@rustyh3@transplant Well, the basic recipe is just mix oats into milk and refrigerate overnight, but of course people online have to fancy them up with all kinds of add-ins. Bleh.
That’s my whole point - they AREN’T cooking them! But they’re throwing in blueberries and nuts and maple syrup and stuff. But I’m still not going to eat uncooked oatmeal.
@Kidsandliz@Kyeh@rustyh3@transplant I don’t usually eat till dinner but if I do have breakfast Its usually old fashioned oats with some raisins for a little sweetness and add some cinnamon. I don’t really want sugar in it. A little vanilla if you wanted some more flavor.
Just mix them in a bowl and boiling water from the kettle. Instant oats get to mushy
If I eat oatmeal I cook them - I can’t stand that raw flour taste. That’s the other thing about the overnight oats - they eat them cold.
@Kidsandliz@Kyeh@rustyh3@transplant I don’t get any raw flour taste with old fashioned/boiling water. Maybe it’s just me. It is plain of course. Seems to cook fine after a few minutes. That are just not as the ground as the “instant” ones
@IndifferentDude I’ve never understood that phrase: “get in my belly” because why would you want to skip tasting and chewing and swallowing yummy food?
@IndifferentDude@macromeh No, but my friend tried it in Scotland and liked it. I’m assuming anything I want “in my belly” is something I like the taste of!
Two or three packets of pretty much whatever brand of Apple/cinnamon oatmeal plus I toss in a small handful of raisins before I cook it. Then after 2 min 30 sec in the microwave I top it with cold whole milk and eat.
@catthegreat well they are warm, I like the & they are Qik to fix. Plus I have a Virtual Breakfast with some photography friends on Tuesday, every week & they are Purrrrrfect too. We just might talk about photo stuff or we might mention the word Photography, then talk about other stuff, everything is fair game except the two BIG subjects; P & R.
Weekdays, if I take the time to eat breakfast, it’s usually a healthy smoothie of some sort…Banana, avocado, pineapple, tofu & unsweetened almond milk is today’s action. I try to fast for 14 hours minimum (time between supper/dinner last night & when I eat in the morning) similar to “intermediate fasting” programs, but that’s a story for another day.
@catthegreat Short but sweet version…I went to the doctor for a physical/check-up. He said you’re getting older (55) & you’re overweight. The latter, we can work on together & do something about it so that you can continue to work on the former. I heard, “lose weight or die–your choice”…Since December 27, 2023, through sustainable (not extreme) diet & exercise, I’ve lost 56 pounds. I’m about 50% of the way to my goal weight, but I know I can continue, and WILL succeed.
@phendrick Please check with your doctor before trying anything I mention below!!! This isn’t a “diet” per se, more a modification of your food intake/lifestyle. It might not be for everyone, but it sure has helped me! The primary modifications are eliminating as much as possible the 5-Whites: Sugar, Salt, processed (white) flour (breads/pasta, etc.), Dairy (milk/cheese/butter), & processed (white) Rice. From there, he recommended eliminating processed meats (bacon, sausage, ham, etc.) and adding more fruits & vegetables. I have lots of recipes & ingredients specifically to use instead of the 5-W’s if you’d like any ideas/recommendations. In short, between these modifications & walking 10000-15000 steps per day, most days I’m operating at a calorie deficit (burning more calories than I’m eating). Not endorsing it specifically, but I’ve been using an app called Simple to help track diet, exercise, activity, hydration and most importantly, weight. I also take a once-a-week injection of a drug called Mounjaro in the smallest dose they offer. Doctor told me the Rx would help in the overall health benefits achieved by the other changes.
@tohar1 Thanks for the effort, but you misread my post. I was asking about what diet your doctor went on with you.
I’m guilty of those 5 whites you mentioned but cutting them out at my age would probably be too much of a shock to my body. (At least no beer, to my knowledge, is white.)
At least I am still pretty active. (A lot more than my parents were at my age, and they lived until their late 80’s, on about the same diet.)
@phendrick Oh shoot! Now I get it. Subtle undertones are not my forte!
PS: You don’t have to “cut out” anything just minimize as much as is possible. Whole grains & veggies are good for a person & much healthier than their alternatives…Try it. You might like it.
I love to cook and I love to bake. Two very different skill sets. I’ve been on a biscuit mission recently. When ever I broach the subject of biscuit making people always start with ‘My grandmother used to…’. So, as a 50 year old man, I’m doing my best to become everyone’s favorite grandma. I try something new each time to gain biscuit wisdom and I think I’m getting in the ballpark. This is very little about recipe… it’s ALL about technique. My biscuit game is getting strong. #CapnGrandma
@tohar1 When they are just about done, I pull the pan and brush them generously with melted butter then they go back in for 2-3 minutes. I also just made a new batch of hot honey. A pint of honey with 5 sliced habaneros. Seeds and all. It certainly get’s your attention It is a wonderful combo.
Next on my to-do list is perfecting a sausage gravy. Got to get ready for swim suit season
@capnjb YUM!! I’ve bought the commercial–Mike’s Hot Honey, and liked that, but the idea of habanero peppers would peak my interest! I make pepper jelly to use up any leftover peppers from the garden each Fall. I use that stuff on everything–sweet or savory!! If you ever need an outside source as a taste-tester, I’m willing to help. (Pro-tip: fresh sage & a small amount of real maple syrup will bump up your gravy.)
@tohar1 I do grow sage… (it’s Spring so things are just getting started) so I’ll keep that in mind. And I have Canadian friends so I’ve come to appreciate the difference between maple syrup and syrup.
@capnjb Technique, and tools. I have not yet found a way to replace the process of cutting the butter and flour together with a pastry cutter. And yes, I have tried the methods lauded as perfect using a food processor.
@werehatrack I use my hands I use Japanese steel to cube up the butter than work through it with all my digits until it’s almost mealy. I make a mean butter crust for pies, but I work that until it’s almost sandy. For biscuits I’ve found leaving it somewhat lumpy yields better results. I’m a fan of the scientific method so I try to learn something every time.
@capnjb@werehatrack I just use a box grater to shred the chilled cube(s) of butter. Then it is quick work to mix it with the dry ingredients (and further break it down).
@tohar1 So I found these cool little 2 oz jars on Amazon on the cheap. As soon as I get the motivation to get to the post office, this will be on its way to South Canada. Use in moderation.
@tohar1 I normally refer to Canada as North Mexico. No disrespect intended, it’s just how broken my sense of humor is. South North Mexico doesn’t really roll off the tongue, so you get what you get I’ll try to put it in the mail this week. I just REALLY hate the post office
@DLPanther@tohar1 Ok… so either off Erie or Ontario. Gotcha. My mom grew up near Jamestown. She had a horse, a goat and a dog. My grandfather owned the Ford dealership in town back when it was cars and tractors. He loved racing and was very good friends with Richard Petty. He got together with his buddies and built a race track called Satan’s Bowl of Death. Yeah, you can google that, but I’d recommend an InPrivate window so you don’t break your algorithm It was jalopy racing at it’s finest.
FWIW @tohar1 I packaged what I intended to send to you (it’s in a google box… you aren’t getting anything from google, so set your expectations low) and have printed a shipping label to the way far away place that you live. I just bought a new coffee roaster and they sent 6 pounds of random raw coffee beans with it. I just roasted a pound of beans from Bali. I normally am a Kenyan bean guy, but we’ll see. You get half, I kept the other half. Haven’t tried it yet but I’m dialing in the new roaster. This was a good test run. I’ve got an Irish wife and she is always very clear that you get what you get and you like what you get. The hot honey is in there too. I’ve got to get to my daughters softball game after work and it’s in one direction, and the post office is in the opposite. My ADHD/OCD does not like back tracking, but we’ll see if it goes out today.
A toasted bagel (cinnamon-raisin w/peanut butter or “everything” with a thin slice of sharp cheddar and, if available, tomato and/or avocado). Or oatmeal with mashed banana and peanut butter. And fruit and black coffee.
Rarely, eggs and toast, but I more often eat eggs at lunch when I am more awake and ambitious.
@macromeh When I have breakfast, your two bagel choices are probably closest to what I like.
I can’t handle really rich breakfasts at the start of my day, but I wouldn’t mind them for dinner.
When I finally “break fast” at 1 or 2 pm after a good 16-18 hour intermittent fast (plain black coffee all morning does not effectively break fast), I do so with something high protein, moderate fat, and low carb. Depending on the day and location, that can be accomplished with bacon and eggs, a protein shake, or portable nutrition (like the beef jerky and sticks meh has offered recently).
… Yes, exactly!
It varies quite a bit including everything in the poll plus protein shakes and @awk’s answer. On rare occasions, I even have dinner for breakfast.
Oatmeal. Everyday.
Because I like the rut I’m living in.
@transplant plain or flavored oatmeal?
@transplant Ohh, steel cut with peanut butter and blueberries. Soaked overnight in yogurt juice before cooking. Wow that is good!
@sicc574 I’m lazy! Instant Oatmeal, so flavored and plain! Whatever packet I grab from the box.
@rustyh3 @transplant What do you think of the “overnight oats” trend? I think it’s yucky, the oats get soggy but they still taste raw.
@Kyeh @rustyh3 That’s too much work, I’m lazy. Instant oatmeal for me.
@rustyh3 @transplant Well, the basic recipe is just mix oats into milk and refrigerate overnight, but of course people online have to fancy them up with all kinds of add-ins. Bleh.
@Kyeh @rustyh3 @transplant “Add-ins”. You mean like cooking? No way I’ll voluntarily eat raw oats. I am not a horse. (
@Kidsandliz @rustyh3 @transplant
That’s my whole point - they AREN’T cooking them! But they’re throwing in blueberries and nuts and maple syrup and stuff. But I’m still not going to eat uncooked oatmeal.
@Kyeh @rustyh3 @transplant I’d agree. I was making a joke - as in add in the cooking part they left out.
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh @rustyh3 @transplant I don’t usually eat till dinner but if I do have breakfast Its usually old fashioned oats with some raisins for a little sweetness and add some cinnamon. I don’t really want sugar in it. A little vanilla if you wanted some more flavor.
Just mix them in a bowl and boiling water from the kettle. Instant oats get to mushy
@Kidsandliz @rustyh3 @transplant @unksol
If I eat oatmeal I cook them - I can’t stand that raw flour taste. That’s the other thing about the overnight oats - they eat them cold.
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh @rustyh3 @transplant I don’t get any raw flour taste with old fashioned/boiling water. Maybe it’s just me. It is plain of course. Seems to cook fine after a few minutes. That are just not as the ground as the “instant” ones
@transplant but it’s a regular rut!
Just coffee.
Biscuits and gravy. And it shows.
I usually don’t want anything until noon or so, so it could be breakfast stuff or lunch stuff.
Ahahaha breakfast? Isn’t that a myth?
@brainmist It’s what they purportedly eat in that time called “morning.”
A fruit newton like blueberry or strawberry. Get my fiber and the fruit together.
@hchavers Only one?
Instant oatmeal
Oatmeal and a yogurt.
Bacon and eggs, or bacon and oatmeal, or bacon and more bacon, or…
Breakfast Burritos
; Biscuit, Sausage, Egg
& Cheese; French Toast; Blueberry Pancake
w/ Sausage on a Stick; and many other choices!! 
/giphy get in my belly

@IndifferentDude I’ve never understood that phrase: “get in my belly” because why would you want to skip tasting and chewing and swallowing yummy food?
@IndifferentDude @Kyeh So, you’ve never had haggis?
@IndifferentDude @macromeh No, but my friend tried it in Scotland and liked it. I’m assuming anything I want “in my belly” is something I like the taste of!
Two or three packets of pretty much whatever brand of Apple/cinnamon oatmeal plus I toss in a small handful of raisins before I cook it. Then after 2 min 30 sec in the microwave I top it with cold whole milk and eat.
@sicc574 Add walnuts sometime, it’s great!
One from column A, one from column B, one from …
Belvita Soft Baked Banana Bread Biscuits
I love the hard blueberry ones. Never had the soft ones.
@Star2236 I also enjoy the hard blueberry biscuits, but meh wasn’t selling that kind by the case. I’m gonna run out of the soft ones sometime in June.
@Nate311 took me until last month to finally finish those… That I bought here in September (and expired in November)
Except the ones that weren’t sealed right and became barely edible bricks (yes they were still edible), they actually lasted well.
Which breakfast?

/giphy second breakfast
@earl_danger or elevenses?
I eat
cerealsoup.@Kidsandliz “slurry”
(Or be fancy and call it cold porridge)
Eggs, cereal(wheat), waffles, cereal(oats), omelet.
A bagel with cream cheese
Well, my cereal is a mix of about 4-5 different types of cereal. Except on Tuesday when I have Grits.
@mycya4me what makes tuesday grits day?
@catthegreat well they are warm, I like the & they are Qik to fix. Plus I have a Virtual Breakfast with some photography friends on Tuesday, every week & they are Purrrrrfect too. We just might talk about photo stuff or we might mention the word Photography, then talk about other stuff, everything is fair game except the two BIG subjects; P & R.
Weekdays, if I take the time to eat breakfast, it’s usually a healthy smoothie of some sort…Banana, avocado, pineapple, tofu & unsweetened almond milk is today’s action. I try to fast for 14 hours minimum (time between supper/dinner last night & when I eat in the morning) similar to “intermediate fasting” programs, but that’s a story for another day.
@tohar1 well now we’re all invested in this story…
@catthegreat Short but sweet version…I went to the doctor for a physical/check-up. He said you’re getting older (55) & you’re overweight. The latter, we can work on together & do something about it so that you can continue to work on the former. I heard, “lose weight or die–your choice”…Since December 27, 2023, through sustainable (not extreme) diet & exercise, I’ve lost 56 pounds. I’m about 50% of the way to my goal weight, but I know I can continue, and WILL succeed.
@tohar1 wow! i’m glad i asked. that’s fantastic and an impressive start. thanks for the inspiration and keep up the good work!
@catthegreavt @tohar1
Tell us about what kind of diet did your doctor go on?
@phendrick Please check with your doctor before trying anything I mention below!!! This isn’t a “diet” per se, more a modification of your food intake/lifestyle. It might not be for everyone, but it sure has helped me! The primary modifications are eliminating as much as possible the 5-Whites: Sugar, Salt, processed (white) flour (breads/pasta, etc.), Dairy (milk/cheese/butter), & processed (white) Rice. From there, he recommended eliminating processed meats (bacon, sausage, ham, etc.) and adding more fruits & vegetables. I have lots of recipes & ingredients specifically to use instead of the 5-W’s if you’d like any ideas/recommendations. In short, between these modifications & walking 10000-15000 steps per day, most days I’m operating at a calorie deficit (burning more calories than I’m eating). Not endorsing it specifically, but I’ve been using an app called Simple to help track diet, exercise, activity, hydration and most importantly, weight. I also take a once-a-week injection of a drug called Mounjaro in the smallest dose they offer. Doctor told me the Rx would help in the overall health benefits achieved by the other changes.
@tohar1 Thanks for the effort, but you misread my post. I was asking about what diet your doctor went on with you.
I’m guilty of those 5 whites you mentioned but cutting them out at my age would probably be too much of a shock to my body. (At least no beer, to my knowledge, is white.)
At least I am still pretty active. (A lot more than my parents were at my age, and they lived until their late 80’s, on about the same diet.)
@phendrick Oh shoot! Now I get it. Subtle undertones are not my forte!

PS: You don’t have to “cut out” anything just minimize as much as is possible. Whole grains & veggies are good for a person & much healthier than their alternatives…Try it. You might like it.
I love to cook and I love to bake. Two very different skill sets. I’ve been on a biscuit mission recently. When ever I broach the subject of biscuit making people always start with ‘My grandmother used to…’. So, as a 50 year old man, I’m doing my best to become everyone’s favorite grandma.
I try something new each time to gain biscuit wisdom and I think I’m getting in the ballpark. This is very little about recipe… it’s ALL about technique. My biscuit game is getting strong. #CapnGrandma

@capnjb those look like they could do with some strawberries to top them
@capnjb @unksol
Those do look yummy.
@capnjb I’d love to dig into one of those…Hot out of the oven with some butter & honey please. #HeavenOnEarth
@tohar1 When they are just about done, I pull the pan and brush them generously with melted butter then they go back in for 2-3 minutes. I also just made a new batch of hot honey. A pint of honey with 5 sliced habaneros. Seeds and all. It certainly get’s your attention
It is a wonderful combo.
Next on my to-do list is perfecting a sausage gravy. Got to get ready for swim suit season
@capnjb YUM!! I’ve bought the commercial–Mike’s Hot Honey, and liked that, but the idea of habanero peppers would peak my interest! I make pepper jelly to use up any leftover peppers from the garden each Fall. I use that stuff on everything–sweet or savory!! If you ever need an outside source as a taste-tester, I’m willing to help. (Pro-tip: fresh sage & a small amount of real maple syrup will bump up your gravy.)
@tohar1 I do grow sage… (it’s Spring so things are just getting started) so I’ll keep that in mind. And I have Canadian friends so I’ve come to appreciate the difference between maple syrup and syrup.
@capnjb Technique, and tools. I have not yet found a way to replace the process of cutting the butter and flour together with a pastry cutter. And yes, I have tried the methods lauded as perfect using a food processor.
@werehatrack I use my hands
I use Japanese steel to cube up the butter than work through it with all my digits until it’s almost mealy. I make a mean butter crust for pies, but I work that until it’s almost sandy. For biscuits I’ve found leaving it somewhat lumpy yields better results. I’m a fan of the scientific method so I try to learn something every time. 
@capnjb @werehatrack I just use a box grater to shred the chilled cube(s) of butter. Then it is quick work to mix it with the dry ingredients (and further break it down).
@tohar1 So I found these cool little 2 oz jars on Amazon on the cheap.
As soon as I get the motivation to get to the post office, this will be on its way to South Canada.
Use in moderation. 
@capnjb South Canada?!?
I’d never been accused of that before! Thank You again kind Sir!!
@tohar1 I normally refer to Canada as North Mexico. No disrespect intended, it’s just how broken my sense of humor is. South North Mexico doesn’t really roll off the tongue, so you get what you get
I’ll try to put it in the mail this week. I just REALLY hate the post office 
@capnjb @tohar1 I like to refer to my hometown as “South Canada, NY”
@DLPanther @tohar1 Near Buffalo or further North?
@capnjb @tohar1 thoroughly in lake effect territory

@DLPanther @tohar1 Ok… so either off Erie or Ontario. Gotcha.
My mom grew up near Jamestown. She had a horse, a goat and a dog. My grandfather owned the Ford dealership in town back when it was cars and tractors. He loved racing and was very good friends with Richard Petty. He got together with his buddies and built a race track called Satan’s Bowl of Death. Yeah, you can google that, but I’d recommend an InPrivate window so you don’t break your algorithm
It was jalopy racing at it’s finest. 
@capnjb @DLPanther You do both know you just described everyday life in Jamestown, North Dakota, right?
@DLPanther @tohar1 That was the intent.
FWIW @tohar1 I packaged what I intended to send to you (it’s in a google box… you aren’t getting anything from google, so set your expectations low) and have printed a shipping label to the way far away place that you live. I just bought a new coffee roaster and they sent 6 pounds of random raw coffee beans with it. I just roasted a pound of beans from Bali. I normally am a Kenyan bean guy, but we’ll see. You get half, I kept the other half. Haven’t tried it yet but I’m dialing in the new roaster. This was a good test run. I’ve got an Irish wife and she is always very clear that you get what you get and you like what you get.
The hot honey is in there too. I’ve got to get to my daughters softball game after work and it’s in one direction, and the post office is in the opposite. My ADHD/OCD does not like back tracking, but we’ll see if it goes out today. 
@tohar1 Inbound.
A toasted bagel (cinnamon-raisin w/peanut butter or “everything” with a thin slice of sharp cheddar and, if available, tomato and/or avocado). Or oatmeal with mashed banana and peanut butter. And fruit and black coffee.
Rarely, eggs and toast, but I more often eat eggs at lunch when I am more awake and ambitious.
@macromeh When I have breakfast, your two bagel choices are probably closest to what I like.
I can’t handle really rich breakfasts at the start of my day, but I wouldn’t mind them for dinner.
A smoothie, everyday.
@Star2236 YUM!
When I finally “break fast” at 1 or 2 pm after a good 16-18 hour intermittent fast (plain black coffee all morning does not effectively break fast), I do so with something high protein, moderate fat, and low carb. Depending on the day and location, that can be accomplished with bacon and eggs, a protein shake, or portable nutrition (like the beef jerky and sticks meh has offered recently).
@railek With a hamberder?
@railek @rockblossom Those are hyuge good.
i don’t usually. weekends though i eat some cereal or eggs
First it was Kind Bars, then it was Belvita Soft Baked Banana Bread Biscuits, now it’s Nonni’s Individually Wrapped Biscotti cookies
A glass of wine from Casemates
I don’t eat breakfast unless it’s the weekend and that’s kinda rare too.

@swiftiefangirl Get a different kind of calendar so weekends aren’t as rare.
on work days, It’s Coffee, and a bratwurst/sausage of some sort…
Existential dread and maybe a coffee
Australian Gold SPF70 sunscreen
@OnionSoup So this is you?
@Kyeh absolutely not!
That looks like SPF 50 not 70.