The view from the back is…stirring. From the front, though it’s a little awkward. Something about the “dust ruffle” doesn’t seem like it flows quite right aesthetically, but I’m sure it’s aerodynamics are tight. I love the interior, even the F1 steering wheel. That British racing green is soooo sleek. Definitely drool worthy.
ETA: the wheels seem to be somewhat controversial. I love the honeycomb as long as it stays black on black. It might look too busy if there was much contrast.
Ugly from the front corner view. The wheels are reminiscent of the Pontiac Trans-Am wheels circa Smokey and the Bandit. As far as the interior, it’s fine except for the huge afterthought of a LCD panel sticking out like a sore thumb. I think I’d much rather have the new Corvette.
Looks like a cartoon car come to life. You wouldn’t be able to drive it around here though. Pot holes are so big you’d bottom out all the time with so little road clearance.
They made one.
@blaineg too bad - I was going to say “get two”…
My then husband had a Jaguar XKE V12. It was a lot of fun, and hit 60 in first gear.
I want lots of thing - classy and or techie
but none are on my list unless i win the lottery - but oh yeah, first i have to … buy a ticket
@Cerridwyn So what you really want most is a lottery ticket.

if it’s the winner winner chicken dinner
/image chicken dinner
wouldn’t you want it?
@Cerridwyn can’t win if you don’t play!
@Cerridwyn @railek Or if you do (for most values of “can’t”).
Hey @blaineg
I’ll let you drive mine!
As soon as I acquire one.
/giphy drive

@f00l Much appreciated!
@blaineg @f00l I’ll take Ryan Gosling instead…
The view from the back is…stirring. From the front, though it’s a little awkward. Something about the “dust ruffle” doesn’t seem like it flows quite right aesthetically, but I’m sure it’s aerodynamics are tight. I love the interior, even the F1 steering wheel. That British racing green is soooo sleek. Definitely drool worthy.
ETA: the wheels seem to be somewhat controversial. I love the honeycomb as long as it stays black on black. It might look too busy if there was much contrast.
Keep wanting. It’s much more exciting than having.
Ugly from the front corner view. The wheels are reminiscent of the Pontiac Trans-Am wheels circa Smokey and the Bandit. As far as the interior, it’s fine except for the huge afterthought of a LCD panel sticking out like a sore thumb. I think I’d much rather have the new Corvette.
Looks like a cartoon car come to life. You wouldn’t be able to drive it around here though. Pot holes are so big you’d bottom out all the time with so little road clearance.