I want to work with you guys. My job sucks. I just sit for 10 hours a day 5 days a weeks wiring up telecommunications equipment for Google, Sprint, and assortments of other companies. Say the words and I will drop it all and move to Texas. I got family in Carrollton. We got this
Yea but where do they post the hoverboarding jobs, the Irk and or Glenn molestation and or video production jobs, the killer of all ants job (an exterminator isn’t going to do it, that ish is a full-time job)?
That page clearly is a trap. Or maybe they’ve already filled the pocket knife juggler job I seek.
Ok so you’ve validated my thought that there must be some other page with the cool jobs.
I think.
But where?! I’ve been a level III dev going on 15 years - no thanks. Customer support sounds like heaps of fun… Amazon Marketplace Expert fuck off.
Thanks but nothanks, @FlacidPenguin. I get what you’re selling but not buying it a bit.
You’d have me think that the Easter basket fun and hoverboarding are ‘perks’. No, someone there is having fun and I want in.
Just going to throw it out there - I’m a skilled forum user pruner. When an opp opens up, I’d appreciate a call. I prune with the best of 'em.
Or Brand Ambassador, I feel I could fill that role - travelling city to city in my @meh shirt and hot yoga pants. Yea, that sounds about right.
But as far as those jobs listed go, take this job and shove it.
unless customer support means I could get away with being a dick like comcast support. I could do that all day long.
@PlacidPenguin As a matter of fact, I WAS taking care of my Aunt just last week. Next week they are sending me over to the new place to clean all the windows.
You don’t mind if I use your name in my proposal, do you?
The local strip clubs here have Brand Ambassadors, I can see both of us exceeding expectations in this field.
But I need someone motivated, would you be that huckleberry?
Pay we can work out later, but for now I think 3 days per week hoverboarding around cubicles along with the promise of tapping ‘hard’ workers on the back of the head is a start. 16 hours of forum trolling and one paid day of just ‘being’ in public, sporting @meh gear, carrying bags of what’s possible to find on meh.com to hand out to random (people with money) people in malls and on the street.
It’s a start?
Now hiring for a copywriter and brand ambassador to promote our plan. Pay commensurate with success.
I was just going to rate success as us getting the job with $500k bonus signing, moving expenses and we’d need @meh branded cars for our weekly public visits.
But, again, you’d be the one with motivation so we could throw your metrics in as well, of course.
That empty building is just begging for someone to yell ricola.
I still want to see someone roller skate in there.
@sammydog01 Segway
@Cerridwyn Too slow. I want to see something hit a support beam.
@sammydog01 I was thinking like the really really old commercials where they were doing choreographed routines
How about a game of roller skate hockey?
@f00l Bank the corners and play Rollerball. “This wasn’t meant to be a game.”
I guess everything is bigger in Texas.
You guys will be lucky if the ants allow you to use their home. It’s the same way where I am.
Are you a pothead Snapster?
Crystal skull ants FTW.
I would need to get one of those pink rubber balls and whip it against the wall as hard as I could.
@sprog Thanks for the childhood nightmare flashback.
@sammydog01 You’re welcome!

What kind of car is that with the funky folding rear gulfwing? Tesla model x??
@hoosier Yep.
@troy @jk24 @sethxiansheng I can already see all of you hoverboarding all over this place…
@mandirose seriously awesome
There’s room for a lotta pocket knives in that space.
@UncleVinny pallets and pallets of bidets
Man, if Meh still had speaker docks, I’d want to hear how they sounded in that space.
I want to work with you guys. My job sucks. I just sit for 10 hours a day 5 days a weeks wiring up telecommunications equipment for Google, Sprint, and assortments of other companies. Say the words and I will drop it all and move to Texas. I got family in Carrollton. We got this
@boredashell Here’s the job listings: https://jobs.smartrecruiters.com/?company=Mediocre
Yea but where do they post the hoverboarding jobs, the Irk and or Glenn molestation and or video production jobs, the killer of all ants job (an exterminator isn’t going to do it, that ish is a full-time job)?
That page clearly is a trap. Or maybe they’ve already filled the pocket knife juggler job I seek.
Taking care of the ants is the job of @Flipit.
Ok so you’ve validated my thought that there must be some other page with the cool jobs.
I think.
But where?! I’ve been a level III dev going on 15 years - no thanks. Customer support sounds like heaps of fun… Amazon Marketplace Expert fuck off.
If you’re looking to join the ranks of people such as @hollboll @woodhouse and @galmaegi, there’s this.
Thanks but nothanks, @FlacidPenguin. I get what you’re selling but not buying it a bit.
You’d have me think that the Easter basket fun and hoverboarding are ‘perks’. No, someone there is having fun and I want in.
Oh, a couple of people there are having a lot of fun. However, those jobs are taken (and there are no additional positions available).
Just going to throw it out there - I’m a skilled forum user pruner. When an opp opens up, I’d appreciate a call. I prune with the best of 'em.
Or Brand Ambassador, I feel I could fill that role - travelling city to city in my @meh shirt and hot yoga pants. Yea, that sounds about right.
But as far as those jobs listed go, take this job and shove it.
@lysdexia You can always pitch the company on your services- there’s the contact page, you could do a snail mail letter, LinkedIn, or Twitter.
@dashcloud time to hit up my aunt and uncle I guess
@PlacidPenguin As a matter of fact, I WAS taking care of my Aunt just last week. Next week they are sending me over to the new place to clean all the windows.
I want a look at the raw acreage.
You don’t mind if I use your name in my proposal, do you?
The local strip clubs here have Brand Ambassadors, I can see both of us exceeding expectations in this field.
But I need someone motivated, would you be that huckleberry?
Pay we can work out later, but for now I think 3 days per week hoverboarding around cubicles along with the promise of tapping ‘hard’ workers on the back of the head is a start. 16 hours of forum trolling and one paid day of just ‘being’ in public, sporting @meh gear, carrying bags of what’s possible to find on meh.com to hand out to random (people with money) people in malls and on the street.
It’s a start?
Now hiring for a copywriter and brand ambassador to promote our plan. Pay commensurate with success.
The measure of success? Interested.
“Amusing recalcitrance” needs to be in that metric.
I was just going to rate success as us getting the job with $500k bonus signing, moving expenses and we’d need @meh branded cars for our weekly public visits.
But, again, you’d be the one with motivation so we could throw your metrics in as well, of course.
Any job recruiters looking for work?
Getting back to that forum pruning idea…
@lysdexia omg stfu
Shit got real