Mediocre Live Stream – 4/21 @ 5pm Eastern


Join us tomorrow at 5:00pm EDT for our very first Mediocre live stream (official name TBD)!

What are we gonna talk about? You’ll have to tune in and see!

That there embed of the stream will work as soon as we go live so you can watch right here on the forums! We’ll want to interact with you and get your feedback (duh) so @Moose will be monitoring the @WeAreMeh Twitter and YouTube chat if you prefer to watch there and chat live.

We need your suggestions!

@hollboll and I will be playing a game on a future stream and we need team names. We'll pick names live on this stream based on your suggestions!

The top two starred comments will be our team names we’ll challenge each other in a game of chance/skill to see who gets to pick the one they want, or more likely, assign the worse of the two to the other person. The top 2 starred comments will also get a prize. Eventually.

We're all very excited to start streaming for y'all and we hope to see you there!