Political Bullshit 2024
22Hey all -
Wanna share your thoughts on the current political climate? Candidates? Flag pins?
Do that here. We won’t be allowing political discourse in the product threads or other weird places.
You still gotta follow the rules and be respectful to each other. (No name-calling, in particular.)
- 149 comments, 526 replies
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God I miss those two…
@blaineg @chienfou Wasn’t the famous phrase
Ack. Pftphtf!
or something like that. We need them now!
EDIT brings back memories of being with my parents in the 1980s on weekends and buying the San Francisco Chronicle Sunday edition which was about 2 inches thick and weighed a couple of pounds.
@blaineg @pmarin

@blaineg @chienfou @pmarin Did you know that Bill and Opus had a Christmas Special? “A Wish For Wings That Work”, It’s totally awesome!
Yep… I still love the roach’s line: “an ALBATROSS”!
To keep the place calm and relaxed, may I suggest a nice scented candle?

For those who require levity in these perilous times, I suggest www.capitolfools.com
@werehatrack As opposed to the Capital Tools (aka, the ones in office)?
I vote for peach cobbler 100% of the time
@tysontomko You want to impeach a toddler? That’s so weird.
Or maybe it’s my eyes that are weird. I’ll try sleeping it off.
I finally learned that anyone who used name calling while ‘discussing’ politics (libtard, orange cheetoh, etc) are the saddest, lamest people out there.
@haydesigner What about politicians that do that?
@haydesigner Wonder which politician started calling names first?
@Felton10 @haydesigner Probably Adams.
Thank you!
@duodec Yep I could do that!
Thanks. I was just looking for cat food reviews and found political garbage yesterday.
@funsyd That’s been excised with the establishment of this thread. Political comments elsewhere will be dealt with via the Giant Inflatable Bop-Squeaka Hammer of Moderator Deletion if I find them. Namecalling here may result in disemvowelment of the comment, removal of the name-calling via hamfisted-Edit, subthread-lock (possibly with a Warning), or other creative mischief adopted on the fly, if I catch it. Other mods have other plans/methods. It won’t be fun, though.
@funsyd @werehatrack extra thanks to @extramedium for the product thread cleanup! It is so very much appreciated!
@funsyd @werehatrack Locking the thread won’t solve anything. The crap will just surface elsewhere. Better all the misbehavior be on this thread where others don’t have to deal with it because they can ignore it.
/image vote cthulu 2024

@Cerridwyn Both polarized sides regard the other as a greater evil than a mere insanity-inducing Elder God. Cthulhu may be a sort of compromise; the evil with only one agenda, unconcerned about the Terribly Important Issues one way or the other.
I just realized that this is a very Charlie Stross Laundry Files scenario…
@Cerridwyn Saw a bumper sticker version of this back in the '90s.
@yakkoTDI daughter had the TShirt back in 2004 she reminded me
@Cerridwyn @yakkoTDI A 2024 version is available at pegasuspublishing.com
@Cerridwyn @mycya4me This is one I ran across a couple months ago:

Of course, it turns out that I got it from here on Meh.
@Cerridwyn @werehatrack Love me some Charlie Stross and Laundry Files…
Reminds me that it’s time to look for some missed ones…
@narfcake Months of vomiting seem to precede a day of voting.
Or is that just all the drugs the TV tells me I can’t live without? *
*Side effects may include death.
@blaineg @narfcake
*Side effects may include uncontrolled flatulence, oily diarrhea, and possibly death.
/youtube sons and daughters of robin hood by dahm the bard
I might write-in Irk and Glen for all state level positions.
@OnionSoup I agree!
I saw a political style yard sign for wu-tang clan. Made me smile.
Now there’s a name I haven’t thought of long time!
@xobzoo Odin or Cthulhu would be the Best choices!
@mycya4me And they would represent a much better 2-party system than we have now.
Though I worry today’s voters might still pick the wrong one…
There are too many good ones here to copy them one at a time. So go to amawhosit and giggle
@Cerridwyn I think the two that made me laugh the most out of those were
Another I liked was “Have we tried turning it off and then turning it back on again?”
And the answer to that one is “Yes, about 250 years ago. But while it gave us good results for many years, it was a lot of work and took a long time. I don’t think today’s society has what it takes to see that one through to the end again.”
(I worry that’s what it’ll take to actually fix things, but I worry even more that the wrong group would end up on top afterward and the “fix” would be worse than what we started with.)
Found this one too
Etsy also has some good ones ofc
@Cerridwyn Great! I Love it!
Great keep going on.
I’m just going to say that six weeks ago, my position was “Anybody but these two”. I’m far from convinced that the change represents the best we could have, but I can at least support one candidate willingly now, where before it was only a “lesser of two fundamental evils.”
@werehatrack I have worn a Clothes Pin to the Polling station before. That is to represent that the Choices stunk!
Now I am working the Polls as an Election official!
@mycya4me I’m slated to be a Presiding Judge at one of the polling places in November. I might work as a clerk in the early voting, too.
@mycya4me @werehatrack Was going to vote no-op as I had past 2 elections (I was always more on the Independent side; favored Anderson and Perot in the day). So yes, I will vote this time with confidence, but also I’m in a state where the electoral college outcome is assumed. Crazy broken system we have, though.
If I were a resident of my to-be-newly-adopted state of NC then it would definitely matter. But I’m not on the books there yet.
@pmarin @werehatrack Yes I have seen stuff that is Scary & Not a Value of the US system! But one that wants to tear it down.
In September 1787, Elizabeth Willing Powel approached Benjamin Franklin after the signing of the Constitution and asked,
Franklin famously answered,
Sir Winston Churchill, Hansard, November 11, 1947
British politician (1874 - 1965)
Regarding the current contests.
I tend to agree with the quote that politics is “the art of the possible”.
IE it’s whatever one’s culture and legal system throw out if the chaos, confusion, and messed-up mess.
It’s not about some wished for ideal. Ever. Politics is about reality, not idealized perfection.
Once in a while politics throws up people who are admirable, or who are heroic, or who accomplish something incredible.
More often it’s ineffective or petty or the churning of great energy, achieving little.
For this particular contest I believe that one side has promise. Might be ok. Maybe even good or very good.
And I believe the other side is lunatic, built on delusion, narcissism, self-pandering, corruption, naked power grabs, and total lies and BS.
And is working for the destruction of the republic, all to achieve the point of satisfying vanity.
I’m glad we don’t have the sort of “republic” or “democracy” that Russia has. Putin is worse than our current choices.
But perhaps not that much worse than the prospect of those I deem “the bad guys” winning.
In any case, if my choice of designated “bad guys” win, Putin will win also. Perhaps Putin, who is not a candidate here, will win really really big.
Or not.
Politics and history are full of predictable stuff, and also full of events and changes none or few saw coming.
I understand to a degree why a person may support the other side. There is a lot of mythology and personal philosophy and often way too much choice based on the emotional satisfaction of thinking
“I’m right. You’re wrong”.
And we all have that flaw to some degree.
None of us can analyze reality to the target of infinite precision. So at some point all of us make our choices.
I do not believe that the flaws or the two sides are close to equivalent.
One is way better, the other is way worse.
And obviously I believe that the supporters of “my side” have way way way fewer thinking flaws than those supporting the major alternative.
I’ll leave those comments there.
But I do have actual contempt for quite a few of the bigger names on what I call the “bad guy” side.
Not all of them. And not their supporters and believers.
But yes some of the folks at or near the top of the campaign.
And those contemptible sorts can go fuck themselves (in the literal meaning of the words), film themselves fucking themselves, and upload then entire library of “filmed narcissistic lying sociopathic and dishonorable persons self-fucking” to Pornhub
Not OnlyFans. Pornhub.
Because these contemptible garbage politicians, viewed in the act of self-fucking (or doing anything else for that matter), are not worth a dime of anyone’s OnlyFans money or other monies to be spent.
And these garbage lying power-grabbers also not worth having even the smallest unit of moral or ethical or honest and honorable credibility assigned to them.
I’m not sure if this sort of post is welcome. If not, my apologies. Don’t intend to mess with anyone’s mood.
If this post bothers too many people, I’ll ask TPTB to delete.
This is typed on a phone. Apologies for errors.
@f00l Yep I agree!
@f00l I will note that a bit of a bomb about YouTube personalities getting paid to be Putin shills dropped today. They claim they were duped, and it might be technically true, but they profited handsomely from delivering a pro-Russia diatribe and didn’t ask too many questions about where the wretched excess of funding had come from. Something tells me that they were willing to volunteer to be useful idiots for that kind of cash.
I’m shocked. Shocked
Aren’t you?
: (
@f00l I’m shocked that they didn’t ask for more money.
@f00l @werehatrack Imagine how much they would pay a politician if they’re willing to pay that much to a faux-journalist.
I am certainly glad that Drumpf cleared it up for me that illegal aliens are only eating dogs and cats. If he had included parrots that would have been a deal breaker for me.
@Felton10 I think he just got confused when he heard someone talk about “eating pussy”.
@OnionSoup Given that Malaria wants nothing to do with him now, I’m sure eating pussy got him going.
@Felton10 But my question is “What Planet are these Aliens from” As Zero humans would be an Alien!
@mycya4me Well ALF came from Melmack.
For once Trump was right-through exhaustive research I was able to uncover the real culprit in the cat eating scandal.
@Felton10 OMG ALF finally got caught Red Handed / Paw
This is a grand idea.
Anyone watch the debate? Trump had to ask his lemmings after the debate how he did and of course rather than incur his wrath, the told him he did great and won it. And now he claims that Harris wants a rematch because she knows she lost it.
Do we actually want a person so self-centered and egotistical anywhere near the nuclear codes?
We do not
He’s been lying and thereby trying to weaken and destroy the Republic for nine years now
All for the point of putting salve on his vanity
And he seems to have been exactly what all those who want politics to be like professional wrestling were happy to have, happy to cheer on
as long as their leader was giving them phrases they could yell and cheer, for they were willing to accept any lies and any destruction of our constitution
Nine years is enough
It’s time the country quit worrying about the corrupting and destructive bottomless well of insecurity and vanity
And the self delusion of his followers
Nine years was too much
How the hell did it come to this?
Was it a combination of the corrupting influence of Fox News and new Gingrich style politics?
Was that the apparent end of the Cold War, which turned out to be an overly optimistic point of view made people think they could just be a stupid and toxic as they wanted, and it would not have any serious effect?
Every single individual active during the revolution and the creation of the country who is now one of our revered national heroes would’ve despised him
Every Republican ex-president who is not named Trump and every living Republican nominee for president not named Trump despises him
Starting with World War II in historical terms
Every Republican ex-president who is not living and every Republican nominee for president who is not living would have despised him if had they lived to see him
There’s nothing quite like a nation winning World War III and appearing to win the Cold War, although that’s becoming a little bit more in doubt
Then, following that up by electing, a man who is devoid of honor and who lies every time he opens his mouth and corrupts and destroys and throws away and attempts to suppress every virtue that made those victory possible
@f00l @Felton10 Amen to that!
@Felton10 That’s the least of it:
@Felton10 @PhysAssist
And it appears Trump bought off Jeff Bezos.
Bezos strongly appears to have killed off the WaPo formal Harris presidency endorsement in exchange for Trump not trashing Bezos business interests.
And for Bezos getting more contracts if Trump wins next month.
So they can be yet another extension of the Putin Industrial and Financial Network.
@f00l @PhysAssist The Republicans yell and scream about what they think the democrats do that is illegal to tilt the elections in their favor. But if the truth be known, the Republicans use every dirty trick in the book as they know that if the election were fair they would lose and lose big every time.
On Sept. 7, Kamala Harris visited a Penzeys location in Pittsburgh. Penzeys is scathingly honest about their opposition to Trump, and Fox News and MAGA influencers are now trying to put them out of business.
https://wapo.st/4d3Zjhx (Not paywalled)
Bill Penzey has put out an appeal for support: https://www.facebook.com/Penzeys
@Kyeh Penzeys is a must stop whenever I’m in Pittsburgh. Fantastic store and staff. Bill’s emails are great reads. Definitely supported him through this!
@sassymango There’s a Penzey’s about 30 min. drive from me, but I haven’t been there yet. I buy enough at a time to get free shipping
@Kyeh you should go to the store if you are in the area. They have jars of all the spices that you can open & smell - just taking in all the wonderful spice odors is an awesome experience. The staff have always been very knowledgeable about the spices & have great ideas how to use them.
@sassymango I worked for while at Celestial Seasonings years ago. Sometimes I got to pour herbs and spices into grinders and I’d come home saturated with the scent of mint, or cinnamon - it was pretty cool!
@Kyeh that sounds like a great job! That’s another great brand.
@Kyeh @sassymango Thanks for reminding me. Yes I accidentally discovered a Penzey’s store a few years ago. Good spice isn’t cheap but they had a selection of what seemed like very good stuff at relatively reasonable prices (compared to boutique brands). I remember reading the labels on some of the blends and there were clearly some let’s say political or maybe ex-hippie writings on it. And what better for ex-hippes (are you ever really an EX- hippie?) than to sell natural spices and encourage health and nutrition? Go seek a store out if you can. Like I said, prices were not bad and there was some promo like buy 3 get one free plus I got a free bumper sticker back from the days when people had bumpers. People were very nice too.
I now have the lyrics stuck in my head playing on repeat. Fear the earworm! (Not related to a brain worm.) If you do watch it, be sure to stay around for the dog at the end.
@rockblossom OHHH - those Kiffness cat-collaboration songs really are sticky! His first one runs through my head for days if I hear it. Not sure I want to watch this …
@Kyeh Sometimes I’m alone, sometimes I’m not. A meowworm.
@rockblossom Oh, it’s that same song, then? It is a fierce one!
@Kyeh The song in the video above is new. The other one is the first Kiffness video I remember that got stuck in my head on continuous replay.

@rockblossom Oh, okay. Yes - that first one is inexorable.
@Kyeh @rockblossom I thought, you warned me, what could a 2-minute video do to my brain? And yes, it’s in there now.
@pmarin The classic method of banishing an earworm is replacing it with a different earworm. There are numerous ways to get rid of an earworm without another one taking its place, but I gave up on that. Earworms are the brain equivalent of the computer clipboard - they only hold one thing at a time. I can erase the clipboard file, but sooner or later I will dump something else there anyway. The clipboard clears when I shut down the computer for the night and my earworm file clears when I shut my brain down for the night. Your Mileage May Vary.
@pmarin @rockblossom
I’m conniving w my brain for good earworms
Passages I recall from classical pieces will sometimes work to supplant repulsive garbage.
@f00l @pmarin @rockblossom The Kiffness cat songs aren’t repulsive garbage, but they are persistent.
I am sure this thread will eventually turn into a giant out of control political bonfire.
@Kidsandliz I am not as certain. I’m seeing signs of a potential implosion on one side as a whole at the same time that I have personally seen some multi-level double-down faction supporters buying even the most outrageously farcical stuff. The datum that gives the the most hope is the count of the number of people polled who refuse to respond. (I’m one of them, for that matter.)
@Kidsandliz @werehatrack missed the cat food thread…was it worse than the Black Rifle Coffee one?
@Kidsandliz @PHRoG It barely got started before the official Take It To The Politics Thread announcement was made (and the OTP content was deleted).
@Kidsandliz At this point in the last election cycle, in my own neighborhood, there were about a dozen houses sporting pro-Trump signage. Six months ago, one house down at the other end of the street had two Trump signs out. Today, the only political signs in the neighborhood are the three I’ve got, for minor-race Dems. (I’m pretty much the anarcho-commie-eat-the-rich extremist in my area. And I don’t just vote, I also serve as an election judge, and I don’t care which way they vote as long as they show up to do it!)
Godsdamnit, another presumed nutcase with a gun was intercepted adjacent to the Mar-a-Lago golf course, suspected to have been there for an assassination attempt. TRUMP MUST NOT BE ASSASSINATED. That would be a catastrophe. We got lucky twice now, and I sincerely hope this is the last such incident. But if it’s not, then I hope the law enforcement and protective detail people keep him safe. Alive and unhurt, he can be defeated at the polls. Injured, he would likely grow stronger. Martyred, his followers would go nuts.
Pretty sure that boat sailed long ago.
I got introduced to Bill the Hippy here, can’t remember by whom, but have you seen the comments about Harris’ visit to one of the PA shops? Bill says Trumps response has been the best thing for business ever.
@Cerridwyn https://meh.com/forum/topics/political-bullshit-2024#66e51def343636d49618c23f
I guess it’s been a mixed blessing - Fox News ranted about them and a bunch of nasty reviews flooded Yelp to the point that Yelp froze for the time being because a lot of them weren’t from verifiable customers.
@Kyeh yep
and he’s loving it.
@Cerridwyn Yes, but also he sent this email:
So he’s asking his loyal customers for a little extra help right now. I got some Christmas shopping done.
@Cerridwyn @Kyeh when I drove past the store here in Houston yesterday, the parking lot at that end of the strip center had more cars than usual. I consider that a good sign.
Over in the discussion of todays posted sale for cute little fans, the subject of the song “Zi-a-dee-doo-dah” came up, and generated these responses:
The “colored only” water fountains are something I recall as well. Yes, we’ve come a long way, but I’ve been seeing a concerted effort to reverse those gains getting stronger and becoming more open and unapologetic in the past 40+ years. Nixon laid the groundwork for it to happen via the founding precepts of the War On Drugs - which, no matter what it said on the propaganda, was designed to be a War On Public Unity by playing into the hands of the racists who wanted to undo all of the Civil Rights changes. It took a while for the effects to become overt, but by the time Reagan took office on a tide of lies disguised as less-than-half-truths, the dogwhistles were already being blown at full blast. As the years have passed since then, the bigots have been finding ever more targets, and they have both polished their pitches and learned how to push the right buttons to keep a certain part of the population marching to their tune.
Killary just can’t get rid of her TDS!!
@thumperchick I was actually surprised everybody had been sorta chill this year here. Relative to last time. I seem to recall all the personal attacks starting way before this last cycle…
I kept wondering where the quarantine thread had to be lurking deep deep in the bowels of meh.
I’m glad it’s not and this is it so far. Although you may have given people permission by creating this… But I guess better a controlled firehose of vitriol than a sprinkler? Can we please all be civil?
Also sorry about Thor. I still miss KitKat… The hoard is not nearly the same… Won’t let me load jpgs for some reason.
But however you do a hug.
Good luck with. This…
@unksol Thanks. It’s rough.
But yeah - so far, this thread hasn’t been as hard to moderate as we anticipated. I’ll take it.
@Thumperchick @unksol
I think people just way burnt out being willing to maintain the intensity of constant attention and reaction.
Once upon a time so many people seemed glue to the latest craziness 24/7/365.
Mee too.
In my case my sleep got messed up
Now it’s “ok I’ve taken what actions of advocacy I intend to take”.
I check out the headlines now and then. (Rarely read details since there will be new details about some new issue or event shortly and I’m burnt out in election-specific details)
And things will happen (or not); and I’ll presumably hear about whatever makes the headlines.
In any event I intend to get normal sleep.
@f00l @Thumperchick oh there’s lots to meme and lots of other stuff.
And this election is pretty serious. But IDK that picking fights in a meh forum is productive
@Thumperchick @unksol
My “protection” over my personal state of anxiety about this election is not counterproductive afaik.
I have just become accustomed to the ways of the most apparently disruptive of the current crop of candidates and their most visible advocates.
As have so many other voters (pro or con whomever), as far as I can tell
I take this election (and the more and less visible issues under consideration) quite seriously.
But we now have not the political tone of 80-50 years ago where political conversations mostly involved semi-open-minds (at minimum), and were more often than not both civil and non-trollish.
So I ration my energies and attention to those areas where ny actions most express my values, do not degrade me daily life too much, and might be most effective (according to my prefs)
Given that most folk I know kinda seem to be going about their daily lives calmly (even tho they do privately have strong beliefs in these areas), suggests to me that my partially-stepped-back public reaction to the recent political push-and-pull is pretty commonplace.
@f00l @Thumperchick @unksol And 80-50 years ago after the election people would put aside most of their differences and try to come together to run this country in some sort of sane way. What happens now is that it seems like one side just tries to block the other side… doesn’t not bode well for this country. Rome fell, the sun now sets on the UK empire, the Soviet Union splintered apart… we are not immune.
@f00l @Kidsandliz @Thumperchick well yes. I mean if we wanted to have a sane conversation about politics without all the name calling/attacks that happened last time.
I mean there are things that need discussed in general. But it got toxic real fast last time. Across the board on random threads. Definitely confine it to this thread
@f00l @Kidsandliz @Thumperchick @unksol As a high school student learned enough about world history (Egypt, Greece, Roman, England) and also US history. It was around the big “bicentennial” at 1976. Was in DC with my mother; she took me on a trip with the Amtrak Railpass they used to have.
I remember thinking of all the old “empires” thinking isn’t our time about up? 20 years later I was in DC on 4th of July 1996 with my wife on a big motorhome trip, and it was cool, big fireworks for 220 years, and yay we’re still here. (Not that we would go away, just this lingo of “leader of the free world” whatever that means might diminish). 30 years later I now cringe a bit when I still hear that. Actually, looking back, I think it’s funny that at about age 15 I figured out that this can’t last; it never does. Inevitably with greed, corruption, power, the fact is, just us humans in general can’t maintain it indefinitely.
While I can’t argue that your post wasn’t insightful, I have to note that to me at least, it is quite sadly cynical as well.
I have decided to be more optimistic, even while being realistic and proactive in trying to help preserve and defend our democratic way of life.
Ok but I think it is fair when a product is sold from a company that has been vocal about their politics for that to be clear to buyers. I don’t really care what a company does with their money, as long as they’re not using their platform to espouse their political views. If they do, then I figure they view my support of their business as support of their views. Now, if said products cost that company more to make than they’re selling it for, I’m on board with that, lol!
(Also apologies, didn’t know this thread was here for that)
@Jamileigh17 now this is an interesting topic. Because of “Citizens United” companies are allowed to massively fund PACs and manipulate elections.
Companies don’t care about anything.
Their goal is to make money.
That’s it. They will do whatever to make the most money.
Not going to debate politics. But. The effect large companies can have on policy. Going back 100 years. It’s a thing
@Jamileigh17 @unksol Companies don’t make decisions, people running companies do. And for the most part, the people running really big companies are greedy bastards whose decisions about corporate policy mirror their own personal ones. This is not unique to the modern era, as you correctly noted.
@Jamileigh17 @werehatrack let’s take this apolitical.
Do you know why nuclear power got a bad rap? If we had not screwed up research into molten salt reactors we would have them. “big oil” is actually a thing. That ran a fearmongering thing against and still does.
A company that produces a product that has a monopoly wants to stear things their way.
Bezos and Amazon vs the workers is a more current one but.
@Jamileigh17 @werehatrack companies do this on more incidious ways. See astroturfing
Those big budget ads that basically lie to your face… I’m for this and vote no on…
If you go look up the fine print attached to the ad…
It’s usually they are going to fuck me over.
Keep in mind the companies have the money. They can manipulate people.
Government and regulation is supposed to be our response to stop the psychopaths from doing horrible shit. CEOs don’t care about. You.
@Jamileigh17 @unksol @werehatrack And keep in mind that celebrities (actors, musicians, talk show hosts, models, etc.) are just agents (or sometimes heads) of corporations who are also used to manipulate people and shape opinions for their benefit.
@Jamileigh17 @macromeh @werehatrack well… And assuming the government cares about you… There’s power hungry people everywhere. There 100% people in politics who don’t care about anyone but themselves.
But getting money out of politics seems like a net good
@Jamileigh17 I think there’s a time, place, and manner to report or comment on a company’s politics. It is a hard line to walk though.
Perhaps we should stick to a link to the company’s policy page with a short blurb covering where they put their money, without the political commentary.
Sound fair?
@Jamileigh17 @Thumperchick Not sure what you are asking/suggesting here. And with mod power can of course delete as you see fit. I agree that ad-hominem or racist attacks shouldn’t be welcome even on this specific forum because we are, after all, civilized people, we would hope.
But the thing about company policies specifically, seems strange. Were you now acquired by the big A too just like W? Or fear of lawsuits from oil company lawyers? Just not sure what’s going on makes me feel a bit uncomfortable. Wonder what the word you got is from “higher ups” that caused you to advise this way.
@pmarin None of the above.
My suggestion was for a way to let folks point out a company’s political leanings without turning product discussion threads into political fires.
@pmarin @Thumperchick
I’m not sure there is any longer a possibility of not having a political firestorm of trolling delusion and madness if politics is mentioned at all in a public forum.
@f00l @pmarin @Thumperchick
/showme a political meh
Something went terribly wrong. Please try again.
@Thumperchick I would “mildly” agree but in a “civilized” forum (if at all possible which we agree is increasingly hard to maintain) there could be discussion of a big corporation’s involvement in political and environmental issues (Monsanto, anyone?) and discuss what we know about what that big corporation with many lawyers is doing to us and the environment, without just defaulting to carefully-written marketing statements on their website pre-approved by their lawyers. But if that’s the new Amazon way, good for you guys (congratulations on the upcoming acquisition by Amazon, if that’s the case, you will all get rich on stock! or maybe not.)
@pmarin @Thumperchick I honestly don’t think companies have any actual political leaning. At all. They are amoral so what they post is kinda irrelevant.
They are just entities that will mostly align with whatever makes them the most profit. We have had anti monopoly laws in this country for 100 years. To protect people. Sometimes they are not enforced. Sometimes they are. Same with regulation. And actually if you pay attention there are always politicians on both sides both for and against. And people across the board generally getting hurt.
I don’t think the current FTC chair cares about politics either. If you look at what Lina Kahn has done. The politicians who oppose and support her on both sides. And the companies who hate her or have just stopped anti consumer mergers because of her…
It’s. Interesting. To have someone actually doing the job they were tasked. By law. And confirmed by the Senate. To do.
@narfcake that is fantastic!
Going in another direction I decided to purchase a yard sign this year.
@narfcake @tinamarie1974
Do DOGS have a political PAC for fundraising?
I presume that CATS would not bother with a PAC unless it was just for appearances or disinformation purposes.
Since CATS already control all the $.
@f00l @narfcake @tinamarie1974

/image cats all your base
@f00l @narfcake @pmarin @tinamarie1974
God I want want some. Milleni… Ok I guess I’m eldar millennial. But I really don’t think that’s fair since most of them won’t know what that is
@f00l @narfcake @pmarin @tinamarie1974 if it’s not clear it was a meme before there were memes. We knew “all your base are belong to us” I the 90s or very early 2000s. Also strong bad. And lightsaber kid.
On the school t1 line. Cause our 56K AOL sucked.
@narfcake @pmarin @tinamarie1974 @unksol
/image “Kilroy was here”

@f00l @narfcake @pmarin @tinamarie1974 okay. Technically you win it you count grafiti. Which. Should count. And if course there was a chad. When is there not a chad… Lol
@f00l @narfcake @pmarin @tinamarie1974 @unksol
Actually, the term “meme” predates the release of Zero Wing by quite a bit. The original idea is much, much older, but the term came from Richard Dawkins in the 70s.
@f00l @Limewater @narfcake @pmarin @tinamarie1974 for obvious reasons I meant early internet. Before it was wide spread. But killroy seems to be a thing.
Which… Makes sense. To be a meme requires a high concentration of people sharing it. A world war does do that way before the Internet.
Some history YouTuber needs to do a “what was the first meme”
Cpgray or one of the many others.
I would watch the history of the meme
@narfcake @pmarin @tinamarie1974 @unksol
FWIW “Kilroy” was such a big meme during WWII, with US troops leaving graffiti all over the place, that supposedly Hitler assigned some military people to track down his current location so that the Germans could target him.
I actually kinda guess that if graffiti and slang both count, then memes precede all the great ancient civilizations.
@f00l @narfcake @tinamarie1974 @unksol Early (for me) computer history. Back in early 1970s on IBM computers (“mini” meaning they only took up a small room) there were some files with ASCII art we could print. One was Woodstock (the Snoopy bird, not the music festival), and one was Kilroy was Here. I had no idea why it was a thing then but it was kind-of cute and I assumed it had a much longer history. I just now remembered the sound of when you sent an ASCII art image to the IBM chain printer, which printed pretty fast (faster than a “line printer”) it would make this cool percussive banging sound as a whole line of hammers hit a rapidly-spinning chain of keys.
/image IBM chain printer 1970s

/image Kilroy was here ASCII art

(EDIT wasn’t quite the image I remember but guess it works)
@f00l @narfcake @pmarin @tinamarie1974
Mmmm delicious history facts. These make me happy
@f00l @narfcake @tinamarie1974 @unksol
here you go then.

Apparently, there is a conspiracy theory, well two of them, one on each side, that the assassination attempts were staged.
I’ve pondered that since the first one. What do you think?
@Cerridwyn Well if the first one was staged it sure was a near miss. I doubt anyone would risk staging something to give a very minor injury when if they were off by an inch the outcome would have been very different.
@Cerridwyn The first rule of Conspiracy Theory Club is that the existence of Conspiracy Theory Club is proof that there’s a conspiracy.
@Cerridwyn @Kidsandliz yeah assuming it was the actual bullet (some early reports just said maybe shrapnel) but if you accept it was a bullet, no sniper could be good enough at that range to do an earlobe shot at that range. On the ex-president no less, regardless of political motivation. Time to watch “Jarhead” again. Have not watched “American Sniper” but now I guess I have to.
@Cerridwyn @Kidsandliz Don’t get me wrong I love good conspiracy stories as much as the next person. A mix of spy novels, detective drama, fun mysteries; who could resist? It’s fun but when it becomes part of “the news” becomes much more serious but many take it as continued 24hr entertainment and sometimes a reason to distrust or even hate.
On a related topic, many rural area schools districts in Eastern Oregon have outbreaks of children with Measles which used to be considered gone from the U.S., but with the anti-vax crowd in those areas a lot of kids getting very sick.
@Kidsandliz @pmarin sad and happening lots of places
whopping cough again too
@Kidsandliz @pmarin
@Cerridwyn @Kidsandliz
A Portland State college football game was canceled due to a whooping cough outbreak with the team. It’s “fine” when kids get really sick because their parents watch F** news or read misinfo posts on F**kbook, but once it starts affecting College Ball(!) it gets REAL!
@Cerridwyn @Kidsandliz @pmarin My GP has started recommending that folks over 40 should get some of the “childhood disease” vaxes again, and apparently the majority of insurance plans are on board with that. I had a DPT booster a while back. Between one thing and another, I’m a regular pincushion these days. (One jab every other week is self-inflicted.)
@Kidsandliz @pmarin @werehatrack very good for him. The hospital I used to work for offered that as well to employees at a certain point not this Resurgence with the one before they requested every employee get revaccinated and I know I had mine then it’s been a while. But good for you too vaccines are the bomb
@Cerridwyn @Kidsandliz @pmarin @werehatrack
I mean bottom line I’m not worried about vaccines in general especially old ones.
Bacterial related ones, like tetanus are required because, if you’re anything like me, you poke holes/bust knuckles/bleed some outdoors. And that bacteria just lives there…
The child hood viruses… The titers don’t last forever but they were also supposed to be eradicated. If you have a weakened immune system or are just getting old and the antivaxers are spreading it. A booster makes sense.
Or if you’re at a high risk of exposure because of any job… Kinda common sense.
On the other hand, can’t trust insurance companies and they will do whatever saves them/makes them money. Without regulation.
If it’s cheaper for a million people to get a vaccine then 10K be in the hospital. Sure. If it’s cheaper for them to let 10K people suffer. They will not care.
If you’re wondering why asthma inhalers got drasticly cheaper it’s because their patents were invalid and when someone noticed they suddenly lowered cost.
Negotiating drug cost. Suddenly they agree to dropping insulin costs out of nowhere. Funny what happens when the government tries a little huh?
@Felton10 sadly, syphilis is caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum.
Herpes is a virus, would work better perhaps?
@Cerridwyn I didn’t know that and am sure the person who did the cartoon didn’t know that either. Am sure the people who got a third grade education from Trump U didn’t either.
@Cerridwyn @Felton10 Perhaps they were implying that nobody on that side knew anything about either viruses or syphilis. That’s probably gratuitous. While djt loves to claim he’s an expert on everything when he’s blathering for a crowd, I suspect that he tells an aide to go find out the dope and report back when it’s out of the public eye - if he actually cares. That’s the common management mindset; delegate everything.
@Cerridwyn @Felton10
I am sure that not only did they only get a third grade education there but they forgot to teach them about science and how it works all the time, not just when you want it too… just like gravity does.
@Felton10 @Kidsandliz Wait! What! Anti-gravity doesn’t work?
@Cerridwyn @Felton10 @werehatrack It’s probably not that complicated - whoever created the meme probably didn’t know. But it’s still funny.
@Cerridwyn @Felton10
You could test that theory by choosing to fall down some nice cement stairs and call on whatever antigravity devise or chant you have to save you from bruises and broken bones. Let us know the outcome of that experiment. OK?
@Felton10 @Kidsandliz my daughter did that one time. Not on purpose though bilateral tib/fib fracture
@Cerridwyn @Felton10 I did that once by accident and it was just 4 steps with metal edges on the cement. Permanently smashes the shin muscle so you can still see the big long dent and tore two ankle ligaments. Not fun. I am sure you kid would agree with me that this was the one time I wished gravity hadn’t worked.
@Felton10 @Kidsandliz yeah, when she was released from the ED, not weight bearing, her boy friend, now spouse, had to basically carry her up those awful Cali apartment stairs
@Cerridwyn @Felton10 @Kidsandliz As HGTTG author Douglas Adams explained, the secret to overcoming gravity is mastering the art of throwing yourself at the ground and missing.
@Cerridwyn @Felton10 @macromeh well to do that (throwing yourself at the ground and missing) you will need to travel to the edge of the flat world/earth and throw yourself off there. I am sure there are some science denyers who can give you the directions to the edge of the flat earth.
@Kidsandliz If you had an accurate map, it would be easier to use LibrarySpace to navigate to Discworld, which affirmatively has an edge. But throwing yourself off of it without a vacuum-capable conveyance is not recommended.
@werehatrack but that is why, since the world is flat (right?) find the edge and throw yourself off. You’d need a space suit though since you’d be launching yourself in space.
@Kidsandliz But on this planet, there’s a folding field that hides the edge. On Discworld, they don’t bother; the local magic field keeps the oceans full.
@Kidsandliz @werehatrack I mean. If we want to be real about it. The correct way to throw yourself off and not hit is to achieve orbital velocity. And while Musk has gotten weird. Space X is very good at it.
The heavy booster catch was pretty good.
I fell down a large flight of steps at church once but they were carpeted and I was young. Damage free. Snapped an ankle on some ice at 25… Bent it like 180. The screws kinda ruined running. They did something with a ligament I think. And my rehab guy was just. The worst piece of shit. Just yelled at you if you did it wrong or couldn’t do what he said. Or he told you wrong. So you sure trying to do what he said.
Shit happens I guess…
Whiskey lover? (or not)
my daughter shared this with me today
have a grin
@Cerridwyn Oh, I love that.
@Kyeh I have no clue about the quality, but it tempts
@Cerridwyn Same … so few of my friends drink anymore and I seldom do, but it’s so cool!
@Cerridwyn Awesome!! I’m ordering a case to celebrate a Trump Victory!! And me and my Patriot Friends will turn the cynicism of the product into “Tears of Joy”!!
“You have millions of gallons of water pouring down from the north with the snow caps and Canada, and all pouring down and they essentially have a very large faucet.
You turn the faucet and it takes one day to turn it, and it’s massive, it’s as big as the wall of that building right there behind you.
You turn that, and all of that water aimlessly goes into the Pacific (Ocean), and if you turned that back, all of that water would come right down here and into Los Angeles”
@Modhran2 It sounds so simple to someone who has absolutely no concept of costs or logistics or impacts. OBTW, parts of Canada are hurting badly for water, too.
@Modhran2 that… Reminds me of the introduction to Fallout 1 or 2 on the PC where the upbeat narrator mentions something about Canada having large resources to share while the footage is of an armored soldier executing a civilian as the Canadian flag is burning in the background.
@werehatrack Canada is also mostly conservative at this point, possibly leaning toward strong nationalism.
@Modhran2 @werehatrack It’s worse than that- he [Sweet Potato Hitler] was describing an actual spigot that would dispense the water- not something figurative.
@Modhran2 @PhysAssist @werehatrack in had not heard that bullshit. But I have hear plans for a aquaduct from the Great lakes to the Colorado. And that would make more sense than that statement. And still a bad idea.
Water rights in those states are a mess. Lots of reasons. And… Well. They need addressed but not by Canada. Where does he think the Colorado feeds from?
@Modhran2 @PhysAssist @werehatrack
And while we’re on it. If this will load
/youtube John Oliver water rights
@Modhran2 @unksol @werehatrack
In re-reading this, it occurred to me that he may have thought that because Canada is above the US on the map, gravity would make the water flow down to the lower 48 states to irrigate the drier areas.
Similar, in a sense, to the thought [promoted most famously by Keith Olbermann [sp]] that His Cheese-Puffiness doesn’t understand that the word asylum has two meanings, and that’s why he keeps talking about illegal aliens coming from other countries [insane] asylums.
That disgusting piece of drek, tRump called Waltz “Tampon Tim” in one of his rambling tweets during the debate. Real class from an ex-president and some one who wants to be the leader of our country again.
So, you’re actually admitting that Trump was the LEADER of our country?? I’m shocked!!
@Felton10 @IndifferentDude Eh, I’d have characterized him as more if a misleader, but he had been entitled to that one long before he ran for office.
@IndifferentDude The president whomever he is is always the leader of this country-that doesn’t say anything about whether he is nice person or an egotistical racist rapist piece of shit which Trump is.
@Felton10 @IndifferentDude No one said a ‘good leader’…
@Felton10 @werehatrack
It was estimated that he told approximately 30,000 lies publicly while in office, although since it seems like he lies virtually every time his lips move, it must have been higher…
/showme a pointless political argument
@DLPanther isn’t that really all of them?
I’m definitely jaded, but I personally prefer leaders who lead from the front … And step down to pass the baton to the next person (so everyone gets to experience panic). Yeah, some people are natural leaders; I’d rather have a quick line of reluctant ineffectual leaders and maybe find an efficient one (like a game of hot potato) than trudge through a pile up of overenthusiastic ineffectual leaders whose competition for the position and hoarding tendencies creates an increasing power vacuum for more overenthusiastic idiots to clamor for.
If this is inappropriate, please feel free to remove it. it was taken at ConJose back pre pandemic, damn forget how long ago that was
@Cerridwyn I personally would have found it repulsive even before the subject entered politics, but I have no doubt that such was the artist’s intent. Several tradespeople of my acquaintance had an even less charitable opinion of him as a result of dealings with him in the '80s. The wisdom among them in the NY/NJ area was “don’t bid on his jobs, don’t sign his contracts. don’t do work for him or his companies at all.”
@Cerridwyn @werehatrack
According to many sources in the construction trade who interacted with him over the decades he makes a practice of not paying his contractors in full ever. He always comes up with all sorts of serious reasons why they didn’t fulfill the contract he plans to do this in advance and then they have to take cut right settlement because he will go to court over anything and most contractors. Don’t have the time or energy to match that.
Sources include mini contractors many news reports and DT himself
@Cerridwyn @f00l @werehatrack I mean. You can literally find very very recent posts of him bragging he refused to pay overtime and contracts…
Sure hope Mar-a-Lago is spared from Hurricane Milton! Our next President needs a nice vacation home to relax at after he takes a break from repairing all the damage left behind from that disastrous Biden - Harris fiasco!!
@IndifferentDude Maybe he will get lucky and have a new indoor swimming pool in his living room from the hurricane. Although being on the Atlantic side of FL that place probably won’t be underwater.
I never thought celebrity endorsements were important (and they shouldn’t be) but sometimes, one can be thoughtful and impressive:
And the people who keep misusing Born in the USA at political rallies should listen to the lyrics.
@rockblossom Are they misusing it if they are, in fact, part of the machine that created the world described in the song?
I mean, they’d probably want to quit advertising that fact, but since when have large political groups been guided by wisdom?
And then there’s this:
@Kyeh Revealing facial expressions:
EM: Look at me! Look at me!
DT: I tolerate you only for your money.
@Kyeh @rockblossom I figured that memes would be made from it.
@narfcake @rockblossom Yes, there’s a lot of them.
@Kidsandliz reminds me of an episode of the RoboCop TV series in the mid-90s; the Detroit Police have a politician in the witness box, but everything they say is inconclusive because their entire livelihood has conditioned them to never speak the truth (or get caught in a lie). Even RoboCop says their voice levels are consistently and constantly in-between normal tolerance and lying.
@Kidsandliz @pakopako there was an OG RoboCop TV series?!?
@Kidsandliz @PHRoG There were a few, but I will preface that nothing captures the future like the first movie.
Ordered in chronological release order (and coincidentally in my order of preference).
The first animated series was made to sell toys, but at the heart is a basic buddy cop series (Murphy & Lewis) with an intolerant sidekick (made-for-TV anti-cybernetics Lt. Hedgecock); I found the character dynamic decent to sustain the John Henry vs the Steam digger friction.
The first live action show was also family friendly; it fits right in with RC2/RC3. It reboots the series, bringing new characters with the same roles (Lisa instead of Anne) and there is focus on the supporting cast like the smalltime villains and techs and family members (including made-for-TV Diana, the technician that accidentally became the citywide AI, giving RoboCop an almost omniscient view of the city at times). The show moved along like Star Trek, often having characters develop only to fall back to the status quo the next episode. The finale was something of a cliffhanger, but really it feels like a fumbled “and they continued going on”, which is also annoying.
Unlike the first animated series, Alpha Commando was really pushed to sell toys (each episode had a new gimmick of sorts) and the series lasted much longer; the irony is that there was no toy line.
Prime Directives was like RC2: it was darker and edgier, often for shock value or to show off the (lack of) special effects budget rather than include satirical jabs. At the core, it was a RoboCop 1.0 vs RoboCop 1.1 fight during Delta City’s Fall from grace as a corporate town back to Old Detroit, which works better than RC2’s RoboCop 1.0 vs 2.0. The 4 episode miniseries lasted about 6 hours in total.
Good listen if this isn’t lost in the mehrathon madness
@Cerridwyn Yeah - they went on and on about Biden’s verbal mistakes, which were impossible to ignore, but yet they gloss over the disconnected word salads that Trump’s been spouting. Not all of them, though: https://thehill.com/homenews/media/4925023-podcast-host-laughs-trump/
So the Orange Skidmark sent Putin covid supplies which is said he didn’t but Russia confirmed he did today. What a disgusting piece of shit he is.
I am sorry-heard lots of people say we should direct our anger at Trump not those who support him. But anyone who hears all the lies and misinformation he puts forward on a a daily basis plus what he intended to do if elected and still supports him is an stupid idiot pure and simple. I want nothing to do with these people.
Add that to what the generals have to say about DT, quoted in Bob Woodward’s new book (be released on Tuesday).
It has not so far been just day that we get a major party presidential candidate who announces in advance his intent to destroy the constitution.
@Felton10 I still don’t like “orange skidmark” despite some recent reporting that might… Make that true. Is possible to say that factully he is bad/corrupt/liar. And give examples.
IDK that I like that nickname. Maybe it’s the repitition… Which is what he does.
I’ll admit I’m more ok with one off Colbert jokes… But they’re usually relevant. And always accurate or transparent
@Felton10 Hey, what’s the big deal?? They were only Covid Test Kits! Just be glad he didn’t send him any Covid Shots that could’ve cured him. You know, syringes pre-filled with Clorox Bleach that would have killed the virus and make Putin healthy again!!

@IndifferentDude Well no difference to me or you, but if you were the one who died because you didn’t get tested soon enough because the kit you might have had access to was sent to Putin, it would matter to your family.

Sorry, wrongo Keebler, they weren’t the simple [recently free for the asking] [relatively] instant tests we have now.
This was when Covid testing required expensive and hard to get hold of testing machines- so much so that all of the correctional facilities in NYS had to send all the test swabs we all obtained daily doing random testing of inmates to Albany by special courier to be tested by the few machines we had then.
Like these:
/image Abbott Covid test machine
Too bad we can’t elect Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as President of the USA!! He’s a man who knows how to “get 'er done”!!

@IndifferentDude Hamas was guilty of initiating hostilities. On the other hand, Netanyahu is guilty of attempting genocide and is purposefully targeting civilians, prove me wrong, not his excuses.
@IndifferentDude Just a Jewish Trump. He will do anything to stay in power. Have a client is Israel who said the people won’t get rid of him or put him in jail where he belongs if the war is going on. Sounds exactly like another toilet floater we know.
@Felton10 @IndifferentDude Why would he do that? Being ethical and doing a good job with what they do for a living is what someone needs to do to keep the job they have (not to mention it is the right thing to do). Their politics should have nothing to do with that - if it does that speaks to a problem with the employee.
@Cerridwyn @IndifferentDude
Hamas the political/military org is evil evil evil. And it uses propaganda, terror, and fear to force the local population to stay committed the path the leaders espouse.
That said: altho the political of that area are very complex, and a fair or reasonable peaceable co-existence seems out of reach right now due to prevailing politics and war imperatives on all sides;
I know some people who are Israeli citizens living there. The are fully committed to the existence and safety of Israel and have all done military service. Some are career military.
And members of these family believes that Netanyahu wants the war to continue to protect his own skin. That is he likely guilty of many crimes that would have him in terrible legal jeopardy oh he weren’t in office. That he desperately needs to stay in office so that he can stay out of prison. So he personally desperately needs war.
Is that why his govt ignored numerous warnings from their own military and security services before Oct 2023? Is that why local civilians weren’t warned of the obvious (to security services) military buildup in the days before invasion?
So he has every incentive to destroy every opportunity for any end to military hostilities and to destroy or torpedo any serious negotiations.
The fact that the leadership on one side is beyond evil and that they want war and genocide as a result of their terrible vile political and religious “philosophy” … that doesn’t mean that the leader of the other side is some sort of hero.
@Felton10 @IndifferentDude ITYM Israeli-tRump!
@Cerridwyn @f00l @IndifferentDude
Again, just like tRump and other autocrats who are desperate to stay in [or regain in his case] power to avoid the consequences of their criminal activities.
BTW, if the colorfully descriptive term: orange skidmark is objectionable to some, perhaps the less subjective of his titles would be better accepted.
Such as: the twice-impeached, four-times indicted, 34-times felony-convicted, twice-defeated, ridiculously over-made-up, incontinent and flatulent, unelectable golf-cheating loser.
@Cerridwyn @f00l @IndifferentDude
Oops, I forgot adjudicated sex offender, [and only judged short of being an actual rapist on a technicality].
@Cerridwyn @f00l @IndifferentDude @PhysAssist
/youtube cpgray keys to power
I’m not a fan that Trump is the new bar.
No one thinks of this behavior as King George II like.
@pakopako ITYM George III, who was the King when we decided to be revolting over here. Multiple examinations of the evidence have pegged him as being bipolar. The “treatments” of the day were neither humane nor effective, and it’s notable that when he wasn’t in the depths of an episode, he was actually an effective leader. The same conclusion is difficult to support for certain figures at this time, although the cause seems more simple dementia…Fortunately, we have a choice that doesn’t show those indications. (I am cautiously optimistic that this may end well, but the fact that the Trump campaign is far beyond the due date for submission of the agreements preparatory to a possible change of administrations is a complicating factor whose implications should not be lightly dismissed.)
@narfcake That’s fantastic!
I think all you have to know about tRUMP is that everyone he appointed or hired in his last administration doesn’t want anything to do with him now.
Prime example is his gold digging wife. She has been AWOL ever since he began his campaign except when the throws her a few bucks her way like he did for her to attend the Al Smith Dinner. That should be a red flag for anyone with a functioning brain. She knows he is a piece of shit and doesn’t want to be near him or anything to do with him either.
@Felton10 @SarahKirby12345
@Felton10’s statement is factually accurate.
All of the previous living Republican Presents and Veeps, and official Republican nominees to the office of President or the office of VP:
Only 1 of them is supporting Trump on this election. The rest of them have either openly endorsed Harris, openly said they did not support Trump, or privately made their attitudes clear against Trump. (I know a quite a few people who personally know the “quieter persons” among this group)
Trump’s only supporter from that group would be professional nutcase Sarah Palin.
@Felton10 I strongly dislike this “gold digging wife”
That’s not necessary. And we don’t actually know anything about their relationship. I mean she clearly looks uncomfortable when dragged out on the stage with him. But he’s an admitted adulterer and convicted sexual assaulter.
Also this implies he has gold to dig. Which he doesn’t.
IDK. I don’t feel bad for her exactly but pick a place where she would have been to divorce him in the last 10 years. Especially considering his misogyny. She l had withdrawn and said in her book she disagreed. She doesn’t get a free pass. But.
@unksol Anyone that has anything to do with this disgusting despicable POS knows does so for one reason and one reason only-what they can get out of the relationship but also knows something-Trump will turn on them in a minute if they show even the slightest amount of disloyalty. ie Jeff Sessions first comes to mind.
Despite Malaria 's extraordinary skills (???) that got her citizenship and her anchor parents who she got citizenship for also, she knew what she was getting when she married Trump in addition to the large amount of money she is now paid to stay with him and to attend as few events with him as possible.
Could call her a lot more things that would apply but the post would have probably been deleted. But for sure she is a “gold digger” of the highest order.
But she does go with Trump-he was the worst President ever and she the worst first lady by far.
I want to know who that (dangerous?) boarder is and why he/she needs to be secured.

@rockblossom It’s probably the eating all the pets or something.
@rockblossom @xobzoo my God. If they broke into my house and ate half the cats. Id only have 10 left.
@rockblossom @xobzoo pweaze don’t eat mez

Hey folks - these memes are getting too close to violating the personal attack rules.
And “I didn’t say you specifically” is not a defense, no matter which side you’re on.
Chill it.

@Kyeh I’ll give props to the meme creator; it is sorta funny! (but incorrect).
@IndifferentDude @Kyeh
po-TAY-toes. Po-TAH-toes
@chienfou @IndifferentDude @Kyeh Perhaps rotten on the inside would have been better… Of course it will be rotten in Nov…
@chienfou Stealing this!!

@chienfou It’s funny how I miss all those annoying ads for medications and ambulance-chasing lawyers when election ad season begins.
Gotta love Stephan Pastis and PBS! See above for another example.
@chienfou @IndifferentDude I mean please don’t steal it. Please link to the actual non AI artist
@unksol The Cartoonist’s name is right there in the comic strip next to the name of the cartoon. No linking needed I’d assume.
@IndifferentDude it’s the stealing it and misrepresenting it part. But if you’re stealing it… That kinda implies your not going to link it. And if you’re stealing real easy to snip that out.
@IndifferentDude @unksol

/giphy it was a joke
@chienfou @IndifferentDude I’m aware. Lol. The stealing of artists work to use to subvert their intended message. Or. IDK. See Trump’s theft of many musical artists. Just. Annoying.
Just post it as frustration with politics and let it go.
@Felton10 just say Duck tRump.
@Felton10 @mycya4me no don’t. A duck trump might be cute
An endorsement by someone who ordinarily would not endorse anyone…
One of my friends said this today:
It’s a sad day when the great businessman can’t get a better job than McD line clerk, only lasts 15 minutes of his shift, and isn’t even trusted to handle money.
I have a friend of mine who is voting Republican because they made more money during those 4 years. They are making less now, and have less in savings, so they definitely want to roll things back. I don’t think this is particularly a bad reasoning, in fact I agree with their disdain of Biden and Harris though I wish they’d look deeper into the rest of our government (federal and local), I question their accuracy of using this metric.
Specifically their personal fiscal historical accuracy. I consider myself more wealth-savvy than they are (at the very least I compile a history of my net worth rather than glance at my credit rating) and my money did not do well during the past 8 years. I eventually pushed to audit their books and compare them to mine. And I wasn’t surprised they were quite similar. Mostly that we were both doing alright up and into 2016. They weren’t wrong that they had more money in their bank during 2019 than 2024, but they also had a new baby in 2021. They also paid increasingly more in taxes each year since 2017. So while this current regime isn’t doing them favors, the previous wasn’t either. They shouldn’t assume voting for the same guy in 2016 will be a straight line to reverse their fortunes either. If we were using a time machine, I’d use it to go back to 2012.
Being told all this, their vote hasn’t changed; which cements the belief that those who decided who to vote for in January will stick with it through November. But it’s a little disheartening to not admit to a friend you are remembering things through rose-tinted glasses.
@pakopako It’s very disheartening that so many voters only care about their personal finances, and don’t look any further into what contributes to the state of those finances at a particular time beyond who’s in the Oval Office.
@Kyeh @pakopako people are generally biased toward their own personal interests. You can’t have two family housing in an area because of NIMBY. Not in my back yard. Sometimes that’s to try and protect their property value which. They may have put everything into.
We don’t want it here so concentrate it over there.
Away from me. Humans are unfortunately still tribalistic.
Some are racist. Some just want to live with people who have shared values.
Some are legitimately afraid of what could happen to them outside of their community. And 1000 other ways people feel.
And some people go around stoking fear to get and benefit off it. And make people believe it’s a zero sum game. If they are getting better I will get worse.
That’s not how it needs to or should work… And just cause someone’s savings are worse than previous years. There was a pandemic and inflation and are you not listening to the tariffs trump wants to put on you?
I just. A guy wants to take your money and give it to the rich and to China. And also wants to have the military hunt his political opponents on US soil…
You make a lot of valid points. The concept of NIMBY is one that’s particularly hard to fight.
You may want to revisit the end of your comments though because sending the money to China conflicts with your point about tariffs.
@chienfou @unksol Where selfishness exists, so will NIMBYism.
On a different paw, Mr. Quirks and Features has this license plate.

@chienfou @narfcake @unksol Presumably he has a high privacy fence.
@werehatrack I don’t think he could. IIRC, his house was landmarked (100+ years old already when he bought it) so it has to maintain its original characteristics.
The problem with that is that sometimes it should be NIABY… Not In Anybody’s Back Yard. Interstate routing through impoverished neighborhoods is a prime example of that…
@chienfou you are correct. I saw it after I said it and said fuck it. What he actually wants to do is charge them fees, make you pay the fees. And then also give that to rich people. It’s kinda a one way plan across the board with him
@chienfou well… eminent domain is kinda different. And awful when it’s abused. And I’m not saying I love government rules but. Come on…
@chienfou @narfcake The primary reason that roads go through impoverished neighborhoods is that the Rules say that the route must be as economical (i.e., cheap) as possible to both build on and acquire. You will never see a more vicious battle over the routing of a road than what took place in Nashville when it was decided to build the section of the I-440 bypass loop around the southwest side of town, either of which way that it was practical to route was through an area full of Important People Who Were Determined That This Vital Project Must Be Built But It Must Not Be Run Through OUR Community!
@chienfou @narfcake @werehatrack and that should have been not in anybody’s back yard like many things. Because it was literally seizing property. And destroying communities. And was not needed. There’s a difference between I don’t want that around here and you’re taking my property.
Of course it goes the other way. Except people lose. Because “important” people get their way
/youtube last week tonight shingle mountain
@Kyeh well, I’ve come to accept that thinking broadly about things is uncommon and sometimes detrimental. Not everyone has the bandwidth to juggle conceptualizing, planning, and executing; there is a bit of having been trained to obtain the mindset to be able to do that, having the resources to pay it forward like some “noblesse oblige”, or just not being hit with a personal obligation (raising a newborn) that takes a person out of “immediate survival” mode.
Unless you’re a complete incompetent, in my opinion/experience, this has been a banner year for returns on investment.
I’m borderline incompetent in investing and one of my accounts returned a 36% ROI for this year so far.
The last quarter not so much, but elections tend to screw up a good thing every time, at least temporarily
Just saying…
@PhysAssist And yet … all these right wingers are SO SURE that the economy will be so much better with the grifter in charge.
@Kyeh @PhysAssist what you may be missing is the percentage of people who CAN invest. We can get sucked into the trap of the thought that everyone had the free money to invest.
I have the availability to max out my HSA and invest it. Max my roth IRA and invest it. And sink some into my company 401K. As an SE in the Midwest. But only cause it took 2 decades and I have no family. That’s kinda the minimum.
MOST people can’t do any of that. They used to have pensions. They used to have unions so they could.
Now… I think SEs should also have unions because the hours I work on salary are batshit. To get to what should be a semi base level. But assuming normal workers have money to invest. That’s. Insane.
Normal middle class is barely getting by and they have nothing to invest. Just because you’re doing well. You’re not the middle class
But Kamala has polices for that. Vs trump freeding more to the rich. Honestly Biden couldn’t roll those back because of the house even though they tried.
Also the bullshit with spacs and AI. Fuck that.
Another way of looking at it would be called:
“Seeing it through Obama-tinted glasses”- given that any good that occurred in the period between the end of Obama’s tenure and the beginning of Biden’s was almost entirely carry-over effect from Obama’s policies and management.
Actually, I am from a lower middle class blue collar family. […and am currently still considered to be in the middle of the middle class, at least per the analysis here: https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2024/09/16/are-you-in-the-american-middle-class/]
I was the first college graduate ever in my extended family.
To get there, I worked in a supermarket through high school, got through college on work-study programs, and by taking student loans. ’
Then I paid them off working my way up in retail from stock ‘boy’ into management.
Then I went back to school to be a PA in my early 30’s using more student loans and a work-study grant, which were forgiven after I worked for 2 years in an underserved migrant care center.
Unfortunately, prior to PA school, all my retirement accounts had to be liquidated in my divorce, my share of which paid [some of] my living expenses in PA school.
Thus all of my current investments came from the past 30+ years working as a PA, and are hard won, and do not represent some silver-spoon trust-fund BS.
@unksol Oh, and any meager skill or knowledge I have in investing is self-taught.
@PhysAssist wasn’t trying to imply some silver spoon. I mean hobby lobby and a corn field instead of a grocery store. I did similar. I’m doing ok too. And I feel like I worked hard for it/made correct decisions.
But the whole just pull your self up by your bootstraps trope… It doesn’t always work that way. For everyone. There’s also a measure of luck in there that’s. Maybe hard to swallow cause. I mean I want to think it was me being me and I did a good job. Cause I did.
But it’s still ok to acknowledge that other people are at a disadvantage and the way it’s set up is maybe not great.
And that most of the middle class doesn’t have spare income to put into their retirement. Which they absolutely should.
Then there is … If the stock market is propped up by value to share holders because of underpaying workers… It is complex. We have to do what makes sense for us in the system we have. But we can also be on with changing the system
@PhysAssist good effects last a term; bad effects last at least two. Just some warning that whoever gets picked, this country is still in choppy waters.
Sorry if I came off as defensive, I didn’t really mean to be.
You’re completely right re: the luck factor, in both directions.
I tried to get into the US Naval Academy, and even got an appointment from my congressman Barber Conable.
However, in 1976 the academy started allowing women into Annapolis, and to fit them, they discontinued the 100 waivers allotted per class for midshipmen who needed glasses, and I have always been nearsighted.
Thus I missed out there.
Then as a sophomore going to SUNY [NY state school], I got injured playing rugby and a malignant bone tumor was found by accident on the x-rays, thus clearly saving my limb, and potentially my life.
After college, I tried to get into the USN OCS [officer candidate school], but even though my cancer was considered completely cured, they would not accept me.
Thus began my career in retail in 1981.
My transition to PA school in 1991 was enabled by a state health dept grant designed to enable more primary care providers in underserved areas, which I just happened to be in the right place at the right time to take part in.
So, yes, I’m aware that luck has played a huge role in my modest success.
But a fair amount of hard work may also have contributed somewhat.
Congratulations on yours as well.
@PhysAssist @unksol
Wow I’m glad that malignancy got found early.
@f00l @PhysAssist sorry if my response felt targeted. The “you” was the global you like. Maybe we all should get out of our own heads. And think about how the situation is for other people. Not a YOU pointing a finger like you’re somehow causing it or doing something wrong.
And the potential solution is to change the way our society does things. And the way to do that is to vote.
I… Feel ways about that and unless you’re in a swing state. It probably doesn’t matter. But it needs to be done and it needs to be accepted.
@f00l @unksol
Me too- obviously…
The full story is even more fortuitous.
Maybe a tale for some other time.
@f00l @unksol I almost, sometimes, sorta feel kinda like I’d like to move to a swing state so my vote would count more, but if they get any even incrementally more volume of political adverts than we get as a [supposed to be] solidly blue state, I’d have to commit seppuku.
@f00l @PhysAssist I just block everything. The states red. I don’t really know why. I mean I was raised that way but that was before Trump. And Republicans went off the deepend. And Christians should not agree with him and his blatant lies. So I have problems with the whole thing.
My vote counts for nothing. I can still vote in protest, get a drink and cross my fingers and toes and hope everyone else does their job
@f00l @PhysAssist @unksol I have wondered, on more than one occasion just what part of the New Testament these so called Christians have actually read. Apparently not much. Either that or they don’t agree with it so won’t follow it despite claiming they are devout Christians. I guess Trump trumps what they should know is in there.
@Kidsandliz @PhysAssist @unksol
Some “Christians” have transitioned into full cult hood I guess.
After that it’s just a matter of mandatory gaslighting misinterpretation
as with all cults.
@f00l @Kidsandliz @PhysAssist @unksol Trump really took the wrong option. He should have gone the L. Ron Hubbard route straight to a new religious cult, since what he really craves is constant uncritical adulation.
@f00l @Kidsandliz @Kyeh @PhysAssist Well… There’s always been that whole white nationalist under lying belief for some that we are the chosen savior of the world. America was founded on God and the way I was told is RIGHT. Probably how you get mega churches with rich pastors. And private jets. Mostly grifters
But that’s more old testmant than new. More rooted in the violence of the middle ages when they couldn’t read the Bible. IDK.
We went to church. And AWANA. I went to a Christian high school. When there were no vouchers. Dad busted his ass for us to go, even when he stopped going to church. and mom worked there as the school nurse. And we had people taking lower salaries to work there. Not grifting the system. And smaller classes. Teachers who were honest and believed. And had morals. My two older sisters when to the public elementary school literally directly across the street from our house. And something changed that. But no one was doing weird shit in public schools in 1989 like they are now.
I dont have any real problem with that. I mean I haven’t really been to church in a decade and a half at least. But trump clearly doesn’t know what a bible is. What it says. How to hold it. Or any context. I read it end to end back then. More than once.
If you call yourself a white Christian nationalist. You are by definition not Christian. This is just an indisputable fact. And pastors/religion should not be involved beyond encouraging peoples for to vote and providing assistance to ANYONE who needs a ride.
The church is supposed to reach out not. Shut in/push down. It’s supposed to be a becon of hope. Not “Gods revenge against our evil enemies so we will execute”
If anything someone who read and believed the Bible would think Trump was maybe not THE antichrist. But he’s definitely 100% opposite of Christ.
@f00l @Kidsandliz @Kyeh @unksol
Exactly, I [do my imperfect best to] follow the teachings of Jesus- turn the other cheek, treat your neighbor as you would be treated, the least shall be first and the first last.
@f00l @Kidsandliz @Kyeh @PhysAssist @unksol I am a Christian and I take my faith very seriously and would generally be considered an “evangelical.” I don’t really see the Biblical case for saying pastors should even encourage people to vote.
@f00l @Kidsandliz @Kyeh @Limewater @PhysAssist
I think my case would be that they could encourage people to do their civic duty. But not actually make any suggestion about how any person should vote.
It would be highly dependent on how it was said. And for some reason half of our voting centers in my county are in churches. But like I said. Churches should be outreach. Sometimes they do even function as community centers. I think it could be fine if your church just regularly picked elderly people up to take them places. Maybe if that was normal. Not special for the election. You were just performing a service that was asked for.
@f00l @Kidsandliz @Kyeh @Limewater @PhysAssist
@Limewater And before you jumped in. I was about to post this. The “you” here is not YOU. If was a metaphorical you of what I would expect from an evangelical christian. My teachers. My pastors. My friends. Who i cannot imagine supporting Trump. I guess I could have used “my” instead but I already wrote it and… Idk if it’s my opinion now anymore or not… So don’t take it as an attack but would love to hear your opinion/response…
I feel like I cannot stress this enough. Per the Bible. It is not your place to judge. Or punish. It is your place to reach out and accept. And help. And maybe suffer. And by your example bring people to God. And not to mislead them.
Not necessarily bring them too your side. Or try and force them which will do nothing for them. But to save their eternal soul. Because of your character and example. Across all people and all nations.
If that’s what you believe. Help the poor. Help the sick. Help the mistreated.
Even if you think they are a sinner. You don’t get to judge. Or control. Best you can do is be a good person and maybe if they let you talk about your faith. And we are all irredeemable sinners. So what do you care if they had an abortion. What do you even care if they had one and don’t regret it. Not your job.
Romans chapter 3 if the Bible was never your thing. Like I said I spent a lot of time in the Bible as a kid. After high school… not so much the church and bible study or daily prayers.
You don’t have to believe these things to recognize the extreme hypocrisy and perversion that is going on.
Trump and the other people claiming to be fighting for a Christian God. Are lying. There is no call for a Christian nation. There is a call to save souls until the final judgment.
And you don’t have to believe any of that. To just know what it says.
“You do know that the Bible that you are claiming says the opposite?”
@f00l @Kidsandliz @Kyeh @Limewater @PhysAssist also as far as the “busing” that church was in a very rural area and never organized anything. And my current town has like 2k people. There is no Uber out here for obvious reasons
If I were more social. In a church. And someone IMed me to give them a lift. I’m sure you’d do the same. Regardless of where to. If you had the time. Just the nice thing to do
@f00l @Kidsandliz @Kyeh @Limewater @PhysAssist
And obviously @limewater like I said. That response was not for you. It was for the existing people on the thread. I’m sure you know Romans chapter 3. Not being patronizing. I’m not sure if they would have. But I really hope you can recognize that inherit hypocrisy. That is just trump. Being non Christian.
I could have a theological debate. But I’m hoping you had already seen the cognitive dissonance
@f00l @Kidsandliz @Kyeh @PhysAssist @unksol I assure you I took nothing you wrote personally.
I was going to write something more, but I not had any time today.
@f00l @Kidsandliz @Kyeh @Limewater @PhysAssist I still would like to hear your take. Or anyone else’s.
I literally meant I wrote the whole thing with “you”
As the generic you.
I just cannot equate Christian nationlism. With the new testament.
And even if I could. Definitely not trump. He has no morals
And Vance and the tech bros running him. And the misogyny… That violates a circuit in my brain.
@f00l @Kyeh @Limewater @PhysAssist @unksol The people who spout some of the shit that comes out of their mouth clearly haven’t read the New Testament, or if they have, decided that it didn’t apply to them.
@f00l @Kidsandliz @Kyeh @Limewater @PhysAssist Idk. They either are too much into the old testament. Or the wives submit to your husband bit.
But that’s not even the issue. If you have a core belief. That you both agree on. And aren’t being forced into. That’s fine.
The issue is trying to enforce it on other people. Against their will.
@f00l @Kyeh @Limewater @PhysAssist @unksol That is the usual “my way is the only way and fuck the rest of you” approach many of the fundamentalist cult types have. Umm no I don’t think so.
@f00l @Kidsandliz @Kyeh @Limewater @PhysAssist Except this time either a lot of people thought so or they didn’t get the memo.
Now realistically no I don’t think that. The economy always rules because as much as I wish we weren’t all selfish. We look to our situation first. And if it looks hard. Or worse. People flip. But there is no denying what Trump wants is to make it worse. His entire life is a grift.
But people just go “I’m not happy so let’s change” which with someone whos entire purpose is to extract/transfer money. Any way he can. And couldn’t tell the truth if he were attached to a battery… FFS
The cultist are just hijacking it but he doesn’t care and will go with it
@f00l @Kidsandliz @Kyeh @Limewater @unksol
“inherent hypocrisy”
No criticism, just correction.
Because my semi-OCD brain requires it.
@f00l @Kidsandliz @Kyeh @Limewater @unksol
…and it’s also clear that he will f-up the economy like he did before only worse…
@f00l @Kidsandliz @Kyeh @PhysAssist @unksol
Writing a bit more. This won’t be short.
As mentioned previously, I am an Evangelical, at least by the word’s definition fifteen years ago. I am a member of a church that even has “Evangelical” in its name. My denomination is Evangelical Free Church of America if you want to look it up. We profess that the Bible is the word of G_d and our final authority. That should make me a “Religous Conservative.”
I will mention, though, that the term “evangelical” itself has kind of shifted and is now just a signifier of alignment with the Republican Party, particularly with former and future President Trump. So-called “cultural Christians” who grew up in a generally “Christian” environment but don’t really believe any of it or go to church, and even devout Catholics, Muslims, Jews, and Mormons as well as non-religious people are now sometimes using the “evangelical” if they’re really into the Republican Party because to many, the two have become synonymous. So a lot of current “evangelicals” don’t even really have a common religious base with people who would have been called evangelical fifteen years ago.
Here’s a decent article about the weird political meaning that has been assigned to the term “Evangelical.”
On the topic of Christian Nationalism: It appears to be a natural state of man to mix religion and government. In ancient times, if you belonged to a nation or tribe, you worshiped that nation or tribe’s god, at least nominally. This makes sense. Religion is a very good tool for building communal bonds within a society and separating one’s society from rival societies. We see this even with the Jewish people in the Torah. G_d set aside his chosen people, delivered them out of slavery, and gave them instructions on how to worship Him and exist as a nation.
If you look at the work and teachings of Jesus Christ, however, I believe his teaching was notably apolitical. During his life on earth, he had many followers who were willing to die for him. Many would die for his name in the following years. He could have led a revolution and people seemed to want him to. But he did not act against the government authority of his day. He did speak against the religious leadership of his day, challenging their unrighteousness and their failure to uphold the Law of G_d. A lot of people want to say that he was super political to do things like talk to women, but I don’t buy that. His speech and actions are only political if you are looking through the lens of saying that all action is political. In terms of government, the closest he gets to political speech is in Matthew 22, when the Pharisees attempt to trick him with a question about poll taxes.
Matthew 22:15-22 (ESV Translation)
The Pharisees attempted to pull Jesus into a conflict between the Jewish population and the Roman government at the time. Jesus made clear this wasn’t the reason he was here. He was here for bigger things.
In Isaiah 40 also addresses the important of nations in relation to G_d:
Christ didn’t come to change tax law. He came to save the tax collectors from their wickedness. He didn’t come to establish democracy. He came to save kings and commoners from their sin. He didn’t come to build a social security net. He came to change people’s hearts so that they will want to help those who are struggling.
Perhaps I am influenced in my reading by my rugged American individualism, but I don’t really think so.
Many Americans like to believe that the United States is somehow a new Israel. That our government is somehow special and ordained by G_d, that our founding documents are close to the level of Biblical scripture. There’s absolutely no scriptural support for such an idea, but again, that seems to be a natural desire of mankind. They want to believe that their nation or society is special and ascribe religious importance to it.
They are certainly aided in this desire by evangelical leaders. Dating back to at least the seventies, politicians and religious cultural leaders have been attempting (successfully) to manipulate conservative Christians for their own political ends. And, to be clear, it’s not just a Republican/Christian Conservative/Moral Majority/Evangelical thing. Regardless of what I believe about the merits of the Civil Rights movement, it was also a political movement that used Christianity for political ends. If you go back to the founding of our country, you had preachers and political leaders stirring up the colonists to rebel against the British government, despite Romans 13 telling us that everyone should submit to governing authorities and that we should pay our taxes.
A lot of Christians seem to believe that it is correct or appropriate to enforce Christian morality on others even outside the church. The idea here is that the USA is somehow a “Christian nation,” and that G_d will continue to bless us if we all do good. Again, I see no scriptural support for this. In fact, 1 Corinthians 5:9-13 explicitly teaches against judging those outside the church. Leave that to G_d. As a side note, there is no amount of enforced legal morality that can save a person’s soul, at least according to the Bible.
So yeah, I see no actual biblical support for any notions of Christian Nationalism, and some amount of teaching that appears to be directly against it. But most professing Christians don’t look directly to the Bible for these things. Honestly, they probably don’t even think to ask. It’s amazing what you’ll go through life assuming just because that’s how it’s always been and you never thought to question it. And when it’s reinforced by “respected religious leaders” it just deepens the problem.
“Because the person they listen to told them” is the reason a lot of people think and do a lot of things. People don’t like to say it, likely because it sounds elitist, but people have limited intelligence, limited time, and limited energy they are willing to give any particular issue, so they resort to outsourcing. Everybody does it. An issue comes up and someone doesn’t know what to think about it, so he or she turns to someone else whose authority they trust to provide guidance. If you trust the wrong authority, you’re out of luck.
I do think it is important for Christians to remember what scripture tells us in important. That is, to go forth and make disciples. Point others to Christ. To love the L_rd with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength, and also to love your neighbor as yourself. When asked later in life about his regrets, the famous evangelist Billy Graham said, more than once, that he regretted his involvement in politics. In 1989 he said:
And I think he mostly was. He made mistakes and he learned his lesson. It’s a real shame his son did not listen to these words.
If Christians believe Romans 13, then every leader of every nation, just or unjust, only serves at the will of G_d and we are to respect our earthly authorities whether we voted for them or not, or whether we even had the right to vote for them.
Regarding former and future President Trump, I still do not really understand the fervor of support for him, except that he has been phenomenally popular and evangelicalism has been strongly associated with the Republican party for decades. I guess it must go: He’s the Republican. Evangelical leaders have said he’s great. He helped overturn Roe v. Wade. So he must be worthy of praise. Also, Democrats are evil and must be stopped at all costs. I don’t think that many people who actually that the bible seriously actually listen to much that he says. My wife was as bible study Thursday night and was surprised to hear a friend of ours say that he’d just listened to a podcast and heard that Donald Trump “might not actually be a Christian.”
I’ll probably just end this almost 1600-word, typo-laden volume with that.
I wish you all a nice day!
@f00l @Kidsandliz @Kyeh @Limewater @PhysAssist I appreciate that. I think I 100% agree and that was more thorough than I could have done. And I just don’t understand how it’s gotten so… Corruptted at this scale.
Like if they read the Bible. The new testament. Just. No
@f00l @Kidsandliz @Kyeh @Limewater @unksol

First of all, NTL, SIDRI- Not too long, so I did read it.
2nd- Very well written, factual, truthful, and IMHO totally correct.
3rd- Thank you for sharing your thoughts and analysis, I for one, agree and appreciate it.
God bless us all here, and [as heard at the end of all J.R. Biden’s and some of K. Harris’ and T. Walz’s speeches, but none of the Others’]
/giphy God Bless Us
Thoughtful response. Thx.
It does make sense that the guy who likes to talk about dicks is the biggest dick of all. May that and the size of his dick is the reason his wife doesn’t want anything to do with him now.
@Felton10 …that and/or the noxious odors.
Only 2 more weeks and we’ll get to see a repeat of the scene below!!
Love it!!
Already got my supply of popcorn ready to eat as I watch the meltdowns!! 
@IndifferentDude Well we may scream, but at least we won’t deny the obvious results and try to insight people to overthrow the results just because we don’t agree with them.
@IndifferentDude First we’ve heard of it. From what I can tell, that was an astroturfed thing to provoke ridicule back in 2017; after checking around, I found no one who had heard of it at all, ever, but there is archived “news” coverage from that prior year. I’d have expected it to be an Onion item, but apparently it wasn’t.
@IndifferentDude really it is the Reverse, they love to project what the don’t like & try to pin it on others.
@Felton10 Trump [Orange Cheeto-man] incited his mob to riot because he no longer has any insight into reality [if indeed he ever did].
Well …
/giphy voted

Good for you. People that don’t vote have no right to bitch IMHO.
I’m planning to do the traditional ‘second Tuesday November’ thing and go to the local polling station.
@chienfou @f00l If you vote you have no right to bitch. By participating in the system you have validated it and should live with the result.
If you don’t vote, you have not validated the system, but are still subject to the result, which is a much more bitch-worthy situation.
If you can come up with a better way to pick our leaders than voting on them feel free to propose it.
@chienfou I’m not against voting. I’m against validating the system and then bitching about the outcome, then telling those who did not validate the system that they can’t bitch.
I plan to vote. Consequently, I don’t plan to bitch.
Glad to hear you plan to vote.
Maybe bitch was a poor choice of words. I think if you vote it’s legitimate to be (potentially) unhappy with the outcome. Complaining about it and supporting it are two different items in my view. I may not fully like the outcome, however I will wholeheartedly support it.
Choosing not to vote because one doesn’t want to “validate the system”, indicates to me that one has a better system to get the leadership the nation needs.
@chienfou That said, there are plenty of voting alternatives to the American system of letting to private organizations run everything and selecting our leaders from between them in first-past-the-post elections.
Voting is still part of those equations.
@chienfou You don’t be glad that I plan to vote. Not voting is a valid and respectable choice. One should not have to advocate for an alternative means of selecting leadership to exercise this choice.
You can vote and then complain about the outcome, but you are wrong to do so.
Yes. That’s why it was the seventh word in my post.
It’s still baffles me in states like Alabama (where only members of a registered party can vote in that party’s primaries) that as a member of a minor party (Green, Libertarian, Communist or evan an idpendant)I am funding that process but can’t participate.
But was also the case you made against being able to legitimately complain (i.e. bitch).
@chienfou I have good news for you. Well, I have news for you. In Alabama you don’t actually have to be a member of a party to vote in it’s primary. You’re just only allowed to vote in one party’s primary.
Just show up next primary and ask for a ballot for a particular party.
I did. Now look at me. I speak from experience.
@chienfou I brought up other voting systems just to point out that there are a lot of ways to run elections. There are alternatives that are actually voting. Not that I think that the existence of other voting methods is a surprise to you, but to make it clear that there are alternatives to our particular election system.
But my position holds regardless of voting system. If you validate the system then you complain about the outcome. If you don’t validate the system then you can complain.
Okay… I can see this has come to a “agree to disagree point”.
Nice to hear from a fellow Alabamian though.
@chienfou @Limewater In California, primary’s are not party based. Top 2 go to the general.
That’s why we have 2 open senate seats and the same two people on both ballot items. I wonder what happens if the same person wins both?

Kamala Harris really IS a Snake!!
Here’s an unedited picture of her flexing her tongue before putting on her prosthetic device to cover and hide the truth!!
That is cheap disgusting BS, not even the slightest bit clever…
@PhysAssist Well, the forum title is “Political Bullshit” so I assumed it fit perfectly well here since it obviously is Political and 100% Bullshit!!
Sort of partially true, but only the anti-democracy posts…
@IndifferentDude @PhysAssist It’s pretty much exactly as disgusting as the one up near the top, of the offensive Trump effigy for sale at a convention somewhere. Nasty, in atrocious taste, but not a clear policy violation.
My county has 21 early voting sites, and a record number of people are already voting. There were no lines, but people were coming in and out regularly.
Odd observations/anecdotal:
Usually in the weeks before an election, there are about 10-11 places with political yard signs on the 12 miles of road between my house and the local village. A couple more usually don’t have signs but put up “decorations” that show their intent. This year - almost nothing. One house had two signs for people running in state/local elections. That was it. Down in the “metro area” (pop. 2300) I saw signs for and against props on the ballot, but almost nothing for candidates. One lone house had three: one for the Republican candidate for House, one for the Republican candidate for State Senate, and between the two, a HarrisWalz sign. Damned if I know what any of it means. Maybe signs are too expensive. Maybe people don’t want blowback from posting signs. I dunno.
Given the current political climate I would suspect ‘blow back’ (or outright vandalism etc) is the likely culprit.
@rockblossom In some cases, generally republican folk are finally disgusted with Trump, but will not openly support Harris. How they will vote remains to be seen.
@Cerridwyn @rockblossom I’ve been hearing a lot about yard signs getting stolen around here. I’ve never really understood why people bother with them myself - I’ve never been convinced to vote on someone based on yard signs.
@Cerridwyn @Kyeh @rockblossom I have a friend who lives in a militantly red area near Dallas, and there have been incidents of vandalism to places daring to have a Harris sign. But even there, the number of Trump signs is down sharply from what it was in 2020 or 2016. The rhetoric from the active Trump supporters, however, has shifted from defiant to actively threatening, even at local government meetings that are recorded for official purposes.¹ It remains to be seen if they will take a hint and STFU should the results go the way it looks like they could.² An unusual number of people are showing up for early voting who have never previously come out to cast a ballot, and it would not take a huge percentage of those going heavily on one side to swing things.
¹ This mirrors the way that such local government meetings frequently went in the '50s, except that the targets were the black community, and the loud voices were from Klansmen in their Southern Democrat personas.
² For many years during the late '60s through the late '70s, the formerly overt racists kept a low profile, but they started coming back out of the woodwork using dogwhistle signaling words to express their sentiments and affiliations during the late '70s and the '80s. Now they’re just as overt in their hatred of all Democrats as they were towards the Blacks back in the '50s. It’s convenient for them, you see, because they can mean Black but deny racism by saying “Democrat”. And I will note that more than just a few times over the years I’ve lived in Houston, I have run across people out in the Piney Woods (rural East Texas) who still pronounce “black” with two g’s. And they aren’t all in Jasper. And nobody around them looks the least bit uncomfortable about it.
Wow. Did you call them on it?
@chienfou Had I done so, I might not be here. One person, maybe two, I’d have called them on it. But when it’s an asshole three inches taller and a hundred pounds heavier in a room full of similar, I wasn’t going to take the lead and take the beating.
Yeah, I can understand that. Sad to hear you had to be in that position more than once.
@chienfou @werehatrack Yes these people lived under rocks and in the shadows until Trump arrived and started his verbal assault on anyone who crossed him and he didn’t like. He basically gave these people a license to openly show their racism and hatred for anyone they were scared of or was different from them. There are more of these type of people in the country that we would like to admit-that is why the election is so close.
@chienfou @Felton10 Honestly, they started coming out of the woodwork more visibly in ‘81-82, using Reagan’s “welfare mothers” slogan as their identifying dogwhistle. From that point on, they just got bolder. There were places up in the Piney Woods and in the Bayous where they had never really done much more than keep quiet around strangers - and not many strangers lingered. They used to mistake me for a local back in those days because I habitually wore mechanics’ dark blue pants and shirts, which signals “I am from around here” almost anywhere in the Americas or Europe. It’s almost a cloak of invisibility.
@chienfou @Felton10 @werehatrack they want to dish it out, But let some start dishing it out on to them about their Fav person, the OLD one. They Major League offensive & lashing out!
Given that they’re the ‘Reds’? ]
IDK about you, but have you noticed that the political signs of the RNC-supported “Red” candidates are only rarely have ‘their’ classic red-colored backgrounds?
Around here at least, they are instead mostly on deep blue or white backgrounds.
[Also, is it ironic that they’re the ones who always accuse others of being socialist or communist?
@PhysAssist The colors now associated with parties are fairly recent. TV stations like them because they show up well on air. I remember when the Republican Party was almost always shown in blue, with green, red, and yellow used for Dems, independents, and others.
@chienfou @Felton10 @werehatrack
What the Duck, you can’t someone a Name, OMG what is this place coming to???

The thing that is amazing to me is that all everyone remembers is that prices, inflation and interest rates were lower when Trump was President. We were just coming out of a pandemic and they were a lot of factors that contributed the the state of the economy-most of which Trump’s actions had no effect on. Similarly without some of the actions taken by Biden and the Fed during his administration, we would have been deep in a recession now and in much worse shape than we are now.
If Trump is elected his new tax breaks for his rich friends and the tariffs he will impose on foreign goods will make the increase in the price of eggs seem like a cake walk.
As far as the world situation, Putin already had all his troops massed at the Ukrainian border when Trump left office. Trump couldn’t prevent that and Putin was waiting until after the election to invade to put Biden in the worse possible light if he won.
And finally-yes character of the person who leads our country and represents us on the world stage does matter. That is of course unless constant lying, locking up people that don’t agree with you, name calling and racism is something you agree with.
@Felton10 …and as I mentioned above, most, if not all of the benefits remembered from early in Sweet-Potato Hitler’s [hopefully only] presidential term were virtually all the positive carry-over effects from Obama’s policies supporting our economic recovery from the 2008 crash.
@IndifferentDude And imposing 100% tariffs on loads of imported goods won’t do precisely that a whole lot faster for a whole lot longer? (Or until the Chinese offer to make Trump richer in exchange for dropping them.)
@werehatrack There’s an easy solution as the former and next President has already told you & everyone else: make the items here in America and there are NO TARIFFS!! If the companies want our money, they can move their factories back to the USA!
Simple, eh??
@IndifferentDude @werehatrack So you think Walmart is going to quit buying from China?
@Kyeh @werehatrack Maybe not but they can just write off the tariff fees as a business expense. Problem solved!
Thus evidencing your total lack of comprehension of reality…
@IndifferentDude @werehatrack And the other businesses, who aren’t as big as Walmart, who haven’t already been put out of business by Walmart? You think it’s going to be fine for them?
@Kyeh @werehatrack It will all be fine once Elon Musk takes over as United States Secretary of the Treasury and replaces that dimwit DEI hire Yellen. Just chill; it’ll all be just hunky dory!!
@IndifferentDude @Kyeh @werehatrack

@IndifferentDude You seem blissfully unaware of the lead times from decision to beginning to manufacture a product and having it available to ship, and at the same time ignoring the horrendous cost of doing so, particularly if the only source for the machinery you’ll need is now in a nation which will be instantly predisposed to slap a 500% tariff on all such exports to us. We haven’t just lost the industries to produce the products, we have lost the industries to provide the tools needed to make the products. It would take two decades of massive subsidy of that before we could be 30% self-sufficient for the goods we currently import. Basically, you’re talking about converting to a wartime command economy, which isn’t going to happen no matter who is trying to do it. This situation was described in detail in a number of papers sent to the Cabinet by the Joint Chiefs starting back in the '60s to warn that we needed to maintain some onshore production capability in critical areas, and nearly all of what was warned against has happened.
@IndifferentDude However, I actually think that you really are just aiming to wind everyone up about this, and do not actually care about the realities involved. It can seem to be fun to endlessly play Devil’s Advocate, but the stakes in supporting what is pretty obviously a horrible mistake do not bear contemplating.
@werehatrack Not “trying” to wind everyone up; they are already TOTALLY wound up and in panic mode! The selected replacement for Biden has resorted to name-calling and her proteges are fuming mad! Hope they can make the adjustment in under 2 weeks when Trump resumes the Office of The President Of The United States of America once again! If not, hope they have a shrink / therapist ready or have made plans to leave the country (as they ALWAYS threaten to do but NEVER follow through)!
@IndifferentDude @werehatrack You want to see panic, it will be if Trump gets elected and all these poor souls who voted for him and are clinging to the hope that he will make their already miserable life better and finally realize their life is much worse since he was elected, he never cared about them, only about himself and they were duped, lied to, and made fools of.
@IndifferentDude @Kyeh @werehatrack @PhysAssist
Looks like this thread could use a bit of reality. From CNN:
Trump implemented tariffs on about $300 billion of Chinese-made products when he was in office. President Joe Biden has kept those tariffs in place and, after the USTR finished a multiyear review earlier this year, decided to increase some of the rates on about $15 billion of Chinese imports.
Apparently, both parties are OK with some tariffs.
@IndifferentDude @Kyeh @macromeh @PhysAssist @werehatrack One of the problems is that China subsidizes industries. This is how the USA lost our solar panel industry. China subsidized theirs and so undercut our price enough ours was put out of business. Tariffs, to some degree, would help even the playing field BUT they need to be very judiciously and wisely applied. Not apparently in the Trump plan. He really doesn’t understand economics and markets very well. Nor supply chains that are now global.
Ran into an ex-cow-orker on FB. He really believes Jan 6th was a completely non-violent tour of the Capitol, and everything else that goes along with it.
I hope my response offended him enough that he blocked me.
Well… I initially read that as “an ex-coworker from the FBI”! I thought …hmmm, that’s interesting. @blaineg was a ‘fed’??
This is not the only incident I’m aware of.
Kind of sad that he was charged with an ‘assault on the elderly’ count and there’s no mention of the initial infraction he was accused of becoming a charge.
@chienfou He could be cited for electioneering due to having put the hat back on prior to exiting the polling place, and I am among the people who would like to have seen him charged with both. But it might have been difficult to substantiate the electioneering charge in a way that would convince a jury. As for the assault, there were plenty of witnesses, and it was more than sufficiently aggressive and brutal to demonstrate that it was not just a trivial thing. We draw closer to the need to have law enforcement ready to pounce from just outside the polling place limit with every passing year. Because of the intimidation factor inherent in the history of voting across the South, having law enforcement within the polling place is heavily restricted. This is considered a form of electioneering in itself because of the historic oppression of certain voter groups by law enforcement.
@chienfou @werehatrack Yes, yes, the South is so scary. Where was Tammany Hall, again?
@werehatrack @zhicks1987
Unfortunately people being idiots and assholes knows no geographical boundaries.
Then, there’s also this:
“Police are searching for the person who set ballot boxes on fire in Washington and Oregon. Here’s what we know…”
@chienfou Tommy Turdberville was asked a question around the time when he was elected Senator for Alabama about the three branches of Government and he replied the House, the Senate and the Executive branch.
Evidently intelligence doesn’t run in his family nor the voters who elected him.
Your spell check is broken.
@chienfou More likely I just can’t spell.
@chienfou @Felton10 I didn’t see any Ms. Pellings in the post. There was an apt satire of a terrible politician’s name though.
@Felton10 @PhysAssist
no… there was a childish name-calling that would be equally as disturbing were it addressed at another candidate for either party.
I know this is going to be almost impossible to do.
But who wants to give a point by point review of Trump’s Sunday rally of peace. That was literally violence and hate.
And Kamala’s which was… Normal.
And I realize phrasing it that way implies a bias. But we all speak English. The words said are what was said. They mean what’s in the dictionary.
Please explain the raw hate. To yourself and to me
Hate sells (to a certain demographic).
@f00l well. I meant a trump supporter. Maybe someone who is indifferent. Or not. Walk us all through that hate filled chain. And explain how it’s good for anyone.
@f00l @unksol
One of my friends, her husband is what I would call a bit of a liberal redneck. But they were out having a drink last weekend, totally not talking about politics, when a total stranger threatened to beat the crap out of him if he didn’t praise the strumpet. My friend said it was actually scary.
She’s not a super intellectual person, but is smart. And we had a very long conversation about how much like Hitler he is. She is not one of the people I would expect to hear that from. But she’s literally scared of what is to come. And I don’t disagree with her.
If you live in one of those places, you know where I mean, be sure you don’t have to go out anywhere next week that is not essential. And even then, be hyper-aware of your circumstances. I for one don’t want any of you all in the RIP thread because some assfuck got violent.
@unksol Which one of Dementia J.'s 3 Sunday rallies did you want summarized?

Especially don’t wear your “Never Going Back” or Harris/Walz camo trucker cap:
or your “Removes Weird Orange Stains” T-shirt
for the week or so post-election day.
I often wear mine out shopping and wherever else, except I never wear them to work, because the state corrections officers here in NY [if not universally] are mostly very MAGA-headed and there is perhaps a small subset of them who would likely be unprincipled enough to turn a blind eye if an I/I [incarcerated individual- the PC term for convicted felons in prison] decided to assault a Harris supporter- like myself.
Not that they would ever think to engineer or encourage such an event.
Bless their hearts…
@PhysAssist bless their pea picking hearts
I can’t walk you thru it anymore. I could have 8 years ago. But now I only read headlines about the R candidate/felon/taxevader/fraudster/assaulter/liar/etc.
What I kind of observe by living in a red state is this
There are quite a few people who really don’t want to think things through. They want sloganostic solutions for everything even if the slogan is just have no relevance to reality.
I don’t think all of these people are stupid or anything like that, but I do think they’re extremely gullible and they don’t wanna turn on their brains and deal with political and international and economic and other politically relevant realities in any way that has anything to do with an objective view or an analytical view
They want slogans they want rah rah rah.
They want vindication they don’t want somebody to imply that they may have had some really nasty sexist or racist attitudes in the past or might still carry such attitudes
They don’t wanna analyze anything into detail or look at the complexities of anything because that would be too much work and it wouldn’t give them a a slogan answer that could make him feel good and cheer without thinking about it
The attitude seems to be very similar to what you would see 20 or 30 years ago at a WWE match
And it seems to be very similar to what you see at fascist political rallies unfortunately, I make the comparison because it seems to be quite accurate
I wish it weren’t but it is
And these people who many of whom live on Faux News and all it’s typed and distorted headlines and new stories and commentary and dishonest new stories and commentary that them 24/7 just simply brainwashed themselves
And I guess there’s a pretty big emotional reward for all that if you’re willing to do that to your own brain
You get to think that other people are horrible or intellectually, worthless or all liars or all secretly pedophiles or whatever and you’re the one who is right and then they feed you more and more slogans and more and more extreme slogans and more and more false distorted or completely dishonest news stories And they never do any complexity, and they never do any honesty and they never cover the news in an honorable way.
And the funnel gets deeper and deeper and deeper and th mental and emotional conditioning that goes with it gets more and more automatic
And in order to keep the machine going and the outrage machine going and the candidates going you have to have more and more outrage which means everything has to be hyped way more than the last year and that way more than the year before
And so all the hype and all the crowd, crazy behavior where everybody believe something that’s completely delusional against more and more intense
Because people either simply want the emotional feeling of being on what they considered to be the right side, even though it has no relation to write it wrong and simply delusional
or else because they fed themselves such so much propaganda that they basilcally brainwashed themselves into being essentially members of a cult
I believe - I’m no historian - but I believe this pattern can be seen a combination of grievance and dishonorable slanted, false news and leaders raising crowds to a fever pitch with lies
Can be seen in the gene Genesis of many states that did become fascist after having previously been democratic
a key component is that one has to abandon one’s capacity for critical thinking and buy in at least on this topic
Among the leadership and the big donors. There are many who are not so intellectually deranged they simply pursue it for advantage.
The billionaire class, for instance, and many of the people in our party who are personally appalled by Trump, but who see their financial advantage or their power advantage as being connected to supporting Trump and so therefore they fall in line, but they’re aware and it’s completely cynical
Others think they can use Trump to remake the world to their advantage, particularly in the billionaire class they often believe this
some of them just like making trouble and being disruptors because it makes them feel powerful and they can attach themselves to a candidate like Trump and play out without restriction in a way that a normal Canada wouldn’t allow or support
a really nasty confluence of personal choices and social effects
Humankind in a crowd is sometimes not at all wise or honest or honorable
Humankind in a crowd without having to face the disapproval or the center of decent people who are clearly in the majority often become complete self-righteous lying hypocrites
I suppose the capacity is built into our species
@f00l @unksol
I.e. “candidate,” right?
Although probably true of Canada, too!
@f00l that is wall of text. I will parse later. I was hoping for a trump supporter to actually read/watch what was said. And I know cognitive dissonance
And explain why they thought that level of just raw hatred was ok. And maybe if they had to do it. They might hear themselves. No takers so far on any way that was ok?
@f00l @Kyeh Canada would not put up with our depressing 18 month election cycle… Just saying. No other country does it as corrupt as we d
And I meant candidates of course.
@f00l @unksol It was f00l who said Canada. But true!
@f00l @Kyeh I can’t keep track. I really loved riding those Canadian rail lines into the back country as kid. I guess YA literally just a train. Only way to get there. I mean I guess someone drove a truck in once cause logging roads. Which are not maintained or real roads.
@Kyeh @unksol
I was trying to dictate and maybe it didn’t go all that well. Siri seems to have taken the day off and then gotten called into work with a hangover and so Siri made so many errors
I’m gonna have to talk to Siri about being ready to work when Siri is called to work and not drinking the night before
@f00l @unksol Actually all the rest of it was clear and spelled right and everything!
(Well, mostly. I guess I skimmed a bit. But it all made sense.)
@f00l @unksol An article in The Atlantic argues that Trump is deliberately being more and more offensive to try to goad Harris into losing her cool and stooping to his level:
https://www.theatlantic.com/newsletters/archive/2024/10/how-trump-is-baiting-harris/680466/ (not paywalled)
@f00l @Kyeh IDK what his plan is. But that woman is a prosecutor. Who went to trial. He bullies and complains and bitches but he always loses against a prosecutor.
He gets away with his bullshit in SLAP suits. Which should be illegal.
She’s not going to lose it. At most they are going to highlight the hate he is spewing
@f00l @Kyeh @unksol
I must admit I got lost several places trying to read that. I suspect either proofreading it or cut and pasting it from something that’s easier to read than a text box might be to your advantage in the future.
The extra few minutes of time on your part will make it a lot easier for those of us trying to figure out what you’re trying to say.
You make a lot of solid points, but they get lost in trying to interpret what you actually meant here and there.
@chienfou @f00l @Kyeh well… he was trying to interpret a trump speech. When the source you are working from is total. Complete. Gibberish.
A little leeway maybe?
I feel fairly certain channeling Trump was NOT his intention…
@chienfou I said interpret. Or sum up. But I will admit I haven’t read through it all.
The point was if the source material is flaud. The response based on it I’ll give some flexibility
@chienfou @Kyeh @unksol
Sorry I know the speech to text thing can get bad.
I’ll try dictating to a text box maybe and see if things improve a bit.
I upgraded to IOS 18 and my phone is a 13.
Now there seems to be more iOS overload (not surprising) which has bad results for Siri
But also sometimes typing doesn’t keep up well.
There’s an “OS overhead” lag compared with 2 weeks ago or so.
Maybe I’ll also try another browser.
Thx for patience.
No problem. All I’m saying is try to read thru it before you hit that “say it” button. (Or at least after)
@chienfou @Kyeh @unksol
Regarding my typing lag probs (which can result in the os missing letters, which can mean autocorrect guesses wrong)
And my dictating lag probs …
Might have been browser specific. A combo of too many open tabs and that particular browser being resource heavy on iOS.
Using a different browser now and no typing lag. On the same iPhone.
Test test test test test test
I’m seeing much less lag and missed words and what have you with dictating also
so maybe I can fix things or improve them by just switching to a browser and closing all the old tabs
User error.
I blame Siri.
/giphy “user error”

/giphy “blame Siri”

@f00l @Kyeh @unksol
Thanks, that should make your future posts more readily digestible!
@chienfou @f00l @Kyeh I mean using IE on any OS is basically a crime. I didn’t know anyone ported it off windows let alone to IOS. Whoever did it must be stopped.
That’s a funny joke idc what you say
I think we just have to realize almost half the people in this country are filled with hate not only for people who are not like them but how miserable their own life is. Why else would they vote for someone who a majority of his own party even admits is not mentally or morally competent to be President?
They will vote for anyone who dangles a carrot out in front of them hoping for a better life with only people of their own kind around them.
This time around with only “yes” men around him, Trump will have no safeguards to prevent him from acting on his worst instincts none of which will benefit the American people. Everything he will do will be to get even with his enemies, enrich him and his friends and secure his place in history as the one who destroyed democracy forever in the land we love.
I’m sorry Felton10, but you’re wrong about only 1 thing:
He’s not going to get the opportunity, because he isn’t going to WIN.
He doesn’t even think he’s going to win- that’s why he isn’t pushing very hard in the swing states.
His plan is to use cherry-picked RNC-subsidized polls showing him leading to justify trying to get a re-do of 1/6/21 and to have the RNC-vetted state legislators and governors keep the election results from being certified in order to try to get the House to vote and to declare him the winner.
The Very Real Scenario Where Trump Loses and Takes Power Anyway
What we [of course, I’m including now-president J.R. Biden [The Immune One] and the current VP [soon to be the President-Elect] Harris in that we] have to do is keep them from stealing the election that they’re sure to lose.
Biden Is Building a ‘Superstructure’ to Stop Trump From Stealing the Election:
Trump and his MAGA allies have been working for years to pre-rig the 2024 election. Here’s how Team Biden is planning to fight them
Just sayin’
@Felton10 @PhysAssist
Ty for talking about this.
as horrible things are now in the Trump camp and the camp of his followers. I expect the horrible and unjustified and dishonorable and dishonest behavior to get far worse after the election is concluded.
@PhysAssist I certainly hope you are correct. Whatever happens, it is going to be close. I asked an acquaintance of mine who is a long time reporter (and ex Washington DC Bureau Chief) in DC whom he thought was going to win and this was his response:
As for the election, I really don’t know what could happen. Are there educated middle class whites who would vote for Trump quietly? (It happened in 2016). Or are there lots of moderate Republicans who can’t stand him and will vote for Harris quietly? Who knows?
For anyone who cares:
“Arnold Schwarzenegger Endorses Harris-Walz: ‘American Before I Am a Republican’
The actor and former California governor listed the Jan. 6, 2021 attack on the Capitol and Trump’s rejection of the 2020 presidential election results for voting for the Democrats”
Also important:
Republicans Are Trying to Disenfranchise Military Voters
As part of their attack on Americans’ voting rights, Pennsylvania Republicans and their pro-Trump allies just went after soldiers and sailors
https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/political-commentary/republicans-military-voters-pennsylvania-disenfranchise-1235146924/ [Behind paywall]
I didn’t even know that she was from there:
Aubrey Plaza Responds to ‘Disgusting Remark’ About Puerto Rico: The actress confirmed her abuelita would say, “Tony Hinchcliffe, go fuck yourself”
https://www.rollingstone.com/tv-movies/tv-movie-news/aubrey-plaza-tony-hinchcliffe-puerto-rico-response-1235146969 [Behind paywall]
@PhysAssist Jon Stewart had a pretty interesting response to the Puerto Rico thing on The Daily Show.
@Limewater I’m not at all sure that “defends” was the right way to describe his piece. It was more like a “haters gonna hate” feeling to me.
…and there is [I think] adequate reason to believe that the set was vetted beforehand, Dementia J’s protestations notwithstanding.
References to Ms. Harris using a “C-word” having been redacted.
@PhysAssist I didn’t write the headline. I just thought it was an interesting and funny response.
As for whether he was vetted beforehand or not, either way would not surprise me. I was going to say that Former President Trump hasn’t surprised me since Hurricane Dorian, but then I remembered Four Seasons Total Landscaping. That did surprise me.
I knew that it wasn’t your take, I just wanted to push back against that thought in the article.
I didn’t think that he [Stewart] was complimentary about the gaffe overall, more that he thought that the roast jokes were on point.
Which point I did [against my will] have to agree with despite clearly their racist under- and over-tones.
No, on 2nd thought, I wish I could edit that font to a strike-out- the jokes were overtly racist.
But the Gronk one was kind of funny
Just saw tRump riding around in a garbage truck. Good for him that he is already in it. All he has to do is climb in the back with the rest of the trash when he loses the election to be carted away to the dump.
@Felton10 Only problem was he was in the wrong part of the truck…
Arnold Schwarzenegger is voting for Harris-Walz

One woman’s voting shirt:

Magas gotta maga
That’s a really unfortunate placement for the watch YouTube banner…
Man arrested after attack on Arizona Democratic party campaign office
Speaker Johnson criticizes Obamacare, promises ‘massive reform’ if Trump wins
Apparently Dr. Jill is trying to starve Prez Bidumb!! He’s so hungry he resorts to doing this:
BREAKING NEWS: Biden Bites Babies!!
At least he isn’t feeling up his own daughter like Trump did on numerous occasions.
@IndifferentDude Trump had it younger than 9 as he molested Ivanka all her life.
@Felton10 Got any PROOF?? Reliable sources?? No?? Didn’t think so.
@IndifferentDude Can’t believe you are asking for proof or reliable sources when everything that comes out of the Orange Skidmark’s mouth is the same stuff that comes out of his ass-total shit. No one thing he has said in this entire campaign has a ring of truth.
All you had to do is listen to his recent rant about FEMA not being present in NC at all for the hurricane issues. And his followers believe that.
@Felton10 @IndifferentDude I didn’t get out to Asheville yet but one friend (who is in good shape in his 60s) rode a mountain bike downtown (a few miles, not that bad). There were food distribution sites and water bottles, as well as emergency internet/cell towers. Of course you can’t carry too much on a bike. At that time some area roads were blocked by trees so he had to lift the bike over the fallen trees, or try another way. Another friend also reported getting to a local emergency internet/cell tower near their house. This was all within a few days of the main storm event.
@Felton10 Whoa!
Chillax man.
You’re gonna blow a gasket or have a stroke!!
You’ll feel better next Tues. after Trump regains the office of President again!

@IndifferentDude If that steaming pile of horse shit regains the Presidency, the US as a democracy will be changed forever not only because of what he will do to this great country but because of all the misguided people who voted for him will be in charge.
@Felton10 Of course the democracy will be changed; it’ll be restored to GREATNESS!! No more DEI hires that are freaking weirdos for one thing and are QUALIFIED for their respective positions. Now wouldn’t that be refreshing??
@IndifferentDude Hate to disappoint you but I am old and well off enough that if by some miracle enough racists who are looking to Trump to make their miserable life better get him elected, I will laugh and laugh watching their life get even worse when they finally realize that they were conned by the best snake oil salesman ever.
@Felton10 That’s cool. Guess they’ll feel as happy as those with the “Half & Half” Dark Variety skin complexion (such as Obummer & Kackles-mela) who have seen their lives GREATLY IMPROVED by the monumental legislation for the BLM faithful. So happy they don’t need any reparations now!! Talk about being conned! Glad to see MANY are coming to their senses and voting for TRUMP!!
@IndifferentDude Somebody or something really must have done a number on you to feel like you do. I feel sorry for you.
…and state that he’d be dating her otherwise.
@Felton10 @IndifferentDude
You mean like Marjorie Traitor Green, and Lauren Boobert.
You need to watch some of these videos:
Where is the proof for your Biden fakes?
How patriotic of Commie Kamala who wants to be Prez!!
No American Flags Visible at Rally for Harris at Temple University in October 2024?
One user remarked of a video clip, “Not one American flag in sight at Kamala’s rally.”
Fact checked by Snopes:
Did you know that the majority of the world thinks displaying the flag is weird?
@Cerridwyn @IndifferentDude A hell of a lot of Americans think that displaying flags is a blatant warning sign that somebody’s an asshole who’s trying to put one over on you using the flag as a distraction. And a lot of us old farts remember when you didn’t wave a flag because you didn’t need to, you understood that just being an American was enough.
And some of us recall this historic admonition:
@Cerridwyn @IndifferentDude @werehatrack
Or [grossly] hugging and kissing a flag like the flatulent one did so famously…
@IndifferentDude BTW, you may have missed this in the Snopes article, if you read it at all:
“Harris did not herself attend the Philadelphia rally, instead joining her running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, at a different rally in Ann Arbor, Michigan. That rally featured large American flags, as evidenced by photos and videos.”
@IndifferentDude most people understand that always displaying the flag means you’re a nationalist, which is a bad thing.
@PhysAssist Why exactly is that “gross”? You think loving America and the representation of it is gross?
@Cerridwyn @IndifferentDude @PhysAssist @werehatrack He really should stick it where the sun doesn’t shine-only place where it would feel at home to a rapist pedophile like him.
@PhysAssist I read that but the flags were just props to the 2 Liberturds. They can’t even recite the Pledge of Allegiance let alone tell you how many stars there are or the number of stripes on the flag.
@00 Um, Nationalism is a TERRIFIC trait! Could you please tell me how many of the countries we’ve helped in their natural disasters thru MILLIONS of $$ in aid and other resources returned the favor and helped the USA
after the recent hurricanes?? … “crickets”
… “crickets”
… well??
/giphy we’re waiting

I think everything about the orange wannabe tyrant [AKA, as the RNC’s VP candidate declared him- America’s Hitler] is gross.
Also, I think it’s sad that his parody of loving the country [and the liberty and justice the flag stands for] has hoodwinked you into believing his snake oil schtick…
@00 @IndifferentDude
and more:
@IndifferentDude it’s hilarious that you used the antagonist from Caddy Shack as the person to punctuate your point. Perfect self own.
So right is wrong and wrong is right? Perfect!! Another Bible prophecy fulfilled!! Hallelujah!!
Oops! I see the forum is wonky still! This was actually a reply to the post above and to @werehatrack @Cerridwyn .
What is absolutely weird about this election is that virtually everyone can agree that one of the candidates is objectively one of the most vile human beings in the world today.
What is absolutely crazy is that some of those people think that person is actually Kamala Harris.
@haydesigner I agree totally. There are more misguided and seriously clueless people in this country than I ever imagined possible.
Steve is really on a roll

Harris is going to win in a landslide, winning states that have been solidly Republican for a long time.
Here’s my calculus:
in 2016, Camp HRC did a masterful job of making her the anointed candidate, but she was the one person in the US who could have lost to the xenophobic, failed businessman who bullied his way to the Republican nomination. HRC got fewer votes than Obama got in '12 (which were 4.5 fewer votes than he got in '08) because poor HRC was the victim of a 20+ year attack on her character and Republicans were foaming at the mouths to vote against her.
While trump got 11 million more votes in '20 than he did in '16, because brought disaffected non-voters out of the woodwork, he lost handily (despite the nail biting) and his current campaign of doom, division, and destruction hasn’t invited new people to support him, outside of maybe toxic dude bros (but most of them were already maga). Making his base the same as his ceiling (far too many Americans, but a shrinking minority).
He then lied about losing and incited a failed coup–and we all watched him do it. Some millions of people who voted for him in '20 have turned on him because he tried to overthrow the US government–as demonstrated by Haley’s strong primary showing. Most notably, she continued to get ~15% of the vote in states that had primaries after she dropped out. This alone is enough to predict a huge loss for trumpo. Harris’s growing public support from institutional Republicans drags some of these Haley voters to vote for her, but most will likely sit out or vote for Chase Oliver (he’s the libertarian candidate, whose name I just googled).
People are seeing the zealous results of overturning Roe v Wade and, as demonstrated by the results of nearly every statewide referendum on abortion rights, it’s an absolute losing issue for Republicans. AND an issue that polls consistently failed to predict. I suspect because a large number of “Republican women” (i.e., women married to rep men who are presumed to think the same way as their husbands) lied about how they were going to vote because they understand that this is solidifying women and girls as powerless victims to be controlled by men–if not intellectually, viscerally–and they don’t want their daughters’ lives to be determined by the asshole kid who (to use a phrase said onstage at trump’s MSG rally last weekend) doesn’t pull out.
trump has offered no answers for the actual challenges that make Americans struggle. Harris has. A terrifying number of our neighbors and family members (75% of my immediate family growing up!) have joined his cult and believe that immigrants and trans people are the problem, but most Americans who toil with real problems don’t give a fuck about that nonsense. And Harris has given them ideas that could help them.
Those are the main reasons, but I’ve encountered a dozen other things (e.g., trump’s supreme court knocking down student loan forgiveness, # of trump voters who’ve died in the past 4 years, trump is a rapist, etc) that will have a smaller, but compounding impact.
The biggest questions that I have are:
Is Harris’s campaign message enough to inspire The Kids to A) vote and B ) stayed engaged after the election. Obama’s candidacy did the former, but not the latter.
will enough institutional Rs (so called moderates, but that’s a misnomer) sit out completely or will they show up to vote for down ballot candidates. If the former, the Democratic party will end up with sweeping majorities in The House and Senate, And will have the mandate to make once-in-several-generations reforms to reduce the tyrannical rule of a small minority of Americans/voters (electoral college, gerrymandering, filibuster–all systems with origins in appeasing Southern human traffickers 250 years ago–and much more).
I think that it’s very likely that 2016 was The Last Boomer Election. People just haven’t realized it yet. Gen X was the first generation to have to try to make it in late stage capitalism and they have felt the impacts their entire lives. It’s only more true with each subsequent generation. The kids these days see the game and know that it’s rigged against them. Whether or not that turns into action or withdrawal remains to be seen. But we’ll have an indication on Tuesday.
@00 turns out, I was very wrong. This is what I get for trying to be logical about politics.
Reprint from a letter in the washington post.
Reasons not to vote for that disgusting despicable toilet floating turd.
Great letter you quoted but they left out so much.
(Ask any large contracting industry company in NY state)
(No major US bank based in NY will lend to him)
(No reputable NY law firm will represent him)
(So much for “the great businessman)
(Like the Taliban does, sounds like)
and there’s so much more.
@f00l protecting women is the biggest joke unless he amended it to say they had to be protected from him since he said he can grab them by their genitals whenever he wanted because is famous. A famous rapist maybe.
Perfect example of the FILP-FLOPPER and FRAUD that she is: Kamala Harris - the Chameleon that is ALL things to ALL people!!

@IndifferentDude Noticed no one has liked your posts or commented in support of them. Wonder why? Why don’t you list all the things you like about him and why we someone should vote for him. That shouldn’t take long.
@Felton10 I didn’t expect anyone to like my posts. It’s blatantly obvious the majority of those on this site are of the “enlightened” genre (or so they assume). I’m just a voice of TRUTH and REASON trying to educate those who believe they know it all and everyone else is below them. Cool. No need to list the multitude of Trump’s accomplishments; it’d just be fodder for the ignorant masses to try foolishly to rebuke. I’m just a modern day “voice in the wilderness”.
@IndifferentDude If you really had any substantive reasons why anyone should want to vote for Trump and you really wanted to “educate” us you would take the time to list them. And if you don’t think your posts already target you as fodder, you are mistaken. We all know exact what you are.
@Felton10 Yeah, OK Mr. Keyboard Warrior. I’ll just stay on the sidelines till next Wednesday when I check in to see all of you disillusioned fools in your safe spaces. You’ll all be in the fetal position sucking your thumbs and crying for your mommy to save you from the wicked Orange Cheeto man!! LOL!!
@IndifferentDude Just the kind of response I expected from you-all talk and no substance because you can’t defend someone who based his entire campaign on getting even, making his rich friends richer, and keeping himself out of jail. He didn’t do anything he promised during his first stint as President-why look for him to do anything now.
If he by some chance wins, I will laugh and laugh at all the people who voted for him knowing they will be much worse off with him as President-you included. People who look for others to save them rather than taking responsibility for their own faults are bound to fail and have a miserable life.
Not to mention that the biggest and worst flip flopper of them all is your VP candidate, who isn’t even using his real name:
JD Vance Was Born James Donald Bowman But Changed His Name more than once?
Things he flip-flopped on or had completely unsupportable opinions on:
Trump, climate change, abortion, IVF.
A Guide to J.D. Vance’s Most Unhinged Public Statements
J.D. Vance Is an Oil Booster and Doubter of Human-Caused Climate Change
He once said society had a climate problem but changed his position sharply while seeking Donald Trump’s endorsement in his Senate race.
JD Vance Said ‘Car Seat Rules’ Are Causing Americans To Have Fewer Kids?
JD Vance Once Said Nurses Should Be Fired If They Didn’t Get COVID-19 Vaccine?
Vance Quote About Childless People Paying More Taxes Is Real
Vance Once Referred to School Shootings as a ‘Fact of Life’
or outright lied about:
J.D. Vance Defends False Claims Against Haitians: ‘If I Have to Create Stories… That’s What I’m Going to Do’
George Clooney & Julia Roberts are telling folks to NOT tell your friends you voted for Harris / Walz!! WTF?? If the duo are so wonderful, why are they ashamed of them??
Probably because MAGA-idiots tend to violence and might attack anyone who disagrees with or votes against Sweet Potato Hitler.
@IndifferentDude @PhysAssist Pretty much.
Be sure your pantry is well stocked in case it is not safe to go out for a few days
@IndifferentDude Hopefully you will extend your absence indefinitely when Harris wins a landslide victory. I think I speak for all here in that hope.
Whomever it is that you support: don’t feed the trolls.
Calling it now. If Trump loses again he will take it to the supreme Court to try and get the election overthrown again.
Unfortunately, this time I think he will win as the supreme Court has gone from biased but trying to be reasonable to biased and ignoring all law.
Hopefully, Joseph-The-Immune will step in prior to that outcome.
@OnionSoup BTW, Kamala KILLED on WNL!
@OnionSoup @PhysAssist
Wednesday Night Live?
: )
@OnionSoup Sorry- typo…
Cesspools,’ ‘Hellholes’ and ‘Beautiful Places’: How Trump Describes the U.S.
This phase of extreme political hell is almost done now.
Then I guess we get to the next phase.
@f00l My wife showed me the video and said he was simulating oral sex. I wouldn’t put it past him given what a pervert rapist he is or the mentally of his supporters. But more likely because he hasn’t gotten anything for so long as his “grifter gold digging bimbo” wife wants nothing to do with him and is never around. That should tell his supporters something, but they are too clueless to put two and two together that if his wife is disgusting by him and doesn’t want to be around him they might not want to either.
According to “The Mooch”, Melania despises Trump. It’s purely transactional. She protects her own interests as she defines those.
According to Scaramucci, the only people who despise Trump more strongly than Melania are the members of the Joint Chiefs who were in office on Jan 6, 2021.
This is from a recent Mooch podcast. And supported by Bob Woodward’s most recent book.
MSN’s cold open segment January 7, 2021
About the events of Jan 6, 2021
Music overlay is from Johnny Cash’s cover of Nine Inch Nail’s Hurt
All you have to do is support Trump and he will give you anything. That deep throated anti-vaxer nut job RFK jr. embraced Trump and now thinks he is in line to run all the health agencies in the US if Trump is elected.
You think deaths from Covid is bad-just wait-Give this wacko keys to the health agencies in the US and you haven’t seen anything yet.
Am going to have a bit of skepticism about that.
; )
@Felton10 I’m sure Trump has someone in mind for the slot whose proclivities are far more profit-driven than RFKJr’s.
Nailed it!

I hate this thread.
Not the politics of it or even the vitriol. I spend enough time in, and participate in when the mood moves me, political threads at political sites. I’m not offended or put off by anything either side has said here.
I just hate that this thread is at Meh. We’re drawn here not because of our differences, but because of our nonconformist, irreverent, quirky similarities. And yet… this thread.
I just read one of the many election prediction articles. God knows there are a ton of them out there, in whatever flavor you want to sooth your frayed nerves while waiting for whatever tomorrow brings. This particular one ended in a way that struck me. So despite my better judgment, I’m posting it here.
This essay provides my best estimate of what will happen on election night. I might be wrong, as I have acknowledged. But there is one thing I know: Whatever happens, we must rededicate ourselves to our democratic republican ideals sooner rather than later if we want to keep our nation whole and sound.
If your party loses, ask yourself the next morning whether the person who voted for the winner is a fellow citizen or an implacable enemy. If you think the latter, you have decided victory rather than democracy is your lodestar. And if that’s the case with most Americans, our system cannot long endure.
Losing that, more than losing any election, is a tragedy we should strive to prevent.
-Henry Olsen
I realize that this will probably spawn the usual your-side-does-that-but-my-side-is-as-pure-as-the-driven-snow commentary. Whatever… Flame away at me for posting this all you want. I’m closing this tab.
You post, then “go home”?
That part isn’t quite so cool.
Are you implying that you find your thinking or your statement is so superior that any discussion would debase it?
Are the anticipated, and apparently anticipatedly crass, words that might come in reply to you so very painful? So very awful?
A more direct response to your direct content:
In any other presidential year in my life of many elections, I would have agreed with the sentiments you quoted in the sense that we must believe that accepting an election result is the same as professing faith in the constitution.
And I still hope it is. But I’ve seen a few things in the last 8 years.
I found out in late 2020 and early 2021 that some people - more than a few - would take things further against our democracy, against our republic, and against the Constitution, than I would have previously believed.
I would like the sentiments of Mr Olsen that you quoted to be completely true
Unfortunately the world is a very dangerous place or at least it can be;
and some people will corrupt anything they can touch, if it might lead them to power.
It’s possible that Mr Olsen will turn out to have been naive.
FWIW your post here does not impact my fondness for you.
Perhaps most of us will manage to stay connected in spite of all. I hope so.

@f00l Welp… Closed the tab but still got the email notification of your reply.
Ok. What you said is fair, but I didn’t intend to imply that I consider myself “so superior” or that I believe my post to be so sublime “that any discussion would debase it”…
I just don’t like this stuff here at Meh. It saddens me a little. I mean, I can handle it, but I just prefer not to. I still just like to think of this as my little respite from the world. That’s on me. Sorry if I implied any elitism!
Ok. Mea culpa as well
I understand someone choosing to avoid the topic. no matter which candidate one prefers
in a way I think we are all exhausted
I guess I had the reaction that it seemed you would post what sounded alike a polemic against other people’s’ more partisan thoufhrs
(which were fwiw for the most part expressed in a civilized fashion) …
And then just leave …
After having put up a quote that implied that you had a view from above or something …
Struck me as a little off …
If that’s not how you meant it …
you state you did not mean that, and I believe you
I’ve never had any reason to doubt your basic goodwill or decency
The fractures that the current political climate has created within my personal and social lives (and in the personal and social lives of many of my friends) go well outside this forum, obviously
I am hoping that by the weekend those of us who like each other can all agree that we still do like each other
if that was ever in doubt. I hope it wasn’t in doubt.
it’s just a few more days
@shahnm The trouble is if they didn’t create this thread then politics would be scattered across numerous threads like 4 years ago where it got really ugly. I’d rather it is stashed in one place than have to scroll by threads the got hijacked by politics.
I don’t hate the thread, but like Kamala, I agree that afterwards we need to heal- and the only way that happens is her winning…
No, Elon, it’s not even.
One example is a crime against all of humanity based on racism and racial brutality as a means of concentrating all power and wealth to another race.
The other is you trying to influence the election with your opinions (allowable, even I considering that you are very truth-challenged)
And also you trying to buy an election.
So your apparent preferred positions given these examples are entirely morally repugnant and disgusting both times.
@f00l That attribution is suspect; I can’t find confirmation that he said it, and in fact he’s on record asserting that the US government had long propped up the apartheid government, which is true simply because the US did not actively seek its overthrow. The pre-Mandela government was regarded as legitimate despite its abysmal human rights record in the area of race relations. We also supported the post-Mandela government. What Musk keeps circling back to is a baseless meme which keeps predicting an anti-white pogrom du jour every time there’s any kind of “ominous development” in that nation. And these genocides keep not happening, for some reason. I’m sure he’d find that baffling if he stopped to think about it critically.
ok I didn’t verify it. Might not be real I suppose.
As for govts being “legit” on the diplomatic sense … I govt has a stable grab on the reins of power, of becomes legit as the govt in charge.
We dont have relations w a few outlaw states. But we did have relations w S Africa all thru apartheid. Would have been more than a bit hypercritical not to (until at least the 70s) given the Jim Crows laws.
if a government is fairly stable and the foum of repression uses it’s fairly stabilized in the society and the repression is not mass murder on a daily basis or similar, or unless the government is a geopolitical threat of some sort we have relations with them.
Unless there are reasons not to such as disrupting another alliance or displeasing another key power
in the case of South Africa they were staunchly anti-communist and on our side in the Cold War, and since they weren’t officially committing mass murder on a daily basis, we have relations with them, especially since the government in question have a decades history, so long enough by modern standards
doesn’t speak for whether they have any moral standing whatsoever
Unfortunately diplomacy is a very cynical business much of the time
Ann Selzer Is The Best Pollster In Politics
How her old-school rigor makes her uncannily accurate.
How do past Iowa Poll results compare with presidential election results in Iowa?
Outlier or early warning? Late Iowa Poll confounds:
Any potential shift in Trump fortunes in Iowa could spread to other races.
Pollster Behind Shock Iowa Poll Hits Back at Trump’s Attacks
New Des Moines Register/Mediacom Iowa Poll: Harris takes lead over Trump
This is the first time Harris has led Trump in the Des Moines Register/Mediacom Iowa Poll since becoming the Democratic presidential nominee.
Could Iowa be shifting back to a presidential swing state? What the new Iowa Poll shows
This analysis [from 2022] really goes into detail [or the weeds depending on your point of view] but definitely supports Selzer’s polling acumen and accuracy.:
Ann Selzer is better at election forecasting than Nate Silver
Opinion | A new poll has thrown the final hours of the election into a tizzy.
A respected pollster put Harris way ahead in red Iowa, with huge implications for the election. Is it accurate? Or merely an off-target outlier?