@Lotsofgoats kinda misses the point of advertising since "meh" has other than daily sales site meaning. Seems like even at 8 bucks it is still subsidized - at least a bit. Advertising budget.
@Lotsofgoats I was on the edge but the url killed it for me. Pushed it from from a clever shirt that coincidentally raises brand awareness to a billboard. Maybe if I offer them an extra dollar they'll "forget" to print that part? If someone asks where I got my shirt I promise I'll tell the truth!
@uncleop the link-advertising bothers me not one bit, especially in that location. But T-Shirts are not intended to be tucked in unless worn underneath a dress shirt. Never. At least for me.
@plastrd Precisely my thinking as well. I'm all for wearing a shirt expressing my indifference (with the nice side effect of increasing brand awareness for something I like); not so much for wearing a blatant advertisement.
@PurplePawprints You are right, we can all "Like" Purple, but when it comes to loving it, @Barney is #1 around these parts. Then again, there is always room for someone to claim it as their own...@PurplePawprints you are definitely second runner up in my book.
@darksaber99999 Same here, I like the colors but I already own a few Meh shirts. But offering colors seems to be the opposite of "Meh", now doesn't it?
hey, sell some more of those "anniversary" shirts with all the funny colored circles on them, those were the tits.
I bought one of these because I like the purple color, but I would've gotten more than one if you'd let me. I know this is a "tracer round" to test the waters, but still, for the future when this comes back on twofer tuesday or whatever.
@Enigma "Svelte" isn't frequently used as a descriptor for you either? I learned from other's folly and added an X to my normal XL (and it's still 'form fitting' :| )because 'Amer Apparel' is apparently designed for 12yo starving children. But 1 paid adverstisement is enough for me. My kid likes the faces on the anni shirt; this is boring, uninspired and faceless. It also doesn't detect radar and I can't whittle with it.
@narfcake I'm sure that is indeed the case. It just pisses me off when people post shit like this without elaborating, thereby making people think there are issues with the quality rather than their own inability to fucking read descriptions.
@narfcake You guessed it right. I did not consult the sizing chart. After missing out on a few good deals/fukus because I took the time to read the full description I decided to order the anni T-shirt while it was still available. My badd. I still have the shirt. As cute and as small as it is I have no one who can fit it. Which is where I learned my lesson. BTW, the fabric on the anniv shirt is pretty thin.
@sohmageek Alas and alack, I spent last night at the hospital with my mom. (They thought she had another stroke, but she is fine today and back at rehab.) However, a friend of a friend ordered me a purple shirt and then on Mom's acct. ordered her a shirt. Can you believe she wanted Cranberry? That stroke must have affected her worse than we thought :) Anyway, the wrong sizes (too small) were ordered for us, but if both of us keep losing weight the way we have been the last six weeks, we will probably be able to wear them.
@Barney Since they are printing these to order you could probably send in a support email and get the sizes fixed. It would suck to have a purple shirt you can't wear.
@metaphore Yeah, I suppose I could try that, but I only need to lose five more pounds... Great incentive for me, and I'm pretty sure that Mom will reach that goal.
I will always buy these shirts because meh is awesome.
Went with purple, have never tried anything purple before. Fingers crossed. Cranberry would've been my second choice (would've probably ordered it too had you let us :c)
Edit: just noticed the website on the bottom, sneaky ;p Love it.
@narfcake Seems like a golden opportunity. To do something like doubling the limit for VMP'rs. Or if that is too generous, double the limit only for those who have had VMP two months or more in a row. @shawn would have to do some finagling.
@narfcake I'm well aware of the marginal loss, make it up in volume fallacy. To reward VMP loyalty. Especially continuous VMP. I shut VMP off when it auto-renews until I need it again.
@Pamtha I must not visit enough tshirt shops. That's clever and so clearly a gotta do once you've seen it done. At least for the inventory located just above reach.
@Pamtha Very cool. I doubt I could pull that off, though.
@kadagan Typically, I'll start my day with one shirt. If the weather dictates, I'll change mid-day. I'll change again when I get home because my doggie has a penchant for Ramy shirts. Since it'll be slobbered/drooled on afterwards, another shirt for the evening, and then another when I go to sleep.
Tried to post this before but didn't seem to go through. I bought one of these because my cat clawed the shit out if the shirt that Meh gave all the VMP subscribers so now I'll have one I can wear in public.
@ceagee I had a momentary loss of memory and had to pull the one I wore today out of the hamper to check the size. I was so worried that the purple would sell out in those ten seconds.
@jbrookebarrow I ordered a women's XL for a friend in an earlier sale and when it arrived it was about right to fit a 13 year old skinny girl, not my friend who is full grown, go for the Men s' XL or XXL if you want to be comfy, unless you're considered 'tiny' by all your friends
Finally, a shirt made with American workers and sold by porny models, emblazoned with the logo of a company peddling left over junk sold by troll puppets.
Seriously, I'm curious to know what the motivation is to refuse sales and limit orders to only one per person. Surely quantities of scale on an orfer like this would only improve.
I was at an amusement park over the weekend in my MEH shirt, and 6 people either complimented the shirt, or asked where I got it. I don't think ANY of them knew about meh.com...but I did tell em.
Effective this past Tuesday I am officially retired. I need to stock up on non-work shirts so I can do the work around the house the wife lined up for me. #sigh I think I need to retire from retiring. Going through my shit to see if I have anything Amazon might want to buy. @snapster, any advice?
@dave - That was weird. Last night I thought a darker color on the chart meant more sold - like the map. I was wondering why you weren't selling more eggplant. I must have been tired, today I see it's a traditional pie chart. So I wonder if the color on today's home page is subliminally selling more cranberry shirts?
Okay, I can (kinda) understand the 'only 1' ordering restriction… but, honestly, it would be nice if you would allow us to order at least 1 men's and 1 women's shirt. You know, to appease the other half. Or random Valentine's Day presents.
@haydesigner it's all a master plot to get you to open 3 other accounts, sign all 3 up for VMP, and promptly forget about the other 3 accounts. sheer genius.
Team Purple. Because it's purple. And it doesn't look like a UPS shirt.
By the way, for those of you who are in charge (@snapster, @MEHcus, @moose) I have a multitude of grandkids who are natural marketers. We need kids sizes.
Also, if you think the new price is too high, blank AA shirts are $18.00. Even with the bulk discount meh gets, these are heavily subsidized.
@2many2no Judging by the women's XL that I bought last time for Mrs. cengland0, I can say that the majority of these shirt would probably fit most of your grandkids unless they take adult sizes. She's only 5'1" and that XL shirt has no way possible to fit. It might fit a 3 year old.
@2many2no@cengland0 My 10 year old son wears the women's XL shirt beautifully. He was in that transition from youth L to adult small, so that tells you how insanely small the sizes are.
@Dweezle I have the same issue with Hollister. I went into one of their stores in the mall and discovered that they don't have any shirts in the entire store that could fit me. I'm 5'9" and only 158 and their largest shirts look like they are for skinny toddlers.
Why can't they take my money? Is Irk trying to see if the warehouse still has Cranberry in my size? Come-on Irk, run faster. I want my ONE shirt. "Opps. Let's try that again."
@gregormehndel I absolutely love old cartoons and was delighted when this was the first choice. But Bugs Bunny and the Gremlin in the WWII airplane should have been there. To sleeply to have thought of it before.
@Barney I will now have two, the one that will fit when I'm cycling all spring/summer and this one, which I will wear in the winter, when I'm making baked potato soup and certainly not cycling.
I was torn between trying out the women's large or a men's small since all of my women's mediums seem to have become a little snug... I chanced it on the women's large and will be super sad if this the most awesome of all my purple shirts fits funny... Or perhaps it will be the gym motivator that I've been looking for :) Team Eggplant!
(Hopefully the image below works, it's my first time trying to post one) apathetic-gilded-market
I woke up at midnight and was like 4 colors I'll have to choose my top 3...... damn 1. Then I had to login to work..... and be back in the office at 7.
A note on sizing for women- if you wear m typically- you will need at least xl. L will be very snug. ;). Ps - would have made this my first meh purchase but for my lack of discretionary funds until tomorrow. C'est la vie. 😔
@cranky1950 I expect the meh-folk will start having meh-ta contests, wherein we are asked to post selfies in our team colored shirt. Doing some particularly meh task. Or with some really meh person. Or in some sincerely meh place.
I decided to go to bed early last night. I was beat. I decided that sleep was more important than what Meh was selling today. Boy, was I wrong. Just when I let my guard down, they sell a Meh branded shirt, thus reminding me of the importance of checking the site right at midnight. I woke up this morning and I was delighted to find that today's deal was not only still available, but I had my choice of colors! I got lucky. The Kool-Aid I drank was the color of Cranberry. muddled-statuesque-mars
wew! Looks like these are selling like the proverbial hotcakes! Do these make nice Christmas presents? Are Yiddish expressions "cool" with the kids this year?
TeamCranberry! Also TeamThatNeedsToLoseAbout5to10PoundsForTheShirtToFitJustRight. The medium is perfect when it arrives but after a wash or two it shrinks and is a bit too tight. The large is just too large. Me and my stupid weirdly sized body.
@sligett no bothers me just the right amount, fine with meh across the chest but for the url turns the wearing in a billboard that paid to be billboard. Would wear a free one, but pay for any shirt with a url on it is a big negative
@SirLouie (1) It's OK to let "hell" rip here. (2) Take a look at the many other comments here about ordering more than one and then post back if needed. (3) Please let us know if it is OK to take out our ear-protection next time.
@RedOak (1) OK for here, but not for me. (2) I see them, but as far as I know I didn't see anyone get more than one? So we're all in the same boat, but it's a one-shirt boat. And I guess that's ok, but it took some time for me to accept that. (3) I used all caps because I was literally shouting. Seriously, my cubicle mates were like "wtf?" I apologize for the outburst but it was used properly.
@dsmgsx916 That picture reminds me of something that happened when I was growing up. Our family was great friends with the family across the street. One night when I was probably in my early teens, we went over and the adults all got drunk. My dad is a hairy guy and they drew a heart around his belly button with Nair. Our families went water skiing at Lake Berryessa a lot and it was visible that entire summer.
@connorbush I clicked on I need help with this in my receipt email, and an angel, Holly, helped me get a different color. And a different order number; changed from dangerously rusty jaguar to messy actual goose.
@connorbush looks like you got lucky. Normally "buyer's remorse" is a thing easily remediated only within 60 minutes of your order. (Click on cancel link and reorder differently or don't.)
@Thumperchick Well, Holly didn't do it all on her own, she said their mediocre systems couldn't. She canceled my old order and I put in a new one. Shazam (she was quick). But I guess they won't have a sell-out today, since the shirts haven't been printed yet, so I lucked out.
WHY IT MAKES NO SENSE TO ADD THAT WRETCHED URL: When I wear my old Meh t-shirt, random strangers will occasionally point at my chest and go "ha"! Once I realize they aren't pointing at a mustard stain I usually say "Yeah. It's actually this really cool website blabetty, bla, bla..." With this new shameless billboard in garment form that delightful bit of word-of-mouth marketing won't ever transpire, because I wouldn't wear it if it were the last t-shirt on earth.
Every time i wear the faces shirt I get people asking about it. Yesterday 3 people, when I was at Disney 4 cast members asked about it. This one while not as cool make me wanna pass.... I WANT ALL 4 WHY!!!
@StrangerDanger simple, create 3 other accounts, be sure to sign up for VMP on those 3 other accounts and promptly forget about it until several months of charges roll by.
@Thumperchick im just gonna buy a really small shirt and use some scissors and duct tape to make Charlotte a onesie. Now thats a real 'meh' shirt...er..onesie
So, if you can wait until the end of the day to print these, what is the reason for the quick sell out of the face shirt? Obviously you could have done the same thing......
@mdrcoast it's more likely that the pre-ordered a set amount of shirts for that sale. This sale, they are seeing which color is more popular, so they are waiting to order the right number of blanks.
@mdrcoast what @Thumperchick said. That and it takes a lot more time to draw all those little funky faces so the meh staff had to do them all up front in the case of the "Face shirt".
Your apparently casual choice of t-shirt color will define you and the way you interact with the members of this virtual community . . .
I don't wear t shirts, but I'm petrified that I'll miss out on some vital forum functions if I don't participate. Please confirm that I'm just paranoid, and that I can still be considered a mehtizen of mediocre standing.
@thismyusername - Sniff I predict that when the revolution comes, your team will be divided into Team Purple and Team Eggplant to even things up. Team Eggplant won't make me feel like an outsider, right guys? I make amazing grilled eggplant. Oh, uh - Team Cranberry? I like cranberry in drinks sometimes . . .
unequal-impulsive-plantation I really like the cranberry, but I have 2 other cranberry t's already and 1 meh shirt in navy so I went with eggplant (sorry brown!).
@Crixus You could upload the pic to imgur and add the link to your message on the support form. Attaching images in emails can make it iffy that they get through on some email systems anyway.
@Crixus I thought mine looked a little 'off' but I didn't do anything to double-check. It's in the hamper waiting to be washed, so I might pull it out and check it in the morning.
Um..... I think someone needs to check the sizing at this company. I ordered a women's size XL and it looks like a kids XL, it's really short and really small. :( I'm really disappointed.
@rbusath they had disclaimers about the size on the listing to go up a size or two, but i agree with you, i ordered a women's XL another time for a friend, and it might have fit her 12 year old daughter...
@rbusath The sizing is inline with other shirt manufacturers in the imprint industry. So did you check the sizing charts before you ordered? They were linked on the page.
@rbusath unfortunately, American Apparel is notorious for their small "women's" sizes - they run more like junior's sizing, at best. This is why they link the sizing charts on t-shirt sales - because they're all a little different and depending on the cut, some are much less forgiving than others. A lot of women who find the WXL too short/small find a good fit in the Men's Large - it's not cut as femininely, but it still gives a good fit and you get more length for your torso.
Condition: New
Warranty: 90 Day Mediocre
Estimated Delivery: 10/8 - 10/10
Shipping: $5 or free with VMP
What’s in the Box?
1x Shirt
Men’s Navy
Men’s Eggplant
Men’s Brown
Men’s Cranberry
Women’s Navy
Women’s Brown
Women’s Cranberry
Women’s Eggplant
Eggplant punching
90 days
@lichme Any shirt without a pocket is just a rag.
The meh.com part (on the bottom edge) is smart. That way it isn't just "meh".
@RedOak am I a bad meh person if that small detail makes me not want it? D:
@Lotsofgoats bad as me....better than me if you actually own lots of goats
@RedOak that's why I don't want one.
@Lotsofgoats kinda misses the point of advertising since "meh" has other than daily sales site meaning. Seems like even at 8 bucks it is still subsidized - at least a bit. Advertising budget.
@Lotsofgoats or, also in the color of your choice:
@Lotsofgoats I was on the edge but the url killed it for me. Pushed it from from a clever shirt that coincidentally raises brand awareness to a billboard.
Maybe if I offer them an extra dollar they'll "forget" to print that part? If someone asks where I got my shirt I promise I'll tell the truth!
@plastrd Hey, if you just TUCK IN YOUR SHIRT it won't be a problem. Kidz these days. Sheesh.
@uncleop the link-advertising bothers me not one bit, especially in that location. But T-Shirts are not intended to be tucked in unless worn underneath a dress shirt. Never. At least for me.
@uncleop SORRY DAD
@plastrd Precisely my thinking as well. I'm all for wearing a shirt expressing my indifference (with the nice side effect of increasing brand awareness for something I like); not so much for wearing a blatant advertisement.
@uncleop You tuck in your T-shirts? You must be fun at parties.
It's been over 2 weeks since i justified my VMP. Plus out of the 4-5 meh shirts i already own none of them are purple.
@axleman1011 I think you and @Barney might have a bone to pick. Barney owns the rights to the color purple if you didn't know.....
@axleman1011 yea, what's your point?
@Stallion Barney is busy. I like purple too!
@Stallion There are quite a few of us who have long been on Team Purple. I'm not sure any of us 'own' the rights to it really.
@PurplePawprints You are right, we can all "Like" Purple, but when it comes to loving it, @Barney is #1 around these parts. Then again, there is always room for someone to claim it as their own...@PurplePawprints you are definitely second runner up in my book.
@Stallion I love purple. @PurplePawprints LIVES purple. She is a true purple Mehniac.
I like the colors. I prefer these over the grey on black I bought, but three Meh-related shirts is enough for me for now.
@darksaber99999 Same here, I like the colors but I already own a few Meh shirts. But offering colors seems to be the opposite of "Meh", now doesn't it?

@boc thats a cool tent
@username Thanks! (Or "Thank you, Google images!")
This doesn't actually count as a thing, meh, you know that right?
In for brown!
I see you raised the price. Must be a pharmaceutical shirt
Fucking finally. I mean, I love the Black and Navy ones from the past, but my wardrobe really needed some fucking color variety.
@studerc same, getting the brown
Woohoo! Purple Meh!
@heartny Yippee, purple!
Got one. Love the eggplant. @Barney get in here and get eggplant.
@trilliongrams I love purple.
hey, sell some more of those "anniversary" shirts with all the funny colored circles on them, those were the tits.
I bought one of these because I like the purple color, but I would've gotten more than one if you'd let me. I know this is a "tracer round" to test the waters, but still, for the future when this comes back on twofer tuesday or whatever.
@boygenius1991 I couldn't help myself..sorry (plus it was already pre-made)

Nope, not this time. I learned my lesson already about buying t-shirts here. Especially after the anniversary t-shirt
@Enigma You learned just how fabulous Meh and AA shirts are, right? I mean, that's the only thing you could mean as far as I can figure.
@PurplePawprints Right? That you just buy up a size and then bask in the awesomeness?
@Enigma "Svelte" isn't frequently used as a descriptor for you either? I learned from other's folly and added an X to my normal XL (and it's still 'form fitting' :| )because 'Amer Apparel' is apparently designed for 12yo starving children. But 1 paid adverstisement is enough for me.
My kid likes the faces on the anni shirt; this is boring, uninspired and faceless. It also doesn't detect radar and I can't whittle with it.
@PurplePawprints My guess is that the sizing charts were not consulted before ordering.
@narfcake I'm sure that is indeed the case. It just pisses me off when people post shit like this without elaborating, thereby making people think there are issues with the quality rather than their own inability to fucking read descriptions.
@PurplePawprints Alas, nothing new - and it's not just for shirts either.
@narfcake You guessed it right. I did not consult the sizing chart. After missing out on a few good deals/fukus because I took the time to read the full description I decided to order the anni T-shirt while it was still available. My badd. I still have the shirt. As cute and as small as it is I have no one who can fit it. Which is where I learned my lesson. BTW, the fabric on the anniv shirt is pretty thin.
@PurplePawprints see above
@Enigma Those shirts are not difficult to rehome if that is your desire.
Decisions...decisions...I finally decided on Navy. Why the price increase? This better be 60% better than the last one.
@densa Probably because they got tired of operating at a loss (or close to it) when they sold them in the past.
@densa They say right there on the home page, "We raised the price to lower demand"
Team Cranberry, what what!
Cranberry homeless-hollow-thunder ftw!
@defective team cranberry, so they can't see blood stains on our shirt when we come for them. Team brown suspects nothing.
@dseyer Team Brown sees what Team Purple did to the eggplant. You just can't see their horrified reaction because of their shirt color.
@uncleop I love purple.
Only one? Awwww.....
@rhcurry02 yeah. Why do they do 4 colors and limit 1.... I'm think they want to collect $13 per shirt instead of $8....
@rhcurry02 yeah, I already have navy, so I thought "sweet... 3 colors, 3 shirts. ...must be meant to be."
@rhcurry02 If I could get two and lower the per-piece shipping a bit, I would. But I'm just going to pass entirely.
" - We raised the price to lower demand"
It worked. For me.
@RedOak Ditto. Also, team black ftw.
@RedOak Yeah, just going to pretend like these are the anniversary shirts and are sold out.......
In for eggplant. Because purple blurry-grizzly-ghost. (cue @barney )
@Pony I love purple.
Also in for brown!

@smigit2002 That is fabulous.
@smigit2002 There is NOTHING mediocre about that vest.
@smigit2002 I can't stop looking at it.
@smigit2002 Where can I get one? this needs to be on here!
@azdarkknight I think only a great aunt can make one of those in this day and age. It really is spectacular, isn't it?
What an awful day to have my credit card stolen and canceled. :( I'll pay you Tuesday for a TShirt today!
@ModusPwnens You clearly need to have more than one CC.
@haydesigner Yeah, I'm getting that idea. I applied for one tonight!
@ModusPwnens You need a low limit card to use just for online purchases, like the one I use! 💳
Customers paying to be walking advertisements, bravo meh marketing team!
Purple AA shirts!
(Also, does that mean I need to prepare another goat speech?)
@narfcake I love purple.
I want one of each!!

Really wanted to order a cranberry and an eggplant. Guess I'll just be eating eggplant when this arrives.
@TuffGong won't that clash with the raspberry beret?
GO TEAM PURPLE (eggplant)!!!
@thismyusername I love purple.
Do these detect radar and/or are they sharp and stabby?
I'm out...
Only one???
@jakbrooklyn seriously?
@DMlivezey These are all must-have colors. Except the brown.
Yes! In for one in purple (not calling it eggplant )

But WTF is up with my search result for
acidic-amusing-iodine? @sohmageek ...I blame you!
@jaremelz you're welcome. You know... You may be asking for this...
@sohmageek Sssh, or I'll post a pic of the coffee I've been drinking.
@sohmageek Oh hell, I can't help but share. It came up in a conversation with a team member, and when I saw it on sale, I thought I'd try it.

@jaremelz Ew, they have a 'velvety mouthfeel?' ...Oh, they mean the coffee!
@gregormehndel Isn't that the single worst word ever?
@jaremelz Yes it is. Even worse when applied to goat nethers.
@jaremelz Yep, purple! I'm not going to be Team Eggplant.
@Barney They can try and be cute and call it that, but we all know what it is. I reject eggplant.
You could have at least added some polyester to the mix with the price increase. These 100% cotton jobs look like crap after a few washes. COME ON!!!!
@ardiejohnson plastic in clothing is not cool.
Team Cranberry, baby. But there's no way in hell I'm going to Google an image for entertaining-busy-hole.
@escapecar Just do it!!
@escapecar no worries. Google images was rather disappointing on that one.

@RedOak The images are tame, but the web results are not!
mushy-dense-thief. Totally would have bought one in each color, but oh well.
@marvelljones ditto
Third times the charm I guess..... "Something went terribly wrong" the first two times....
Navy men's small for me. Couldn't decide between navy and brown. replete-rolly-woodchuck
@shortman Small? You really are a short man, huh?
Fits me to a 't' ( shirt)
Purple shirt! Paging @Barney.
@heartbleed I love purple.
It is really unfair that you've limited me to only one purple shirt. Unfair, I say! (Oh yeah, thanks for the eggplant option!)
@PurplePawprints I love purple.
Went with purple because fuck it, I don't own any purple and have too much brown/blue
Got a size over because last one shrunk on me
@WilhelmScreamer I love purple.
@Barney DID YOU ORDER ONE?!?!? :)
@sohmageek Alas and alack, I spent last night at the hospital with my mom. (They thought she had another stroke, but she is fine today and back at rehab.) However, a friend of a friend ordered me a purple shirt and then on Mom's acct. ordered her a shirt. Can you believe she wanted Cranberry? That stroke must have affected her worse than we thought :) Anyway, the wrong sizes (too small) were ordered for us, but if both of us keep losing weight the way we have been the last six weeks, we will probably be able to wear them.
Kudos to Meh for giving us purple shirts!
@Barney Since they are printing these to order you could probably send in a support email and get the sizes fixed. It would suck to have a purple shirt you can't wear.
@metaphore Yeah, I suppose I could try that, but I only need to lose five more pounds... Great incentive for me, and I'm pretty sure that Mom will reach that goal.
Meh. Price increase. $5 or pound sand.
I see you're leaving room to grow into some more cheerful colors in the future. Like Orange.
@RedOak I'd be all over an orange shirt. Or uh, it would be all over me.
@RedOak @cinoclav Would that be pumpkin?
@speediedelivery call it what you like as long as it is really Orange and not something muddied up with brown or tan pollution.
Yeah for purple!
@remo28 I love purple!
Tough decision but cranberry ftw!
@cinoclav And since I didn't get to post an image last night: elaborate-quiet-toothpaste
(Kind of feel like I'm buying from the wrong site...)
I already have one, and it's MEH!
I will always buy these shirts because meh is awesome.
Went with purple, have never tried anything purple before. Fingers crossed. Cranberry would've been my second choice (would've probably ordered it too had you let us :c)
Edit: just noticed the website on the bottom, sneaky ;p Love it.
@Nexar high school colors were purple and white. Not much school spirit here, so cranberry it must be.
@Nexar I love purple.
Shoot. I ordered an eggplant for my wife and was going to order a cranberry for me but it will only let me order one.
Why turn down money meh? That doesn't sound like a very good business plan to me.
@daveJay quick, make a new account, and then get another eggplant for you, it will be cute, you two will match.
@daveJay open another account and then pay $5 VMP and hope there is something else you want more than the limit this month, Meh.
@thismyusername and pay 5 dollars for shipping? Meh
@daveJay it's worth it if you are gonna get another purple, if you are really getting a cranberry then yea... screw that noise. ;)
@daveJay FWIW, blank AA shirts retail for $18.
Besides, if they didn't have a limit, guess who might buy "too many"?
@narfcake I give up. Who?
@narfcake Seems like a golden opportunity. To do something like doubling the limit for VMP'rs. Or if that is too generous, double the limit only for those who have had VMP two months or more in a row. @shawn would have to do some finagling.
@RedOak And what's meh's incentive to do that? The "we lose money on each sale but we'll make it up in volume" method isn't a good business strategy.
@narfcake I'm well aware of the marginal loss, make it up in volume fallacy. To reward VMP loyalty. Especially continuous VMP. I shut VMP off when it auto-renews until I need it again.
@narfcake You need to fold and stack those shirts like this:
@Pamtha I must not visit enough tshirt shops. That's clever and so clearly a gotta do once you've seen it done. At least for the inventory located just above reach.
@narfcake Do you ever wear shirts? Or do they lose their value once you use them?
@Pamtha Very cool. I doubt I could pull that off, though.
@kadagan Typically, I'll start my day with one shirt. If the weather dictates, I'll change mid-day. I'll change again when I get home because my doggie has a penchant for Ramy shirts. Since it'll be slobbered/drooled on afterwards, another shirt for the evening, and then another when I go to sleep.
@daveJay You are in luck: https://meh.com/forum/topics/meh-shirts-over-at-mediocre
this is a little strange for putrid-finite-dinosaur
I wanted one of each color...
No fair... I cry shenanigans!! Mostly because I want to order more than one.
Team Eggplant, for that Irk-y goodness.
Tried to post this before but didn't seem to go through. I bought one of these because my cat clawed the shit out if the shirt that Meh gave all the VMP subscribers so now I'll have one I can wear in public.
It was meh, so purple. I forgot which size I liked best. Oh well, hope I got it right !
@ceagee I had a momentary loss of memory and had to pull the one I wore today out of the hamper to check the size. I was so worried that the purple would sell out in those ten seconds.
@PurplePawprints I know what you mean. They sold out so fast last time, so I guessed. There are different sizes in my drawer didn't know which one.
@ceagee I love purple.
Throwing in my lot with all those who want all the colors. cute-wheat-minotaur

What size do I need to order to fit over my pregnant pumpkin tummy? My unborn baby is very meh.
@jbrookebarrow I ordered a women's XL for a friend in an earlier sale and when it arrived it was about right to fit a 13 year old skinny girl, not my friend who is full grown, go for the Men s' XL or XXL if you want to be comfy, unless you're considered 'tiny' by all your friends
@DMlivezey Yikes! I'm neither tiny nor a 13-year-old girl, so this will be a pass for me. Thanks for the response. :)
That dark purple will look great under some of my button-up shirts.
@SSteve Oh, yeah: receptive-nervous-fork
@SSteve I love purple.
Oh, @Barney, thank you for showing up. I feel like I've been holding my breath waiting for you ever since this sale went up. Well met!!
@SSteve We need to talk. I think you may have a problem :)
@Barney A problem? Oh, you have no idea.
I would have bought one if it had just the "m" logo. As is, "meh" is untenable.
Finally, a shirt made with American workers and sold by porny models, emblazoned with the logo of a company peddling left over junk sold by troll puppets.
@njd I know! I'm so excited that not even the melatonin I took is going to help me sleep tonight. Best. Night. Ever.
Seriously, I'm curious to know what the motivation is to refuse sales and limit orders to only one per person. Surely quantities of scale on an orfer like this would only improve.
@daveJay s u b s i d i z e d
Holding out for the linked $250,000 solid gold version.
@KDemo @snapster might be able to arrange that.
@KDemo Solid gold shirts suck. They're too heavy.
@KDemo Dude is a straight up baller! That gold shirt and that guy rule! Put's Mr.T to shame with those gold necklaces AND shirt!
@Stallion - I would agree if the buttons were diamonds and not just crystal.
Just in time - my Kickstarter version is getting a little threadbare. affable-sinister-hen

@jetkins This might be the best order image today.

I get a lot of compliments and smiles when I wear my meh shirt. Is that irony? Damn you Alanis Morrisette...
Tam cranberry yeahhhhhhh
well this stupid .jpeg wont load so meh...
I was at an amusement park over the weekend in my MEH shirt, and 6 people either complimented the shirt, or asked where I got it. I don't think ANY of them knew about meh.com...but I did tell em.
Oh, meh. You know I'm such a fool for you. You got me wrapped around your finger. One question though... Do you have to let it linger?
@medz Do you have to, do you have to?
@medz Apparently you ordered Cranberry
You know it!
What kind of fool am I to expect to find a shirt with a pocket?
Effective this past Tuesday I am officially retired. I need to stock up on non-work shirts so I can do the work around the house the wife lined up for me. #sigh I think I need to retire from retiring. Going through my shit to see if I have anything Amazon might want to buy. @snapster, any advice?
@Mehrocco_Mole Nothing expresses the retirement attitude like a meh shirt. Congrats!
@Mehrocco_Mole - Congratulations, me too.
my first cranberry shirt ever! pesky-curly-dill
@carl669 dill is pesky...
I'm on Team Cranberry, which is more popular than I expected. (Did you see our new stat breakdown by attribute?)
Also, Team Ok I'll Finally Go Up Another Size.
@dave - That was weird. Last night I thought a darker color on the chart meant more sold - like the map. I was wondering why you weren't selling more eggplant.
I must have been tired, today I see it's a traditional pie chart.
So I wonder if the color on today's home page is subliminally selling more cranberry shirts?
Can I be team shirtless? I'm fine with being relegated to a corner by myself.
@Pantheist that would be the "skins". Shirts vs skins.
@RedOak that's the word for it!
I Love the color chart where the map used to be.
Okay, I can (kinda) understand the 'only 1' ordering restriction… but, honestly, it would be nice if you would allow us to order at least 1 men's and 1 women's shirt. You know, to appease the other half. Or random Valentine's Day presents.
@haydesigner it's all a master plot to get you to open 3 other accounts, sign all 3 up for VMP, and promptly forget about the other 3 accounts. sheer genius.
GO TEAM PURPLE (eggplant)!
@thismyusername I love purple!
Team Purple.
Because it's purple.
And it doesn't look like a UPS shirt.
By the way, for those of you who are in charge (@snapster, @MEHcus, @moose) I have a multitude of grandkids who are natural marketers. We need kids sizes.
Also, if you think the new price is too high, blank AA shirts are $18.00. Even with the bulk discount meh gets, these are heavily subsidized.
So, thank you.
@2many2no Judging by the women's XL that I bought last time for Mrs. cengland0, I can say that the majority of these shirt would probably fit most of your grandkids unless they take adult sizes. She's only 5'1" and that XL shirt has no way possible to fit. It might fit a 3 year old.
@2many2no @cengland0 My 10 year old son wears the women's XL shirt beautifully. He was in that transition from youth L to adult small, so that tells you how insanely small the sizes are.
@2many2no I love purple.
Need bigger shirts for fatter/taller people. We're not all skinny and/or hipsters, and I hate tight shirts.
@Dweezle I have the same issue with Hollister. I went into one of their stores in the mall and discovered that they don't have any shirts in the entire store that could fit me. I'm 5'9" and only 158 and their largest shirts look like they are for skinny toddlers.
Why can't they take my money? Is Irk trying to see if the warehouse still has Cranberry in my size? Come-on Irk, run faster. I want my ONE shirt. "Opps. Let's try that again."
leaded-dependable-sweater. Took enough tries, and I never got a "Success" message. At least I got my ONE, to say the least.
@hchavers that's because you're supposed to buy PURPLE.
@Thumperchick I love purple!
Team Eggplant!
@Zypher Team Purple!
Bought the most "meh" of all colors... brown.

Not the first image, but the best one in the first row:
Team Eggplant! droopy-scared-airplane:

@looseneck "Hello, Joe."
@gregormehndel I absolutely love old cartoons and was delighted when this was the first choice. But Bugs Bunny and the Gremlin in the WWII airplane should have been there. To sleeply to have thought of it before.
@looseneck Team Purple!
@Barney Oops! TEAM PURPLE! I bought this at 3 am. You'll have to forgive me.
@looseneck Hey, that's okay. But I have this fear that it will be called Team Eggplant. sigh
@Barney Nooooo. I will fight Team Eggplant to my dying breath. Team Purple 4 Life.
@jaremelz I shall join you on this quest. Purple or die!

@jaremelz Did you see the pie chart? We're winning!!
@looseneck Yes! Does this mean I'll finally be one of the cool kids?
@jaremelz You are the Original Kool Kid.
@Barney Team Eggplant?!
@jaremelz You are hanging out at Meh which is very Mediocre and you think that will make you a cool kid?
@SSteve I feel so much better.
@looseneck No way! I'm just happy to be allowed in the club!
@Barney Oh, don't worry, I'm never in danger of actually being one!
@jaremelz Me neither. Five more pounds to lose and I can wear my new purple shirt.
@Barney Didn't you know mediocre is the new hip thing? (I actually don't know because I'm neither)
@looseneck Well, I guess if I see a lot of people wearing Meh shirts, you will have proven your point.
@Barney I will now have two, the one that will fit when I'm cycling all spring/summer and this one, which I will wear in the winter, when I'm making baked potato soup and certainly not cycling.
I was torn between trying out the women's large or a men's small since all of my women's mediums seem to have become a little snug... I chanced it on the women's large and will be super sad if this the most awesome of all my purple shirts fits funny... Or perhaps it will be the gym motivator that I've been looking for :) Team Eggplant!
(Hopefully the image below works, it's my first time trying to post one)

@GeeNay I love purple.
Muddy keen crane. I'm being a rebel (I think?) with Team Navy.

What are those ladies all trying to hide with their hands?
Come on meh. I got my wife into this weeks ago.. At least let me order a second shirt for her...
Noooo! I woke up, bought cranberry, and went back to sleep. Now I see all the cool kids are buying purple. Next time, purple.
@sammydog01 nothing wrong with cranberry. Coming into the season for it.
@RedOak Can I wear it for thanksgiving supper? pure-adherent-lemming

@sammydog01 I love purple.
I woke up at midnight and was like 4 colors I'll have to choose my top 3...... damn 1. Then I had to login to work..... and be back in the office at 7.
TeamCranberry #sayNoToUTI
A note on sizing for women- if you wear m typically- you will need at least xl. L will be very snug. ;). Ps - would have made this my first meh purchase but for my lack of discretionary funds until tomorrow. C'est la vie. 😔
Team Cranberry! But today I'm wearing my team black shirt.
I'm "in the navy", with an order proudly named, miraculously-straight-chin. No need to search for this one. The choice was both immediate and obvious.
Teams? I just wanted to walk around with meh on my chest.
@cranky1950 I expect the meh-folk will start having meh-ta contests, wherein we are asked to post selfies in our team colored shirt. Doing some particularly meh task. Or with some really meh person. Or in some sincerely meh place.
@uncleop stop giving them ideas
all this talk of shirt pockets... there's literally one good reason for a shirt pocket
otherwise they're ugly and unnecessary
@Lotsofgoats Especially if you have boobs.
@sammydog01 a relevant point!
@Lotsofgoats - heh - marsupial shirts.
@sammydog01 @Lotsofgoats I think we all like boobs better than pockets.
I decided to go to bed early last night. I was beat. I decided that sleep was more important than what Meh was selling today. Boy, was I wrong. Just when I let my guard down, they sell a Meh branded shirt, thus reminding me of the importance of checking the site right at midnight. I woke up this morning and I was delighted to find that today's deal was not only still available, but I had my choice of colors! I got lucky.

The Kool-Aid I drank was the color of Cranberry.
Insomnia last night, so I picked up my purpleplant-colored shirt. judicious-creepy-cow. MOOOOOO!!!
@uncleop I love purple.
Does the 90 day warranty include vomit stains?
@nostrom0 you'll need to add those yourself. Stain placement is a matter of personal choice.

IT's like it's regoat @barney day... @barney is getting more pings than....
@sohmageek I love purple!
Woke up late, feeling different, in for aubergine.
Eggplant is always worth it.
@llabak I love purple.
wew! Looks like these are selling like the proverbial hotcakes! Do these make nice Christmas presents? Are Yiddish expressions "cool" with the kids this year?
Gone are the days of $5 meh shirts.
Cranberry! low-burnt-dumpling
TeamCranberry! Also TeamThatNeedsToLoseAbout5to10PoundsForTheShirtToFitJustRight. The medium is perfect when it arrives but after a wash or two it shrinks and is a bit too tight. The large is just too large. Me and my stupid weirdly sized body.
Team Eggplant! Google Images isn't helpful for sporty-mountainous-gin; it doesn't appear to think the three go together, so Mark Harmon:
@OldCatLady Why do I find this hilarious?
@OldCatLady Gibbs!
@OldCatLady Team Purple! Aww, I love Mark Harmon.
Someone needs to photoshop a Purple Meh logo over the UPS logo...
Url ruins shirt again....
Take it away, my Eyes, my eyes burn!
@Catdad I don't get it. Meh
@Catdad Does it bother you more than it should?
@sligett no bothers me just the right amount, fine with meh across the chest but for the url turns the wearing in a billboard that paid to be billboard. Would wear a free one, but pay for any shirt with a url on it is a big negative
Team skins represent!

(1) It's OK to let "hell" rip here.
(2) Take a look at the many other comments here about ordering more than one and then post back if needed.
(3) Please let us know if it is OK to take out our ear-protection next time.
(1) OK for here, but not for me.
(2) I see them, but as far as I know I didn't see anyone get more than one? So we're all in the same boat, but it's a one-shirt boat. And I guess that's ok, but it took some time for me to accept that.
(3) I used all caps because I was literally shouting. Seriously, my cubicle mates were like "wtf?" I apologize for the outburst but it was used properly.
That mannequin is wearing a woman's XL.
If American Apparel made shirts that fit American Women, I'd be all over the brand.
@dsmgsx916 That picture reminds me of something that happened when I was growing up. Our family was great friends with the family across the street. One night when I was probably in my early teens, we went over and the adults all got drunk. My dad is a hairy guy and they drew a heart around his belly button with Nair. Our families went water skiing at Lake Berryessa a lot and it was visible that entire summer.
Got a cranberry one or whatever--bummed now cause I want a brown. Buyers remorse. major-frankly-throat

@connorbush have you contacted customer service and asked for a change of color? (cue @Thumperchick ;)
p.s. I bought the cranberry one...don't be hat'in on cranberry!
@connorbush solo puede haber uno

@mfladd Heh, this is a situation where you shouldn't contact CS, because they aren't going to change your color. :P
@mfladd Christopher Lambert, mi favorito gato con los ojos cruzados.
@connorbush I clicked on I need help with this in my receipt email, and an angel, Holly, helped me get a different color. And a different order number; changed from dangerously rusty jaguar to messy actual goose.
@connorbush looks like you got lucky. Normally "buyer's remorse" is a thing easily remediated only within 60 minutes of your order. (Click on cancel link and reorder differently or don't.)
@sligett Whoa, @hollboll was being super nice to you!
@Thumperchick @hollboll is always super nice
@Thumperchick Well, Holly didn't do it all on her own, she said their mediocre systems couldn't. She canceled my old order and I put in a new one. Shazam (she was quick). But I guess they won't have a sell-out today, since the shirts haven't been printed yet, so I lucked out.
@DaveInSoCal Aw, thanks! Not sure why @thumperchick always thinks I'm super mean.
@hollboll the worst.

I was on at the changeover last night and was excited for the shirts. Then I decided not to order one. Now I just did. Dang you Meh shirt!
@tightwad shirt.horse ?
Am I missing something, or do they not mention ANYWHERE whether this acursed garment is 100% cotton, 50/50, tri, etc.? What are they hiding? Creepy.
@sidewinder3000 American Apparel blanks used here are 100% ringspun cotton, manufactured and printed in the USA.
@Thumperchick Thanks TC, though it would be nice if these ne'er do-wells would just put that in the specs.
@sidewinder3000 They're just being mediocre.
@sidewinder3000 come to think of it, I'm not sure if they mentioned whether the speaker docks are 120V 60Hz, 230V 50Hz, 12V DC...
When I wear my old Meh t-shirt, random strangers will occasionally point at my chest and go "ha"! Once I realize they aren't pointing at a mustard stain I usually say "Yeah. It's actually this really cool website blabetty, bla, bla..." With this new shameless billboard in garment form that delightful bit of word-of-mouth marketing won't ever transpire, because I wouldn't wear it if it were the last t-shirt on earth.
@sidewinder3000 because so many people look to the lower left hem of your shirt before pointing at the large letters and saying, "ha!"?
@sidewinder3000 don't be confused, they are still laughing at you...
@tightwad But I haven't eaten anything with mustard since Tuesday...
Ah. I should change.
@sidewinder3000 no one listens to me when i say "it's a website"... they are already walking away.
Looks nice. I think it's a good reward for VMP's to get free shipping.
@Wickhameh I am curious how many non-VMP sales there will be for this item..@JonT can you tell us?
Every time i wear the faces shirt I get people asking about it. Yesterday 3 people, when I was at Disney 4 cast members asked about it. This one while not as cool make me wanna pass.... I WANT ALL 4 WHY!!!
@StrangerDanger I prefer this one. Simple. Direct. Mediocre.
@StrangerDanger simple, create 3 other accounts, be sure to sign up for VMP on those 3 other accounts and promptly forget about it until several months of charges roll by.
@StrangerDanger You are in luck: https://meh.com/forum/topics/meh-shirts-over-at-mediocre
I'm on my way to replacing my girlfriend's entire wardrobe with Meh shirts.
Need a onesie option, so mehricans with infants can use offspring to appropriately display our mehrch and laissez faire attitudes.
@Thumperchick im just gonna buy a really small shirt and use some scissors and duct tape to make Charlotte a onesie. Now thats a real 'meh' shirt...er..onesie
@studerc clever but no need to mutilate the shirt. Bunch the shirt up between the legs and either knot it or use a large twist-tie.
So, if you can wait until the end of the day to print these, what is the reason for the quick sell out of the face shirt? Obviously you could have done the same thing......
@mdrcoast it's more likely that the pre-ordered a set amount of shirts for that sale. This sale, they are seeing which color is more popular, so they are waiting to order the right number of blanks.
@mdrcoast what @Thumperchick said. That and it takes a lot more time to draw all those little funky faces so the meh staff had to do them all up front in the case of the "Face shirt".
I'll buy anything purple. in for one.
@CowboyDann You and me both, man.
I love purple.
@JonT - Is this true?
I don't wear t shirts, but I'm petrified that I'll miss out on some vital forum functions if I don't participate. Please confirm that I'm just paranoid, and that I can still be considered a mehtizen of mediocre standing.
@KDemo How do you feel about team naked ?
@ceagee - Oh, yes! As long as I get to play.
@KDemo I feel this should warrant a completely different secret handshake.
@jaremelz - I'm thinking no one would really be paying attention to their hands.
@KDemo I wouldn't worry about it. Whatever allegiances may rise as a result of this, I'm sure you can pledge yours without buying a shirt.
Thank you, @JonT, I was seriously afraid I'd miss the revolution.
@KDemo we might pretend you are part of team purple, but without the shirt... we're just doing you a kindness, you will never be a real team purple.
@thismyusername - Sniff
I predict that when the revolution comes, your team will be divided into Team Purple and Team Eggplant to even things up. Team Eggplant won't make me feel like an outsider, right guys? I make amazing grilled eggplant.
Oh, uh - Team Cranberry? I like cranberry in drinks sometimes . . .
@KDemo You can be on my Team Purple. Anyway, I can't fit into my shirt, so what difference is one more purpleless person going to make?
@KDemo Like hell, you're not team purple material! Gooble gobble,baby.
@KDemo come on... get one... pay meh to advertise... become part of the experiment.... team purple is calling you.... ewe can dew it!!!
Thanks, @Barney. Let's name our purpler team "Team Extreme Purple". Wanna?
@thismyusername Haha I already have at least 5 meh shirts I have never worn. Including the flask. Peer pressure, indeed.
@KDemo oh I want to be on that team
@ceagee -Team Extreme Purple welcomes you.
@KDemo Great name!
All that extreme purple team talk - can't help but picture this:
And scarier:
Anyone here live in MD? I just got here last week and I don't have a mailing address yet.
@lowlypeon @mfladd?
@lowlypeon What part of MD?
@lowlypeon Eastern Shore of MD
@tinkertime gaithersburg
@lowlypeon I am in PA but can forward on to you when you are settled if you wish.
@mfladd There's a shore?
@lowlypeon If you happened to take the MARC into DC, this would be easy-peasy.
& go easy on @mfladd's shore, some of our best beers come from there!
@lowlypeon yup. That's what they call the "almost an island" land mass east of the Chesapeake that is a pain in the ass to get to.
@brhfl thanks :) Go Delmarva Breweries!
@tinkertime Hey Neighbor!
@lowlypeon You have like 17 minutes to negotiate this shirt deal!
@tinkertime 2nd Hey!
@mfladd & @brhfl Hey back at you both!
@mfladd @lowlypeon The coast is a pain in the ass to get to, that's no joke…
I really like the cranberry, but I have 2 other cranberry t's already and 1 meh shirt in navy so I went with eggplant (sorry brown!).
@tinkertime I love purple.
No black on black? Meh?
Why is there only a one shirt limit? I'm trying to do free advertisement for you guys
@panadaincorner Because you only need one to advertise meh. Just have to wash it. Often.
@cinoclav Wait, you don't wear one t-shirt up top and another on the bottom? What's wrong with you, man?
@jaremelz I'm, uh, supposed to wear something on the bottom?
@panadaincorner it's a test... I bet you didn't read the writeup did you?

Eff it
@mdrcoast did you get purple?
@mdrcoast Or did you pick #TeamCranberry ?
I love purple.
@thismyusername Yes. In a fit of, "What would my wife be most OK with."
I finally realized what's been missing from this thread all day :
No Georgia Red ?
@thismyusername Quality over Quantity.
Team Cranberry!
Bump until they ship!
@Mehrocco_Mole Irks' arms are short, and from the looks of it, only one works properly... gonna take him a while I bet.
@Mehrocco_Mole If you read the specs, they include the...
@Thumperchick Yeah. But if Meh wants to get one to me by 10/10, shouldda shipped it last week.
@gertiestn pfft. Logistics...
I see that American Apparel filed for bankruptcy today. Hopefully Meh has a good supply on-hand for us.
@heartny NOW we know why they have all these blanks :)
@heartny What are all those bored models going to do now?
Mine has shipped! Should be here by Friday!
@Trillian Mine, too! But will be here by next Wednesday...
Anybody else get one with slightly askew screen printing?
@Crixus I know we didn't. You should take pics and write into meh.com/support
@Thumperchick I wrote to support just now.
There's no way to attach images to the support forms, but if Meh wants a pic., I'll snap one and send it to them or attach it here.
It's not hugely off, but the right side of "meh" is definitely about 3-5 degrees higher than the left.
@Crixus You could upload the pic to imgur and add the link to your message on the support form. Attaching images in emails can make it iffy that they get through on some email systems anyway.
@Crixus I thought mine looked a little 'off' but I didn't do anything to double-check. It's in the hamper waiting to be washed, so I might pull it out and check it in the morning.
Stage right, or your right? My m is higher, but I didn't notice it until you mentioned it... meh.
Awwww I just noticed the ® symbol. They grow up so fast.
@Ignorant I'm sad too.
Um..... I think someone needs to check the sizing at this company. I ordered a women's size XL and it looks like a kids XL, it's really short and really small. :( I'm really disappointed.
@rbusath they had disclaimers about the size on the listing to go up a size or two, but i agree with you, i ordered a women's XL another time for a friend, and it might have fit her 12 year old daughter...
@rbusath The sizing is inline with other shirt manufacturers in the imprint industry. So did you check the sizing charts before you ordered? They were linked on the page.
@rbusath unfortunately, American Apparel is notorious for their small "women's" sizes - they run more like junior's sizing, at best. This is why they link the sizing charts on t-shirt sales - because they're all a little different and depending on the cut, some are much less forgiving than others. A lot of women who find the WXL too short/small find a good fit in the Men's Large - it's not cut as femininely, but it still gives a good fit and you get more length for your torso.
This runs a little small. It's tight I'm going to need another soon.