Political Bullshit 2025
8New year, new bullshit.
Wanna share your thoughts on the current political climate? Candidates? Flag pins?
Do that here. We won’t be allowing political discourse in the product threads or other weird places.
You still gotta follow the rules and be respectful to each other. (No name-calling, in particular.)
- 33 comments, 110 replies
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My political thought for the day…
Donald Trump is a doodoo head.
(Oops, sorry, I just realised that’s name calling… Is it ok if we name call politicians, just not each other… After all isn’t that what politics is all about these days?
I won’t complain if you delete this for name calling. It was just throw -away silliness comment)
I don’t like politics.
I like video games and art.
Politics aren’t a part of that.
And I like it like that.
I like Lego games. Not that bad to 100%, still have some difficulty curves, GO PLAY ONE.
@Wollyhop Always good for smile, sometimes even a laugh.
@blaineg @Wollyhop that’s only if someone else steps in it
So something I found amusing and I think followers of all political parties might find amusing.
Russia’s foreign minister has warned the US that it must not attempt to claim the Panama canal because it legally belongs to Panama.
@OnionSoup 'Merica: No.
@OnionSoup Russians prefer their hypocrisy to be blatant.
Hey Russia can shut the fuck up
All of north and South America have the word America in the name of the continent
We are America
so obviously it all belongs to us
Once we gather all of northern South America except Canada and then we become Canada‘s 11th province that’ll be one pretty big province
All empires come to an end, and the American one is no exception. – Robert Kiyosaki
Just thought it wouldn’t be in my lifetime
He sounds like another tRump:
“Robert Kiyosaki… …has again captured the public’s attention with his unconventional financial strategies, this time revealing a staggering $1.2 billion in debt”
@PhysAssist no real clue. I just thought this quote appropriate
Well, I hope he’s wrong, but I’m not sure that he is…
This,too, shall pass. To make it pass faster, we need encourage the failure it must become.
@werehatrack Yeah, here’s the thing: that collapse will come with a fuckload of preventable deaths of very vulnerable people… none of which will impact the very rich people who bought the presidency and executive branch.
2025: now with less subtlety!
…and clearly following the Project 2025 playbook…
Yippee!! A Fresh Page to extol all of the Wonderful, Marvelous, Stupendous accomplishments of #47!! Can’t wait to help keep everyone informed of the non-stop greatness that will be happening each and every day thanks to the BEST President EVER … Donald J. Trump!!
@IndifferentDude Are you a pardoned Jan. 6th
rioterpeaceful tourist?@Kyeh Nope. Darn it! Couldn’t afford the trip that day.


@shahnm Yep! Bidumb was the worstest Prez EVER!! Even badder than Obummer!!
@Wollyhop Definitely some villainous mastermind vibes there.
@Kyeh @Wollyhop I don’t think she is very happy she is back in the limelight back in the white house. Of course she was an illegal immigrant herself. Makes me wonder what she thinks about what Trump is up to. And I wonder what she had to sign to make sure she is rich for life. This time she won’t have her son as an excuse to escape.
@Kidsandliz @Wollyhop Oh, she’s already said she’s splitting her time between the White House, New York, and Florida. I bet she does mostly exactly what she wants to do.
@Kyeh @Wollyhop I figured she hid her face on purpose with that hat so people couldn’t see how irritated she was to have to show up. She certainly looked unhappy.
@Kidsandliz @Wollyhop People are saying she did it to keep him frim kissing her!
It worked, too.
@Kyeh @Wollyhop Your explanation would make sense too. Who’d want to kiss him? Not me in a million years. Too gross.
@Wollyhop Good call!
@Wollyhop She wore that getup for several reasons-so Trump would get poked in the eye when he tried to kiss her (which he did), so people couldn’t see the disgust in her face that she had to pretend to like this FLOTUS gig for the next 4 years, and so we couldn’t see that her several face lifts were starting to go south.
A real model person for young women to look up to-find yourself a sugar daddy who you don’t even have to like (see admitted as such she didn’t like him the first time she met him), get yourself a green card and citizenship based on questionable skills (we can all guess what they might be), bring your parents over as anchor parents, and get increasingly richer by rewriting your prenup every time your husband wants you to do something.
She is living the American dream.
@Wollyhop I don’t know why but I got strong Michael Jackson vibes from the outfit. I’m disappointed she didn’t start a flash-dance during the inauguration, have some of the senators from both sides join in. It could have really helped heal America’s divide.
This was just awkward for everyone involved, really…
As awkward as Von Cheeto pardoning all the Jan 6th Antifa rioters, @shahnm?
@haydesigner @shahnm Do you have any concept of how ignorant that your statement appears in light of the former president’s unprecedented, in numbers and types, pardons?!
@haydesigner @shahnm pardoning the creator of the Silk Road dark web site is a little more curious. Not surprising he pardoned those that backed his coup attempt… But to pardon one of the largest drug barons of all time, without any real justification other than “his followers voted for me” is a bit eyebrow raising.
@haydesigner This was just a funny statement from Harris, given the outcome of the inauguration. I though it might lighten the mood a bit. Apparently you have no appetite for humor at the moment, at least regarding the subject of politics.
I’m not going to try to dissuade you of your biases, except to say that this kind of complaint doesn’t seem particularly principled unless you first condemned the wretched pardons of the wretched criminals that Biden’s handlers had him sign…
@haydesigner @shahnm My personal belief is that the whole “President may pardon people” is not a good thing. It blurs the line between the branches of government, and gives the President a power which he doesn’t need to perform his job. He is not judicial. It’s an untidy oversight that invites politicians to abuse it, no matter which side of the political divide they come from. No political office should have more power than it needs to perform it’s duties.
I feel like the whole office of presidency has bloated in power from what was originally intended (and I’m not blaming any individual or party here)… Executive Orders are abused by both sides and all presidents these days. The President was never meant to be a legislative office either, yet it has taken on more and more of such a role over the years.
The bloat in power of the Presidency over what was originally intended, is not a good thing for democracy. I’m not just saying that because Trump is in office, I felt that way when Biden and Obama were in office too. (although they scared me less)
The only problem is, it would probably require a President-in-office who sees it as a problem, to close the loopholes… and no President is going to work in favor of limiting their own power.
@haydesigner @OnionSoup I agree wholeheartedly!
Of the people, by the people, for the people. That is all…
@haydesigner @OnionSoup
Ulbricht was arrested in 2013 and sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole in 2015 for his role in the operation and creation of the Silk Road… Ulbricht… received a far harsher sentence than many users, such as Matthew Verran Jones, who ranked in the top 5% of drug dealers on the site and received six years in jail.
Some questioned Ulbricht’s key role in the Silk Road, arguing that he didn’t deserve to die in prison for contributing to a marketplace where users could freely exchange goods, both legal and illegal… While Ulbricht did not deny his involvement in Silk Road operations, he repeatedly contested allegations that he was the sole person in charge or the original creator of the platform… “I didn’t start the Silk Road, my predecessor did. From what I understand, it was an original idea to combine Bitcoin and Tor to create an anonymous market. Everything was in place, he just put the pieces together,” Ulbricht said in a Forbes interview in 2013.
@haydesigner @shahnm “The Scum that worked to convict him” indicates that this was a personal vendetta against individuals in the justice department rather than a legitimate pardoning. I don’t see anything above that suggests he shouldn’t be in prison…
@haydesigner @OnionSoup No one is arguing that he shouldn’t have been in prison. The point is that he served far longer than anyone else (and was scheduled for decades more), for a crime that was no worse than the others’.
His sentence was extreme because his prosecutors decided to be his persecutors based upon his politics. That double standard cannot be allowed in our judicial system.
Just because you don’t like someone or their views does not mean you can punish them more aggressively. Just because someone is aligned with your political views does not mean you can be lenient or look the other way.
None of this should be partisan.
@haydesigner @shahnm he’s responsible for countless deaths and countless ruined lives. His prison sentence is not unusual for someone responsible for 100’s of deaths.
That shouldn’t be partisan!
@haydesigner @OnionSoup His prison sentence was different from others’ who were convicted of the same crime for the same reason. That’s partisan.
@haydesigner @shahnm Happens every day, different judge, different jury, people get different sentences. Doesn’t mean it wasn’t deserved, and doesn’t mean circumstances were not considered that made one get worse than another. The penalty fits the crime.
The only “partisan” part of it is him being let free because he supported the sitting president (it was clearly a personal issue not a justice issue by the language in the President’s justification). That’s the only time partisan politics has played a part.
A man who is responsible for countless deaths gets to walk free just because he supports Trump.
@haydesigner @lomerson2 @shahnm Do you have any idea of what your statement says about your grasp of the facts? I don’t agree with all of Biden’s pardons but most were preemptive based on Trump’s threats to go after his political enemies real or imagine.
Trump pardoned people who committed real violence against police officers. What message does that send to people-two sets of laws for rich and powerful people and another for others.
Stop hiding using who Biden pardoned as an excuse to say it was ok to pardon the criminals who Trump pardoned.
I’m sure you feel more at risk knowing Dr. Fauci is walking around a free man given his decades of service to prevent diseases as opposed someone who tried to kill an officer guarding the Capitol.
I don’t.
@Felton10 @haydesigner @lomerson2 @shahnm
This is exactly why I don’t think Presidents should be able to pardon people, it just invites corruption. Giving one man the power to circumvent the law and the justice department is just wrong.
There’s definitely corruption on both sides here. It doesn’t make Biden right and it doesn’t make Trump right… it makes them both in the wrong.
@Felton10 @haydesigner @lomerson2 @OnionSoup
Couple of quick things:
Not a single J6 protestor hurt any police officers. You are either unwittingly or purposefully being gaslighted by the left’s political talking points.
For the same reasons it is easy for you to believe the silly fallacies and lies about #1, you will be hard pressed to learn the truth from our domestic “media” about Biden’s horrific pardons and commutations. That info is out there, if you want it, though. For example:
Joe Biden commutes death sentences of 37 including child killers, mass murderers: Full list
@haydesigner @lomerson2 @OnionSoup @shahnm “Not a single J6 protestor hurt any police officers”-REALLY? No use trying to argue anything with one so misinformed of what really happened.
And BTW-the37 people whose death sentences he commuted are still in jail for life-not like the J6 criminals who are free to commit more crimes. Bet Faux Snews never mentioned that.
@Felton10 @haydesigner @lomerson2 @OnionSoup Then don’t argue with me. I honestly don’t care. I’m have no misconceptions that I or anyone can dissuade you of your fervent beliefs, or the idea that they are based in truth. You like to be told what you want to believe, and you like to believe what you’re told by those who cater to that.
There’s an industry of “media” who will tell you of the confessions of the “guilty”. They might not mention that those confessions were coerced out of terrified citizens who had no idea that they would be persecuted and incarcerated for years as political prisoners without due process, and would thus say anything to ease their plight…
Enjoy that, I guess.
@haydesigner @OnionSoup @shahnm
Then there’s this:
Federal prosecutors alleged that Ulbricht had paid $730,000 in murder-for-hire deals targeting at least five people, because they purportedly threatened to reveal the Silk Road enterprise. Prosecutors believed that no contracted killing actually occurred. Ulbricht was not charged in his trial in New York federal court with murder for hire, but evidence was introduced at trial supporting the allegations. The district court found by a preponderance of the evidence that Ulbricht probably commissioned the murders. The possibility that Ulbricht had commissioned murders was considered by the judge in sentencing Ulbricht to life and was a factor in the Second Circuit’s decision to uphold the sentence. Ulbricht was separately indicted in federal court in Maryland on a single murder-for-hire charge, alleging that he contracted to kill one of his employees (a former Silk Road moderator).[42] Prosecutors moved to drop this indictment after his New York conviction and sentence became final.
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ross_Ulbricht#:~:text=Ulbricht identifies as a libertarian.
Are you completely blind""- all you had to do was watch the actual video to see them beating the cops- with all manner of potentially deadly implements- sometime on multiple different camera angles so you can see exactly who and what they were doing.
More than a few of them even signed sworn statement to that effect in making their guilty please-and at least several recanted their actions as having been unduly influenced by their belief that Trump was being honest in saying that the election was stolen- which it obvious;ly was NOT!
Really- the “Times of India” is your reliable reputable source of factual information?
@haydesigner @lomerson2 @OnionSoup @shahnm “Without due process” most were found guilty by a jury of their peers. Hard to argue with anyone who is so limited in their ability to process any real information. Keep swallowing the lies that Trump is shoveling to the uneducated and uninformed.
@PhysAssist As soon as you can prove who specifically was beating a cop, I’ll be all ears. It’s very clear that this was an op, orchestrated to create a desired outcome. A lot of otherwise good people got swept up in it - who can blame them for thinking protesting wasn’t all that terrible a thing? After all, with all of the (unpunished) burning, breaking, killing, and mayhem unleashed by antifa and leftist activists over the past few years, one might begin to think wandering through the capitol after hours wouldn’t have been that big a deal. No one seemed to make much of a fuss when leftist protestors entered the halls of congress to scream at and threaten senators during the Obamacare vote, for example…
I have no idea. I’ll wager anything you ask that they’re more honest than the NYT, WaPo, and the propaganda media here, though. Anyway, you quoted al jazeera and some other known toilet paper rags below, so I’m not sure you’re really seeking journalistic integrity…
You were all about hating what you called the divisiveness created by or enhanced by the political thread before the election
Now you seem to want to participate in full
MAN OH MAN… absolutely nobody got my point from my original comment.
The convservative media has spent YEARS convincing all their listeners and readers that it was NOT those super America-loving patriotic Trump lovers who stormed the capitol, attacked scored of police, and committed acts of desecration.
No no no… it was ANTIFA who did it, not conservatives!!!
So now Trump just pardoned all the Antifa rioters.
Now you seem to want to participate in full
@f00l You’re right. I’ve had a fucked up couple of days, and I think I unloaded here. Having way too much free time today because the weather canceled most of what I otherwise had scheduled definitely greased the wheels…
I need to put myself into a time-out and get back to snarky humor and dad jokes.
I do like politics. I do like all of you - whether or not we agree about politics. I’m sorry that some of my posts were clearly just trolling…
@shahnm You know that’s fake, right?
FWIW if one shows too much of oneself on certain hot button topics esp political ones … there are often or usually consequences in relationship and reputations.
Some people get enhanced. Or enhanced within a preferred demographic
Others don’t.
I doubt there’s anything much to be done about preventing that. (Here or elsewhere)
Anyone really think this was accidental?
@Cerridwyn absolutely not an accident. Now, I’m not saying Elon did it because he was a nazi but Trump makes a very similar (if less brazen) salute at his rallies and Elon is simply copying.
I don’t think Trump intends it as a nazi salute, but he does openly admire a lot of dictators, current and historical, and I think he probably is subconsciously envious of the nazi salutes and wants that same kind of recognition which is why he makes that salute from time to time.
@Cerridwyn @OnionSoup
Really… You guys can do better than this.
@Cerridwyn @OnionSoup
The Anti-Defamation League (ADL), a nonprofit focused on combating antisemitism, defended tech billionaire Elon Musk’s “awkward” gesture during a Monday celebratory event which some critics panned as a fascist salute.
“This is a delicate moment. It’s a new day and yet so many are on edge. Our politics are inflamed, and social media only adds to the anxiety,” the ADL wrote in a Monday post on Musk’s social platform X. “It seems that @elonmusk made an awkward gesture in a moment of enthusiasm, not a Nazi salute, but again, we appreciate that people are on edge.”
@shahnm watch the full video and see the difference
In that, if you really want to hitch yourself to this puerile fiction, Kamala actually gave a Hitler salute to her audience, while Elon symbolically grabbed his heart and threw it out to his audience?
Do you really believe that either of those individuals was trying to symbolize sympathy for the Nazi cause??
Find policy differences of substance. We can discuss and debate things. We can, if we want, learn from each other. But this “Hitler” stuff is just utterly inane.
@Cerridwyn @OnionSoup
@shahnm @TcxvmeS
Not when President Must also supported ultra-right fascist parties in Germany [AfD]-
@PhysAssist @TcxvmeS Ok then. Let’s quote every single source who would naturally go here, because this is the sort of garbage they’ve pretty much done ever since they decided Orange Man Bad. If you decide to move on from 2016, I’d love to talk more…
It’s not humanly possible to be this willfully ignorant.
@haydesigner That is exactly the point I’ve been trying to make.
@Wollyhop Now that’s funny.
President Trump’s near-total pardon of Jan. 6 rioters was denounced by the Fraternal Order of Police, the largest police union in the U.S., and the International Association of Chiefs of Police on Tuesday.
And one of the rioters has refused the pardon.
Steve Friend is an FBI whistleblower and now a podcaster who lost his job and found himself the target of outrageous federal persecution after he respectfully challenged his superiors on the unconstitutional, illegal, biased campaign against Jan. 6 protestors. He and fellow whistleblowers who call themselves “The Suspendables” saw up close and personal just how terrible the corruption in the FBI was, and now Friend is praising Trump for pardoning or commuting the sentences of nearly all Jan. 6 prisoners. Friend told me, “Blanket pardons are the correct decision. Regardless of the fact pattern for any particular J6 case, the federal government made a deliberate decision to depart from its obligation to follow due process. When that happens, the justice system in a free country has no alternative but to consider cases irrevocably tainted and every defendant must go free.”
She’s an honest and honorable person- who served her time, and recanted her support for tRump and the Republican’ts.
@PhysAssist @rockblossom It’s her right. Perhaps she being principled. Perhaps she made a few bucks - we’ll eventually find out. In any case, it’s pretty easy to decline a pardon years after you’re already out…
Common Sense has been resurrected in America!!
Thank you Mr. President!! 
@IndifferentDude The cream I mean racists always rise to the top. I mean those who think that they were denied something because some minority got in front of them when in fact it was their own limitations and inadequacies that prevented them from getting ahead. Those are the type of losers that Trump prays upon and follows him.
@Felton10 Can we dispense with the ad hominems?
@shahnm Your comments seem to be well thought out and made by someone who is intelligent but the substance of them lack any relationship to what actually occurred so if the shoe fits.
Guess I would be upset also if I had nothing to back up the outrageous statements I made (ie no police were attached and no one got due process).
@Felton10 Right back at you.
But anyway if anything I said earlier seemed in any way personal or unnecessarily inflammatory, I apologize. We’re going to disagree about a lot of things, but I don’t want to be disagreeable.
@shahnm No I understand where you ae coming from and if any of my comments seemed too personal I didn’t mean them to be, I apologize also.
I’m sure like you when someone says something that are inconsistent with the facts as I believe them to be it makes you lash out at the source of those “facts”.
TL; DR for this thread so far:
Finally, content on Twitter worth watching:
It seems as if the definition of a hostage has changed
Proof Michelle Obama is a nazi, and Elon clearly isn’t.
@haydesigner Oh man… I don’t think you meant to, but you just really reinforced a stereotype here…
Maybe you’re just “interposing” and it’s going over my head…
Ah, you’re right @Limewater… I meant Kamala, not Obama.
ANOTHER WIN FOR AMERICA!! I’m not sure how much more WINNING I can take!! 
I’m glad my colleague at NASA, one of the kindest, most thoughtful people I know, retired before they could be hit by the anti-DEI McCarthyism that went out today. They did their best to make sure our national space program was safer, and that “safety” didn’t just mean “for white men of a certain size”.
Just 3 years ago, there was a fascinating virtual symposium on NASA’s work. If you’re interested, it hasn’t been taken down yet: https://www.nasa.gov/spaceflight-for-everybody-virtual-symposium/
They are, incidentally, one of the best Christians I know, exemplifying the idea that we would know Christians by their deeds, not by show of symbols or the half-assed performances people like Trump put on for the cameras.
@brainmist Yeah, they talk a good talk but how would they include the following people to reach the so-called “Spaceflight for Everybody”:
Get the point? Not Everybody can be included no matter how well intentioned your dreams for them be included are!
@IndifferentDude Did you watch the symposium?
We get it, dude, you’re bitter that you know you can’t compete even with the advantages of race and gender, much less if you don’t get bonus points for those factors. Have you considered actually trying to improve yourself, instead of hating on the people better than you?
@brainmist @IndifferentDude I think you meant to say people different from you.
@brainmist @IndifferentDude
@brainmist I guess all the simple-minded self-appointed elites consider disagreement as “hate” in their feeble minds. That’s fine; you have my sincerest sympathies for your misguided superiority.
Can wait for all of the unqualified Trump’s nominees to fuck up everything due to their lack of experience, personal failings and blind allegiance to the Orange Fuhrer. That will be must see TV.
“I certainly can too”
I’m in no rush for that to happen
@chienfou Meant “Can’t” of course.
I stand by my desire for it NOT to happen.
@Felton10 I thinking Hegseth will put on the best show with RFK Jr. in the #2 spot if he (horrors!) gets confirmed.
@ItalianScallion Think RFK Jr. and Gabert will be defeated by the Senate as the most unqualified of all the Trump unqualified he has nominated. Everyone he nominated did something for him and got his attention in some way or another. Even the ones who have some experience are just plain ignorant (Rubio for example). And Guilfoyle for ambassador to anyplace-give me a break-she got that so she wouldn’t make a stink when Trump Jr. kicked her to the curb.
Hegseth got confirmed as the best of the worst. With his track record and lack of experience, no one should hire him for anything, but Republican senators are saving their “no” votes for the worst or the worst less they get “primaried” by Trump. Trump never wanted Jr. anyway but promised him and if he doesn’t get confirmed he can say he tried. No big loss anyway.
Well now, would you look at that!!
Putin even acknowledges Biden’s stolen election!! 
This All-Inclusive, Liberal Chant Is Taking Over The Country And Once You Hear It You’ll Understand Why
The WINNING just keeps on going … and going … and going!!

My letter to the editor about to send:
I know a thing or two about bullying. In junior high, I was bullied by a classmate for several months before I decided to stand up to him. I got a black eye for my trouble but low and behold, we became friends and he actually became my protector against others who tried to bully me. So standing up him was the best course of action. Fast forward to today.
Trump is bullying everyone for everything. Threats and intimidation galore. Others are trying to get on his good side by contributing millions to his inauguration, getting rid of DEI from their corporations, threats of tariffs, and voting for all the incompetents he nominated for cabinet and government positions. Trump threatens to “primary” elected officials who dare to cross him But to ignore or give into him is not the way to deal with a bully. That only emboldening them to bully more. As I learned, the most effective way is to stand up to the bully and confront them and maybe duck. They are not used to that.
With Trump the term “Bully Pulpit” is just not an meaningless term but a way of life.
Thought it would take longer for the dog do do to hit the fan but never say never to someone who is totally out of control and only thinks about himself and not the country he was elected to serve.
Blaming DEI for the plane crash in the Potomac saying he had no proof but it was only common sense (of which he has zero) bared his racist streak for all to see. And saying he was only going to focus on illegal immigrants who committed crimes to deport first-well how has that worked out in the more than 50% may be here illegally but have committed no crime. Any blacks or hispanics rethinking their vote for Trump?
He thinks DEI are incompetent for positions in his administration. I will put them up against the list of unqualified people he nominated-Gaetz, Kennedy and Gabbert to name the worse.
I’m going to review the cases of each of the 1/6 defendants individually to see which ones deserve pardons-yeh right-lets let them all out even the ones who beat the shit out of the police because they did it for me.
Prices are going to come down when I take office. Saw a dozen eggs for 5.99 today and more pain to come with the tariffs on both sides.
Imposed tariffs on Canada even though less than 1 10th of 1 percent of the fentanyl comes thought the Canadian border. That is true also for illegal crossing also. Yet he doesn’t say what specific steps he wants taken to remove the tariffs because he doesn’t have a clue as that would take some brain power to do which we all know that he is lacking in.
We all know the economy and immigration were the main reason he got elected and when those turn south quickly they will effect his supporters the quickest and the most and I will sit by and laugh and laugh as their misery and suffering is out there for all to see.
A dozen eggs start at $6.99 where I live… well, I haven’t checked Trader Joe’s prices yet. The real problem for me is getting a new car. Last week the clutch cable broke again. It’s a $400 part that requires lots of hours to put in. I’m going to have it done, keep the car, and risk no major repairs like that will happen until the tariffs are dropped. And of course, used cars are going to go up in price because new ones are going to go up in price. Thanks a pantload, you ignorant manchild.
@ItalianScallion eggs? what eggs? shelf is empty
@Cerridwyn Hmmm… time to get some laying hens?
@Cerridwyn @ItalianScallion That is of course if the bird flu hasn’t gotten to them yet. But don’t worry you won’t know if they are infected or not because Trump has rolled back all the regulations which monitor and report such information.
@Felton10 @ItalianScallion
actually Target had some today
Egglands Best only, and 9 bucks a dozen
Damn STRAIGHT!! No sickos allowed!! USA! USA!! USA!!!
@IndifferentDude Not allowed:
@IndifferentDude Guess that is why Gaetz got the old heave ho and Hegseth made it by the skin of his teeth. Perverts, child molesters and adulterers have always been embraced and welcomed by Republicans especially MAGA’s.
@Felton10 “Perverts, child molesters and adulterers have always been embraced and welcomed by Republicans” … and I guess that is why all those allowed to invade the US under Biden (the little girl sniffer) are now being deported?? If they embrace them, as you say, why get rid of them??
@Felton10 @IndifferentDude You’re crazy if you think that that is just one party doing that stuff.
@IndifferentDude You mean the buffoon. Mexico had already committed to send 15k troops to the border and Canada last year said they would spend 1.5 million to secure the border last year. So both the 10k troops were already in the process of being sent and the 1.3 million was already on the way.
The “best and the brightest” advisors were too stupid to tell him that so he looked like the horses rear that well all know he is. And his uninformed lemmings bought this steaming load of horse excrement as a the truth and a win. Funny but not surprising.
@Felton10 Maybe a smidgeon of what you say “may” be true, but if Trump hadn’t forced them to act they never would have followed through on their “promises”! They’d still be taking us for fools like they did when Bidumb (actually Obummer was pulling the strings) was in “charge”.
@IndifferentDude Let me get back to you on what you are saying after I hear what the real President Elon Musk has to say.
And BTW-your name calling tells us all we need to know about the validity of your arguments and your thought process in all this.
@Felton10 MY name calling??
Well, if that’s what you call it then I’ve learned from the Master! Thank you for teaching me and I hope I’m making you proud!
@IndifferentDude Hey I wasn’t the person who threatened to disclose my name online because that is all you and the MAGA’s have at your disposal-threats and intimidation-no substance to any of your arguments.
And then when you were slapped down by the powers that be, you came back with the tail between you legs BS excuse you were having a bad day. Not a bad day-a bad life-that showed exactly what type of person you really are. We all know that.
@Felton10 You sure are stunning when you’re angry and think you’re right. Love ya, my bestest friend!!
@IndifferentDude Hate to disappoint you but never was and never will be your best friend. My guess if you don’t have many if any at all.
@Felton10 Trump just signed an Executive Order that you are my PERMANENT Best Friend! Oh joy!! Have a great evening buddy!
@IndifferentDude Oh shit. Knew his executive orders were getting out of control.
@Felton10 @shahnm except, well, China. Haven’t read that is now on pause yet. And they are playing
trade warchess back. At least as of this morning.@Felton10 @Kidsandliz Don’t read too much into a funny meme t-shirt. It doesn’t cover all of the nuances… It’s just funny. As was @Felton’s comic above it.
@Felton @Felton10 @shahnm I’m not. I thought it was funny too (and his as well). Hopefully it will be true, presuming they back off of China.