Thanks Meh.
35After sleeping about an hour tonight I was awoken by a high pitched shrill alarm which also set off my high pitched shrill 2 year old.
Assuming it was a smoke detector I raced around looking for fire, seeing/smelling no smoke I quieted the child and went searching for the source of the alarm.
Those stupid green frog leak detectors I got in a fuko were the culprit, only I don’t think they’re stupid anymore. My washing machine apprears to have a problem because it was flooding my laundry room.
I’ll figure out that problem in the morning but thanks to meh. I only had a little mess that required a couple towels instead of the nightmare I would have woken up to. Best $5 I’ve ever spent. Thank you.
Has meh. saved anyone else’s bacon?
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A few times. Crawl space sump pump. Water heater. Water pump. Those little amphibians are worth their weight in gold.
@mfladd Lets see:
Leak Frog Weight: 3.7oz
3.7oz = 3.3724 Troy ounces
3.3724 x $1,319.71 = $4,450.59 weight in gold.
So, I would have to agree, they are definitely worth their weight in gold. They could easily help prevent far more $ in damage.
@MrMark goodness… it is tooooo early in the morning for complicated thinking like that!!
I had the same “what the hell is that sound” response and was getting angry about how it had to be some false alarm, when I discovered the gutter outside the house had somehow separated and was feeding a torrent of rain right into the basement.
Yep under the sink. Mine is quiet, I am not sure I could classify the sound as shrill. Our leakfrog starts conversations like:
Do you hear that? Where is it coming from? What is it?
I am pretty sure it would not wake me up.
I have the frogs from Woot!.
While not leakfrog related, meh saved the day when my son, who still believes in Santa, asked for a remote control helicopter about a week before Christmas. Next day, meh had one for sale and I still think @hollboll had a hand in getting it to us in time to surprise the kid. Yes, I could have bought one somewhere else, but that late in the game, the budget is exhausted. So this fit in the price range too.
The kid still believes in Santa – when will it end??? (torn here, between hoping soon and hoping never)
@mikibell Enjoy it! It’s so much more fun when they still believe. I miss those days.
@pitamuffin I agree wholeheartedly, but he is too darn smart to hide things from… it is getting very challenging. I think this might be the last year… if it hasn’t happened already. He still snuggles with his mom, so I will just hold on tight for a few more years.
@mikibell Wait until you get this… must have been around 4th grade and my kid asked me if there was Santa. I asked her what she thought. She said probably not, can’t get around the world that fast. I then told her the truth. Then Christmas eve she told me she decided she was going to believe in Santa anyway (no doubt for insurance). So all the tags I had changed from Santa to from me I had to change them all back. When she opened one of those Santa gifts the next morning, she looked at me and her grandmother and said, “Thank you Santa, mom, whoever”… LOL
All these leakfrog stories and here I sit frogless.
/giphy you all suck

@DrunkCat yea, srsly, when/how did i miss that sale?
Everybody loves the froggies! Mine still stands guard, ever vigilant.
I got 2 LeakFrogs in a Fuko & they have been guarding the basement utility room & basement bathroom ever since. I hope they never start to scream… Thank You meh!
Mine saved me a couple times with my air conditioner’s air handler. Sometimes the pipe leading outside gets algae in it and clogs so the condensation doesn’t make it outside and leaks on the garage floor. Happened twice now and those frogs saved me. I now use a little bleach three or four times a year to keep the algae under control.
The trap under the kitchen sink had a small leak and another leak frog caught that one too. I love those devices.
Have frogs under every sink, near the water heater, the A/C unit, and behind the refrigerator.
Now I bought a couple Insteon leak detectors that can email me when it detects a leak. I haven’t installed any of them yet. Don’t have as much confidence in them because they don’t have built in buzzers and the wireless part can stop working when the 10-year battery dies and will I get notified? Who knows.

@cengland0 This happened to me.
PSA: My pal told me to not use my mouth to clear the pipe, seems common sense, but he ‘knew’ 2 people that died from whatever came out of the pipe. (I used a shop vac)
@caffeine_dude After paying the A/C guy the first time to unclog it and he used high pressure nitrogen to unclog it, I discovered I can get the same results with my 50 gallon 150 PSI air compressor with a custom nozzle that I invented that fits down the tube snuggly with foam and turns on full blast with the twist of a ball valve.
The 3-in-1 utility lights (the one’s with the magnet on the end) saved Thanksgiving as the power went out the day of the dinner. That sucker doubled as an overhead lamp on my stove allowing me to keep on cooking,
I have leakfrogs as well as the water detectors that Meh sold (same deal, with less personality), but fortunately, none of them have gone off in a while.
Have a LeakFrog inside the closet with the water heater & furnace/air handler. Water heater has never failed, but condensate drain for A/C got clogged with insulation or pet fur (same thing, perhaps?) or something. Alarm saved us from a mess. Nothing on the scale of a burst pipe, but the little green dude is still a hero.
Now I want a Leak frog!
Do not have a leap frog and wish I had one (although where I live now not sure it would matter much)… used to live in a rental with foundation problems and drainage problems. Woke up one morning with rain water squishing between my toes in the rug. While I would have had no way to keep the water out of the house I could have moved my stuff out of the room. Landlord said it was my fault water got in. Huh?
Leakfrogs (or some bland, functional equivalent) should be part of everyone’s home planning, IMO. One by the water heater (that’s saved me a few times), and one under each sink seems like an easy, economical preventative measure.