@SpaceBreak Look at this lovingly crafted piece of shit. Look at the texturing of its form, its toilet paper cloth-like bow tie. Look upon it, and weep.
We should have a forum contest to see who can guess its surely horrible Rotten Tomato score at some point after launch (when do the ratings usually settle a bit?)
I’m going a little high on this since I imagine critics will review it for what it is, which is a terribly generic family film based on a vaguely trendy and awfully bland concept. Compare to the Angry Birds movie, which got 44%.
@Pavlov Not a single positive review yet on RT - and, the word “meh” comes up in more than a handful of reviews. Just like most every other movie in 2017 so far (with two notable exceptions), this movie sucks. It is a pretty disappointing year at the theater - so far. My previous comment in this thread obviously being sarcasm; I do still have high hopes for several films to be released later this year.
@snapster The old man says that he thinks most of the reviews are still embargoed and the movie has not technically opened yet, so I’ll put my best guess at 4-7% positive after one week.
Only if you’re going to promise to be my escort for the afternoon matinee, my sweet, dear, @narfcake.
Of course, you’d have to make it past @Pavlov. Or we could wait for him to go out of town.
But be warned, I will turn it on hard and then egregiously blue ball you like no one ever has before, or ever will again, and do it only for suggesting that I actually go and sit through this fucking rubbish.
- maybe you’ll get to see my
<insert evil grin here>, as the old man likes to say.
This movie might be right in Mediocre’s wheel house…
“There could be far worse ways to spend 86 minutes. But maybe, just maybe, it’d be the better choice to spend those 86 minutes outside, or reading a book, or talking face-to-face with another human being. Because The Emoji Movie could not be more meh.”
I so dread this. We at least need some fans to edit us in the Meh Wikipedia entry before we’re thought of as emulating this crap.
Tell that to Captain Poocard.
(I blame @moose.)
I really wish they’d stop turning shit no one cares about into movies. I have three kids, 6, 8 and 9. Even they think the movie looks stupid
@SpaceBreak Look at this lovingly crafted piece of shit. Look at the texturing of its form, its toilet paper cloth-like bow tie. Look upon it, and weep.
It’s tough to read your post, through my tears.
We should have a forum contest to see who can guess its surely horrible Rotten Tomato score at some point after launch (when do the ratings usually settle a bit?)
@snapster 27%

I’m going to go with a surprisingly high: 53%
Not sure why.
@snapster 39%.
I’m going a little high on this since I imagine critics will review it for what it is, which is a terribly generic family film based on a vaguely trendy and awfully bland concept. Compare to the Angry Birds movie, which got 44%.
@snapster 74% positive, hell, it’ll be certified fresh.
@snapster 0.0
@snapster 48% generally after a week of normal release the rotten tomato score stays within 1% of the eventual score
@Pavlov Not a single positive review yet on RT - and, the word “meh” comes up in more than a handful of reviews. Just like most every other movie in 2017 so far (with two notable exceptions), this movie sucks. It is a pretty disappointing year at the theater - so far. My previous comment in this thread obviously being sarcasm; I do still have high hopes for several films to be released later this year.
@snapster 11%
@ACraigL - Hey, you stole mine!

Now I have to go with 1%. Oh well, it would be funny if 1 of us is right.
Good luck!
Ugh, even the bad reviews are bad.
@snapster The old man says that he thinks most of the reviews are still embargoed and the movie has not technically opened yet, so I’ll put my best guess at 4-7% positive after one week.
@MrsPavlov I doth think you are being quite generous there, sweetie.
You rolled a total of 3
/roll 1d100
@narfcake great roll. that was risky
@snapster It worked amazingly well last time, so why question it, right?
i’m going with 11.1%. for that is the number of the book. so say we all.
@snapster 21%
@snapster The movie is at 7% - What did I win? HA!
@MrsPavlov @snapster I think the grand prize is one matinee ticket to go “experience” it for yourself.
Only if you’re going to promise to be my escort for the afternoon matinee, my sweet, dear, @narfcake.
Of course, you’d have to make it past @Pavlov. Or we could wait for him to go out of town.
But be warned, I will turn it on hard and then egregiously blue ball you like no one ever has before, or ever will again, and do it only for suggesting that I actually go and sit through this fucking rubbish.
<insert evil grin here>, as the old man likes to say.
@MrsPavlov Alas, I must decline. I have to … uhhh, do the laundry.

@MrsPavlov Um . . . .
Although . . . that was pretty sexy.
8 out of 100 on metacritic
it is literally the 18th WORST rated movie of ALL TIME on metacritic
Three reviews:
@KDemo You missed:
@SSteve - Yours is really the only one needed.
Ok, that first one is a good bad review:
If you haven’t seen this tweet, it seems to encompass the range of reviews quite nicely:

/giphy poochie
Perfect gif. First try.
@thismyusername The sarcasm is strong with this one. Watched the whole thing. Much more entertaining than the movie, I’m sure.
This movie might be right in Mediocre’s wheel house…
“There could be far worse ways to spend 86 minutes. But maybe, just maybe, it’d be the better choice to spend those 86 minutes outside, or reading a book, or talking face-to-face with another human being. Because The Emoji Movie could not be more meh.”
July 27, 2017 | Full Review…
Katie Walsh
/youtube Mythbusters polish turd
Here’s a thread from January (there was a discussion in another thread at about the same time, but I can’t recall right now which thread it was in):
@mflassy Try searching the forums for “meh”. Or “emoji”. It’s got to come right up!