@Kyeh, Yeah & they try to sell us cordless toothbrushes all the time, so they either think our breath stinks, or our teeth do! FYI, meh, I got no teeth, 0, none, nada, zero, zilch!
@ponagathos It’s an oil that hangs out on the surface in a very thin layer. It works great if you remember to spray before you poo. I would imagine that a can of cooking spray would probably work fine as well, minus the scent. Never tried it, though.
Correct. First dismember, then grind, and then flush incrementally, with an additional flush between loads now and then to help ensure that clogs of solids don’t develop in the run to the wastewater main.
@ponagathos@werehatrack@yakkoTDI British serial killer Dennis Nilsen should’ve followed your advice. That’s how he got caught–clogging up the pipes with pieces of people.
@ponagathos@werehatrack@yakkoTDI Trump should have listened to your flushing instructions if he really wanted to destroy documents. Instead he just clogged the WH toilets.
Anyone else confused by the fact the listed price on the giant button is $4 but you hafta buy 4 so it’s actually $16? I see now that it says 4 for $16 but it says $4 on the front page-?
This stuff actually works great - better than the aerosol sprays. The hard part is remembering to spray FIRST. Spray the bowl FIRST. Then go. Then when you’re done, there’s no smell at all. It does more than cover the smell. It’s like the smell was never there to begin with. It’s amazing. There’s a bottle in my bathroom right now! I use it all the time (i.e. all the time I remember to use it).
I told you! I work hard to produce the most vile and putrid stench anyone could gag on…I’m not about to cover it up. If you go in after me, That’s on you. Choke.
Product: Pick-Your-4-Pack: Poo-Pourri 2oz Toilet Sprays
Condition: New
What’s Included?
Price Comparison
$27.84 for 4 similar on Pourri.com
90 days
Estimated Delivery
Monday, Feb 21 - Wednesday, Feb 23
My shit don’t stink!
@yakkoTDI, Yeah, right!! Dat’s what she said!!

Too late for Valentine’s Day!
This stuff stinks.
This deal stinks.
Oh wait - that might be this shit stinks.
Actually don’t spray this stuff around cats either. Enough of it and it can kill them.
@Kidsandliz I’m sorry for your loss.

Meh continues with its campaign to deodorize us - they must think we really reek!
Continued chemical warfare, more like. This kind of crap gives me a raging headache.
@Kyeh @werehatrack Some people’s sht could be considered chemical warfare.
@Kyeh, Yeah & they try to sell us cordless toothbrushes all the time, so they either think our breath stinks, or our teeth do! FYI, meh, I got no teeth, 0, none, nada, zero, zilch!
@Kyeh @lisagd @werehatrack, Yeah, "cause Eeeeverything has Agent
Orange, or worse in it!! 

…Eat Up Y’all ☣ Think, Paraquat!!
This sh*t works wonders!
How much of this shit do you have?
@somf69 A metric crap-ton.
@awk Mehtric maybe?
Somebody at meh really likes essential oils.
this takes all the fun out of eating broccoli beef
Makes a great present to your Valentine!
… if you’re ready to shop for a new Significant Other.
Oh poo
I came here for the poop jokes. Instead, it’s like sitting on the throne and just farting.
Why so damn expensive!!! $4 per mini bottle. I have the 8oz I got for $3. Wtf MEH. Not like ya to be jimmying my Jammy slam my whammy!!!
I can not imagine this stuff works with a modern toilet. There is not enough water in the bowl.
Just flush people.
NO. That is how you clog the toilet.
@ponagathos It’s an oil that hangs out on the surface in a very thin layer. It works great if you remember to spray before you poo. I would imagine that a can of cooking spray would probably work fine as well, minus the scent. Never tried it, though.
@ponagathos @yakkoTDI
Correct. First dismember, then grind, and then flush incrementally, with an additional flush between loads now and then to help ensure that clogs of solids don’t develop in the run to the wastewater main.
And remember, commas save lives.
@ponagathos @werehatrack @yakkoTDI I’m crying XD
@ponagathos @werehatrack @yakkoTDI British serial killer Dennis Nilsen should’ve followed your advice. That’s how he got caught–clogging up the pipes with pieces of people.
@ponagathos @werehatrack @yakkoTDI Trump should have listened to your flushing instructions if he really wanted to destroy documents. Instead he just clogged the WH toilets.
Are sidedeal bonuses over? There haven’t been any in the past 3 days.
Anyone else confused by the fact the listed price on the giant button is $4 but you hafta buy 4 so it’s actually $16? I see now that it says 4 for $16 but it says $4 on the front page-?
Never mind—it’s only on my “meh” app but on the browser its correct—
This stuff actually works great - better than the aerosol sprays. The hard part is remembering to spray FIRST. Spray the bowl FIRST. Then go. Then when you’re done, there’s no smell at all. It does more than cover the smell. It’s like the smell was never there to begin with. It’s amazing. There’s a bottle in my bathroom right now! I use it all the time (i.e. all the time I remember to use it).
@marknmd nothing like an oil slick to kill the smell (and other incidentals)…
I told you! I work hard to produce the most vile and putrid stench anyone could gag on…I’m not about to cover it up. If you go in after me, That’s on you. Choke.

I keep seeing this and always wonder…
Does this leave a ring at the water level?
@chienfou I wondered the same thing, but I’ve used it for a while now and never a ring. (At least from the spray
This joke will be worse, way worse (I mean like Dad-joke or Grandpa-joke worse) than your Iron Maiden joke, but here goes:
Q: What did the Heavy Metal group
BismuthTallica say to the Metal band The Copperheads?
A: You guys are a bunch of light-weights.