@carl699 regarding co-moderator Q in the QTR2 thread, i didn’t give edit right, because my precious can’t be away from me, my precious…
“Bagginses? What is a Bagginses, precious?”
"We like goblinses, batses and fishes. But we hasn’t tried Hobbitses before. Is it soft? Is it juicy?“
Well, if it loses, precious, then we eats it! If Baggins loses, we eats it whole.”
@DMivezey I had stated a plan to use a loophole in the rules (there are a bunch BTW) to get an extra 25 mins of sleep and you said I had to post at 09:00 and 03:00 for it to be valid O_o
i think it was pretty clear we don’t get to extend our nap by the time slot duration at end of said registered nap chit, and i’m pretty sure @carl669 will back me up on this as the interpretation, since he re-stated it so eloquently to the Senator from NY.
AND it is the very reason you are complaining you didn’t get your 25 minutes extra sleep, or maybe that sound i am hearing in my head is not complaining?
@DMivezey Our restatements resulted from your proclamation as administrator of this shindig, not inherent agreement with the unwritten qualifications thus established.
I am trying to decide what I want to do for breakfast. There are so many options available to me, it’s unfair. All of the best breakfast restaurants should be legally required to come to my house when I get up this early on a Saturday and feed me.
@jbartus yea, i delayed my trip to the store for bacon, in hopes that this thing could possibly be over in just over 8 minutes
do you typically go for the fancy $15 dollar breakfast setup that includes sauces and stuffed french toast, or the diner with the $3.99 two eggs, toast, hasbrowns and bacon dealio?
I’ll make a pot of coffee (1.5 litre french press, freshly ground costa rican beans) and probably make eggs and sausage, since that is quick and easy. I don’t have any grits, or I’d make some, tho some oatmeal would almost work as a replacement.
@carl669 the waitress at the restaurant I haven’t picked yet.
@DMivezey I contest your insistence on an on-the-dot posting as it would require all of our chronometers to be synchronous which is clearly not the case. Carl is plenty on time.
@dmlivezey yeah, what version of android are you running on your phone? What phone is it on which carrier? is it rooted? what browsers have you tried? do you have any ad-blockers or other things that can screw things up installed?
merely saying, “I cannot login” is not all that helpful. Has it ever worked? When is the last time it worked? When is the first time you know it stopped working?
@baqui63 android 6.0.1 on galaxy s6 (details provided earlier), adn no sense getting all detail oriented if no one really cares
but since y’all seem inclined to help, i don’t actually recall if i’ve ever logged in on mobile, but i think i had on tablet which is android, but this is a new phone
i still suspect lastpass may be the culprit, but for now i’ll try firefox
@DMivezey as noted I contest your insistence on an on-the-dot posting as it would require all of our chronometers to be synchronous which is clearly not the case. Carl is plenty on time. A couple of minutes variance is explicable by our asynchronous clocks.
You told people to show up at the end, not before the end, of their nap periods.
ok. spam is cooking (it’s actually expired by 2 years, not 1 as i thought). if i don’t make it back to post at the next time block, assume the spam killed me.
Hmmm… got distracted by FB and reading the letter from that girl raped by the guy who only got a six month sentence… pisses me off that he got such an insignificant sentence… hopefully he is raped multiple times in prison, or better yet, someone cuts his dick (and balls) off and stomps it into pate.
Anyways… am actually starting to feel hungry, so I guess I’ll go make some breakfast and coffee for realz this time.
@jbartus Hmmm… I should have chopped up some onions and peppers and spam… could have upgraded my eggs to an omelette. I don’t bother with baked goods (fancier than toast) unless my daughters or gf or others are around. Been a while since I made any kind of waffles.
Time keeps on slipping slipping slipping into the future…
I frequently come up with alternate lyrics (ala weird al)…
Slime keeps on dripping dripping dripping out of my sutures…
(In fact, one day I was singing the correct words to Bohemian Rhapsody, “… Scaramouche, Scaramouche, will you do the Fandango? Thunderbolts and lightning, Very, very frightening. (Galileo) Galileo. (Galileo) Galileo, Galileo Figaro…” and my daughters refused to believe they weren’t lyrics I’d made up. Thankfully, we have google, otherwise I’d have had to find the LP/CD/Cassette…
butt i am expecting an appeal, along the lines of ‘our clocks are all different and i posted at 1058, which was 1100 on my computer’, in which case it will come to a vote again
now since i found it impossible to check the time stamps from my nappy time, since it just reports it in increments of 1 hour, i would have to sit at the computer all day to properly moderate
so we need another way - i have some ideas, butt will wait and see how this latest saga plays out
@DMlivezey since meh doesn’t display raw time stamps I wouldn’t even try that. Fact is I went away from my PC and couldn’t get meh to log in, kept getting irk telling me something went wrong. Such is life.
@jbartus well that doesn’t sound like a very strong appeal, yet…
i would be good with carl’s idea for self time stamping qualifying posts, with some mutual spot checking (in case there are any cheaters amongst us), and let’s say a +/- 3 minute window on the time slots, since clocks are
@DMlivezey The page source has the exact timestamp of a message, for example, for @carl669’s post below, it has:
<li class=“comment unread-replies " id=“5752f93f8abcdf44074582f1”>
<div class=“created”>
<a class=“h-card p-nickname” href=”/@carl669"><span class=“username” title=“Kickstarter Backer, Very Mediocre Person (since 7/2014)”><i class=“icon-kickstarter”></i>carl669</span></a> <a href="/forum/topics/meh–steel-cage-match-qtr3#5752f93f8abcdf44074582f1">said <time datetime=“2016-06-04T15:52:31.720Z” title=“Sat, Jun 4th 2016 at 11:52am eastern”>a minute ago</time>:</a>
<div class=“e-content”>
<p>1151 - the child is now pushing the giant R2D2 trash can from my fuko around the room and going “beep boop”</p>
It wouldnt’ be hard to parse this and generate a list of messages, using the office meh time (i.e. when received by meh) as the official post time.
Note that the title is set to the time to the closest minute, so hovering your mouse cursor over it shows the time rounded to a minute.
Trust me… the only thing stopping me from automating all sorts of shiot with scripts and the like is purely inertia. If you get me started (ie. make me write the code to actually read a page and parse it with something like perl or whatnot) there will be no good end from it… trust me on this…
@DMivezey if you want an appeal attempt I suppose I could try this argument. I posted during the final 30 minute period of my nap chit meaning I technically have a 30 minute period left in balance on my nap chit. We never mandated a nap chit be used in one single period and we have an established precedent of deducting missed periods against nap chit balance time, so since I only missed one thirty minute period we could deduct that against the chit and I could stay in.
@jbartus no, i’m not annoyed, and i am having fun with it all, sorry if i conveyed otherwise
butt it is very nice outside and my grass isn’t going to cut itself
so the idea of ‘self time stamping’, or @baqui63 (or anyone else for that matter) checking the page source are both acceptable options, compared to me Meh.niacally checking posts
1200 we’ll need a vote of the faithful on @jbartus’ appeal, i will abstain for the moment, but i do feel for the whole ‘can’t login to my phone’ issue, for obvious reasons
and kudos again to @jbartus for the winning suggestion of firefox (to be fair, it’s the only suggestion i tried)
1206 child wanted to roll R2D2 on the back patio which is aggregate concrete. i warn him not to go too fast or it will tip over. he rolls R2 fairly quickly around the corner out of my sight. i hear this “thunk”. then about 15 seconds later, he comes sauntering around the corner.
me: what happened? where’s R2D2?
boy: ohhhh… i don’t want to play with him anymore.
1212 I dunno if timestamping this really matters or not but it feels like the thing to do. Still waiting to find out if I’ve been bothering DMivezey with my attempts to have fun with the whole thing
@DMlivezey okay, so long as you know it was meant to be fun for the most part. If I was serious about it I’d be really holding you over a fire with regards to conforming to exact wording of rules as posted and such
@DMlivezey Carl seems to be busy chasing the child, and has not voted, so i withdraw my abstention and @jabartus is officially back in our good graces, assuming of course he votes Aye! for his own appeal
1243 There are some tools, designed primarily for website testing, that might lend themselves to automating the task of maintaining the stats.
Pulling down the pages from these topics, and parsing out the timestamps and usernames into a spreadsheet format (say CSV) may not warrant using such a tool. A (fairly simple) perl script is probably less work, though I should look at selenium or the others before I go off and set up a unix environment at home again.
Plus, I really should get some other stuffs done (like projecting moneys for the next month or three so as to avoid paying more than 3.8% interest… I am SO looking forward to DU2’s graduation next May!.. it will be like getting a $17+K raise and I wont’ have to do the balance transfer game for more than another year or two after that.)
@carl669, @jbartus it doesn’t. and I was thinking something like cygwin or maybe even using the chromebook I got on meh like six months ago and still haven’t used for anything much or one of the raspberry pis I have kicking around.
I’m really good at getting shit done when there is something I don’t really want to do (i.e. the cleaning, laundry, and finances)…
1248 So I found a new show to watch, it’s interesting. Apparently in Texas there is a pretty big market for houses (the buildings, minus the land) so these people buy houses at auctions, move them to a temporary location, renovate them, and flip them to people who have property but not a building.
1301 So begins the final hour of this thread. It has been a good thread, seeing much activity with the end of the sleep allowances. Sadly, it saw @narfcake fall and the near eliminations of @jbartus and @carl669 but reason prevailed and no more brave souls were lost to the ravages of time, hopefully this status quo will be maintained for the remainder.
@carl669 my gf requested chicken Florentine burgers (premade, from BJs… they have spinach and other stuffs in them)… maybe also make some honey, wasabi ginger sauce (think a bit like a teriyaki sauce) to spice them up a bit. I also have a butternut squash and some nice leeks and it isn’t that hot, so I’m thinking I’ll roast the squash and leeks and maybe some other fresh veggies.
@jbartus It should be obvious by now that I pulled out. Gotta know when to fold, y’know.
After my last post, I did wake up and do stuff instead. A little yard cleanup before it hit 80 (which was an hour and a half ago), then 30% off Saturday mornings at one of the local thrift stores. I’m currently at Ikea for breakfast, which at $3.27, is more expensive than the unused Aeropress and the lightly used Calphalon cookie sheet I bought!
(Couldn’t find the link to the cookie sheet. Oh well. Just the brand markup says it wouldn’t have been cheap.)
The inaugural post of the second half of hell
I wonder what we’ve got for breakfast?
A little background…
Actually - a lot of background:
/giphy human beans

@carl699 regarding co-moderator Q in the QTR2 thread, i didn’t give edit right, because my precious can’t be away from me, my precious…
“Bagginses? What is a Bagginses, precious?”
"We like goblinses, batses and fishes. But we hasn’t tried Hobbitses before. Is it soft? Is it juicy?“
Well, if it loses, precious, then we eats it! If Baggins loses, we eats it whole.”
co-moderator can’t be trusted, my precious…
/giphy gollum

@DMlivezey now co-score keeper would have been a
/giphy horse of a different color

@cambridgepv you rang?
/giphy adams family bell

Good morning @DMivezey! Did you sleep well?
@jbartus not so much, nice GIF, that’ll be me if i go out to a movie this afternoon
@DMlivezey really? What happened?
This was all your idea, I remind you.
Also, mehing in the movie theater is decidedly poor etiquette, so you can’t go to a movie!
it’s officially the 0900 time slot, timestamp posts would have been a good idear last night…
kid friendly joke for the morning, part #1:
what do you call a blind deer?
@DMlivezey I gave you nap chits but I figured you needed something to do for an hour before I woke up.
Regarding your joke… no eye dear. It works better verbally
Also you timestamped me wrong, it should be recorded for posterity that I posted prior to the requisite time of 09:00!
yea, i put 0857, even though it was in the 0900 slot - i thought i was being lenient.
i have no eye deer (idear, with your best baaston accent)
part #2, what do you call a blind deer with no legs?
thanks for the nap chit registrations, very helpful
how was your sleep?
@DMlivezey it was in the 08:30-09:00 slot. We made no rule that you couldn’t come back early!
Still no eye dear. Still works better verbally.
It was… okay. I could use about 6 more hours of it but that’s alright.
@jbartus agreed, but i was being lenient in the sense that i was gunna credit you the requisite slot, if you failed to post 0900-0930
i’m not as big as asshole as you think i am
/giphy big asshole

@DMlivezey but… but… I was gonna do that and you told me I couldn’t.
@jbartus i don’t agree, you never suggested you would get up early and post so you could get an extra 25 minutes sleep, cuz that wold just be
/giphy crazytalk

@jbartus correct, the punch line is better when you can here it:
i still have no idear
/giphy rimshot

@DMivezey I had stated a plan to use a loophole in the rules (there are a bunch BTW) to get an extra 25 mins of sleep and you said I had to post at 09:00 and 03:00 for it to be valid O_o
@jbartus yea, but what does that have to do with the price of beans in china?
you met the req’t to post at 0900 (which could have been interpretted as 0900 sharp, hence leniency), you didn’t fail by posting at 0925
loopholes, you want
/giphy loopholes?

if @narfcake doesn’t post right this minute, i think (s)he is out, since it is 0930 EDT
@DMlivezey Technically speaking the period runs from 09:30->09:59 so as long as @narfcake shows up in the next 26 minutes they should be fine.
You’re the one making weird overlapping time slots by having 09:30 be part of two different ones and pushing this on-the-dot return agenda.
i think it was pretty clear we don’t get to extend our nap by the time slot duration at end of said registered nap chit, and i’m pretty sure @carl669 will back me up on this as the interpretation, since he re-stated it so eloquently to the Senator from NY.
AND it is the very reason you are complaining you didn’t get your 25 minutes extra sleep, or maybe that sound i am hearing in my head is not complaining?
@DMlivezey lol…
As expected, I wasn’t all that sleepy at 4AM, so I read until about 4:49 and likely fell asleep by 5AM.
I had my alarm clock set for 9:45 AM but was awake by about 9:20… my bedroom was too warm.
@DMivezey Our restatements resulted from your proclamation as administrator of this shindig, not inherent agreement with the unwritten qualifications thus established.
@jbartus that’ll be moderator to you, young laddy or lassy
administrator, hrmmmph
it’s the second half, the refs want to go to the bar after the game, so the calls are getting a little tighter to end this mess
oh yea, i don’t see a post from you in this timeslot, just sayin’
/giphy foul smell

@DMlivezey besides this one and this one?
look at it like this: in about 14 minutes you could be the winner of this whole scheme
/giphy tick tock

I am trying to decide what I want to do for breakfast. There are so many options available to me, it’s unfair. All of the best breakfast restaurants should be legally required to come to my house when I get up this early on a Saturday and feed me.
@jbartus yea, i delayed my trip to the store for bacon, in hopes that this thing could possibly be over in just over 8 minutes
do you typically go for the fancy $15 dollar breakfast setup that includes sauces and stuffed french toast, or the diner with the $3.99 two eggs, toast, hasbrowns and bacon dealio?
@Kevin it’s gotta be on a new line, but since you are a K you must already know that, and you’re just messin’ with us sleep deprived aMeh.ricans…
wait - your post just magically disappeared, or was i dreaming you posted
/giphy blue plate special

@jbartus /
/giphy awful waffle

/giphy ninja edit fail

Good morning. Going to post this here and then go back and read this stuff, since I may not have enough time to read it before 10AM.
@baqui63 ah crap, the saga does continue…
@DMlivezey now we’re only waiting on @carl669
@DMivezey I’ve never had stuffed french toast, what is it like? Stuffed with what?
@jbartus usually like crepe filling, so cream cheesy goo, oh and some time it is banana bread french toast
@jbartus same here.
I’ll make a pot of coffee (1.5 litre french press, freshly ground costa rican beans) and probably make eggs and sausage, since that is quick and easy. I don’t have any grits, or I’d make some, tho some oatmeal would almost work as a replacement.
well it appears @carl669 has also gone to the wayside…
wait, is that even an expression?
@DMlivezey fallen by the wayside.
@DMlivezey say what now?
@carl669 DMivezey is apparently regretting their decision to run this little shindig and is doing their best to eliminate people summarily.
morning folks. who’s got the coffee?
@carl669 the waitress at the restaurant I haven’t picked yet.
@DMivezey I contest your insistence on an on-the-dot posting as it would require all of our chronometers to be synchronous which is clearly not the case. Carl is plenty on time.
@jbartus yea, times are off, said those who slept thru the last fuko but got one anyway
well that’s 2 votes for carl staying in the running, so assuming carl votes for himself staying in, we’ve achieved a super majority on that decision
@DMlivezey eh, I’ll vote for his continued presence as well.
so carl was late by a few minutes (1003) - are we letting him back in?
it is a very nice day here in michigan and since i can’t login to mobile, i’m really thinking/hoping this torture is going to end
@DMlivezey i totally think we should let him back in. but that’s just me and the voices in my head.
/giphy start fires

@DMlivezey we should fix your mobile. Have you tried Firefox Mobile?
@jbartus no, i’ll try that after i run to get some bacon
@dmlivezey yeah, what version of android are you running on your phone? What phone is it on which carrier? is it rooted? what browsers have you tried? do you have any ad-blockers or other things that can screw things up installed?
merely saying, “I cannot login” is not all that helpful. Has it ever worked? When is the last time it worked? When is the first time you know it stopped working?
@DMlivezey Hmmm… bacon… is it worth it to walk to the basement for some? there is sausage in the upstairs freezer.
@carl669 carl’s return received the requisite votes to achieve super majority
@baqui63 android 6.0.1 on galaxy s6 (details provided earlier), adn no sense getting all detail oriented if no one really cares
but since y’all seem inclined to help, i don’t actually recall if i’ve ever logged in on mobile, but i think i had on tablet which is android, but this is a new phone
i still suspect lastpass may be the culprit, but for now i’ll try firefox
@DMivezey as noted I contest your insistence on an on-the-dot posting as it would require all of our chronometers to be synchronous which is clearly not the case. Carl is plenty on time. A couple of minutes variance is explicable by our asynchronous clocks.
You told people to show up at the end, not before the end, of their nap periods.
@jbartus yea, now we just need @carl669 or @baqui63 to agree and we’ll be onto our next earth shattering topic
i still have to run out to get that bacon, so cya all towards the end of the next time
/giphy slot

@DMlivezey i’m good with that.
@DMlivezey great choice of GIF highlighting the best team on all of the planet!
I knew I forgot to do something when I “woke” up 20 minutes ago. Meh. Where’s the coffee?

@narfcake the rabbit has it.
Are you gonna stay and hang out with us or go back to bed?

(No link, as this Ochopika shirt is not sold at either shirt.woot or TeeTurtle anymore.)
@narfcake I don’t know how to interpret that one. Waking up?
@jbartus I’m moving towards waking up … very very slowly.
OTOH, I’m also still on my bed, and more sleep isn’t a bad idea either.
ok… going to make some breakfast and some coffee.
ok. spam is cooking (it’s actually expired by 2 years, not 1 as i thought). if i don’t make it back to post at the next time block, assume the spam killed me.
@carl669 as explained last night, that spam is good for at least a couple of decades, longer if you don’t care about texture.
this just in from the news wire…
cat spotted playing peekaboo with frankenstein puppet, later allegedly seen smelling his seester’s butt
I am so hungry but I can’t decide what I want to eat.
@jbartus cream cheese pancakes?
@jbartus i picked up the canadian bacon option, it was closer to the entrance than the stuff i consider bacon
Hmmm… got distracted by FB and reading the letter from that girl raped by the guy who only got a six month sentence… pisses me off that he got such an insignificant sentence… hopefully he is raped multiple times in prison, or better yet, someone cuts his dick (and balls) off and stomps it into pate.
Anyways… am actually starting to feel hungry, so I guess I’ll go make some breakfast and coffee for realz this time.
bravo tango whiskey, does anyone know anything about the impact of combining caffeine and tango hotel charley?
@DMlivezey well… caffeine winds you up and tango hotel charlie chills you out. so, i’d say you’ll just end up where you started.
(note: i have no idea what i’m talking about)
@carl669 i have heard that for some people tango hotel charlie has the opposite effect, but it’s just second hand knowledge, of course
/giphy paranoia

@DMlivezey i’ve heard that as well. but, i’ve never actually run across someone like that.
@carl669 eh… it never had any seriously bad effects on me. I smoked pot fairly heavily for about 3-4 years without any known major effects.
About 2-3 months after I stopped, I was surprised to realize I could do math in my head again.
I’m really hungry. I kind of want a three egg western omelet, Belgian waffles with strawberries and bananas, sausage, home fries, and sourdough toast.
@jbartus Hmmm… I should have chopped up some onions and peppers and spam… could have upgraded my eggs to an omelette. I don’t bother with baked goods (fancier than toast) unless my daughters or gf or others are around. Been a while since I made any kind of waffles.
Installed Firefox, logged in first try, thanks @jbartus
/giphy score

spam and eggs eaten. just waiting for the boy to wake up so we can go to the park.
I decided to have some strawberries with my eggs and sausage and coffee and water.
@jbartus, i don’t see a post from you in the 1100-1130 slot
@DMlivezey so i’ve marked you as out, until your appeal is presented
@DMlivezey utoh…
/giphy dun dun dun!

so… every time you edit the post/reply, the /giphy puts up a different one… had to edit that post three times to get something even slightly useful
Time keeps on slipping slipping slipping into the future…
I frequently come up with alternate lyrics (ala weird al)…
Slime keeps on dripping dripping dripping out of my sutures…
(In fact, one day I was singing the correct words to Bohemian Rhapsody, “… Scaramouche, Scaramouche, will you do the Fandango? Thunderbolts and lightning, Very, very frightening. (Galileo) Galileo. (Galileo) Galileo, Galileo Figaro…” and my daughters refused to believe they weren’t lyrics I’d made up. Thankfully, we have google, otherwise I’d have had to find the LP/CD/Cassette…
My stupid phone wouldn’t log into Meh
@jbartus have you tried turning it off and on again?
butt i am expecting an appeal, along the lines of ‘our clocks are all different and i posted at 1058, which was 1100 on my computer’, in which case it will come to a vote again
now since i found it impossible to check the time stamps from my nappy time, since it just reports it in increments of 1 hour, i would have to sit at the computer all day to properly moderate
so we need another way - i have some ideas, butt will wait and see how this latest saga plays out
/giphy saga

@DMlivezey we could put our own timestamp on our qualifying posts. honor system and all.
@DMlivezey since meh doesn’t display raw time stamps I wouldn’t even try that. Fact is I went away from my PC and couldn’t get meh to log in, kept getting irk telling me something went wrong. Such is life.
@jbartus well that doesn’t sound like a very strong appeal, yet…
i would be good with carl’s idea for self time stamping qualifying posts, with some mutual spot checking (in case there are any cheaters amongst us), and let’s say a +/- 3 minute window on the time slots, since clocks are
/giphy inaccurately synced

@DMlivezey The page source has the exact timestamp of a message, for example, for @carl669’s post below, it has:
<li class=“comment unread-replies " id=“5752f93f8abcdf44074582f1”>
<div class=“created”>
<a class=“h-card p-nickname” href=”/@carl669"><span class=“username” title=“Kickstarter Backer, Very Mediocre Person (since 7/2014)”><i class=“icon-kickstarter”></i>carl669</span></a> <a href="/forum/topics/meh–steel-cage-match-qtr3#5752f93f8abcdf44074582f1">said <time datetime=“2016-06-04T15:52:31.720Z” title=“Sat, Jun 4th 2016 at 11:52am eastern”>a minute ago</time>:</a>
<div class=“e-content”>
<p>1151 - the child is now pushing the giant R2D2 trash can from my fuko around the room and going “beep boop”</p>
It wouldnt’ be hard to parse this and generate a list of messages, using the office meh time (i.e. when received by meh) as the official post time.
Note that the title is set to the time to the closest minute, so hovering your mouse cursor over it shows the time rounded to a minute.
@baqui63 i vote for @baqui63 as new keeper of the score
/giphy yay!

all in favor say Aye!
@DMlivezey nay!
Trust me… the only thing stopping me from automating all sorts of shiot with scripts and the like is purely inertia. If you get me started (ie. make me write the code to actually read a page and parse it with something like perl or whatnot) there will be no good end from it… trust me on this…
1151 - the child is now pushing the giant R2D2 trash can from my fuko around the room and going “beep boop”
@carl669 lolol
@carl669 that’s brilliant! xD
@DMivezey if you want an appeal attempt I suppose I could try this argument. I posted during the final 30 minute period of my nap chit meaning I technically have a 30 minute period left in balance on my nap chit. We never mandated a nap chit be used in one single period and we have an established precedent of deducting missed periods against nap chit balance time, so since I only missed one thirty minute period we could deduct that against the chit and I could stay in.
@jbartus I like it…
@baqui63 the deciding vote is with @carl669 on the current fate of @jbartus, and btw,
i have an extension due, using the same logic, since i posted before 0800, butt i just want the game to be over
oh yea, i never said i wanted an appeal attempt, i was just expecting it due to your sparring nature
@DMlivezey well, you can get it 25% closer to ending if you stop posting…
(I acknowledge that math is flawed… so just drop the “25%” and it is valid.)
Are you annoyed? I didn’t mean to annoy, I was having fun with all of the technicality posturing and such, I thought we were all having fun with it.
@jbartus no, i’m not annoyed, and i am having fun with it all, sorry if i conveyed otherwise
butt it is very nice outside and my grass isn’t going to cut itself
so the idea of ‘self time stamping’, or @baqui63 (or anyone else for that matter) checking the page source are both acceptable options, compared to me Meh.niacally checking posts
/giphy don’t worry, be happy

@baqui63 i am not a contender for the prize, because i just refuse to go to the expense of shipping myself a box of Meh. stuff
so i continue to post out a sense of duty, or perhaps
/giphy stupidity

1200 we’ll need a vote of the faithful on @jbartus’ appeal, i will abstain for the moment, but i do feel for the whole ‘can’t login to my phone’ issue, for obvious reasons
and kudos again to @jbartus for the winning suggestion of firefox (to be fair, it’s the only suggestion i tried)
/giphy meh

@DMlivezey I vote yes.
@DMlivezey want to improve your mobile experience?
1206 child wanted to roll R2D2 on the back patio which is aggregate concrete. i warn him not to go too fast or it will tip over. he rolls R2 fairly quickly around the corner out of my sight. i hear this “thunk”. then about 15 seconds later, he comes sauntering around the corner.
me: what happened? where’s R2D2?
boy: ohhhh… i don’t want to play with him anymore.
1210 I see you guys appear to be using the suggestion of timestamping our posts (honor system, etc.) so I’ll cooperate.
@baqui63 i don’t know that we have to time stamp all posts. just one post that qualifies you for a particular time block should suffice.
@carl669 agreed
1212 I dunno if timestamping this really matters or not but it feels like the thing to do. Still waiting to find out if I’ve been bothering DMivezey with my attempts to have fun with the whole thing
@jbartus TL;DR nope, see above
and so far @carl669 has not cast his vote, on the fate of said person @jbartus
@DMlivezey okay, so long as you know it was meant to be fun for the most part. If I was serious about it I’d be really holding you over a fire with regards to conforming to exact wording of rules as posted and such
@jbartus yes, i’m waiting for that version/variant to be in the July 4th addition that you host
@jbartus lol.
@DMlivezey Carl seems to be busy chasing the child, and has not voted, so i withdraw my abstention and @jabartus is officially back in our good graces, assuming of course he votes Aye! for his own appeal
@DMlivezey yeah. i’m good with @jbartus coming back in.
@DMlivezey Aye!
(Like I’m gonna vote nay when I’ve gone to the trouble of rationalizing it all out to everyone else’s satisfaction
@jbartus ‘for the most part’ heehee
/giphy chuckling

1230 my first ever mobile Meh post
@DMlivezey Congratulations! Are you using Stylish?
@jbartus no, didn’t make it through that chain yet, but it sounds pretty straight forward based on your notes
@DMlivezey yeah it is. There’s also a purple theme for the forums if you want it. More colors coming later.
1231 Guess I’m back in, hooray for hastily prepared rationalizations for reinstatement!
1243 There are some tools, designed primarily for website testing, that might lend themselves to automating the task of maintaining the stats.
Pulling down the pages from these topics, and parsing out the timestamps and usernames into a spreadsheet format (say CSV) may not warrant using such a tool. A (fairly simple) perl script is probably less work, though I should look at selenium or the others before I go off and set up a unix environment at home again.
Plus, I really should get some other stuffs done (like projecting moneys for the next month or three so as to avoid paying more than 3.8% interest… I am SO looking forward to DU2’s graduation next May!.. it will be like getting a $17+K raise and I wont’ have to do the balance transfer game for more than another year or two after that.)
@baqui63 why would perl require a unix environment?
@carl669 indeed, inquiring minds want to know.
@carl669, @jbartus it doesn’t. and I was thinking something like cygwin or maybe even using the chromebook I got on meh like six months ago and still haven’t used for anything much or one of the raspberry pis I have kicking around.
I’m really good at getting shit done when there is something I don’t really want to do (i.e. the cleaning, laundry, and finances)…
Check out this link: http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/47483/what-scripting-language-or-platform-to-use-for-web-page-downloads-and-screen-int
Has a lot of info on ways to do this.
1246 - off to find a bike helmet for the boy. i hate going to stores on the weekend. there’s far too many idiots out.
1248 So I found a new show to watch, it’s interesting. Apparently in Texas there is a pretty big market for houses (the buildings, minus the land) so these people buy houses at auctions, move them to a temporary location, renovate them, and flip them to people who have property but not a building.
1301 So begins the final hour of this thread. It has been a good thread, seeing much activity with the end of the sleep allowances. Sadly, it saw @narfcake fall and the near eliminations of @jbartus and @carl669 but reason prevailed and no more brave souls were lost to the ravages of time, hopefully this status quo will be maintained for the remainder.
@jbartus yeah… so what happens when all of us are still going strong after the 4th quarter?
@baqui63 sudden death elimination. Posting periods accelerate until people have all been eliminated?
@baqui63 i think, if you refer back to the original rules, the moderator will make something up, (s)he says with a villainous chuckle
1303 off to cut the grass, keep up the good works, catch you on the flip side (whatever that means)
1305 ok. now i’m really going. also, i’m thinking salmon with hollandaise for dinner.
@carl669 my gf requested chicken Florentine burgers (premade, from BJs… they have spinach and other stuffs in them)… maybe also make some honey, wasabi ginger sauce (think a bit like a teriyaki sauce) to spice them up a bit. I also have a butternut squash and some nice leeks and it isn’t that hot, so I’m thinking I’ll roast the squash and leeks and maybe some other fresh veggies.
1305ish I’m going to post this now so that I can get some shit done for the next 55ish minutes without risking elimination.
Just got my June Firefly cargo crate
@jbartus what’s that?
@DMlivezey bi-monthly box full of Firefly goodies. This month the box was themed around Jayne Cobb
1334 All by myself… Anyone here besides me?
@jbartus It should be obvious by now that I pulled out. Gotta know when to fold, y’know.
After my last post, I did wake up and do stuff instead. A little yard cleanup before it hit 80 (which was an hour and a half ago), then 30% off Saturday mornings at one of the local thrift stores. I’m currently at Ikea for breakfast, which at $3.27, is more expensive than the unused Aeropress and the lightly used Calphalon cookie sheet I bought!
(Couldn’t find the link to the cookie sheet. Oh well. Just the brand markup says it wouldn’t have been cheap.)
@narfcake Calphalon? That’s one of them there Walmart brands right?
1350 getting ready for QTR4
1357 Ok, here is a post… it is getting hot here… I should spin up some fans.
@baqui63 and the saga continues
1404 and from what i can tell, @carl669 is onto more important things for the day and out of the game (again)
wow, almost 3 yrs ago to the day, well sort of…
i think it might be time to resurrect this mess, yea?
/youtube resurrect
/image this mess

/giphy yes?