SCAVENGER HUNT:: The hunt for Free coffee
2So.. Here's the next hunt item... On nights that the Pats win, you have until 6 AM EST the next morning to tag me and tell me they've won. You will score 50 points. I'll score free coffee... :) Now I'll tag some of the usual Patriots fans out there @mfladd @JonT :)
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OH! @mfladd made it easier to find the Patriots fans... He has a whole thread all about it... oh and another one And @marklog got in ONE MORE
and here are some people dying to get some points... :)
@MEHcus, @denboy, @Christinewas, @Bogie, @DrunkCat, @Teripie, @marklog, @connorbush, @MrMark, @Soomass, @capguncowboy, @mfladd.
@sohmageek Can I just send you some coffee and not watch that smug sonofabitch? I mean Brady, for the record, not @mfladd. Maybe.

@mfladd I'll take, how many times you'll be curled into the fetal position and crying over the next few months, instead.
@sohmageek Correction: I'm dying to get zero points.
@sohmageek Don't like coffee or the Pats, double fail on this hunt. I'll just go about my lame life as normal.
@denboy except for the major points on your FF team courtesy of Gronkowski - you poser!
@mfladd If you want to be good a fantasy, one must separate church and state. Meaning like or dislike for teams means nothing when it comes to accumulating points. Gronk with 3TD's and a loss would've been perfect.

That's right. I pulled Cuban into it.
Note to self -- every night at 1 am, tag @sohmageek and tell him Pats won -- gotta work at least once??
@mikibell Note to self... Add in -100 points for telling me it happened but it didn't.
Pat's won...Did people expect a different outcome?

Gronk Smash!
@sohmageek The pats won.
Wait, did... uh he... she? What's going on! Who's pat?
6am EST is 4am MST... Not going to be getting points for this one.
@Bogie I found out too late... which Is why I tagged you football people. :) I don't watch sports... but Dunkin is giving away free coffee if the pats win... so I say GO PATS!
I'm not sure if I can embed a facebook video here, but I'll try ;)
@kadagan video failed..just like the Steelers headsets :)
@mfladd do you have facebook access? The link works fine for me.. It didn't embed though..
@kadagan Love that commercial. I do have facebook, an extension was was blocking the vid. But I will help you out because I love the hate. (and you are nice)
Here is another great Parody Commercial about Brady.
I can still make fun of them!
@mfladd The Steelers definitely out-coached the Pats!
@kadagan the score says differently. How mant times was Gronkowski left uncovered? (disclaimer - I am not nice when it comes to football:)
@mfladd You missed the joke.. more head coaches (2 tomlins) == out-coached..
@kadagan I did. I was too busy looking at the out-coached part. I am partially blinded, because I am usually on the defensive here. Which is the way I like it :)
@mfladd I have a major hatred of the pats.. I grew up in new england, and was a Steelers fan there.. now I live in Pittsburgh.. But after a tough loss there's not much I can do besides joke about it..
Someone just sent me this article, which looks like it should be good (but I haven't read it yet) about what happened with the Cheatriots and the headsets..
@kadagan you should get together with @becca she also was born and raised in Boston as a Pittsburgh fan. (which I am saddened by)
@kadagan It was equipment malfunction ;)
@mfladd yes.. the digital encrypted communications system somehow had a plain text radio broadcast leak onto it.. makes perfect sense :)
@mfladd and I actually grew up in NH.. but only an hour and a half or two hours from Boston.
@kadagan ooooo...probably close to me (around Portsmouth maybe?) I grew up in MA next to the NH border on the ocean.
@mfladd I became a Steelers fan on my own, much to the dismay of my friends, family, and community. #bornthisway
also hi @kadagan!
@becca Hi! :-D
@kadagan @becca aww.... I have created friends.

@kadagan @becca I'm glad to see that both of you were able to recognize and resist evil. Poor @mfladd is a sick, sick man.
@kadagan ahh. north of lowell. You grew up 22 mins from me. Nice. (except for the Steeler part :)
@mfladd haha, yeah, I know a ton of obnoxious Patriots fans... lol.
I moved to PA in 1999, so I thankfully wasn't there for the superbowl era.
@kadagan then you remember the days when we would wear bags on our head and were never ever anything but mediocre since the 60's. That is why we revel in these glory years.
The pats won.
@sohmageek You really had to drag me into another Patriots thread knowing I can't resist the hate?
@sohmageek You really had to drag me into another Patriots thread knowing I can't resist the hate?
@mfladd you just can't give up your goatly ways can you? :P
@stardate820926 Ha! I did not even see that. It was because I received one of those Irk "something went terribly wrong" vids. Which is happening more and more. It's either because meh staff hate me, or their servers are meh? Probably a little of both ;)
@mfladd It was probably the Patriots messing with the servers...
@stardate820926 I kept waiting for him to catch it and delete one! If ever a goat needed to repeat his reign, it's @mfladd
@jaremelz haha me too. That's why I decided a screenshot was necessary, just in case
@jaremelz nah..I was busy. And no sweetie, you are in line for that crown of thorniness. I shall not serve again during football.
@mfladd Ah, no second reign during football. Can't handle all that ankle grabbing that'll come from both?



@mfladd - So, you're trying to blame it on the meh staff? They might have a thing (or 2) to say about that. Too two funny.
Maybe we should chip in and buy you a tutu.
@mfladd There's only one good way to deal with you
@KDemo meh. they can bring it too, two. I am looking to get banned.

@stardate820926 is my favorite.
Did anyone else notice how he's just resisting football season now? I think @mfladd has begun to accept the inevitability of his re-goating.
@KDemo I'm in for the tutu.
"but everybody cheats!"
@Lotsofgoats that's true.
"the Tuck Rule was called correctly!"
@Lotsofgoats It was.

"the Snow Plow Game is proud football history!"
@Lotsofgoats You know I bathe in this, right?

@mfladd weird cuz I would expect bathing to be beyond most pats fans
@Lotsofgoats well that is just down right dirty of you.
@Lotsofgoats Also a classic piece of football history

@Lotsofgoats and BTW, which team is it you root for?
@mfladd if I tell you then we can't be friends anymore probs PS you suck
@Lotsofgoats re: I suck :)

p.s. I am friends with all my haters
@mfladd Haha haha... Tell me another funny joke...

The pats only win by cheating. So, this thread is irrelevant.
@juststephen "hey, no cutting in the Patriots Hate line. You are going to have to wait your turn just like everyone else. I will get to you as soon as I can."
"And yes, I know it's a long line, but tissues to cry into will be provided at no cost to you".
@mfladd All this "bring on the hate" stuff with you and your Patriots really makes it seem like you miss being goat.
@kadagan The NFL has said that Patriots are not responsible for the headset issue (this from the league office that has fucked them every time they can).
Patriots not responsible
@mfladd For some reason I never got a notification email on this one.. Yeah, the league said that it wasn't their fault.. But how does an unencrypted radio broadcast "accidentally" leak into an encrypted headphone system? It can't happen.
@sohmageek Pats won
@sammydog01 damn..I forgot about this one!
@mfladd I don't think it was limited to first response. Go for it.
Coffee won! Free Patriots!
Forgot to tag you, @sohmageek.
Patriots Won! (as usual)
@sohmageek give my points to @christinewas as she is traveling for vacation.
@sohmageek - Is that a thing? Do we have to kiss up to @mfladd for extra points now? Jeesh.
@KDemo yup :) But she doesn't exactly kiss up to me. She just sends me hate. Haven't you learned this is what I love?
@mfladd Oh hell no, @KDemo I love our team with all my heart, but if it came to that, I'm out!
@mfladd - You are a smart person, You are good-looking, and gosh darn it, people like you!
@KDemo Nice, hit him where it hurts.
@KDemo lol..damn you for being nice! (still love that vid)
@mfladd Mwahaha.
@KDemo My awesome team member. She'll nice you to oblivion.
@sohmageek. Yes, yes! They won! Free coffee! (And I have been on the road all day.)
Thanks, @mfladd. Points may be my only consolation when evil prevails like that.
@KDemo "kiss up to"? Whaaaaat? What forum have you been looking at?
@christinewas @mfladd @kdemo @jaremelz if you guys can figure out why my son won't go to sleep and is visibly shaking when I put him to bed... I'd be grateful... Not looking good for this week alone! :( I don't trust myself to have him in bed with me without my wife. I'm way too sound of a sleeper and could see him hopping down of the bed and doing other things like falling down the stairs.
@sohmageek Did something scare him tonight? Over-stimulated perhaps? Can you lay him down in his bed and just sit in there for awhile? Don't chat with him, just be present. If he wants to chat,remind him, "No, sleep now". Eventually he might fall asleep and stop shaking as soon as he does.
@sohmageek Is he crying? Did you check his temp? Sometimes something like an earache will hurt more when he lies down.
@sohmageek - @jaremelz' idea sounds good. Maybe sit by his bed and read to him in a quiet voice.
@jaremelz @kdemo He's calmed down a bit and is laying down but playing in his pack 'n play while I try to figure out what to do to clean up before I head off to bed... When I do that... Either I'll sleep down here on the couch to not disturb him or I'll take him up to his bed. and I'll go to mine. The wife left for a week on business... So... IT's hard on him right now. His whole day was off... He took a long nap for the AM nap (usually a 30 min nap was 2.5 hours.) skipped the PM nap... dinner was late by 30 mins... I missed a bottle... Which makes me feel like the WORST parent ever... but.. He was sleeping and I don't know if he's not feeling ok, or if he is just missing mommy and that's the issue. Until he talked with Mommy (saw her on FaceTime) he was crying "mom mom Mommy...." Breaking my heart.
@sohmageek You will be fine. Babies are finicky. Best of luck this week and I feel your pain.
@jaremelz If he wants to chat? about what? He is 1 yr old!
@sohmageek - Oh, I know that breaks your heart, but kids are so resilient. He's probably just off his sleep schedule, but he'll be fine. You are obviously a loving and responsible parent. Isn't FaceTime a lifesaver, though?
@mfladd My oldest boy spoke full sentences at a year. My mother in law had a hilarious discussion with him regarding potty training just before he was two. He laid out very strong and clear arguments for his side and she informed him that if he could speak like that, he could piss in a pot.
And did your kids not totally want to babble to you even that young?
@sohmageek Sounds like he's just feeling off. He'll get into this change of routine quickly though. And don't feel bad, you're doing just fine.
@sohmageek I think it doesn't say anything about the rest of your week. Most likely, things will continue to get better with each passing day. Big transition for both of you.
@mfladd he has great conversations... up up up da da da da ma ma ma, Ducky (although it's more of a silent D... which makes it sound... well...) ball... ball ball... :) He's got the important things... When I'm driving it's GO GO GO! or OUT OUT!
So, @sohmageek, requesting progress report. Have things settled down? Is Raylan getting any sleep? Are you?
@KDemo @stardate820926 omg! Today I just woke up from a nap with Raylan. He is fast asleep in dreamland where as I took an unplanned nap.
8:14 I passed out and so did he. I just woke up as I had a few prep things I had to get done (finish loading and start the dishwasher for the AM) but tonight he was a very very good boy! I had to wake him to get him to take his bath. Then he didn't want to sleep. But he was tired. I tried the lay on daddy on the couch, and it worked.
I'm not worried if he were to wake up and crawl off me on the couch it's pretty baby proof downstairs. And he crawls off the couch all the time. The me falling asleep was fine too. I am exhausted. He is old enough that I'm not worried about him with co-sleep issues. (I wouldn't have been as comfortable months ago. I know there is a whole co-sleep vs nonco-sleep thing out there.)
@thumperchick you will get a lot of the co-sleep is bad from hospital etc. they try to make it sound like it's criminal. We didn't want him to get into the habit of wanting to co-sleep all the time. We have a lot of naturalists (I think that is the pc term, and what they prefer) where they are organic this and that (I highly recommend an organic bed. One of the things they said in our birthing class was a small unverified study where SIDS was reduced by using organic bedding and less plastic around the bed. Also letting the mattress and any bed part that was in plastic air out for a month before baby gets into it.) the naturalists are all about put your baby with you it's natural. It's what we've done for centuries. Mothers won't smother the baby. Dads. Well they say we will. Not intentionally. I could we how I could roll over and not realizing I just ran over the baby. So I didn't sleep as sound when baby was nearby when he was smaller. Do your own research. I did. If you follow all the professional recommendations you will basically be covering your baby in cotton organic bubble wrap but only when they are awake and over 6 months. Before that you'll put the baby in 6 layers of clothing on a cold winter night in a crib with nothing on it (I think one recommendation even said don't use a fitted sheet on the crib. Really? You have got to be fucking kidding me. Who thought up that one?) I find that with "professional" recommendations with babies I ask "Why" if I don't get a good answer and it's not what my mother and my grandmother did. Who am I to argue with the women of my family??? ;)
Sorry for the long post :)
@sohmageek I'm cool with co-sleepers! We're not co-sleeping. No fitted sheet in the crib? People really do go to extremes.
I'm glad your lil one seems to be feeling better!
@Thumperchick there will be times that you will want to. When your baby is sick or not having a good sleep day for the 10th day in a row. We were firmly against for a long time.
@sohmageek You've got this! So glad you're getting some sleep, and he's playing along. It's good that you're getting this bonding time. Carry on!
@sohmageek I'm sure parenting and kid-having in general is about exceptions and doing whatever works.
We're not co-sleeping. I'm more adamant about this because people tend to be very... "you must do this thing" about this one. It's weird. I guess I'd get more of that if we weren't planning to EBF & CD - but still odd to me that other people are so invested in where our kid sleeps.
@Thumperchick I have a friend, leftover from an online mom's group from a decade ago, who does nothing but post her statistics and studies and rants about child safety. She's obsessed to the point of saying if you don't do it her way, you don't love your child. I don't get it. This world wouldn't be so overpopulated if all these different approaches weren't working.
We had to let our youngest sleep in a baby swing for his first 5 months. He had such severe acid reflux that if he laid down, it gurgled up and he choked. After that, he needed to sleep propped up, so I co-slept for what we intended to be a couple months, but became until he got his own little bed. Parenting to me is all about having whatever plans you make get a wrench thrown in them and figuring out what works for you.
Pat Won

Because this game was made up... I know this will annoy some of you I see @bogie gets 50 points, but I'm going to give @christinewas 200 points and @mfladd 200 points for the Pats winning... a lot. ;) Thank you guys for rooting them on!
@sohmageek @mfladd was team mehcus, right?
@sohmageek Something went terribly wrong.
Nov. 8, 2015 Pats win 27-10. Enjoy your free coffee @sohmageek. I will enjoy my free points :)
@mfladd @sohmageek No amount of points can make some folks (teams) winners!
@jaremelz I know, consider yourself lucky the Seahawks had a bye instead of another loss.
@sohmageek Were the points for this ever added up for an overall winner?
@Bogie The short answer? No. For which be deserves never to be goat again, since he enjoyed it. :)
@sohmageek. 11/15/2015 Pats win again!!!!!!!!!!
They won again in the final seconds. They beat the Giants who are their Anti-Christ. Enjoy your coffee tomorrow. It should taste especially good.
I will post the kick when available. 54 yard field goal.
I'll pay for your coffee