I’ve done it, I’ve done it!
Guess what I’ve done!
Invented a light that plugs into the sun.
The sun is bright enough,
The bulb is strong enough,
But, oh, there’s only one thing wrong…
@Stallion In the great rechargeable battery disaster of 2020, you will be so glad your devices are corded. Like all of the Samsung smart phones after 2016.
The great rechargeable battery disaster of 2020 was followed by the northern hemisphere ground water contamination scare of 2025, after 20 years worth of lithium ions started leaking.
@MehAmphetamine I’ve bought a couple refurbished Dysons and they put some kind of strong pleasant-smelling substance inside so you don’t even notice the dead skin and bacteria from the previous owner blowing into your face.
@Einherjar13 ahhh I was just looking at my friends list the other day and was thinking “who the hell is Rahlmik, I forget where I met them…” Sometime this week if we have a spot and I see you on, I’ll invite you to a raid, but you probably need to get to 385 if possible, run strikes and such.
@boygenius1991 Guinea pigs are probably too large. Maybe as a mouse cage. You’d probably want a clear top, too. They’d love that long tube -just don’t turn it on…
@djslack Different states have different laws when it comes to mattresses, so don’t count on used/refurbished. More likely, if there is one, it’d be a new vacuum packed foam mattress.
@stinks I bought a (new) mattress from meh in September 2014. I can’t remember seeing one after that. Still using it but only for a few more days. I think it’s comfortable but my wife has never really liked it. She says it hurts her hip but I think it’s her hip, not the mattress. But I ordered a Casper mattress so we’ll try that for a few months and see if it’s any better for her. If not, it’s back to the meh mattress.
Okay, maybe my eyes are blurry at this time of the morning, but I thought it said Shark POCKET Handheld Vacuum. I was intrigued. But, alas, no, it is only for NASA types.
@cherylhdolan YMMV but a while back I bought a refurbished hand mixer from Meh and had no problem using the warranty to get a new one when mine stopped working. Different company of course, but its good to know they aint effing us over with refurbished. A bit more security in buying this to see if I like it, 40 is cheap - not dirt cheap but enough for me to justify spending considering I have 180 days to get it back if I dont like it.
@timstm How can you get your money back if you don’t like it? The warranty is against material defects and workmanship. You send them the broken one and $20 to fix or replace it.
Q: What’s your return policy?
A: If it’s damaged, defective, or just DOA, we’ll either refund or replace it at our discretion. Just fill out our support form and tell us all about it.
We DO NOT accept returns if you just decided you didn’t want it, don’t like the color, or just feeling a little buyer’s remorse. You might try eBay - with as cheap as you probably got it, you could even end up making a little off it. Or hone your reputation for generosity by giving it to someone a little less picky.
i waited until this morning to see if this would sell out. i anticipated being frustrated that it was sold out even though i purposely waited so it would be sold out. jokes on me because i need a new hand vac and it’s not sold out yet.
@miko1 you buy a new filter, it is the wrong size, instead of a swifty return, you retro it to fit, use it to vacuum your car until it smells awful and quits working… not my proudest moment:
this everything i needed. it’s the stair vacuum between the big dyson and the cordless hand vac. everything in my box looks basically new. could use long cable, it’ll do. picked up tons of dog hair off stairs that the cordless dyson missed.
Love my rescued shark! He now is in a good home; he had definitely been abused previously. Scratches, scuffs, gouges - everywhere. But he seems pretty happy now and has been very busy. The cordless guys in the house (all three of them) are very jealous since he is definitely the favorite.
Like others have mentioned, the cord really needs some more length. Perhaps Meh will have extension cords for sale soon. Great purchase - if they come up for sale again Mom wants one!
@kathyl i got a 15 foot extension cord on amazon for $8. my house has the dumbest outlet configuration, there’s not an outlet within 10 feet of my stairs, which is primarily what i needed this vacuum for.
I was really excited when I received my new vacuum but quickly became disappointed when the product wouldn’t turn on and I was told that I had to return it to the vendor at my expense. Adding $16 to the purchase for return postage was not on my to do list and I’ve thrown the product in the trash. I was expecting more from either Shark or MEH. I’ve learned my lesson about purchasing items from this vendor.
I have to say that Shark customer service is pretty good. I somehow misplaced (don’t ask how, I don’t know - someone cleaned my place, and when I looked afterwards, it was like this) the top filter cover from the vacuum. Called Shark customer service, they’re sending me a new one at no charge. It’s just a little piece of plastic, but they didn’t give me any problems about it. The one time that I’ve been able to use it thus far, it’s been great though! And all the pieces looked newish to me, not like they’d been around the block like some have mentioned.
Bought this hoping to get away with having to buy a full size vac for this tiny apt. Works OK doing that - better than a broom LOL, and superficially things looked pretty good. Today I got the Shark stick upright meh sold on the 9th. (Yeah almost died of shock. Arrived 5 days later.) Ran it over where I had just vacuumed with this. The stick upright picked up more cat hair and some additional dust/dirt, but not all that much more. Since the upright has no tools, together this slum dwelling ought to look half way decent if you ignore it is ancient, gray, no nap left, indoor outdoor carpeting put directly on cement floors.
The studios at WWUH radio get kinda dusty, and we’re a poor nonprofit, so I bought one and donated it, and it’s come in handy to keep the dust off our equipment and old albums and CDs!
I own two of the most expensive Big Name vacuum cleaners on the planet, and while they’re great for cleaning the interior of my house, they, well, suck at sucking up the choking cushion of German Shedder Doghair that attaches itself to every surface of the back of the Jeep. This little gizmo is a wonder and a delight and the best $38 I ever spent on ANYTHING other the space in the pannier of the sainted mule that humped my backpack 17 miles up the Grand Canyon from Phantom Ranch in 109 degree heat.
If you’re even slightly so inclined, BUY THIS VACUUM. Added bonus: It’s so nimble, you can use it to suck loose hair off the actual German Shedder Dog itself-- assuming the beast is amenable to that sort of thing.
What’s in the Box?
1x Handheld vacuum
1x Hose
1x Dusting brush
1x Crevice tool
1x Motorized brush
Price Comparison
$149.99 List, $86.99 (new) at Amazon
Find a relevant price comparison? Please share it in a comment in this thread
180 Day Shark
Estimated Delivery
Monday, July 13th - Thursday, July 16th
Sucks within a 15 ft radius.
Great machines, except their cords are always too short.
I’ve done it, I’ve done it!
Guess what I’ve done!
Invented a light that plugs into the sun.
The sun is bright enough,
The bulb is strong enough,
But, oh, there’s only one thing wrong…
The cord isn’t long enough.
Suck it up tonight
That’s some bad hat Harry.
Does it suck good, though?
Sucky deal.
Corded? What is this 1992?
@Stallion In the great rechargeable battery disaster of 2020, you will be so glad your devices are corded. Like all of the Samsung smart phones after 2016.
The great rechargeable battery disaster of 2020 was followed by the northern hemisphere ground water contamination scare of 2025, after 20 years worth of lithium ions started leaking.
Let the sucking commence. Release the puns.
Do used vacuums smell like the previous owner’s dog?
@MehAmphetamine I’ve bought a couple refurbished Dysons and they put some kind of strong pleasant-smelling substance inside so you don’t even notice the dead skin and bacteria from the previous owner blowing into your face.
@awk Do we still get the fecal matter and dried snot?
@warpedrotors You’re confusing this item with Milorganite.
What? No Great White?
This deal sucks, but does it blow?
I get the impression this will make terrible margaritas
@alacrity Dirty Margaritas.
@Kylethephotoguy Sucky margaritas.
+1 Dragon’s Breath in those image results
@Einherjar13 Do you think Meh would take 23 Strange Coins instead of cash?
@Einherjar13 @EffinMojo
Hell yea other destiny players!! Any1 else 400 yet? Or am I the only 1 that plays excessively?
@TaRDy 371, still need to beat aksis. I see you on a bunch @Tardy I’m Rahlmik on PSN.
@Einherjar13 ahhh I was just looking at my friends list the other day and was thinking “who the hell is Rahlmik, I forget where I met them…” Sometime this week if we have a spot and I see you on, I’ll invite you to a raid, but you probably need to get to 385 if possible, run strikes and such.
is this vacuum good for a guinea pig cage?
@boygenius1991 It’s designed for shark tanks. And rockets.
Gotta remove the guinea pig first.
@boygenius1991 Guinea pigs are probably too large. Maybe as a mouse cage. You’d probably want a clear top, too. They’d love that long tube -just don’t turn it on…
@MehnofLaMehncha I think it’s powerful enough to remove the guinea pig.
@boygenius1991 lol this is actually what I’m wondering. Got 2 pigs pooping everywhere
@matthewhoendorf tell the pigs to stop pooping or you suck the s$&t out of them lol
Is it the shark that is refurbished? Or is it the rocket?
I dig any Shark vacuum that I’ve owned. This one will be perfect for stairs, couches, cars, cats, etc.
/giphy undulating baleful cattle
@Kidsandliz Yes! I’ll post an update in 7-10 business days!
@Kidsandliz is it bald yet!!!
Ain’t nobody got time fo sharks.
@Kidsandliz Aint nobody got time fo memes!
DUST CUP snicker
@eVil It worked! Your order number is: witty-jammed-body
/image witty jammed body
@Yoda_Daenerys It worked! Your order number is: deranged-bared-warlock
/image deranged bared warlock
This would be amazing for my car, but it isn’t dirt cheap enough for me to pull the plug.
No enlarged pictures of this handheld vacuum? Boo!
You just lost me as a potential customer.
What’s the over-under on meh selling a mattress?
@stinks So far, pretty under.
And they’d probably be refurbished.
Actually, some of these mattress companies with 100 night trials might be a good source for Meh buyers. But I’m not in for one.
@djslack Different states have different laws when it comes to mattresses, so don’t count on used/refurbished. More likely, if there is one, it’d be a new vacuum packed foam mattress.
/giphy ewww
And I think you mean way over, but I’m always embarrassed when I know anything about degenerate-level gambling, so a sincere congrats.
@stinks I bought a (new) mattress from meh in September 2014. I can’t remember seeing one after that. Still using it but only for a few more days. I think it’s comfortable but my wife has never really liked it. She says it hurts her hip but I think it’s her hip, not the mattress. But I ordered a Casper mattress so we’ll try that for a few months and see if it’s any better for her. If not, it’s back to the meh mattress.
@SSteve Ooh, you’re right. I see on my profile that was a few weeks before my time.
I guess that means if the o/u is after Sept 14, 2014, pick the under. Question solved. Answer answered?
(I guess you could also argue this was a mattress, though I meant the kind @SSteve mentions…)
Specs say 400W but with 500W motor. How’s that work? And does it have anything for cord management?
@djslack shh! free energy, man! We can make billions!
I was really hoping for ill-tempered sea bass rockets.
No purple? Meh.
(I recently purchased a second purple Dyson – because purple. Also it was half price tagged at that thrift store, so under $20.)
Dyson is horrible- had three, all didn’t last. Sharks much cheaper and are quality!
Lonesome lowdown designhttps://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.bsnpubs.com%2Fpickwick%2Fdesign115.jpg&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.bsnpubs.com%2Fpickwick%2Fdesign20.html&docid=-qXH_JvWcYbWCM&tbnid=jm9dVUxvSdLXhM%3A&w=252&h=252&bih=559&biw=375&ved=0ahUKEwjEkpXL0fLPAhXKPj4KHUlTADkQMwgcKAAwAA&iact=mrc&uact=8
Been researching hand held vacs for a few weeks now. Hope this fits the bill. Having a cord was the deciding factor. Must…have…unlimited…power.
Okay, maybe my eyes are blurry at this time of the morning, but I thought it said Shark POCKET Handheld Vacuum. I was intrigued. But, alas, no, it is only for NASA types.
If only this had a wand so it could be used as a full length floor vacuum…
@operaticus Get some duct tape and a broomstick… BAM… floor vacuum.
Gonna have to jump this one
I have 4 vaccumes now… pass
@bugger You should get this so you can start collecting vacuums too.
@Confusedkitty It worked! Your order number is: imaginary-disrespectful-bean
/image imaginary disrespectful bean
@Neechy Sorry, the
command is currently only available to VMP members. Become a VMP.OK you sucked me in.
@callow It worked! Your order number is: drain-chunky-honey
/image drain chunky honey
@scottsquatch It worked! Your order number is: grainy-rhetorical-rake
/image grainy rhetorical rake
@mediocrebot wtf mediocrebot? OCR & censor next time, maybe, kk?
@mediocrebot tell us how you really feel, never took you for an illiterate, paranoid urban mom mediocrebot
Hmm, dunno about that last pic. Those look like jet engines, not rockets.
… We’re gonna need a longer runway.
When it says “refurbished” what happens if it breaks down? Do you send it back to the manufacturer for them to replace it or are you S.O.L.?
@cherylhdolan when they place the daily deal the top of the post will have all the details, including warranty and delivery estimate…
Usually you can click the warranty and it will link to the specifics for each item.
@thismyusername Thank you!
@cherylhdolan YMMV but a while back I bought a refurbished hand mixer from Meh and had no problem using the warranty to get a new one when mine stopped working. Different company of course, but its good to know they aint effing us over with refurbished. A bit more security in buying this to see if I like it, 40 is cheap - not dirt cheap but enough for me to justify spending considering I have 180 days to get it back if I dont like it.
@timstm How can you get your money back if you don’t like it? The warranty is against material defects and workmanship. You send them the broken one and $20 to fix or replace it.
@callow you don’t… there is no buyers remorse returns at meh.
From the FAQ
Huh, TIL Shark and Ninja are the same company (SharkNinja).
Ok so this sucks and has toys, but does it come in neon orange???
i waited until this morning to see if this would sell out. i anticipated being frustrated that it was sold out even though i purposely waited so it would be sold out. jokes on me because i need a new hand vac and it’s not sold out yet.
/giphy heroic-vibrant-cushion
Should be great for car sucking- since I just blew up my shop vac!
@jensens1997 how does one blow up a shop vac?
@miko1 you buy a new filter, it is the wrong size, instead of a swifty return, you retro it to fit, use it to vacuum your car until it smells awful and quits working… not my proudest moment:
@dbriggs It worked! Your order number is: peremptory-knightly-side
/image peremptory knightly side
Wish people could sign up for VMP today and grab one!!!
@JOJOBASS That’s how they get you. (Still available for VMPs).
/giphy sneaky
damnit meh you convinced me again, after going back and forth for a while. I guess this is why I got VMP in the first place.
@timstm It worked! Your order number is: provocative-thin-cracker
/image provocative thin cracker
@mediocrebot wtf first time i ever use the buy function and my image is some creepy ass shit I guess Ill buy directly from now on
The shark rocket is the best (recent anyways) purchase I ever made!
Seems to work well. Base unit and non powered accessories look relatively newish. The powered brush looked like it has been around the block.
That 15ft cord is stupidly short. Looks like this is getting a permanent extension cord added.
this everything i needed. it’s the stair vacuum between the big dyson and the cordless hand vac. everything in my box looks basically new. could use long cable, it’ll do. picked up tons of dog hair off stairs that the cordless dyson missed.
Love my rescued shark! He now is in a good home; he had definitely been abused previously. Scratches, scuffs, gouges - everywhere. But he seems pretty happy now and has been very busy. The cordless guys in the house (all three of them) are very jealous since he is definitely the favorite.
Like others have mentioned, the cord really needs some more length. Perhaps Meh will have extension cords for sale soon. Great purchase - if they come up for sale again Mom wants one!
@kathyl i got a 15 foot extension cord on amazon for $8. my house has the dumbest outlet configuration, there’s not an outlet within 10 feet of my stairs, which is primarily what i needed this vacuum for.
I got it, it has a really small dirt cup but other than that this thing is completely the best!!!
I was really excited when I received my new vacuum but quickly became disappointed when the product wouldn’t turn on and I was told that I had to return it to the vendor at my expense. Adding $16 to the purchase for return postage was not on my to do list and I’ve thrown the product in the trash. I was expecting more from either Shark or MEH. I’ve learned my lesson about purchasing items from this vendor.
I have to say that Shark customer service is pretty good. I somehow misplaced (don’t ask how, I don’t know - someone cleaned my place, and when I looked afterwards, it was like this) the top filter cover from the vacuum. Called Shark customer service, they’re sending me a new one at no charge. It’s just a little piece of plastic, but they didn’t give me any problems about it. The one time that I’ve been able to use it thus far, it’s been great though! And all the pieces looked newish to me, not like they’d been around the block like some have mentioned.
Thanks again, this has been great!
sooo goood. I have a dySIN but shark is better hard to believe but true gonna go suck up more things! ![enter image description here][1]
Bought this hoping to get away with having to buy a full size vac for this tiny apt. Works OK doing that - better than a broom LOL, and superficially things looked pretty good. Today I got the Shark stick upright meh sold on the 9th. (Yeah almost died of shock. Arrived 5 days later.) Ran it over where I had just vacuumed with this. The stick upright picked up more cat hair and some additional dust/dirt, but not all that much more. Since the upright has no tools, together this slum dwelling ought to look half way decent if you ignore it is ancient, gray, no nap left, indoor outdoor carpeting put directly on cement floors.
Great little vaccuum for cars, stairs and pet hair on furniture
The studios at WWUH radio get kinda dusty, and we’re a poor nonprofit, so I bought one and donated it, and it’s come in handy to keep the dust off our equipment and old albums and CDs!
I own two of the most expensive Big Name vacuum cleaners on the planet, and while they’re great for cleaning the interior of my house, they, well, suck at sucking up the choking cushion of German Shedder Doghair that attaches itself to every surface of the back of the Jeep. This little gizmo is a wonder and a delight and the best $38 I ever spent on ANYTHING other the space in the pannier of the sainted mule that humped my backpack 17 miles up the Grand Canyon from Phantom Ranch in 109 degree heat.
If you’re even slightly so inclined, BUY THIS VACUUM. Added bonus: It’s so nimble, you can use it to suck loose hair off the actual German Shedder Dog itself-- assuming the beast is amenable to that sort of thing.
Three and a half years later and it’s still a good buy.