Superb owl? No, a superb goat! (February 2021 goat nominations)
7Ah, the shortest month of the year. February is the only month in which it’s possible to not have a full moon. It’s also the month in which a groundhog determines when spring will come.
That also means @Star2236’s goatdom comes to an end, as it’s time for another distinguished mehmber to continue the tradition.
So nominate away!
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I can never tell if being a goat is a good thing or not.
@DoctorOW Yes… yes, it is.
@2many2no You can nominate @DoctorOW for a chance to find out first hand.
@2many2no @DoctorOW @narfcake
Wouldn’t they be technically seconding your nomination?
@mike808 I don’t quite feel that this was a self-nomination post.
I meant:
Wouldn’t @2many2no be seconding @narfcake’s nomination of @DoctorOW.
@2many2no @DoctorOW @mike808 @narfcake I’m going to fifth that…seems appropriate
@2many2no @DoctorOW @narfcake
You seem to be saying that with a lot of conviction.
@2many2no @DoctorOW @mike808 @narfcake Well…I’ve done my time…so I should know right?
besides…taking the fifth…pleading the fifth…having a fifth…its all relative right?
@2many2no @amehzinggrace @DoctorOW @narfcake
@2many2no @amehzinggrace @DoctorOW @narfcake
Or, you could Take Five instead of the fifth.
@2many2no @amehzinggrace @DoctorOW @narfcake
Although, I’m a bit partial to the Philadelphia Five.
@2many2no @amehzinggrace @DoctorOW @mike808 @narfcake Are you dancing around the subject? Probably a Rickroll
@2many2no @amehzinggrace @brainmist @DoctorOW @narfcake
Maybe. Right now I’m heading to Check Out Five to see my Suzie because “Supermarket be open on Sundays”.
Isn’t @brainmist pretty much a given at this point after the #whatsinthebox reveal?
@raccoon81 I’m totally jealous of @brainmist’s irk and box of noods so I third this nomination.
@raccoon81 Wait, is this something I want? I also have yet to figure out if goathood is a positive…
@brainmist I believe that it is something if you think you want it you really don’t, but if you think you don’t want it you really do.
/giphy clear as mud

@raccoon81 Well damnit, now I’m conflicted!
@brainmist @raccoon81 The fact that your brain is engaged in wondering if you do/do not want to be the goat is a step up from some…
@brainmist if your box reveal is anything like your goathood, you’ll do great.
Nothing is really required of being a goat. It started as the goat would be the scapegoat when meh messed up. Now people will try and blame you for really sad shit like people and pets dying which is NOT the point. It’s supposed to be light hearted and fun.
Every goat treats it differently. Some people disappear completely. I was goat during Halloween and made lots of Halloween topics and shared music I enjoyed almost every day.
@brainmist I wish we could see a time line graph of likes on your posts. I would bet there was a huge spike with the reveal being ~20 posts alone
@RiotDemon This is a very helpful explainer, because I’ve been a bit sporadic in the forum (but then pandemic and then recently not having quite the daily rabbithole of horror eating up my time/brain). And I never quite figured out what exactly the role was.
Ok, I don’t NOT want it.
@brainmist @cf1 @raccoon81 I came to say this too!!!
@raccoon81 It is possible that, like the option of unloading the PastaBin for easier hauling, my brain also failed to consider combining the comments for easier reading. So it wasn’t a deliberate attempt at like-farming and cliff-hangering, just basically an accurate simulation of brain-blurting.
It did have the humorous effect of causing people to be on the edges of their seats, refreshing and then eagerly waiting for the next installment. Like a story in Meh-rathon form, but maybe with less disappointment? Or more? But it resulted in long delays as I realized I hadn’t gotten all my pictures set to go…any 5-10 minute gap was a quick picture edit, or chicken nuggets.
@brainmist well at least you won’t have to worry about when your goat trophy will arrive in a box. Because you won’t get one! They have owed a bunch of us them for years at this point. There was even a alleged deal where someone else would mail them and meh was involved in that in some way or another. This was maybe almost a year ago… But entire lot must have been shipped by Pitney Butthead as that herd of goats trophies have never been heard from again.
@Kidsandliz I’m considering the PastaBox to constitute a massive yet very functional trophy. It’s like the very fancy soup tureen if you hockey real good.
I’ll solve the problem. I nominate @DoctorOW
@tinamarie1974 Second.
@brainmist @tinamarie1974 Nice try @brainmist
@tinamarie1974 Judging from recent posts, he does seem to have a lot of time on his hands.
@brainmist @cf1 @tinamarie1974 Hmmm - well, I definitely think brainmist should serve in the near future, having displayed such eloquence, sass, and great story-telling skills. And having been handsomely rewarded for it with oodles of noodles.
@cf1 @Kyeh @tinamarie1974 A veritable caboodle of oodles of noodles to share with my poodle while we canoodle, for my high faluting do tell of a whackadoodle new tale!
But I’ll have you know, I am not one to publicly display my…oh, you said “sass”. Yes, I do tend to display an abundance of sass.
@brainmist @cf1 @tinamarie1974
See? SEE?!!
@brainmist @Kyeh @tinamarie1974 It looks as though @brainmist is leading with @DoctorOW slightly behind. This is very efficient. @brainmist for February and @DoctorOW for March. Although, now that I think about it, February is a very short month. Maybe we should reward @brainmist with a longer month…
@cf1 @DoctorOW @Kyeh @tinamarie1974 “Reward”
/giphy I don’t think that word means what you think

@cf1 @DoctorOW @Kyeh @tinamarie1974 Well THAT came out creepy.
@brainmist @DoctorOW @Kyeh @tinamarie1974
Well, yes, it did. But in a cute way?
@brainmist @cf1 @DoctorOW @Kyeh @tinamarie1974 don’t forget you can edit your comment for up to 5 minutes and every edit changes your gif.
@cf1 @DoctorOW @Kyeh @RiotDemon @tinamarie1974 I think this was the third edit.
Tragically, I only ever notice typoes at ten minutes.
@brainmist @cf1 @DoctorOW @tinamarie1974
I agree with this. I noticed that DoctorOW hasn’t responded to any of this though…
@brainmist @cf1 @DoctorOW @Kyeh @tinamarie1974
shades of things to come??
@brainmist @cf1 @chienfou @DoctorOW @tinamarie1974 Well, that would be disappointing…
@brainmist @cf1 @Kyeh @tinamarie1974 I’m reading but I’m staying quiet for now. I don’t want to put my thumb on the scale anymore than I already did with my initial post.
@cf1 @DoctorOW @Kyeh @tinamarie1974 I was just going to comment that campaigning seemed awkward… Goathood seems like it should be foisted upon one. Probably against protest.
@brainmist @cf1 @DoctorOW @tinamarie1974 I see! Probably wise.
@brainmist @cf1 @DoctorOW @tinamarie1974
@Weboh actively campaigned and was a great goat, taught us all a lot about fruit trees in Florida!
@brainmist @cf1 @DoctorOW @Kyeh I loved @Weboh’s time as goat. I learned so much!!
@brainmist @cf1 @DoctorOW @Kyeh @tinamarie1974
I managed to escape multiple nominations several years ago. I then even posted a death certificate with forged meh signatures once someone went on a multi thread canvasing to get me elected. That didn’t get me out of it (nor did my real excuse I had that was a time consuming one - maybe moving? I forget now). We have several people in older threads who came close, we promised them a future nomination and they have somehow managed to be invisible about this time of month.
@cf1 @DoctorOW @Kidsandliz @Kyeh @tinamarie1974 Ok, see, posting your own faked Meh specific death certificate seems like exactly the sort of creative anti campaigning that guarantees goathood…
@brainmist @cf1 @DoctorOW @Kidsandliz @Kyeh @tinamarie1974
judging by the dead goat badge you might be right!
@brainmist @cf1 @DoctorOW @Kyeh @tinamarie1974

Sure did, @Weboh was and IS my most memorable goat!!
@brainmist @cf1 @DoctorOW @Kyeh @tinamarie1974

Yeah, i’m learning how you’ve got to be careful about chiming in on THIS here thread, could be dangerous to say the least!
@brainmist @cf1 @DoctorOW @Kyeh @Lynnerizer so you HAVEN’T been goated yet??
@cf1 @DoctorOW @Kyeh @Lynnerizer @tinamarie1974 I was, but instead of giving me a dead goat badge, they sent me a dead goat.
I mean, through FedEx, so maybe it was alive to begin with…
@brainmist @cf1 @Kyeh @Lynnerizer @tinamarie1974 They sent a dead goat through FedEx? I thought all animal carcasses went through Pitney Bones.
@cf1 @DoctorOW @Kyeh @Lynnerizer @tinamarie1974 OK, see, that’s some definite goat-like repartee there…
(Have you ever played Witchhunt? Because we seem to be engaged in Goathunt.)
Not as many comments from those of us with dead goat badges as I would have expected…
I enjoyed my run as goat, and looked forward to my daily missive-writing as a distraction from the general shitshow SARS CoV 2 was making of my ER…
You were an excellent goat!!!
@chienfou I tried to say it in French but got confused about “chevre” being a feminine noun …?)
Ahhh… Thanks…