Sidedeal IRK has arrived! (April 1st Reveal Thread)
42I got a red Kitchenaid Nespresso machine that appears to be new, they just cut open the shipping box and stuffed in a nice bright orange IRK bag to go with it.
Pretty happy. My only previous one of these was a BOC and it had like a shitty usb light and some old cords in it lol… big upgrade… picture coming.
I don’t really drink coffee but it looks like this is kind of an expensive unit…
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Sorry about all that guys I got it working… internet outage!
Box and Bag
Grey Nespresso from Kitchenaid
@wendigee well done, looks really nice! Congrats
@tinamarie1974 thank you sorry it took so long! had to go reboot my router lol
(Good job, @Ignorant.)
@wendigee nah don’t apologize, just be happy you got a great IRK!
thanks whoever edited my posts to clean them up lol! I can’t wait to see what you guys got!
@wendigee We got a big box labelled Triflo, stuffed with:
No pictures though.
Gotta admit, I was kind of hoping it was just going to be cases of meh bandanas for masks.
Wow- that’s super nice.
I’ll probably get fidget spinners.
@G1 you mean fidget spinners with dead batteries…
@G1 I’ll probably get anti-aging cream (too late) and makeup brushes.
@G1 …it seems you may have forgotten about the candy corn possibility.
@cmcdurmon @G1 Any of these would be better than the charcoal teeth whitener.
@cmcdurmon @zachdecker @lisaviolet @zott It appears that we’ve accurately set our expectations for our IRK’s.
At least with charcoal powder, we might be able to fashion a less-than-lethal water purifier out of it.
@cmcdurmon @G1 @lisaviolet @zachdecker @Zott
let’s not forget girdles.
@Cerridwyn @cmcdurmon @G1 @lisaviolet @zachdecker @Zott I mean after all this shelter @ home, girdles may be needed lol
@tinamarie1974 I think that will also depend on your cooking skills and what is sold out at the store. If you are lucky all the junk food will be sold out (grin).
@Kidsandliz more than that. Psychologically people will reach for comfort foods (read carbs) to to deal with the stress. Couple that with a reduction of physical activity (working from home, no gyms, etc) unless we are careful we will hain weight.
@Kidsandliz @tinamarie1974
So true
Hot carbs like fresh bread, mac’n’cheese, baked potatoes… oh, it might be 0430 AM, but it will make me hungry talking about it
@Cerridwyn @Kidsandliz @tinamarie1974
My weakness is ice cream. I could eat it anytime and all day. I don’t even have to be hungry, if I start thinking about it i just want it. It’s like Homer Simpson and donuts, umm donuts.
@star2236 yup me too. But it has to be good ice cream of a flavor I like.
@Cerridwyn @cmcdurmon @G1 @lisaviolet @zachdecker @Zott I was cleaning out the junk room and found this thing. If it’s your color I’ll drop it in the mail. Size medium. Yeah, right.

@Cerridwyn @cmcdurmon @G1 @sammydog01 @zachdecker @Zott That wouldn’t even fit one of my thighs.
Uh, wow. First time I’ve gotten IRK or BOC and been completely confused.
I would have loved sheets instead I got:
A Shark Ion Roomba-type robot. The entire IRK arrived in the original box which looks like it has seen some shit, but the robot seems intact? I need to play around with it and see if I even have all the parts. Probably not something I’d use.
Ron Popeil fryer filters (useless)
A brand new in package HP/Monster printer cable (useless)
A Meh Build Your Own Phone Stand with a “snapcable” or something inside. No idea what a snapcable is. The phone stand is the box with instructions printed on it how to refold it. (useless)
Meh bag, which is the only thing I see here worth anything.
Definitely regret this after seeing everyone get sheets!
EDIT: Oh, I also got a travel size bottle of screen cleaner and a wipe.
@fromagex That’s a pretty good Irk
@ELUNO @fromagex
Isn’t there only one other IRK posted here, and there are no sheets in that one?
@fromagex I think the build your own phone stand with a snapcable was originally, years ago, also given out as a VMP gift.
@ELUNO Yes I’d agree this would be once of the decent irks although it wold be lovely if this is one of the typical ones this time around (yeah I know in our dreams
). The last one I got only had 4 or 5 broken and used/dirty ear buds. Look at it this way @fromagex. If you don’t want what you got, and it works, sell it via craigslist or facebook marketplace. You should likely make back the money you spent and maybe make a small profit.
If someone gets sheets and don’t want them maybe the two of you can trade something they want you got for sheets. That has gone on before.
@fromagex @Ignorant
Well… it is 4/20.
This is coming from the same person who bitches and gripes about their own IRK almost every time?
@Barney No market for broken and dirty ear buds which was the only thing in my next to last irk. My last irk had a blanket I could mend the big rip that is useful in the car so that was decent. I have gotten 2 irks over the years (which I’d guess is about right) where there were some good things to sell that I didn’t want nor made sense to put aside for birthday/christmas presents for family. I was very lucky those 2 times to get good irks. The rest were average or bottom of the heap. It is what it is and we know that before we buy.
@Barney @Kidsandliz
@Cerridwyn For some reason or another @fromagex is thinking that people have been getting sheets in their IRKs.
@Barney @Cerridwyn On another forum people were saying they got sheets. Bamboo queen sets. I could always use more sheets
@Barney @fromagex
Aye, sorry it tagged you Barney
Reply on phone can be weird
Didn’t you say you got a roomba? What’s wrong with that? A little robot that cleans your floors is awesome! Our nieces broke ours bc they played with it like it was a toy.
@fromagex @star2236 Seriously? I love my Roomba, It is pretty much one of my fave Christmas gifts everrrrrr. If anyone broke mine (luckily we have no kids around) they’d be in such big trouble…
I agree that first poster who received one is a super lucky dog!
@fromagex @moonhat
Yeah we’re not to happy with them for it. Then they turned it on again after we told them not to mess with and broke it further. Dam kids
My mailman delivered 20 pounds of potential regret this afternoon.
Irk bag in black – awesome to get a new color to add to my collection!
Monster screen cleaner
Meh phone stand/snap cable thingy
Vivaspa vibrating platform, with Bluetooth speaker
We’ll see if this can shake off all that half-price Easter candy. If it doesn’t, I can use it as a 20 pound weight. I’m sure my downstairs neighbors won’t enjoy this, but I don’t enjoy them slamming their fucking door.
Thanks, Essential Warehouse Workers!
@Trillian Hahaha. Lucky you!
Edit: Oh, a black IRK bag. You ARE lucky!
@Trillian The vibrating machine sold for close to $100 on meh so if it works you can either use it to exercise or make milk shakes.
@Barney Gotta get 'em all!
@Felton10 I was thinking margaritas!
@Trillian My dtr had one of those vibrating machines (called a power plate) in his PT office. Finally refused to use it as it felt like I was going to piss in my pants every time I got on it.
Seems like the first couple of IRks were fairly worthwhile and expensive items with misc crap and the bag stuffed in the item box. Hope mine is something like that or that indicates a trend for the April fools IRKs. Got one like that one a year of so ago-Bunch of crap and the bag stuffed inside a box that contained what appeared to be a somewhat used Ecovac. Since I had bought a new one on meh just a month before-it is still in the box it came in living in my closet.
It costs $5.
@therealjrn it did!
Mine was supposed to be here yesterday, now it says today. Hopefully again.
@star2236 mine arrives tomorrow…so excited!!
Good luck
Mine is still doing it’s usual wanderings through Nevada between FDRs, which means in the next day or two or three USPS will finally get it, so I’m thinking toward end of week.
Here’s the haul. Avoiding mentioning the occasion for fear of getting gifs of flaming pooo.
Thanks Meh and Sidedeal! Happy jest of the fourth month to you!
Oh and the fatFreezer came with a handy fat caliper for measuring my love handles. I guess to measure the results it’s going to produce!
Sooo, the fatFreezer doesn’t come on, but when it’s plugged in it makes the power supply make a clicking noise. Something’s definitely borked. Maybe I can figure it out though, or maybe at least the Peltier is good.
C’mon Bluetooth gear, you’re my only hope!
(The careful observer will note the absolute lack of sheets in this IRK. And Roombas.)
Power supply puts out 12.48v with no load. Time to look at the unit.
Mold designed with four nuts and bolts in mind. Decided to save five cents by eliminating two. This is probably an early indication of the quality of the product.

Well, that’s cool!
So appearances are deceiving. After some work to figure out that the control board was bad, I hardwired everything together. It’s about a one inch Peltier with big heat sinks.
This is a capful of water that has sat for about five minutes of it running with what sounds like the loudest computer fan off an old 486. I rubbed the liquid away to find the edge of where it was frozen.
It can maybe make thai ice cream for hamsters, if I can find the lady that does those videos and she is patient enough to wait. I’m confident it would have zero effect on any body fat.
Mine is still hanging out in Greenwood, IN.
Got sheets, makeup, toothbrushes, water bottle, and bag!
@clonetek talk to @fromagex - they may want to trade a Roombaish Shark for those sheets.
My irk arrived a few minutes ago! Here’s the regrets:
2x LG Tone bluetooth headsets with the “Return to Vendor” stickers less-than-carefully peeled off. Both are surprisingly gross looking, with a strange orange goo that seems kinda sticky on them. Refuse to touch it to see if it’s actually sticky, or gooey.
2x TacLight 500 lumen lanterns, appear to be new. The kids will like these.
1x HP Printer cable. Neat!
1x Trackr Pixel - this will be useful, assuming it’s not DOA!
1x Light-up fidget spinner (not pictured) - the kids snagged this before I could even get it open. The lights work, and the kids are fighting over it, which is exactly perfect!
1x hair clip set, minus one clip - also not pictured, I’m not sure where my daughter put it… I need to find it and sanitize it before she tries to use them. But she liked them, so also awesome!
1x Black Irk bag!
Overall, not overly regretful. Disgusting
@Faulkin So how many kids fighting over 1 fidget spinner? I might still have a few around I can send you so that you don’t murder them all so you can eventually have peace in the house.
@Kidsandliz Two kiddos, we’ve got a ton of random fidget spinners around the house though. The fighting never lasts long! Thanks anyways!
It arrived!
Nespresso pod brewer
metal building kit
Cardboard stand
USB A to B cable
obligatory bag
Worth the $5 gamble this time, and incentive enough to keep VMP going for now.
@earmstrong Wow, that’s a great one! I’ve always wanted to try one of those metal building kits, but the reviews are usually bad (sharp edges and hard to work with) and it never seemed worth the $ to give it a try.
@earmstrong @zachdecker I have built several of those metal models. I have never cut myself on them. They aren’t super easy, but they aren’t so difficult you’ll give up. It’ll take your mind off stuff for a few hours. I really enjoy them.
The Nespresso seems to work. The only “broken” part is the catch bin for used capsules, which has a crack. I cleaned espresso residue off of the unit and ran some tank-draining cycles, following instructions in the manual.
Two questions for anyone who uses a Nespresso:
How hot shout the dispensed water be? I’m seeing 135 or 145° F, based on a meat thermometer or candy thermometer. These are plausibly appropriate; my Keurig is much hotter (as is the French press, obviously), but I think they are known for that.
Descaling: the manual states that their proprietary packs should be used, not vinegar. Really? I don’t have hard water issues, but I am considering doing a cycle just for clean-up’s sake. What do you use?
I may get some capsules on my next trip into the retail wasteland.
@earmstrong @zachdecker The Metal Earth kits are well made, and though the metal is thin, there aren’t really any sharp edges.
The China, Inc. knockoffs are often a different story.
I bought the Mrs. some coffee capsules for Mother’s Day and we finally tried brewing. It worked great!
Target stocks a decent range of compatible capsules, unlike the other grocery stores in my area. I went with Starbucks Pike Place Roast and Peet’s Crema Scura for the first tries, and both were enjoyed. The crema layer is a nice change from the Keurig and at least as good as the Senseo. I have a Nespresso-brand assortment coming from Amazon later this week for comparison. The discussion I found on Slickdeals generally placed the Nespresso capsules at the top of the list.
I poked around and found that this model (in different colors) is still sold. New, it runs $500 at Best Buy and $400 on Amazon. [There is also a newer model for $550 that adds a foamer, I think, but otherwise may be very similar.] After testing, this used unit was confirmed as being well worth the $5 gamble.
Mine came today - I’m in full Meh. Pretty sure box had been opened before arrival but how do you ever know for certain?
Ultra Blow Dryer (damaged box, haven’t checked it yet). I have received this item in a previous IRK-like box, wife says it’s decent. Now she has two!
Water bottle. I had ordered two of these, we liked them, so we ordered 4 more yesterday. Now we will have 7!
Toothbrush tip replacements. I got nothing for this.
AWESOME black IRK bag (not pictured)

You don’t.
@Ignorant Insightful. Thanks!
@Ignorant Still though… seems a bit light compared to my previous experiences. Great bag though!!
mine had this helpful sticker
@thismyusername Yikes! Guess that’ll do it, huh?
Pretty good haul:
Smart bracelet- Freyja claimed it already
black irk bag - our town charges for bags, so I’ll use it
6 piece wine opener/preserver set- obviously, I’ll use this
Dark beauty set- eh, I’ll give it away
Shampoo brush- I already have two for some reason, I’ll take another
@Seeds You probably have two already because that was the last decent thing available in the pick your free MVP gift they did a while back on morningsave.
@lichme that’d do it!
@lichme When did they do this (morningsave vmp freebie thing)? I somehow missed it. Did they send out an email or was it only if you were up to date in the forums?
@nalesean They sent an email. I got earbuds.
@nalesean @sammydog01 I only found the email because someone mentioned it here. I got a weird powerbank. The good stuff was gone by then.
Also got mine today

Nasty headphones as someone else mentioned. Glad to see I’m not the only one. I did charge them and they do work, contrary to the return sticker on the box they came in.
Two(!) USB printer cables. I actually have some other gear that uses the Type B plugs so these will be replacing old cables.
The 808 bluetooth speaker works as well. Nice little toy. Will probably regift it though since I already have a ton of other BT speakers…
Totally lost on what the white sheet thing is. It’s probably 6ftx2ft with a black border and grommets in the corners and in the middle. Any ideas?
@daronspence movie screen for a projector?
@daronspence some sort of make your own banner? the grommets make me think it’s so you can string it up
@djslack wrong aspect ratio for that.
@moonhat Eh I dont think so. It’s very thin. You can basically see through it.
@daronspence @djslack Can confirm: it’s a projector screen. Got one in my last IRK (along with the broken projector, of course).
@daronspence - I like how you used the word “regift” for the BT speaker, as if something you paid for was a gift.
Then again, I can’t help but feel the same! These $5 grab bags of wacky stuff really do feel like gifts, don’t they? Because they’re all surprises and often times neat stuff – always an adventure!
@djslack @Madboy121 little late replying here, but damn. That kinda sucks. Pretty crap screen hah!
I got a Michael Kors purse in great condition retail over $300, six 42D Bras in assorted colors, N500 JD headphones, screen cleaning kit, build your own phone stand, and IRK bag. This was a real winner, no regrets.

@nall256 also if someone will explain to me how to insert an image I will try that.
@nall256 click on the button with the moon and mountains. If posting from your phone you may need to have your phone in landscape mode before you start your reply.

@nall256 you got SIX bras? wow!
/giphy 42d bras

So you now have 12 face masks?
@Kidsandliz @moonhat
Okay, that was pretty funny.
@Kidsandliz @therealjrn get a room you two.
Man I hope I get a MK purse, some bras would be nice too but I. my size of course.
@Kidsandliz @moonhat @therealjrn Beat me to it.
@nall256 I just realized you were the one who got the bras and not @moonhat. I accidentally left you out of the bantering. ^^^ Sorry about that. (grin)
@Kidsandliz @moonhat The bras are Angelina, can’t say I’ve ever heard of them before.
@Kidsandliz @moonhat @nall256 So, check my math here, 6 x 42D = 252D. That sure is a lot of D’s.
@mehcuda67 @moonhat @nall256 I think you made a slight mistake with the order of operations in the math. Are you sure Angelina isn’t size 42DDDDDD?
I got a Moda Luxe Purse, Pro Cabella hair straightener, RebeccaMinkoff Power Tassel charger, solar powered LED wall light and a orange IRK bag.
Sharper Image TV headphones, Royale ceramic hair brush, Verisonix N500 (Oval), Evertone Massage Gun and a beautiful IRK bag (black)
I wondering how well that massager worked? That’s a great haul.
@star2236don’t know yet, plan on opening it up tonight. Everything looks brand new, except the wireless headphones were opened but everything was in box.
@eq52515 Ooooh that’s a great collection of stuff. Congrats!
@Bandrik Thanks
@eq52515 I may be able to help if you have problems with the Verisonix headphones. They are great. I bought a set when offered.
@star2236 The massager works great, although at first I thought it was broken because it wouldn’t turn on…but according to the box it was wireless…it was just dead…charged it up for about an hour, and it works like a champ.
Thanks for letting me know
Posting mine and my husband’s because he probably won’t post his…
#1 [mine]: 1x “Traveling Paws” pet car seat cover. In ridiculously used condition. 3x hydro razor blades (one without a cover!); 2x Que Design headphones (new in box); 1x orange irk bag.
#2 [his]: 1x roolen breath humidifier [$60 on amazon! creepy name]; 1x Wet Epic Professional brush + hair towel [I needed a new hair towel!]; 1x “brilliance new you” conditioner; 1x micro pedi foot cream; 1x orange irk bag [I appreciate that this one has a “moisture” theme].
Neither of these were the best or the worst we’ve gotten. This is the first time I’ve opened my IRK outdoors with gloves, which was a fun twist.
Gloves? Ha! I wear the complete suit. You never know what Meh has scrounged from their warehouse to send to us.

@Barney @liz

I got “The Little Blender That Could”, an electric toothbrush, portable Vanity Mirror Lights, a Parinda faux-leather hand bag and a black IRK bag. Not terribly regrettable.
@bstjohn27 I have one of those little blenders! Great fir smoothies.
@bstjohn27 Not a bad haul. A blender to make a nice smoothie, a toothbrush to clean yourself up after drinking that smoothie, a vanity light to see yourself in the mirror as you clean your teeth. Then what looks like a purse when you’re all set to go out to town. Which I know you’ll never need, as you also have such a wonderful IRK bag to take instead!
Well ummm…

@zsmasher does that look odd to you? Lol
@tinamarie1974 maybe it’s a boomerang?
@tinamarie1974 @zsmasher ET, phone home.
@zsmasher Yours doing the back and forth is even more impressive than a couple of others of us. Yours is visiting even more cities.
@tinamarie1974 @Barney @Kidsandliz
It seems that the confusion began on 4/20
@Barney @tinamarie1974 @zsmasher So do you live anywhere near any of those cities? Or is yours totally lost? Greenville, IL seems to be the popular hangout place for many of these boxes even if the trip is the two 700+ mile long sides of a triangle for some.
@Barney @Kidsandliz @tinamarie1974
I am in Florida. My Package is on a choose your own adventure
@Barney @Kidsandliz @tinamarie1974 @zsmasher looks like it was returned to sender, maybe?
@Barney @tinamarie1974 @zsmasher Hopefully it is just on the circle route and will come back again. A couple of us are having ours do laps (TX to IL to TX to IL, etc.) and are starting on the second lap.
I think I remember a past thread where someone’s pretty much went all over the country but finally showed up a couple of weeks after everyone else’s.
On the other hand some others have posted in the past that the tracking showed theirs was one place yet it was delivered to them when allegedly across the country somewhere.
Yes I live in MI and in the past 3-4 days mine has gone from TX, to IN then to a shipping facility a couple towns over from mine, then back to IN to visit and TX for some bbq, IN again for the hell of it and finally has ended up back at the shipping facility a couple towns over again (maybe for beer now). I think I might have high blood pressure just from trying to track if.
@zsmasher At least yours went somewhere! Mine took the four days of the 16th-20th to go straight
(15 miles?) from Carrolton to Grapevine.
@zsmasher I think those most recent grapevine tx ones just got delayed in the system or something. Mine said tx then Indiana then back to tx to Ohio (where I live)
@zsmasher looks more like UPS routing of a CM shipment, except it’s missing the ‘sorry we missed you’ doortag when you were there waiting for the late delivery.
@zsmasher - I had that happen to me too once. Something I bought on eBay and shipped USPS went to CA, IN, CA, IN, CA, IN, CA, IN. Took a month to arrive and when it did it was beat to hell and back. I ended up having to return it.
@zsmasher Travel the world, see Grapevine, TX.
@Barney @Kidsandliz @tinamarie1974 @zsmasher I once had a casemates order that was supposed to ship from Tracy, Ca to Napa, Ca, but headed for Nevada, Idaho, Wyoming, Indiana, a few other states, and finally Maryland, at which point I contacted them and got it turned around before it added an international tour to it’s itinerary
My dead-disturbing-shrimp arrived today. I had my expectations properly lowered right away with the order phrase. Then I saw the box. A beat up, tape everywhere Instapot box. Hmmm, someone is listening to my phone. About a week ago I was talking to my mom about Instapots. I bet it is missing parts or maybe broke. Lost that bet. Perfect condition and it works! I am way too excited now. Also packed in the box and the pot itself I pair of ugly socks-stretchy maybe compression?, key ring flashlight charger thing, fitness tracker and 2 Irk bags- orange and black. My expectations were dashed - I am still grinning. Now shall I resurrect the Instapot threads or start a new one? What do I try first well second since I did the try it out with water to see how it works today?
@speediedelivery You didn’t state the size of the instant pot but if its a larger one you can do killer baby back ribs, as long as you have a grill or broiler to put the finishing touch on them.
@duodec @speediedelivery One of my friends just tonight was bragging up his ribs cooked that way. He’s lucky we’re social distancing.
@duodec @speediedelivery @therealjrn You could have offered to eat his ribs while sitting on the porch. Just saying
@duodec @therealjrn It is the 6 quart. Ribs sound good. I was eyeing the Aldi flyer that came today with brisket available tomorrow too.
@speediedelivery @therealjrn We’ve done ribs both steamed (then finished under the broiler) and actually submerged in apple juice in the instant pot (and then finished under the broiler). Both ways turn out really good; the first one allows you to use a rub of your choice on the ribs.
I have not done a brisket in ours. I really want to smoke a brisket but the HOA won’t allow a smoker…
3rd try
nice one
Forum dun like me today

/giphy don’t like
@speediedelivery Congrats on the great timing on the Instapot! Also, that item number, HAH! Dead disturbing shrimp, love it. XD
@speediedelivery Double bagged?
Sidedeal IRK arrived today.
Don’t know the brands, they already got dropped in the charity box in the car for when Goodwill opens up for donations again
The winners:
The Aerogarden is fortuitous. We can plant herbs inside and leave our few HOA-allowed outside planters for actual food and some marigolds to keep the chippies at bay.
I was telling myself not to look at this thread since mine isn’t supposed to arrive until tomorrow but I’m pleasantly surprised that there isn’t a “standard bag” yet so mine will still be a surprise!
Heres my Side Deals IRK, You April FOOLS
Black IRK bag
A Pink Joy Mangano carry on hard case suit case
2 LG Bluetooth ear buds
1 HP printer cable
2 screen cleaning kits
Many thanks for the Instant Regret , Meh!
One us polo assn. Large capacity lightweight spinning luggage for all of the traveling during the pandemic.
1 smart bracelet heartrate monitor,
1 small glass bowl,
1 schick hydro razor with two blade protectors,
1 flawless completion cream kit for when I go out to dinner during the lockdown
2 black IRK bags (score)
1 bag of nicola dual action cough drops for when I get the covid
Not to shabby, except my beard so glad I got the razor
I don’t have it in front of me, but I got:
1 orange IRK bag
1 giant 1.6L pilsner glass that will probably make a decent vase.
1 set of bluetooth earbuds. I forgot the brand.
6 pairs of lacy women’s undies, size Large. I guess they went with the bras listed above.
My kids have been wearing the undies as vests, which was pretty fun. “You can do a lot of things with giant underpants! Look! I’m a nun!”
Not as fun was having to convince my wife that she didn’t need to be concerned about me getting unusually large, lacy women’s underwear in the mail. That part of the package was definitely regrettable, so thanks, Meh!
@Limewater - I bought those pilsner glasses for my brother’s new wet bar. Never thought about them being used as a vase or planter. I’ll pass the idea along, thanks!
And your kids using the undies as vests and pretending to be a nun? OUTSTANDING. Thanks for the laugh!
1 x Irk Bag

1 x Solid Ear Pods
1 x USB Cable
1x Poo-Pourri - Party Pooper
1 x Granite King non-stick cookware set
@ELUNO Is it sad that I accidentally read that as “SOLID EAR POOS”? I then scrolled down and saw the POO-POURRI and did yet another double-take. Ya got me!
@Bandrik Hooray!
Mine was pretty regrettable, and I surely subsidized other people’s shipping, as the box was light as a feather and all items could fit into my pockets.
I got:
-An orange Irk Bag (not even the snazzy new black one?)
-Lifegear LED glow stick value 2 pack
-2 Just In Time emergency charger/flashlight/lighter keychains for Android
-and I guess those orange LG earphones in a plastic bag without the packaging or instructions… Nothing quite as dubious as possibly-used earphones during a health epidemic.
Easily the smallest haul I‘ve ever gotten from one of my few successful efforts to snag one of these. I feel like the big box for it all was waiting for a larger item to be added, and apparently missed out.
@Vizh Oh man, that sucks. I really feel bad for you. They really did you a disservice and should have tossed in at least one decent item.
My only silver lining I can say is hopefully your prior IRK hauls have made up for it. This one is my first (finally snagged one) so I have nothing to compare to haha. I’m about to open mine.
@Bandrik I only tend to be able to snag one when, like this instance, it’s not based on getting an order placed in the few seconds before they’re all gone.
And no, I can’t say I’ve ever gotten anything good… I usually get the most common filler items (this IRK seems to be a lot more varied than the last one I got in on, based on other people’s posts), although one time I did get a true oddity one-off… some kind of vibrating belt thing that I at first thought was for some kind of back massage, but it turned out to be a “shake the fat away” device.
Usually though, there’s just more stuff in general when none of it’s worth much, which makes it fun to open and go through. Here, me and my housemate each get a glow stick and a keychain charger, and I likely toss the earbuds.
@Vizh Oh bummer. Well in that case I guess you just have to look at it as being $5 worth of entertainment via the surprise of opening the random box, and maybe some gag gifts to give away.
@Vizh Charged up the keychain emergency chargers, or at least tried to. One seems to work, the other never seems to take any charge, with the indicator lights flashing endlessly.
Not sure that I’d trust plugging the one functional one into any expensive phones, however.
@Vizh It’s possible to revive the other one, but you’d have to be willing to risk personal injury and possibly burning the house down.
I used it to charge a wireless headset, but most modern day phones would just consider the 500mAh capacity to be a light snack.
@Vizh looks like we almost got the same bag, only I had the orange bag, the dubious orange headphones and a printer cable.
@RdiPr @Vizh that’s the meh Irk I received as well. My headset came in the box but looks like it was previously opened. Oh well, coulda been worse and at least I scored one. I guess

I’m very happy with mine! 5 clams well spent. Wife loves it too:
@tysontomko Congrats! Not bad, especially if you’re happy with it!
It has arrived!
Not bad. But really need a different color bag. I think they are multiplying. Every where I turn orange meh bag!
@Vrysen If you have kids use them for trick or treat bags… being orange and all?
@Kidsandliz No Kids, but they make great beach bags.
@Vrysen The bathrobe and humidifer are winners in my book. Congrats!
Got mine!

1 Black Irk bag
2 Monster Screen Cleaning Kits
1 Ron Popeil 5 in 1 fryer filter set
1 Vivaspa full body slimming vibration platform (works!)
Probably should have cropped out my sweatpants and slippers… sorry!
@DJ Ayyy, not bad! That vibrating platform cracks me up, especially the athlete guy who looks like he’s squatting and about to make a mess of things. XD
Shan’t be long now, before I get IRKed:
“April 22, 2020, 7:10 am
Out for Delivery, Expected Delivery by 5:30pm”
/youtube Anticipation, Carly Simon
@phendrick Well, I went outside to check that I put away all the lawn mowing stuff before the rain gets here, and saw this stuff on walk just before the porch:

I guess all the Mehrathon junk I bought a few days ago got dragged along by the IRK. I might have gone a little overboard on that stuff, but it was useful stuff at bargain prices, right?
I hurried to bring it in to security, and put it on my bed. Can you guess which box is the IRK? I was guessing the box that looked like it had been opened / mishandled was the IRK, based on what a lot of people here commented. Nope. It’s the box at front right, based on tracking number. I’ll get it open and describe.
The dog behind it was already here. She didn’t even notify me when the stuff was dropped off. Usually she barks where I can hear her throughout the house, when someone / some thing disturbs her.
@phendrick Your postman/woman must love you. Not. The irk one looks really long. Maybe you got a vac.
@Kidsandliz No, it was mostly ‘Texas air’, and not even in the usual ‘T a’ bag. (It was free-range air.)
Black Irk bag, two other bags for gifting (much over-priced from retail stickers on them), and SIX defunct LG Tone bluetooth headsets, all with “Return to vendor” stickers on them. None powered on, but haven’t tried charging them yet. One of the stickers said the reason for return was “Personal use”. ??? That could be worrisome… I guess some disinfecting might be called for…
Interestingly, I looked up the vendor listed, and apparently their website has not been updated in about 5 years – probably why these were sent to me. eBay lists working ones for around $15, so I don’t see much value in these.
I took pix, but decided posting was not worth the effort (for me or others).
And after reading the early posts above, I had kinda been hoping for a working audio receiver to show up
– sure could have put one of those to use. But definitely gave up that idea when I realized that the box that barely weighed a pound was the IRK…
Mail person –
I get most of my mail at a different address, so she shouldn’t have been too put out. I started getting my Meh deliveries here about two weeks ago. One had been delayed, and package had “dog in front yard” scrawled on it. I made sure she didn’t have that excuse when the IRK got imminent. (Dog was on chain and she would have only gotten jumped on and LICKED, anyway. Mine is the most people-friendly dog I have ever seen. Before
PITAPETA people react, dog has pulled open links on a slightly smaller chain, before – she’s a lot stronger than she looks – running around in back yard this morning she broadsided me at knee level and knocked me to the ground. I’m about two hundred pounds and she’s about 50.)@phendrick Texas free range air LOL. You know it all escaped and forced the local air into captivity. Right?
Well well
Disappointment and heartbreak here
No need for a photo.
1 lg headphones
2 printer cables
1 bag
That’s all
Fun times. Not
@Conklaven Wow…that’s actually worse than mine.
@Conklaven Yeah… I’m feeling a bit better about mine now as well!
Well turns out the headphones don’t work
Although this time was a dud… it’s always a fun ride. Thanks Meh!
@Conklaven seems a common issue with the LG headphones is the plastic power switch breaks. The switch itself is fine and they may work. It’s just the plastic thumb “slider” breaks and won’t engage the switch. I’m going to try to craft something. Kind of wish I had a 3-D printer, if it would do something that small.
@Conklaven @ybmuG if you come up with a solution, lmk, my dad is also going to give it a shot
After mine was shipped to my state 3 days ago and then shipped back out for trip across America it’s finally out for delivery today. Although I have nothing to compare it to, it’s my first one I really hope I get some sweet stuff. Not like the one guy that pretty much got gypped.
Well the shit hit the fan on this one. Biggest assortment of worthless crap I have gotten in a long time.
1 black meh bag-the cream of the crop.
1 ugly purple blanket
1 White fleece half zippered white pullover which if you wore people would mistake you for a polar bear.
1 pair of 4XL black tights that might fit the large girl on “This is us”.
1 set monster on the ear earphones (corded) with 1 earphone hanging loose from the headband.
Well-hopefully better luck with the methathon IRK.
@Barneybot isn’t a real bot.
@Barneybot @mediocrebot Ah, the purple bot
purple loves @barney.
@Felton10 I hear those polar fleece sweaters are nice. Got one for mom a while back and she loves it.
@Felton10 Aww. Well, maybe some gifts for others.
@dzieciom Purple and @mediocrebot loves me.
purple loves @barney.
@Bandrik Last two IRKs-gave the good stuff to my daughter to sell on ebay-she made well over $ 100, but I saw none of it. Now sure this stuff doesn’t go right in the trash or to Goodwill when it opens back up.
A black IRK bag (not pictured)! A Milan tote bag Two screen cleaning kits, and two LG Bluetooth headsets neither of which appear to work. On that deal I would say Meh, but that’s just not appropriate.
@readnj Well the Milan tote is kinda neat. Might make a good gift if it’s not your thing.
Mine arrived yesterday. I got an orange IRK bag and a Swiffer air cleaner/filter thing. It looks like it was repackaged since the cord was pulled out of it’s baggy, but everything appears to be there. I’ll likely put it together and see if it works before putting it on the “to sell or trade after the pandemic thing is over” pile.
I’ve wanted one of those air cleaners just don’t have the extra money right now.
@star2236 I’m open to a trade. Do you have random stuff you’re looking to get rid of? I like Lego, magnetic building toys, board and card games, Mr Potato Head, cats, robots, good socks, Amazon gift cards, lots of other stuff.
I just checked your history and see that you’re from Michigan. I’m originally from Dearborn. I have no idea how well soda ships but there are a few Faygo flavors I’d be willing to trade for if we could figure out the shipping.
I have a friend that ships vernors to family out of state and they have never had a problem with, ill have to ask him how much the shipping usually runs him. What kind of bottle/can size are you looking for and how many?
@star2236 I was thinking Moon Mist and Rock N Rye. One 12 pack of cans each?
Also, are you okay with me unpacking and assembling it to make sure it works? I’d hate to you send you a broken thing. I will save all the packing material and repack it after I confirm. (I’m an engineer and am usually pretty good about stuff like that.
Yeah that’s fine. I was also thinking of looking on amazon to see if the pop might be cheaper to ship that way, still comes from Detroit; it did say that.
@star2236 What ever works best for you. I’ll get it tested out this weekend and let you know the results.
Ok sounds good.
@gt0163c Are you in Michigan? It’s funny as I live in Plymouth and I got a Swiffer too and a buddy of mine in Rochester also got a Swiffer. I think Meh…er Sidedeal…is trying to tell us something about our state.
@densa I am not currently in Michigan but I grew up in Dearborn. And the Swiffer air scrubber I got is headed to Michigan in a trade for some Faygo soda. Sadly I can almost never find it here in Texas. Apparently Michigan needs air scrubbers.
It came today!

This haul is:
Marc New York packable puffer in purple Women’s Medium-sized
Glass storage container with 2 compartments and locking lid
3 replacement toothbrush heads
Rainbow insulated wine growler
Fancy black irk bag
It’s a pretty good haul.
@Barneybot isn’t a real bot.
@Nate311 - I LOVE that book. That’s hilarious! Also the rainbow bottle and coat are nice finds as well.
@Bandrik I stole that book from @tinamarie1974 .
@mediocrebot loves Barneybot.
@Bandrik @Nate311 hey, who let you in my bookcase!!
1- 20oz Stainless Floral Tumbler (Seems like decent quality)
1 - Melie Bianco Burgundy Purse (Seems like suspect quality)
1- Pair Earrings, with purple tassels. (Seems like shit quality)…But daughter loved them for her stuffed animals.
1 - XL underwear (Unknown quality)
Low expectations were met.
@Barneybot isn’t a real bot.
@mediocrebot I am a real bot! I am a real bot!
Wow, the IRK really lives up to its name! I already regret this without even opening the box!
I thought mine was a good one until I read the rest of those posts, lol.
What’s inside mine:
@teddycyclops On the bright side there was nothing in there that could be damaged by the shipper.
@sammydog01 @teddycyclops Very true. All dropkick-safe.
Mine came in today, I got:
Pretty nice haul!
@eyebrows Woah, very nice with the Waterpik! Though the bag would have been a lot cooler if the MK stood for “MORTAL KOMBATTT!”
@eyebrows Yeh-you hit the jackpot
I’m really hoping for a nice Michael korse Purse after seeing the ones people got. I need a new purse anyway.
Sonicare AirFloss Ultra
Pure Aromatherapy bundle
Pair of compression socks
PursN light up bag
And an orange IRK bag.
Not too bad at all. I might give the purse thing away since it doesn’t fit in a back pocket. The diffuser will have to run in my bathroom, where pets aren’t allowed. Afraid of the essential oil problem. And the flosser is something I’ve been interested in for a while.
A great haul for five bucks.
That’s actually a pretty sweet purse, and solves a lot of my problems. I’m always searching for stuff I can’t find. Maybe we can work out something.
So I got a felicity and corinna tote, which is apparently worth something?
A box of makeup brushes
A pair of small/medium (6-9) compression socks
A phone racer game thing
And some sort of necklace? Does anyone recognize when this went up? I can’t read the letters on it;
If anyone wants this stuff idk, reach out or something.
Socks, brushes, phone racer thing i’ll drop in the mail if you want to toss me priority shipping
Which purse did you get? I’m a girl and have an infant love for purses. I’m just interested, They make good stuff.
@kettlewl I think it says Gabriella.
@RiotDemon Yeah but i can’t find that online to figure out like what a gabriella necklace is. Did I hit the irk goldmine?!
If you want more pictures of the product I could send them
@kettlewl Because i’ve had asks -
Definitely 100% Instant Regret.
2 party bags with “AWESOME” in big letters.
1 kids lovesac side panel. At least it is purple.
1 black IRK bag.
Yeah. Total regret.
Now how to get rid of that Lovesac kids side panel…
Apparently they were $50 each. Yikes.
@mike808 A no kill shelter would likely take it (I know the ones around here would) for an animal bed if no one comes out of the woodwork here to offer to buy it from you for at least postage.
@Kidsandliz It’s not soft. It is like a 3 inch thick styrofoam square covered in puke-colored fabric. It is intended to be the structural side or back of these DIY velcro’d together chairs.
@mike808 too bad.
@mike808 Meh sent you a side piece. Heh.
@djslack @mike808

/giphy teehee
@mike808 Our 2.5yr old has the kids lovesac; He loves it!
No idea how much of this works but I’ll follow up with a comment later. For now, I’m pretty happy with my swag. Nothing super big or fancy like a Nespresso, vibrating exercise platform, or Waterpik… but getting such a wide assortment of goodies still feels like a win in my book.
The things I was most excited about was the shiny purple bag (BECAUSE PURPLE ROCKS), the trimmer kit, and the jogging pants. They look comfy af. The knockoff airbuds might be neat too, if they work.
On a scale of Irk to Glen, I rate my very first Instant Regret Kit a solid Hyram the Singing Cowboy.
@Barney loves purple.
@mediocrebot I do love purple.
purple loves @barney.
I have a purple paisley print Vera Bradley tiny make up bag that would fit those brushes pretty well. I haven’t found any use for it bc it’s to small. I guess you could put pens in it too. It’s pretty cute though.
@Barneybot isn’t a real bot.
@Bandrik Well the Monster Screen Cleaner was already a hit with me. I have a couple nice but older Dell 24" monitors that were kinda dirty, and one had some bad smudges. Tried it out, and they’re all nice and clean now.
@Bandrik Okay, I played with some of the goodies. Here’s what I found…
Black IRK bag
Well, it’s a bag. It’s not orange. It came empty.
Shiny metallic purple bag
Also a bag and came empty.
TravelMate TM-311 cordless shave/trimmer kit
Appears to be new. Has all the protective plastic peel-off film in place. Turned on just fine. Only issue is the little bottle of lubrication oil was empty, so I think it must have leaked out and evaporated.
i7S TWS knockoff Bluetooth Apple AirBuds
Testing them now. They both charged up and paired just fine, and are working. I did some reading online, and they are indeed known as “the knockoff Apple AirBuds”. They usually for for about $8 or so. Even at that price, they sound good enough.
Orange LG Bluetooth Tone+ headset
It had that “return to vendor” tag. Opening it up, the silicone earbuds were clean, but there was some dried crud on the plastic around one of the buds. It flaked off and I wiped the rest away. Also the earbud wires are rubbery and it’s starting to rot/deteriorate - they’re both sticky and oily. Must be pretty old or unstable stuff.
I then found why it was probably returned - the on/off switch was broken.
So I popped it open to take a look “under the hood”. Turns out I shouldn’t have done that. They actually have a screw on each side, hidden under a little circular rubber plug. Well one side’s screw is broken out now.
Anyways, found the actual inner switch. Sure enough, the plastic “cap” that your finger slides back and forth was broken on the inside. I’m now charging it and will see if it turns on now.
MONSTER HP USB 2.0 cable
It’s a cable with a fancy brand name. I have dozens of these. Might sell on eBay.
MONSTER screen cleaning kit
As said above, it may be the most useful thing in my IRK - it cleaned my LCD screen right up.
Lusome Audrey Jogger moisture-wicking sweatpants
They are new and seem in good condition. Size small, so probably won’t fit me, but will def fit one of my more petite friends.
PALM nylon strap with metal harness
It’s hardware. It works.
All Dolled Up makeup brush set
I opened it up and it’s brand new. Comes in a little roll-out case. I don’t use makeup, so I’ll either gift it or use the brushes to dust off my nerdy figurines and for arts/crafts projects.
Cheap ritzy hairclips x4, one needs re-gluing
They’re pretty gaudy and cheap. I’ll reglue the one then offer them to friends/fam, or I’ll use as a gag gift, or Goodwill will get them.
Well that’s my report. Yay. I talk too much lol.
@Barneybot isn’t a real bot.
@Bandrik Seems like a pretty good haul! Nice variety of stuff, at least, even without any big ticket items.
@Barney @mediocrebot
Mediocrebot is such a tool
I love what your using the makeup brushes for, gave me a good laugh.
@star2236 haha awesome! Glad you enjoyed that, thanks for letting me know
No picture
Retail over 5 bucks but nothing significant
I’m not sure how to react! No scratches, no dents, no stickers… guessing these will electrocute us, especially the bottle. Thanks, Meh-rcatalyst!
1 Sutra hair dryer
1 Sutra blowout brush
0 Kama
1 Vermi bottle
1 black IRK bag
black bag, sniff.
@lehigh No kama, alllll sutra. I love it. XD
That’s a really nice haul!
Friend I work with got
Irk bag
travel size monster brand display cleaner/towel
liquid eyebrow tattoo pen (he laughed at this)
3 sets of “Vertigo 4 piece ledge sets”
Mine was just delivered
Pretty happy with the haul. Wife has claimed the tracker and neck massager if they work and can always use another power pack (with wireless charging!).
Thanks Meh!!
Macro lens test

The note

@Ignorant what did the note say? Anything interesting?
@tinamarie1974 sorry it didn’t like my first upload so had to re-up it.
@Ignorant Thanks for sharing the macro lens test. That’s neat! Also that note, wahahaha.
All items seem to work fine.
Got mine today. First thing I noticed was it was heavy.
1 bag
1 Ipulse massager. No box.
1 Monster Screen Cleaner
1 Meh build your own phone stand.
2 monster USB cables.
1 generic airpods silocone case.
1 12.7 Quart Gowise Air Fryer Oven (the heavy item).
Fryer seems new. Haven’t had the opportunity to test it yet.
Here is the fryer.
@madmod20061 Woahhh, congrats! That’s a great haul! I hope it all works
Nice fryer!
I actually wish I’d gotten some sheets since I got a new double bed this week and I don’t have the fitted sheet I ordered yet lol. Anyways, I got a yarn-woven blanket, one of the hair dryers, and a set of replacement toothbrush heads for a toothbrush nobody here has
The regret wasn’t instant, but pretty close. Came home to a big box that weighed hardly anything.
Inside was some replacement toothbrush heads, wireless headphones, a metal water bottle and a drone.
Took the drone box out and my heart sank. It felt empty.
Then I was confused because there actually was a drone inside. Someone had already assembled it.
Plugged the battery in to charge. Looked at instructions, downloaded app. Tried to look up the drone and the website is gone.
After a while I can finally turn it on. Only two blades spin and the one motor puts out a plume of smoke. Turns out the safety guards are bent and the props got stuck. Damn. Take off the safety guards and plug the battery in. One of the props is turning without the drone being on. Turn it on and it stops. Try to get all the props to spin and the two that were stuck do not spin. Turn the drone off and the one starts spinning slowly again. Unplug the battery and it stops. I don’t know if this is a thing that can be fixed. I don’t know much about little motors. Maybe someone will want it for parts if they have the same one.
Ok, bummer. Go back to the rest of my box and it turns out the wireless headphones are for a TV and they need a transmitter. There’s no transmitter. There is an aux cord slot, but no aux cord. No idea if they are any good because I don’t know where my aux cord is. They turn on and make beeping noises when I hit the scan button so I’m guessing they’d be ok wired.
Water bottle is ok but it’s one of those weird skinny necked ones I hate.
New black bag, SCORE!
Overall, I’m happy with my new bag. Hopefully the next IRK won’t be worse, lol.
@RiotDemon That’s a neat looking drone, a real shame its busted though. I’m sure it can be fixed with replacement parts, but it may not be worth it to you. You’re right though, it could be good spare parts for someone else that has the same model.
The TV headphones are definitely a strange anomaly that I didn’t think would exist. But you have it anyways. Maybe you could buy the transmitter online for cheap, or sell it on eBay. Maybe someone has one just the headset broke and they want to replace it with the same model?
Glad you got the black bag though!
So sorry about your IRK
@star2236 thanks! I appreciate it. Not a big deal. I’ve gotten some really nice stuff in the past and some other duds. I’ll just look forward to the next one. No sense in complaining about this too much.
i’m stoked.
black bandolino wristlet bag with power bank
tan and black stone mountain crossbody purse with power bank
neck and shoulder massager thing, clearly returned and i haven’t tried it yet, but i’ll be thrilled if it works.
box of six white outlet switchblade covers (this made me laugh. my husband is thrilled with them)
black IRK bag (woohoo!!!)
thank you, meh, for a truly bright spot in these challenging days. if i ever leave the house again, i’ll get to decide which new purse to carry!
@pippakay Woo! Congrats! Especially on the shoulder massager, that sounds lovely.
@Bandrik @pippakay
personally, the black IRK bag, ya know ,it’s gold
@Bandrik @Cerridwyn @pippakay
Um, no. It’s black. Not gold.
The bag is black. The comedy is gold.
@pippakay replying to myself to add that the shoulder massager thing–kind of–works(!) and the outlet covers are actually night lights. I’m typing while my shoulder is being virtually and rather loudly, but heck, it’s free, pummeled by an unattractive shiatsu collar the kneading function is AWOL, but pounding on sore shoulders is pounding on sore shoulders.
meh, you really get me.
I got: Orange IRK bag, a big leather “weekender” bag(duffle bag sized, but shaped like a purse?), a “mom” necklace, a led teeth whitening kit, some skin care facial masks. Pretty much all going in the yard sale pile, for whenever we have a yard sale.
@kevinrs show us a pic of your weekender bag! Pretty please
@moonhat didn’t take a picture, and I’m not where it is today, but it’s a Joy Mangano Christie Leather Weekender Bag, in black
I got a used black Kitchenaid Nespresso (there was still a pod in it), IRK bag, Monster screen cleaner, a keychain “cable” for Lightning connectors (how does Meh still have these?), and a Burj Al Arab laser cut model.
@kyanostiger Congrats on the Nespresso! Was the pod fresh or used? Heh
@Bandrik Used! I’ve cleaned up everything I could get to so far but I’ll be ordering their descaler when I order some pods so I can clean the inside too.
@kyanostiger Ah gross. But glad it cleaned up well.
I received mine today as well…it was underwhelming compared to my last IRK, which was my first one. This one contained an LG wireless earphone set (probably the best item), a Monster/HP USB-A to B (printer) cable, a king size mattress pad, a pair of black yoga pants, and a set of hair clips. Oh, and of course the reusable IRK tote bag, which I like the designs on. Not bad for $5!
I clued a bunch of my friends in on this and those that bought in are getting their IRKs and it’s been mehlarious. It’s been a great way to introduce them to the splendiferous wonders of Meh. Hoverboards and suitcases and weird stuff ahoy!
Oh, and fellow SomethingAwful Goon Sundog regrets everything.
@SHOVAR Are they still your friends after getting the IRK?
@Felton10 Uh oh I’m regretting
Awesome IRK! No regrets about this one. The ladies in my house we’re all impressed.
1 black IRK reusable tote.
1 Sutra beauty blow dryer Accelerator 2000
1 Sutra Professional blowout brush
1 Two Temp-ting insulated water bottle
Blow dryer and brush worked right out of the box.
Thanks Sidedeal!
@degroens That is my IRK exactly – though don’t know if everything works yet…
@degroens mine, too. The girls are thrilled.
And I had no idea what these things cost… 200 bucks for a hair dryer! I must have been living right to score this.
Mine was fantastic! Monster Blaster Bluetooth Boombox, bluetooth earbuds, rechargeable batteries, pouch with charger, irk bag. We hooked up the speaker right away and blasted Metallica, Johnny Cash, and anime theme songs to wake up the kids. Great fun! Thanks Sidedeal/Meh!
Mine was definitely worth $5.
Trifo m6+ robot vacuum/mop - looks to be new
Monster cleaning kit
Hp printer cable
Black IRK bag
@chellemonkey I’d post a pic but I forgot how
@chellemonkey see my comment here
This was definitely the most fragile and amazing IRK i’ve had the pleasure of receiving (all 3 of em)
That looks like some sort of screen!
By golly, it is a screen!!!
1x Monoprice 28" 4K computer monitor (MP-28UHDSS)
1x Monster Power 12 port surge protector
1x Striiv dash HR fitness tracker
1x (3) Platinum Sonic toothbrush heads
1x beautiful black bag
I think the monitor came from someone’s desk, because it is definitely in used condition. It tips too far forward; either the hinge wore out or did not fare well with USPS. I didn’t even expect it to work, but it did! Super appreciative. Working from home is now a two monitor affair. Thanks, Meh!
@braintuba With that little of padding, I am SHOCKED it actually came intact and still works. Congrats, that’s a nice haul!
My SideDeal April 1st IRK arrived today! Although not my best one, it’s still not meh.
Here’s my haul:
Milan Black Purse
Striiv Fusion Bio 2 Activity Tracker
Tag-It Tracking Device w/ Alarm [Qty. 4]
Ladies Pink Thermal Top, Size 3XL
Coveted BLACK IRK bag!!
I have no use for the ladies items (since I’m a dude!) so I’ll probably regift those. Hopefully the Mehrathon IRK will surpass this one! Still gotta wait a while for that one tho. Thanks SideDeal / meh!!
@IndifferentDude I know-hoping they will redeem themselves in my eyes with the mehathon IRK so this one can be forgotten ASAP.
@Felton10 For sure! I believe only 750 were available in the mehrathon; who knows how many for April Fool’s … some were still available until around 11:30 PM on 4/1!!
@IndifferentDude I wondered if the number of IRKs in the mehathon-3 times approx 250 as opposed to the usual 10 @ 250 was based on the number that were given out during the April 1 IRK which was really a joke-anyone with half a brain could have gotten one and like you said they were even still available late into the evening.
@Felton10 @IndifferentDude 2500 is not at all typical. Where did you get that idea?
@IndifferentDude @sammydog01 Maybe its 2k or 8 IRKs every methathon-usually 2 at night, 1 around 8 or 9 AM-1 at noon, 1 at 4pm for VMP and 2 right before midnight and 1 misc one scattered in for good luck. With this one only 1 at night, 1 in the morning and 1 for VMP at 4-probably due to the lack of crap.
@Felton10 I don’t know what Meh-rathons you’ve been going to (ah, I see, you go to the METHATHONS), but the usual number of IRKs is around 1K. There have been a couple of special times where they have gone over that amount, but 1K is the norm.
@Felton10 Also, at the last Meh-rathon, there were a little over 1K IRKs sold, not the (approx) 750 number that you are saying. They were sold at four different times: 12:45am ET, 8:30am, VMP hour, and the last one was at 8:30pm ET.
Edit: And I really need to “get a life”.
But you still have purple @Barney. And us.
@Barneybot isn’t a real bot.
@Barney I missed the one at 8:30 probably took a bathroom break.
@Barney I think you are mistaken-some of the IRKs say IRK-7 which means there are alot more than 4.
@Felton10 There have been numerous times that the number of IRKs have gone over 1K, but to say that 2500 is the norm? I’d like to have what you’ve been smoking.
@Barney @Felton10
According to Mehstalker:
Jan 20, 2020 5 offerings, 1120 total
@Barney @Felton10
October 31, 2019 5 offerings, 676 total
@Barney @Felton10
April 1, 2019 5 offerings, 1010 total
@Barney @Felton10
Birthday 2019 was an outlier.
@Barney @Felton10
December 6, 2019 5 offerings, 994 total
I’ll stop now. And yes, I have nothing better to do. Nothing at all.
@Barney @Felton10 @sammydog01 time for some zzzz’s
Good night
@tinamarie1974 Ditto
Two cables for a printer I don’t own, three screen cleaner kits, a very firm purple cushion (part of but not all of a kids Sactional) and the black IRK bag. Instant regret indeed, though I like that the bag is bigger than old Fuko bags and the cushion could be a nice impromptu seat for future tiny apartment parties.

@Barney loves purple.
@Kawa or donate the cushion to a no kill shelter. The ones around here love getting cushions, pillows, etc.
@Kawa Maybe if you contact the other people that get parts of the sectional you guys can share 1 full couch.
I can’t remember how to add pictures, but my eight-year-old is over the moon right now with the Mota Classic Train Set that we received…just that and a black IRK bag and no regrets at all!!!
@megania see my comment here
@megania I ran into the same trouble, haha. Had to google how to do it. Couldn’t figure out how to do it on mobile so I had to do it from desktop.
Nathan, the mailman with mask and all, brought my IRK today. I could tell by the way he wasn’t struggling with the package that it was pretty light weight.
Upon opening it, I found
I looked and re-looked in the box for more loot, but alas there was none. I guess I wore the packers out from my last IRK.
Thanks, Sidedeal/Meh! Once again, it was fun.
@Barney loves purple.
@mediocrebot I do, I do!
@Barney Exact same as my IRK - enjoy!
@Barney @opivp99 Twinsies!
I got an orange irk bag, and a printer cable, oh and some dirty headphones in the bottom of the box with no packaging, cables, etc. Very much regret, especially after seeing all these others. Who do I have to be friends with to get a Nespresso, robot vacuum, monitor, etc?
@RdiPr nothing else?
@RdiPr Have you been making your monthly kickback payments? I missed mine last month and look what happened. At least I got the black bag.
@Barney I stopped paying for vmp! You’re right, that’s what happened! Doesn’t explain the previous irks that were about the same while it was active… But we’ll use it as the explanation for this one! My wife keeps telling me I need to stop clicking buy. I don’t know why I just can’t stop.
@RiotDemon that was all, this box even had all the tape on it and everything. But at least the printer cable is a monster cable, so if I needed one maybe it would be worth the 5 bucks?
@RdiPr Nah, you can’t use lack of vmp as an excuse. Lots of non vmp members get great stuff. You gotta face it, you’re just plain unlucky when it comes to IRK’s. (Don’t tell your wife I said so.) Hey, maybe next time will be the big jackpot!
@Barney @RdiPr Just one more.
@RdiPr Sounds like I got the same one. We definitely got Irk-ed. Not worth pics
My IRK arrived today and I got lucky. A black IRK bag, a power bank/car jump start thing, a glass Tupperware, a small power bank, and a steam press. But then I opened the steam press and found a charging cable for iPhone/keychain, a red scarf, an orange IRK bag, and a metal 3D model that looks like a paper cut nightmare.
I do not regret. Thanks Meh!
@Willijs3 To confirm, there was no actual steam press inside, but instead only the other things? If so, HAH oh meh, pulling pranks. Still, nice haul!
@Bandrik Sorry, I should have explained. There was a steam press inside, but they shoved more things in the box. Haven’t tested the press to see if it works yet, but it looks new.
If my items are operational I have hit the less than Meh jackpot!!
1 BLACK Irk bag!!
1 set of makeup, but dark and I have porcelain skin. Oh well
1 watch of some kind, but no charger. Any guesses folks??
1 Roborock S6 vacuum/mop. Retails for $650!!! Let’s hope this baby works!!
Thank you Meh
@tinamarie1974 can you use the makeup as bronzer/contour?
@RiotDemon oh maybe., unless someone here wants it instead. That is an excellent idea.
@tinamarie1974 A robovac, wow! Congrats! I too hope it works, or is at least repairable if it isn’t.
Nice vacuum! Definitely hope that baby works.
@Bandrik it is charging

@Bandrik and it WORKS!!! Well at least the vacuum mode. I have not tried mopping yet. I am thrilled
Mine arrived while I was out on my bike ride. TWO boxes taped together! Total size 24x24x12 inches (cat for scale). I’ll unbox after a shower and lunch.
@curtw4 What??? You can wait that long to unpack it?

/giphy tapping foot impatiently
@Kidsandliz I was all sweaty. Didn’t want to get it dirty. Update coming up.
@curtw4 OK, WOW! My first-ever IRK (Fuku, whatever) comes with No regerts.
@curtw4 Score!
My April Fools IRK arrived today…
Package of 6 size 34DDD bras
Certificate of Authenticity for pearls (no pearls, though…)
MEH make-your-own phone stand
Evertone Prosage thermo Massage gun
2-pack of Que Design bluetooth earbuds
and a black IRK bag…
Pretty good haul for $5
Hope someone that shops the local thrift store is a 34DDD…
@bstrmbn The massage gun is probably the winner of the bunch. The pearl certificate made me laugh though, haha.
@bstrmbn 12 more facemasks!
@bstrmbn you are going to make someone’s day, 34DDD are very hard to find
Received mine yesterday.
1x Black IRK bag,
1x Sharper Image wireless TV headphones (working)
1x IQ Technologies neck and shoulder massager. Appears new in box, charges but doesn’t turn on.
1x Mobile phone lens kit.
1x pair of pink leggings.
My girlfriend also got hers, and I know won’t post it so I will.
1x Orange IRK bag
1x Phone charger, flashlight and lighter
1x Philips Sonicare AirFloss Ultra (new in open box, working)
and most importantly solving the mystery for other users.
1x AquaSonic Sonic Power Toothbrush (new in box working) and 6 replacement heads. This is the toothbrush that goes with all the random heads so many people have gotten.
She is thrilled, and ironically her toothbrush just broke 2 days ago and was about to order a replacement when the delivery arrived.
@Raider maybe you can find all those folks in this thread and see if they will send you the heads for postage.
@Kidsandliz @Raider Three-pack here.
@Raider You want a new set of 3 replacement heads? Yours for postage.
It finally made it after a small tour of TX to IN and back and forth.

There are no instructions or user manual.
Besides the floor robot there is
A bag
Android emergency charger
And mixed in there (that I thought were parts of the robot) makeup concealer products. One thing is missing a lid, the rest all looks ok.
The robot is currently cruising around the hard wood floors. I need to go look for a user manual for how to get him to mop.
@remo28 How you get it to mop? Maybe you tie a kid on there with a wet head, head down?
@Kidsandliz IDK. It’s got a reservoir part to add water, and it comes with some cloth things. Must google.
This thing is pretty cool. I’m letting it charge now. It’s got an app and I can watch around the house as it cleans. It did get itself stuck earlier. My daughter is jealous since I sent her a video and she’s wanted a robot vacuum. No regrets with this bag. I just need to find a permanent home for it to live.
My IRK is not regretful at all. A large lightweight box contained…

Heritage 360-roller hard-sided carry-on case.
Flawless complexion cream kit.
Smart bracelet with white band.
Nikki’s kettle corn.
Ricola cough drops.
Hydro razor.
Black IRK bag.
@swhall05 what brand is the smart bracelet? Looks like the unboxed one I received w no charger. Maybe I can find one online if I have the brand.
@tinamarie1974 the manual says Hero Band III.

Does yours look like this on the back?
@swhall05 yup! Exactly the same. Thank you
After foolishly checking all day for shipping updates I see my sweaty-moronic-prune IRK made it to the town post office, with expected delivery tomorrow before noon.
/giphy can’t wait

It’s here!!
I have already put the carbon filters to use in my 3D printed covid masks.
I am not sure what to do with the vibrating platform as I am not yet over 60 and can still work out the normal way. With exercise.
USPS just dropped mine off.

@Barneybot isn’t a real bot.
Got mine, very simple:
Black IRK bag
Multipurpose ceramic hair brush
Some weird little “build your own Phone Stand”
Evertone massage gun (which actually works!)
And the pièce de résistance, a pair of N501 headphones with a nonfunctional left cup. This is actually a fantastic thing, as I bought the N501s on Meh and the right cup on those was nonfunctional. A few screws and I’ll maybe have a fully operational N501!
@blueyed510 Can you send me the remaining bits? The weld broke on mine and my first JB Weld attempt was a failure!
@caffeineguy Sure! The box will probably fit in an express mail envelope.
It worked, and at first blush, these things sound great to my middle-aged ears. I think they might need some breaking in, but the high end is as good as I can hear.
Not a bad haul! I mostly just wanted the bag.

@fuzzmanmatt Hooray! Another Monoprice monitor! Cheers.
@braintuba @fuzzmanmatt I’m starting to think that everyone at Meh got new monitors recently.
@blaineg @fuzzmanmatt Kudos to Meh for recycling their crap responsibility!
And to Monoprice and Phillips for building monitors that can withstand the trials of one layer of bubble wrap + USPS.
@blaineg @braintuba I wouldn’t go that far… the part in the monitor that the base connects to was busted. It’s fine, I have an abundance of VESA mounts around the house. I didn’t have any 4K displays up until now, though!
Meh. Not impressed. Much better luck with BOC’s.
Huge orange meh-bag.
2 Glowsticks.
1 teeny tiny phone backup battery thing.
A questionable orange LG tone+ wireless headphones, the box barely there (used?).
…oh well…
If I can figure how to anti-Corona the headphones, I’ll try them out.
@daveinwarsh if it’s been in transit for 5 days I’d be more worried about the outside of the box than the headphones themselves.
@daveinwarsh I got basically the same thing. My orange headphones were returned in 2015. Instead of a phone thing I got some USB flashlight/lighter combo.
Are your glowsticks LED?
@Squashedtarget Yes. They are LED. Didn’t open the package yet, unsure if it’s replaceable or rechargeable batteries.
@daveinwarsh @Squashedtarget got basically the same “naughty list” IRK. My headphones (orange LG) have a broken switch but otherwise seem functional. If anyone has a broken unit and doesn’t want to try and fix them, let me know.
Probably my most useful one to date.
I received mine today and I’m pretty excited about it! It contained:
Overall pretty darn thrilled with it all!
That eye massager thing looks pretty cool. That purse was in clearance for a while, when I finally decided to buy it, it was sold out.
@moonhat was the Siamese included with the IRK? That would make it a major score.
My very utilitarian IRK came, in a box so light I feared it might be empty. But it held:
Although I feel like I came back after shopping for underwear, I can actually use 3 of the 4, if they work. I have no Android anything but guess I can use the flashlight and charger. So I didn’t even get any regret.

/giphy willowy-swift-metal

arrived today.
The box looks pretty beat up, and has a hole in it. But it’s pretty heavy, and look at the printing on it. Could it be?

Yes, it could!

Black IRK bag (oops, not pictured).
8 piece Cuisinart pot & pan set, jackpot (so to speak).
USB A-B cable (meh. I’ll toss it in the pile at work).
Screen cleaner, nice.
Liquid eyebrow / tattoo pens, worth a laugh.
My wife was grinning from ear to ear as we unboxed the pan set. I think I’ve got a free pass for every IRK or BOC from here on out.
You definitely hit the jackpot! Why does everybody laugh at the tattoo eyebrow pens? That saves a lot of time if you don’t have to fill in your eyebrows daily.
@star2236 'Cause I’m a guy?
@blaineg @star2236

This? (smirk)
or this?

this could be another use on the eyebrows

Of course if you’d rather use it elsewhere instead of your face, here is a solution for that

You are welcome (
@blaineg @star2236 Woops ran out of edit time
Of course if the question is:

Although I know your original comment is more along the lines of:

@blaineg score!
@blaineg @Kidsandliz
If some man was hitting on me we CLEARLY tattooed eyebrows I’d probably laugh in his face. Makeup is for girls not boys
@blaineg @Kidsandliz
Is that first one vanilla ice? Lol
@star2236 I have no idea. I just went looking for photos of men with tattooed eyebrows, hopefully funny ones, to answer @blaineg guy comment. For the entertainment value.
@star2236 men can wear makeup too.
I’m not saying they can’t, I’m just saying that I don’t wanna share my makeup.
@star2236 fair enough!
@Kidsandliz @star2236 Those all look a bit “Florida” for me.
@blaineg @Kidsandliz @star2236 Oh people, you have no idea. I live in Florida, and these wouldn’t even draw a glance.
Got mine today.

One black IRK bag
One pink blow dryer brush thingie
One random tiny USB cable
Two packs of replacement toothbrush heads that might fit my husband’s toothbrush.
One very dusty drink holder thingie that I guess goes on a couch arm?
I was stupid and got my hopes up for one of those Nespresso machines. Le sigh. But for $5 I guess I did okay.
My IRK arrived yesterday. I didn’t open it till today but it was a good size and weight, and I was very happy this morning!
Thanks Meh! I’ve been a woot/meh follower for years and this is the best one yet.

IRK arrived today! All good stuff that I can and will use.
Black IRK bag. (To go with my yellow and orange ones. Hmmm, with a white bag could make candy corn!)
TrackR pixel five-pack
Rebecca Minkoff power tassel
Bandolino charging wallet/clutch - really cute
Lens kit (Bought phone last week so good timing)
Very happy with my haul. Thanks, Meh.
Got random broken jug of fidget spinners, I think I’ll just put it out by the mailbox for the kids walking by. Also the cord for connecting your devices. The funky orange headphones (I like them, no gook) and the big prize the brush that gives you a blow out. Not bad and actually made me happy to look forward to a surprise during these times.
Mine finally comes tomorrow (hopefully, it’s been saying that all week and then updating again to say tomorrow). A robot vacuum would definitely be awesome as ours is broke. Those Cuisinart pans are the shit, and so are the massager guns/neck massagers but any fun surprise will do. This is my first one and with all the high ticket items my hopes are pretty high.
I got a load of makeup (I’m a 65 year old widower), a torn IRK bag, and a refurb “serving saver” machine that I have no use for.
The whole package is now in the trash.
@JohnMorris Too bad you don’t know a teenaged girl as she’d probably adore getting a ton of makeup.
@Kidsandliz It looked pretty junky to be honest.
@JohnMorris @Kidsandliz I think that’s the style now
@walarney wow - no comment needed. At least you got one of the black bags!
@stolicat lost my comments when I turned the phone to add the photo. didn’t feel like re-typing, and, like you say, none really needed. This is either the 3rd or 4th hair dryer from these deals. There are entries on this page that are more regrettable.
Mine arrived yesterday afternoon. I opened it on the patio (no offense, meh, all our packages get opened up outdoors for the time being).

I scored an Iron Pie robot vac. Woohoo! The seal had been broken and the plastic sheet had been removed from the top, but it looked pristine. I charged it last night and ran it today - It did its vacuum thing and returned to base. Even if it hadn’t worked I would have considered it a win for the robotics parts. My wife was pleased, so it looks like it will live out its existence as intended.
A pair of hideous orange LG headphones. The box looked like it had lost a fight badly with the Iron pie. Haven’t charged it. If it looks unused, I’ll probably give it a good cleaning and wear it when no one can see me. Like on a video conference.
A USB wall charger. Who couldn’t want yet another USB wall charger. Unless it catches the house on fire. I suspect USB chargers will be the last thing from our era to decay. Then archaeologists will find these thousands of years from now and surmise they were some form of ancient fertility talisman.
Two bags of screen cleaner kits. One says “Refurbished” Really? How do you refurbish screen cleaner? Maybe I don’t really want to know. But I really laughed.
A very classy looking IRK bag.
May be my best IRK ever - Thanks!!!
@mehcuda67 I agree about the USB chargers. I used to think McDonald’s would be seen as some kind of shrine. Now I think maybe Starbucks?
@bower @mehcuda67 It’s NOT a shrine?
Today this beat up box shows up on my porch. I thought it was yoga blocks I ordered from some discount place. I opened the box and saw headphones that I know are from MEH. I also saw some black fabric in plastic bags which I thought were T-shirts from MediocreTee. (those are great by the way). I hollered to the men “Who ordered from Meh? Someones stuff is here.” They all responded “It’s yours Ma.” I said “Nope not me, I mean I wish. Someone got some seriously bright earbuds.” Then they tell me. “No really, we bought you a Meh IRK bag.” “A what?” I said. then I got it. It’s one of those ‘F#ck you’ bags. I call them that because I could never pronounce the old name and I keep forgetting the words to the IRK acronym “Woo Hoo!” I shouted. Oh Ya, I was so excited. We got one last year that was stuffed with absolute nonsense and I loved it. There were lots of well packaged shiny things that would only work with other things (not included of course), some strange chicken shaped meat thermometers an awesome TMZ mug and lots of random cr@p. I kept the mug and added the other items as surprises to several gift bags that were destined for my friends’ houses. I was hoping to get a few comical inquires about the weird additions, but, no such luck. There was no big pay-off in that prank. It still cracks me up a bit though.
Anyway, I couldn’t wait to dive in and see what Bullarky came in this April Fools box. I was stunned. I mean really stunned. It’s all good stuff for me - even better than the Red Nespresso, though I have had my eyes on one of those too.
In the box as you an see, I found:
Thank you to who ever packed this box.
am not sure how you hacked my online wishlist’s, but I’m so glad you did!.
@bower You’ve got some great kids.
Wow, that post of mine sure uploaded oddly.
My IRK arrived yesterday! You guys need to stop buying tape from Meh, it never quite seals the top of the box but I don’t think anything escaped.

1 black IRK bag
1 pink Bella Fiore robe
1 bag Ricola cough drops
1 small MNY shirt
1 Steinhausen watch (works too!)
Thank you guys!
Direct from Grapevine, Texas we have a black IRK bag, portable BBQ with a decent cooler bag that is likely most useful item, a Minkoff power tassel, and two watches. Underwhelmed.
My cynical-fertile-change is home! I got the trifo m6 robot vac (!!!), black irk bag, screen cleaner, build-it-yourself phone stand with a lightning usb keychain. Very Meh Indeed! This is a great one!
I must say this has been a true representation of an instant regret kit.

I have been instructed to “take care of” all of the contents, whatever that means.
Fucking hell, I hate these but I can’t help myself. I get sooo excited just to be disappointed, someday the Meh gods will shine their light upon me.
Until then, I’ll resume my post as the guy with the absolute worst luck…
Expired cough drops
Black IRK bag
Tooth brush heads
@fromagex would beg to differ about your luck.
@sammydog01 @studerc Nothing wrong with sheets! Very usable!
No image due to being lazy, will gif things instead.
/giphy wireless power bank

That’s not bad, always useful.
/giphy hair dryer

Same as everyone else
/giphy airpod clones

Called inpods, probably bad and seem lightly used
/giphy skincare

Dr Perricone face cream and stuff set. $150 walmart, was $50 at morningsave some time back
/giphy black irk bag

@dzieciom I love the gifs.
Today the IRK and added some more stuff to this house that is already stuffed with stuff.
1 Nespresso pod brewer, bright red and looks like it’s never been used.
1 smart bracelet thing that is new and rather attractive but no directions
1 pair of earrings, rose gold color, very delicate and very pretty
1 disposable razor
1 cough drops
1 monster cable
1 black IRK bag
Everything was packed in the coffee maker’s box, and it was so beat up it’s a wonder it made it here in tact!
@Teripie Nice… that’s a great IRK, congrats! My fingers are still crossed for the Nespresso, USPS should be here any time now and the waiting will soon be over.
Arrived today.
Black IRK bag.
Dill pickle popcorn (ugh).
Flawless complexion cream kit.
Red small thin throw blanket.
Ricola cough drops.
King size shitty sheet set.
I slit a sheet, a sheet I slit, and on the slitted sheet I sit.

Dill pickle popcorn? Who the hell would even buy that shit, no wonder it’s in an irk.
@ethelthefrog @star2236
ME. I WOULD BUY THAT SHIT. I buy dill pickle popcorn seasoning all the time.
@ethelthefrog @star2236 My kid would buy it too. She loves both. And she takes pickle juice from a jar and makes popsicles from it. One year as a joke I bought her a 10 gal container of pickles from one of the warehouse stores. She was in 7th heaven. I don’t even want to think about all the salt she consumed in the 3 months it took her to consume them.
@ethelthefrog @Kidsandliz
Uh, makes me gag thinking about it. But I can’t stand pickles. Only kind I can eat every so often are the really sweet ones. I’m polish and we used to have relish trays a lot at dinner and they were also at family gatherings when I was a kid. Actually when I was a kid my dad would limit how many I could have bc I would fill up in those and not eat my dinner. I kinda miss relish trays, they were fun.
@ethelthefrog @star2236 I hate pickles too -these were dill. I did like the big container they came in though with the nice lid that had a seal around the edge of it.
I talked my daughter into buying one (her first). She already signed a lease for an apartment and I hoped she would get something useful.

Here’s the box:
Yikes. The inside box had a similar rip but the contents appear to be unscathed.

FRENCH FRIES FOR EVERYONE! This will be perfect for her- something she can use and that I would never have bought her. Hopefully it works and doesn’t burn the house down. Plus a printer cable.
I just deciphered the scribbled out word on the box- “refused!”. So I guess it’s new!
It has arrived and I can’t use any of it.
I might try the “smart bracelet” but I do not have high hopes for it.
@DrunkCat what about the phone charger? Those ones like that with the cords attached are super handy, in my opinion
@DrunkCat @moonhat
What’s wrong with the sheets, not your size?
@moonhat I don’t own Apple products.
@moonhat @star2236 Yup, we sadly only have queen.
@DrunkCat it has a non-Apple cord on it too.
@djslack I swear I checked and failed to see one. I’m getting old.
Has anybody still not received their April fools IRK? Yep that would be me, it just arrived at my post office today so who knows if I will even get it by Monday? if I don’t get something good in there after all this anticipation I will drive to their warehouse and give them a piece of my mind. It was in my fate a week ago and then decided to take a trip around the country, this Hass to be the worst shipping service I’ve ever seen.
@star2236 They do this just to irk you.
@star2236 Mine is in Indiana. I don’t live in Indiana.
@sammydog01 IRK thinks you should move.
@star2236 settle downnnn
/giphy deep breaths

@star2236 Haven’t gotten mine. It has been wandering around the country. Back and forth a couple of times between TX and IN, then claims it was in town here (700ish miles south of IN) and then claims it hadn’t gotten here. Claimed delivery was going to happen several times this week, but on the other hand hasn’t necessarily been in this town yet. Hmm just looked. Said it was received by USPS in my town 3 days ago but now says it is in transit to another facility without saying where. No delivery date given (I had been given several in the past). God only knows where it is. On the plus side at least USPS finally has it. At least I hope that means on the plus side.
I was just having a shit day and looking forward to opening my box, I guess I overreacted a little lol
@star2236 Don’t worry about it. If you drive to TX, don’t try to enter via Louisiana. They will force you to sit in a hotel room for 14 days before you can do anything. With your luck it will be delivered to your house while you are on lockdown in TX and a porch pirate will get it. (grin)
@star2236 mine is still in TX. Bounced around all over thr place as well. Estimated delivery day keeps changing. They must be on the same truck.
Mine arrived yesterday, I’m very happy.
-Black IRK bag.
-Shark Ion Robot vacuum.
-Activated charcoal filters for a Popeil 5-in-1 deep fryer (I have no idea what to do with them).
-Monster screen cleaner.
-HP usb cable.
The box looked like it had been to hell and back. I pulled out the Shark, it still had all the stickers as if was brand new. Charged it last night. This morning I could not get it to sync with the app so instead I just pushed the “clean” button on top of it and it worked like a champ! I love it
Thank you
@tinkertime So, it works without the app? That means I won’t have to get my cell phone out of the nightstand drawer. Yay! (I got this in the last IRK.)
@Barney Yes! I wasn’t sure what would happen since it wouldn’t connect and figured maybe that’s why it was part of the Irks, but manually pushing the button works and it did an awesome job! And it only took about 2 minutes to set it up. You should get yours out!
@tinkertime It’s still sitting in its box in the living room. I guess it’s about time to play with it.
I just want to add that mine came in the originial nespresso box and also looked beat to hell… it was covered in holes and there was dust inside. They had opened the original package to add in the IRK bag. BUT the machine puts out boiling water in about 20 seconds. next time i do a grocery pickup i will grab a few nespresso pods and give it a try!
@wendigee if it works consider reusable pods
I have a kuerig and I have used the same pod for the last 7 yrs - saved a ton of landfill and the coffee is of my choice
@jmhsrv @wendigee
doesn’t work
Nespresso pods are unique and very different from the others, although there are ‘generic’ ones now. but there is no reusable one.
@Cerridwyn @wendigee Thats a shame
Mine arrived today - a trifo robovac/mop shipped in the factory box and a IRK bag stuffed in the shipping box.
@jmhsrv Actually, after opening the product box I discovered that all sorts of treasure was stuffed in the nooks and crannies of the packing material - Ricola lozenges, various makeup, a razor handle, some earings and a smartwatch -
@jmhsrv My Air Fryer was the same. They opened it, removed the top styrofoam layer and packed it with the extra goodies.
@jmhsrv Wish I knew what brand of watch it was so I could try to configure it
I got my very first IRK!
Gotta say, I’m a bit jealous of the vacuum and air fryer recipients.
The tote is available on Morningsave for $22. So, all in all I’d say I got my money’s worth.
It’s a purse not a tote.
It is literally called the Felicity Tote - so I’m not backing down from referring to it as a tote bag.
Lol your right, it is.
*A pretty blue/black purse I’ll foist off on a friend who likes purses (I hate them, I always lose them!)
*an almost 2 ft long leather/brown plastic bluetooth speaker I might see about attaching to the TV
*the TV headphones which I’m so giving my SO for the times he wants the sound on the TV but the rest of us don’t.
*Insulated water bottle that got handed right off to my roommate who always loses his water bottles and so hoards them.
*Black Irk bag
Pretty happy with this, all considered. Not things I would have bought, but well worth the $5
2x screen cleaner
2x lg earbud headset
2x hair removal spring thing (?)
1 combo phone charger/flashlight/lighter
What is a hair removal spring thing?
@star2236 its… Like a pencil, but it’s a tightly coiled spring, I guess you pull on it, then put it on your face, let it contract, and then pull it away. My mom has already claimed both so I guess it’s better than plucking with tweezers?
@novium @star2236 is it like this? I have one of these and they are great
@star2236 @tinamarie1974 something like that!
@novium @star2236 so you lay it against your face and roll it around. As it rolls it grabs the hairs and yanks them out. Much more efficient than tweezers.
@novium @star2236 @tinamarie1974 seems a lot more painful than a razor.
@novium @tinamarie1974
Holly crap it’s what I’ve been looking for since my threading place is closed bc of stay at home orders. Does quality (like tweezerman vs. Cvs brand) make a difference? You guys have so made my day! I’m sick of plucking my eyebrows constantly.
@novium @RiotDemon @star2236 on painful for a second and I would fear taking a razor to my face and having the hair come back stiffer and thicker.
As far as brand I am not sure. I have only ever used the TM coil type tweezer. I can tell you it took me a few tries to get the hang of it. Don’t get immediately frustrated. good luck
@tinamarie1974 the hair doesn’t grow thicker, that’s a myth. The ends are just blunt. I shave parts of my face, no big deal.
@RiotDemon really? Interesting…but I am going to stick to plucking … actually I need to try the permanent removal gun I got @ Christmas. I have been chicken to try it so far.
@RiotDemon @tinamarie1974
Completely agree about the hair not coming back thicker. I had to have a hysterectomy a few years ago and then had an ovary torsion so I’m left with just one ovary at 37 (now) for hormones. Anyway after that I started get some symptoms of menopause and have a lot thicker hair on my upper lip now. I have it treaded off and it doesn’t come back thicker or darker. The only thing that’s going to cause that to happen is hormone change. That’s why older woman you see have darker upper lips and chin.
Also the hair removal gun might not work if your hair is to light and thin. A lot are designed (especially at salon type places) to grab the dark hair and not the peach fuzz but always worth a try. I’ve done a lot of reading on it bc I’m very self conscious about the extra hair on my face.
@RiotDemon @star2236 thanks. Sadily I am dealing with those lovely menopause symptoms you mentioned. Waxing or bleaching is really hard on my skin as it is very sensitive… so need to give the gun a try, but I have just been chicken.
@RiotDemon @tinamarie1974
My mom has one, I haven’t used it on my face but it’s a zapping feeling, you get used to it. Or I’ve also bought a ladies personal hair trimmer and it’s been really useful right now bc my threading place is closed so I use it for my upper lip.
My biggest BOC/IRK ever. Definitely a surprise
1x Ful 3-piece textured luggage set
1x Toothbrush heads
1x Black leather shirt
1x JIT
1x Orange bag
I got mine in the mail packaging handled by King Kong.

” on its side)
Items are:
-1 Orange IRK bag
-2 USB A /square USB male to male connections from HP
-1 JIT Phone charger/flashlight/lighter emergency kit for Android phones
-1 Superstar Monster Blaster Boombox (not working, despite the sticky note with “tested
All in all a great IRK. 9/10 would submit myself to emotional roller coaster again if I can get into the next IRK set.
@randomwierd0 Also got a DOA Boombox with a tested checkmark. If someone at Meh could please let me know how they got it to work, I’d love to hear it.
@randomwierd0 @themutilator They said it was tested, they didn’t say it worked.
@randomwierd0 For what it’s worth, I have a working Superstar Monster blaster and it’s AMAZING.
Woof Meh, you promised me instant regret and even then you managed to exceed my wildest expectations. Picture not included to spare everyone the utter misery included in my box.
2 pairs of completely broken LG earbuds, oddly slimy and with return to vendor stickers from 2014.
1 outdated HP printer cable (new, at least)
1 ugly shiny purple beach-type bag
1 orange IRK bag.
You’d think this would discourage me from trying again to get an IRK… but now I’m even more interested to see how you can possibly outdo this one. Until next time, Meh.
@Barneybot isn’t a real bot.
@jdude727 ah! I see you got the same purple bag as me.
@Barneybot isn’t a real bot.
I received:
I gave my dad the earbuds. Mom and Dad each got one of the screen cleaners. I already had 1 of the printer cables from a previous IRK, but they’ll work as a replacement cable for my Cameo 3 should I ever need to replace it.
Also, apparently the postal workers laughed at my dad when he went to pick up the mail. He usually walks to the post office, and the package was very large (barely fit in the biggest package locker) and awkward. He ended up walking back home and taking the pickup to haul the package. (I was at work.)
@msklzannie he could of opened it and used the rolling duffel to get home!
@RiotDemon You and I know that, but the box said something about there being 12 in it. o.O
Got mine in on Thursday.
1 IRK Bag
1 Random velvetish bag
1 Shiatsu neck massager (heat doesn’t work)
1 Sweat band
1 Brush flatiron combo thingy
The massager helps my neck, I love the bag and my sister will probably like the hair thing so, meh+
I received:
1 Orange IRK bag
-1 USB A /square USB male to male printer cable from HP
-2 JIT Phone charger/flashlight/lighter emergency kit for Android phones
-1 Superstar Monster Blaster Boombox with gig gash in the side, DOA when I tested it
I will still pull the trigger on an IRK but will not hang around the screen like I used to do for a BoC back in the day.
I’m definitely not good at fixing electronics but maybe somebody somewhere can get that thing working for cheap.
Just received mine. I got:
Not bad, not great. But for $5, no complaints.
@SargassoC good stuff! You’ve got an almost spa day at home there.
I guess Sidedeal doesn’t check whether the person ordering is male or female. First when the mailman came the box was wide open tape hanging off the side and i asked him what happened he just gave me a look and drove off. In the box was 2 drapes 2 women wallets and six 34c BRAS. I feel like Cosmo Cramer from Seinfeld. Anyways if anybody wants to any 34c s and can send proof… kidding I’m KIDDING don’t do it! anyways maybe some one stole the robot vacuum out…too bad
@natekimh they do not check. Plus, not all women like “women’s” things and vice versa.
@natekimh 12 more facemasks!
Damn. You’re right!
Thought it would never come but it’s finally here!
-Laser cut 3D model of Burj al Arab
-Monster USB A to USB B cable
-LG Bluetooth earbuds
-Monster screen cleaner
-Original Aerobed (Not sure on size)
-Unlabeled mattress pad
-Obligatory Black IRK bag
Not an overly regrettable haul!
Mine arrived Thursday, and it’s the best part of the month so far. Wireless Charger Vent Mount (perfect for my Samsung), TrackR Pixel pack, QBeam COB flood light, Sharper Image Heated Acupressure Eye Massager (with music storage), Walmart purse (someone can use it), and a magnificent black Irk tote. Very happy. Thanks, SideDeal staffers!
That eye massager thing is awesome!
When did they start selling IRKs on SideDeal? How did they do it?
@dagirlgenius April 1st- the link was through Meh.
@dagirlgenius Don’t feel too bad. Apparently a lot of folks did not realize it was there. I believe it is the first IRK to not sell out. I was all excited to get it within the first couple minutes only to see it was still up for sale when I woke up the next morning.
@dagirlgenius There was a “choose your adventure” narrative that lead to it.
Omg, I just now remembered I bought one of those!! Now i’m excited, I thought it was a cool b-day surprise to myself, May 11th is my day. Woohoo!!
I believe the level of Regret I have is unmatched. The one that is amazingly awful to me is an EMPTY RMA’d plastic bag. No contents of the bag, just the RMA’d mystery container. Pleasantly disappointed.
@jbclowend Uh, oh, it got out.
@blaineg I have to think that someone received the small mystery item with no packaging that is broken. I want to meet my meh mate.
So I noticed that some people were sad to get an orange bag rather than one of the new black ones. I got a black one and don’t really need it.
Maybe we could trade? Just let me know what you’d like to offer. If it’s useful to me then we can both win!
I dunno. Maybe it’s more trouble than it’s worth, but I figure I drop the idea here in case someone REALLY wants a black bag for your collection.
Not terrible at all! Mine just arrived today and I got:
and the most useful item:
-automatic soap dispenser. Runs on 4 AAA batteries and dispenses liquid soap.
All in all: not too shabby! The soap dispenser works and will get put in the kitchen. The wife seems happy enough with it and isn’t upset I spent $5 for junk so alls good in the hood
so I just got my much anticipated and first IRK. Super thrilled and couldn’t be more happy. I got
@star2236 I’m glad it was worth your wait.
So am I. I can once prove my boyfriend wrong that buying random mystery bags are worth the money.
Got a black IRK bag, Ownzone headphones, an insulated mug, and a neck & shoulder massager. Pretty happy with it!

I got:
In all, worth it! I’m mildly unregretted.
Finally posting:

Monster screen cleaner & cloth
Monster/HP USB cable
Black IRK bag
The formerly VMP-exclusive Meh build-your-own phone stand
Box with 2x sets of Que Designs earbuds
I didn’t bother taking a picture.
Satisfactory IRK bag.
Little baggie of Monster Screen Cleaner.
The commonly seen Build Your Own Phone Stand/TOCCS Lightning Cable. How many of these damn things did you guys order 5 years ago?
Que Design wireless headphones that are connected by a wire therefore deeming them a delicious oxymoron. One earpiece is broken but can be glued. Haven’t tried them yet. Just don’t care that much.
Anti-fatigue kitchen mat. Wine bottle themed. Guess it’ll protect me if I fall over from too much of what’s on it.
Overall, pretty crappy. My expectations have been fully met. Thanks guys!
Okay. So I’m finally posting what the contents of my IRK from Sidedeals.
2 HP/Monster USB cables (of little value to me)
2 Monster ScreenClean kits (1 refurbished!)
1 LG Tone+ Bluetooth Headset. Look OK, Returned in 2015, Reason:Hygiene
A black IRK bag, Nice!
And, what I WAS most excited about, a Propel Orbit HD Quadcopter. It was obviously used, marks on the top of the body and propellers. There were batteries in the remote controller, luckily not oozing yet. The drone seems to work fine and even sort of hovered as designed. I think it would fly fine if I trimmed it. I haven’t given it much time yet. BUT, I was disappointed to find the camera doesn’t work and has a lot of noise recorded, still or video. There were even some failed recording attempts on the enclosed memory card. This is likely why it was returned. I was curious if someone reading this may have a busted Propel Orbit HD with a functioning camera.
@Stumpy91 image upside down for interest.
@Stumpy91 That’s the Australian version, the props have to spin the other way round too.
@kuoh I think when you flush the toilet the water rotates the other direction too.
@Stumpy91 try a different memory card if possible. That can effect the camera performance.
@braveit1 I tried other memory cards and couldn’t get them to work at all. Not sure of the format but it can be read with a Windows 10 PC.
@Stumpy91 @braveit1 Well I took the camera apart and noticed some poor soldering on the power cable but that ohm’d out okay. Then I noticed what should be a solder bridge on the flex connector going to the actual camera. I took a needle and cleaned between the leads hoping it is just solder flash and not soldered very well. What do you know, I FIXED IT! Both still and video now work.
@Stumpy91 Great forensic work!!
/image macgyver

How is screen cleaner refurbished?
@star2236 I thought the same thing. Hopefully it’s not full of pee.
@Stumpy91 It’s upside down to show off the ceiling fan feature with embedded spy cam!
@braveit1 @Stumpy91 Holy crap, congrats for spotting that solder bridge and that fixing the issue!
Now it’s stuck pretty good about 30 feet up on a tree. I had good batteries in the controller but would lose control after a couple of minutes. It took off and I couldn’t turn it or just drop it. The propeller guards have some good hooks on them so it will likely be up there for a long time.
-Down alternative comforter, twin size
-Titanium Rainbow insulated tumbler
-Shiraleah Chicago earrings
-Beverly Hills liquid brow liner
-Black IRK bag
Not totally regretting my 1st IRK. But, we’ll probably only keep the tumbler and bag.
@hakanama from the package the ratings are nice, I’ve never seen them before.
I meant the earrings
My daughter just claimed those when she saw them.
Black IRK bag.
White ‘glamor’ bag, same size/shape as the IRK bag, just quilted glossy white.
2 pair pink BT headphones.
1 pair of the orange-ish LG BT phones. Still soaking earpieces in alcohol, so I haven’t tried them.
USB B to A cable.
2 screen cleaners.
An unusual glass container with a divider wall. I hope it’s Pyrex-type (borosilicate?), else I may have 10000 tiny glass bowls someday.
It came with 2 lids, and it wasn’t even 4/20!
Totally worth it. Hell, I mighta sprung $6.00 for it!
After 27 days my IRK arrived. No sheets, no vacuum, no crusty headphones, but it was still fun to play along and would do it again. I received a beat up box as well with a 3 inch hole in it. Inside was the outdated HP printer cable, toothbrush heads, a charging purse and a 3’ Christmas tree with mini lights. (Just gave my fake tree away last October because I never used it). The orange IRK was tapped in the lid while the other items placed in the box.
My IRK came!

-IRK bag
-2 wall warts
-JIT charger lighter thing I’m afraid of
-Tone headphones, falling out of package but looking pristine
-2, count them, 2 fidget spinners!
And the big item:

-Three spinner suitcases packaged russian doll style. IN PURPLE! SO VERY PURPLE!
Thanks, guys! I love it!
@Barneybot isn’t a real bot.
@sammydog01 I am so jealous.
@sammydog01 you are ready for vacation!
Got mine today! I also got some loot packaged Matryoshka style
A large hardside case, a carry-on size, 4 pairs of BT headphones, and a box of unsimply stitched socks.
So awesome. Thanks Meh!!!
damn. Someone surely loves you.
A bot maybe?
@jsh139 luggage is really pretty
@tinamarie1974 my wife really digs it. It’s like a pinkish color. “Rose quartz” it says.
@jsh139 that’s awesome! My irk from this last sale has yet to ship but i’m excited to see what comes lol.
@jsh139 @tinamarie1974
As much as I hate pink the rose gold has really grown on me and became a new favorite color of mine. Suitcases look nice.
@jsh139 @star2236 @tinamarie1974 The purple ones I got are prettier. And that’s a totally unbiased opinion.
@Barney loves purple.
@jsh139 @sammydog01 @tinamarie1974
Yours are sweet, I love that they roll in any direction. To bad there’s no where to go right now to put those to use.
@sammydog01 @star2236 I think purple is awesome.
purple loves @barney.
Man I feel like I am getting old… Okay so meh is a single item a day… Morning save is… Stuff from TV, leftover meh? SideDeal is… What now?
@MrDylan sidedeal is the shady guy with the windowless van that hangs out in the alley late at night.
@carl669 oh…
not again
it has arrived.
(dog not included)
JIT charger
IRK bag
foot cream
toothbrush heads that just happen to fit the electric toothbrush i got in a previous irk more than a year ago
hmm… this bag seemed kind of heavy. better check it out.

sweet! free child! though this thing will definitely end up costing me more than 5 bucks.
@carl669 You could probably fit a few cats in there with him as well. I got a package of those toothbrush heads too. Yours for postage if you want.
@carl669 Oh God I hope there were air holes…
@cinoclav there were, but maybe not enough. he’s been running around yelling “i gotta go, i gotta go, i gotta go to Mexico!!”
@carl669 What the hell, he’s already in the baggage. Slap a mailing label on there and ship him off! Think he has any experience picking avocados?
@carl669 This should be entertaining when your kid is a teen or older and searches meh for what you have posted over the years
@carl669 Maybe that kid that came with the suitcase will work for food? At least you don’t need to provide a bed. Looks like he likes his packaging enough to sleep there.
Your kid is a riot!
Well, it’s been 8 days since @zsmasher posted their wandering package update. Did you ever receive your Irk or get any new updates?
I only ask because my shipping information kinda hit the same wall as yours right around that time, but I was too lazy to post about it.
My information hasn’t updated at all since 4/22, and I emailed support a couple days ago just to put a bug in their ear (haven’t heard back, but I expected a longer delay due to the virus).

From SideDeal:
From USPS:

@thejackalope So I had a scenic route too, back and forth twice between TX and IL then to my zip code on the 21st and newgistics claimed it was handed off to USPS then. But wait, instead of a delivery to me, the next update (on the 25th) said it was in transit to a destination unknown.
Went to USPS to find out where the heck it was and they said it was never logged into their system, they searched in the back and said it wasn’t there either. They told me to file a lost package claim.
Oh also apparently there is no post office in my zip code so how the heck could it have been handed off at my zip code post office is unknown. Learn something new everyday. My post office says they said they handle my zip code plus the zip code they themselves are in.
I then tried to contact newgistics to find out what was up since their tracking ended with the alleged hand off that USPS fictional post office (if one went by the zip code). You can’t talk to them come hell or high water, no email either. They tell you to contact the merchant.
Because neither service claimed possession, because there is no post office with my zip code where the alleged handoff took place, I did (email support at sidedeal). I hadn’t gotten an answer yet either. Then, out of the blue, with no updating of the tracking info until AFTER it was delivered, it came today.
So I then emailed sidedeal help and let them know that they could toss my help request. They then emailed me back just now telling me they were glad it showed up.
Looking at the tracking info where it had been transferred to (eg the in transit but no destination given), after the fact it was marked as received by the zip code of the post office that handles my zip code. Of course all of that updated AFTER the package was already delivered here. Go figure.
Good luck with your mess. Clearly this shipping mess operates in a different dimension that the one where common sense exists.
Got mine a few days ago and finally got a pic to post. Got a bag, a Monster ScreenClean kit, an Irk phone stand, an old school USB printer cable. Those were all stuffed into the shipping box around the display/sell box of the big item: a Cuisinart convection toaster oven broiler, TOB-60N. Thanks, meh!
My SideDeal IRK finally arrived in South Dakota! This is our “best” haul yet, I believe!
Final Tally:
1 Black IRK Bag
1 Meh Cable/“Build your own phone stand” combo
1 Monster Screen Cleaner Kit
1 USB printer cable
1 Shark Navigator Lift Away Pro vacuum cleaner in perfect working and new condition (it’s dirty in the picture because I tested it thoroughly before making the “working” assertion.)
@Kaylee That vac is a nice one. I bought one refurbished (not sure if mine the the pro liftaway or the “regular” lift away) and it is going strong severa years later. Make sure you empty the dust bin enough because I found it starts to lose suction when it is about 2/3 full.
After taking the scenic route where neither newgistics nor USPS claimed they had it, it finally arrived.
Hand pulled trailer dolly. Unfortunately my small sailboat and small camping trailer had to be sold to pay bills. Was originally sold on morningsave. I find what it is worth anywhere. Anyone remember what is cost on morning save? All the parts seem to be there.
Toothbrush heads. Free for postage for whomever has the toothbrush
iWalk charger with cables and wireless charging for 3 different phones but not mine. Didn’t come with a cable to charge it and I don’t won the kind it say is needed. Is totally discharged, the seal was broken, so don’t know if it works or not. Not labeled returned or defective though.
Adrienne Vittadini purse with tags with 2000 power charger with attached iphone and android cords. Charging now to see if it works.
Black irk bag. YEA!
Cool deal with the trailer dolly. Since I no longer have a trailer I could use it with I mentioned it on the off chance the family that owns the car shop I take my car would be interested in buying it from me. What they decided was they’d trade labor on car repair for it. A win win for both of us. Thanks meh!
I haven’t scored an irk since the launch of mediocre labs. I finally got meh’s April Fool’s sidedeal IRK and it got totally lost in transit. Back and forth to Georgia and then just dropped off the face of the earth. Customer service ordered me another, but my original actually arrived today! (Customer service canceled my 2nd order.) I would be sad about the cancellation except that I’m SO HAPPY with my IRK even though I’m absolutely not supposed to be. It could be that I just have the Quarantines, but I think my IRK is fabby.
1 Pro Cabello Luxury 5500 Straightening Brush
1 VeriSonix N500 Headphones
2 Que Design in-ear wireless headphones
1 mini tripod
1 TrackR.pixel
1 IRK Tote
Yay IRK!

To get customer service to send you a 2nd order, did you just email them? As I mentioned in my comment yesterday, my shipping information also has just gone AWOL, but I haven’t heard back from my email to CS a few days ago.
@marcee @thejackalope Mine had vanished too with neither USPS nor newgistis having any record of where it was (both claimed the other had it). And then it just showed up yesterday. The tracking didn’t update until after it was delivered. Maybe you will get lucky too.
When I had a fuko arrive with an open, empty box (and a USPS sticker on there saying they received it like that) I contacted customer support and was sent a bag, a couple of meh stickers and a meh branded mug.
@thejackalope Have hope, my friend, mine legit went back and forth to Georgia (I’m in Florida) twice… and then went completely MIA. But it made it! Yours probably will too.
Haven’t read the whole thread but I expect I must be close to last? A somewhat circuitous route from Texas to Upstate New York.
Seemingly new trailer dolly. (I don’t own a trailer but may now go out and buy one just because I have a dolly.)
Brand new hot pink grenade shaped power bank. (I don’t know what to say or do.)
Brand new JIT 3 in 1 kit. (Maybe I’ll take up smoking again. It’s only been 25 years.)
Brand new Laura Ashley ladies watch in white (My wife: “That’s not very attractive. Haven’t worn anything like that since Nursing School. Thanks. It’s mine.”)
Black IRK bag
Black Altigo Headphones. (separate package. Not part of my IRK but delivered at same time. USPS claims it was actually delivered 6 days ago. Let’s do the time warp again.)
A nice break from a rotten day. Just furloughed 104 city workers. I’ve done more at once and I’ve done less. Really bothering me this time even though most will actually make more with expanded UI. I hope I’m not suddenly becoming human…
@Frcal You are lucky the dolly pieces didn’t crush the other stuff. I also got a dolly with all the pieces loose in the box too and the other stuff was put in the box. I am trying to track down how much those are worth. Looks like morningsave sold them but now it says sold out and other places it says unavailable so ??? the actual original price. I used to have a small sailboat trailer and a small camping trailer. Would have been useful for both but I had to sell those so now don’t need it. Since I live in a town with a large reservoir and lots of boats I am hoping this will be easy to sell.
@Kidsandliz maybe along these lines?
@Frcal There are a handful I found with different brand names on them that look, as far as I can tell, identical. I am guessing one manufacturer, many so called “brand” names. But that price helps for pegging resale value. Thanks.
@Kidsandliz except just realized the HF version is rated for 600lbs. The one I received is rated for 300lbs. So some proportionate reduction in value.
@Frcal mine is 300 too.
anyone actually try using the JIT they got? mine doesn’t seem to take a charge at all. the charging indicator flashes quickly while plugged in. the LED lights up while charging, but not when it’s not plugged in.
@carl669 Wanna borrow my hair dryer?
@carl669 These have sat around long enough for the battery to drop below the safe voltage, so the charging circuit just sits there blinking and teasing you with false hope. That said I opened mine, gave it a jump start and now it work well enough to be a potential fire hazard and I’m not just talking about the lighter accessory.
@carl669 @kuoh I bought a couple of these things a while back and promptly threw them out once I though the whole lighter thing through.
@kuoh jump start? please elaborate.
@sammydog01 but really, what’s life without the occasional fire risk?
@carl669 @sammydog01 Wear a puncture proof glove, remove the end cover, then use a small flat head screwdriver to carefully crack open the cover. You will slip and poke yourself, so wear the glove! Once you get a corner started, you should be able to work it open and carefully pull the entire board and battery out.
Oh you will also need another lion battery and maybe a 3rd hand. Use a multimeter to determine the installed battery polarity, plug the charging cable in, then use a couple of small wires to jumper the good battery in parallel with the JIT battery. It should only take a fraction of a second as the charging circuit will take over as soon as it senses enough battery voltage. Mine was at around 1V before jumping. It works fine now, but could explode any second!
@kuoh @sammydog01 hmm… this all sounds very complicated. I was thinking more along the lines of hitting it with a defibrillator and seeing what happens.
@carl669 @sammydog01 The JIT is too small to safely hold between the defibrillator paddles and you wouldn’t want to short out an expensive piece of medical equipment at a time like this. You might see similar results by putting your head between the paddles instead, just make sure to wear a mouth guard.
@carl669 @kuoh @sammydog01 I love and appreciate all of you.
Got mine yesterday.
King size comforter
Pair of earrings in a random baggie
Eye Liner
Charcoal Face Mask
Black IRK bag (Both my daughter and I said “Like My Soul”)
Am I the only one who hasn’t received the Sidedeal IRK yet? It left Carrollton early on 4/16. Five days later it stumbled into Grapevine late afternoon on the 20th. Got transferred around three times before it finally departed Grapevine, passed me by and arrived in Los Angeles on the 23rd. 40 winks, shower and shave then it left Los Angeles on the 24th. That’s when it went dark. No word since it left L.A. about midnight on the 24th.
I can drive from my house to L.A. in about 5 hours. I could probably bicycle there in three days. In the seven days since it left L.A. I could probably have crawled there on my hands and knees through broken glass.
I had never heard of Newgistics before they were acquired by Pitney Bowes a couple years ago. So I don’t know if they were a decent operator then. But I have done business with Pitney Bowes several times, and I’m not at all surprised Newgistics shipping logistics is this messed up.
@ruouttaurmind The only people who can put a trace in for it from the newgistics end of things is meh. When both USPS and Newgistics claimed the other had it and it was MIA for 5 or 6 days or whatever it was, I tried all their phone numbers. Each one sent me back to the recording telling me to contact the vendor. Hope it shows up sooner rather than later. Mine went from MIA to at my door and only after it was at my door did the shipping update.
@ruouttaurmind I had a Meh purchase that was missing for almost three weeks after it was sent out. One day it just showed up. Two days later I was told that it had been delivered. Don’t give up, but I would contact Customer Service.
@ruouttaurmind aawww that sucks, but it was likely purses and makeup anyway
I hope it shows up !
@ruouttaurmind Not an IRK, but I have a package coming from ebay that is taking the scenic route and gone through several states twice that now is in Inglewood California (which is where it started off at). I am in Long Beach. No need to visit Las Vegas twice, but that’s USPS for you.
@madmod20061 @ruouttaurmind I bet they are gambling that you’d never notice the two trips to Las Vegas
@tinamarie1974, my box of purses and hair products showed up this afternoon!
As @Barney suggested, it seems to have stealthily evaded the package scanners between here and L.A. and finally found itself on my doorstep.
I always find the humor in this irony:
Falling out of the box was a Monoprice 27” LED monitor. Well, a filthy and seriously battered Monoprice LED monitor. Couple cracks in the bezel, smooshed corner. But the glass isn’t broken, so optimism remained strong. At least it did until I noticed…
And so the regret begins.
Still, I figured I might as well plug it up and see just how bad it actually tested.
And wouldn’t you know it?
Looks just fine to me. It even has fairly decent built-in speakers.
I am not concerned about the cracks and dings, as long as the picture and sound are decent, I’m good.
@ruouttaurmind yea!!! That is a pretty good buy for $5! Did you get anything else in your box?
@ruouttaurmind Maybe getting knocked around in the mail fixed the picture/sound problem.
@tinamarie1974 Oh, ya, I got sidetracked with the Sidedeal monitor and totally forgot to look in the bottom of the box!
Also included: 3-pack Platinum Sonic toothbrush heads, 3-pack Charging Essentials mini wifi smart plugs, a “10-piece Set” selfie stick/telephoto lens/mini tripod kit for cell phones, and of course the ubiquitous IRK bag. Not the best mystery box I’ve ever received, but pretty darned good.
@Barney, that’s exactly what I was thinking. Maybe all bumpity bumps it was subjected to in transit had a positive result after all.
@ruouttaurmind Of course, I would have let you borrow my usual fix-it tool, my hammer.
@Barney @ruouttaurmind not bad and for once not girly!
@tinamarie1974 In my home office I have a two-monitor setup. One is a 27”, the other is a wee 21”. I’ve been wanting to replace the small one, but never could justify spending money to replace a perfectly good monitor. Now I have exactly what I wanted!
@ruouttaurmind @tinamarie1974 now you can have a three monitor setup!
@ruouttaurmind once again proving size does matter
How about @riotdemon and her idea of three monitors? That would be pretty awesome (she says working from the tiny laptop screen)
@tinamarie1974 I currently use the two monitors with my laptop, for a total of three. @RiotDemon’s suggestion would give me a total of four.
@RiotDemon @ruouttaurmind ooohhhhh that may be overkill depending on what you are using it for
I’m in Austin, TX about 200 miles away from their shipping center and I haven’t gotten anything nor any shipping updates. It’s no biggie though, I’m sure I’ll get it soon enough.
@Bigbearballs are you sure you ordered an IRK from SideDeal on April 1st?
@Ignorant What happened to the Morningsave forums? I miss them.
@Ignorant @sammydog01
@sammydog01 I ran them into the ground
(They are still there at this time, just not linked anywhere except the MorningSave app.)
@Ignorant Those folks can barely use a keyboard and they have to download and access the app to complain?

@sammydog01 Hey, you talk’n about me?
@Barney @sammydog01 you’d need to take the phone out of it’s drawer to download the app to complain.
@Ignorant @sammydog01 Take the phone out of the drawer? That sounds kind of complicated.
@Barney @sammydog01 best leave it to the pros.
@Ignorant @sammydog01 I’ve got a hammer…
My bad, I ordered during the mehrathon. You’re not so ignorant.
@Bigbearballs yeah, those are still “processing”
@Bigbearballs Time has been slippery since about February.
Still waiting on my IRK, which has gone TX>IN>IA to… Federal Way, Washington. I live in Kansas. Shipped out on the 16th. Do I win a prize for the most regrettable route?

/giphy champion trophy
Mine contained a lot of good stuff:
For $15, I feel pretty good. Or I would, if I hadn’t seen the Nespresso machines. But I like my manual coffee process and really I’ve already used my mixing bowls several times!
Mine finally arrived today, after more than a week in limbo between the original carrier and USPS… After doing the rondo between California and Nevada…
Got the same trailer dolly that @kidsandliz received. No boat or jet-ski or anything like that right now, not sure installing a trailer hitch on my Nissan Leaf is a terribly good idea though.
A “universal” wireless charging pad which claims it’s compatible with iPhone8/8Plus/X and doesn’t say Qi anywhere on the pre-opened packaging, might work with my Pixel 3, might set it on fire, who knows.
A Laura Ashley split mesh watch, MSRP $345 (Hahahahahahahaa gasp ahahahahahhaha)
A box with two (not 3) charging essentials Wifi outlets. Someday, I might figure out something to do with the half dozen or so I’ve already accumulated.
1 black IRK bag.
Not too shabby.
Hubby’s arrived last week. He got the vibrating platform which he promptly gifted to me, it works, used it twice, but does feel like a lot of cheap plastic under me, hopefully no catastrophic failure will occur sending me to the ER.
Also got another USB A to B cable to add to our unopened accumulation of them.
The Ron Popeil fryer filters. Has anyone received the machine these go to? If so, a few of us can probably supply you with tons of filters.
A screen cleaning kit in resealable bag
Also got a black IRK bag.
Not to shabby there either. No disgustingly sticky headphones. No socks, bras, undies or other clothes in the wrong size. No fugly handbag/totes this time around. Can’t use most of it regardless, but they were fun and we definitely got more than our $5 worth…
Mine arrived last week at the office, and since I’ve been working at home during the quarantine, I went in on Saturday to pick it up. (Thank goodness the receptionist wasn’t on furlough that week.)
I, too, got the trailer dolly, along with a black IRK bag, the Monster USB-A cable, the cell phone camera lens kit and a pink makeup (?) bag.
I have no use for the trailer dolly, so my brother’s wife’s sister’s husband (my sister-in-law’s brother-in-law) will be the recipient of that.
Overall, it’s a definite meh

I got an Irk on April Fools Day. It contained a brush / hairdryer and a purse. And a cheap corkscrew, in the purse. And an Irk bag. I kept the Irk bag. One of these days, the grocery stores will allow them again.
P.S. Forgot the 3 pack of toothbrush heads that don’t fit my toothbrushes. They were forgettable.
Hah, sorry about the huge delay in posting, it was hard to get over my regret. Here’s another trailer dolly. I immediately regretted ordering the kit, so 10/10, did not disappoint.
@jhinra Color me embarassed, I didn’t even think to look at the bottom. Here’s the rest of the stuff I didn’t even realize I had.
@jhinra The trailer dolly actually is pretty sturdy and could be pretty useful. I would have kept it and used it had I still a small trailer. I saw it put together at my car repair place (traded it with them for some car repair). Those things aren’t cheap (just be sure to compare 300 pound and not 600 pound trailer tongue limit).