@cengland0 oh hahahaha! I checked and double checked! It’s actually there! no wonder that post has been hidden! What the heck is a toe knife anyway?–I’m getting sunny in Philly images. Maybe i don’t want to know…I thought I was gay, but then I watched the video on this posted by @haydesigner… oh I’m so confused.
@wew Toe knife? I think it’s the one that pops out of shoe in the toe area. I saw this in fighting movies where antagonist cheated. But I have no idea how using that toe knife than normal knife would be comfortable in carving out a hole in a port for power plug…
@allergic2skank a toe knife is a knife you use to scrape the stuff from under your toe nails and also to cut/trim your toes or to cut hang nails.
This is definitely from Its Always Sunny.
@norman8 Actually, I interpret the OP as follows: “This sounds like a really good idea, if it works properly and if the product is of a sufficient level of quality and performance to justify a somewhat high-ish price for something being sold on a daily discount website! Has anyone who can see this comment purchased this product before, and if so, can you tell me if the quality is, in fact, good enough to justify separating myself from sixty of my hard-earned dollars?” Or, stated more succinctly: “These sound really cool! Anyone have them and know if they’re worth buying?”
@Eraserhead I mistook the second 4 as inches and not ohm since it said 3" at the beginning of that line. It would have been better if they had said 12"x3"x4" or 12x4x4.5 (whatever it actually is) since they also have 3" in the description at 4ohm, then it would not have been so confusing. At a foot long at least gives it a better chance to have decent sound.
@madmod20061 zero reviews, but lots of appearances on deal sites besides Meh. If it’s half as good as Sonos this is a killer deal but if it’s not, this is potentially a lot to blow on crap.
@madmod20061 weirdo is far too friendly a word to describe this guy–tho he does seem like an effective boss as Intern Kacie is nearly as obnoxious as he is
First may i say It’s an excellent Bargain , but if i have to access an app to control this speaker i’m out … have a nice day Team Meh. No reviews from Amazon mystery speakers , Also not to happy the speakers i ordered last week didn’t ship yet and the wrenches same shit …China ships there crap in one day just takes 2 months to get here by boat whats your excuse?
My previous meh disposable speaker died last week. I was kind of sad that I wouldn’t be buying a third, as I hadn’t seen a decent one in a while. Glad I didn’t wait longer.
Yet another mystery product with zero reviews. Pass. Although I was a bit tempted to add it to my collection of Bluetooth speakers purchased from Meh that I never use.
@haydesigner True enough. Though there are so many items offered here with no Amazon reviews that I sometimes wonder if Meh created the Amazon listing.
I’m really interested, but only if I can turn these on and off remotely. I’m looking for a pair of speakers to put above my kitchen cabinets…ideally controlling them through the iMac I have there. I have wired speakers right now, but they buzz, and would like to find something better.
I love the idea that I can pair these and have one be the left channel and one be the right.
I guess they could be “on” all the time if they were plugged in and when not in use, they consumed very little power.
I am so late! I suppose i should have bought this instead of the $10 cell phone bluetooth speakers. If they sound like $100 speakers, it would definitely be worth the money. But, sadly, I spent my money earlier.
I’ll research it more, but this is just a once every two months purchase.
meh, go down instead of up as the month progresses.
Actually, maybe you could start out the month with expensive stuff…which I could buy, and end the month with cheap stuff…which I would unrealistically think I can buy too.
It is a shame, I wanted one of these bluetooth boxes for awhile now. they seem to get rather good reviews. http://imgur.com/a/DtyX7
According to the manual it supports airplay, DLNA and qplay protocols. Dunno what qplay is… probably some Chinese protocol because the only link I could find is to a dead Qplay Video streaming service that died in 2014: http://qplay.co/farewell.html
Also the QFX Tunes Android app was last updated March 2016!! and only had 1000-5000 installs.
There doesn’t look like there’s any current support for this device unless we can find the OEM that actually wrote the software for QFXusa… and then who knows if they’re still supporting this.
Edit: I guess the Muzo app is still supported updated in April 2017 with 10k to 50k installs. (Thanks for the link Meh.com) So I guess Muzo reviews on Amazon.com are the closest we’ll get to some real reviews of this product… at least we’ll know how well the currently supported app works. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00N9NZIKM
I don’t think I’d gamble $60 on a pair of these speakers… and I’m an impulse buyer of lots of ‘junk’ from Meh!
Some of the products on the linkplay page look like the sister products in QFX’s line of Elite wifi players… and the Muzo Cobblestone is sold by “Linkplay Technology” on amazon.com
So Linkplay is the OEM.
I guess as long as some of the current linkplay based products still use the same wifi audio module as the QFX E-200, then there will be continued support for it.
PS I like how the E-200 users manual describes the Ethernet Port as the “WiFi signal input”.
It may be worth hacking up a few units to wire up an AUX out to bypass the almost 100% guaranteed to suck speakers in these units… only if they’re cheaper.
@bbf Okay, did even more research and it looks like another product, the Jam Voice, uses the most recent Linkplay chipset and supports Amazon Alexa as well in addition to the same wifi and Bluetooth streaming support that the E-200 does through a Linkplay based app, but has no input ports. https://www.amazon.com/HX-P590BK-Jam-Portable-Bluetooth-Speaker/dp/B01LXGAVD8
$34.99 for prime members https://www.jamaudio.com/speakers/jam-voicetm-portable-wifi-and-bluetooth-speaker-with-amazon-alexa
It looks like cheaper Amazon Echo Tap, and a good alternative to the E-200 if you just want some muzak in the background plus no-always listening Alexa (plus or minus for some people.)
The E-200 does not support Alexa integration.
@bbf Linkplay (also called Audiocast) does the software and probably the streaming chip…but does not make the speakers. As a result, the speakers that use the audiocast software range from pretty awful (like the Jam voice linked above) to exceptionally great (check out the GGMM E5 reviews on Amazon).
So,this could be great or awful. I own and love a GGMM E5 (at $130 each) so I am in on this to add another room. The Audiocast/Linkplay speakers are compatible with each other.
No, Napster’s not “still a thing,” it’s a thing again. They bought Rhapsody. It’s really an awesome streaming service, and creates much better automated playlists than Pandora, Spotify, or especially Amazon. Check it out!
Very tempted, but my iLuv bluetooth speaker I bought eons ago either from here or w00t has been going strong for years. If/when that puppy ends up croaking I’ll be a very sad panda and willing to risk splurging on phantom speakers on meh. Seriously no reviews ANYWHERE!?!? What is this the 90s???
Is there any indication aside from that one mention in the poorly translated manual that the speakers support AirPlay? Because if they do I am totally in for a pair.
The description here says 3 inch speakers x 2 bit the manual says 2.75 inches. That’s a small speaker in a big cabinet. That extra 1/4 inch makes a difference in sound quality usually.
man, if i had $60 (+shipping) to throw around i’d buy these for a friend who has often taken up the burden of after parties. in a spot where someone will spill a drink and the ashtray will tip over and a cat or two will bolt through, a laptop (without speakers, even) isn’t a wise choice.
alas, i have too many other things to spend money on this month (mostly car related so $$$) and already not enough money to get them done.
if they come around again, mehbe some users here will have some reviews to offer as well. (although the video review was helpful, if creepy.)
@KwadGuy Let’s all be realistic…
Sonos functionality for $30 each! Sonos speakers are $200 - 700+ for ONE. These have bluetooth, like any other bluetooth speaker, plus wifi and a LAN input, to hook up directly to your network and increase their range, plus a USB input to pop a flash drive full of music directly in…and FLAC music support! (and other formats too!) They also come with an Aux cable to hard wire directly to your phone. You can hook up many in different rooms on your network, hook up a left and a right in one room for stereo, and they look rather nice and are quite hefty at around 5.4 lbs each, which does help on speakers. That can be somewhat of an indication of some kind of quality, but we can hear them a little in the Deal Guy video. The 15w/ch. is rated at .2% distortion.
You guys are ripping these a new one, but just look what you get for a measly $30 each when you buy a pair. Now, to me, I wanted a pair for stereo. Having sold high end hi-fi gear for nearly 30 years, a speaker that is mono is lacking right off the bat. Hard to get any excitement over mono! lol
Also, if your computer is hooked up to the same network, this device can search for your music on your computer and access and play all of your music collection there! You can also access your music in the cloud. The app can also do playlists. With a new feature called Timing Closure, it will play for 90 minutes and turn off. It’s all in the manual on their website. With the 13.5v DC in, you should be able to run them off your cig. lighter in any car.
Wireless stereo with all of these features and options is a TOTAL STEAL! I bought a pair.
People …what kind of bluetooth only speaker would you get for $30 ? Not much of one! None of the other features this has. And they wouldn’t weigh close to 5.4 lbs. each. These are regularly $149.99 EACH…so $300 for a pair and here THEY ARE $60!
The Deal Guy, in the you tube video, thought they were an awesome deal on sale at $99.99 EACH ($50 off regular price…$200/pair)! This is less than 1/3 of that deal each!
Thanks meh … I’m sorry some of your customers have a tough time seeing the true bargains that you sometimes provide to us. This is definitely one of them.
If I didn’t believe you were shilling, I might almost be persuaded by your treatise, in spite of my better judgement.
However, the truth is that there’s no reason to think these speakers sound anything but truly meh.
Oh, and two of these speakers does NOT give you stereo. All it gives you is duplicated mono. So if you think stereo is so important, then two of these won’t give it to you, not wirelessly anyway.
A few months ago, I got a PAIR of Harman Kardon Onyx Mini bluetooth speakers for $75 from BestBuy. Now THOSE are a good bluetooth experience, and you can daisy chain them to give you dual mono, just like these.
$65 (shipped) may sound like short money for two bluetooth speakers, but it isn’t that much cheaper than a good deal on what are likely FAR better speakers.
My pair of E-200s arrived today, much quicker than expected.
Overall very impressed. Build quality and sound are better than I expected. They can play very loud for the size and have a slight bass and treble boost that many folks like.
NOTE: The Wifi Mode (using the QFX app) was quite frustrating to set up…but works fine once set up. I thought it would be simple because I am quite Wifi literate, and I already own 2 Linkplay Wifi speakers (the same system).
Wifi Setup Hints:
Whenever you turn the system on in Wifi Mode (White LEDs) it takes 25 seconds before you can do anything. It is booting up. If you switch to Wifi from Bluetooth, its 25 seconds again. It is not booted until you hear it play indicator tones (about 3 notes I think). So do not even start the app setup until it is booted.
The White LED flashes to indicate it is in Wifi Mode but not connected to a Wifi System. …It does not mean it is in pairing mode…just that it is not connected.
There are voice prompts to take you through the Wifi App/initial setup. The most important one happens after you hit the “WPS” (searching to connect) button on the back. If you do not hear it say “searching for connection” or something like that, it will not pair. So, hit the WPS button at the appropriate time and wait til you hear the prompt for the next step.
@ggrochr I almost started a return process until I read your post. It was very frustrating setting these up until I followed your instructions. I’m still finding it impossible to get them to play ‘linked’. Only one will play, do you perhaps know what I’m doing wrong?
Agree with ggrochr above. They feel like they are well built, and in my initial tests with Bluetooth, very good sound quality for the size. So far I’m impressed with this purchase.
Anyone having issues with the volume control within the app? When adjusting the volume while in WiFi mode, it will keep increasing or decreasing until it is either topped out or turned all the way down. It’s only happening with one of them. The other works great.
@Bbarndollar are you adjusting with the knob or in the app?
I don’t have this issue but did have problems with them disappearing from the network in airplay mode if i pause the music from itunes. I wonder if there are firmware upgrades to be found.
@beachbumli247 I have noticed some issues as well but have been able to adjust the volume with the knob in both Wifi and Bluetooth. I think I fixed my issue by deleting and re-downloading the app and resetting the speaker back to factory default. I will keep testing tonight.
Anyone figured out a way to stream using Google Play Music over WiFi? I’ve set one of the two speakers up and played around with Pandora using one of several apps (QFX, Muzo, AudioCast), but want to be able to use my GPM Family Plan. I may have to rely on bluetooth if there’s no way to use GPM over WiFi, but that kind of defeats the purpose of having networked speakers.
@Bbarndollar Not yet, but I’m still testing. Trying different apps, then deleting them when they don’t work. One seemed promising but required root. I’ll update here if I find anything that works well, with or without GPM.
If you want more, I see Morningsave has them on Meh Encore now same price.
There is no way besides Bluetooth to get Google Music…unless you plug a chromecast into the Aux jack.
Re: Firmware updates, on my other Linkplay speakers new firmware was automatically downloaded from the app when in Wifi mode… Do not expect updates once they hit Meh pricing.
The apps seem to be almost identical, I use “Audiocast” cuz it has the streaming services I use. NOTE, you can set 6 preset stations (streaming services) in the app, but unlike most Linkplay speakers, you have to go back to the app to play them…no preset buttons on the speakr.
@xenophod - Sadly no, when you plug a cable into the back AUX jack the Wifi turns off totally (it’s happens automatically, you do not even hit the Mode switch.
So, playing around with all the apps, I found, for some reason, all of my Verizon FiOS channels showing up in DLNA, or… something… I get nothing when I select one, but still, I can see a crap ton of info… Which made me think, “How can I get Google Play Music to stream over DLNA? I wonder if there is a life hack article about this?” Low and Behold! From 2013: http://lifehacker.com/stream-google-play-music-songs-to-any-upnp-or-dlna-comp-1243521445
I get the message: "Sorry! This content is not available in your country yet.
We’re working to bring the content you love to more countries as quickly as possible.
Please check back again soon."
So GOOG pulled that app. boooo.
Bubble Soft has other UPnP/DLNA apps in the app store and such, and they have servers you can run on Windows, Linux and your nerdy little QNAP NAS, (I know one of you has a NAS) http://bubblesoftapps.com/bubbleupnpserver/
What does this all mean?! I DON’T KNOW!
I haven’t had a chance to play with any of this yet. BUT, I’ll let you know when I do. I WILL GET GOOGLE PLAY MUSIC TO STREAM THROUGH ALL 6 OF THESE SPEAKERS AT ONCE OVER WIFI!!! (or my wife will kill me)
Interesting feature…security issue. In Wifi Mode the speakers create their own wireless network named “E200 something”…with internet access if you have connected up with your home wireless. Upside…it works as an access point so could extend the range of your Wifi. Downside is that by default the System is UNSECURED. You can secure it by turning “Device Password” to On in the settings and providing a password. You have to do the same with each of the speakers so they can communicate with each other.
Yeah, I can confirm it turns into an access point. Cool / weird. Thanks for finding that.
Other things…
• Cabinet was resonating / making a rattling noise with lower frequencies. Fixed by putting a piece of tape across the WPS button, ethernet port and USB port.
• The metal mesh grill is resonating at higher frequencies (at high volume), haven’t come up with a long term solution but the grill is easily removable if you pry it off first at the bottom corners. I drilled a hole in it for easier removal later.
• Replaced the volume encoder knob with a nice, slightly smaller, knurled aluminum one, seems to help with reliable volume adjustment. (can turn faster, feels nice)
• WiFi range is excellent
• Airplay works great.
• Battery is holding up well over the course of 8 hours of moderate volume w/Wi-Fi.
Also very happy with the deal. It sounds as good as I could have hoped. Much bang, minimum buck.
Also, in case anyone was wondering what’s inside. I’m attaching pictures of my teardown. I wanted to confirm that the speakers weren’t wired out of phase (couldn’t tell if the cones were in sync and have heard of this happening).
• They stuffed some cotton behind the drivers. I replace it with little blocks of memory foam just because.
• Interestingly, the wireless module on the main board is on a set of headers, therefore hot swappable.
• There is a nice antenna, which accounts for the excellent range.
• Battery pack looks like three 18650 cells. Wire (see picture) looks like it was getting pinched bad, but couldn’t find the culprit on the shell.
I also attached a picture showing my sick knob mod and tape on the back.
@musiq021 interesting- saved me the trouble- wow- they really are cheap- I gave them kudos for sound as they do sound great- I do have trouble having them stay on for long periods- but I blame wifi and streaming issues- have not tried bluetooth- pretty skimp on the batteries- though I don’t know how long these 18650 last- maybe just add more…
Thanks for the tear down- can you shoot close ups of the board and chip set
@musiq021 Thank you…your photos helped fix one of mine. You mentioned the long antenna, the 1st speaker I used got great Wifi reception (showing 100% on the app info page). The other was cutting in and out and showing between 15-25%. Opened it up, and despite all the glue the antenna was not connected. Snapped it back and 100% on both now.
If you are having difficulty you may check the signal strength if you can get that far in the setup.
I notice that if you go to the speaker address listed on the app info page in a browser each speaker creates a 3 page diagnostic site that includes options for firmware updating…really doubt there will be updates.
@CAMXposure They seem to last fairly long. I think they are roughly 2Ah at ~4v, so 3 should amount to 24 watt hours. If I open it back up I will but I can’t get a good angle on it without removing it and that’s a one way street with that yellow goo holding it in place.
Has anyone been able to get them to function in multi-mode with Spotify for more than a second after hitting play? The main speaker that I attach the other unit(s) to will play no matter what, but I cannot get the other slave units to play Spotify this way. I tested with my brother’s iPhone and can successfully play in multimode with Apple Music, but I use an Android and pay for a Spotify sub, so I’d much prefer to use that.
@zwigoose I had the same issue. After a single successful multi-mode session, I found this same experience. Pairing them together would have both units play for ≈1-second, then cut out. The volume knob would still affect the other unit, though, and it would freak out, going up and up forever (I had to override with the mobile handset volume). I uninstalled and re-installed the mobile app, factory reset the units, and added them all to my 2.4 GHz wifi network (previously had them on the 5 GHz network). Once again, they seem to be working, but I’ll see if it’s just for a single session again, or if they persist this “good” setting after I turn them off again.
TIL that Meh Encore deals have an end time… I had the page open at work to order another pair and got pulled away, had a work event and went back to the page now that I’m home and it’s too late, and it ended an hour ago.
/youtube price is right sad tuba
But then I went back to the Morningsave front page and there’s an ostensibly new set of deals and they’re back!
Well I wish I ordered two pairs-it ain’t everyday you run across speakers that sounds this good for the cost… listening to ROCK to Classical and trying ambient and dubstep- aside for the fact you won’t feel much- but I was surprised to hear the low end cello resonate with such force from the other room… I had to step into the room to verify it was these speakers putting out this sound!!!
I would like to track down the maker of these- QFX is just a label placed on these- they didn’t design them- as you can see from a lot of their crappy items- but these- YOU WILL BE FOOLED- they are SWEET
what’s annoying- iPhone you can airplay out from google Music- same on Spotify- but on android you need premium or NOT broadcast from GoogleMusic - and did Spotify just GO GAY?!!
@CAMXposure are you able to play using spotify and have the speakers sync up properly? I have only been able to get them to play synced for a second, then the “slave” speakers go silent and the master continues playing just fine.
@zwigoose Spotigay? iphone yes- if they are already paired- Android- need to be premium- as far as a windows phone- I place mine near me but not the window…
as for the remark on Spotify- why is the genre choices on Spotify monochrome except for the PRIDE genre- and what kind of music is LBGT anyway- I thought they were just like everyone else- so why a new genre- and colored??!?!
Well, I got my pair of these wireless speakers a few minutes ago. You TROLLS that threw these under the bus would be kicking your own ASSES if you heard these amazing little guys! I have someone sleeping in my house, so I had to take the ONE, not even stereo yet, …just mono…outside to the driveway to try it out. This puts out so much volume, with such a tight DEEP bass and remains clean and clear with defined vocals, it’s simply amazing! And, remember me?, I’m the old guy that called this and other similar audio products “hi-fi gear”! The guy that sold high end hi-fi gear for 30 years. This single speaker filled my whole front yard with clean and clear music that I when I cranked it, and they do crank very, very loud, I was afraid the neighbors would come out to see who was playing their music so loud! These are worth their RETAIL price of $149.99 each! Course, with the Meh deal, I got 2 for $65 shipped! LOLOLOL What a complete and utter BARGAIN! (:^)
For their size, and multi modes that they have, they are a good buy at RETAIL $149.99 and competitive or actually better than most in that price range. They CERTAINLY play much, much louder - you’d have to hear how loud they get to believe it - I’m blown away!!..and they are still clear, with nice powerful and well balanced deep bass! They have 2 little ducted ports out the lower back for reinforcing the deep bass.
And, these accolades and I haven’t even opened up the 2nd one yet and tried them in stereo. Trust me, if I did that test outside I would have the neighbors coming out and wondering who’s having the party! Seriously!
First song I play was from SpyroGyra - a nice jazz fusion piece that tested it’s full range. These are incredible and without a doubt the best buy I’ve made in the last year…or more!
You guys who panned these totally missed out - the best deal ever on Meh! At least for "hi-fi gear! haahaahaahaa!
@sscharbach - There was a good bit of ignorant trolling early in the thread…but I agree that despite the setup headaches they are great find. Worth more than the price just as bluetooth speakers.
So you were only 30 years selling… the 70’s are kind of foggy to me but I am pretty sure I worked with Buck (who explains the Hi-Fi thing ***here.***). Of course, to be worth full retail they would need the TK-421 mod.
BTW - I sold quite a few stereos off of Spyro Gyra “Morning Dance” back in the day.
I’m hoping someone here can help me. I got my speakers a few days ago and they work great with my Android phone. However, one of the main selling points for me was that it claimed you could control via computer as well as phones.
I can not find any app for PC to stream music to the speaker. How can it be done? All my music is stored on our entertainment PC and that’s what I was hoping to use.
@darkdragon You cannot Control the speakers from a Windows PC, but you can stream your PC music library to them. Look in the QFX Windows App source screen for “My Music”…tap that and it will look for Windows DLNA music shares on your network. DLNA music share streaming is built into Windows but you have to turn it on in your computer. Google DLNA with your Windows version to see how. Within the Windows Media Player app, you may also see the E200 as a “Player” that you can stream to. It won’t let you switch to Spotify etc, but you can probably change songs from there.
@ggrochr I did mean stream, not control Thanks for the info, I think that’s just what I needed to know. I also read it might work via Airplay in iTunes, though we don’t have iTunes installed.
@darkdragon hey, actually you can- depending on your source. I use Spotify, and the PC application noticed it almost immediately and took over using Spotify Connect. Very easy. Haven’t tried anything else though
After a single successful pairing, the two speakers no longer play in unison. I think I got a bad pair or something. The volume knob doesn’t stop increasing the volume, so I cannot touch it, up or down. It’ll just blow the eardrums out of any poor victim within 20 feet (great sound on these units, though). Solo mode, they seem to work fine. I factory reset them, same issue (could it be the app? I’ll delete and retry using the iPhone app, and also, using Spotify for music source).
The QFX app for Android didn’t work.
I was able pair the two speakers, but when launching music app, e.g., tune in. pandora, spotify, etc none of them work.
I’m having the same syncing issues as everyone else. I’m trying to use Spotify premium on Android. Speakers sync for 1 second and then crash. I’ve tried AudioCast app and the QFX one. Anyone figured out a solution?
I found a work-around that plays Spotify on 2 QFX paired synced speakers.
I boot both speakers in Wi-fi mode unpaired, then connected the leader speaker to another source (in my case Tidal). Then pair them in the software so both are playing Tidal. I then changed the leader speaker to Spotify and both played Spotifiy synced fine.
NOTE: in Sync mode the slave speaker connects to the lead speaker’s Wifi network, not your home network, so coverage may vary…test with the 2 speakers close together, and be sure that both QFX speakers have the same password (or no password) on their networks.
What’s in the Box?
2x Speaker
2x Power Adapter
2x 3.5mm Aux cable
Just one
Tim Cook would shit his pants at the cowardice of all these ports
Free plug with purchase
Chopin away the night
Price Comparison
$159.90 at Amazon
1 Year QFX
Estimated Delivery
Monday, July 13th - Thursday, July 16th
At least it’s not speaker docks
I don’t have a multiroom. I rent.
Multi-closet, at least?
@haydesigner Yep. Almost every closet I came out of is here.
Bluetooth? Check.
Knife? Nope.
It’s been some time since we’ve seen an ACTUAL speaker dock.
@norman8 I’m a speaker Doc!
I like how the DC port looks like it was carved using a toe knife.
@RedOx Wow, that is bad.
@cengland0 oh hahahaha! I checked and double checked! It’s actually there! no wonder that post has been hidden! What the heck is a toe knife anyway?–I’m getting sunny in Philly images. Maybe i don’t want to know…I thought I was gay, but then I watched the video on this posted by @haydesigner… oh I’m so confused.
@wew Toe knife? I think it’s the one that pops out of shoe in the toe area. I saw this in fighting movies where antagonist cheated. But I have no idea how using that toe knife than normal knife would be comfortable in carving out a hole in a port for power plug…
Shoe Knives – The How and Why
@allergic2skank a toe knife is a knife you use to scrape the stuff from under your toe nails and also to cut/trim your toes or to cut hang nails.
This is definitely from Its Always Sunny.
these sound really cool! anyone have them and know if they’re worth buying?
@boygenius1991 So what you’re saying is that you don’t actually know if they “sound really cool.”
@norman8 lol you got me there
@norman8 Actually, I interpret the OP as follows: “This sounds like a really good idea, if it works properly and if the product is of a sufficient level of quality and performance to justify a somewhat high-ish price for something being sold on a daily discount website! Has anyone who can see this comment purchased this product before, and if so, can you tell me if the quality is, in fact, good enough to justify separating myself from sixty of my hard-earned dollars?” Or, stated more succinctly: “These sound really cool! Anyone have them and know if they’re worth buying?”
FINALLY, Bluetooth speakers!
Wait… multi-room?
I… kinda… want… these… now…
The Deal Guy has a video “review”…
@haydesigner Nope - these are not the same speaker. The ones sold here are 3" by 4" by 4" and those in the video look to be about 15" long…
Ah, good catch, @Kidsandliz
@Kidsandliz The speaker is 3x4 at 4ohm, but the unit dimensions are 12x4x4.5 So this looks like the same one.
Ooh, better catch @Eraserhead
@Eraserhead I mistook the second 4 as inches and not ohm since it said 3" at the beginning of that line. It would have been better if they had said 12"x3"x4" or 12x4x4.5 (whatever it actually is) since they also have 3" in the description at 4ohm, then it would not have been so confusing. At a foot long at least gives it a better chance to have decent sound.
@haydesigner what a strange video.
@RiotDemon I wish speakers made me that excited.
@sammydog01 now if he could only review your bembot dancing speaker thing.
Bluetooth speakers? Well that’s new here.
(Blame @DrunkCat.)
I almost want these, but $60 is a lot to pay for speakers with no reviews that I can find.
@madmod20061 Agree… I’m interested but I’d like to hear from at least one person who has tried to use them…
@madmod20061 Consider it only $30 each or just $1 a day for a month or only 8 cents a day for a year (each).
@madmod20061 zero reviews, but lots of appearances on deal sites besides Meh. If it’s half as good as Sonos this is a killer deal but if it’s not, this is potentially a lot to blow on crap.
@madmod20061 that they are only 3X4X4 inches would indicate that the sound is likely short on bass just for starters…
@madmod20061 so I did a bit of searching and all I could find was thise weirdo reviewing it.
@madmod20061 weirdo is far too friendly a word to describe this guy–tho he does seem like an effective boss as Intern Kacie is nearly as obnoxious as he is
@rrichmon Anthony Weiner, how far you have fallen man.
@therealjrn Great comment. I like the speaker but I wouldn’t leave this guy alone with my dog for more than 30 seconds. Yikes!!
I speak the tooth.
First may i say It’s an excellent Bargain , but if i have to access an app to control this speaker i’m out … have a nice day Team Meh. No reviews from Amazon mystery speakers , Also not to happy the speakers i ordered last week didn’t ship yet and the wrenches same shit …China ships there crap in one day just takes 2 months to get here by boat whats your excuse?
@mellowirishgent according to the video review it seems it has a control panel so the app would be optional, although i couldn’t say for sure.
My previous meh disposable speaker died last week. I was kind of sad that I wouldn’t be buying a third, as I hadn’t seen a decent one in a while. Glad I didn’t wait longer.
@djdedd What speaker is that iv’e bought most of them .
WiFi speakers without Chromecast built-in? Meh.
@ellett but Ethernet Port!
/giphy Ethernet

@kus TF?
/giphy no Ethernet

Anyone know how many of these can you connect together with the same stream? Or can they be used as surround sound?
@cmchance QFX Tunes on Google Play says “Add up to six speakers”
I’m seeing some “GoogleCast” functionality on this ono some websites… is that the same as Google Play Music?
@oofnivlak5, no.
such sad much fellacio
Really interested, just wish I didn’t have to buy 2, $30 for one would have been a quick buy for me.
Kinda defeats the multi-room aspect though, no?@darkdragon
@haydesigner yeah but that’s not what I care about. Also, I never got a comment email, meh.
Couldn’t I just get one big speaker and turn it up really really loud to get multiroom audio?
Can you link more than 2 together? So if I bought 2 or 3 sets can I link the 4 or 6 together to play all the same music?
Yes…that’s what I read.
Oh someone asked that already. Meh. Thanks.
Yet another mystery product with zero reviews. Pass. Although I was a bit tempted to add it to my collection of Bluetooth speakers purchased from Meh that I never use.
To be fair, if products were well-known, they often aren’t on Meh @ponagathos
@haydesigner True enough. Though there are so many items offered here with no Amazon reviews that I sometimes wonder if Meh created the Amazon listing.
I’m really interested, but only if I can turn these on and off remotely. I’m looking for a pair of speakers to put above my kitchen cabinets…ideally controlling them through the iMac I have there. I have wired speakers right now, but they buzz, and would like to find something better.
I love the idea that I can pair these and have one be the left channel and one be the right.
I guess they could be “on” all the time if they were plugged in and when not in use, they consumed very little power.
@wootcat You have an iMac above your kitchen cabinets?
@baqui63 No, but the current speakers are wired. The iMac is on the kitchen counter. With 38 linear feet of counter space, we could afford it.
I think you’ll be able to turn them on and off with the app.
220v 사용가능한가요?
Exactly, @kimkihoon. But don’t let it get out, or my political career will be ruined.
@kimkihoon plug in the photo seems to say input is 110V-240V.
No credible reviews and “…Should not be placed in some objects such as vases filled with liquid.”
http://www.qfxusa.com/Pdf/E-200 User Manual.pdf
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Be the first to review this item
Be the first to review this item
and hurry-up before they run out
I’m tempted but really do not want to have to use a phone or tablet to make these go.
I’ll have to do some more reading and maybe get these tomorrow.
@baqui63 You might be searching too hard for a reason to buy. The mehffliction/mehddiction.
Sounds meh!
I am so late! I suppose i should have bought this instead of the $10 cell phone bluetooth speakers. If they sound like $100 speakers, it would definitely be worth the money. But, sadly, I spent my money earlier.
I’ll research it more, but this is just a once every two months purchase.
meh, go down instead of up as the month progresses.
Actually, maybe you could start out the month with expensive stuff…which I could buy, and end the month with cheap stuff…which I would unrealistically think I can buy too.
It is a shame, I wanted one of these bluetooth boxes for awhile now. they seem to get rather good reviews.
@wew no expensive stuff at the start of the month - that’s when rent & bills are due and no fun money is to be had! ;)
According to the manual it supports airplay, DLNA and qplay protocols. Dunno what qplay is… probably some Chinese protocol because the only link I could find is to a dead Qplay Video streaming service that died in 2014: http://qplay.co/farewell.html
Also the QFX Tunes Android app was last updated March 2016!! and only had 1000-5000 installs.
There doesn’t look like there’s any current support for this device unless we can find the OEM that actually wrote the software for QFXusa… and then who knows if they’re still supporting this.
Edit: I guess the Muzo app is still supported updated in April 2017 with 10k to 50k installs. (Thanks for the link Meh.com) So I guess Muzo reviews on Amazon.com are the closest we’ll get to some real reviews of this product… at least we’ll know how well the currently supported app works. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00N9NZIKM
I don’t think I’d gamble $60 on a pair of these speakers… and I’m an impulse buyer of lots of ‘junk’ from Meh!
@bbf Did some more research and it looks like the device is based on a wifi audio solution created by linkplay: http://linkplay.com/featured-products/
Some of the products on the linkplay page look like the sister products in QFX’s line of Elite wifi players… and the Muzo Cobblestone is sold by “Linkplay Technology” on amazon.com
So Linkplay is the OEM.
I guess as long as some of the current linkplay based products still use the same wifi audio module as the QFX E-200, then there will be continued support for it.
PS I like how the E-200 users manual describes the Ethernet Port as the “WiFi signal input”.
It may be worth hacking up a few units to wire up an AUX out to bypass the almost 100% guaranteed to suck speakers in these units… only if they’re cheaper.
@bbf Okay, did even more research and it looks like another product, the Jam Voice, uses the most recent Linkplay chipset and supports Amazon Alexa as well in addition to the same wifi and Bluetooth streaming support that the E-200 does through a Linkplay based app, but has no input ports. https://www.amazon.com/HX-P590BK-Jam-Portable-Bluetooth-Speaker/dp/B01LXGAVD8
$34.99 for prime members
It looks like cheaper Amazon Echo Tap, and a good alternative to the E-200 if you just want some muzak in the background plus no-always listening Alexa (plus or minus for some people.)
The E-200 does not support Alexa integration.
@bbf Linkplay (also called Audiocast) does the software and probably the streaming chip…but does not make the speakers. As a result, the speakers that use the audiocast software range from pretty awful (like the Jam voice linked above) to exceptionally great (check out the GGMM E5 reviews on Amazon).
So,this could be great or awful. I own and love a GGMM E5 (at $130 each) so I am in on this to add another room. The Audiocast/Linkplay speakers are compatible with each other.
@bbf Thank you for all that research. It will surely be helpful to someone.
Apparently when everyone says: " No more speaker docks!" the Meh geniuses hear “Bigger more expensive Bluetooth speakers!”
No, Napster’s not “still a thing,” it’s a thing again. They bought Rhapsody. It’s really an awesome streaming service, and creates much better automated playlists than Pandora, Spotify, or especially Amazon. Check it out!
@curtw4 clearly you haven’t listened to my custom, years in the making, Bryan Ferry/David Byrne/Sting/et al Pandora channel.
Very tempted, but my iLuv bluetooth speaker I bought eons ago either from here or w00t has been going strong for years. If/when that puppy ends up croaking I’ll be a very sad panda and willing to risk splurging on phantom speakers on meh. Seriously no reviews ANYWHERE!?!? What is this the 90s???
Do they have a lightning port? How about qi charging?
Is there any indication aside from that one mention in the poorly translated manual that the speakers support AirPlay? Because if they do I am totally in for a pair.
@jgoldshlag They support AirPlay
No Windows Phone support…I’m out.
@Stumpy91 Yes, with bluetooth and with the USB jack in the back.
@sscharbach No WP app, no control.
Would these work with Amazon Echo/home automation?
I too hate that so much of the stuff on here has little-to-no reviews…
@lostrowski you might not be a mehficionado.
@zr57 good find!
The description here says 3 inch speakers x 2 bit the manual says 2.75 inches. That’s a small speaker in a big cabinet. That extra 1/4 inch makes a difference in sound quality usually.
man, if i had $60 (+shipping) to throw around i’d buy these for a friend who has often taken up the burden of after parties. in a spot where someone will spill a drink and the ashtray will tip over and a cat or two will bolt through, a laptop (without speakers, even) isn’t a wise choice.
alas, i have too many other things to spend money on this month (mostly car related so $$$) and already not enough money to get them done.
if they come around again, mehbe some users here will have some reviews to offer as well. (although the video review was helpful, if creepy.)
QFX is a cheap no-name supplier of random electronics.
Here’s an Amazon search of their various QFX brand listings. You can see that they mostly have pretty poor reviews.
$60 to prove that to yourself? Not a chance.
@KwadGuy Let’s all be realistic…
… I’m sorry some of your customers have a tough time seeing the true bargains that you sometimes provide to us. This is definitely one of them.
Sonos functionality for $30 each! Sonos speakers are $200 - 700+ for ONE. These have bluetooth, like any other bluetooth speaker, plus wifi and a LAN input, to hook up directly to your network and increase their range, plus a USB input to pop a flash drive full of music directly in…and FLAC music support! (and other formats too!) They also come with an Aux cable to hard wire directly to your phone. You can hook up many in different rooms on your network, hook up a left and a right in one room for stereo, and they look rather nice and are quite hefty at around 5.4 lbs each, which does help on speakers. That can be somewhat of an indication of some kind of quality, but we can hear them a little in the Deal Guy video. The 15w/ch. is rated at .2% distortion.
You guys are ripping these a new one, but just look what you get for a measly $30 each when you buy a pair. Now, to me, I wanted a pair for stereo. Having sold high end hi-fi gear for nearly 30 years, a speaker that is mono is lacking right off the bat. Hard to get any excitement over mono! lol
Also, if your computer is hooked up to the same network, this device can search for your music on your computer and access and play all of your music collection there! You can also access your music in the cloud. The app can also do playlists. With a new feature called Timing Closure, it will play for 90 minutes and turn off. It’s all in the manual on their website. With the 13.5v DC in, you should be able to run them off your cig. lighter in any car.
Wireless stereo with all of these features and options is a TOTAL STEAL! I bought a pair.
People …what kind of bluetooth only speaker would you get for $30 ? Not much of one! None of the other features this has. And they wouldn’t weigh close to 5.4 lbs. each. These are regularly $149.99 EACH…so $300 for a pair and here THEY ARE $60!
The Deal Guy, in the you tube video, thought they were an awesome deal on sale at $99.99 EACH ($50 off regular price…$200/pair)! This is less than 1/3 of that deal each!
Thanks meh
@KwadGuy Do real people ever say “hi-fi gear” anymore?
@therealjrn might be a side effect of shilling…
If I didn’t believe you were shilling, I might almost be persuaded by your treatise, in spite of my better judgement.
However, the truth is that there’s no reason to think these speakers sound anything but truly meh.
Oh, and two of these speakers does NOT give you stereo. All it gives you is duplicated mono. So if you think stereo is so important, then two of these won’t give it to you, not wirelessly anyway.
A few months ago, I got a PAIR of Harman Kardon Onyx Mini bluetooth speakers for $75 from BestBuy. Now THOSE are a good bluetooth experience, and you can daisy chain them to give you dual mono, just like these.
$65 (shipped) may sound like short money for two bluetooth speakers, but it isn’t that much cheaper than a good deal on what are likely FAR better speakers.
So a fool and his money, and all that…
@KwadGuy Two these speakers do equal stereo, if you select that option.
@KwadGuy Uh, you can set these up for stereo. Perhaps you should know a product before looking like a dbag!
What’s the FCC ID for these speakers?
/giphy probable-earthly-sound

I hope that doesn’t mean they sound muddy.
Also, confirmed that the purchase map on the front page lights up one parish (that’s county for the rest of y’all) to the east of me when I buy.
Can you connect an Amazon FireTV, AFTV stick, or AppleTV to this?
@tinsami1, no.
But you can connect them to your tv. (If it has Bluetooth or Ethernet.)
I think I’m really going to regret this, but not as much as all the 2007-ish Wootoff junk.
@darkdragon It worked! Your order number is: endearing-noteworthy-gum
/image endearing noteworthy gum

Testing 3…2…1…
/buy -q 2
@mwarren Oops, sorry. You’re too late.
@mediocrebot Congratulations! you passed the test, but…
/giphy simplistic-feared-hand

/image simplistic-feared-hand

My pair of E-200s arrived today, much quicker than expected.
Overall very impressed. Build quality and sound are better than I expected. They can play very loud for the size and have a slight bass and treble boost that many folks like.
NOTE: The Wifi Mode (using the QFX app) was quite frustrating to set up…but works fine once set up. I thought it would be simple because I am quite Wifi literate, and I already own 2 Linkplay Wifi speakers (the same system).
Wifi Setup Hints:
Whenever you turn the system on in Wifi Mode (White LEDs) it takes 25 seconds before you can do anything. It is booting up. If you switch to Wifi from Bluetooth, its 25 seconds again. It is not booted until you hear it play indicator tones (about 3 notes I think). So do not even start the app setup until it is booted.
The White LED flashes to indicate it is in Wifi Mode but not connected to a Wifi System. …It does not mean it is in pairing mode…just that it is not connected.
There are voice prompts to take you through the Wifi App/initial setup. The most important one happens after you hit the “WPS” (searching to connect) button on the back. If you do not hear it say “searching for connection” or something like that, it will not pair. So, hit the WPS button at the appropriate time and wait til you hear the prompt for the next step.
@ggrochr I almost started a return process until I read your post. It was very frustrating setting these up until I followed your instructions. I’m still finding it impossible to get them to play ‘linked’. Only one will play, do you perhaps know what I’m doing wrong?
@rgeyedoc did you drag one speaker on top of the other in the app? They show up as chained together if you do this successfully.
@djslack Yes, they show chained and second speaker says “playback in sync” or something similar. However no music comes from the speaker.
Agree with ggrochr above. They feel like they are well built, and in my initial tests with Bluetooth, very good sound quality for the size. So far I’m impressed with this purchase.
Anyone having issues with the volume control within the app? When adjusting the volume while in WiFi mode, it will keep increasing or decreasing until it is either topped out or turned all the way down. It’s only happening with one of them. The other works great.
@Bbarndollar I’ve only tried one so far, but the volume knob doesn’t work at all in WiFi mode, and seems very finnicky in bluetooth mode.
@Bbarndollar are you adjusting with the knob or in the app?
I don’t have this issue but did have problems with them disappearing from the network in airplay mode if i pause the music from itunes. I wonder if there are firmware upgrades to be found.
@beachbumli247 I have noticed some issues as well but have been able to adjust the volume with the knob in both Wifi and Bluetooth. I think I fixed my issue by deleting and re-downloading the app and resetting the speaker back to factory default. I will keep testing tonight.
@djslack See my comment above. Seemed to have fixed the issue for now. They are finicky but so far, I am pretty happy with them.
Anyone figured out a way to stream using Google Play Music over WiFi? I’ve set one of the two speakers up and played around with Pandora using one of several apps (QFX, Muzo, AudioCast), but want to be able to use my GPM Family Plan. I may have to rely on bluetooth if there’s no way to use GPM over WiFi, but that kind of defeats the purpose of having networked speakers.
@nestacat Sorry, I cannot answer your question but I wanted to ask if you had any preference of one App over the others?
@Bbarndollar Not yet, but I’m still testing. Trying different apps, then deleting them when they don’t work. One seemed promising but required root. I’ll update here if I find anything that works well, with or without GPM.
@nestacat me too! I have a Google Music Family Plan and would like to use that, maybe I’ll have to learn to code now, damn it…
If you want more, I see Morningsave has them on Meh Encore now same price.
There is no way besides Bluetooth to get Google Music…unless you plug a chromecast into the Aux jack.
Re: Firmware updates, on my other Linkplay speakers new firmware was automatically downloaded from the app when in Wifi mode… Do not expect updates once they hit Meh pricing.
The apps seem to be almost identical, I use “Audiocast” cuz it has the streaming services I use. NOTE, you can set 6 preset stations (streaming services) in the app, but unlike most Linkplay speakers, you have to go back to the app to play them…no preset buttons on the speakr.
@ggrochr does plugging an audio jack into one of the networked speakers make it play on all of the network speakers if they’re in a group?
@xenophod - Sadly no, when you plug a cable into the back AUX jack the Wifi turns off totally (it’s happens automatically, you do not even hit the Mode switch.
So, playing around with all the apps, I found, for some reason, all of my Verizon FiOS channels showing up in DLNA, or… something… I get nothing when I select one, but still, I can see a crap ton of info… Which made me think, “How can I get Google Play Music to stream over DLNA? I wonder if there is a life hack article about this?” Low and Behold! From 2013: http://lifehacker.com/stream-google-play-music-songs-to-any-upnp-or-dlna-comp-1243521445
I get the message: "Sorry! This content is not available in your country yet.
We’re working to bring the content you love to more countries as quickly as possible.
Please check back again soon."
So GOOG pulled that app. boooo.
Bubble Soft has other UPnP/DLNA apps in the app store and such, and they have servers you can run on Windows, Linux and your nerdy little QNAP NAS, (I know one of you has a NAS) http://bubblesoftapps.com/bubbleupnpserver/
What does this all mean?! I DON’T KNOW!
I haven’t had a chance to play with any of this yet. BUT, I’ll let you know when I do.
Interesting feature…security issue. In Wifi Mode the speakers create their own wireless network named “E200 something”…with internet access if you have connected up with your home wireless. Upside…it works as an access point so could extend the range of your Wifi. Downside is that by default the System is UNSECURED. You can secure it by turning “Device Password” to On in the settings and providing a password. You have to do the same with each of the speakers so they can communicate with each other.
Yeah, I can confirm it turns into an access point. Cool / weird. Thanks for finding that.
Other things…
• Cabinet was resonating / making a rattling noise with lower frequencies. Fixed by putting a piece of tape across the WPS button, ethernet port and USB port.
• The metal mesh grill is resonating at higher frequencies (at high volume), haven’t come up with a long term solution but the grill is easily removable if you pry it off first at the bottom corners. I drilled a hole in it for easier removal later.
• Replaced the volume encoder knob with a nice, slightly smaller, knurled aluminum one, seems to help with reliable volume adjustment. (can turn faster, feels nice)
• WiFi range is excellent
• Airplay works great.
• Battery is holding up well over the course of 8 hours of moderate volume w/Wi-Fi.
Also very happy with the deal. It sounds as good as I could have hoped. Much bang, minimum buck.
Also, in case anyone was wondering what’s inside. I’m attaching pictures of my teardown. I wanted to confirm that the speakers weren’t wired out of phase (couldn’t tell if the cones were in sync and have heard of this happening).
• They stuffed some cotton behind the drivers. I replace it with little blocks of memory foam just because.
• Interestingly, the wireless module on the main board is on a set of headers, therefore hot swappable.
• There is a nice antenna, which accounts for the excellent range.
• Battery pack looks like three 18650 cells. Wire (see picture) looks like it was getting pinched bad, but couldn’t find the culprit on the shell.
I also attached a picture showing my sick knob mod and tape on the back.

@musiq021 interesting- saved me the trouble- wow- they really are cheap- I gave them kudos for sound as they do sound great- I do have trouble having them stay on for long periods- but I blame wifi and streaming issues- have not tried bluetooth- pretty skimp on the batteries- though I don’t know how long these 18650 last- maybe just add more…
Thanks for the tear down- can you shoot close ups of the board and chip set
@musiq021 Thank you…your photos helped fix one of mine. You mentioned the long antenna, the 1st speaker I used got great Wifi reception (showing 100% on the app info page). The other was cutting in and out and showing between 15-25%. Opened it up, and despite all the glue the antenna was not connected. Snapped it back and 100% on both now.
If you are having difficulty you may check the signal strength if you can get that far in the setup.
I notice that if you go to the speaker address listed on the app info page in a browser each speaker creates a 3 page diagnostic site that includes options for firmware updating…really doubt there will be updates.
@CAMXposure They seem to last fairly long. I think they are roughly 2Ah at ~4v, so 3 should amount to 24 watt hours. If I open it back up I will but I can’t get a good angle on it without removing it and that’s a one way street with that yellow goo holding it in place.
@ggrochr Hey glad it was helpful, nice job on the fix. And thanks for sharing the fact that they are running a web server, didn’t expect that.
Got mine today. Not as good as Bose but for $30 a speaker very pleased.
Has anyone been able to get them to function in multi-mode with Spotify for more than a second after hitting play? The main speaker that I attach the other unit(s) to will play no matter what, but I cannot get the other slave units to play Spotify this way. I tested with my brother’s iPhone and can successfully play in multimode with Apple Music, but I use an Android and pay for a Spotify sub, so I’d much prefer to use that.
Also had one arrive DOA.
@zwigoose I had the same issue. After a single successful multi-mode session, I found this same experience. Pairing them together would have both units play for ≈1-second, then cut out. The volume knob would still affect the other unit, though, and it would freak out, going up and up forever (I had to override with the mobile handset volume). I uninstalled and re-installed the mobile app, factory reset the units, and added them all to my 2.4 GHz wifi network (previously had them on the 5 GHz network). Once again, they seem to be working, but I’ll see if it’s just for a single session again, or if they persist this “good” setting after I turn them off again.
TIL that Meh Encore deals have an end time… I had the page open at work to order another pair and got pulled away, had a work event and went back to the page now that I’m home and it’s too late, and it ended an hour ago.
/youtube price is right sad tuba
But then I went back to the Morningsave front page and there’s an ostensibly new set of deals and they’re back!
/youtube ftw
One pair mellow-thrifty-pheasants headed my way.
Well I wish I ordered two pairs-it ain’t everyday you run across speakers that sounds this good for the cost… listening to ROCK to Classical and trying ambient and dubstep- aside for the fact you won’t feel much- but I was surprised to hear the low end cello resonate with such force from the other room… I had to step into the room to verify it was these speakers putting out this sound!!!
I would like to track down the maker of these- QFX is just a label placed on these- they didn’t design them- as you can see from a lot of their crappy items- but these- YOU WILL BE FOOLED- they are SWEET
they sound decent but they sync like crap.
what’s annoying- iPhone you can airplay out from google Music- same on Spotify- but on android you need premium or NOT broadcast from GoogleMusic - and did Spotify just GO GAY?!!
@CAMXposure are you able to play using spotify and have the speakers sync up properly? I have only been able to get them to play synced for a second, then the “slave” speakers go silent and the master continues playing just fine.
@zwigoose Spotigay? iphone yes- if they are already paired- Android- need to be premium- as far as a windows phone- I place mine near me but not the window…
as for the remark on Spotify- why is the genre choices on Spotify monochrome except for the PRIDE genre- and what kind of music is LBGT anyway- I thought they were just like everyone else- so why a new genre- and colored??!?!
Well, I got my pair of these wireless speakers a few minutes ago. You TROLLS that threw these under the bus would be kicking your own ASSES if you heard these amazing little guys! I have someone sleeping in my house, so I had to take the ONE, not even stereo yet, …just mono…outside to the driveway to try it out. This puts out so much volume, with such a tight DEEP bass and remains clean and clear with defined vocals, it’s simply amazing! And, remember me?, I’m the old guy that called this and other similar audio products “hi-fi gear”! The guy that sold high end hi-fi gear for 30 years. This single speaker filled my whole front yard with clean and clear music that I when I cranked it, and they do crank very, very loud, I was afraid the neighbors would come out to see who was playing their music so loud! These are worth their RETAIL price of $149.99 each! Course, with the Meh deal, I got 2 for $65 shipped! LOLOLOL What a complete and utter BARGAIN! (:^)

For their size, and multi modes that they have, they are a good buy at RETAIL $149.99 and competitive or actually better than most in that price range. They CERTAINLY play much, much louder - you’d have to hear how loud they get to believe it - I’m blown away!!..and they are still clear, with nice powerful and well balanced deep bass! They have 2 little ducted ports out the lower back for reinforcing the deep bass.
And, these accolades and I haven’t even opened up the 2nd one yet and tried them in stereo. Trust me, if I did that test outside I would have the neighbors coming out and wondering who’s having the party! Seriously!
First song I play was from SpyroGyra - a nice jazz fusion piece that tested it’s full range. These are incredible and without a doubt the best buy I’ve made in the last year…or more!
You guys who panned these totally missed out - the best deal ever on Meh! At least for "hi-fi gear! haahaahaahaa!
@sscharbach - There was a good bit of ignorant trolling early in the thread…but I agree that despite the setup headaches they are great find. Worth more than the price just as bluetooth speakers.
So you were only 30 years selling… the 70’s are kind of foggy to me but I am pretty sure I worked with Buck (who explains the Hi-Fi thing ***here.***). Of course, to be worth full retail they would need the TK-421 mod.
BTW - I sold quite a few stereos off of Spyro Gyra “Morning Dance” back in the day.
I’m hoping someone here can help me. I got my speakers a few days ago and they work great with my Android phone. However, one of the main selling points for me was that it claimed you could control via computer as well as phones.
I can not find any app for PC to stream music to the speaker. How can it be done? All my music is stored on our entertainment PC and that’s what I was hoping to use.
@darkdragon You cannot Control the speakers from a Windows PC, but you can stream your PC music library to them. Look in the QFX Windows App source screen for “My Music”…tap that and it will look for Windows DLNA music shares on your network. DLNA music share streaming is built into Windows but you have to turn it on in your computer. Google DLNA with your Windows version to see how. Within the Windows Media Player app, you may also see the E200 as a “Player” that you can stream to. It won’t let you switch to Spotify etc, but you can probably change songs from there.
@ggrochr I did mean stream, not control
Thanks for the info, I think that’s just what I needed to know. I also read it might work via Airplay in iTunes, though we don’t have iTunes installed.
@darkdragon hey, actually you can- depending on your source. I use Spotify, and the PC application noticed it almost immediately and took over using Spotify Connect. Very easy. Haven’t tried anything else though
Can’t link the two speakers with bluetooth.
Does anyone know how? It links okay with WIFI.
@amargono They do not link in Bluetooth, they only link in Wifi. Bluetooth they only play as separate speakers.
After a single successful pairing, the two speakers no longer play in unison. I think I got a bad pair or something. The volume knob doesn’t stop increasing the volume, so I cannot touch it, up or down. It’ll just blow the eardrums out of any poor victim within 20 feet (great sound on these units, though). Solo mode, they seem to work fine. I factory reset them, same issue (could it be the app? I’ll delete and retry using the iPhone app, and also, using Spotify for music source).
The QFX app for Android didn’t work.
I was able pair the two speakers, but when launching music app, e.g., tune in. pandora, spotify, etc none of them work.
I’m having the same syncing issues as everyone else. I’m trying to use Spotify premium on Android. Speakers sync for 1 second and then crash. I’ve tried AudioCast app and the QFX one. Anyone figured out a solution?
I found a work-around that plays Spotify on 2 QFX paired synced speakers.
I boot both speakers in Wi-fi mode unpaired, then connected the leader speaker to another source (in my case Tidal). Then pair them in the software so both are playing Tidal. I then changed the leader speaker to Spotify and both played Spotifiy synced fine.
NOTE: in Sync mode the slave speaker connects to the lead speaker’s Wifi network, not your home network, so coverage may vary…test with the 2 speakers close together, and be sure that both QFX speakers have the same password (or no password) on their networks.
Thanks for the reminder to add seltzer water to the shopping list, meh.
Pesty to get set up however, they play nicely with Apple Airplay therefore, Sirius and Pandora apps can use these speakers…