Only few more days till the exchange!!
7So if you haven’t signed up yet please do so I can verify you.
1 You’re invited to a secret gift exchange! RSVP soon as names will be drawn in this gift-giving game!
Merician exchange 2025
Guests: (Aethermancer), Adrienne, Brad (bigcurmudgeon), Cerridwyn ., cindy (@ cbilyak on meh), Diana, DJ, eddiegordo, Ellen, Em (blazespirit), firetiger, Heather Sillyheathen, jmrobinett, Joe joebuddah, Jose, Josh-Capnjb, Khoi (@n3g3v_doge) Ton That, Mber, Megan (UpbeatDuck), Melanie, Metaphore, Michelle (Mikibell), missmessye, OnionSoup, Pako, Phil (chienfou), Pony, Roch mehhhname, ShandaSunshine, Star2236, steeltoesenator, Stephen (kykazaa), Todd (tohar1), Toni “IronChefToni”, Vrysen, ybmuG
Gift Budget: $11.00
Date: February 12, 2025
Draw Names: January 26, 2025
Join the party:
What’s a secret gift exchange? It’s where participants are randomly assigned to one another to purchase a gift anonymously. The gift receiver won’t know who it is until the day of the reveal. It’s the easiest and most fun way to gift!
- 11 comments, 9 replies
- Comment
Come on folks, we double dog dare you
/showme a double dog dare
@mediocrebot Looks more like a double dog stare.
I just want to say Sorry in advance.
Was not disappoint.
(terrible grammar was with intent)
@capnjb I’ve actually got a more ambitious idea for this year… I just need something important to arrive to complete my idea and it keeps getting delayed.
@capnjb @OnionSoup ambition? Meh?!
Hoping I can accomplish getting my research done, picking out things, packing them, and actually mailing them in the window I have between name pick date and mail by day. I’ll be out of town from Jan 30th to Feb 8th.
I’m going to try this weekend and add the people who everyone got last year or years before so you don’t get them again. I’m gonna try. At least last years.
Jet Plane earworm for the exchange (with extras)
Oh my box is (almost) packed
It’s (almost) ready to go (maybe one more thing when i find out who it is, or not, but still needs tape)
It’s sitting here beside the door (well on a chair, but the original song ya know)
I hate to tape it up to say good bye
But the dawn is breaking it’s early morn (or whatever time I mail it out)
The mehtizen is waiting, they’re blowing their horn (or nose, whatever)
Already I’m so anxious I could bye (food, more junk from meh, whatever)
It’s leaving on a jet plane (or a brown truck or something)
Don’t know when it’ll arrive again (if ya know ya know)
Oh dear, I hate to let it go
Come on, peoples- sign up! It’s fun! All the cool kids are doing it!
/giphy excited

Tommow’s the day!
Spun sugar, blue food dye and a toddler… yeah, what could go wrong?
I’ve anticipated this event more than Christmas!! Bring It On!!
I actually thought it was going to be earlier; I might be a few days late.
I have ADHD. Things will go sideways.

Like this?
@capnjb @chienfou
or this
Is it wrong to regift something I got last year? If so, sorry in advance. Maybe @djslack will get tagged when the tracker appears…lol
@kykazaa I’m not participating this time around, but I can tell you that I personally am thrilled to see something I sent being passed along. Particularly when the second recipient is really excited about whatever it is. Which only happened once, but it was great.