My dog only has 4 nipples. {Necropost}
13So my dog was asking for a belly rub today and I noticed for the first time she only has 4 nipples. I thought, “that’s odd,” and went on a nipple hunt, I was sure she should have more than that… No, only 4.
I Google “how many nipples do dogs have” and find a variety of responses but most seem to indicate 8 to 10, with one site saying “as few as 6 in small breeds”. She’s 60lbs, so not small… Good medium sized dog.
How weird is this? (not that I’m counting her nipples, but that she only has 4). Anyone else out there with dogs that are quantitatively challenged in the nipple department?
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Anyone else can’t believe that they are being asked this question?
Edit: And starring it?
No, no. The fact that you were counting is definitely weird. I never tried to count nipples on any of my dogs. A couple because they were male, and the others were spayed, so nipples were unimportant to both me and the canines involved.
@rockblossom it’s not weird, and for your dog’s wellness you should be checking their body every once in a while.
@ELUNO @rockblossom especially if you live somewhere that has ticks.
@ELUNO @RiotDemon Yes. I checked all dogs/cats a couple of times a week for injuries, illness, and vermin, even though they were regularly treated with flea/tick applications and baths. Damned ticks are persistent. They would still get on the dogs, the chemicals would kill them, then I would have to carefully remove the dead ticks. I really hate ticks.
@rockblossom it’s not that I set out to count, its just I was rubbing her belly and noticed there were a lot fewer than on my other dog or any of our cats… It seemed abnormal, and a quick Google showed that, yes, it is unusual.
@rockblossom your pup looks stately and a bit miffed you are discussing nipples
@OnionSoup Now you’ve disappointed me. I was imagining you dealing with the pandemic by turning your dog into a punk rocker with a pink mohawk haircut, glitter nails, rhinestone-studded collar, and nipple rings. Which would be a logical explanation for counting nipples.
@rockblossom I’ve learnt that my wife frowns at me when I do that kind of thing.
I think I counted once… But it must of seemed normal because I forgot.
@RiotDemon Then it was probably two. Or were you referring to a dog?
@rockblossom my dog, lol.
@RiotDemon @rockblossom just checked… I’m at two.
@OnionSoup @RiotDemon @rockblossom krusty has three
@OnionSoup @RiotDemon @rockblossom
I have two. My wife has two (really nice ones) too…
I Google’ed this a while back, too, because my 5.5lb Chihuahua has 10. I thought that was a lot for a small dog (it is), but only 4 on your dog is weirder.
Fenris has none. Unless you count his air valve. Then he has one.
Hopefully i’m not gonna regret asking, what or who is Fenris?
@Lynnerizer See here!
My dogs both have 8 nipples, but have webbed toes. I find that to be even odder than only 4 nipples.
@punkynpye several breeds have webbed toes- especially ones bred to retrieve things from the water.
My 4 nippled dog has webbed toes (but hates the water). My 8 nippled dog without webbed toes loves the water. (both mutts)
@OnionSoup @punkynpye Any nipple-envy issues among your dogs?
@macromeh @punkynpye hmm. Well my 4 nipple dog has a little aggression towards the 8 nipple dog. Usually only whenever they get new toys and she’s protecting her toy. There could be a little nipple envy behind the aggression and I just thought it was because of toys.
I’ve got a chiweenie (half dachshund / half chihuahua) and she has seven. Four to port; three to starboard.
My two labs have 8 apiece; two by four in the standard configuration.
So, yeah, The chiweenie is weird for having an odd number of nipples.
I’m weird not for knowing how many nipples my dogs have because: ticks.
A Mutant Ninja Hooker, from the film Total Recall.
Thankfully, does not look “teenaged”, tho.
Edit: changed the pic to one with clothes
@f00l and then there is the girl from “Kung Pow: enter the fist”
@f00l updated your pic, sorry.
Ok. I’ll live.
: )
@f00l @RiotDemon
@f00l @OnionSoup I’ve always thought that 3rd boob was just good movie make-up stuff, well “good” is obviously just a matter of opinion. I know the 3rd nipple thing is for real but what IS the real story with the boob?
@f00l @Lynnerizer @OnionSoup the real story is that it’s a prosthetic?
I don’t want to google dog nipples…seems like I might get some really weird targeted ads that way
@riceatusc Playdog gentleman’s magazine.
@riceatusc You would probably see lot of pics of Malaria Tramp. Her nips are all over the internet.
@Felton10 Why don’t you give us all a break and go back to your political threads. We don’t need to hear this crap in EVERY thread.
@OnionSoup @riceatusc aawwww. Little boy on the left looks pissed. And oddly enough reminds me of Chris Farley
Couldn’t resist taking another shot at that miserable embarrassing excuse of a FLOTUS. Just ignore my posts if they bother you so much.
@Felton10 They’re hard to ignore when they’re everywhere. No one would complain if you made a political thread and said whatever you wanted. Well, I wouldn’t anyway. But sometimes I just want to read about dogs without wading knee deep into politics or virus talk. Or birds. I love the bird photos.
@Felton10 @sammydog01 I agree. This is why I asked you to make your own thread. If you could keep your remarks to the golf thread you made, that’d be awesome. This way if people want to discuss politics, that can go there. If not, they can enjoy weird dog nipple threads.
Everyone thinks it’s weird that @OnionSoup counted his dog’s nipples, but it got you all counting your own dogs’ nipples.
I have been wondering the same thing. My 10 month old 3.5lbs Maltese went into heat lately & her nipples went from teeny-tiny barely bumps to rock hard nipples BUT I only feel 4 of them, (from belly rubs & bathing… so stop being weird!) & after turning to Google, I still have no idea if that’s normal for my small or mini breed dog?!? Have an appointment with our Vet @ end of month to get fixed & chipped, guess I’ll find out then.
Everything that happened to you literally just happened to me
, but I was also giving me doggy some scratches when I then noticed she only has four nipples. So then I googled and found out she was supposed to have 8 to 10 but I just assumed the problem was because my dog looks like she has different types of breeds in her and she acts a little , um special, but she is my special doggy
thanks for resurrecting this post. I forgot how funny it was…
PS welcome to the looney bin we call meh