{Unofficial} Mehrican Exchange Ver. 6.0
Welcome to the Mehrican Exchange Version 6.0 and let me start off by saying that I am sincerely sorry you all found your way here. This exchange stemmed from a small group of people on deals.woot frustrated with their inability to gain a Woot Bag of Crap. @studerc started it and ran the first 4 exchanges (so regardless of who the goat is, this is all his fault!) and @Yoda-Daenerys volunteered to run exchange #5 (labeled 4.01a V.2 if you want to search for it). @kidsandliz was coerced into running #6. The basic premise of this exchange is simple:
You will have the opportunity to exchange a total of 3 boxes. Essentially how this will work is that for each box you agree to send out, you will get one in return, 2 for 2, 3 for 3. Pretty self explanatory stuff right there. It is pretty much up for whatever you want to do. Search the person you are sending to on old posts on meh, google them, whatever…(as long as it is legal). You will be the one paying for the shipping for each box you give out so it’s pretty much up to your wallet. Please review the following guidelines in ensure that each Mehrican is provided with an at least mediocre exchange experience.
Tread lightly with homemade or perishable food items. Furthermore all food items that are sent must be completely sealed. (this step was taken from the start in which multiple participants mentioned food allergies).
This does not follow the same guidelines as the Woot BOC or Fukubukuro in terms of quantity of items. Glance at older exchanges to get an idea of what people have sent in the past. Don’t be THAT GUY that sends a shitty box in hopes to get something decent in return. ALSO, there is no limit on the cost of your box, we all come from different socioeconomic statuses. Be respectful of that. Some will be able to send more, others will not. All part of the game.
Please follow all posted mailing guidelines regarding sending explosives, alcohol, drugs, you know that bureaucratic bullshit that will get people in “trouble”.
Do not send a box of broken objects, objects that could easily be broken in transit, things that could be considered trash, etc. Nobody wants a box like that and again, it’s just a terrible move. Plus people can get hurt and stuff.
Please keep in mind and follow all of the expectations regarding the send out dates and etc. Do not sign up for more than you can provide to the experience.
IF this is your first exchange, you will only be permitted to exchange one box. (deal with it)
When shipping out your box, please include your username somewhere in or on the parcel. It makes it so much easier to recognize and thank someone that way!
When you get your box you need to post to the mehrican exchange 6.0 reveal thread. Preferably with photos. It is disappointing for the sender if you do not do that.
Please keep in mind, the point of this exchange is to be fun and community oriented. Don’t be THAT PERSON who goes and ruins the fun for everyone else. Likewise, keep in mind that I am human, I make mistakes and things will likely change along the way to create the best experience for everyone.
You will need to go to google to fill out the sign up form.
I have set the form such that you can edit your answers up until the sign up date has passed.
Form is located here:
SEND ME AN EMAIL AT MehricanExchange6@yahoo.com when you have signed up so that I know for sure I have your form. If you have any questions email me at this email address.
Enrollment: 6//9-6/16
Emails out on 6/17-20
Boxes out from 6/21-6/24 (ish)
PLEASE NOTE: we are trying hard not to overlap the next likely date(s) for a fuko in July so please have your box(es) ready to go when you sign up (or shortly thereafter) so you can mail them in a timely manner. If some reason you will not be home when your box(es) might arrive and want them sent to arrive later, please note that on the sign up sheet so that I can include that information when I send out your information.
Thanks to @studerc, the originator of this exchange, for allowing me to plagiarize his previous efforts. If you don’t like it blame either him or the goat!
- 57 comments, 73 replies
- Comment
Eeeeee! So exciting!
Hey @thumperchick - could this thread please be moved to the main meh page so it doesn’t get buried while people are signing up? Thanks!
Oh cool someone sent it to the first page already! Thanks to whomever did that!!
PS if meh employees want to participate, if @snapster is good with it, just use your meh work address for box exchanges if you want to keep your personal address private.


huh… this is awkward, and I’m going to leave it.
@medz Oh shit I forgot that. @Thumperchick could you please add the word Unofficial in the title for me if that is needed there? I forgot all about that. I just copied what had been done in all the ones in the past and completely forgot that discussion many moons ago about labeling something unofficial when not sponsored by meh. Oops. Sorry about that.
@DaveInSoCal Hey - need your name for the exchange unless the postman will deliver with only your user name. Let me know. You can email me it at MehricanExchange6@yahoo.com
@Kidsandliz shouldn’t be a problem.
@DaveInSoCal ok - good thing you are active on this form so that people can find out things about you here then (it was linkedin and the groups you belonged to there that clued me in about the sports team thus the ornament)
In for two!
@PlacidPenguin this is the thread you have wanted for ages and have bugged me about on all sorts of unrelated threads.
@Kidsandliz He’s busy until tomorrow night.
Thank goodness for you @kidsandliz. I was just about emerge from the shadows to start one of these fuckers.
Everything looks well done and right as rain, you have my blessing to proceed.

@studerc Thank you for your blessing. I blatantly plagiarized you so it should be right (although it would be too late now anyway - the edit time has passed LOL)…
PS you are welcome to take over if you want… just sayin’
@studerc PS you need to email me the people who were deadbeats or you had other problems with either at MehricanExchange6@yahoo.com or my user name at the same @. Thanks.
@studerc How’s your kid doing these days?
@dashcloud Doing real well. Just past two years about a month ago. She’s a walking talking tornado of a child. We just bought her a potty so we are gonna see how that goes…fingers crossed and bleach at the ready.
We used to do these in soapmaking groups and witchy groups I was in. There it was all handmade items. If there were 20 people in the swap, you sent 20 items to the swap mum (plus a mum gift for all the work) plus shipping costs to get a box back. It was a lot of work for the swap mum but a lot of fun too. We only used flat rate boxes to keep shipping costs down.
Round Robins were fun too.
I’m in for this!
@sarahsandroid You are welcome to use a flat rate box. Some people do.
@sarahsandroid Flat rate box filled to the brim with random is the best .
@CaptAmehrican that’s what I am thinking.
@sarahsandroid I still practice Wicca and occasionally Necromancy. Wish you wouldn’t have stopped. I’m a solo practitioner, I don’t do the group thing- tried it once and found to many “fakes”. Plus, my household and SO’s extended family are Catholics so I do it on the down low (that was the agreement I had to make with my SO) although my oldest son got into it. He found my books and items. A lot of people frown upon it but I find it close/tied to how people meditate to relax.
We have 4 victims who have signed up so far… One newbie and three who apparently have lost their collective minds and are doing a rinse and repeat.
@Kidsandliz Of all the things I’ve lost, I miss my mind the least.
@DaveInSoCal Well then you’re in luck aren’t you LOL
I see that you have spots for people that want to send and not receive. I know that’s usually reserved for the people that get stiffed. Any chance of signing up to receive and not send for people that can’t afford to send right now in case there is any boxes left over?
@RiotDemon I’ll ask the people who are doing send only and not receive and if any are OK with that since it would be their boxes. We can have people post here if they are interested and I can do a drawing for however many are interested for however many boxes we have that the owners of the boxes agree. Because I can’t (at least I don’t think I can anyway) change the form now that it is in use, use the MehricanExchange6@yahoo.com to send an email with that in the subject line and your information in the body of it. That goes for anyone else. I will then, when the signup is over ask the folks who are send only what they think, and if there are any ‘yes’ responses, wait until after we see if anyone gets stiffed or not and if there are still any left then do the drawing.
HEY FOLKS - you need a NAME of some sort that won’t freak out the postman (real name, imaginary name, whatever) on the address line. Please make sure you put one there. You can go back in and edit the form if need be.
Also you need to sign up using the form, not by just sending me an email with the information.
See original post at the top of this thread for the sign up form.
And yes I realize some of you might need to temporarily create a google account to do so. By the way if you have a youtube account you have a google account. If you hate google, then delete your account AFTER the exchange is over (I think if you delete it prior to that your form goes away).
Thank you all for your attention to these petty little details. Failure to comply may mean failure of me to remember you are doing the exchange or failure of your package to arrive.
This edict has been signed by:
Kidsandliz A.K.A. Her Highness Mehrican Exchange King of the World (grin)
@Kidsandliz from the interwebz:
Normally, everyone can fill out a Google form; they do not need an account. However, if you selected the option “Can submit only 1 response” in your Google form, that will require the users to login. So, if it’s necessary to allow anonymous users, you should uncheck that option.
@Yoda_Daenerys Ahhh OK I will fix that and then post when I did.
@Kidsandliz The form link immediately above is not working for me. The one way up at the top is.
I didn’t bother to try to figure out why.
@baqui63 odd because all I did was copy/paste it from the one at the top but I see what you mean. I just tried the one immediately above too. Wish I could go back in and edit. @thumperchck could you please replace the portion of the message immediate above where it says “form is here” and the url with “Go to the original message for the link to the form” Please?
SET FORM NOW SO YOU DON’T HAVE TO HAVE A GOOGLE ACCOUNT. (not yelling with caps - just so people notice it). Thanks to @Yoda_Daenerys for telling me how (never used google forms before - sorry about that).
Seems sketchy…
/image etch a sketch

So far 7 victims have signed up…
In for two.
We are up to 11 people…
@thumperchick - also since I was now told how to set the form so you don’t need a google account could you please go to the original message at the start of the thread and delete the part that says, “You will need to sign into google to be able to fill out the sign up form.” since some people may not read any further to notice that this is no longer necessary. Thanks so much!
14 people participating so far, some doing 2 boxes and one doing 3. You generally get far better stuff than a fuko!!
Don’t let this opportunity pass you by!! Sign up today! No need for a google account anymore to sign up. If for some reason you have a problem signing up let me know at the email in the original message.
Vacillating between one and two.
@mossygreen When you’re putting them together you’ll wish you only did one. When they’re coming in the mail you’ll regret not doing two.
@DaveInSoCal @mossygreen And when they come if you regret having done 2 then you will have stuff to send out next exchange (presuming not trash) - just sayin’
@DaveInSoCal I know!
@Kidsandliz I know that too!
@DaveInSoCal Every dang time! I always do one , always end up wishing I did two…next time I’m doing two.
@mehbee I’ve got to say, when I’ve done two, I’ve found myself worrying that they’re not equally good (well, “good”). So this time I only did one, and it was less stressful.
@mossygreen That’s been my main reason for only doing one, I stress enough over the one.
signed up. Someone is gonna get some junk.
We are up to 16… Lets make the Mehrican Exchange
GreatMeh again!!! There have been at least twice this number at times in the past. So far 4 people are doing 2 boxes and one is doing 3…@thumperchick - thank you for editing that for me!! and would it be possible for you or @woodhouse or whomever to please keep this thread on the meh.com page so that people see it to sign up. The final day to sign up is on the 16th and we don’t have nearly as many in the past (in the past it has always been on the main page through the signup end date). Thanks so much!
@Kidsandliz you need to make to google form more confusing to attract attention and consternation and bickering and fighting and backstabbing and complaining and sticking up for the dope
that’s the only way to keep it on the top page (which i think you made up)
btw, i’m just giving you the raspberries in return, no real beef of course
/youtube where’s the beef
fwiw, i did not sign up for my own exchange, so please take no offense that i don’t sign up for this
round of high shipping charges for low value itemslet me know if i can help, or if someone gets stiffed and i can send a care package for the unlucky
/giphy unlucky in love

@Yoda_Daenerys Thanks for your offer. And here I thought organization would be a benefit LOL.
PS so you can help me out by recruiting people to bicker, post irrelevant stuff… That won’t cost you shipping : )
Hey @f00l I need you to bring any left over words you have to this thread and recruit others to contribute - off topic, on topic or otherwise so tag the universe to get them here. See Yoda_Daenerys’s post above this one for why I need your words and help. Gotta keep this thread on the main page so more people will sign up for the exchange in case they missed the original post.
Sorry, busy week.
You’re welcome.
PS don’t let these words stay out late without supervision. They won’t behave themselves if you aren’t watching.
@placidpenguin @froodyfrog @fruityfraug @carl699 @carl669 @kittysprinkles @springsteen @compunaut @jbartus @baqui63 @narfcake @chops @ignorant
you folks should know better than to ignore something like this:
oh hell no!
it’s just a model
/youtube monty phython it’s just a model
@Yoda_Daenerys Thank you!!
@Yoda_Daenerys what? What? WHAT?
@Yoda_Daenerys Huh? But I already signed up… for two even… Am I missing something?
@baqui63 @jbartus nope, i was just tagging folks i know had been interested before, or meh names i could think of without much effort.
@Yoda_Daenerys Thanks too as that kicked this back to the front page since it has dropped to the bottom - although this about ready to be kicked off again if we don’t get more activity on this thread.
Hooray, my first exchange!!
Signed up. I’m sure I can get something meh printed out… errr… put together… err… boxed… before then.
We are up to 18 people and 24 boxes! yea!
/giphy bump thread

@Thumperchick Thanks for that bump! I appreciate it. I need to remember to bump it about an hour before tomorrow’s product is up.
I am looking forward to this.
@CaptAmehrican Hope what ever it is you get from whomever you get it from floats your boat (hehehe)
@Kidsandliz actually since the last time i played in the meh exchange i have gotten to know a bunch of you crazy kids better. I am looking forward to hopefully personalize the box a bit.
@CaptAmehrican Yes that is fun. Cyber stalking someone I found out their favorite sports team and bought them an ornament with that, another person (or maybe same person - I no longer remember) had said on meh they wanted meh to sell meh ping pong balls so I bought some and with the usual meh sharpie modifications made him some copying meh’s script onto the balls. Took me an entire evening to make 6 of them…
@Kidsandliz THAT WAS ME! I love the BoSox ornament and my ping pong balls. I’ve actually decided to share the love, and am going to place one meh ball in each of the two boxes I’ll be sending.
You also sent me a spare pair of mediocre socks, which was also appreciated and used all the time! Thanks!
@DaveInSoCal I guess that box would be have been considered one of the “good” ones then in that exchange LOL. I can’t even remember what I have sent people since I have participated in more than one of these exchanges (or for that matter who I even had - the first person in the first exchange never even acknowledged my box to her arrived so I can’t even search old threads to find out again).
But now no one can cyber stalk you very well outside of meh as you didn’t put your real name in the sign up. If you want it there just email it to me using the email in the first message in the thread and I can add it into the spreadsheet. If not I hope your mail delivery will still deliver it with your meh name instead of your real name.
@DaveInSoCal PS you are welcome.
/giphy bump thread

Yea! We are up to 20 people and even more boxes.
Screw it, I’m in for one
@smigit2002 Cool - now recruit about 100 of your best friends. (grin)
Come on folks - join the fun!! We need to break the record for the number of people participating!
from the get i said i wanted to do presents. i did not notice anything about this getting started!
till like 20 mins. ago…
barely in the nick of time. lol
@mick Glad you saw this. It has been up a week. We haven’t had enough chatter on this thread to keep it on the main page so it is easier to miss.
Yea! 8 more victims signed up last night or early this morning.
And one more. Go team mehrican!
OK so I got a private email about how I will assign people to each other.
This is the fairest way I can think of that involves the least amount of work for me. If you don’t like it, well volunteer to run the next exchange. This is not a democracy here - I am the current King of the
worldMehrican Exchange LOL@Kidsandliz
Dang it. I was gonna save a bundle on shipping costs sending to myself.
@ruouttaurmind well this could be arranged… just saying. You could be in your own private random number generator column…all by yourself…
I’m so excited! My first time doing this, I hope I do it well!
@moonhat If you want ideas search on the mehrican exchange reveal threads. Some people go over the top and that is not expected. People have a range of financial means on this list and some don’t have the means to pay the postage on bigger boxes. Plenty of people limit what they send to what can fit inside one of the bigger priority mail boxes. Stuff can be funny, silly, a “joke”… by cyber “stalking” on the meh exchange or otherwise you might find out some of the interests of people - but you are NOT expected to spend a lot of money on this. Plenty of stuff is odds and ends of things you’d otherwise put in a garage sale because it is too good to throw out but you don’t use it anymore. Try to have at least one thoughtful thing in there you think the person you have been assigned might like.
I’ve been away from home for a month. Not going to get back in time to participate. Maybe next tie. Have fun, all!
@huja Sorry you will miss it…
And you do realize now with search engines to aid us in having long memories we will keep you to that promise!!
/giphy mod power trip

@thumperchick @woodhouse or @whomever (I have no idea whom all I should include in this message to find the person who did it for me) thanks for putting this as a broadcast!! And adding the unofficial for me since I realized, after being reminded, that I should have done that to being with.
@Kidsandliz That would be @dave and @thumperchick

/giphy you’re welcome
@woodhouse thanks for the info
@thumperchick @dave Since signup for the exchange is more or less over it is OK to take down the broadcast. Having that up for 36 or so hours prior to the deadline got us around 1/3 of our signups which was great. We are up to 45 people at this point unless anyone else signs up before I get the assignments done - which will likely happen very very late Sunday - so if you decide to leave it up could you modify the main message to put this as the first sentence: “late signups will be accepted late through 3pm central time Sunday, June 18th”.
My preference would be to leave it up with that modification (later in the main message it gives a deadline of yesterday and people may not read further in the forums to see my procrastinator post) if possible as likely we’d get more people.
Thanks for all the help!!
@ruouttaurmind well I didn’t design that form, I just stole it from the past… (gri) I agree though. I need to change slightly how it is. I realized after the fact based on how people did it there were “issues”.
@Kidsandliz No worries! It’s functional, it just isn’t possible to verify I’ve entered my address accurately (can’t view the entire data field).
/giphy it’s all good

Okay I’m in for one I just hope I don’t send what is considered a shity box. Any tips for a newbie who wants to make her sure her box is full of awesomeness?
@candiedisilvio1 posted elsewhere:
If you want ideas search on the mehrican exchange reveal threads. Some people go over the top and that is not expected. People have a range of financial means on this list and some don’t have the means to pay the postage on bigger boxes. Plenty of people limit what they send to what can fit inside one of the bigger priority mail boxes. Stuff can be funny, silly, a “joke”, a white elephant, whatever… and by cyber “stalking” on the meh exchange or otherwise you might find out some of the interests of people and can figure out something to put in - but you are NOT expected to spend a lot of money on this. Plenty of stuff is odds and ends of things you’d otherwise put in a garage sale because it is too good to throw out but you don’t use it anymore (or never used it to begin with). Try to have at least one thoughtful thing in there you think the person you have been assigned might like.
Personally my box (and I know this is true for some other people as well) is mostly already packed prior to even knowing who I will end up with. I will add one or two personal things presuming I can find anything out about whomever I end up with.
@candiedisilvio1 If it’s stuff that makes you happy it would probably make the recipient happy. Probably.
Keep those signups coming. We are up to 39 people!!
Thanks for answering so quickly Kidsandliz and also for doing this. I’m really excited!!! Let the cyberstalking begin!! I’ve been looking back on some of the other boxes and it looks kind of intimidating
@candiedisilvio1 They did not go out and buy all that junk for the exchange - instead they went through closets, drawers, garages, car trunks, attics and basements and found things that they no longer wanted/never used to begin with…you know - stuff that you’d stick in a garage sale rather than the trash can. Some people on this list seem to have a shopping addiction and have way more excess stuff than others. Some people on this list are broke and have already sold most of their garage sale items and so are more limited in what they have to send. Some can afford to send big boxes and some of us pick small items that will fit in a priority mail box because any more postage than that would kill the budget for a month. The fun is in the surprise and how cool it is to be getting something in the mail.
You are all loserz.
Or maybe it’s me(h).
Anyway, it looks like one of you will be getting a box from me. My apologies.
When I signed up for this I was going to put a fake name but once you get an address you can go to that county’s auditor website and look it up so I put in my real name just hoping whoever gets my name wouldn’t reveal it. Just a small tidbit from law enforcement/911 days. I trust the names I know on here but they’re some I don’t know. Seeing as how this is 6.0 version I’m all in.
@WTFsunshine No one has yet to reveal anyone’s real name.When people post the photos they post it tagging people’s meh name.
@Kidsandliz also as the person you send and receive from are different you might not know their real name .
@CaptAmehrican Only 2 people have not given their full name - you may not know the real name of who you receive from - often all you know is their forum name as that is often all that the sender puts in the box (although usually there is a return address with at least the street address). However you usually know the real name of who you send to and at least right now only 2 people haven’t given their full name.
44 signed up
@Tellatale You did not give me your email address so that I can send you your person you are sending a box to!! Please send it to me ASAP at MehricanExchange6@yahoo.com
Crap, I missed the sign up for crap!
@brainmist me too – I was on vacation in fl. And didn’t read all the threads
Did the info go out yet?
Well I missed signing up darn// next time though …next time …
@AttyVette and @brainmist send an email asap to MehricanExchange6@yahoo.com and I can work you in. I still have 13 emails to send out. I’ll just randomly insert the two of you into whatever is left unsent on the list.
You need Meh name, real name and address, any other comments you want to make, # of boxes (if you haven’t participated before you can only do one) and if you have done this before.
@AttyVette and @brainmist because someone sent me a non-working email address I can’t finish sending to my last few people tonight until they have a chance to send me a working one (if they don’t they will be cut from the exchange). So this buys you more time to email me the needed information. I want to finish this up by lunch Monday as I will be on the road starting Tuesday and I need to pack, do laundry, run around a half a million errands (what it feels like anyway from the list - at least 4 hours worth)…
@dave or @thumperchick if you could please take this off of broadcast since signups are now closed and I only have 13 emails left to send out with assignments. Something like 51 or 52 boxes going out.
Also when I make the reveal thread I’d appreciate it is that could be made a broadcast so people can find it more easily and we don’t accidentally end up with two or something.
Thank you both for your help!!!
@rotanitsarcorp you typed in an email address that DOES NOT WORK. I need your working email ASAP or I will have to drop you from the exchange since I will have no way to send you your assigned person. Thanks. Send the info to MehricanExchange6@yahoo.com ASAP please. Thanks.
I have 13 emails left to send out (we have over 50 boxes going out) and will finish sending them Monday. I am too tired to finish tonight.
@Kidsandliz thank you for all your hard work I know we all appreciate it
@candiedisilvio1 You are welcome.
@Kidsandliz No pressure, no rush… have all the emails been sent?
@ruouttaurmind They were as of late last night.
@Kidsandliz email received.
The reveal thread is here
ALL emails have been sent out with who you are sending to. If you did not get an email and think you are participating first check your spam. Then email me if you still can’t find it: mehricanexchange6@yahoo.com