Condition: New Warranty: 1 Year Beats Estimated Delivery: 4/17 - 4/21 Shipping: $5 or free with VMP
What’s in the Box?
1x Powerbeats2 Wireless earphones with RemoteTalk wrap around cable
1x Hard shell carrying case
1x Universal micro USB cable
1x Cable management clip
1x Four (4) pairs of mulit-sized/shaped ear tips
1x Quick start guide
@capguncowboy ehh, every pair of earbuds is overpriced. at 10$ the beats might actually be worth it. Probably better quality than your 10$ gas station pair. At least they look better.
I usually just ignore what I don't like on here, but this is just insulting. Either give us meh headphones priced cheap, or give us good headphones priced reasonably.
@illiniben617 On behalf of morons who ALSO have too much money I feel excluded our by your narrow and un-inclusive classification. [ BTW, I said "on behalf"; I ardently hope I am not in that category myself and my wife would agree, at least based on our bank balance. ]
Discount Beats from an unauthorized dealer? That doesn't sound like asking for trouble at all. Better hope Meh buyers didn't just type Beats into Aliexpress.
I have a set of Beats buds (corded) and I like them a lot, but the only reason i own them is because they came free with a cellphone back when htc owned the brand. No way I'd pay triple digits for headphones, I'm too cheap for that.
Heh I like how even on the site they give no information on these "dual drivers" (are they dynamic? balanced armature? (although usually to fit more than one in an ear bud they're balanced armature). No response range (granted most of the time they're not right anyway). Although i guess if you're curious about these sorts of things than beats aren't your thing.
If you want a beats like sound (ie a lot of bass) I love my Beyerdynamic DT 770 Pro 80. It's hard to describe because it still has a flat response but it goes really low. So you can really hear bass but it's not overtaking anything. Also the reason I have them at work is I can easily have them at a normal volume and not hear anyone around me. And they don't know I'm listening to Opus Number 1 on repeat all day.
I love the idea of paying extra (and having to deal with charging and bluetooth pairing) for "wireless" headphones where you still get to have a wire around your neck. Genius!
Hey! I'm paying almost 17 cents a day for the right to be tempted into buying something I don't need for a price I cannot resist (the free shipping is the only reason I can live with myself)! But right now I feel cheated! I want my 17 cents back! Beats audio is the biggest hoax since the moon landing (or at least since the the hoax that the moon landing was a hoax).
So acknowledging the coming barrage of lolz, I own a pair of these, which I paid retail for. For what they are built for, it's honestly tough to find better. When I say "what they're built for" I mean specifically the gym, playing basketball, running, riding a bike, etc. They have good battery life and good sound without having to worry about a cord. And the best part is the ear clip is designed well enough that they stay in place.
I know most of this community shits on big brand and high dollar, but for the right consumer these are a great deal. I'd be in like Flynn if I didn't already own a pair.
@DC_Phister the problem with this deal is competing with the bluebuds jay bird x, which are better reviewed and $126 on Amazon prime. Maybe these beats are better, but the wirecutter didn't tell me so yet.
@Dickbutt and if you can't take solid advice from a guy named Dickbutt... Unless of course your a female named Dickbutt, then that puts a new twist on everything...
$150 holy cow. I spent years and years buying headphones on sale to hear the the ultimate sound! Money and time. Years and years of smoking hot deals. Then I found out i have some kinda reaction to plastic in the headphones. I can only listen to these kind of earbuds anynore.And right now I'm broke.Please try to understand these might have been the ones. The ones . After all that searching. Can't anyone do anything? I'm trying to figure out how to post a very small selection of my collection. My head burns from most current headphones. Like my head is in a vice of fire, when I put headphones on. These ones here look great though. And I've got used to the stiff wires being on some of them.It's 1:40 am, but I have to stare at these a while longer. Am I really that broke? A small sample of my current collection. Oh, my,my,my,my,my.
They're expensive because they're supposed to be an expensive thing that you use to guilt yourself into exercising more. You think that you'll think, "Oh I bought those damned $150 earbuds, I'd better make use of them!" If these earbuds were reasonably priced then there would be no point, you may as well use those jbudz.
I have to say I have been disappointed with our site lately. It seems like a lot of items are not the good cheap impulse buying items we should be getting on this site. This is why I am a member and pay for the free shipping that I haven't been able to use cause the items are expensive lately......MEH!!!!!!!!
I have a pair of these Shure SE215 I use for band practice, they sound fantastic, stay in place (even with vigorous head banging), and are great for sound isolation. All I'd have to do is add a bluetooth receiver to make them wireless, but I prefer corded for reliability. Shure is a namebrand you can trust, beats not so much...meh, scream it from the mountain tops
We go on these sites because we are always looking for a real deal no matter what is being sold. We are cheap and always think we are getting any product for the least amount of money anywhere. We like that thought, proud even, and very loyal. We buy crap we don't even need because well, it was a great deal. Stuff we never even wanted or thought of. And they know it, that's how they make more money. Or maybe that's just me.
I bought the wired options the last time and I have used them about five times. They hurt my head and the audio is distorted-sounding with those cans. I don't think I can part with that much money with this brand again. Especially when I dropped some cash on some SSD. Why not sell some SSD or hard drive enclosures? That would be nice.
No need for this. Those $3 headphones from a couple months ago are working JUST fine, sound perfectly ok for my walk to work, and I don't have to fuss with charging them. They just live in my jacket pocket between uses, and if I accidentally wash them or lose them (The usual ways my headphones die) oh well, time to open another set. Meh.
If you pay $5 a month to get free shipping but then are offered little that is worth buying does the MVP membership make sense. Just got another automatic charge yesterday. If they don't do better next month it will be the last one.
@samnrick you realize VMP is actually a terrible deal for this site, right? At this point they would be perfectly happy for you to let your VMP lapse because @snapster has pointed out, the site is already too VMP heavy right now and they would like to see that drop down to a more manageable number. If you order 1 thing you get your money's worth in a month- anything after that and you beat the house and they are paying for your shipping out of pocket. They need a balance of VMP and nonVMP to make this work. So every time someone opt out, you are actually helping restore balance to the force and doing them a favor.
This meh deal displeases me more than any others I've seen. I'd rather see a cheap price on something I don't want or need than a ridiculous high price on something only an idiot would want.
Lol...just checked, my ebt card doesn't have enough credit on them. Oh wait, I work for a living, so no free stuff for me. And, no overpriced headphones either, wireless or otherwise. Worse than meh deal today.
@YahSah15 I know!! Seriously some of these are just a little too on the nose - the ebt card jokes are about as subtle as an anvil on the head. Maybe tonight's deal will be on white sheets. Yikes!
Beats are arguably the most overpriced item in retail stores. Get a $50 pair and they're pretty much the same quality. A lot of geek squad locations don't offer the year warranty anymore because of how often they break. They started losing money.
@narfcake I'm really proud of NJ 0 sales in one of the most populous states. And they didn't even give in to peer pressure from neighboring NY! Well done fellow Garden Staters.
Condition: New
Warranty: 1 Year Beats
Estimated Delivery: 4/17 - 4/21
Shipping: $5 or free with VMP
What’s in the Box?
1x Powerbeats2 Wireless earphones with RemoteTalk wrap around cable
1x Hard shell carrying case
1x Universal micro USB cable
1x Cable management clip
1x Four (4) pairs of mulit-sized/shaped ear tips
1x Quick start guide
Pink side view
Red side view
Price Check
$199.95 List at Manufacturer’s Website
$199.00 at Amazon
90 days
@phatmass I deleted my First just to mess with your mind.
Is it April 1st again already?
Beats, always a meh.
@dynamiklol amen to that!
@dynamiklol meh would be an upgrade.
If it's now or never, I'm going with never.
Looking for some Jlabs....nah.
Don't touch Beats with a ten-foot pole.
This is insulting. How dare you try to sell this crap to your loyal fan base.
Just in time, the headband of my Toccs just snapped in half. The price, however, makes me meh.
Garbage. Overpriced garbage. Even if it was $10, it would still be overpriced. Why does anyone buy this brand?
@capguncowboy Because it's well marketed. Doesn't mean it's any good, but they made people want 'em.
@capguncowboy ehh, every pair of earbuds is overpriced. at 10$ the beats might actually be worth it. Probably better quality than your 10$ gas station pair. At least they look better.
@capguncowboy I'd buy it at $10. But does Meh think they're doing us a FAVOR at $150?! Mehndblowing.
I totally get why Apple bought this brand.
If I were willing to spend $150 for earphones, I would have bought myself a real smartwatch. Just sayin'.
Where's the double meh button?, where you can buy 10 smart watches for the price of a pair of headphones.
Worst meh item ever. $150 for earbuds is crazy.
What the what?
My husband won a pair of beats at work. They're ok, but even the kids fight over who gets to use my gigs from the last fuku instead.
I usually just ignore what I don't like on here, but this is just insulting. Either give us meh headphones priced cheap, or give us good headphones priced reasonably.
Don't give us overpriced meh headphones.
@Talidan huzzah!
Holy meh. Anyone who buys these is a complete moron. Or has way more money than they know what to do with.
@illiniben617 On behalf of morons who ALSO have too much money I feel excluded our by your narrow and un-inclusive classification. [ BTW, I said "on behalf"; I ardently hope I am not in that category myself and my wife would agree, at least based on our bank balance. ]
12:07am in New york, i'm heading back to bed..zzzzz
From the picture, it looks like you put these things on and your head becomes invisible.
@discmaster They'd better for that kind of price...
so much MEH and crappy that Irk didn't even wear them
For some reason I thought it said $15 instead of $150. And I still didn't buy it.
I ... I. .... Uh. .... Huh.
Discount Beats from an unauthorized dealer? That doesn't sound like asking for trouble at all. Better hope Meh buyers didn't just type Beats into Aliexpress.
@Superjimtendo Says 1 year Beats warranty... What could possibly go wrong? :)
@Superjimtendo um... i might have done that... a few times... and they f'n rock for $9-$29... just sayin'
Nope, crazy money for some ear buds.
I'd never buy these in a million years, but especially not since Al Sharpton has been seen sporting them in recent days.
@eyewerks, relax, relax... let's keep this a partisan-free zone, please.
@haydesigner Partisan-free this --gesture--
I have a set of Beats buds (corded) and I like them a lot, but the only reason i own them is because they came free with a cellphone back when htc owned the brand. No way I'd pay triple digits for headphones, I'm too cheap for that.
No Georgia Red. . . and even if they were, HELL NO to beats. I prefer to light my cigars with $100 bills to prove that I'm a jackass.
for that alone, meh.
Why am I not buying these? Beats me.
I just got Jlab Jbuds Pro Premium Metal Earbuds in glorious PINK from my fuko. Why the hell would I want to downgrade to these?
Somebody's dope smok'n. And it ain't me.
Gotta admit the pink ones are cute. No deal at that price, though.
Heh I like how even on the site they give no information on these "dual drivers" (are they dynamic? balanced armature? (although usually to fit more than one in an ear bud they're balanced armature). No response range (granted most of the time they're not right anyway). Although i guess if you're curious about these sorts of things than beats aren't your thing.
If you want a beats like sound (ie a lot of bass) I love my Beyerdynamic DT 770 Pro 80. It's hard to describe because it still has a flat response but it goes really low. So you can really hear bass but it's not overtaking anything. Also the reason I have them at work is I can easily have them at a normal volume and not hear anyone around me. And they don't know I'm listening to Opus Number 1 on repeat all day.
Wait. $150/200 headphones. Specs: none, at least in the speaker sense. Not here or on the manufacturer site.
You don't buy them for the specs silly! Who needs even remotely decent sounding audio when you have beats?
MEH!!! At $150!!! Would be a lowercase meh at $15. A whole order of magnitude from a lowercase meh.
I love the idea of paying extra (and having to deal with charging and bluetooth pairing) for "wireless" headphones where you still get to have a wire around your neck. Genius!
Florida! We can always count on Florida!
Hey! I'm paying almost 17 cents a day for the right to be tempted into buying something I don't need for a price I cannot resist (the free shipping is the only reason I can live with myself)! But right now I feel cheated! I want my 17 cents back! Beats audio is the biggest hoax since the moon landing (or at least since the the hoax that the moon landing was a hoax).
$150 for a $30 pair of earbuds! what a great deal!
So acknowledging the coming barrage of lolz, I own a pair of these, which I paid retail for. For what they are built for, it's honestly tough to find better. When I say "what they're built for" I mean specifically the gym, playing basketball, running, riding a bike, etc. They have good battery life and good sound without having to worry about a cord. And the best part is the ear clip is designed well enough that they stay in place.
I know most of this community shits on big brand and high dollar, but for the right consumer these are a great deal. I'd be in like Flynn if I didn't already own a pair.
@DC_Phister Playing basketball? Man, I'd like to see that game. Rly? (Yes, I rly'd, or, as iOS autocorrect says Rhyd.)
@DC_Phister the problem with this deal is competing with the bluebuds jay bird x, which are better reviewed and $126 on Amazon prime. Maybe these beats are better, but the wirecutter didn't tell me so yet.
@DC_Phister Yeah - no. $29.
@Pufferfishy The link you provided is to a wired product versus today's wireless product so not a fair price comparison.
Anyone who pays this much for buds is crazy!
@Dickbutt and if you can't take solid advice from a guy named Dickbutt... Unless of course your a female named Dickbutt, then that puts a new twist on everything...
$50 savings...meh
@Nothingbeats22 that'll buy like 10 fukubukuros!
Is this the new meh platinum?
I have a pair of these that I bought at Thanksgiving. Actually really nice!
Just remember. . .
If they were an able planet version I might buy them.
At this price, just buy the Bose wired ones. They rock!
$150 holy cow. I spent years and years buying headphones on sale to hear the the ultimate sound! Money and time. Years and years of smoking hot deals. Then I found out i have some kinda reaction to plastic in the headphones. I can only listen to these kind of earbuds anynore.And right now I'm broke.Please try to understand these might have been the ones. The ones . After all that searching. Can't anyone do anything? I'm trying to figure out how to post a very small selection of my collection. My head burns from most current headphones. Like my head is in a vice of fire, when I put headphones on. These ones here look great though. And I've got used to the stiff wires being on some of them.It's 1:40 am, but I have to stare at these a while longer. Am I really that broke?
A small sample of my current collection.
Oh, my,my,my,my,my.
@wew Grado SR80i...I thought they were my little secret :)
@wew No more headphones for you!
@wew Koss Portapro - Still my favorite headphone after 30 years - and lifetime warranty, at least when I bought them.
@phonorad Yep, Koss warranty still rocks. Wish I didn't hate on-ears so much, because PortaPros are awesome.
Beats? $150? I on Woot?
They're expensive because they're supposed to be an expensive thing that you use to guilt yourself into exercising more. You think that you'll think, "Oh I bought those damned $150 earbuds, I'd better make use of them!" If these earbuds were reasonably priced then there would be no point, you may as well use those jbudz.
I have to say I have been disappointed with our site lately. It seems like a lot of items are not the good cheap impulse buying items we should be getting on this site. This is why I am a member and pay for the free shipping that I haven't been able to use cause the items are expensive lately......MEH!!!!!!!!
@dankboy101 "Our" site? Somebody has been drinking the Kool-Aid.
The lack of a real write-up is telling
I have a pair of these
Shure SE215
I use for band practice, they sound fantastic, stay in place (even with vigorous head banging), and are great for sound isolation. All I'd have to do is add a bluetooth receiver to make them wireless, but I prefer corded for reliability. Shure is a namebrand you can trust, beats not so much...meh, scream it from the mountain tops
We go on these sites because we are always looking for a real deal no matter what is being sold. We are cheap and always think we are getting any product for the least amount of money anywhere. We like that thought, proud even, and very loyal. We buy crap we don't even need because well, it was a great deal. Stuff we never even wanted or thought of. And they know it, that's how they make more money. Or maybe that's just me.
I bought the wired options the last time and I have used them about five times. They hurt my head and the audio is distorted-sounding with those cans. I don't think I can part with that much money with this brand again. Especially when I dropped some cash on some SSD. Why not sell some SSD or hard drive enclosures? That would be nice.
VMP costs about 16 cents a day. Today is the first time I felt like you really wasted my 16 cents, meh.
This should have been paired with something Monster Cable.
Dyson yesterday and this overpriced crap today? Seriously? You going to at least take me out to dinner first? Double Meh.
No need for this. Those $3 headphones from a couple months ago are working JUST fine, sound perfectly ok for my walk to work, and I don't have to fuss with charging them. They just live in my jacket pocket between uses, and if I accidentally wash them or lose them (The usual ways my headphones die) oh well, time to open another set.
If you pay $5 a month to get free shipping but then are offered little that is worth buying does the MVP membership make sense. Just got another automatic charge yesterday. If they don't do better next month it will be the last one.
@samnrick you realize VMP is actually a terrible deal for this site, right? At this point they would be perfectly happy for you to let your VMP lapse because @snapster has pointed out, the site is already too VMP heavy right now and they would like to see that drop down to a more manageable number. If you order 1 thing you get your money's worth in a month- anything after that and you beat the house and they are paying for your shipping out of pocket. They need a balance of VMP and nonVMP to make this work. So every time someone opt out, you are actually helping restore balance to the force and doing them a favor.
This meh deal displeases me more than any others I've seen. I'd rather see a cheap price on something I don't want or need than a ridiculous high price on something only an idiot would want.
Beats by Dr. Meh
"These are not the deals we're looking for". Waves hand.
Go to bed, get on computer 11 hours later... only 24 buys.
Have you learned your lesson, Meh?!
yuck. who'd pay that much for headphones? Meh.
@boygenius1991 I've paid wayyyyyy more than that for headphones. But I wouldn't pay a tenth of this price for these headphones.
Well done.
@donkeynuts this is the longest video I have ever seen! I've been watching almost 20 minutes now - it has to be close to over soon, right?
Does anyone lose their job when you only sell an average of 2 per hour? Didn't anyone see this coming?
@clarinetbob I am looking forward to the Oh Shit! Report for this.
I was wondering if these are food stamp eligible. The photos make them look like candy covered speculums.
Lol...just checked, my ebt card doesn't have enough credit on them. Oh wait, I work for a living, so no free stuff for me. And, no overpriced headphones either, wireless or otherwise. Worse than meh deal today.
If I had $150, I would vacuum my floor before listening to unbalanced headphones.
I wish I had wireless earbuds. I'd gladly pay $0 for these.
Adding $150? No thanks.
LOL, 36 sold. 99.93% said meh--that's gotta be a record.
Reading between the lines, so to speak (regarding a lot of these comments).....WOW...JUST WOW!!!
@YahSah15 I know!! Seriously some of these are just a little too on the nose - the ebt card jokes are about as subtle as an anvil on the head. Maybe tonight's deal will be on white sheets. Yikes!
What's the over/under on total sales today? Think they'll even hit 50?
@ACraigL under tbh... 41 so far with 5 & half hours left
@ACraigL @xEBRONx I'm guessing 46 total.
@ACraigL 50?! No - I don't think they'll break 45.
@Superjimtendo A little under 2 hours left, and it's at 46.
@ACraigL Ahh! 51! Never saw that coming :)
Ottawa County Michigan, how can we help you re-establish your Midwestern values?
@RedOak Probably somebody in West Olive. Them is some nice trailers out there!
. . . Joined by Benzie County, MI. There must be something in the eastern waters of Lk Michigan. Good thing there are only 5 minutes left.
Beats are arguably the most overpriced item in retail stores. Get a $50 pair and they're pretty much the same quality. A lot of geek squad locations don't offer the year warranty anymore because of how often they break. They started losing money.
@xEBRONx How does a company "lose money" honoring a manufacturers warranty? Or was this some extended in-house offering?
@Pufferfishy GS probably means the in-house extended warranty, which include accidental breakage.
@xEBRONx Not the most over priced item in retail stores. Have you bought ink for an inkjet printer lately?
18-1/2 hours later, and ZERO purchases in LA County, aka the most populous county in the US.
I'm proud of my neighboring mehmbers!
@narfcake I'm really proud of NJ 0 sales in one of the most populous states. And they didn't even give in to peer pressure from neighboring NY! Well done fellow Garden Staters.
VMP members should get a 1 day credit for this. At least 5467 people will agree.
52 sold. A deck of cards worth. This deal… was the joker.
Kidding aside, that is an impressively low number. Would be curious to know how it stacks up against other slow-moving items here…
@brhfl I see 51. Maybe a cancellation?
@ACraigL It was 52 earlier this morning, so yeah, I guess that's what happened. That's even worse for Meh :(
@ACraigL Interesting, must've been. Dang.
@ACraigL A cancellation might mean it shows up in a Fuku... Woo hoo!