Thanks Meh.

russellwilde thought this was worth mentioning said

After sleeping about an hour tonight I was awoken by a high pitched shrill alarm which also set off my high pitched shrill 2 year old.

Assuming it was a smoke detector I raced around looking for fire, seeing/smelling no smoke I quieted the child and went searching for the source of the alarm.

Those stupid green frog leak detectors I got in a fuko were the culprit, only I don’t think they’re stupid anymore. My washing machine apprears to have a problem because it was flooding my laundry room.

I’ll figure out that problem in the morning but thanks to meh. I only had a little mess that required a couple towels instead of the nightmare I would have woken up to. Best $5 I’ve ever spent. Thank you.

Has meh. saved anyone else’s bacon?