I bought 6 of the battery powered ones. I’ve only setup 2 of them on wifi and they kind of work sort of ok using their app on Android. I had to download songs to my phone in order for it to play anything, I don’t use Spotify or any of those other services, I drink the Google Koolaid! SO, I just found this app today: [root] AirAudio - stream your music! ( https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=eu.airaudio&hl=en&rdid=eu.airaudio )
Which might be the magic bullet. HOWEVER, your device needs to be rooted. I happen to have an LG GPAD 5.0 that I rooted, so I’ve installed it and paid the $5 for the app. I’m not at home with the speakers, but I’m almost 99% sure this app will find the speakers and stream ANY AUDIO from ANY APP over to them. WINNING (well, 99% sure of potential winning)
I tested the app by using this software: Shairport4w it makes your Windows computer look like an Airport something or other, so it worked “app to device” like I wanted it to. Google Play Music! Amazon Unlimited Music! Anything! Even other Stuff! Now I just need to go home and test the app with the speakers, I’LL LET YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENS NEXT! (Number 3 will shock you?)
I can’t remember if the Bubble Soft app needs root, if not, it might be a better choice for those who don’t have a device they can root.
In order to get the AirAudio app to work, I had to use DLNA, with the “advertise server” option turned on. Airplay didn’t want to work for me, it never connected. I still had to use the QFX app to “Sync” the speakers into one group, and of course, connect them to my Wifi. So, overall, it’s not a bad setup and I can stream ANY audio I want to the speakers, from ANY app. Rock’n!
@mike808 Actually, people think the monster’s name is Frankenstein but that was the name of the doctor who created it. The monster was only referred to as “The Monster” in the book. It did not have a name.
@Kerig3 We’ve had some form of Bluetooth/speakers and/or docks on April 23rd & 24th, May 14,18,23 and 26 and June 20th and last knife was June 10th. So, based on our last discussion, are we thinking a knife is coming up?
@Kerig3@Kidsandliz hinted that we were doing the exchange now with the anticipation of a possible Fuko coming up. Hope so, since I’ve never gotten one, but this is kinda like that (I think) but possibly neater than a Fuko - because it is from people who come here. It’s my first time doing an exchange so I hope I don’t screw it up or let down who I have. Last night and tonight have been different items, so yea to Meh, but I’m still thinking knives or something that lights up or has a light on it.
@WTFsunshine Just be sure to post what you get. My person got their box last Thursday and not one peep. I have only ever had one person I have sent to in an exchange post. I am going to shit list anyone who doesn’t post as I (and some others who have been on the receiving end of the same kind of selfish behavior) am tired to putting effort into something and not even getting a thank you - even if it is the kind of thank you lie about how you love that ugly sweater (and you live in the tropics or something) that a relative gave you. I gave my recipient both fukU and fukO meh branded swag since they had complained on the forums that they had never gotten either. If they don’t post I sure will have wasted my limited supply of that stuff (sorry I am grumpy this morning).
@Kidsandliz I will post it and I’m sorry that some people are not posting pictures or a response from what you have done. Not only did you take the time and energy to assemble and mail to who wanted to participate but you also took on the headache of creating this round of exchanges. I certainly appreciate all you have done. I’ve never been around for one of these so I was excited about it. My husband couldn’t get the package out in time and took yet another 12 hour shift so I went through Amazon w/prime shipping to get a box to my person. Only problem is that I couldn’t post my user name in the gift receipt because Amazon wouldn’t allow it. She should get it all on the 27th (they split the order into two shipments) but other than my real name she’s not going to know who the heck I am. You did so much for us it is only fair to have some reciprocation for what you did for us and who you sent to. Don’t apologize for being “grumpy” you deserve to feel that way and besides- I think you’re being too generous - I would have been a little harsher in explaining my feelings! If/when we do this again pick me as your person I get to send a box to - I’d do my best to put a smile on your face - then maybe you would feel like you came out on top if you receive no feedback from your own.
@cengland0 Does that say “stream” or “scream” your music library or favorite online series in bullet point #3? Writing is too small for my eyes. If you have to scream your music at it what’s the point of having the speaker? (Mostly kidding for conversation purposes but not about can’t read it)
Wifi Connection Hint - Mine just arrived. I tried to hook them up to Wifi using the app with much frustration. They have an easier hookup option if you have a laptop or computer handy. Turn the speakers on in Wifi mode, then go to your laptop and connect via Wireless to the Speaker (it broadcasts its own unsecured network with the name E250something, E350something etc.). Then open a browser and go to The speaker has a webpage where you can input your correct Wifi SSID and Password and they hook right up.
@ggrochr I had trouble with this, too. The instructions say to press the WiFi button until the blue light flashes quickly. Well the default flash is pretty quick, so I was pressing the button and just cycling playback modes. Eventually I figured out you have to hold the WiFi button for several seconds, then the blue light goes into hyperdrive and then it’ll finally show up in the app.
@baqui63 so, i got the last batch, and they aren’t “alexa compatible” but that only refers to the wifi. My echo dot is connected to one via bluetooth full time and it doesn’t go to sleep. Works perfectly fine with alexa and has much better sound quality than i expected from such a cheap pair of speakers. Also, i prefer the qfx app, because every time i tried to use the muzo app, it crashed when i pressed the albums or artists tab in its menu. They are very loud and have good clarity. Hope this helped.
@ConradHilton Can one speaker stream music to the other - e.g. if the echo dot is plugged into one speaker via the 3.5mm jack, can the second speaker also play the same audio?
@mwarren I haven’t gotten that to successfully work. The mode to team them up is controlled by the app when they are in wifi mode and then the source of music is supplied within the app as well.
They probably do not contain a-d converters necessary to pull in an analog signal and transmit it, but i haven’t disassembled mine. There are several features in this hardware that the apps don’t take advantage of. They seem to be based on Linkplay systems which can give you more clues to their capabilities.
I’ve wanted to mess with my e-200s more and unearth some of the wifi controls but haven’t made the time for it yet.
@mwarren just like @djslack said, I haven’t tried to have them connected by bluetooth yet and have the second one set up for aux from the first one yet, either.
@caffeine_dude The specs don’t include 802.11a, so I’m thinking it’s 2.4GHz only. Not necessarily a bad thing, as you get better range and structure penetration on 2.4 and probably don’t need 600+ mbps bandwidth to stream audio.
@caffeine_dude Why don’t you buy one and discover the bands it uses and report back to us. We can then use that information when they sell these again next month.
@kuoh Wait a second. These do include 802.11n and “n” does support both 2.4 and 5 Ghz. Not sure if the speaker has both radios in it or not but at least the 802.11n standard supports both.
@cengland0 While 802.11n is available on both bands, radios that support 5GHz generally also support 802.11a. Devices with dual band support usually state 802.11 a/b/g/n and newer models typically also include 802.11 ac.
@cengland0 Unfortunately 802.11n does not indicate 5ghz support. I made that mistake last month when I bought a computer and discovered that as I tired to connect to my home wifi. Good thing for a 2-week return policy. It went back for a better option quickly.
@BennyTB9 I didn’t say that if it is 802.11n that it must have 5 Ghz, I said that the standard provides for 5 Ghz but the devices must have that radio to support it. Some cheap products may eliminate it to save a buck.
I know you can get 5 Ghz on an 802.11n network. Here’s an article that explains the pros and cons of doing it:
Like I said, not all devices will have the 5 Ghz radio. My ancient DIR-655 router does not. However, my Netgear Nighthawk router does broadcast “n” on both 2.4 and 5 Ghz.
@caffeine_dude They are 2.4 GHZ only. I bought the last ones they had. Have had hell keeping them set up on Wifi but I think it’s my router. they do sound good.
@Kyser_Soze This pic is super helpful. Looks like I can power a CC Audio via that USB port and turn it into a Google Cast capable speaker for $35. Nice!
@aric89 Don’t know of any reason it wouldn’t work with Amazon’s Echo. You can connect up a bluetooth speaker and this speaker has bluetooth so why not? Do you think every bluetooth speaker that is sold needs to be “Amazon Echo Certified” to work?
High notes: very good sound quality, good Bluetooth range. A great Bluetooth speaker.
Low notes: wifi setup is tricky, different apps for different sources and no Google play music support in any apps so far. Also, they can allow access to your wifi network without a password if left at setup defaults.
The Chopin models were a great buy at 2 for $60. These should be of similar quality (but without battery operated mode) and should provide better sound by virtue of being larger and having more power.
Unfortunately I got 4 of the smaller ones and don’t need any more.
@aric89 I’m not certain what you mean by echo support. They are not echo devices, and only the dot supports an external speaker. Does Alexa stream to other devices now? (I stopped reading the what’s new with alexa emails a while ago.) The e-200s (and one would assume these as well) work fabulously with the dot, either via Bluetooth or aux cable.
@aric89 How many Bluetooth speakers mention they are Alexa compatible? Probably very few because Bluetooth is a standard protocol. I don’t think it’s necessary to list Alexa as a compatible device unless it states it uses some unusual audio protocol that other Bluetooth speakers don’t use (A2DP for example).
It’s my opinion that when a company lists compatible devices, then when a new device comes out, it adds questions to the buyers if it’s compatible because it’s not listed while others are. The Philips Hue sold a couple days ago had that problem. It only listed up to the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 plus. So I posted a sarcastic message asking why it’s not compatible with the iPhone 7 and other later models of the Samsung line. https://meh.com/forum/topics/philips-hue-starter-kit-2nd-generation-refurbished-1#593e15396bf7890b68b4d4db
@djslack Apparently, these were also sold down under exclusively in Aldi stores under the Bauhn brand. I wonder if they were sold here in the US at Aldi also.
The link doesn’t work, but at the bottom of the article you link to above there sits this nugget:
@Pavlov yep. Lots of aussie talk about them here: http://forums.whirlpool.net.au/archive/2463171
I don’t have any Aldi experience to draw from, but clearly Bauhn and QFX are just branding some other Chinese oem product.
Every one seems to have its own app, and every app adds some other source. I’m thinking that a central DLNA control system could make these work kind of like Sonos for all sources, although for many one or another of the existing apps may do what they need.
One thing i picked up in that massive thread is that there is another app that works with these called Smartsonix.
All I have is some really crappy Philips Bluetooth bookshelf speakers. And when I mean crappy, there really crappy. So it’s only money I’m in for 2 of the Mozart models (waxy-headstrong-cactus). I’m a housing Inspector subbed out by FEMA and hurricane season is upon us. So unfortunately I’m sure something will pop up soon. (I watch the weather channel differently than most people). And like the saying goes, If Jim Cantore is coming to your town, shits probably about hit the fan sometime real soon…
I actually submitted a review for the QFX Tunes app for android on how to get it to work properly for multi-room as its pretty quirky:
So the app is pretty iffy. Like the other review said when linked the sound will cut from one of the 2 speakers after 1 second of link play with Spotify, however, I was able to get link play to work by closing the QFX app after linking the speakers and selecting the one speaker shown in the “other devices” list in Spotify. Happy jamming guys.
Not sure it’s the same speaker. Seems the one he was demoing had some batteries in it and he referred to the A/C adapter as a charger. If you notice, he was playing it with nothing else plugged in but the writeup today specifically says you must have these plugged in.
He said the aux input was for headphones or whatever. Ha. Headphones will not work if connected to an input jack.
@Gamem I believe the Mozart one is a stereo speaker. The other two would require that you buy two units and you can use the app to set them to stereo mode. Not sure what would happen if you used two Mozart units – quadraphonic?
Can’t seem to figure out if I can airplay apple music from my apple tv to these speakers. I see reviews of no apple music support but if they are airplay compatible can’t I send any audio to them that I want? Can’t decide if I should risk the $60
@pfarfour the meh description says they are airplay compatible, and the portable versions they sold previously had comments saying the airplay works great. hope this is true.
Just bought 4 of the Schuberts. Now just have to buy a Bluetooth transmitter so I can connect two or more devices to my dot. Can’t wait to see how all of these sound synced together.
@SB5404 Yes you can. Find a transmitter that has 2 or more devices you can connect to it. Plug it into your headphone audio out plug on your tv and you will be able to hear all three at the same time.
Wow, how disappointing. These use a common “wifi airplay dlna receiver” function, but do a lot of things that make them mostly useless, and offer no way to control the more odd behavior.
First, my use case is as a remote speaker for SqueezeServer to work as a remote Squeezeplayer output device. It works, but crappy firmware configuration doesn’t update the DLNA name on the network when renamed, so I can’t tell them apart from e350_375e vs e350_863f. Yeah, real descriptive.
Second, they play one song, and stop. No reason why, but it just hangs when SqueezeServer queues it another song. I’ve not had this happen with any other device, even clones the linux system that run it in other devices, so qfx did something stupid.
Third, when idle, the speakers shut off, and disappear from the network, meaning I can’t just start playing music on them with SqueezeServer. NOOO! Stay on, stay there ready to play, and I’ll tell you when to shut the fsck off! This is annoying, considering I have to power it on, and toggle it, hitting another unmarked button twice to go into “wifi mode”. Once on wifi, I never want to touch it again, just stay on! It should just come stay on, or at least stay on, and default to wireless mode where I want it to be.
As usual, poor thought out chinese firmware defeats the usefulness of the device. The best hope is to dismantle one of the 3 I bought, reverse engineer the firmware, and modify my own system settings myself to not do stupid sh!t since obviously the creators have never used one of these the same way.
Sound isn’t terrible, but sounded rather tinny on the e350. Overally, I’m annoyed. I bought another wifi dlna receiver, that is probably a clone of this underlying linux system, but works way worse with bad changes to the way it works. Even the UI is almost a clone without a speaker attached, but far worse on the QFX than the SoundMate M1 I use too. The M1 stays on, plays through without stopping, and updates the DNLA name to be something useful much as an audio receiver would/should, not a portable player. These should be user configuration options on the device as default mode and never turn off!
This is why people still have to go out and buy a real sonos.
Best control app I have seen so far for Android - “iEast Play” at the google store. It is updated frequently, has all the services including Napster, and adds an alarm clock function which seemed to work the 1 time I tried it.
iTunes on Windows (and probably Mac) works great to stream your PC music files to a QFX box. If you have sharing turned on, there is a blue radiator button just to the right of the volume control that says “Choose which speakers to use”. It even sees and wakes up my E-350 when it is in sleep mode (red power light) unlike, appearently, Squeezeserver.
Update if anyone is interested: I had some trouble getting QFX to help me with returning the inoperable speaker. First they claimed they sent me a return shipping label, then in the same thread the guy (Jose?) said he couldn’t send me one.
Luckily Jackie from MEH was able to help. It took the better part of 2 month to get a new speaker sent to me, and it took a while to get that one to work as well but I finally have two speakers working in Stereo.
Also, I had purchased a Dayton Audio WFA02 Audio Adapter for my stereo receiver and I’m able to stream to all three devices over wifi, so that was an unexpected bonus.
@darkangelmsm that Dayton adapter will let you stream a live source from line-in to wifi receivers? The manual only seems to refer to using it as a dlna receiver. This would be an interesting capability.
@djslack I’m not sure what you area asking…the phone apps for both the Dayton Adapter and the QFX speakers will recognize the other device, respectively. So i’m able to essentially treat the stereo as a 3rd Schubert speaker.
@darkangelmsm Sorry. I misread your comment as meaning that you could play something from your stereo through that adapter to your WiFi speakers–that it was streaming from an analog input. Today it’s perfectly clear that that’s not what you said at all.
@pixelated No, you didn’t. Since you can’t see me I will excuse the comment on my looks. I was asking a serious question because I was hoping it was possible.
@BennyTB9 Theoretically it should be possible … if the synchronization is close enough. You can link multiple units together, and each device puts out a stereo signal that you could pick left or right channels from.
I bought the E-200 model when it was offered here last month (last, last month?) and found the app to be difficult at best and the wireless bit was just a lie (at least here). But then, the E-200 did not seem to be4 named after a famous composer, so if these are backed by art…
@xenophod You forced me to look up the purchase. You are correct. Chopin it was/is. Also, the guy below had no trouble with the wi-fi. I sure did and I have a Motorola latest edition (maybe that is my problem) super-expensive wi-fi/router. I just hardwired it.
@TimWalter I didn’t have too much trouble getting mine onto wifi. We are forced to use the Verizon FiOS router for internet access. It has 5ghz and 2.4ghz radios, the speakers can only see the network using 2.4ghz . I had to do the “Manual” setup for each of the speakers, connecting to the speaker’s own local Wifi network and telling it to connect to my home network from that interface. Once that was setup I could see the speakers in the app when I connected to my router.
Last month I bought the E-200s 2 for $60. The wifi works great, it just takes 30 seconds to be ready to connect. Literally 30 seconds. These are good speakers, not in the same ball park as my Bose, but the price is not either. I wish I could find More of the E-200s great buy. I stream pandora and don’t really own any music, so the streaming app works fine for me. So don’t be afraid of the brand. If these were battery powered I would probably buy them.
In for two Schuberts… if I can make them work as a stereo pair or even as two speakers playing the same thing in two rooms, great. If not, I can always use one with each Dot, either wired or via bluetooth.
In for two Schuberts since the Mozart was already sold out by the time I got here. Besides size, is there any major difference functionality wise between the sizes?
So I bought the Mozart. Curious about this. I use Apple Music, so I’m not sure how well the QFX app will work with that, but sounds like a really nice speaker…
OK, so you get 6 of these to play stereo music in 3 rooms… If the music source is on a PC (say, iTunes), how does it get to all 6 speakers? (Does one speaker have a wired connection to the PC, and it relays the music to the other 5 speakers?)
@JTGreeno The speakers connect to Wifi, so they would all need to be connected to your computer network that way. Once on the network and grouped together through the app, your iTunes might be able to see it through the Airplay network protocol? I dunno, I don’t have itunes. But, the speakers don’t stream to each other, especially not when connected to an analog line in cable.
my package is 30 minutes away but FedEx shows it won’t arrive until Friday! I don’t know if I can wait (it originally showed Saturday so that’s an improvement).
Does anyone know if that will stay as stated because of the low shipping fee or will FedEx try to ship it sooner?
@darkangelmsm because of this post they will add a day.
(it is totally up to fedexes logistics, if they have free space it will get bumped up, if they don’t it won’t. 99% of the time I get my meh packages before the estimated date)
@darkangelmsm I’d expect it would be handed over to your post office tomorrow and you’ll probably see it Thursday. But if they know you want it, it may circle slowly around you until, say, Tuesday.
On the one hand, it’s a great solo speaker- nice bass, AirPlay works, etc.
On the other hand, if I had to do it over, I would have bought two of the other speakers instead to set up stereo sound instead. It’s a nice speaker, but I’m really jonesing to play music on my iPhone in stereo without a line out cord, and while this might have two speakers, they’re too close together to provide that separation effect.
Still, nice speaker. The WiFi is a major PITA to set up, but it can be done.
@wishlish And before anyone says it, yes the small speakers are available on morningsave, but the price is higher than I remember for this sale. I’m just going to hope for a future meh sale (or, um, maybe divine intervention from meh itself, but since I’ve been a pain in their tuccus lately on the Olio watch, I’m not expecting a miracle. )
Has anyone figured out a way to get this in Bluetooth pairing mode? The app restriction on music from streaming service is rediculous. Plus it’s advertised with Bluetooth
@itttdone The 1st button on the left has 2 functions. Short presses switch between Wifi, Bluetooth, Aux modes. In Wifi the lady says “Enjoy wifi” in Bluetooth she says “Waiting for connection”. If it is already paired and you want a new pairing, long press the button while in Bluetooth mode, she will say “Lost connection” and will pair again.
…Please explain what you mean by ridiculous “App Restriction” In Wifi it does about 6 services plus “My Music” local servers like Plex, Synology. Wifi mode also shows as Airplay & DNLA clients. I use BubbleUPnp. You can also use other Linkplay system apps that add more services like Napster. Pretty flexible I think.
@jedsuttonnyc They are very frustrating at first because the buttons you need to push do not make logical sense. However, once you get it right they work great. If you are not totally fed up at this point why not tell us what you are trying to do exactly (Wifi or Bluetooth). Bet we can figure it out.
The instructions that come with the unit are horrible. Using the instructions as written you will never get the speaker to play. I finally got it working by using my computer to set up the wifi connection. Still, haven’t figured out how to pair with bluetooth. I called Tech assist and got no help. I don’t think they know how to do it. I would like if someone could tell my how to pair with Bluetooth. Speakers work well in the Wifi mode. I which that they had an app that would work with a PC as well as cell phone. My PC has thousands of tunes that I would like play using the QFX speakers.
To Pair In Bluetooth - When I turn my speaker on it says “Enjoy Wifi”…meaning it is in WiFi Mode. - If I short push the button with the Wifi Radiator symbol (the farthest to the left) it switches to Bluetooth Mode and says “Waiting for Connection”. It is automatically in pairing mode and shows up on my Phone Bluetooth scan. Pairs Up Easily. If it was already paired with another device, then a LONG press (when it is in bluetooth mode) will put it into pairing again. Pretty simple.
@ggrochr Note On the radiator Mode button. It does not seem to work to change modes if the speaker is in Wifi “Slave” mode (synch playing from your other speaker). I think I have to unsync them 1st…then the instructions above work for me.
@Tropicallime 2. Its easy for me to play my hundreds of PC tunes. Using the App, (while in Wifi Mode) choose “My Music” as your source (instead of Spotify etc). It then lets me choose either the music on my phone, or “Home Music Share”. HMS shows my DNLA music servers which for me are my Qnap and my Windows 10 computer. If you have music sharing turned on in the computer you can see it. If you do not have it turned on, google Windows DNLA sharing for your particular windows on how to do it.
@ggrochr I have a pair of QFX speakers (E-400) I can get the Bluetooth to work on one or the other but not both. Also found that range for a good Bluetooth connection is only about 15 ft. As for getting my music on my computer to play; not so good. I guess you must have an iphone. The app you spoke of “Home Music Share” does not appear in the android play store.
@Tropicallime - Let me clarify a bit (it is confusing). 1- The speakers will not sync in Bluetooth mode…you just get one or the other but not both. Synchronized play is Wifi only.
2- Home Music Share is not an app. In the Android QFX app go to the left to the screen where all of your streaming choices are (Pandora etc.). One choice will be “My Music”. Choose that, Then, if you have streaming on in your home network you will see the “Home Music Share” choice. When I punch HMS on my system I see 4 choices, Plex, Qnap, Twonkymedia (a free server software) and my Windows 10 Computer (that has sharing turned on).
I bought 2 E-350 (Schubert). it seems they both have the same default SSIDs and device names. One device doesn’t seem to want to go into WiFi mode. ugh
@darkangelmsm One thing different about this series (from other Linkplay Wifi Speakers like GGMM) is that they never really turn off. (The red light is standby mode but still visible to the app). So, if I was having problems with 1 I would leave the working one totally unplugged (don’t worry, it will remember its settings). When plugged in and turned on they start in Wifi Mode. So plug the troublesome one in so you can see it from your phone’s wifi.
So I’m still getting the run around from QFX support and MEH support. One of my speakers isn’t functioning and the guy at QFS claims he has emailed me a return mailing label but I did not receive it (Yes, I checked the spam folder).
@darkangelmsm Great… Both of mine worked wonderfully at first. Didn’t use them for 2 weeks because I was out of town. Tried to use them today and only one would play. I can’t wait to see how this turns out for me. Have you gotten anywhere in the last couple of weeks?
@wishlish use one of the apps, set them both up on your wifi, then drag one speaker on top of the other to link them. Then you can select which channel each plays.
Ok, I got 2 of each model. Cussed for two days, but finally got them all working. I’d dearly appreciate a firmware update for these, but when I use the web page to check for a firmware update, it just comes back with “Firmware download failed,Please check your network connection”. There’s also a manual update method if you already have the firmware downloaded. Anyone know if newer firmware exists?
Just curious if anyone had any luck on firmware for these speakers? I bought two of each model (6 total) and they make pretty decent paperweights, as they have a decent heft to them. I now have a full house of theme concentric doorstops. Thanks MEH!
It’s about time the forum for this product showed up. Took 11 minutes this time. Must be some sort of record.
@cengland0 I just figured no one had anything to say about these.
@squishybrain I thought maybe Mozart didn’t know HTML to create the specs table.
1 mozart in the bag. If this shit don’t sound like the man himself I’m returning on principal
@asherwitt He’s pretty quiet these days.
@asherwitt I’m sure your kid’s school leader will appreciate that.
@asherwitt Is the bag a TimBach2?
@dave Mozart is very quiet, he is decomposing these days.

@asherwitt If it ain’t Baroque, don’t return it.
@JT954 that movie is a flashback.
Actually, my first thought was Ford Econoline E250, E350… but then ran into the neutered E400.
@RedOak That’s what it reminded me of too.
Thank goodness the product page is up now. I was starting to have a panic attack without it. Sad, but true.
Anyone know whether these speakers have to be manually powered on, or if they automatically turn on when they detect signal (like Sonos)?
@shahnm no answer for that question on their product page or the 2 page quick start guide or their “sell sheet”.
@shahnm the e-200s have a power switch that must be manually powered on, but as far as i know don’t go to sleep so they can stay on.
Note that only Mozart is a stereo speaker by itself. The other two are mono.
When operated over wifi the qfx speakers can be teamed together to play left and right signals through the app.
I bought 6 of the battery powered ones. I’ve only setup 2 of them on wifi and they kind of work sort of ok using their app on Android. I had to download songs to my phone in order for it to play anything, I don’t use Spotify or any of those other services, I drink the Google Koolaid! SO, I just found this app today: [root] AirAudio - stream your music! ( https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=eu.airaudio&hl=en&rdid=eu.airaudio )
Which might be the magic bullet. HOWEVER, your device needs to be rooted. I happen to have an LG GPAD 5.0 that I rooted, so I’ve installed it and paid the $5 for the app. I’m not at home with the speakers, but I’m almost 99% sure this app will find the speakers and stream ANY AUDIO from ANY APP over to them. WINNING (well, 99% sure of potential winning)
I tested the app by using this software: Shairport4w it makes your Windows computer look like an Airport something or other, so it worked “app to device” like I wanted it to. Google Play Music! Amazon Unlimited Music! Anything! Even other Stuff! Now I just need to go home and test the app with the speakers, I’LL LET YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENS NEXT! (Number 3 will shock you?)
Here’s my phone controlling the QFX app when streaming from the AirAudio app.
I also imagine that the app I suggested on the E-200 forum thread will work too, but I haven’t tried it yet.
I can’t remember if the Bubble Soft app needs root, if not, it might be a better choice for those who don’t have a device they can root.
In order to get the AirAudio app to work, I had to use DLNA, with the “advertise server” option turned on. Airplay didn’t want to work for me, it never connected. I still had to use the QFX app to “Sync” the speakers into one group, and of course, connect them to my Wifi. So, overall, it’s not a bad setup and I can stream ANY audio I want to the speakers, from ANY app. Rock’n!
OK, I was about to buy the damned speaker and cancel it simply the get the “Discuss” link.
@RedOak lol
I was considering the same thing. Refreshed one last time and the link was there.
Wasn’t going to guess:
Not coming Bach for this deal.
Come on Meh, Schubert er, do better next time.
Mos Def meets Mozart.


@mike808 Actually, people think the monster’s name is Frankenstein but that was the name of the doctor who created it. The monster was only referred to as “The Monster” in the book. It did not have a name.
@cengland0 I would interpret that poster as a request from “The Monster” for a name, not a claim that he (it?) was named Frank.
@Kerig3 We’ve had some form of Bluetooth/speakers and/or docks on April 23rd & 24th, May 14,18,23 and 26 and June 20th and last knife was June 10th. So, based on our last discussion, are we thinking a knife is coming up?
@WTFsunshine Actually I was anticipating a Fuko, but I guess that ship has sailed.
@Kerig3 @Kidsandliz hinted that we were doing the exchange now with the anticipation of a possible Fuko coming up. Hope so, since I’ve never gotten one, but this is kinda like that (I think) but possibly neater than a Fuko - because it is from people who come here. It’s my first time doing an exchange so I hope I don’t screw it up or let down who I have. Last night and tonight have been different items, so yea to Meh, but I’m still thinking knives or something that lights up or has a light on it.
@Kerig3 A fuko is most likely around the anniversary of meh in July.
@WTFsunshine Just be sure to post what you get. My person got their box last Thursday and not one peep. I have only ever had one person I have sent to in an exchange post. I am going to shit list anyone who doesn’t post as I (and some others who have been on the receiving end of the same kind of selfish behavior) am tired to putting effort into something and not even getting a thank you - even if it is the kind of thank you lie about how you love that ugly sweater (and you live in the tropics or something) that a relative gave you. I gave my recipient both fukU and fukO meh branded swag since they had complained on the forums that they had never gotten either. If they don’t post I sure will have wasted my limited supply of that stuff (sorry I am grumpy this morning).
@Kidsandliz I will post it and I’m sorry that some people are not posting pictures or a response from what you have done. Not only did you take the time and energy to assemble and mail to who wanted to participate but you also took on the headache of creating this round of exchanges. I certainly appreciate all you have done. I’ve never been around for one of these so I was excited about it. My husband couldn’t get the package out in time and took yet another 12 hour shift so I went through Amazon w/prime shipping to get a box to my person. Only problem is that I couldn’t post my user name in the gift receipt because Amazon wouldn’t allow it. She should get it all on the 27th (they split the order into two shipments) but other than my real name she’s not going to know who the heck I am. You did so much for us it is only fair to have some reciprocation for what you did for us and who you sent to. Don’t apologize for being “grumpy” you deserve to feel that way and besides- I think you’re being too generous - I would have been a little harsher in explaining my feelings! If/when we do this again pick me as your person I get to send a box to - I’d do my best to put a smile on your face - then maybe you would feel like you came out on top if you receive no feedback from your own.
7% THD will do that…
That was meant for cengland0.
@michaelahess Holy crap. Is that really 7% THD for their best and most expensive model when all the others are only 1%? Typo maybe?
@michaelahess It’s confirmed, the qfx catalog says it’s 7% too.
@cengland0 That. Is. Insane.
@cengland0 @michaelahess
The E-400 is missing the cleaner amp designated by the “50” in the model numbers of the E-250 & E-350.
The E-400 is the cheap, de-contented version of the E-450.
@RedOak That sounded plausible but then I looked it up on qfxusa dot com website and there was no 450 version. You almost had me convinced though.
@cengland0 joking.
@cengland0 Does that say “stream” or “scream” your music library or favorite online series in bullet point #3? Writing is too small for my eyes. If you have to scream your music at it what’s the point of having the speaker? (Mostly kidding for conversation purposes but not about can’t read it)
@michaelahess What is THD?
@dickfarts I was going to reply but then I read your username and got really queasy.
Total Harmonic Dickstortion
@michaelahess try 10% THD for the E-250 and E-350, via the manual.
I wanted seltzer, not salsa!
@norman8 +10: Seinfeld reference. -10: Seinfeld reference.
Wifi Connection Hint - Mine just arrived. I tried to hook them up to Wifi using the app with much frustration. They have an easier hookup option if you have a laptop or computer handy. Turn the speakers on in Wifi mode, then go to your laptop and connect via Wireless to the Speaker (it broadcasts its own unsecured network with the name E250something, E350something etc.). Then open a browser and go to The speaker has a webpage where you can input your correct Wifi SSID and Password and they hook right up.
@ggrochr I had trouble with this, too. The instructions say to press the WiFi button until the blue light flashes quickly. Well the default flash is pretty quick, so I was pressing the button and just cycling playback modes. Eventually I figured out you have to hold the WiFi button for several seconds, then the blue light goes into hyperdrive and then it’ll finally show up in the app.
Will these play music files from a USB stick?
@rearly Some thinking music…
Anyone know how well these would work with an Amazon dot? Maybe someone who got the ones last time?
In particular, will these wake up (if they can go to sleep) when they receive sound, say from the wire or other ways?
@baqui63 so, i got the last batch, and they aren’t “alexa compatible” but that only refers to the wifi. My echo dot is connected to one via bluetooth full time and it doesn’t go to sleep. Works perfectly fine with alexa and has much better sound quality than i expected from such a cheap pair of speakers. Also, i prefer the qfx app, because every time i tried to use the muzo app, it crashed when i pressed the albums or artists tab in its menu. They are very loud and have good clarity. Hope this helped.
@ConradHilton Can one speaker stream music to the other - e.g. if the echo dot is plugged into one speaker via the 3.5mm jack, can the second speaker also play the same audio?
@mwarren I haven’t gotten that to successfully work. The mode to team them up is controlled by the app when they are in wifi mode and then the source of music is supplied within the app as well.
They probably do not contain a-d converters necessary to pull in an analog signal and transmit it, but i haven’t disassembled mine. There are several features in this hardware that the apps don’t take advantage of. They seem to be based on Linkplay systems which can give you more clues to their capabilities.
I’ve wanted to mess with my e-200s more and unearth some of the wifi controls but haven’t made the time for it yet.
@mwarren just like @djslack said, I haven’t tried to have them connected by bluetooth yet and have the second one set up for aux from the first one yet, either.
@ConradHilton Thanks, this is exactly what I wanted to know. (I did not expect the Alexa to be able to play to them via Wifi.)
Now I just have to see if the THD on the biggest ones is a typo or not, tho I’m still leaning towards the middle ones.
Do you know what band this is (no pun intended) 2.4 or 5ghz?
@caffeine_dude The specs don’t include 802.11a, so I’m thinking it’s 2.4GHz only. Not necessarily a bad thing, as you get better range and structure penetration on 2.4 and probably don’t need 600+ mbps bandwidth to stream audio.
@caffeine_dude Why don’t you buy one and discover the bands it uses and report back to us. We can then use that information when they sell these again next month.
@kuoh Wait a second. These do include 802.11n and “n” does support both 2.4 and 5 Ghz. Not sure if the speaker has both radios in it or not but at least the 802.11n standard supports both.
@cengland0 While 802.11n is available on both bands, radios that support 5GHz generally also support 802.11a. Devices with dual band support usually state 802.11 a/b/g/n and newer models typically also include 802.11 ac.
@cengland0 Unfortunately 802.11n does not indicate 5ghz support. I made that mistake last month when I bought a computer and discovered that as I tired to connect to my home wifi. Good thing for a 2-week return policy. It went back for a better option quickly.
@BennyTB9 I didn’t say that if it is 802.11n that it must have 5 Ghz, I said that the standard provides for 5 Ghz but the devices must have that radio to support it. Some cheap products may eliminate it to save a buck.
I know you can get 5 Ghz on an 802.11n network. Here’s an article that explains the pros and cons of doing it:
Like I said, not all devices will have the 5 Ghz radio. My ancient DIR-655 router does not. However, my Netgear Nighthawk router does broadcast “n” on both 2.4 and 5 Ghz.
@caffeine_dude They are 2.4 GHZ only. I bought the last ones they had. Have had hell keeping them set up on Wifi but I think it’s my router. they do sound good.
@Kyser_Soze This is indeed the backside of Mr. Bach.
@troy It’s the bach-side.
@Kyser_Soze This pic is super helpful. Looks like I can power a CC Audio via that USB port and turn it into a Google Cast capable speaker for $35. Nice!
@Kyser_Soze The Amazon listing for this has “BRAND” stamped on the back, as if this is make by some factory in China and sold under numerous names.
Seems sketchy, Google can’t find any reviews on it. If it worked with Amazon Echo then I would be tempted.
@aric89 Don’t know of any reason it wouldn’t work with Amazon’s Echo. You can connect up a bluetooth speaker and this speaker has bluetooth so why not? Do you think every bluetooth speaker that is sold needs to be “Amazon Echo Certified” to work?
@aric89 it will work as a Bluetooth speaker with echo dot. Don’t know if that qualifies.
@cengland0 I don’t want to buy a 60 paperweight if it’s garbage. For the apps it has listed they would add echo support for marketing purposes.
@aric89 you’ll probably find the most reviews in Meh’s previous offering of these speakers’ little brother.
High notes: very good sound quality, good Bluetooth range. A great Bluetooth speaker.
Low notes: wifi setup is tricky, different apps for different sources and no Google play music support in any apps so far. Also, they can allow access to your wifi network without a password if left at setup defaults.
The Chopin models were a great buy at 2 for $60. These should be of similar quality (but without battery operated mode) and should provide better sound by virtue of being larger and having more power.
Unfortunately I got 4 of the smaller ones and don’t need any more.
@aric89 I’m not certain what you mean by echo support. They are not echo devices, and only the dot supports an external speaker. Does Alexa stream to other devices now? (I stopped reading the what’s new with alexa emails a while ago.) The e-200s (and one would assume these as well) work fabulously with the dot, either via Bluetooth or aux cable.
@aric89 How many Bluetooth speakers mention they are Alexa compatible? Probably very few because Bluetooth is a standard protocol. I don’t think it’s necessary to list Alexa as a compatible device unless it states it uses some unusual audio protocol that other Bluetooth speakers don’t use (A2DP for example).
It’s my opinion that when a company lists compatible devices, then when a new device comes out, it adds questions to the buyers if it’s compatible because it’s not listed while others are. The Philips Hue sold a couple days ago had that problem. It only listed up to the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 plus. So I posted a sarcastic message asking why it’s not compatible with the iPhone 7 and other later models of the Samsung line. https://meh.com/forum/topics/philips-hue-starter-kit-2nd-generation-refurbished-1#593e15396bf7890b68b4d4db
@djslack The Dot has a 1/8" plug output but both the Dot and Echo support connecting to external Bluetooth devices.
@cengland0 I stand corrected. I only own Dots and thought that was a limitation of the Echo.
If I buy these speakers do I get the can of Kroger Seltzer Water?
@TimeStalker2022 At least the skillets the other day rated La Croix and Hellman’s.
These also appear to have been sold (and already left the market) as Bauhn Soundmax speakers if that helps anyone dig up more information on them. See the photo in this article: https://www.google.com/amp/s/linkplaytech.wordpress.com/2016/02/19/sound-max-3-the-alterative-solution/amp/
@djslack Apparently, these were also sold down under exclusively in Aldi stores under the Bauhn brand. I wonder if they were sold here in the US at Aldi also.
The link doesn’t work, but at the bottom of the article you link to above there sits this nugget:
And Bauhn’s homepage states that all of their products are sold in Aldi grocery stores in the former penal colony.
I loathe Aldi’s ‘store brand’ electronics here stateside; I can’t imagine they are of much better quality in Australia.
A video review of one of the clones:
@Pavlov yep. Lots of aussie talk about them here: http://forums.whirlpool.net.au/archive/2463171
I don’t have any Aldi experience to draw from, but clearly Bauhn and QFX are just branding some other Chinese oem product.
Every one seems to have its own app, and every app adds some other source. I’m thinking that a central DLNA control system could make these work kind of like Sonos for all sources, although for many one or another of the existing apps may do what they need.
One thing i picked up in that massive thread is that there is another app that works with these called Smartsonix.
@ggrochr Thanks for the video, but that Austrailian accent is so annoying. I can barely tell what he’s saying!
All I have is some really crappy Philips Bluetooth bookshelf speakers. And when I mean crappy, there really crappy. So it’s only money I’m in for 2 of the Mozart models (waxy-headstrong-cactus). I’m a housing Inspector subbed out by FEMA and hurricane season is upon us. So unfortunately I’m sure something will pop up soon. (I watch the weather channel differently than most people). And like the saying goes, If Jim Cantore is coming to your town, shits probably about hit the fan sometime real soon…
Just one App Store review…
Found the Bauhn version on YouTube…
I actually submitted a review for the QFX Tunes app for android on how to get it to work properly for multi-room as its pretty quirky:
So the app is pretty iffy. Like the other review said when linked the sound will cut from one of the 2 speakers after 1 second of link play with Spotify, however, I was able to get link play to work by closing the QFX app after linking the speakers and selecting the one speaker shown in the “other devices” list in Spotify. Happy jamming guys.
@ScorchX That kid was annoying.
Not sure it’s the same speaker. Seems the one he was demoing had some batteries in it and he referred to the A/C adapter as a charger. If you notice, he was playing it with nothing else plugged in but the writeup today specifically says you must have these plugged in.
He said the aux input was for headphones or whatever. Ha. Headphones will not work if connected to an input jack.
I’m confused. Is this a Stereo or Mono speaker? States something about connecting to multiple speakers for stereo/multi room listening…
@Gamem I believe the Mozart one is a stereo speaker. The other two would require that you buy two units and you can use the app to set them to stereo mode. Not sure what would happen if you used two Mozart units – quadraphonic?
Are they Airplay compatible? Would love to add to additional rooms if they can extend my Airplay network of speakers.
Can’t seem to figure out if I can airplay apple music from my apple tv to these speakers. I see reviews of no apple music support but if they are airplay compatible can’t I send any audio to them that I want? Can’t decide if I should risk the $60
@pfarfour They do work with airplay after you get them set up on your wifi.
@pfarfour the meh description says they are airplay compatible, and the portable versions they sold previously had comments saying the airplay works great. hope this is true.
I can’t be the only one who was more excited by the seltzer water…
Just bought 4 of the Schuberts. Now just have to buy a Bluetooth transmitter so I can connect two or more devices to my dot. Can’t wait to see how all of these sound synced together.
@Akrupocin Can I take a BT transmitter connected to my TV and pair it to/transmit to one or two of these units?
@SB5404 Yes you can. Find a transmitter that has 2 or more devices you can connect to it. Plug it into your headphone audio out plug on your tv and you will be able to hear all three at the same time.
You can read the reviews on this one to see if you like it, but this is what I am using.
Wow, how disappointing. These use a common “wifi airplay dlna receiver” function, but do a lot of things that make them mostly useless, and offer no way to control the more odd behavior.
First, my use case is as a remote speaker for SqueezeServer to work as a remote Squeezeplayer output device. It works, but crappy firmware configuration doesn’t update the DLNA name on the network when renamed, so I can’t tell them apart from e350_375e vs e350_863f. Yeah, real descriptive.
Second, they play one song, and stop. No reason why, but it just hangs when SqueezeServer queues it another song. I’ve not had this happen with any other device, even clones the linux system that run it in other devices, so qfx did something stupid.
Third, when idle, the speakers shut off, and disappear from the network, meaning I can’t just start playing music on them with SqueezeServer. NOOO! Stay on, stay there ready to play, and I’ll tell you when to shut the fsck off! This is annoying, considering I have to power it on, and toggle it, hitting another unmarked button twice to go into “wifi mode”. Once on wifi, I never want to touch it again, just stay on! It should just come stay on, or at least stay on, and default to wireless mode where I want it to be.
As usual, poor thought out chinese firmware defeats the usefulness of the device. The best hope is to dismantle one of the 3 I bought, reverse engineer the firmware, and modify my own system settings myself to not do stupid sh!t since obviously the creators have never used one of these the same way.
Sound isn’t terrible, but sounded rather tinny on the e350. Overally, I’m annoyed. I bought another wifi dlna receiver, that is probably a clone of this underlying linux system, but works way worse with bad changes to the way it works. Even the UI is almost a clone without a speaker attached, but far worse on the QFX than the SoundMate M1 I use too. The M1 stays on, plays through without stopping, and updates the DNLA name to be something useful much as an audio receiver would/should, not a portable player. These should be user configuration options on the device as default mode and never turn off!
This is why people still have to go out and buy a real sonos.
Just a heads up- the QFX Tunes App on android was draining my battery pretty quick on a Nexus 5x.

A couple of recent discoveries:
Best control app I have seen so far for Android - “iEast Play” at the google store. It is updated frequently, has all the services including Napster, and adds an alarm clock function which seemed to work the 1 time I tried it.
iTunes on Windows (and probably Mac) works great to stream your PC music files to a QFX box. If you have sharing turned on, there is a blue radiator button just to the right of the volume control that says “Choose which speakers to use”. It even sees and wakes up my E-350 when it is in sleep mode (red power light) unlike, appearently, Squeezeserver.
Is there a way to disable auto shutoff on the Mozart? I have a Dot plugged into the aux.
@wishlish AMEN
Update if anyone is interested: I had some trouble getting QFX to help me with returning the inoperable speaker. First they claimed they sent me a return shipping label, then in the same thread the guy (Jose?) said he couldn’t send me one.
Luckily Jackie from MEH was able to help. It took the better part of 2 month to get a new speaker sent to me, and it took a while to get that one to work as well but I finally have two speakers working in Stereo.
Also, I had purchased a Dayton Audio WFA02 Audio Adapter for my stereo receiver and I’m able to stream to all three devices over wifi, so that was an unexpected bonus.
@darkangelmsm that Dayton adapter will let you stream a live source from line-in to wifi receivers? The manual only seems to refer to using it as a dlna receiver. This would be an interesting capability.
@djslack I’m not sure what you area asking…the phone apps for both the Dayton Adapter and the QFX speakers will recognize the other device, respectively. So i’m able to essentially treat the stereo as a 3rd Schubert speaker.
@darkangelmsm Sorry. I misread your comment as meaning that you could play something from your stereo through that adapter to your WiFi speakers–that it was streaming from an analog input. Today it’s perfectly clear that that’s not what you said at all.
What’s in the Box?
1x Speaker
1x 3.5mm aux cable
1x Power adapter
Price Comparison
E-250: $99.92 at Amazon
E-350: $105.95 at Amazon
E-400 $134.56 at Amazon
1 Year QFX
Estimated Delivery
Monday, July 13th - Thursday, July 16th
I can do the same thing using Chromecast Audio and plug it in to a much better speaker and wifi stream spotify or pandora too
@pixelated Can you team up multiple Chromecast Audios to stream stereo audio to 2 speakers at once? Left to one speaker and right to the other?
@BennyTB9 umm. did I mention doing multiple Chromecast Audios at the same time?
Yeah, i didn’t think so…
Stop being a troll please.
@pixelated No, you didn’t. Since you can’t see me I will excuse the comment on my looks. I was asking a serious question because I was hoping it was possible.
@BennyTB9 Theoretically it should be possible … if the synchronization is close enough. You can link multiple units together, and each device puts out a stereo signal that you could pick left or right channels from.
That is great
I bought the E-200 model when it was offered here last month (last, last month?) and found the app to be difficult at best and the wireless bit was just a lie (at least here). But then, the E-200 did not seem to be4 named after a famous composer, so if these are backed by art…
@TimWalter Chopin wasn’t a composer? I’m pretty sure the E-200 was named “Chopin”…
@xenophod You forced me to look up the purchase. You are correct. Chopin it was/is. Also, the guy below had no trouble with the wi-fi. I sure did and I have a Motorola latest edition (maybe that is my problem) super-expensive wi-fi/router. I just hardwired it.
@TimWalter I didn’t have too much trouble getting mine onto wifi. We are forced to use the Verizon FiOS router for internet access. It has 5ghz and 2.4ghz radios, the speakers can only see the network using 2.4ghz . I had to do the “Manual” setup for each of the speakers, connecting to the speaker’s own local Wifi network and telling it to connect to my home network from that interface. Once that was setup I could see the speakers in the app when I connected to my router.
Last month I bought the E-200s 2 for $60. The wifi works great, it just takes 30 seconds to be ready to connect. Literally 30 seconds. These are good speakers, not in the same ball park as my Bose, but the price is not either. I wish I could find More of the E-200s great buy. I stream pandora and don’t really own any music, so the streaming app works fine for me. So don’t be afraid of the brand. If these were battery powered I would probably buy them.
Free Kroger Seltzer water with every purchase? Is that Lemon-Lime?? MMMMMM
@MIKE_0_ Plain ol’ seltzer. I’m a fan of the Blackberry Citrus myself. Holla @mandirose!
In for two Schuberts… if I can make them work as a stereo pair or even as two speakers playing the same thing in two rooms, great. If not, I can always use one with each Dot, either wired or via bluetooth.
/image leaded-minor-wall

@baqui63 Use this and connect to one of the dots in the audio jack and you can connect both to the one dot at the same time.
Nothing yet.
In for two Schuberts since the Mozart was already sold out by the time I got here. Besides size, is there any major difference functionality wise between the sizes?
@darkangelmsm Mozart is stereo by itself, the other two are mono.
So I bought the Mozart. Curious about this. I use Apple Music, so I’m not sure how well the QFX app will work with that, but sounds like a really nice speaker…
@wishlish Using them as airplay devices is probably your best bet with apple products.
anyone know if the power adapter is multi voltage (100V-240V)?
will someone buy one of these for me, please?
OK, so you get 6 of these to play stereo music in 3 rooms… If the music source is on a PC (say, iTunes), how does it get to all 6 speakers? (Does one speaker have a wired connection to the PC, and it relays the music to the other 5 speakers?)
@JTGreeno The speakers connect to Wifi, so they would all need to be connected to your computer network that way. Once on the network and grouped together through the app, your iTunes might be able to see it through the Airplay network protocol? I dunno, I don’t have itunes. But, the speakers don’t stream to each other, especially not when connected to an analog line in cable.
@JTGreeno A few posts up folks are saying that airplay appears to work w/ these speakers.
Can someone provide a screenshot of what the nativ app looks like when it’s configuring speakers?
my package is 30 minutes away but FedEx shows it won’t arrive until Friday! I don’t know if I can wait (it originally showed Saturday so that’s an improvement).
Does anyone know if that will stay as stated because of the low shipping fee or will FedEx try to ship it sooner?
@darkangelmsm because of this post they will add a day.
(it is totally up to fedexes logistics, if they have free space it will get bumped up, if they don’t it won’t. 99% of the time I get my meh packages before the estimated date)
@darkangelmsm I’d expect it would be handed over to your post office tomorrow and you’ll probably see it Thursday. But if they know you want it, it may circle slowly around you until, say, Tuesday.
Got my E-400.
On the one hand, it’s a great solo speaker- nice bass, AirPlay works, etc.
On the other hand, if I had to do it over, I would have bought two of the other speakers instead to set up stereo sound instead. It’s a nice speaker, but I’m really jonesing to play music on my iPhone in stereo without a line out cord, and while this might have two speakers, they’re too close together to provide that separation effect.
Still, nice speaker. The WiFi is a major PITA to set up, but it can be done.
@wishlish And before anyone says it, yes the small speakers are available on morningsave, but the price is higher than I remember for this sale. I’m just going to hope for a future meh sale (or, um, maybe divine intervention from meh itself, but since I’ve been a pain in their tuccus lately on the Olio watch, I’m not expecting a miracle.
@wishlish with your vmp its only fiddy cent more per speaker than the meh offering.
@djslack I had it in my head that the 250s were less than that on meh day. Thanks!
Has anyone figured out a way to get this in Bluetooth pairing mode? The app restriction on music from streaming service is rediculous. Plus it’s advertised with Bluetooth
@itttdone The 1st button on the left has 2 functions. Short presses switch between Wifi, Bluetooth, Aux modes. In Wifi the lady says “Enjoy wifi” in Bluetooth she says “Waiting for connection”. If it is already paired and you want a new pairing, long press the button while in Bluetooth mode, she will say “Lost connection” and will pair again.
…Please explain what you mean by ridiculous “App Restriction” In Wifi it does about 6 services plus “My Music” local servers like Plex, Synology. Wifi mode also shows as Airplay & DNLA clients. I use BubbleUPnp. You can also use other Linkplay system apps that add more services like Napster. Pretty flexible I think.
So far it won’t do a damn thing, Instructions make no sense.
Have spent hours trying to pair two Bach units. I think I bought two bricks. Going back.
@jedsuttonnyc They are very frustrating at first because the buttons you need to push do not make logical sense. However, once you get it right they work great. If you are not totally fed up at this point why not tell us what you are trying to do exactly (Wifi or Bluetooth). Bet we can figure it out.
The instructions that come with the unit are horrible. Using the instructions as written you will never get the speaker to play. I finally got it working by using my computer to set up the wifi connection. Still, haven’t figured out how to pair with bluetooth. I called Tech assist and got no help. I don’t think they know how to do it. I would like if someone could tell my how to pair with Bluetooth. Speakers work well in the Wifi mode. I which that they had an app that would work with a PC as well as cell phone. My PC has thousands of tunes that I would like play using the QFX speakers.
@Tropicallime I can tell you what works for me.
@ggrochr Note On the radiator Mode button. It does not seem to work to change modes if the speaker is in Wifi “Slave” mode (synch playing from your other speaker). I think I have to unsync them 1st…then the instructions above work for me.
@Tropicallime 2. Its easy for me to play my hundreds of PC tunes. Using the App, (while in Wifi Mode) choose “My Music” as your source (instead of Spotify etc). It then lets me choose either the music on my phone, or “Home Music Share”. HMS shows my DNLA music servers which for me are my Qnap and my Windows 10 computer. If you have music sharing turned on in the computer you can see it. If you do not have it turned on, google Windows DNLA sharing for your particular windows on how to do it.
@ggrochr I have a pair of QFX speakers (E-400) I can get the Bluetooth to work on one or the other but not both. Also found that range for a good Bluetooth connection is only about 15 ft. As for getting my music on my computer to play; not so good. I guess you must have an iphone. The app you spoke of “Home Music Share” does not appear in the android play store.
@Tropicallime - Let me clarify a bit (it is confusing). 1- The speakers will not sync in Bluetooth mode…you just get one or the other but not both. Synchronized play is Wifi only.
2- Home Music Share is not an app. In the Android QFX app go to the left to the screen where all of your streaming choices are (Pandora etc.). One choice will be “My Music”. Choose that, Then, if you have streaming on in your home network you will see the “Home Music Share” choice. When I punch HMS on my system I see 4 choices, Plex, Qnap, Twonkymedia (a free server software) and my Windows 10 Computer (that has sharing turned on).
@ggrochr I guess I don’t have streaming on my home network. Got to figure out how to set that up.
I bought 2 E-350 (Schubert). it seems they both have the same default SSIDs and device names. One device doesn’t seem to want to go into WiFi mode. ugh
@darkangelmsm One thing different about this series (from other Linkplay Wifi Speakers like GGMM) is that they never really turn off. (The red light is standby mode but still visible to the app). So, if I was having problems with 1 I would leave the working one totally unplugged (don’t worry, it will remember its settings). When plugged in and turned on they start in Wifi Mode. So plug the troublesome one in so you can see it from your phone’s wifi.
@ggrochr thanks. i did try that and it seems that my second Schubert only works in Bluetooth mode. looks like I will have to return it
So I’m still getting the run around from QFX support and MEH support. One of my speakers isn’t functioning and the guy at QFS claims he has emailed me a return mailing label but I did not receive it (Yes, I checked the spam folder).
@darkangelmsm Great… Both of mine worked wonderfully at first. Didn’t use them for 2 weeks because I was out of town. Tried to use them today and only one would play. I can’t wait to see how this turns out for me. Have you gotten anywhere in the last couple of weeks?
THD is less than 10%, not less than 1% via the E-350 manual. I was wondering why my speaker distorts so badly. Meh support giving me the runaround.
Did anyone ever figure out how to set two of these as stereo?
@wishlish use one of the apps, set them both up on your wifi, then drag one speaker on top of the other to link them. Then you can select which channel each plays.
Ok, I got 2 of each model. Cussed for two days, but finally got them all working. I’d dearly appreciate a firmware update for these, but when I use the web page to check for a firmware update, it just comes back with “Firmware download failed,Please check your network connection”. There’s also a manual update method if you already have the firmware downloaded. Anyone know if newer firmware exists?
@Scott586 which web site are you checking? I can’t even find a pointer to firmware on QFX’ web site.
@mwarren @Scott586 there is a web interface on the speaker itself.
Is there a way to make the speaker play from a mac?
@jennasternbach Join it to your wifi and it will show up as an airplay device.
Would also dearly love a firmware update for these QFX speakers. Occasionally they work as intended, usually they don’t. Very disappointing.
Never worked right!
Negatory on this one. Way too much bass. Can’t control sound. Doesn’t stay connected well. Wasted my money on this one. Not even worth a Meh.
Just curious if anyone had any luck on firmware for these speakers? I bought two of each model (6 total) and they make pretty decent paperweights, as they have a decent heft to them. I now have a full house of theme concentric doorstops. Thanks MEH!