Around here, the official arrival of Fall has us anticipating the actual arrival of Fall, which tends to be about a month to a month and a half after the calendar says it hits.
my favorite thing to pull on the kids when they were little was:
Child: Hey Dad … Do you know what time it is?
Me (after looking at watch) Yep
Unfortunately the progression of the seasons is destined to continue until you quit having birthdays (which is not a good thing!) On the other hand winter means spring, summer and fall are on tap…
I answered Halloween, but equally I eagerly look forward to upland bird hunting season with our dogs, Clumber Spaniels. Early season Ruffed Grouse will utterly ruin all other poultry for you. Delicious x1200!
@chienfou@Clumber@unksol I just meant that when you talk about peoples’ treatment of animals things get very heated sometimes.
Although dog collars are for pets; but it’s true that that was about a product for sale.
You want to make a clean shot. You absolutely want to recover wherever you kill.
If you eat meat this is by definition better than factory farms so… There’s some false equivalency going around. No real hunter wants any sort of animal cruelty and the DNR hunts them
@chienfou@Clumber@Kyeh this raises questions. You have not got your sister on the meh crack train?
Jk. We just had a family get together. And to my knowledge all my sisters husbands at least started in tech at least a little. I mean all 90s kids did. And I brought up an irk.
Well it’s kinda like a bag of crap. You remember woot right? How could you not have… Ok. We have different memories of the early/mid 2000s
@chienfou@Clumber@unksol My sister made 1 purchase here - the 8 quart Ninja Foodi pot that Meh sold in 2019; I alerted her to it. But she’s never been back. She thinks the forum is “kind of stupid.” Which is okay with me because I can be silly here without wondering if I’ll get side-eye from her.
@Clumber IDK…I remember the North Jersey ring-necks to be pretty damn tasty. But the grouse were a close second for me. See the shit storm that blew in from the mere mention of hunting? Fuck sake people, I grew up dirt poor and hunting put food on the table. I did not enjoy the taking of an animal’s life, but was very grateful for everything that animal provided for us. Don’t judge or make assumptions about people or things that you don’t know or understand.
@chienfou@Clumber Climbing back up-thread, I have zero problem with hunting as a means of removing destructive non-native species. In places, hunting is also affirmatively needed to control the size of native populations that no longer have predators because of humans. Leaving the carcasses to rot in either case is not usually a good idea.
@chienfou@Clumber@werehatrack Good points, to which I would add: (law abiding) hunters and fishers provide a significant portion of funds for wildlife/habitat preservation.
@Clumber@detailer I don’t see any “shit storm” here, or anyone “judging or make assumptions.” Just a discussion about the possibility of divisiveness. Which really wasn’t here until you got all worked up about your assumptions.
@chienfou@Clumber@werehatrack well. The non-native thing is a whole different barrel of fish. But again the DNR manages this stuff. So unless you’re a poacher there are very good reasons.
The wild hog population in the South is obviously the best example. I would say free meat. But there is a cost to butcher and preserve and transport it. And it’s a problem so many states have no season/limits/rules.
Pythons in Florida. They pay people to find and “remove”
At some point it’s pest control.
On the other hand if it’s the native wolf packs that ranchers killed off and a few are back. And one gets your cow so you go after them. that’s different. The DNR will be coming at you hard.
@unksol I was going there with a big “NOT” after pumpkin spice. Sadly, local supermarkets started the PS campaign two weeks ago. At least wait until the fucking pumpkins are ripe.
@mycya4me you’re right, only a couple of hours from Canada. June-September are the the only full months that we probably won’t get frost. I get too much heat being gross too, but I think I might be too far toward the cold side of the country
A little less rain and heat than Summer.
The fact that the bugs return to hell from whence they came.
Below 90+ degree weather.
You asking this question in the heat of summer. As again in the spring and the answers will drastically change.
All of the above.
Around here, the official arrival of Fall has us anticipating the actual arrival of Fall, which tends to be about a month to a month and a half after the calendar says it hits.
The sudden stop
ISWYDT! Good one!
@chienfou @tweezak the fall is nice. It’s the hitting the ground part that I am strongly against
@tweezak @unksol
yeah… that was the gist of it…
@chienfou @tweezak I know. I did have to just now go Google ISWYDT. For whatever reason not part of the regular rotation/brain failed to parse
I See What You Did There
It’s always and old but funny Dad joke.
@tweezak @unksol
my favorite thing to pull on the kids when they were little was:
Child: Hey Dad … Do you know what time it is?
Me (after looking at watch) Yep
@chienfou @tweezak @unksol
Did you see @ACraigL’s latest shirt?
@ACraigL @chienfou @Kyeh @tweezak IDK why but this just makes me think “are we there yet”
Nothing. It means winter’s next and I hate winter.
Unfortunately the progression of the seasons is destined to continue until you quit having birthdays (which is not a good thing!) On the other hand winter means spring, summer and fall are on tap…
I answered Halloween, but equally I eagerly look forward to upland bird hunting season with our dogs, Clumber Spaniels. Early season Ruffed Grouse will utterly ruin all other poultry for you. Delicious x1200!
…hence the user name I’m betting!
@chienfou @Clumber I guess “hunting season” would be a little too decisive for an official poll
Ding! Ding! Ding!
@chienfou @unksol
A shame, says me. Bet you’re correct.
@chienfou @Clumber @unksol
Decisive or divisive?
Maybe both …
@chienfou @Clumber @Kyeh divisive obviously. My Swype betrayed me. My bad.
Probably not that much though. I don’t think anyone on the forums has a huge problem with it as an concept.
Just not a thing for them. But for some people it’s a big deal
@Clumber @Kyeh @unksol
actually for people on both sides of that debate it’s a big deal… ergo PETA
@chienfou @Clumber @Kyeh I meant it’s a big part of some people’s fall that its hunting season.
The majority of the meh base probably does not ever hunt.
But when it’s brought up and discussed I’ve never encountered someone who is militant about it.
I am 99%sure if someone wanted to open a hunting thread. Everyone would be fine with it and just know it was not for them.
@chienfou @Clumber @unksol
I don’t know … remember what happened when meh sold the dog bark training collars?
@chienfou @Clumber @Kyeh mmm. Not exactly but. Dog bark collars have absolutely nothing to do with hunting… To my knowledge
Those are sketchy.
Some “hunting” practices are also sketchy or flat out illegal. Hunters would report them to the DNR
@chienfou @Clumber @Kyeh also a poll/thread will not pull in the same people a sale will
@chienfou @Clumber @unksol I just meant that when you talk about peoples’ treatment of animals things get very heated sometimes.
Although dog collars are for pets; but it’s true that that was about a product for sale.
@chienfou @Kyeh @unksol
I presumed either or both could be intended.
@chienfou @Kyeh @unksol
If it’s not ethical AND legal then I don’t call it hunting.
@chienfou @Clumber @Kyeh right. There are very strict laws for hunting. Fishing. Etc.
You want to make a clean shot. You absolutely want to recover wherever you kill.
If you eat meat this is by definition better than factory farms so… There’s some false equivalency going around. No real hunter wants any sort of animal cruelty and the DNR hunts them
I have NO problem with hunting as long as it’s to harvest something edible. Trophy hunting is not really hunting in my book.
I am fond of:
@unksol @chienfou @Clumber Yeah. Just don’t get my sister started though.
@chienfou @Clumber @Kyeh this raises questions. You have not got your sister on the meh crack train?
Jk. We just had a family get together. And to my knowledge all my sisters husbands at least started in tech at least a little. I mean all 90s kids did. And I brought up an irk.
Well it’s kinda like a bag of crap. You remember woot right? How could you not have… Ok. We have different memories of the early/mid 2000s
@chienfou @Clumber @unksol My sister made 1 purchase here - the 8 quart Ninja Foodi pot that Meh sold in 2019; I alerted her to it. But she’s never been back. She thinks the forum is “kind of stupid.”
Which is okay with me because I can be silly here without wondering if I’ll get side-eye from her.
@chienfou @Clumber @Kyeh mmm good point It is stupid. And I was not about to tell them about any of this.
@Clumber IDK…I remember the North Jersey ring-necks to be pretty damn tasty. But the grouse were a close second for me. See the shit storm that blew in from the mere mention of hunting? Fuck sake people, I grew up dirt poor and hunting put food on the table. I did not enjoy the taking of an animal’s life, but was very grateful for everything that animal provided for us. Don’t judge or make assumptions about people or things that you don’t know or understand.
@chienfou @Clumber Climbing back up-thread, I have zero problem with hunting as a means of removing destructive non-native species. In places, hunting is also affirmatively needed to control the size of native populations that no longer have predators because of humans. Leaving the carcasses to rot in either case is not usually a good idea.
@chienfou @Clumber @werehatrack Good points, to which I would add: (law abiding) hunters and fishers provide a significant portion of funds for wildlife/habitat preservation.
@Clumber @detailer I don’t see any “shit storm” here, or anyone “judging or make assumptions.” Just a discussion about the possibility of divisiveness. Which really wasn’t here until you got all worked up about your assumptions.
@Clumber @Kyeh Yeah…probably over reacted there. A very recent incident triggered that. Ignore the post.
@chienfou @Clumber @werehatrack well. The non-native thing is a whole different barrel of fish. But again the DNR manages this stuff. So unless you’re a poacher there are very good reasons.
The wild hog population in the South is obviously the best example. I would say free meat. But there is a cost to butcher and preserve and transport it. And it’s a problem so many states have no season/limits/rules.
Pythons in Florida. They pay people to find and “remove”
At some point it’s pest control.
On the other hand if it’s the native wolf packs that ranchers killed off and a few are back. And one gets your cow so you go after them. that’s different. The DNR will be coming at you hard.
@Clumber @detailer I didn’t see a shitstorm, just a bunch of people having a rational discussion.
All of these and more.
I’m going to say it, and I don’t believe it. But someone has too.
Pumpkin spice
No, no, no… it says “look forward to”…
@chienfou some people look forward to it. IDK how. Or why. Or. Why this is a thing. It just is.
It should be stopped. It is wrong. But I’m not going to campaign on it
Amen brother!
@unksol I was going there with a big “NOT” after pumpkin spice. Sadly, local supermarkets started the PS campaign two weeks ago. At least wait until the fucking pumpkins are ripe.
@detailer @unksol I blame Starbucks for causing the pie spice to metastasize and invade beverages and so many other things.
@detailer @werehatrack well there also to many Starbucks. For me. Huff. but people like what they like. I try not to judge.
@detailer @unksol @werehatrack I love all the return of pumpkin. I’m in the northeast though, so maybe it fits better.
The best thing about Fall is that I’m still here to hate it.
Because shorter days and colder weather, yeah, great.
Only 8 months until summer comes back!
@Superllama7 Oh v Gosh you must live in the Far North. I live in the South, Fall begins Mid Oct-/ Nov. with a short winter, Spring starting Mid Feb.
@mycya4me you’re right, only a couple of hours from Canada. June-September are the the only full months that we probably won’t get frost. I get too much heat being gross too, but I think I might be too far toward the cold side of the country
Braves in the World Series!


/giphy Cincinnati Bengals
Quiet. No fans. No A/C. Early dark (so we can watch movies in our little outdoor theater).
Turning seventy.
I do that on the first day of winter this year. This is one of the many reasons why I tend to become surly (at best) during the “holiday season”.
@werehatrack We need an excuse? I had no idea.
Forward in fall? No, no! I think it’s forward in spring, backward in fall.
Being free of all that bothersome excess pride and haughty spirit that went before.
Fall plantings. About 90 days after the first cool weather (< 80) drops, we’ll have fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, radishes, greens, et al.
I look forwards to the next spring, since I dont like winter, cold or holidays.
Not combusting when I step outside.
Märzen beer.
all of the above