Two years of abandoned ideas: what should we give up on next?
23As we mention on the front page today, Meh has been a fairly fluid experiment, the core of which is the unchanging One-Deal-A-Deal concept. First we were pretty anti-social media, but then as we started to dip our toes in, we realized “hey, maybe this isn’t so bad.” One day that toe might get pruney and we’ll leave social media entirely, who knows! The future is shrouded in mystery.
If there is one thing that we here at Mediocre are good at, it’s giving up on stuff. We do that because trying is hard, and trying hard is even harder, especially if you fail. Sisyphus would’ve been a lot better off if he had just left the rock and gone home.
It isn’t that we have a defeatist attitude, but if we are going to fail, we want to fail fast so we can move on to our next thing. Or sometimes it just isn’t fun/worth doing. That happens too. Throughout the day I’ll be posting stories of Failed Experiments in this thread; feel free to ask questions and suggest new things for us to try and quickly give up on!
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Let’s start with the Mediocre LabStream. We had talked about doing a podcast for awhile, and finally one day @JonT, @hollboll, @chadp, and I finally got around to making one. Sort of. We bought equipment, tested different cameras, set up a room, and finally launched the first LabStream on April 21st, 2015. Two months later on June 26th, we aired the 6th and final LabStream. This was disappointing to all involved, but not terribly surprising. From the beginning, it was never really clear on what this was supposed to be; a variety show or video podcast? Pre-recorded content or all live? Interact with the audience a lot or supply our own content? In the end it was a mixture of everything. It’s not that the content itself was bad (maybe it was) but viewership was terrible; not only did no one watch them live, but youtube mangled the saved videos for some reason (which you can see here as @JonT ironically talks about the next LabStream that we gave up on), so we ultimately had to throw in the towel. That second LabStream he mentioned? I think we just kinda forgot about it and moved on.
Next: Irk’s Fitness “challenge”
@Moose They always happened when I was working and unable to tune in.
@Moose Was this that silly periscope thing?
@Moose I watched some of them. I wish there were more.
@Moose I didn’t even know about these streams. Did I miss an announcement or something? I probably would have watched
@ninjaemilee I’m with @ninjaemilee on this one. What streams?
@Moose I would listen to a goofy Meh podcast at least once.
Number one…the Fuk-Off. It’s been brought up pretty consistently since the beginning and yet not even a little dabble…is this due to the rigid nature of the ONE daily deal premise?
Seems like you already gave up on sending @Ignorant free fukobukuros
@Ignorant Some changes are for the better.
I think meh should really really really really think about introducing shirts again. I think those weekly contests where one of the funnest things to do on Woot.
The other idea is to limit fuko’s to those that have bought an item from Meh. I’m not sure what the stats look like (maybe everyone whose ever gotten a fuko has bought an item from Meh) but it’d be something to consider.
@DrunkCat That would be really jerky to put something on the main page and only let some people buy it.
Having special offers for VMPs, however, that’s something else entirely.
@DrunkCat I don’t agree. The very first time I came to meh, it was just before midnight and the clock rolled over and I clicked ‘buy’ and had time to enter my card. It worked, and I still remember the electric jolt. I’ve been here ever since, off and on. The VMP perks, however, are nice.
@chacham So… No different then?
@DrunkCat As much as I like shirts, I don’t think this is viable. Mediocre does NOT need to set up the next “shirt.woot” now. Biggest reason - there’s a lot of sites that already does daily shirts, and with the print-on-demand sites that exist nowadays, the options are even greater.
As shirt.woot offers an AA option too, blank quality isn’t a reason to run away from them anymore. And they still have the Derby.
@narfcake None of those reasons really explain why it’s not viable. I thought you were gonna go into shirt distributors or screen printing logistics. Not just say “well, other people already do it.”
Though I realized I should clarify that I think meh should have a shirt derby specifically; not so much the daily shirt thing.
@DrunkCat it’s called market saturation. Screen printing is a volume dependent industry, you need to be able to turn over thousands of shirts every week for it to really be viable. As @narfcake said, there are a plethora of sites doing this shit now, back when shirt.woot started it was one of only a few. The market is fairly well saturated at this point, I’ve seen more shirt sites shut down over the past few years than have opened including the site where I got my favorite star wars shirt.
Further, it’s not a market to enter lightly due to all of the equipment, personnel, and material expenses involved. They’d catch some breaks on packing materials as they already qualify for volume pricing on those but even a single DTG printer costs many thousands of dollars (my figures on this are rather dated, last one the company I worked for looked at started at $30,000 and it wasn’t one with many bells and whistles) and they can only print one shirt at a time. Traditional screen printing is more economical but far less flexible and would only really be viable for doing large batches of shirts at a time.
@DrunkCat When shirt.woot was launched 9 years ago, Threadless was its only major competitor. Design by Humans then came into play, followed by several other like TeeFury, RipT, ShirtPunch, Qwertee, TheYetee, TeeVillain, and even larger companies like Mighty Fine/We Love Fine got into the crowdsourced shirt design market. At the same time, print-on-demand sites means artists can sell their designs themselves, skipping these daily shirt sites completely.
The nonviable part remains that there are a lot of competitors in this field already – and as the resident shirt nerd, I cannot suggest Mediocre to enter where the margins are low and the customer base is one that can easily change (as shirt.woot could attest to).
Granted, that last one was of their own doing. I mean, who could’ve thought that changing the blanks to a cheaper one and ignoring the more petite women right after raising the price could have a negative effect on sales …
@jbartus Thanks, that was a better explanation. I still think market saturation is phooey considering the number of deal sites out there and yet meh is still here. But the logistics of it all do sound daunting.
@DrunkCat Are the other deal sites one item a day? The paradox of choice is what makes meh standout.
The same can’t be said for crowdsourced shirt sites right now, especially with POD sites as a legitimate competitor.
@jbartus Decent DTG printers like the Spectra 3000 can be had for under $10k, but the rest of the equipment still adds up. A bigger criteria is the environment it’s installed in - ambient heat and humidity are super critical with DTG printing.
@narfcake Yeah my info is about 5 years out of date on the pricing, though I was also relating the cost at the time of printers from ah… I don’t want to say reputable… maybe… more renowned names in the industry like Brother?
To be clear I’m not saying Spectra is good, bad, or otherwise, just… you typically pay more for a known and reputable brand so I dunno where Spectra was 5 years ago either.
But yeah, like you said, that’s not counting facilities, employees to operate the machines, packers, QC, etc. etc. etc.
@narfcake Pretty sure one of the key points touted when starting meh was the folly of going back to one deal a day due to saturation of deal sites.
@jbartus I think the guys who formed the company were working at other DTG companies 5 years ago. The machine is based on Epson mechanicals … which has since entered the DTG market themselves too. They’re currently priced at $15k, down from $20k at introduction.
@DrunkCat IIRC, it was listed as one of the risks in the Kickstarter campaign.
@DrunkCat The key thing to keep in mind is that Meh is but one facet of Mediocre’s activities so even if it failed they’d be okay. It also likely doesn’t involve the acquisition of a large volume of climate controlled warehouse space to operate distinct from the space already held for the wholesale operations.
@jbartus Yes, I conceded the actual logistics would be daunting. It’d still be cool to have meh.derby’s if they could figure a way how without making the shirts more than $10.
@DrunkCat the limiting availability of BOCs (as in, how many/what accounts/address/etc could buy one), the charades around it, using it as a marketing tool, then the over abundance - one thing leads to another - that’s what ruined them at woot. Would hate to see that here. And I’ve missed like the last 5.
@meh Oh believe me, meh.derby is the definitely the Picard line. That far, no further.
Some of those not in the industry might get confused by this thread. Just remember, “DTG” is short for “dirty t-shirt generator”.
@Starblind LOL
Direct-To-Garment. Think of an inkjet printer that prints t-shirts.
@chacham that’s a cat of a different color @drunkcat
You should try to please @studerc, then give up, because it’s impossible.
@lichme Ouch Town: Population…me.
RIP LabStream! Still some of my very fondest memories, it was a blast and hosting it with @moose @hollboll and @chadp was an honor and a privilege. ❤️
@JonT I also loved watching the streams whenever I could.
@JonT I had a great time drinking beer that one time!
Have you all given up yet on sanity? If not, why not?
If you still have all your wits about you, that’s indefensible.
Yes… I need to know what happened with Irk’s Fitness Challenge.
@BillLehecka I was just thinking about Irk’s Fitness Challenge last week, wondering if anything had every happened with it that I entirely missed. But not enough to do a search. So yeah, this is ideal.
I’m sure I’ll be hated for this (it might even be worthy of goat status), but I actually, truly, honestly enjoyed the fuku|o with the 47 (I think it was, or maybe 53? both of those numbers are floating in my head) CAPTCHAs. The feeling when I finally got to click the green button was awesome!
I’m not saying to do that specific thing over again, but making us work to get a fuku|o seems somehow appropriate. The people who think it should be easier and for everyone really just DO. NOT. GET. IT.
@baqui63 Or they were on their phones…
@baqui63 I competed all the captchas on my ipad and it still said I was a robot. It was unfixable. And I didn’t want to quit and start over to see if it was sold out. So you might think that’s a fun idea but I didn’t.
@sammydog01 I’m curious: did you also answer the poll (saying you were not a robot)?
@baqui63 Yes I did. At least if it sells out you know it right away. I spent 15 minutes trying to redo captchas I had already completed.
@baqui63 OK, retro whining over.
@baqui63 I guess I got lucky and hit the correct Captcha right off the bat. Now the Fuko that came up on my birthday in May didn’t believe I wasn’t a robot.
I think it’s about time for Meh to give up on the slash commands. Just sayin’…
/youtube what you talkin’ bout willis?
/giphy no way
/youtube hater’s gonna hate
how about you guys giving up on holding out on Sending @studerc his Prizes… I think we all know who’s to Blame for that @hollboll…
Way back in December of 2014, Irk challenged meh users to a six-month fitness challenge. Sign up, and after six months of weight loss (or otherwise) you were to come dance in swimwear in front of a camera for better or worse, which would then be put up on the front page for all to see. A couple months later, Irk reminded everyone with a list of those who volunteered. Finally, just before the end of the six months, Irk brought it up one more time, with his own little dance. Nothing else ever happened, because we didn’t actually expect anyone to volunteer in the first place. We weren’t about to film a bunch of random people dancing in their bathing suits, not to mention putting that up next to something we’re trying to sell. Seriously who would’ve guessed people would actually sign up for this crap?
@Moose Hey, don’t underestimate people. I still await the return of Drinking Terribly.
@DrunkCat I still have banana schnapps from Drinking Terrible. I do miss it. And thank you Meh for not following through with the weight loss challenge. Some things do not need to be seen.
@DrunkCat Me too! I mean, I understand that @matthew has to taken care of his liver, and stomach, and kidneys, and every other part of the body potentially destroyed by Drinking Terrible, but I will wait forever for more.
I just want to say I enjoy the 'possum head chronicles and I’m glad you didn’t give up on those.
@ninjaemilee Still waiting on that beaver though.
@DrunkCat Giggidy
you could give up on the name of your website
@meh lolololol
Last one. was created with aspirations of having a daily deal site for drones. It later turned out that there wasn’t much for us to buy, but we were excited about it at the time and introduced first as a discussion forum. We mentioned it a few times in front page writeups, and we quietly had a DJI Phantom for sale for a little while, but like with drones themselves, the fun wore off after awhile and we got bored with it and moved on. Now it is a forum for like three dudes who just chitchat about gimbles or whatever and can communicate almost entirely by acronyms.
@Moose Woo! All my favorites were spared!
Well free ice cream to those locked out of Fukobukuros is probably not a good idea due to the constraints imposed by smartpost.
/giphy Shut-up-and-take-my-money
Stop focusing on those who actually post and instead on those weirdos who just buy random stuff they don’t need only. Some of us are too busy organizing our meh hoard to post!
@Moose One abandoned Meh idea I’m curious about was the thread/contest where the community was supposed to suggest a new video series. As far as I know there was never any follow up. Were the ideas just all too unworkable or what?
@Starblind It wasn’t part of that contest, but Ask Irk came from a random suggestion I made back in the day.
@Starblind It was mostly just lack of motivation and effort. @Matthew is the only full-time video guy and isn’t in Texas, so a lot of ideas had to be done during @chadp’s and my spare time. There have been a lot of video series ideas pitched (inside that thread and internally) that just didn’t get followthrough because of the time and effort it would take. The top comment was for Dramatic Readings, and we got as far as getting a costume, but once it came to making a set, it just got forgotten. We might come back to it someday, but… eh.
@Moose I love dramatic readings.
Give up on Irk dolls…I would rather have a Glen sock puppet.