuffed an extra one in with my order.
@PurplePawprints blame @studerc if they don't - right @marklog?
@Kidsandliz Yes, it will definitely be the fault of @studerc, @marklog, and (as I was reminded earlier) @Ryaneil. They are never truly off the hook.
Stocking Stuffers!!!!!
@somf69 Christmas shopping starts now! Or whenever I need to justify purchasing multiple of the same item.
@wisenekt Christmas shopping began on the first 2fT.
Shoot, I only bought it because it comes with 3 AAA batteries included. 4 AAA cost more than the headlamp!! Basically getting it for free!
@RicoSuave use rechargable
@RicoSuave Interesting, the specs say 3 AAA batteries included and the picture shows only two in the package...
@Aractor look closer - there are 3 in a little pyramid
Hahahahah, huge Ingress dork here. I Have to admit I own more expensive gear than this.
@joshaw lol, Ingress
@joshaw yuuuuuuup
I bit and am in for three. I wanted to think about it a bit longer, but at the rate they're selling, I fear a sell out is looming.
So... about the guy with the camo facepaint... do you think maybe the bright light shining from his noggin kind of defeats the purpose of said camo?
@Crixus well played!
@Crixus Yes. and I think Bigfoot is about to take his Snickers stash that is in his tent.
In for 3. I bought a headlamp last year to use the light in a Halloween costume, and we use that thing all the time. I used to make fun of people for wearing them, but they really do come in handy.
@remo28 pics please, I am browsing for ideas, perfect timing here.
@3XP the costume was for my daughter. She likes Doctor Who and wanted to be a Victorian TARDIS, so we had a blue skirt, blue top, white corset (as the windows) and using foam I made a hat. The hat had a few tiers for the top of the tardis and then the area below the light. I tucked the head lamp into the foam, used a cut up water bottle as the main light, and used more foam for the top and light casing. It lit up really well, but kept falling off her head.
@remo28 sounds like a great costume!
Read the negatives for this light. Apparently it turns itself on easily in a backpack as the slider switch slides too easily. I was going to buy all my christmas presents with this deal until I read that over and over in the negatives (and sometimes mentioned in the better reviews too).
@Kidsandliz Don't put it in your backpack-- wear it on your head. I got 3, the switch thing seems like it could be managed.
@Kidsandliz put it on your head and you'll always know if it accidentally turns on
@Kidsandliz simple solution: just wear it on your head at all times.
@Ryaneil @JonT I hope you brought your stop watch this time! 🕐❔🔝
@Ryaneil looks like I lost this one. I accept defeat.
@Kidsandliz hey, I don't know if anyone mentioned this but wearing it on your head will alert you to any unintentional item activations.
@Kidsandliz When you're done using it just flip a battery around and it's perfect.
Am I the only one who was wondering about the giggling frogs?
@gertiestn Now that would make a great Halloween costume idea.
Trying to order three of these, but I keep getting an error. (Oops, let's try that again / Something went terribly wrong.) All my info is correct, so I don't know why it won't go through...?
@Pony Double check that your billing address matches your statement exactly. I've heard that's been an issue in the past. Also, if you have an apartment number, I've heard that switching where that number is entered can make it go through.
@PurplePawprints Yeah, checked that. Same info is still filled in as when I've placed other orders. No idea what's going on.
@Pony server overload?
@Pony That is odd. I hope they get it straightened out for you.
@JonT Halp?
@Pony Try another browser?
@Pony this usually means billing address error, send an email to halp@meh.com and we'll figure it out.
@medz Already did. Same results. :(
@JonT Okay, thanks.
@JonT Sent that email an hour ago. Still waiting for a reply... please? I need to go nite nite, but don't want to miss getting these.
Okay... it's been two hours with no reply, and I can't keep my eyes open. You win, Meh- you can keep your three headlamps. G'night.
@Pony sorry, I should have clarified that you probably wouldn't get a response until morning.
@JonT Yeah... that would have been good. :p
@Pony I get this every time I order & when I check my order history the item is there.
@sassymango Lucky you. Not the case for me. I've been going back and forth with support for hours, and still not able to get it to go through.
@Pony I was hoping your order was there - hope it gets resolved
After a ridiculous amount of lost sleep and repeated futile attempts, my order has finally gone through. Now I can take my miserable sick self back to bed and die. I bequeath my headlamps to my husband... ~THUD~
Oh, and for the record- the "Halp" people at Meh are super awesome. :)
I've had the non-camo version of this energizer headlamp for about three years now, actually two of them. Got them as a two pack from Home Depot for just a bit more than two would be here with shipping. They have held up great with the kids using them camping, only have had to swap out batteries once over that time. The switch slides from a central off position to red LED in one direction and white in the other. I haven't had any issues with them turning on accidentally, I find them to be a great inexpensive headlamp that put out a decent amount of light.
I got 3! One for both of my bigger kids and 1 for a random stocking stuffer and nobody begs to play with the one I keep at my bedstand. I'm so glad I'm working late tonight, this won't last.
@GEMLING You do realize just because your kids will have one that will not prevent them from still taking yours- after all yours they can find. Theirs are buried under 18" of junk in their bedrooms or elsewhere in the house like tucked under the refrigerator...
@Kidsandliz Good point. I guess I'll just save the extra and hide it better.
Someone at Meh really wants to be English. Last night the writeup had wrong subject-verb agreement and tonight the period in the headline is incorrectly placed outside the quotation marks. WTH
@editorkid Dear Grammar police, so ticket them. I believe this is meh where everything is mediocre, including their grammar.
@editorkid Deer, Sir. There grammer hear is fighn. Irregardlessly your off the clock, and kan relacks.
@editorkid I'm not English, but I always put the period outside the quotes, because it makes more sense to me that way. When the period's inside the quotes, it looks like it's part of the quote, and the sentence is missing its punctuation.
@editorkid Since the period outside the quotation marks is common British English usage, how does that make it incorrect?
@bluedyn "Science."
@editorkid The period is outside of the quote because the quoted text isn't really a quote. Example time! Medz says, "editorkid is wrong." VS editorkid is "wrong". I'm telling @JasonToon on you.
@medz Really, this is a distinction no one draws. Curl up with a few reliable stylebooks -- CMOS, Words Into Type, AP -- and your favorite dictionaries and report back.
@editorkid No thanks. I have meaningful work to do. I'm sure your period placement expertise will help better the world. Thank you for your commitment to the cause.
@medz @JonT
@editorkid Is this baby crying because it's missing its arm?
@jonT are you only allowed to buy 3? or if you want more than that you need to make another order?
@Kidsandliz Not another order, another account.
@PurplePawprints ahh thank you. I never saw those rules anywhere...
@Kidsandliz You're welcome. :-) The limits can vary from item to item, but typically you can only buy three per account. If you only buy one the first time, you can place an additional order for 1 or 2, but it won't let you go over the daily item limit.
@Kidsandliz Yep, from the FAQ Q: Why can’t I buy more than x? ----- A: Because jerks will come in and buy up everything before you even get here and try to sell it to you for more on eBay. We want to sell to actual people, not to other stores.
@JonT Hard to read what you can't find since your search function is from the dinosaur age. FAQ needs a sticky, or you need to bump it when it vanishes off the page so it can be found… just sayin'
@Kidsandliz They did finally link to it on the main page at the bottom. Of course, people still ask where to find their orders, so it doesn't really seem like anyone ever goes down there.
@PurplePawprints Seriously! So many of the world's problems could be solved by people just going down there more.
@DaveInSoCal that's what SHE said
@PurplePawprints I guess since it didn't used to be and the thread addressing what changes do you want to see got a metaphorical shoulder shug from meh I presumed the vanishing of threads without knowing what they were called to go search for them wasn't going to change… and so that is why I didn't go looking - no reason to think anything was going to change or that they'd be easy to find… Improvements. Who would have thought?
I'm actually a bit tempted by this offer. The only problem is that I already have couple of headlamps and I'd feel wasteful if I grabbed another one. Unless I was going to stop doing writing and become a picker and needed back up that is...
@bluejester Buy two: One for the glove box in your car and one for the trunk.
In for 2, not 3. I want to LEAD, not follow.
Is it strange and unsettling that I just bought these while wearing a headlamp? I do not joke about such things.
@G1 Are you wearing it at a jaunty angle?
In for 3, one for my head and one for each leg; I will NOT roll my ankle in the corn maze this year!
@jqubed I feel like this is the best idea I've ever heard.
I have one of this, and this is great especially when you work on a car at night. (For some reason, I like to work on cars at night)
Only 30 lumens. I'm not exactly sure what that is, but I don't think it's a lot. I'm betting my Petzel fancy headlamp I got years ago is much better.
The question is : Do I want a couple extras for gifts and/or backups and such ?
@ceagee the answer is : fluent-inconvenient-cover
@ceagee for hiking or running, it's going to be better as something to make you visible to others. That can still be useful though.
I am on an impossible-phenomenal-roll now....I plan to keep these in the car for emergencies...my good flashlights always get borrow for other things.
I cannot wait to dance around to "Roxanne" with the Red Led on.
@buzzkill Just don't do it in Amsterdam in the De Wallen area in front of a window facing the street… just saying
@buzzkill but you don't have to turn on the red light.
I definitely succumbed to peer pressure in the 80's and wore my backpack on one shoulder. I also tight-rolled my jeans (or pegged them, as we called it), wore a swatch watch, and rocked Jams shorts. However, I will fight peer pressure today by passing on this deal. Meh.
I already have one of these, and love it. Just bought two more. The red LED is fantastic for reading books at night without having a bunch of bugs attacking your face. I take mine with me everywhere I go.
bland-glorified-cap! What kind of algorithm accounts for snark?
@marklog This whole e-commerce thing is really just a ruse to help us test our snarkorithm.
grating-tidy-hole. ouch. suggesting this might be good for under covers exploration?
Is frog/flounder gigging really so foreign a concept that a Wikipedia link was necessary?
@RedHot I had never heard of it before I moved to Texas.
@JonT interesting. I grew up with it (Western NC). Mind if I ask where you moved from?
@RedHot Southern California - San Diego, Orange County, and LA County. Not a lot of frogs to gig in those parts.
@RedHot I hadn't heard of it either. (Pacific Northwest)
@Pony So it's a southeast thing? I really thought flounder gigging happened everywhere there was an inlet for them to swim through.
@RedHot I live in the south and I'd never heard of it. Likely it's more cultural than regional. I thank my parents I didn't know what it was till last night.
@bluedyn could be. though I live in Raleigh now (very different) and I have never been asked what it was. I will also say I've never actually been frog gigging (only flounder) but the term 'gig' has always been fairly well known wherever i've been.
@RedHot As far as frogs and gigs go, this was previously my only knowledge.

This is tempting only because I have an enormous crush on John Cusack:
Bought 3, Xmas probably. I already have a CREE headlamp. I'm not sure where it came from, strange flashlights and such just seem to appear around here. (The older we get the more weird shit seems to show up. It's a senior citizen thing.) This lamp though, is my 'go to' flashlight. It's a zoom model that adjusts from almost car headlight strength to laser pin point, or so it seems. it'll be interesting to see how the Meh headlamps size up next to my CREE.
We have one similar to this that we use on the dog when we walk in the evening so she's more visible. Makes us more visible too, I guess.
@VogonPoet Now I want to see a picture of a dog wearing a headlamp.
@JonT she wears it around her neck. Would be funny if we could get her to wear it "conventionally" though.
I bought 2, don't know why and see Meh has pulled in over 17K with these headlamps. Meh is getting in our heads knowing we buy flashlights as much as we avoid buying speaker docks.
Yaaay more flashlight thingies!
$3 and free shipping? Why not.
bought 3 for stocking stuffers at work... i keep an energizer 'pro' 6 led model in my desk and use it often.
over 4900 sold, how many of these do you have??????
@somf69 can we even count high enough? Maybe next week we will have a threefer Thursday as in 3 for $3...
@somf69 Over 5K strong, wow! Guess these will run right to the end......
these things are amazing.

@cwh Boss
@cwh crap. I only bought 2. Now I will never be able to do this.
I bought three. Went to Lowes and the same light is $12.99
This is a "Lightning Deal" over at Amazon right now... for $13.99 each.
@phatmass to their credit it's a higher end model I believe.
I got mine yesterday and Immediately put it on! I was looking for the remote under the bed and it is incredible helpful. well worth the money!
Got mine yesterday. Went for a late night walk. I used the red light in the dark parts of the path. It took some practice to turn the red light off without going too far and turning on the blinding white light.
I just got my three- they look great. Will put one in my truck's emergency kit, give one to my hubby, and keep one handy for when I need to go outside at night or the power goes out. That was a pretty sweet deal.
My three showed up today. Now I can throw away my old bulky incandescent headlamps.
i have received my 3 just in time to take to ragnar. someone on the team inevitably forgets their headlamp
Works very well. Awesome.
A little late to the discussion but these are great. I got a qty of 3 on this order. Lowes had them for almost the same price for just 1. They also had a junky off brand two pack with crap batteries for almost the same price as 3 of these.
Great purchase, glad to have this type of site back. So sick of a silly number of items across a silly amount of pages.
Kudos meh.com team!
Image search from order number: