Fenris is 10 years old!
20For those who follow my hijinks here on the Meh forums, you may recall that I live with a 7-foot-tall inflatable wolf named Fenris. Well, this past Friday, July 24th, he turned ten whole years old! (To most people, that’s a long time for a blow up toy.) We threw him a party attended by Mom and two of my best friends, with a cake, balloons, and everything. Fen even blew out the candles himself! Fun was had by all, and the cake was delicious. Here’s to another decade and more, big boy!
Here’s a link to the Tweet containing video of Fen’s birthday song, and him blowing out his candles, with more photos in the thread:
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/giphy happy

Wow, that’s a great party
! I’d be worried having candles near those guys but obviously it was fine. 🥳

@Kyeh Don’t worry, this was a highly controlled environment
Everyone needs more reasons for cake.
@RiotDemon Hard to argue with that!
@RiotDemon The only reason I need is that there is cake.
That’s a better birthday than I had.
@riceatusc Awww, now I’m sad!
You definitely have been locked up too long. That being said “I love it”. Happy 10th birthday to Fenris and may he enjoy many more. BTW-noticed a lot of blow up animals in your video-don’t you have any blow up human female dolls?
@Felton10 We prefer cute animals to creepy human analogs :B
@Felton10 @PooltoyWolf
Blow-up female (or male) dolls are 1990s tech. These days, you can have a life-sized, soft silicone doll made to your exact specifications, with articulating limbs, bone structure, various orifices…All for a few hundred bucks (or on the lower end of four figures for premium quality models).
Not that…Not that I’d know anything about that.
@PooltoyWolf @ShotgunX Yes-I have seen those but figured someone who was into old blow up technology wouldn’t be interested in that.
@Felton10 @ShotgunX Correct. And, even Fenris is cheaper than most of those hi-tech alternatives, and treats me just as well
(Don’t tell him I called him cheap!)
Wait. Can wolves have chocolate??
@tinamarie1974 Inflatable ones can!
I hope you inflated him with Texas air

@ELUNO I’d need several hundred of those to blow up Fen!
Somehow it makes my 10 year wedding anniversary the same day feel like a lot less of an accomplishment if you’ve kept an inflatable dog exactly as long
@guyfromhawthorn Fenris says happy anniversary!
@guyfromhawthorn as long as the wife isn’t inflatable like Fenris, congratulations that’s a great milestone. I’m hitting 20 next year. Hard to think I’ve been married almost half my life. (My wife HAS been married to me half her life now… Which is weird to think about)
I remember when I hit 10, this older man I worked with said “10 years isn’t a long time”… And it probably wasn’t to him, he was retirement age… But when you’re a little over 30, 10 years married is a long time.
Thank you. I needed this. Now if only I was close enough I could snuggle him. No fleas. No dander. And squishy. My allergenic self would be in heaven.
@sarahsandroid I wish I could star a comment more than once! He is stupendously snuggly, that’s for sure.
If you want one, I am producing smaller versions of him, about 5 feet in size, for around $100 soon
You’re such a dork. But I mean that in a loving way. I love your random furry escapades. Congrats to 10 years with Fen and hopefully many more to come
@Bandrik Thanks much, from both of us! Being weird is great. Normalcy sucks!
Hooray!! Happy belated to Fen!!

@llangley Fenris had balloons, too
@llangley Did you draw that?
@Kyeh lol I wish I could draw/paint/etc. I’m better at music and crafts although I don’t do much of either lately

Where does Fenris spend his time between birthday parties and pool activities?
Planes, trains, and automobiles?
: )
Just a guess.
@f00l @Felton10 He has been in all three, so yes! He usually hangs out in his doghouse/bed, which also happens to be my bedroom.
@f00l @Felton10 @PooltoyWolf not inflated on planes I hope.
How much of those 10 years has he been inflated. Does he spend more time 3D or flat?
@f00l @Felton10 @OnionSoup Fenris has yet to achieve inflated status on an airworthy aircraft
As for uptime/downtime, it’s pretty close to half, with him being inflated a bit more of the time. Neither of us like having to put him away ;-; (Currently, he is blown up!)
@f00l @Felton10 @PooltoyWolf I have never ridden a train, but an inflatable wolf has. I hate my life.
@f00l @Felton10 @OnionSoup @PooltoyWolf Well at least I have one thing over Fenris. I HAVE ahieved inflated status on an airworthy aircraft.
@f00l @OnionSoup @PooltoyWolf @ThunderChicken But the question is did you put your “inflated status” to good use while on the plane?
@f00l @Felton10 @ThunderChicken There’s still time!
@f00l @Felton10 @OnionSoup @ThunderChicken