A Better Editor for meh.com Forums on Mobile Devices


(this is an unofficial app/extension/doodad that isn’t supported by meh)

Hi Everybody, pursuant to the discussions about a better editor for interacting with meh.com on mobile devices, I’ve prepared the following for @Thumperchick and anyone else who wants a better one-handed experience. This is not to say that the default experience is bad, just that it can be better, so here we go.

Here’s the deal, I’m not an Apple user. I’ve been there, done that, bought the t-shirt, and am very much a power user who is happier with the greater freedoms offered by Android. As such, I can’t guarantee any of this will work on Apple devices, sorry! I have included the best information I can, including links, for Apple users but I can’t verify it on my end so experimentation may be necessary. Sorry Apple users, YMMV here. My code is compatible with any browser, provided you find the way to inject it.

What you Need

Unfortunately the default browsers for most phones on the market don’t support browser extensions / add-ons and the only way to override the files at meh.com until @shawn and the team build their own mobile editor (or steal mine, that’d be okay too!) is to use an add-on like Stylish.

You will need the following to accomplish this:

  1. An add-on / extension friendly browser such as Firefox Mobile ( Firefox for Android, Firefox for iOS ) or Dolphin ( Dolphin for Android, Dolphin for iOS ).
  2. Stylish Add-on ( Stylish for Firefox, Stylish for Dolphin for
    (Dolphin for iOS users, you’re on your own on this one, I can’t locate it))
  3. One of the following editor styles:

Installation Instructions

These instructions are written for Firefox for Android, if you’re using Dolphin or iOS, these will probably be good guidelines but not provide exact instructions.

Sorry I’m not sorry! Free labor, take what you get.

  1. Install your browser of choice, for this tutorial I am using Firefox.
  2. Navigate to this thread on your phone. It’s easier to click my links than to type them all in by hand.
  3. Click the link to the Stylish version for your browser, install the
    add-on (should be self explanatory)
  4. Click the link to the version of the editor you wish to use.
  5. Click ‘Install with Stylish’.

Other Information, Tips, Tricks

That’s basically it. If you want to switch between the different ones to try them out you’ll want to install them both and then disable/enable them to suit your needs. Things go very badly if you have them both enabled at once, you’ve been warned.

One important tip/trick that you will probably find handy. In addition to restyling the main comment editor to suit mobile devices, I also made versions for the reply editor, however the reply editor in portrait mode defaults to a feature-light popup editor that I didn’t do anything with. If you want to have a more feature-filled editor for replies, you need to hit reply in landscape mode then rotate your phone into portrait mode. I will look into what can be done with the pop up portrait editor later… maybe…

(I tried to figure out Greasemonkey/Tampermonkey on mobile, couldn’t seem to get them working, here’s a userscript if anyone wants to try: GreasyFork page )

This has been made into its own thread at @Thumperchick’s recommendation.