@PlacidPenguin Depends on what you’re learning. Generally speaking, asking gets you the information easier than not asking if you actually want to know.
@Cythwulf@PlacidPenguin asking and getting an accurate answer is easier/faster than searching…although I must admit @placidpengiun seems to find all sorts of stuff on the meh forum that I have given up finding…
I asked this on the “About Last Week” thread we week ago, but ChadP didn’t make it to it, so I’ll ask here:
You said that y’all put together a lot of fukos beforehand this time (meaning for the Final Fuko with all the give-aways). Do y’all not normally make fukos before putting them on sale? If you don’t, how do you know how many you’ll be able to build? They seem to have a variable number of items included.
@Limewater In the past, we’ve set a limit on the number we can sell. Just based on experience, we can look at the stockpile of stuff that we have available and set availability based on that. We knew what was in inventory, so we could set a number based on that.
We’re always looking for ways to make it better, so having the time to do a little prep work this time made it so that we could ship out Fukos in real time. That was the only main change to the system.
@mehbee@Targaryen I was only there on a brief layover on my way to England. I had a friend recently visit and their photos from Reykjavik and Eldhraun were gorgeous. I have always wanted to go back and spend more time in Iceland though–be sure and take a ton of pictures–that place is magical.
From the first “What’s Interesting” video, it looks like y’all are in an “open office” configuration.
How do you feel about this? Please be as candid as possible.
@Limewater Every so often I make eye contact with @woodhouse and it ends up like two cats that don’t know each other making increasingly angry faces at each other.
@Limewater It’s pretty nice actually, the CS people work fairly close together but we can sit anywhere we’d like it just happens we all sit here since we share info a lot. Before we filled the seats a couple times @Snapster would even come sit near us when he could stand us.
@Limewater I prefer it, our chairs are comfy and roll on the floor with Gilligan-esque like “precision”. With an open office it gives a different (better) feel than working in a cubicle or office space.
@Limewater in my last job I never got to change cubicle locations, never, not once. Everyone else in the department changed spots, were switched, I remained. I have already sat in 2 whole new spaces- works for me Happy Happy Joy Joy !
@Limewater It’s nice to be able to see everyone and not get stuck in a closed in corner of the world. I also tend to desk hop when I’m in town to swipe the desk of whatever unsuspecting soul isn’t there that morning.
The train video was awesome. At work I sit in ‘collaborative’ seating. This is about meh though. @TC - you could also go to someone’s PC and send and email to ‘All’ if the person forgot to lock their PC…
Least is customers not following-up or responding after we email them back, even if they don’t like our initial response. We’re trying to resolve things, not just get stuff out of our face.
@parodymandotcom I like it best (especially on Meh) when people “get it” the jokes, the way the write ups are and pictures work. It just works. Least, I’d have to say customers anywhere in general, that treat CS people poorly.
I’ve always gotten good customer service w/ya’ll…even when it was my fuck-up and i had my zip code wrong for a few orders…ya’ll still tried to find my stuff and re-ship…except the birthday shirts…I’m still bitter about those shirts…
I think y’all have great customer service – the best anywhere. I especially like @woodhouse and @Targaryen. (Hey guys, was that good enough for me to earn your $50? You have my address…)
Is there a way to go to the most recent comments in a thread without having to scroll through the entire thing? Mafia, FUKO reveals, etc are long enough to get through the first time…
@medz I’ve never seen a real scorpion before so neutral mostly? I did find a scorpion tail under my fridge once though when I swept, no idea where the rest was.
@cardiganb Worked in a grocery store while in college. Produce department would occasionally get “exotic” insects, reptiles, and amphibians in boxes. I’m assuming they came from Mexico and further south.
How do you like your office space? Just a bunch of desks in a big room without any cube walls or anything.
Edit: oops I see question is a duplicate…
Is that space temporary?
@medz A slightly different answer from my previous, I enjoy the openness of it. I’m not staring at cube walls. There is art that changes on occasion, people stop by to ask questions. It kind of promotes a better atmosphere I think. Also the sun lights help as well.
@Targaryen Back in the day, I did more than a few “Come out Lurker” threads. The response was “varied”. A few people we still see today, most not. I kinda gave up.
Given the fact that I started the threads - I am not surprised
What item caused the most return requests? What item was the most surprising from a sales perspective (can’t believe that it didn’t sell or can’t believe that it did)?
@rm9116 I’ve been here as long, but I’d say without numbers makeup type items. Not because it’s bad but customer usually say it doesn’t work. That kind of thing. Same as the others I’d say spinners, I thought people were over that fad but you guys and others thought otherwise.
@medz I think we have a fail safe in case there is some sort of crazy toxic stuff happening, but no one can just click a button and read them. It’s a challenge.
@lichme We see him daily and at lunch he eats with us. Everyone (unless they go out) eats in the restaurant room mostly. Benefits: VMP Stuff in the pipeline: we’re thinking about more content videos and such to put up.
What has been the strangest support request? And by that I mean stranger than someone forgetting their own address or needing tech support on a t-shirt.
@narfcake The strangest ever for me wasn’t here. I was working at Bose in the tech support dept. And a woman called about a CD being stuck in her player/radio. Easy enough to get it to pop it out, but afterwards she inhaled hard and I thought she was amazed so I said “I know pretty neat right?” Nope, not neat she said “oh my god, you’re in my house!” It took me a second to register her thoughts and try to calm her down. That didn’t work so I tried explaining the reason it popped out but she didn’t want to hear it so and was completely inconsolable so Ipassed her off to my manager at that time. That was the strangest.
@lichme At least one a day, but usually that isn’t our call mostly. If it seems semi-legit I’ll pass it to the merchandise side of things. We do get some Russian email spam. I can’t read Russian so either they’re selling us sneakers or it’s code for the Russian sleeper agent planted here for the eventual Red Dawn moment.
Do you have to stop yourself from checking the forums when you are not at work or do you choose to actively participate from home as well?
/giphy work from home
How do you feel about creating an @MehMods (or similar) alias so that we can tag all current Moderators in a post, instead of picking and choosing individual users.
A report button seems excessive given the easy going nature of the forums
Or maybe a slash command
Edit: just saying if they ever do /goat to automatically input the goat’s username, they could do something similar for /mods to automatically input all current mods.
@djslack I hear we’re building a cage, but it’s being held up by debates about whether to dangle it over a pool of sharks with lasers on their heads, or a pit of snakes.
@Thumperchick I think I like @leftoverburrito’s option better. I don’t know if the policy hadn’t been fully sorted or what when I went, though… I think someone just asked me if I wanted a shake. I guess I should have said yes and seen what happened next.
When you interview people for a job at Meh-quarters, do you take in to account if the person seems to have a good grasp of sarcasm to ensure they would be able to handle the work situation and customer base? This isn’t sarcasm, I am actually interested in how a group of people that seem to understand how much sarcasm is just enough without crossing a line in write ups and responses came to be there.
@ThomasF I love Pearl Jam and classical music, but that is still one annoying arrangement.
I’m pleasantly surprised the in-house dj bot hasn’t sparked any HR complaints (that I know of).
Also, while I’m making suggestions. How do you feel about allowing users to tag other users (reddit style, not whisper). It would be for us people with crappy memories who like to participate in forums, but don’t want to look like a fool not remembering that somebody is a dude etc.
I really miss the live shows with @JonT, @hollboll, and @moose - am i missing someone? I think I am. Any thought to doing something like this in the future?
@mfladd they were a lot of fun for us to do but a disaster in the end; even if people wanted to watch, there were so many problems with the stream that it was nearly impossible, and we never really had enough real content to warrant them anyway.
I do miss all the periscopes though, I felt like those usually worked out pretty well, required next to zero planning or setup, and were convenient for people to watch. Pretty sure no one uses that app anymore though so oh well
@Moose The “live” component of videos doesn’t really add much for me. Real-time interaction isn’t really much more engaging than just chatting in the forums. I think more frequent, pre-recorded, lightly-edited videos would be a welcomed development.
@cengland0 Some have been banned so long it won’t be lifted until they have great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandchildren.
@Targaryen Lately I’ve been listening to:
The Dear Hunter: The Color Spectrum
Casey And Candice’s Couple’s Therapy Podcast
Dave Matthews Band: Come Tomorrow
Chance the Rapper: I Might Need Security on repeat
@mfladd@moonhat@PlacidPenguin Actually there’s mostly a bunch of nonsense going on between us in Slack but we don’t bad mouth you all much. We love our forum people.
@Kevin All the time. Typically because even with our “expert” negotiating skills, we just can’t get a price to offer our customers enough savings. Alternatively, sometimes we walk away from something several times but finally reach a deal months later.
@sammydog01 well I went to school for Business, my major was actually entrepreneurship (Go Hoosiers) and previously I worked for Dillard’s for 7 years as a buyer. But honestly, I learned the most from the other buyers and management at Mediocre. This buying job is unlike any other that I know of.
When people buy fuko’s is there any method to the madness in terms of who gets what box or is all of it totally random? To VMP’s have any benefit in terms of what box they get?
why do you send out obvious broken stuff for a foku bag?..One, It upsets a customer, no matter how much we love the MEH experience…and two, it makes no sense to pay shipping on an item someone is going to throw away, or even warehouse it for that matter…why not try to make customers happy? (esp. ones that have placed 44 orders in the last year and have a membership)…
@aetris well, what I wanted to do was give something extra life…not have a good time destroying it. My whole mantra at garage and estate sales is to take/buy something from someone else, get the story behind it and let the person know it will continue giving enjoyment to someone. I do that with much of that stuff. See this little Bulova clock?..I bought it 6 years ago at an estate sale from a woman who’s Dad had just died. He used to take it with him while traveling with his wife in the 60’s…and kept it all these years by his bed…She didn’t even want to sell it but I loved it and told her I would use it and enjoy it as much as he did. It works great and I use it in my man room. Would never sell it even though I paid a buck and it’s worth some good coin.!(BTW, the bookcase belonged to my wifes grandmother when she was growing up…about 70 years old. Use it for my TV and XBOX 1 X set-up.)
@fastharry - I sympathize but you are talking to a guy who helped his father move into a retirement community the year before last, then moved OUT of his own house into his father’s in order to get IT ready for the final move, and is now helping his in-law’s move into a retirement community - so my current view on STUFF is something like this:
@djslack@fastharry It’s five dollars for who knows what. It’s a part of the surprise and “it could be anything” nature of the bag. While it is nice to get some working stuff in one, it is explicitly described as garbage lying around, whatever that might entail.
In the age old question, “How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck would,” I believe the answer is difficult to answer because it implies that a woodchuck can not chuck wood. So how can there be a hypothetical answer with any validity? I’m stuck in a loop …
@adwaller - New York state wildlife expert Richard Thomas found that a woodchuck could (and does) chuck around 35 cubic feet of dirt in the course of digging a burrow. Thomas reasoned that if a woodchuck could chuck wood, he would chuck an amount equivalent to the weight of the dirt, or 700 pounds.
@adwaller Guybrush: How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? Carpenter: A woodchuck would chuck no amount of wood since a woodchuck can’t chuck wood. Guybrush: But if a woodchuck could chuck and would chuck some amount of wood, what amount of wood would a woodchuck chuck? Carpenter: Even if a woodchuck could chuck wood and even if a woodchuck would chuck wood, should a woodchuck chuck wood? Guybrush: A woodchuck should chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood, as long as a woodchuck would chuck wood. Carpenter: Oh shut up.
@dashcloud you just reminded me of the speakerless portable Bluetooth amp that a guy stopped by to sell the forum one day. (This might also be an example of running off new people).
I bet they’ve gotten way wackier things behind the scenes.
@medz People would think I have kettle corn, which I don’t, which I’m sure would be considered a felony and federal offense, and I’d go to jail for being a filthy liar.
@medz@ThomasF Get random flavored oreos…taste test those…yell “OREOS” and then feed your ppl…report the findings back here…mostly so I don’t have to commit to an entire bag of random oreo flavor that I may or may not like…
@Targaryen You asking us???
mine: movie - Sliding Doors and most comic book movies starting w/ Iron Man
book: nothing stands out as favorite…I like to read too much…prefer to favor authors over a specific book
@naropa We are based in Dallas, Texas but some members telecommute. Not sure on the Mexican food thing, to me some restaurants are better than others. For instance I find gas station taco joints often better than full on restuarants. Never been to the H-Mart in NY but we’ve got two here in the Dallas area and they are nice. One is like a small Koreatown. I got to one of these once a week to grocery shop.
@naropa@Targaryen I keep seeing the H-Mart…I keep thinking to go check that out…I’m the weird one that when I travel I go check out the grocery stores and yet I keep missing that one…I wish Dallas would get an HEB though…and ditto on the gas station taco joints here…found an excellent one near my house…as well as a kick-ass pupusas place…
@amehzinggrace@naropa The one in Carollton is the most fun because there are other shopping options around as well. Plus there are about 7 coffee shops in that square… and 5 more across the over the highway in the plaza nearby. HEB’s are pretty awesome, I hit those up in San Antonio when I got. I usually make due with Trader Joe’s or Central Market.
@amehzinggrace H-mart is amazing, go to 99 ranch market for the pineapple bread. I used to live in Seattle and it was one thing I truly missed–turns out there was one in the neighborhood here in Texas.
@amehzinggrace@riskybryzness pineapple bread, really? My first reaction to the thought of that is ew. But actually it doesn’t sound too bad. Is it moist? Is it like cake? Do tell.
@amehzinggrace@moonhat It’s just like a normal pastry, more like a muffin as far as texture? The topping is kind of crumbly and sweet–doesn’t have too much of a pineapple taste-- but it’s damn delicious. Random recipe for pictures.
There’s a place back in Seattle Mee Sum Pastry–it’s at Pike Place. They have pineapple bread, pork buns and red bean sesame cakes. So, 99 Ranch Market in DFW has the closest thing with the pineapple buns–highly recommend it!
@PlacidPenguin something happened, mine did it too (once anyway, just now).
I just got a flash of something new in the UI when I posted this, but it went away. “There are 63 comments, we hid all but 0.” I’m guessing upgrades are afoot.
You arrive at work one morning to find out that @snapster has reassigned all of you to function as customer support garments. What garment are you, and why? Jock strap? Sports bra? Men’s spanx?
@Limewater Don’t think I’d had one, but now I know what I’m getting on my next trip. We do have a Buc-ee’s not too far away. That’s fairly interesting.
If you could do or say one thing at Mediocre without worrying about consequences (whether legally, or to your job) because there would be none (but normally there would be), what would it be?
@Supportathan@tnhillbillygal interesting question.
technically, it’s just liquid water with frozen water in it, which will eventually become liquid as well.
however, the non-liquid things in the soup liquid will not turn into soup liquid.
@carl669@Supportathan Then this would open the discussion as to if ice cream with added bits becomes a cold soup as in a dairy type gazpacho when it melts?
@Kidsandliz Yes, of course there are bugs in processed food. I was just thinking of the time a ladybug fell in my coffee and I didn’t notice. It must have excreted some kind of substance or body oil? That was the nastiest coffee I ever tasted. Not too many tarantula’s in Ohio that I’ve seen, but a recipe for daddy long legs? Do tell!
@mehnyblooms According to my daughter you take a thin stick, stab it in the body. Hold it over a fire and watch the legs curl up. Then it sort of gets toasty and it is done. And no she didn’t want any (nor tarantula) because, “Spider no good mom. In this country we have chicken”. She had wanted me to put a wasp she had caught in the rice one night early on too. Was baffled when I put it in a jar with holes in the lid.
@Kidsandliz Maybe with some seasoning those spiders might be tasty, but not very nourishing. Maybe as an appetizer? Congrats to you for raising such an adventurous daughter.
@mehnyblooms She was born in a refugee camp just over the Cambodia border in Thailand (Khmer Rouge era - these camps were not closed until the end of 1993) and came to me, at 10, barely the size of a 4 year old due to long term malnutrition. This was “normal diet” to her when she lived there. I made a meal she told me how to make and she told me I put in too much meat because there should be only one piece, about the size of a pencil eraser (the separate ones, not the ones on the end of a pencil) per person. Puts a different perspective on life for sure. Although I was in grad school at the time I started an NGO over there as I just couldn’t walk away. The poverty was at a level that makes the people featured in the feed the children ads look good in comparison.
@Kidsandliz You’re right. That does put a different perspective on life. I hope she is not suffering long term effects from her early privations. Thank you for sharing. You are a beautiful person.
@mehnyblooms I think a lot of people would have done what I did (or at least done something) - most of us I don’t think can just walk away from that extreme level of poverty (at the time Cambodia was the 3rd poorest nation in the world).
@savvysapphire Part of the “hot desking” or open seating is that we aren’t technically allowed to had stuff on our desk. But since the CS team mostly took up a section for ourselves people kind of leave bits and pieces out. I have a toothpaste and brush, a couple mugs, a notebook, and a copy of “Reality is Broken” by Jane McGonigal lying on my desk currently.
@CaptAmehrican@ELUNO actually I don’t really like spiders, they generally scare me! However, I was having a bad day at work, saw this guy while out shopping on my lunch break and he made me smile. So, I had to buy him and he’s been on my desk ever since. Of course, there has also been a live spider in between the glass and my screen in my window, I watch him too.
Were any of the current CS people around during the Korean era- if so, do you have any memories/stories that stuck with you?
For the newer CS people, what country do you think Meh might be big in next?
Two part question: How far in advance do you know what’s going to be up for sale? I ask because I was wondering how much time in advance the writers get to come up with the daily write-ups.
So do you all favorite Mehers and also least favorite Mehers? If you say yes to either question do you then ask around the office to see if other employees have similar likes or dislikes of your loyal Meh’er customers? Just curious - don’t mention names if you reply just wondering
Purple is the official color of the forum. Because it is pretty. Also @barney will comment on any purple containing post that “I love purple” this is a bit heartwarming for some reason.
Also @purplepawprints and a few others show their love of purple occasionally.
Note I am not CS but on behalf of the forum this is why.
@CaptAmehrican Better yet, associate each of these 9 nicknames to the CS member it most fits:
Capt Corndog
Lil Princess
Scuba Steve
The Blade
Sausage Fingers
As somebody who doesn’t (usually) participate in the forums but does lurk a fair amount of the time, what would you say to encourage people to participate in the discussions rather than just checking out whatever you guys are trying to sling for that day?
I know a lot of my reservation is that it seems like there are a lot of well known users with inside jokes and I’m just here like “these socks look nice.”
@MrMikenIkes I’m not CS but just jump in, most of us don’t bite. It’s not for everyone but if you want to hang here, hang here. Pretty soon you’ll be on the inside of the inside jokes.
For instance @tnhillbillygal seems fairly new around here but she has jumped right in and I’d say she’s now a regular. All it takes to become a regular is to keep showing up and saying things.
Some people come in with a schtick. (A lot of times those don’t last–sometimes the schtick, sometimes the person). Others just say “these socks look nice.” It’s whatever is in your personality.
If it’s something you enjoy, it should almost come naturally. If it’s not something you enjoy, no worries, it’s not for everybody.
@MrMikenIkes I come out of lurk mode now and then. Come and play with us. If something seems like an inside joke, ask! More than likely someone will be happy to explain.
@MrMikenIkes When I first stumbled across the forums shortly after meh started selling things, I quickly realized that many folks had been friends on woot and and had their “in jokes” from there too. I still sometimes trip over (and occasionally say something stupid as a result) a few things that are said here that presume past or current presence on woot forums. It doesn’t matter though in the long run. Most folks folks are nice, snark is mostly in joke and pretty much expected on a fairly regular basis, especially from some folks (there are a few folks who don’t like a few other folks and can be nasty about it - just ignore them as clearly they have issues if they think that is appropriate behavior), and there is a group who regularly do nice things for others. Read enough threads and you will start to see the repeated “inside” jokes and it won’t feel as “insider”. There are some good people here. Join in and have fun.
@MrMikenIkes also if you ever feel awkward of bad feel free to blame the goat of the month. At the moment our goat is @pooltoywolf so it is his fault .
Explanation: at the meh start it was decided someone should be blamed. We elect a goat every month. They get blamed and then after that month get an upside down ex goat badge. Often goats do something extra during their reign like boat, puzzle, train of day
Who’s taking part in the AUA?
@PlacidPenguin All of us CS people.
We’ll see about that.
@PlacidPenguin Meh CS, you, and even more! Get your questions in now, while there’s still time!
@PlacidPenguin @Targaryen No, we won’t. I’ve blinded myself out of spite.
I meant which Meh CS.
And I’m contemplating not asking questions.
Some of them are… Well, I guess you could call them interesting…
@PlacidPenguin This Meh CS!
You don’t have to ask questions, but without asking, you might never learn. Are you willing to risk it?
You don’t have to guess, I can call anything “interesting.”
Why would I want to learn though?
@PlacidPenguin I think a far more important question is, why wouldn’t you?
Learning requires effort.
@PlacidPenguin So does posting in the forums.
Not nearly as much.
@PlacidPenguin Depends on what you’re learning. Generally speaking, asking gets you the information easier than not asking if you actually want to know.
@Cythwulf @PlacidPenguin asking and getting an accurate answer is easier/faster than searching…although I must admit @placidpengiun seems to find all sorts of stuff on the meh forum that I have given up finding…
Also @ThomasF said people that don’t answer might have to fight @ChadP in a pit. It’s already getting weird.
@Targaryen @ThomasF @ChadP
Want some tar for the pit?
@ChadP @PlacidPenguin @ThomasF I won’t be going in that’s up to the others lol.
@Targaryen Why would it be weird? I’m winning.
I asked this on the “About Last Week” thread we week ago, but ChadP didn’t make it to it, so I’ll ask here:
You said that y’all put together a lot of fukos beforehand this time (meaning for the Final Fuko with all the give-aways). Do y’all not normally make fukos before putting them on sale? If you don’t, how do you know how many you’ll be able to build? They seem to have a variable number of items included.
@Limewater Tagging @chadp
@Limewater In the past, we’ve set a limit on the number we can sell. Just based on experience, we can look at the stockpile of stuff that we have available and set availability based on that. We knew what was in inventory, so we could set a number based on that.
We’re always looking for ways to make it better, so having the time to do a little prep work this time made it so that we could ship out Fukos in real time. That was the only main change to the system.
@woodhouse how are you so handsome?
@woodhouse Banned.
@woodhouse Don’t forget to like your own comment.
@riskybryzness I have but one self-like, I’m not about to mess up that ratio
@woodhouse I eat nothing but huel and pizza, and I use copious amounts of bee’s wax to keep my beardstache looking tip top. -@Woodhouse
@Cythwulf i’m not ashamed of what i am
@Cythwulf @woodhouse
What destination is on your bucket list?
@Targaryen Iceland, again.
@Targaryen ummmm, Heaven?
@Targaryen New Zealand.
@Targaryen Paisley Park
@cardiganb He’s dead.
@llangley @Targaryen Doesn’t bucket list by definition mean “going before you die?”
@riskybryzness @Targaryen I’m going at the end of August…anything there that is a must see?
@mehbee @riskybryzness @Targaryen

I am so Jealous!
@mehbee @Targaryen I was only there on a brief layover on my way to England. I had a friend recently visit and their photos from Reykjavik and Eldhraun were gorgeous. I have always wanted to go back and spend more time in Iceland though–be sure and take a ton of pictures–that place is magical.
From the first “What’s Interesting” video, it looks like y’all are in an “open office” configuration.
How do you feel about this? Please be as candid as possible.
@Limewater Every so often I make eye contact with @woodhouse and it ends up like two cats that don’t know each other making increasingly angry faces at each other.
But it’s alright.
@Limewater It’s pretty nice actually, the CS people work fairly close together but we can sit anywhere we’d like it just happens we all sit here since we share info a lot. Before we filled the seats a couple times @Snapster would even come sit near us when he could stand us.
@Limewater I prefer it, our chairs are comfy and roll on the floor with Gilligan-esque like “precision”. With an open office it gives a different (better) feel than working in a cubicle or office space.
@Limewater I sit in the corner with my back to everyone. It’s fantastic.
@Limewater in my last job I never got to change cubicle locations, never, not once. Everyone else in the department changed spots, were switched, I remained. I have already sat in 2 whole new spaces- works for me Happy Happy Joy Joy !
@cardiganb @Limewater It’s true, I changed desks more than you.
@Limewater Which video are you referencing?
@ChadP @Limewater The one where I shot you with a Nerf gun.
@Limewater @ThomasF Got it. Yeah, I guess we should do an office tour video.
@ChadP Also that video with the train.
@ChadP @ThomasF An office tour video would be great. Please include the bathrooms.
@cardiganb @Limewater I saw you sit there one morning so I switched seats with you figured you liked it better than this seat.
@cardiganb I also never changed desks, until I had to… for one day. Needless to say I dig the open office
@ChadP @Limewater @ThomasF Maybe the door of the bathroom… from like 10 feet away?
@Leftoverburrito but you still moved…once…me 0 lol
@ChadP @Targaryen @ThomasF The door? I want to see what kind of equipment y’all have in there!
@ChadP @Limewater @ThomasF yes, do an office tour video! We wanna see.
@Limewater It’s nice to be able to see everyone and not get stuck in a closed in corner of the world. I also tend to desk hop when I’m in town to swipe the desk of whatever unsuspecting soul isn’t there that morning.
The train video was awesome. At work I sit in ‘collaborative’ seating. This is about meh though. @TC - you could also go to someone’s PC and send and email to ‘All’ if the person forgot to lock their PC…
@Thumperchick “Look at me…I work in this spot now”
@hey_zeus Nah, our laptops travel with us.
@Thumperchick Dang! Okay - let me see what else I can come with…
What things do customers do that you like most? Least?
Like: Open participation here in the forums. I love reading what everyone is up to!
Least: Running off new people.
Most is customers making jokes.
Least is customers not following-up or responding after we email them back, even if they don’t like our initial response. We’re trying to resolve things, not just get stuff out of our face.
I enjoy the jokes. Puns, limmericks, funny stories and memes are the way to my heart.
Least is not reading what I sent and then asking a question I’ve already answered.
@parodymandotcom Have to agree with @cythwulf
@parodymandotcom I like it best (especially on Meh) when people “get it” the jokes, the way the write ups are and pictures work. It just works. Least, I’d have to say customers anywhere in general, that treat CS people poorly.
@parodymandotcom for real, the not reading and then demanding the very thing I have just done for them
what I love: jokes and sense of humor from a customer, and genuine Thank You’s
I’ve always gotten good customer service w/ya’ll…even when it was my fuck-up and i had my zip code wrong for a few orders…ya’ll still tried to find my stuff and re-ship…except the birthday shirts…I’m still bitter about those shirts…
I think y’all have great customer service – the best anywhere. I especially like @woodhouse and @Targaryen. (Hey guys, was that good enough for me to earn your $50? You have my address…)
@Barney @Targaryen @woodhouse You don’t especially like me anymore?
@Cythwulf Well, you know, money talks.
@Barney @Cythwulf
@Barney @woodhouse Wait there was $50 involved? I want $50!
@Targaryen YOU want $50?
/image nope nope nope

No one has run me off, not yet anyways!!
P.s., please don’t try and run me off? I like it here
@LemonTheCat Shoo Cat, Shoo.
Ok you can stay.
@LemonTheCat @Thumperchick @Ignorant
Cats are always welcome here.
OTOH, there’s this:

– which is why meh has yet to sell any catshirts.
(Hi, @snapster! Hi, @PlacidPenguin!)
@LemonTheCat Nope, nope, nope, you can’t leave. Why? Because we like you!
@Barney thank you! I think that’s the first time someone has ever said that to me!!!

Whatever happened to Santabot after he killed @hollboll?
@PlacidPenguin You haven’t figured out that SantaBot was mediocrebot all along?
@PlacidPenguin What a great reference. wow. Anyway, he went back to the North Pole.
I only just recently fully got over the fact that Elmo is a puppet.
And I’m still trying to process the fact that Irk is a puppet. It hasn’t really sunk in yet.
Is there a way to go to the most recent comments in a thread without having to scroll through the entire thing? Mafia, FUKO reveals, etc are long enough to get through the first time…

@llangley Sort of? Mess with these settings:
@llangley Is that dog pooping love?
@Thumperchick wow. THE Thumperchick!! Thanks, I actually did look first but missed the forum settings edit. Changed it to 5 and it’s much better!

@lisaviolet lol, I guess it is indeed! Now I’ll always think that.
@llangley That’s it!
@llangley Go to the unofficial Meh Forum Unread Message Scroller extension.
@llangley Glad that worked!
How do you explain this conspiracy?
@PlacidPenguin 42
4+2 = 6.
6/2 = 3.
@PlacidPenguin Fixed that for you.
How do you feel about this picture?

/image scorpian

/giphy no thank you please
@medz I had a scorpion growing up.
@medz we had scorpions hitch a ride on a container from our overseas warehouse at my last job…
@medz I’ve never seen a real scorpion before so neutral mostly? I did find a scorpion tail under my fridge once though when I swept, no idea where the rest was.
@cardiganb Worked in a grocery store while in college. Produce department would occasionally get “exotic” insects, reptiles, and amphibians in boxes. I’m assuming they came from Mexico and further south.
How do you like your office space? Just a bunch of desks in a big room without any cube walls or anything.
Edit: oops I see question is a duplicate…
Is that space temporary?
@medz my private office is going up any day now
@woodhouse Corner office?
@medz I ask for but one thing, a cocobolo desk like Jimmy McGill
@medz A slightly different answer from my previous, I enjoy the openness of it. I’m not staring at cube walls. There is art that changes on occasion, people stop by to ask questions. It kind of promotes a better atmosphere I think. Also the sun lights help as well.
Uhhhhh…Should we tell @targaryen that the sun is fake?
@ChadP @Targaryen Which one?
@ChadP @Cythwulf what are you saying?
@woodhouse - Could anyone really have a desk this organized?
@aetris not me, that’s for sure
@aetris @woodhouse
@aetris @Cythwulf so clean you don’t even have a computer. do you work here?
@aetris @Cythwulf @woodhouse
@Targaryen @woodhouse - Love the blue dividers!
What do you wish was different about your job, company, or work environment?
@medz this feels like a trap
@medz I wish my customer “Medz” had spelled their username with an “s.”
@woodhouse So maybe you’d like more freedom of expression without persecution? What you’re saying is the higher-ups are too strict?
@medz Really I wouldn’t change much. Maybe, a bit more content for Meh and ways to bring in some new customers/forum goers would be great.
@Targaryen Back in the day, I did more than a few “Come out Lurker” threads. The response was “varied”. A few people we still see today, most not. I kinda gave up.

Given the fact that I started the threads - I am not surprised
What item caused the most return requests? What item was the most surprising from a sales perspective (can’t believe that it didn’t sell or can’t believe that it did)?
Uhhhhhh “personal massagers.” And we really didn’t want them returned.
Candy Corn was surprising. It sold.
@rm9116 @ThomasF halloween fidget spinners were a surprising success as well
@woodhouse indeed. I need to find the next hit item to follow-up this year. I probably should have bought a bunch of those little WWE figures…
@rm9116 I’ve been here as long, but I’d say without numbers makeup type items. Not because it’s bad but customer usually say it doesn’t work. That kind of thing. Same as the others I’d say spinners, I thought people were over that fad but you guys and others thought otherwise.
@medz @woodhouse I bought so many WWE figures that I got almost all of the rare ones. Go me.
@Targaryen Do you make them send in a before and after picture to prove that the makeup didn’t work?
/giphy makeup fail

@jksquared new fav. gif.
@rm9116 @Targaryen
at $5-$10 a pop fidget spinners were crap, but at under a dollar each they are not that bad
Why the choice to sell only to the US when Canadians would love to suffer your ridiculous products and customer service?
@Duckydactyl excuse me i’m right here
@Duckydactyl Actually, you can suffer all of that. You just have to pay for international forwarding.
You can still deal with the customer service without actually buying stuff.
I mean, I sometimes do it for fun.
@Cythwulf Well heck no to that! Deliver to Buffalo and punt it across the border! Not that hard!
@Duckydactyl You could also have it shipped to a PO Box and drive across the border to pick it up. You have options.
Who do I have to bug about getting labels from the various Meh wines?
Several times I though I would be able to get the labels, but those did not happen.
And no, I would not buy the wine just for the labels.
@PlacidPenguin take the hint, man
Which hint?
@PlacidPenguin you’re gonna have to buy wine to get labels
Firstly, I wouldn’t be able to drink it for a variety of reasons.
Secondly, that would require me to actually make a purchase on this site for a non Fuku/Fuko/t-shirt listing.
@PlacidPenguin yup.
I’ll probably make my first real purchase at about the same time that Mediocritee opens.
Actually, during the first Mehrathon, I made a real purchase, but I cancelled it less than a minute later.
What’s the most salacious private Whisper between users you’ve read on the forums? (in general terms)
@medz excuse me i believe in privacy
@medz We can’t read Whispers.
@ChadP Ok. thumperchick implied you could, but maybe “we” just meant the company and not specifically CS or moderators.
@medz I think we have a fail safe in case there is some sort of crazy toxic stuff happening, but no one can just click a button and read them. It’s a challenge.

/image good to know
@ChadP I know you don’t look, because I have not been banned yet.
Do you guys reach out to users to become volunteer mods, or do they reach out to you?
Aside from a paycheck, do you guys get any cool perks?
How often do you see @snapster around the office? Does he eat with you in the break room?
Anything cool coming down the pipeline that hasn’t been announced yet?
I think they once said that they get free VMP.
@lichme I can see @snapster right this very second from my desk
edit: and yes, if he’s in the office he eats with us generally
@snapster @woodhouse Pics or it didn’t happen
@lichme He’s like right in front of me. I ate lunch like 3.8 feet away from him today.
Were they from the same baby as the baby arms?
@lichme We see him daily and at lunch he eats with us. Everyone (unless they go out) eats in the restaurant room mostly. Benefits: VMP Stuff in the pipeline: we’re thinking about more content videos and such to put up.
@lichme I promise it would only take half a lunch to not view this as a perk
What has been the strangest support request? And by that I mean stranger than someone forgetting their own address or needing tech support on a t-shirt.
@narfcake shoot, you already said mine. t-shirt tech support was definitely up there as one of the best
@narfcake Shit, people forget their own address every single day. That’s not the least bit strange anymore.
@narfcake Hey…I had moved…it was a confusing time.
@narfcake https://meh.com/forum/topics/today-in-meh-cs
@narfcake The strangest ever for me wasn’t here. I was working at Bose in the tech support dept. And a woman called about a CD being stuck in her player/radio. Easy enough to get it to pop it out, but afterwards she inhaled hard and I thought she was amazed so I said “I know pretty neat right?” Nope, not neat she said “oh my god, you’re in my house!” It took me a second to register her thoughts and try to calm her down. That didn’t work so I tried explaining the reason it popped out but she didn’t want to hear it so and was completely inconsolable so Ipassed her off to my manager at that time. That was the strangest.
Who should I complain to that the Fuko which just came arrived open and untaped?
@PlacidPenguin Your local homeless person.
There aren’t any.
@PlacidPenguin Your local watering hole owner.
There aren’t any bars near me.
@PlacidPenguin You certainly can, but you won’t like the answer.
That depends on what you think would disappoint me.
@PlacidPenguin Well, you haven’t liked the answers provided so far.
Says you.
@PlacidPenguin You’re not wrong there. I did just say that.
Fair enough.
And Mediocretee…can someone get that party started???
@amehzinggrace I’m looking forward to mediocretee as well. We’ll let you know.
@amehzinggrace @ChadP Nice, I have some ideas.
Do you get requests from vendors to sell their stuff? If so, what are some of the “Ummmm, we’re not selling this” kind of items have you seen?
@lichme Yes. Nothing off the top of my head but literally every other day.
@ThomasF Was it today or yesterday?
@lichme A box that simulated popping pimples. Like a fidget toy.
@lichme Yesterday.
Once I almost got that for somebody as a joke.
@lichme At least one a day, but usually that isn’t our call mostly. If it seems semi-legit I’ll pass it to the merchandise side of things. We do get some Russian email spam. I can’t read Russian so either they’re selling us sneakers or it’s code for the Russian sleeper agent planted here for the eventual Red Dawn moment.
@ChadP Those things are absolutely disgusting. I’ve seen videos on the internet and now have nightmares.
@Targaryen Do you have a guess at who would most likely be the Red Agent in the office?

@mfladd Gonna say @ThomasF @Cythwulf or maybe @Riskybryzness I think.
Do you have to stop yourself from checking the forums when you are not at work or do you choose to actively participate from home as well?

/giphy work from home
@tnhillbillygal Neither. I check when I check. If I’m home, I’m home.
@tnhillbillygal I try to check regularly at work, and at least once per day on the weekends.
How many of you guys have cats?
@lisaviolet At least 3 of us.
@lisaviolet my roommate has one, if that counts
@lisaviolet 2
@lisaviolet Hi yes, I do.
@lisaviolet 3 doggos
@cardiganb Do you ever want to dress them up like cats?
@lisaviolet No animals other than myself in my apartment.
@medz allllll the time
My sassy lady, Freyja.
@lisaviolet @riskybryzness Love those whiskers! Beautiful cat.
@lisaviolet @mehnyblooms Thank you! I have to show her off whenever I get a chance–she’s a great cat.
What about tours? or would that be “stalker-y”
@amehzinggrace i think the answer is no and yes respectively
@woodhouse Its not really stalker-y if you invite us…just sayin…
@amehzinggrace luckily for me, it’s definitely above my pay grade to make the decision
@amehzinggrace @woodhouse Don’t mind us, we’re just here to watch you work.
How do you feel about creating an @MehMods (or similar) alias so that we can tag all current Moderators in a post, instead of picking and choosing individual users.
A report button seems excessive given the easy going nature of the forums
Or maybe a slash command
Edit: just saying if they ever do /goat to automatically input the goat’s username, they could do something similar for /mods to automatically input all current mods.
@medz Not just for bad/inappropriate content. I see them get tagged for things like fixing a picture, updating/deleting a post etc.
Do any of y’all have real life friends or family who purchase from the site? Do you ever feel bad about it?
Or, like, a supportive mother who buys everything the site sells, even on the day it was a personal massager?
@Limewater Actually, no I don’t. Or not that I know of at least.
@Limewater For christmas, I got a Mota Jetjat that my dad bought from Meh.
@Limewater Casemates, yes. I don’t think any of my family uses Meh or MorningSave.
@Limewater friends yes, but naw I do not feel bad
@Limewater I’ve had to troubleshoot some wireless earbuds from here for my sister and my husband and I often buy the same stuff from here.
Have you instituted a protocol yet for dealing with weirdos when they show up at your office?
Edit: I see @amehzinggrace touched on that above.
@djslack I suggested not answering the door but customers are persistent.
It worked out.
@djslack long story short, everything was fine
@djslack We give them firm handshake and a job. That’s how I got hired
And you’re certainly not going to complain.
@djslack I hear we’re building a cage, but it’s being held up by debates about whether to dangle it over a pool of sharks with lasers on their heads, or a pit of snakes.
@Thumperchick I think I like @leftoverburrito’s option better. I don’t know if the policy hadn’t been fully sorted or what when I went, though… I think someone just asked me if I wanted a shake. I guess I should have said yes and seen what happened next.
Boxers, briefs, or commando?
@therealjrn boxer briefs, yo
@therealjrn Boxers.
@therealjrn @woodhouse This guy mans
When you interview people for a job at Meh-quarters, do you take in to account if the person seems to have a good grasp of sarcasm to ensure they would be able to handle the work situation and customer base? This isn’t sarcasm, I am actually interested in how a group of people that seem to understand how much sarcasm is just enough without crossing a line in write ups and responses came to be there.
@tnhillbillygal Yeah, kinda. There is at least a writing portion that hops back and forth between sample emails from multiple sites.
@tnhillbillygal There really is a good portion of the interview process dedicated to getting to know someone’s grasp of humor and how they use it.
There is an unintended side effect of several people making the same jokes fairly often…
Who was the last person to get written up, and what was it for?
@lichme Like…Bad behavior written up?
@ChadP Yes
@ChadP @lichme I receive several daily for my music selections.
@ChadP @lichme
@ThomasF I love Pearl Jam and classical music, but that is still one annoying arrangement.

I’m pleasantly surprised the in-house dj bot hasn’t sparked any HR complaints (that I know of).
@ChadP @lichme Do we even do write-ups? I thought we just mocked each other relentlessly for mistakes.
@ChadP @Thumperchick You need to implement the cone of shame.
@ChadP @lichme @ThomasF this is so true about the music selection
@ChadP @lichme @mandirose Et tu?
@therealjrn No/No/Work
@therealjrn OMG…aim flashbacks
@therealjrn Work/Work/No
@therealjrn Adult/Male/Work
@therealjrn Duck/Duck/Goose
Also, while I’m making suggestions. How do you feel about allowing users to tag other users (reddit style, not whisper). It would be for us people with crappy memories who like to participate in forums, but don’t want to look like a fool not remembering that somebody is a dude etc.
@lichme Good suggestion.
How would you describe the typical morningsave customer?
@medz carefully
@medz A person who has bought something from morningsave.com
@medz I don’t have access to the numbers but based on the tv shows I’d say older female customers is who we deal with most.
@medz @Targaryen Hey that’s me!! Spot on!
I really miss the live shows with @JonT, @hollboll, and @moose - am i missing someone? I think I am. Any thought to doing something like this in the future?
@mfladd that would be great. I would like to be involved in that sort of thing.
@mfladd you forgot @galmaegi
@mfladd We’ve discussed somewhat unrelated stuff, but not sure currently. Maybe Sunday Night Game Night might make a resurgence or something.
@mfladd Yes. You’re effing missing someone.
@mfladd Also, if you miss them, you must have been the 1 person that watched them.
@ChadP I actually waited for them to come out. All of you were great in those!
@ChadP @mfladd No, that 1 person was me. Didn’t @Mehcus go to the zoo?
@ChadP @mfladd I miss them. …mostly for GIF opportunities…
@mfladd they were a lot of fun for us to do but a disaster in the end; even if people wanted to watch, there were so many problems with the stream that it was nearly impossible, and we never really had enough real content to warrant them anyway.
I do miss all the periscopes though, I felt like those usually worked out pretty well, required next to zero planning or setup, and were convenient for people to watch. Pretty sure no one uses that app anymore though so oh well
@sammydog01 yeah that was bullshit, I didn’t get to go to the zoo
@Moose The “live” component of videos doesn’t really add much for me. Real-time interaction isn’t really much more engaging than just chatting in the forums. I think more frequent, pre-recorded, lightly-edited videos would be a welcomed development.
@mfladd I had forgotten about those.
@mfladd @ThomasF Raptor was just telling me she missed Sunday game night. Me too.
Is there a good reason why @Narfcake is letting foreign spam run amok over at Woot?
@therealjrn fire up the catshirt machines
@therealjrn @woodhouse That post started out along the likes of “How to win at woot?” It was recently edited.
And now they have an eleven year probation – because 11 is better than 1, right?
@narfcake How are they ever going to win at woot if you ban them?
Hopefully they won’t mark their calendars and spam again after their probation is up in 2029.
A spammer last year apparently did that. I gave a 1+ year term, and they spammed again after it was up. They got a much longer probation this time.
@narfcake Ban them until the year 2525, if man is still alive.
@cengland0 Some have been banned so long it won’t be lifted until they have great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandchildren.
Give or take a several generations.
What are you guys listening to when you have your headphones on?
@Targaryen i listen to clips i record from @chadp 's switch when he loses fortnite games
@Targaryen I listen to the first 8 minutes of Star Wars The Last Jedi on repeat.
@Targaryen Lately I’ve been listening to:
The Dear Hunter: The Color Spectrum
Casey And Candice’s Couple’s Therapy Podcast
Dave Matthews Band: Come Tomorrow
Chance the Rapper: I Might Need Security on repeat
@Targaryen Me an intellectual: Ted Talks podcasts. Syke. I listen to lofi beats
@Leftoverburrito @Targaryen oh you mean lofi hip hop radio - beats to relax/study to
@Targaryen @woodhouse
You know it!
@Leftoverburrito I’m sorry, did I miss your introduction thread or something?

Way to go, @mfladd, you just chased away a “new” person who would talk to us.
There’s a bigger issue. @mfladd pulled a me.
@PlacidPenguin you and @mfladd perhaps twins separated at birth?
@Kidsandliz @mfladd
Slight age difference.
@PlacidPenguin Minor detail. “Artificial” fertility practices could explain that.
@Barney That one left in a hurry.

@Leftoverburrito See? Told you.
@Barney @mfladd Nah, he’ll be in soon to do an intro, he’s been trying to get up to speed on things.
Are we playing Fantasy Football again this year?
@sammydog01 That sounds fun.
@sammydog01 I actually just got the email to set it up again, we can definitely do that

/giphy happy dance
Do you talk about us (or, even make fun of us losers) behind our backs!?
There’s a Slack group dedicated to that.
@mfladd @PlacidPenguin what’s a Slack group?
@mfladd @moonhat
A group of people not doing their job.
@moonhat @PlacidPenguin A bunch of people on Slack
It’s a chat site where all the “cool kids” hangout.
Fuck the cool kids!

@mfladd @moonhat @PlacidPenguin Actually there’s mostly a bunch of nonsense going on between us in Slack but we don’t bad mouth you all much. We love our forum people.
@mfladd of course we talk about you. Especially you.

do you have/are you allowed pets in your office?
@moonhat We have @woodhouse
@Cythwulf This made me giggle.
@moonhat We have had visitors. A Westie puppy most recently.
@Barney Excellent. I pronounce my work here done.
@Cythwulf @moonhat @woodhouse - What about the snakes in the playground out back? Do they count?
@Cythwulf @moonhat i’m not ashamed of what i am
@kdemo @moonhat @woodhouse The winner got all the snakes.
Have you ever rejected a potential deal? What’s something that would make you want to?
@Kevin this would be a good one for the buyers. Maybe if @mandirose is around, she can give it a go.
@Kevin All the time. Typically because even with our “expert” negotiating skills, we just can’t get a price to offer our customers enough savings. Alternatively, sometimes we walk away from something several times but finally reach a deal months later.
@mandirose Did you learn your “expert” negotiating skills in school or are you a natural?
@sammydog01 well I went to school for Business, my major was actually entrepreneurship (Go Hoosiers) and previously I worked for Dillard’s for 7 years as a buyer. But honestly, I learned the most from the other buyers and management at Mediocre. This buying job is unlike any other that I know of.
Love your cs staff and the way you use humor and patience to deal with challenges. Thanks for this transparency.
How many are still rocking original VMP status?
Can you post some photos of new headquarters and the print shop?
@kdemo I think the idea is for us to make an office intro video as well soon.
How many CS staff do you have?
Any remote staff?
@CaptAmehrican 9 people answering emails currently.
@CaptAmehrican I’m remote. Everyone else is currently at HQ.
This is for all the CS employees:
What would you do if you knew you could not fail?
@PlacidPenguin I’d have to make it something good like cure cancer.
@PlacidPenguin fight a hundred duck sized horses.
@Thumperchick Why did I read that as duck sized hoses?
@narfcake I think that would be a more difficult battle.
Has it been decided if the IRK bags will be lucky or not?
@tinamarie1974 I have a feeling that decision (what kind of stuff to put in the Instant Regret Kits) has already been made.
@Supportathan and that decision would be…enquiring minds want to know

@tinamarie1974 Prepare to regret
@Supportathan Thats what I was afraid of!

Don’t tell @mfladd about this one.
@Barney @PlacidPenguin

@Supportathan Are you new too?
@mfladd @Supportathan is Cythwulf playing games with us. Just like some other people we know.
/giphy poof

@Barney @mfladd I had a change of heart. Can’t promise it won’t happen again.
@Barney @mfladd @Supportathan
Will you ever sell IRK plushies? We want them!
@tinamarie1974 Me too.
@ThomasF @tinamarie1974 We also want that FLASK SHIRT back up for sale! Why is that not happening?
@mfladd @ThomasF did I tell u I snagged one in the pre birthday sale. HOWEVER it was a womans American Apparel XL…so it fits my 6 yr old niece
@mfladd I don’t feel the least bit sorry for you. I offered to send you a men’s size large and you turned me down, you stupid jerk.
@Barney I did. But that was in my I don’t accept things time of life. I am way beyond that now

@mfladd That’s okay with me, but you’re still a jerk.
@Barney I am what am, and that’s all that I am - Popeye.

Do you like us?
@sohmageek we may need to define “us”.
@djslack @sohmageek

When people buy fuko’s is there any method to the madness in terms of who gets what box or is all of it totally random? To VMP’s have any benefit in terms of what box they get?
Boxes get sealed, and only afterwards do labels get put on.
It’s a random process.
(Though, when they had second boxes…)
@Targaryen @woodhouse and etc. Do the boxes get marked for which are the good ones and then do you choose who gets the bonanza ones?
@Kidsandliz @Targaryen @woodhouse Nope!
@Supportathan @Targaryen @woodhouse Too bad. That means sending cookies won’t help LOL
Does meh have a busy season? Or due to everyday deals is it year round about the same level
@CaptAmehrican Holidays are an obvious one. Around Christmas time you might not hear much from us. Last Christmas was crazy.
Why does my office smell like burnt hair? Also, on an related note, how long does it take for mustaches to grow back after a fire?
@capguncowboy You have a mustache @woodhouse any input?
why do you send out obvious broken stuff for a foku bag?..One, It upsets a customer, no matter how much we love the MEH experience…and two, it makes no sense to pay shipping on an item someone is going to throw away, or even warehouse it for that matter…why not try to make customers happy? (esp. ones that have placed 44 orders in the last year and have a membership)…
@fastharry - It’s not about what you get, it’s about what you DO with it.

@aetris well, what I wanted to do was give something extra life…not have a good time destroying it. My whole mantra at garage and estate sales is to take/buy something from someone else, get the story behind it and let the person know it will continue giving enjoyment to someone. I do that with much of that stuff. See this little Bulova clock?..I bought it 6 years ago at an estate sale from a woman who’s Dad had just died. He used to take it with him while traveling with his wife in the 60’s…and kept it all these years by his bed…She didn’t even want to sell it but I loved it and told her I would use it and enjoy it as much as he did. It works great and I use it in my man room. Would never sell it even though I paid a buck and it’s worth some good coin.!(BTW, the bookcase belonged to my wifes grandmother when she was growing up…about 70 years old. Use it for my TV and XBOX 1 X set-up.)
@fastharry - I sympathize but you are talking to a guy who helped his father move into a retirement community the year before last, then moved OUT of his own house into his father’s in order to get IT ready for the final move, and is now helping his in-law’s move into a retirement community - so my current view on STUFF is something like this:

Per the description of the final Fukobukuro (unlucky bag):
@djslack @fastharry It’s five dollars for who knows what. It’s a part of the surprise and “it could be anything” nature of the bag. While it is nice to get some working stuff in one, it is explicitly described as garbage lying around, whatever that might entail.
@fastharry Because it’s hilarious! It’s OK though, my wife doesn’t get it either…
@aetris I feel for ya…just got done doing the same thing with my 95 year old mom…
In the age old question, “How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck would,” I believe the answer is difficult to answer because it implies that a woodchuck can not chuck wood. So how can there be a hypothetical answer with any validity? I’m stuck in a loop …
@adwaller - New York state wildlife expert Richard Thomas found that a woodchuck could (and does) chuck around 35 cubic feet of dirt in the course of digging a burrow. Thomas reasoned that if a woodchuck could chuck wood, he would chuck an amount equivalent to the weight of the dirt, or 700 pounds.
@adwaller a woodchuck would chuck all the wood a woodchuck could chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood.
Guybrush: How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
Carpenter: A woodchuck would chuck no amount of wood since a woodchuck can’t chuck wood.
Guybrush: But if a woodchuck could chuck and would chuck some amount of wood, what amount of wood would a woodchuck chuck?
Carpenter: Even if a woodchuck could chuck wood and even if a woodchuck would chuck wood, should a woodchuck chuck wood?
Guybrush: A woodchuck should chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood, as long as a woodchuck would chuck wood.
Carpenter: Oh shut up.
Meh buyers:
What’s the weirdest gimmick or promo someone has used in trying to get you to buy their thing?
@dashcloud you just reminded me of the speakerless portable Bluetooth amp that a guy stopped by to sell the forum one day. (This might also be an example of running off new people).
I bet they’ve gotten way wackier things behind the scenes.
@dashcloud @mandirose
@dashcloud “hmmm, this ‘Ask Meh CS Anything’ post seems like the perfect place to call out the Meh buyers…”
@ChadP Good thing we have a goat (hi @pooltoolwolf ) to blame for just this sort of mishap! You should also know that I feel suitably embarrassed.
@dashcloud I wouldn’t.
What do you think would happen if you shouted “Kettle Corn!” right now?
@medz We’d get odd looks from the normal workers here I’d guess.
@medz @Targaryen “normal” workers you say…who are they and why do they get to be the “normals”?
@amehzinggrace @medz The other workers of Mediocre that aren’t necessarily on the CS team’s level of…zeal and randomness.
@medz People would think I have kettle corn, which I don’t, which I’m sure would be considered a felony and federal offense, and I’d go to jail for being a filthy liar.
@amehzinggrace @medz @Targaryen
“Normal worker” in the context of Mediocre, sounds oxymoronic anyways.
@medz @ThomasF Get random flavored oreos…taste test those…yell “OREOS” and then feed your ppl…report the findings back here…mostly so I don’t have to commit to an entire bag of random oreo flavor that I may or may not like…
@amehzinggrace @medz @ThomasF No Oreos, but I have this.
Unfortunately no one seems on board with playing.
@amehzinggrace @medz @Targaryen @ThomasF I’ll play
@amehzinggrace @medz @Supportathan @ThomasF That is one.
@Targaryen @ThomasF
Send me some and I’ll play.
@medz @Supportathan @Targaryen @ThomasF
I’d offer but I’ve been discouraged to visit
@PlacidPenguin @ThomasF Not sure Chad would be cool with same-daying jelly beans to people.
@Targaryen @ThomasF
So use a slower shipping service.
(Or just buy me a pack, and I’ll record each jelly bean.
@amehzinggrace @medz @ThomasF try the pina colada ones they are good
Are we going to have introduction threads for all the new staff I am seeing?

@mfladd What if this is the introduction?
@Supportathan Ha! I almost posted that one. But the answer would be - no. You are required to go thru the thread introduction process.
@Supportathan With my memory, I would probably believe you.

@Supportathan @Targaryen What you use a bidet instead? No TP?
@Supportathan Yup! I am not surprised.

But that also means that since then you haven’t been playing with us…hmpf!
@Kidsandliz @Targaryen
Can I direct you back to my earlier response:
@Supportathan I guess I will just have to remember to call you out more. Which probably means you have nothing to worry about
@mfladd A gentlemen’s agreement then! I’ll check when I check and also when @mfladd reminds me!

If you had a choice between getting a pallet of useful stuff, or getting a Fuko, which would you choose and why?
@PlacidPenguin I’d say Fuko. The other pallet is useful stuff, this one might be bad or it might be awesome. I’d take the gamble.
@PlacidPenguin @Targaryen
“But the Fuko could be anything! It could even be a pallet!”
@narfcake @PlacidPenguin Yay bonfire!
Favorite book or movie?
@Targaryen You asking us???
mine: movie - Sliding Doors and most comic book movies starting w/ Iron Man
book: nothing stands out as favorite…I like to read too much…prefer to favor authors over a specific book
@amehzinggrace @Targaryen Favorite author?
@amehzinggrace Anyone I suppose, just keeping things going.
@sammydog01 @Targaryen Off the top of my head - Stephen King, Maeve Binchy, Jeffrey Archer, John Grisham, David Baldacci
@amehzinggrace @sammydog01 @Targaryen
movie: LA Confidential
author: Elmore Leonard
Are you in Seattle, Texas, or telecommuting?
Why do they say you can’t get authentic Mexican food on the East Coast? What is missing?
Is H-Mart as good a store outside of NY as it is here (in NY)?
@naropa I don’t have a lot of experience with east coast Mexican food but off hand I’d say spice. What I have tried was fairly bland.
@naropa We are based in Dallas, Texas but some members telecommute. Not sure on the Mexican food thing, to me some restaurants are better than others. For instance I find gas station taco joints often better than full on restuarants. Never been to the H-Mart in NY but we’ve got two here in the Dallas area and they are nice. One is like a small Koreatown. I got to one of these once a week to grocery shop.
@naropa @Targaryen I keep seeing the H-Mart…I keep thinking to go check that out…I’m the weird one that when I travel I go check out the grocery stores and yet I keep missing that one…I wish Dallas would get an HEB though…and ditto on the gas station taco joints here…found an excellent one near my house…as well as a kick-ass pupusas place…
@amehzinggrace @naropa The one in Carollton is the most fun because there are other shopping options around as well. Plus there are about 7 coffee shops in that square… and 5 more across the over the highway in the plaza nearby. HEB’s are pretty awesome, I hit those up in San Antonio when I got. I usually make due with Trader Joe’s or Central Market.
@naropa is there a meh office in Seattle? If so, where?
@moonhat @naropa Nope.
@ChadP @moonhat @matthew’s basement?
@ChadP @matthew @medz @moonhat That sweet tiki bar?
@amehzinggrace H-mart is amazing, go to 99 ranch market for the pineapple bread. I used to live in Seattle and it was one thing I truly missed–turns out there was one in the neighborhood here in Texas.
@amehzinggrace @riskybryzness pineapple bread, really? My first reaction to the thought of that is ew. But actually it doesn’t sound too bad. Is it moist? Is it like cake? Do tell.
@amehzinggrace @moonhat It’s just like a normal pastry, more like a muffin as far as texture? The topping is kind of crumbly and sweet–doesn’t have too much of a pineapple taste-- but it’s damn delicious. Random recipe for pictures.
There’s a place back in Seattle Mee Sum Pastry–it’s at Pike Place. They have pineapple bread, pork buns and red bean sesame cakes. So, 99 Ranch Market in DFW has the closest thing with the pineapple buns–highly recommend it!
Why does my account keep on reverting from pagination?
@PlacidPenguin something happened, mine did it too (once anyway, just now).
I just got a flash of something new in the UI when I posted this, but it went away. “There are 63 comments, we hid all but 0.” I’m guessing upgrades are afoot.
@PlacidPenguin paging @shawn
Follow up:
Why not?
You arrive at work one morning to find out that @snapster has reassigned all of you to function as customer support garments. What garment are you, and why? Jock strap? Sports bra? Men’s spanx?
I just learned form @amehzinggrace that Dallas does not have an H.E.B. Where do y’all get corn chips shaped like the state of Texas, then?
@Limewater I have to cut mine myself.
@Limewater Don’t think I’d had one, but now I know what I’m getting on my next trip. We do have a Buc-ee’s not too far away. That’s fairly interesting.
@Limewater Kroger has a monopoly over grocery stores in DFW, so we don’t have HEB
@Limewater We make up for it with Texas shaped waffles.
Spanx because they’re popular and they serve a vital function of keeping things looking good.
@Ignorant Ah, it’s located here. I was answering an earlier question by @Limewater about being changed into a piece of supportive equipment.
@Targaryen A broken watch, because I’m right twice a day.
If you could do or say one thing at Mediocre without worrying about consequences (whether legally, or to your job) because there would be none (but normally there would be), what would it be?
@PlacidPenguin “Have a great day!”
@PlacidPenguin “KETTLE CORN!”
Is cereal a soup?
@carl669 Dictionary.com doesn’t seem to think so.
@Supportathan but then gazpacho wouldn’t be considered a soup.
@carl669 @Supportathan What if you put gazpacho on your cereal?
@carl669 @Targaryen Maybe gazpacho isn’t or shouldn’t be considered a soup?
@carl669 so would we consider milk another version of beef broth?
@tnhillbillygal it depends on how you define beef broth. i define soup as a liquid with things in it. therefore, cereal is a soup.
@carl669 @tnhillbillygal @supportathan I’m enjoying this soup/cereal metaphysical argument.
@carl669 @tnhillbillygal is a glass of water with ice soup?
@Supportathan @tnhillbillygal interesting question.
technically, it’s just liquid water with frozen water in it, which will eventually become liquid as well.
however, the non-liquid things in the soup liquid will not turn into soup liquid.
@carl669 @Supportathan Then this would open the discussion as to if ice cream with added bits becomes a cold soup as in a dairy type gazpacho when it melts?
@Supportathan @tnhillbillygal i mean, who hasn’t used a spoon to drink up the melted ice cream at the bottom of the bowl? like soup!
@carl669 Is a hot dog a sandwich?
@riskybryzness yes.
@Targaryen there is an old thread about what is soup and a long discussion about cereal. Possibly that thread got into what is a sandwich too LOL
A bug just flew into your freshly-opened bottle of beer. What do you do?
@medz Question, this beer is micro brew or no?
@Targaryen Technically, no. It’s something more like a Newcastle Brown Ale.
@medz And doesn’t it depend on how much the bug wants to drink and if it will share politely or not?
@moonhat Nah. There’s an actual bug in your full bottle of beer and it’s not coming out on its own. What now?
@medz how big is the bug?
@medz Give it to @woodhouse.
@carl669 about 6 or 7 millimeters long
@medz I’d probably do like any reasonable human and pour out enough for the bug to be gone and then drink the rest and hope.
@carl669 @medz is it bug now dead or alive?
@moonhat still alive. Those buggers are resilient.
@medz call it soup
@medz pour it through a strainer into a glass. Hope the bug didn’t poop.
@mehnyblooms you do know it is legal to have something like a bug and half ground up in peanut butter and other foods.
Of course then some bugs are eaten on purpose. If you want the recipe for how to cook tarantula or daddy long legs I have one I can give you.
@Kidsandliz Yes, of course there are bugs in processed food. I was just thinking of the time a ladybug fell in my coffee and I didn’t notice. It must have excreted some kind of substance or body oil? That was the nastiest coffee I ever tasted. Not too many tarantula’s in Ohio that I’ve seen, but a recipe for daddy long legs? Do tell!
@mehnyblooms According to my daughter you take a thin stick, stab it in the body. Hold it over a fire and watch the legs curl up. Then it sort of gets toasty and it is done. And no she didn’t want any (nor tarantula) because, “Spider no good mom. In this country we have chicken”. She had wanted me to put a wasp she had caught in the rice one night early on too. Was baffled when I put it in a jar with holes in the lid.
@Kidsandliz Maybe with some seasoning those spiders might be tasty, but not very nourishing. Maybe as an appetizer? Congrats to you for raising such an adventurous daughter.
@mehnyblooms She was born in a refugee camp just over the Cambodia border in Thailand (Khmer Rouge era - these camps were not closed until the end of 1993) and came to me, at 10, barely the size of a 4 year old due to long term malnutrition. This was “normal diet” to her when she lived there. I made a meal she told me how to make and she told me I put in too much meat because there should be only one piece, about the size of a pencil eraser (the separate ones, not the ones on the end of a pencil) per person. Puts a different perspective on life for sure. Although I was in grad school at the time I started an NGO over there as I just couldn’t walk away. The poverty was at a level that makes the people featured in the feed the children ads look good in comparison.
@Kidsandliz You’re right. That does put a different perspective on life. I hope she is not suffering long term effects from her early privations. Thank you for sharing. You are a beautiful person.
@mehnyblooms I think a lot of people would have done what I did (or at least done something) - most of us I don’t think can just walk away from that extreme level of poverty (at the time Cambodia was the 3rd poorest nation in the world).
So, with an open office, do you keep little items on your desks like I do mine?
@savvysapphire Part of the “hot desking” or open seating is that we aren’t technically allowed to had stuff on our desk. But since the CS team mostly took up a section for ourselves people kind of leave bits and pieces out. I have a toothpaste and brush, a couple mugs, a notebook, and a copy of “Reality is Broken” by Jane McGonigal lying on my desk currently.
@Targaryen - I am horrified and disappointed to hear that they have the open seating plan at Meh.

@savvysapphire with thatcure spider @eluno and you hsve a dpider sffection in common
@CaptAmehrican @ELUNO actually I don’t really like spiders, they generally scare me! However, I was having a bad day at work, saw this guy while out shopping on my lunch break and he made me smile. So, I had to buy him and he’s been on my desk ever since. Of course, there has also been a live spider in between the glass and my screen in my window, I watch him too.
@Targaryen but the photos/videos we’ve seen of meh would, um, contradict that is a rule… just sayin’
@Kidsandliz @Targaryen The keyword is “technically.”
Has there been any office romances going on that you know of?
@moonhat None that I’m aware of, of course I suppose that’s the point lol.
@moonhat @Targaryen Clearly you haven’t been paying attention to @woodhouse and @fortnite.
Were any of the current CS people around during the Korean era- if so, do you have any memories/stories that stuck with you?
For the newer CS people, what country do you think Meh might be big in next?
@dashcloud We get frequent emails from Canada and Australia, so those countries would I guess.
Two part question: How far in advance do you know what’s going to be up for sale? I ask because I was wondering how much time in advance the writers get to come up with the daily write-ups.
@JT954 cs and writers might not get that information at the same time. But they might.
@JT954 @Thumperchick or @ChadP might know how to answer better than I could.
@JT954 @Targaryen @Thumperchick Anywhere from a couple weeks to a couple hours.
So do you all favorite Mehers and also least favorite Mehers? If you say yes to either question do you then ask around the office to see if other employees have similar likes or dislikes of your loyal Meh’er customers? Just curious - don’t mention names if you reply just wondering
@AttyVette Kinda like teachers, we’re not supposed to have favorites, but we do.
@AttyVette @Supportathan I like all (most) of you. Nah, we discuss people or their posts/contributions to the forums occasionally.
@Supportathan @Targaryen just curious thanks for the reply — I like how y’all all apparently get along so well and enjoy working where you do —
@Supportathan @Targaryen I’m going…I’m going.

Why purple?
Purple is the official color of the forum. Because it is pretty. Also @barney will comment on any purple containing post that “I love purple” this is a bit heartwarming for some reason.
Also @purplepawprints and a few others show their love of purple occasionally.
Note I am not CS but on behalf of the forum this is why.
@blndfayth I love purple.
@CaptAmehrican Aww…
@Barney @blndfayth same same same
Can some CS person list all 9 usernames of the CS team?
@CaptAmehrican Better yet, associate each of these 9 nicknames to the CS member it most fits:
Capt Corndog
Lil Princess
Scuba Steve
The Blade
Sausage Fingers
@medz Aren’t you needed in another thread? Wouldn’t want you to miss your own hanging.
@CaptAmehrican @medz Can do!
Scruffy - @Woodhouse
Capt Corndog - @Thumperchick
Lil Princess - @cardiganb
Scuba Steve - @riskybryzness
The Blade - @Thomasf
Greaser - @Supportathan
Sausage (Chorizo) Fingers - @Leftoverburrito
Chorky - @Targaryen
Madge - @ChadP
@CaptAmehrican @medz @Supportathan
Actually we’re like the Ringwraiths and ChadP is our Witch King
@CaptAmehrican @medz @Supportathan @ThomasF
@CaptAmehrican @medz @Supportathan @ThomasF I’m not sure that’s true.
@CaptAmehrican @medz @Supportathan @Targaryen @ThomasF We’re more like Hobbits and @ChadP is just trying to take us to freaking Isengard.
@CaptAmehrican @ChadP @medz @Supportathan @ThomasF @Thumperchick
@CaptAmehrican @ChadP @medz @Targaryen @ThomasF @Thumperchick Isengard or Rivendell?
@medz @Supportathan @Targaryen @ThomasF someone needs to take that picture and photoshop irk onto the king and use it to sell some sort of ring.
Best idea for a first date?
@CaptAmehrican Coffee shop and dinner!
Does it bother you if your socks don’t match?

/giphy seething rage
I know the question isn’t for me, but, ugh.
As somebody who doesn’t (usually) participate in the forums but does lurk a fair amount of the time, what would you say to encourage people to participate in the discussions rather than just checking out whatever you guys are trying to sling for that day?
I know a lot of my reservation is that it seems like there are a lot of well known users with inside jokes and I’m just here like “these socks look nice.”
@MrMikenIkes I’m not CS but just jump in, most of us don’t bite. It’s not for everyone but if you want to hang here, hang here. Pretty soon you’ll be on the inside of the inside jokes.
For instance @tnhillbillygal seems fairly new around here but she has jumped right in and I’d say she’s now a regular. All it takes to become a regular is to keep showing up and saying things.
Some people come in with a schtick. (A lot of times those don’t last–sometimes the schtick, sometimes the person). Others just say “these socks look nice.” It’s whatever is in your personality.
If it’s something you enjoy, it should almost come naturally. If it’s not something you enjoy, no worries, it’s not for everybody.
@MrMikenIkes One of my things is writing jokes which I find hilarious but zero to one other people even notice. But it entertains me.
@djslack @MrMikenIkes Aww, thanks
I really enjoy the environment here and the banter. I probably spend too much time here now, lol.
@MrMikenIkes If you like purple, you’re a friend of mine. Even if you don’t, I’ll tolerate you.
Seriously, all you have to do is join right in. We’d love to have you chat with us. Remember, we were all new once.

/image “welcome to the club” gif
@RiotDemon and the rest, y’all are making me feel so welcome, I’ll try not to be too much of a jerk
@MrMikenIkes I come out of lurk mode now and then. Come and play with us. If something seems like an inside joke, ask! More than likely someone will be happy to explain.
@MrMikenIkes welcome! If you have any questions, ask. Do tell us about you as well.
@MrMikenIkes just watch out for that @mfladd.

/giphy shady guy
@MrMikenIkes When I first stumbled across the forums shortly after meh started selling things, I quickly realized that many folks had been friends on woot and and had their “in jokes” from there too. I still sometimes trip over (and occasionally say something stupid as a result) a few things that are said here that presume past or current presence on woot forums. It doesn’t matter though in the long run. Most folks folks are nice, snark is mostly in joke and pretty much expected on a fairly regular basis, especially from some folks (there are a few folks who don’t like a few other folks and can be nasty about it - just ignore them as clearly they have issues if they think that is appropriate behavior), and there is a group who regularly do nice things for others. Read enough threads and you will start to see the repeated “inside” jokes and it won’t feel as “insider”. There are some good people here. Join in and have fun.
@MrMikenIkes also if you ever feel awkward of bad feel free to blame the goat of the month. At the moment our goat is @pooltoywolf so it is his fault .
Explanation: at the meh start it was decided someone should be blamed. We elect a goat every month. They get blamed and then after that month get an upside down ex goat badge. Often goats do something extra during their reign like boat, puzzle, train of day
@CaptAmehrican @MrMikenIkes It’s been fun o3o