Mediocre Live Stream – 4/21 @ 5pm Eastern
24Join us tomorrow at 5:00pm EDT for our very first Mediocre live stream (official name TBD)!
What are we gonna talk about? You’ll have to tune in and see!
That there embed of the stream will work as soon as we go live so you can watch right here on the forums! We’ll want to interact with you and get your feedback (duh) so @Moose will be monitoring the @WeAreMeh Twitter and YouTube chat if you prefer to watch there and chat live.
We need your suggestions!
@hollboll and I will be playing a game on a future stream and we need team names. We'll pick names live on this stream based on your suggestions!
The top two starred comments will be our team names we’ll challenge each other in a game of chance/skill to see who gets to pick the one they want, or more likely, assign the worse of the two to the other person. The top 2 starred comments will also get a prize. Eventually.
We're all very excited to start streaming for y'all and we hope to see you there!
- 108 comments, 66 replies
- Comment
Irkinators. I await my eventual prize.
@sohmageek Please, this.
@sohmageek not winning anymore.
Team Furious Lunchmeat:
(i give you permission to use this image as well)
Team Breakfast Octopi!
@dashcloud I like this one. Happy memories of GISHWHES or however it's spelled!
@dashcloud but morning Takoyaki sounds weird.
Team Butt Station
Team Fuku and Team No Fuku
Or Team Fuko
Team Toow
Team East Coast vs. Team West Coast
Team Troll
Team Worm
Team Maybe It Bothers Me More Than It Should vs Team Drinking Terrible With Meh
@dashcloud For the sake of brevity, I offer a similar suggestion:
Team Drinking Terrible vs. Team Komedy Kornhole
Team Purple (what else?)
@Barney purple team, duh
@Lotsofgoats Oh.
@Lotsofgoats purple parrots?
@Barney vs. Team Georgia Red?
@KatyG Good idea!
@Barney As long as I'm on this team, nothing else matters!
Purple Goats vs. Georgia Red Chupacabras
Purple Fuko Goats vs. Georgia Red Fuku Chupacabras
@Barney team magenta
Team Mehricans (or something.. I need to come up with something better)
Team Irk
Team Glenn
Cat Wranglers
The Bearded Ladies
Team Something Went Terribly Wrong
Team Goat
Team Cheer Up, Sucker!
Team erlenmeyer
So, just when I leave work. Swell.
Hoping you're on for more than an hour so I can catch some of it.
Team Mehpple.
@ACraigL I'm leaving work then also... Something with my wife in Texas for training and I have to take care of the baby...
There's No I in Meh
The Forum People Gave the Most Stars to This Terrible Team Name
Team Tequila Mockingbird
Team Here for Beer
Team Cunning Stunts
(post made by @MrsPavlov via proxy - @Pavlov phoned in his suggestion)
FYI: East coast peeps: You win this round. California will still be at work.
@Collin1000 I'm east coast and I'll still be at work.
@Collin1000 @Jqubed apparently Californians aren't in the office at 5pm
Team Don't goat me bro
Team: Age Mutant Ninja Turtles
Team Goat Fukurs
Team People Who Have Yet to Receive Their Prizes
Team People Who Received Their Prizes.
I'm not into brevity. Fuck that.
Mediocre v. Meh
Experi.mehntal League
Deep fried poodle fur
The Bukuroos
The Woot-offs! For sentimental old good times that are now long ago and can't be recaptured now matter how hard they try.
Team Unexceptional and Team Undistinguished
The TL;DRs!
Team Mehrica
Team Glen vs Team Irk
@Brooklyn11218 - Puppets vs Muppets?
The Himps and Poes
Snot Rockets
Chiefs of Mediocrity
Team Jacob vs Team Edward
I'll show myself out.
Lanters vs cameras
Titty sprinkles?
The Aristocrats!
@nadroj Bless you. :-)
If we are saying both
Team fukubukuro
Team Mehrican community exchange
I recommend the Blue Barracudas (because they were obviously the best), but any of the following would work just as well.
@Willijs3 I just want to make sure you are getting the respect you deserve for this post.
Team Amanda Hugnkiss
Speaker docks
Yes! Yes! More livestreams!!!
I'll be at the dentist. Want me to live stream that back to you?
Team Jaunty Hobble
The Hollbollywood Dancers
Jaunty JonT's Honkey Donkeys
Team utsubukuro
The Octopus Alliance for Better Morning Meals
The important question is: Will the stream be saved and made available to us afterwards for the inevitable gif opportunities?
@medz Yes it will!
@JonT So where is the url to it?
@Kidsandliz The link up top should work, if not here it is:
@dashcloud thank you - I as confused with the one on top going black and silent for a while thinking there was nothing there.
The Slippery Nips
Team: Impulse Buy
Team: Buyers Remorse
Or maybe the Impulse versus the Remorse...
Meh and Hem
Goatsuckers! (AKA whip-poor-will.)
Georgia Reds
Team: I can't believe I waited up for this.
Team: Meaty Ogres
Just a reminder. Going live in 40 Minutes.
@ChadP 30 Min
Team brownstarr
So excited! Set up the computer in front of the tv so I can watch this and The People's Court simultaneously!
Team Snapster tries again
I accept bribes to interrupt the live stream with nonsense. Mostly in the form of stars and candy. Taking all bids.
You're all too late. That said, I still accept bribes.
Best time for live stream: 2pm Central
This was a good time for me, but I usually have Tuesdays off (can't imagine that's true of all of the viewing public). A little later in the day would be ideal, but I'm sure you like to leave work.
I gave up on the live stream about 2 hours in. There was just too much nudity. I don't mind it if it's integral to the plot, but some of it was clearly just for shock value.
@Starblind i agree. though i do admit the scene with the dominatrix and the parrot was very amusing.
@carl669 I'm glad I'm not the one who has to clean up all those feathers.
@Starblind The gopher who dealt baccarat was a surprising reveal. I thought for sure the walrus was behind it all.
@Starblind Personally, I think some of the language was a little rough (who says the "X word" in public?). I don't know. But, I will give credit where it's due, the emerging market analysis and 40 minute detailed summary of supply chain management were on point.
@hart I'm shocked they were able to book The Solid Gold Dancers. They haven't aged!
@hart True. And I've never seen an emerging market analysis done on a Slip 'N' Slide before. That was innovative.
Well I feel sheepish. I have the chat open on my laptop, but pulled up the live stream on the t.v. in the living room and had everyone gather round. Thirteen minutes later they all thought I was crazy and went back eating dinner. Well played Meh, well played indeed.
@xarous I thought it was implied, if not explicitly stated, this was to be a Meh Society of Hoarders (MSOH) meeting. Outsiders admitted only after signing up for VMP.
Mediocre Entertaining Hocking = Drunk History + HSN
Just don't make it at night, anytime during your workday is best. Although the shoe would be on the other foot if we get to keep you guys up until midnight every night, hmmmm...
There's potential, kids. There's potential.
-I'd create an opening credit sequence. Maybe @matthew can help.
-I'd like to think of this as a shakedown show. I want to learn more about the staffers. Maybe ever have a pre-taped package.
-You should have prepared topics. Perhaps have a guest on doing wacky things or talking about favorite things that have happened to them or even Brushes with Greatness.
-Maybe even do product demos, but not like boring ones, like maybe use today's deal as something not as its intended purpose.
-More beer.
-Also should be closing credits.
Too short. But there is opportunity here.
@BillLehecka Thanks for your input!
@BillLehecka Did you catch today's product cameo in today's stream?
@BillLehecka I liked how brief it was!
Did it end at 16:25? Because I started to watch at about 16:22.
Please, everyone. A moment of silence for those who lost their jobs due to The Drawing.
@Starblind It seems @snapster is missing 4 limbs.
@Starblind the Angry eyebrows are a perfect representation of @snapster
@Starblind ...never seen him before, yeah, right.
@xarous he rules from on high. Seldom mingling with the commoners. Some question if he is even a real person or meerly an ecommerce fairy tale.
You should have the loser of the game you play do something- maybe drink some of one of @matthew's Drinking Terrible creations?
@dashcloud that's just sick and evil and wrong... especially if they have to drink the mayonnade. i like it!
I'd like to see some De-meh-litions on camera.
Could call it "Happy Hour" Think about it Happy hour is a part of the day that most people look forward to, It doesn't have to be a full hour (can be more or less).
@Foxborn ...Or alternatively, "Crappy Hour"
@Starblind I already have Mediocre Midnight.
Mini lab minutes (mini lab hour)
"It's mediocre at best."
I love 5 pm est with more planning I could have made today work. But didn't get enough time for today with the wife In Texas.
@JonT @hollboll question: (I know I'm late but maybe next time or in a comment) breakfast that's spicy. How about a wasabi roll... :)
Also when will we have more speaker docks for sale or something else fun like the built ny?
What if you did stunts, like going to a batting cage and trying to hit a 90mph fast ball?
@Kevin just bring the pitching machine to the office!
@medz yeah! You could do all sorts of stuff with it!
"Meh'd Talks"
@bransonboyds - My thought exactly, you beat me to it.
Meth (labs)
Mediocre entertainment talk hour figure out if you want labs at the end or not :p
Did anyone else wait around after the end long enough to see the teaser for the next episode? Holy smoke I didn't expect that!
if it's not to elim-meh-nators.....
I think you should have us all suggest answers to your CS emails in the forum. Maybe presented like an advice segment.
Sorry I missed all the fun. I like Team Badass
@hollboll and @jonT good job! I don't think people can truly appreciate the terror that accompanies doing a live stream like this unless they've done something similar. So big ups to you both for getting through this with no one throwing up! I'll definitely be back for episode 2.
Enjoyed the live streaming. Thank you for this. Very happy that @hollboll will be Team Purple. Disappoint that @JonT did not choose to be Team Purple after winning Rock, Paper, Scissors. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!?! Overall, live streaming was pretty good, but needs more purple.
@Barney Everything needs more purple. :)
@narfcake True, the world would be a happier place.
Why not do a Family-Feud type game- survey Meh community members, and then have staffers try to figure out which answer a community mehmber gave?
How about the Annals of Applied Mediocrity for a title? And 8 EST or later would work better for me. I really enjoyed the live cast, although on time delay. I'm looking forward to Cards Against Humanity.
@sammydog01 I agree that later would be best, but earlier could work as well.. 5pm EST is when I'm leaving work, and I have an hour commute.. So it's the worst possible time. I could try and watch from work if it was earlier, but later would be best!!
@sammydog01 I initially read this as the "Anals of Applied Mediocrity". That's certainly one way to get viewers.
@Starblind eeewwww, I don't think I'd watch that.
@kadagan Yah, I'm chauffeuring kids from 3 to 7. But I'd watch the rerun if I missed it.
@sammydog01 @starblind I'm not sure I'd want to be in that...
I'm so sad I missed this live.
Team Do I have to?
This was pretty awesome to put a face to @jont and @hollboll.
Team Daryl vs team blame carl
@msujp i see that you tried blaming me without me knowing. you bastard.
Lab Rat Summit (or Su-meh-t)
@KatyG Meh-ting of the Minds
@KatyG Or just call it Free Beer. Then you'd probably have good attendance.
You wanted science. How about Team Plasticator
( I own the domain name I give you permission to use it.
My self invented definition is a manufacturer of plastic
devices that have sexual uses
Something mediocre you say? How about "16fps"? It's accurate, vague, and sounds just barely watchable.
@JerseyFrank for some reason the recorded playback is way choppier than while we were live. I kinda like the idea though.
@JonT as "one of us," I was entertained. With the name, I'm just aiming "down the middle" in the spirit of mediocrity.
Also, I'm typing like a "Zagat" guide "editor"