Hey guys. Thanks for showing up and I wish you all the best of luck in the deliveries to come. I have them all in place (SideDeal notices should reach you soon if they haven’t already), and they should go out with the rest of the Meh-rathon goods. Enjoy your holiday week!
As always, thank you @extramedium
@mbersiam Who sez we’re ungrateful?
@Kyeh i felt really mean saying it
but it stays
Happy Irkvember!


@cbilyak I’m jealous how how yours is so much sharper.
@Bretterson both of ours are great, no need to be jelly since we are both awesome!
Not gonna let Friday get in the way this time…
Wasn’t late, for a nice change from my usual.
@f00l Wow, early!
I’m so over thanksgiving this year- just bring on Christmas.

Thanks Meh and @ExtraMedium!
I’m out of town where we just got lots of snow. Luckily I logged in or I would’ve missed this. Thank you @extramedium.
I guess I didn’t feel something in the air. Thanks!

Thappy thanksgiving Meh. Love ya! Thank you so much
Thank you so much for always being there for us.

Santa Irk wishes everyone a very meh X-mass.
@die13lda That’s so great!
His face is a perfect fit!
Just realized I didn’t have the date or website visible, so I’m covering my bases in case Irk’s outfit isn’t enough.
I’m thankful!

Whew! Thanksgiving break has finally arrived!

Not ungrateful! 🫶
@brainmist, are you going to join us?
Thanks, @kyeh! I almost missed it!
The pup is not amused…
@brainmist Awww, pretty pup!
Almost ran out of time and have to wake up for work in 5 hours. Thank you Meh, Thank you @ ExtraMedium.
@bady my phone is being weird. Picture is below.
Happy Holidays!
Hey guys. Thanks for showing up and I wish you all the best of luck in the deliveries to come. I have them all in place (SideDeal notices should reach you soon if they haven’t already), and they should go out with the rest of the Meh-rathon goods. Enjoy your holiday week!