Ain’t that the truth. Whenever I take their surveys there’s the question that’s “is this coffee worth what you paid?” I always rate that 0 stars bc it’s never worth $10 a cup.
I actually have a story for this. As many of you know I am a coffee junkie. And a coffee snob. I like good quality coffee. A few years back I was in the hospital and had to have an emergency appendectomy. And of course that means nothing by mouth for a while pre-op and for certain amount of time post up and I ended up with a really bad caffeine headache. It’s particular hospital is one that does not serve coffee routinely. It’s religious thing for them. It’s a good hospital but some of the faith-based things are kind of odd. I told the nurse that I had a pounding headache and the only thing they had ordered for me was morphine well I’m not going to take morphine for a coffee headache. I asked her do you have any coffee out there. She said yes but it was made about 10 hours ago I told her I don’t care. It’ll take care of the headache. It was most awful thing to pass my mouth. But it took care of the headache it still was coffee and so I often say it was the best worst or worst best coffee I have ever had
@Cerridwyn I had something similar with a vending machine chicken salad sandwich in a basement hospital staff lounge. Sometimes just the thing your body needs is so good even when you know it’s really not.
@Cerridwyn@Kyeh I’ve had them in the past when I regularly drank the high-octane stuff from the communal pot at work. Now I usually drink half-caf and I don’t get the withdrawals if I miss a fix.
@yakkoTDI That reminds me! One of my favorite airplane types is the MD-88. I flew on a few of them with Delta before COVID killed them off…the first one I flew on was N956DL, and that airframe is now a coffee shop in Miami! It’s called Sky Coffee Buenos Aires, and I really need to get down there and check it out. Gotta show them the pic I took of me in 956’s cockpit while she was in service!
@Tadlem43@yakkoTDI It seems to be a worldwide concept, with varying degrees of success. There is a pretty well-known one in New Zealand - a McDonald’s partly inside a DC-3!
The cup when you’re out in the field, working an event or a disaster relief site or whatever else happened, and the coffeemaker in the command vehicle or trailer or whatever hasn’t been cleaned (possibly ever?) and the grounds are probably expired and might have been at the time they were first put into the vehicle, but it’s close enough to caffeine to keep the team going for another hour or so. The relief on people’s faces when they get a cup of imitation coffee during a long shift is amazing.
In the early 80’s during college a friend of mine and I would occasionally drink General Mills International House of Coffee’s. We thought it was so decadent and adult. Now I wouldn’t touch that junk.
I’m retired on a limited income, so I brew mine at home for breakfast, grinding the beans every day, and using an OxO 8 cup drip coffee maker. It’s not az easy to use as a Ninja or Mr. Coffee, but the OxO brings out the flavor and aroma. The other brands don’t, in my experience.
I’m not a coffee snob. But I’d rather not have coffee than have a cup of coffee I don’t like. If it’s not a dark roast, I don’t want it. Whereas I usually do make mine in the French Press with freshly ground beans… I’m fine with a K-Cup in a rush, or a pour over, with no-name beans. It just has to be the right roast for me.
If A, B, & C would’ve been an option. D is definitely out; just something weird about the hotel room coffee maker. I’d rather meander down to the lobby and get that weak, watered-down, masquerade for coffee than mess with the in-room device.
If you really knew Truck Stops, They have some good food & drinks. they have to the folks that drive the Trucks would avoid them & the news would travel fast!
Why would you drink Starbu…errrr…I mean bad coffee?
@yakkoTDI I’ve had bad Starbucks, and good Starbucks. What I haven’t had is reasonably priced starbucks.
@OnionSoup @yakkoTDI
Ain’t that the truth. Whenever I take their surveys there’s the question that’s “is this coffee worth what you paid?” I always rate that 0 stars bc it’s never worth $10 a cup.
@OnionSoup @Star2236 @yakkoTDI wow what beverage at sbuxx are you having? admittedly, i usually have their plain coffee, but…
@catthegreat @OnionSoup @yakkoTDI
Sorry like $6.50 for a latte, I can’t drink their coffee it’s strong for me and gives me a stomach and headache.
The one when sitting across from a good friend early in the morning.
@hchavers, why is that bad coffee?
@kittykat9180 the bad coffee maker shall go unnamed, even though they have a good seating area
To those who don’t do coffee, all of them may be unrankably bad.
@werehatrack I was trying to decide if I should respond
I actually have a story for this. As many of you know I am a coffee junkie. And a coffee snob. I like good quality coffee. A few years back I was in the hospital and had to have an emergency appendectomy. And of course that means nothing by mouth for a while pre-op and for certain amount of time post up and I ended up with a really bad caffeine headache. It’s particular hospital is one that does not serve coffee routinely. It’s religious thing for them. It’s a good hospital but some of the faith-based things are kind of odd. I told the nurse that I had a pounding headache and the only thing they had ordered for me was morphine well I’m not going to take morphine for a coffee headache. I asked her do you have any coffee out there. She said yes but it was made about 10 hours ago I told her I don’t care. It’ll take care of the headache. It was most awful thing to pass my mouth. But it took care of the headache it still was coffee and so I often say it was the best worst or worst best coffee I have ever had
@Cerridwyn I had something similar with a vending machine chicken salad sandwich in a basement hospital staff lounge. Sometimes just the thing your body needs is so good even when you know it’s really not.
@Cerridwyn Yeah, I get those headaches!
@Cerridwyn @Kyeh I’ve had them in the past when I regularly drank the high-octane stuff from the communal pot at work. Now I usually drink half-caf and I don’t get the withdrawals if I miss a fix.
@Cerridwyn @macromeh I usually only drink a 12-oz. mug, fairly strong, to start my day. But if I miss that sure enough, that headache shows up.
Quite logical:
The best bad cup of coffee is the worst cup of coffee set in front of you and that you didn’t drink.
The one that involves an airplane, by default.
@yakkoTDI That reminds me! One of my favorite airplane types is the MD-88. I flew on a few of them with Delta before COVID killed them off…the first one I flew on was N956DL, and that airframe is now a coffee shop in Miami! It’s called Sky Coffee Buenos Aires, and I really need to get down there and check it out. Gotta show them the pic I took of me in 956’s cockpit while she was in service!
@PooltoyWolf @yakkoTDI There used to be a restaurant in New Orleans that was an old airplane.
Really neat place to go!
@Tadlem43 @yakkoTDI It seems to be a worldwide concept, with varying degrees of success. There is a pretty well-known one in New Zealand - a McDonald’s partly inside a DC-3!
@PooltoyWolf @Tadlem43 @yakkoTDI Yeah, I’ve seen that McDonalds but didn’t eat there (it’s still a McDonalds, after all
@macromeh @Tadlem43 @yakkoTDI And I love eating at McDonald’s!
I’ve heard bad things about airline hot water. Not going to touch the hot drinks.
The cup when you’re out in the field, working an event or a disaster relief site or whatever else happened, and the coffeemaker in the command vehicle or trailer or whatever hasn’t been cleaned (possibly ever?) and the grounds are probably expired and might have been at the time they were first put into the vehicle, but it’s close enough to caffeine to keep the team going for another hour or so. The relief on people’s faces when they get a cup of imitation coffee during a long shift is amazing.
In the early 80’s during college a friend of mine and I would occasionally drink General Mills International House of Coffee’s. We thought it was so decadent and adult. Now I wouldn’t touch that junk.
@growyoungagain Yesss! My sister and I loved the Suisse Mocha after dinner.
The best coffee for me is no coffee.
I’m retired on a limited income, so I brew mine at home for breakfast, grinding the beans every day, and using an OxO 8 cup drip coffee maker. It’s not az easy to use as a Ninja or Mr. Coffee, but the OxO brings out the flavor and aroma. The other brands don’t, in my experience.
Every cup of coffee is bad because coffee is gross.
I’m not a coffee snob. But I’d rather not have coffee than have a cup of coffee I don’t like. If it’s not a dark roast, I don’t want it. Whereas I usually do make mine in the French Press with freshly ground beans… I’m fine with a K-Cup in a rush, or a pour over, with no-name beans. It just has to be the right roast for me.
is made from Folgers crystals
If A, B, & C would’ve been an option. D is definitely out; just something weird about the hotel room coffee maker. I’d rather meander down to the lobby and get that weak, watered-down, masquerade for coffee than mess with the in-room device.
If you really knew Truck Stops, They have some good food & drinks. they have to the folks that drive the Trucks would avoid them & the news would travel fast!