Mediocre FML Early Bird Contest 2 1/2: The Smell of Cellulose (Open to All)
8Welcome Friends,
After the massive success of the first Fantasy Movie League (FML) Early Bird Contest a poll was take on whether or not people were interested in another and, well, here we are. This contest is the brainchild of @Pavlov with its origins in an interesting experiment that flourished and grew into a really fun competition for an awesome prize put together by the @Pavlov family.
This round, we’re going to mix things up a bit to make it really interesting! For starters, we’re going bigger and better than ever before. We’re going to have more prizes, more ways to win them, and possibly most important of all, the prizes will be composed of contributions from Mehmbers around the country which will be assembled into fuku form and scrambled such that even I won’t know what’s inside which prize. It should be a blast!
With all that said, you’re probably not here to hear me blather away so let’s get down to business.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Fantasy Movie League?
An excellent question and I’m so glad you’ve asked it! In all honesty, FML themselves explain it best but for a TL;DR version here goes:
You own a cineplex, you want to make money, you have eight screens and you rent movies to show on each screen using your weekly film rental budget for varying prices dependent upon expected performance. You profit and repeat for 13 weeks. At the end somebody is in first place.
Get it? Got it? Good. If not, ask any questions you have here in the thread and we’ll try to help you fill in the blanks.
How do I participate?
We’re changing things up a bit this round to try to make things run a bit smoother for everybody involved. Last round we had a few issues with people going over budget and kind of getting screwed as a result so we’re trying to head that off. Further, the contest took a lot of work to run so I’m hoping to cut down on that workload as I’ve gotten really busy since we started the first contest. So, here goes, this is what you need to do:
Getting Started
There are a few preparatory steps you’ll want to take in order to participate in the contest.
- Sign up for Fantasy Movie League (it’s free and only takes an email address (any email address) – if you already have an account feel free to make an alt account for this contest if you like!
- Join the Mediocre Early Bird Contest Redux League on FML, this is where the bulk of activity for the contest will take place. If asked for a password enter ‘f00lWins’ (an in-joke from the first contest) – we have a password to keep non-Mehtizens out.
- If you don’t already have one sign up for a Google Account – this will be used to post your submissions to the forms for our contest.
- (Optional) E-mail the word “Updates” to to be added to an email list to have announcements about the contest delivered directly to your inbox! Include the word “Reminders” to be further added to a reminder email list for impending deadlines.
Weekly Participation
Here’s what you’ll need to do each week to participate:
- Pick your movies for the week on the Fantasy Movie League website before the deadline. Picking here first will help prevent you from going over budget!
- Enter your picks into the weekly Google Form before the deadline. This is how we verify that all entries are true Early Bird picks!
- Wait and see how you’ve done.
On a typical week unofficial projections are released Saturday, studio estimates on Sunday, and final results for the weekend on Monday. There’s no need to check back on all of these updates if you don’t want to.
You said something about a deadline?
Yeah I did. You see, for the normal FML contest there’s a hard deadline of 12:00 Noon EST on Fridays. While that’s great and all this is the Early Bird contest, we do things a bit differently. Normal weeks (those following normal two day weekends) have a deadline of 12:00 Midnight EST (with a brief unannounced grace period to allow for deal checking) on Wednesday (Thursday AM). For shortened weeks caused by long weekends the deadline will be announced here but it will usually be 12:00 Noon EST on Thursday.
How do I Win? What are the Prizes?
This round we’re opening things up to offer more ways to win than simply having the best overall revenue for the duration of the contest. These prizes and the means to win them are still being worked out but the current thinking is as follows:
- Midas - This prize will be awarded to the person who wins the Early Bird League overall following the normal rules of Fantasy Movie League with our modified deadline and procedure.
- Earliest Bird - This prize will be awarded to the person who has the best revenue with the earliest picks. Early picks will be awarded bonuses based upon how many days in advance they registered their picks. Each day early will be awarded a $5M bonus with intervals occurring every 24 hours preceding the deadline.
- Mr. Scrooge - This prize will be awarded to the person whose cineplex performs best while spending the least amount of money. A bonus of $50K will be added to your score for each dollar you don’t spend up to a total bonus of $25M and with the caveat that you must do your best to fill your entire cineplex. The only instance in which a screen may be left blank and still receive a bonus is if there are no films available within your budget with which to fill it.
- Best in Show - This prize will be awarded to the person who chooses the most Best Pictures in their cineplex throughout the contest. In the case of a tie score will serve as the tie breaker.
I’m pretty excited about these three prize categories but I am willing to consider any additional category suggestions up until the first deadline at 12:00 Midnight on March 2, 2017. Further discussion of the existing categories and the criteria to win them will be considered through the second deadline on March 9, 2017 at which point any further changes will only be made on an emergency basis by the contest administrator to avoid 1) a constantly shifting playing field and 2) any chance of bias (I am ineligible for prizes).
One last note on the prizes. A given paricipant may only win one prize. If you win Midas and would otherwise be eligible for Earliest Bird that prize will be awarded to the second place contestant and vice versa.
I look forward to this contest and hope that we will see as much interest in the second round as we did for the first, if not more!
- 92 comments, 212 replies
- Comment
I hope you all will consider participating. We’ve made what I think are some pretty key improvements to the contest which should prevent much of the frustration from the prior contest and offers many ways to win that aren’t dependent upon getting the top score every week!
@Pavlov @f00l @confusedkitty @carl669 @RiotDemon @Pantheist @ELUNO @darksaber99999 @Nuurgle @bstjohn27 @Somf69 @Guardingnome @compunaut @mick @f00l @pbalcombe @kassh @YourLazyButt @speediedelivery
Thanks for this.
Better make sure people know how you are spelling the password since it is not how it looks…
@Kidsandliz it automatically added me to the league when I clicked, so it shouldn’t be necessary to type it in.
@Kidsandliz say what now? O__o
So you pre-entered me into the League. Great.
But I’m not winning yet. How come? You need to fix this so that the contest starts out operating correctly.
/giphy You’re the winner!
That works. Thanks.
@f00l just doing my job.
Stupid q:
This league is separate from the main Meh League? So we have to do picks in both leagues in order to play in both? Or does our single set of picks apply to both leagues?
@f00l your single set of picks applies to both leagues unless you decide to make an alternate account.
PPS Thanks, Pats fan.
Well I could use a distraction from tax season - might give me something to look forward to…even though I suck at picking. Thank you for organizing!
Can there be a prize for last place - or some sort of “worst” category? Imaginary trophy to be passed down after each contest with past Mehmbers forever immortalized… Huh? Oh - I mean it’s just a thought.
@Confusedkitty it’s tough coming up with ways to win that can’t be exploited. I feel like last place would encourage people to just throw the whole thing to win that prize. I tried to make the means to win the other categories all respect the standard gameplay so that you can’t just ignore the normal game and go just for that prize. Do you have any suggestions on how to tie such a category into the game in such a way as to prevent people simply choosing the cheapest and least likely to perform well movie each week in all eight screens? I feel like striving to score low is a very big departure from the core game. I’m not against the idea I just don’t know how we’d make it work.
I forgot there might be those humans out there that would intentionally suck just to win. I’ve never understood that - just don’t have that genetic makeup. It would be difficult to determine if someone was intentionally making bad picks but they would have to be actively participating every week and appear to be making an effort. I also was not suggesting a real prize
@Confusedkitty if we were to do it we’d have to add conditions like they have to use at least 75% of their budget each week or something like that.
@jbartus I think it could be done w/ condition of participant spending at least $900 bux every week. I did an unscientific random sample of FML: never found an example of cinema under $900 for folks that are (by all appearances) trying to win.
@Confusedkitty @jbartus @compunaut
I like the $900 idea with the stipulation that there can be no empty theaters if they can be filled with the remaining funds. Also no skipped weeks. The prize? How about a dozen or so of those neoprene things. There still has to be a few around.
Best in Show:
What will serve as the tie breaker?
I’m not really sure how system/spreadsheet will keep track of cumulative winners in each of the 4 (or 5, if we institute “Biggest Luzer” or “Most Meh” as suggested above) categories, but I trust you & other contest admins to figure it out.
/giphy ready to rumble!
@compunaut it will be my challenge (torture) to figure such out. Never fear!
In the quote you posted, I should have punctuated it as follows:
In other words, the number of screens played is a numeric value, if two people have the same number of screens then we’ll let their overall income over the course of the contest serve as the tie breaker.
Apologies if things are unclear, written very late at night upon realizing that Week 1 is imminent.
I’m in!
Two more winner catagories to consider.
Furthest from first. Must have participated every week.
Most Mediocre. Dead center of the pack.
@Mehrocco_Mole ooh, I like the latter though I think “Decidedly Mediocre” has more of a ring to it, what do you think?
@jbartus Meh! I don’t care.
@Mehrocco_Mole it’s perfect because it’s practically impossible to cheat to get.
Make the furthest from first prize a dozen neoprene thingies. I’m sure someody still has a bunch of those. In other words, a gag gift. And I mean gag as in stick your finger down your throat gag.
@Mehrocco_Mole we’re still discussing the rules that would dictate such a prize to keep it from being exploited. Feel free to join in!
it is different than the last time. i think i signed up right.
@jbartus , you will tell us soon, where to send the community prizes?
Definitely, @mick. I have just been juggling things on my end and figuring out how best to do things.
FML site is down right now. fml
@Nuurgle it’s up right now.
I’m going to play this but not put any effort into trying to be scientific. I’m as intrigued by the notion of a fantasy movie league (I still think you people are all actually referring to the other meaning of FML) as I’m concerned that there are people who seriously spend their days doing this recreationally.
@SaintO welcome aboard, you’ll fit right in!
@SaintO I also can’t imagine doing it, but it’s no worse than the people who spend all day playing other online games. Not that that’s great either.
@PantHeist what are you implying?
@jbartus Was there an implication?
The game is afoot.
Come, Watson!
@f00l common misconception. It’s actually from King Henry V
Follow your spirit and upon this charge, cry God for Harry, England,and Saint George!
Holmes was pretty fond of it also.
@f00l yeah but that was because Doyle was a big Shakespeare fan.
And I’m a bit Doyle fan. : )
@f00l and well you should be.
About once every 5 years I do them all, or most of them.
So having lined up my flics for this week, do I also fill our a google form?
If so, where is the link?
Thx from stupppidd.
@f00l ugh, you’re making me work for it…
I thought maybe I was too stupppidd to find it.
@f00l it’s in the usual place but I’m trying to assemble a list of people to tag at the moment.
Copied from my initial announcement / update email:
Hello and Welcome, everybody, to the Spring 2017 edition of the Meh Community Fantasy Movie League Early Bird Contest or, as I like to call it Mehcomfanmovlegebcon…
Not buying it? Darn you guys are smart, this might be more of a challenge than I’d hoped. Alright, well with that out of the way let’s get down to business. It’s MONDAYYYYY! Why am I so excited about Monday? Because Mondays are an important day for Fantasy Movie League, they’re when weekly results are posted and, more importantly for us today, the day prices are posted and the game begins!
If you haven’t already, be sure to go sign up at and join our league here:
Once you’ve figured out what movies you’re going to run with this week head on over to and post your picks there to lock in your time. After that, you’re all set.
Picks are due in for this contest by Midnight EST on Wednesday, there’s a short grace period before the form locks down but don’t try your luck!
Additionally, we’ve got four prize categories going on within the contest and a few proposals for additional categories that are sounding promising so be sure to pop into the thread and share your ideas if you’d like to help come up with new categories. I’m not sure how many we’ll be able to do in total but I’d like to adopt at least one idea from the community to win a prize, so weigh in!
That’s about it for this week. Those of you who subscribed for reminders will receive a reminder email from me on Wednesday, let’s get down to it!
Can you ask @Thumperchick to put the link to the google form into the original topic post, so that people don’t have to scroll down the thread to find it? Thanks. And thanks for all the work.
This link:
@f00l I will ask her to once we nail down any extra categories and such so I can keep down the number of requests.
I’m already super confident in my picks for week 1. Unless I was totally wrong, and everything is a garbage fire, and I have to pretend to be @f00l to “win”.
Good luck to all, except those who are better at guessing than I am. Also, if @carl669 has the same picks as I do week 1 again, he should be banned for cheating.
You do have to pretend to be a @f00l to win. It’s in the unstated rules.
Going to just drop a poke to bring this to the attention of any of our past brethren who might not have noticed the new thread.
@Pavlov @f00l @confusedkitty @carl669 @RiotDemon @Pantheist @ELUNO @darksaber99999 @Nuurgle @bstjohn27 @Somf69 @Guardingnome @compunaut @mick @f00l @pbalcombe @kassh @YourLazyButt @speediedelivery
@jbartus there’s so many FML threads going that I actually missed the whole post about the form. It didn’t lock me out… So hopefully I got it in in time.
so apparently, the picks i make for the Redux league get carried over to the main mediocre league.
@carl669 hence why I offered the chance to make an alt.
I just saw this, and when I realized I had to put in entries by midnight (and was running late), I panicked.
This may not be a good first showing for team me.
@hanzov69 I missed it too. I blame the many FML threads that all have the same picture icon.
@hanzov69 @RiotDemon I haven’t actually locked down entries yet (Playing Overwatch) so if you hurry in…
Nothing useful to give you a competitive advantage at this hour anyhow.
sorry…@jbartus i am confused??? am i suppose to post my picks on the and the FML thread? just the one or the other or both? i did both, cause i don’t know what i am doing. help! lol
@mick You pick on FML and then add them to the form as well. There’s no way for me to lock your FML picks on Wednesday so putting it on the form lets us double check the picks and make sure the scores you get on FML match up with your competition score.
@jbartus I mean, you can click people’s profiles to see when they made their picks, but it’s a lot of extra work. I don’t blame you for wanting people to use the form.
@PantHeist I wasn’t aware of that but yeah… forms are a lot more hands-off, technically I need never look at them with the new format until the time comes to run the results.
@jbartus thanks. I had already done it. I just wasn’t sure if it went through since you had said it would be locked.
@woodhouse make sure you read over the first post, especially if you were interested in those e-mail reminders.
@jbartus Cineplex Updated: Mar 2, 2017, 12:36am EST oooh cuttin it close
@PantHeist I did mention that there’s a grace period. It was open well through 2 AM and I know for a fact that I was not the final entry. Besides, I can’t win anything but bragging rights.
@jbartus I was just teasing because I’m jealous of the number of shacks you grabbed based on how well i’ve heard that’s doing. I’m passing on any prizes this time too since I got em last time.
Week 1 is over, Week 2 is live. Form’s up here:
@Confusedkitty @Djslack @Nuurgle @f00l @Pantheist @abmille @SaintO @bstjohn27 @carl669 @Speediedelivery @compunaut @Mehrocco_Mole @mick @RiotDemon @hanzov69 @woodhouse
How the hell were @carl669 and I the only ones who picked identically again??? That’s it, he’s wiretapped my phones, and I want a full investigation!
@Nuurgle I heard you hacked his computer!
I demand this contest be fixed so that I stop making sucky picks. So unfair!
@f00l sad…
@f00l On it! Give me until tomorrow!
@f00l Actually, wait… what are you talking about? You got the perfect cinema…
That is not possible. Ever.
i thought i was smarter with my picks this 1st round! not so, not so!! LOL first week and i am about 45 million behind the first person & second…(who i am mad at, cause they did way better than me) and now i get to pick from a bunch of movies, i NEVER want to watch… who wants to watch the shack? i will watch logon and split and get out, when it comes out on dvd… for sure maybe, someday… picking what movies folks want to go see??? i am not so good at that game. i’m kinda learning??
Read around on the FML site and in the site forums to get better. Or just laze around and do badly like most of us.
FML, I managed to make less than half of the next guy in front of me. I thought I was doing pretty meh coming in 17 out of 19, but turns out two of you people didn’t even bother picking out any movies to screen. So, wasn’t there a gag gift for worst performer? Smart bet is on @SaintO for that one at this juncture.
@SaintO there are 12 more weeks to go, never you fear!
And yes, there’s going to be some kind of prizes for underperforming.
I sent out the reminder email really late today so we’re gonna leave this open for a few hours yet. I won’t say how many, so don’t ask, but I guarantee it locks before 7 AM EST.
When will Week 1 standings be posted?
@compunaut they’re live automatically, it’s part of why we’re using an FML league this time.
Technically, the league standings on the FML site represent final selection standings, not early selection standings, if someone is using the same theater for both leagues and changes the selections after the early deadline, right? Or do I misunderstand?
@f00l the whole point of doing it in both places was to try to reduce the workload this time 'round. That’s why I offered to let people use alternate accounts if they had other leagues they wanted to compete in without being restricted to this deadline.
I don’t mind. And I tend not to change stuff anyway.
Just wanted to be sure I understood. Keeping the work down is excellent.
@f00l yeah… I didn’t realize people’s submission times were able to be checked on the site or I’d have just gone with that.
@jbartus Then why are we still submitting to Google docs? Still reqd to calculate bonuses (bonsai?) for Earliest Bird and Mr. Scrooge, right?
The google docs could be useful if someone changed their lineup on Thursday or Friday.
@f00l Useful how? The FML site records the last submittal date/time. It’s perfectly adequate for tracking Midas, Best in Show, & Biggest Luzer, but can’t calculate the bonus for Earliest Bird or Mr. Scrooge. We need the Google doc for doing the math & recording/displaying cumulative standings for those 2 contests.
Or am I missing something? Perhaps I’m being phuulish…
If someone changes their lineup on Friday morning, how do you know what their lineup was on Wed eve? Unless we do google docs or something saves a screenshot or something.
Also the spreadsheet can do the math and stuff.
Also the form is kinda fun to fill out.
Also perhaps no one should get a prize if that person is too lazy to fill out the form.
@f00l Well, @jbartus might say that any change to Early Bird League (meant to be ‘locked’ Wed night/Thu morn) on Friday is cheating, and the penalty (via the Google spreadsheet, I guess) is to reinstate previous week’s picks.
My point has been that results as shown by FML is incomplete, at best. The standings as calculated by Google doc must be updated with weekly bonuses (and possible penalties) to give accurate results.
All that’s obvious right now is that Speedie is off to a great start for Midas & Best in Show, and SaintO is in full command for Biggest Luzer. How do we know who’s winning Earliest Bird or Mr. Scrooge?
Many of us are using the same id in both leagues. Which means if you make changes in order to improve your shot in our regular league after Wed, the Early Bird stuff is no longer accurate on this FML site.
We don’t, AFAIK, have rules against doing that.
And filling out the form is fun. For people like me. (Please don’t tell me that means I have the intellectual development of a fungus.)
@f00l Unless I’m mistaken, @jbartus wants us to keep our picks on the FML site the same as we set them for the early bird league- that’s why he mentioned making an alternate account if you wanted to change your picks for the main game after the deadline. The idea is to reduce the amount of clerical work required- entering on the google docs makes it so you can tell everyone got their picks in at a glance, entering on FML calculates totals, provides estimates, etc.
@PantHeist entering on FML does a whole lot of stuff. I can’t even begin to describe how much time it took each week to prep the results sheets and post them up. I got it down to a system and even then it was a giant pain in the tuchus!
With that said, @compunaut, I thought I was pretty clear with the following:
If you need a further why, let’s assume (with 99% certainty) that I will be using spreadsheets in Google Docs to massage the numbers and spit out the various prize winners. If nothing else you are saving me a bunch of effort transcribing that shit and the FML numbers are great as a backstop / sanity check for any figures I come up with in my sheets which was another massive time sink the first time around (checking, rechecking, and re-rechecking the numbers I came up with and my methodology for getting them)
During the first run of this contest I probably spent some 3-5 hours per week on all of the various clerical work.
And that’s a great reason for us doing both. : )
I’m pretty sure it’s impossible for me to lose this week. I’ve finally figured out the formula, this is a solved game now.
Well, I’ve got my picks. I usually change em last minute, but I kinda want to leave em after last week- I was much better off with my monday choices than my later ones.
@Pantheist I just changed mine for the “I lost count” number of times. I think I will quit now. I need to stop reading and blindly pick something that works bux wise. I can see where this could become a time sink with numbers flying. I may need an intervention with alcoholic beverages.
New form is up-up-up. Get your picks in-in-in!
@jbartus that explains why the form was saying it was closed when I tried it earlier. Was wondering if I had the wrong link.
@RiotDemon I actually had it done before 9 but couldn’t update the site via mobile.
Link to the form, because I assume most people are like me and only look in the header for links , then start drinking and crying, and finally find it.
@Nuurgle i’m so fucking drunk and you saved my day!
@jbartus- transfer 5 million from me to my man @Nuurgle!
@jbartus can you get @thumperchick to add this link to the topic description?
(Sorry, @thumperchick, I know all you wanna do is hold @puppycat right now.)
@f00l yeah, she wiggled out of her cast this morning, so we are back at the ortho office getting a new one.
@Thumperchick hold off on adding it, I’ll get you a full edit with the finalized list of prize-winning criteria and such.
What did I miss?! @puppycat is hurt!?
Broke her leg. See the March blame thread.
I had bigger things to worry about yesterday and as such the form has been open up until now. I will close it in one hour’s time so if you’ve missed out picking so far, get to it!
@Confusedkitty @Djslack @Nuurgle @f00l @Pantheist @abmille @SaintO @bstjohn27 @carl669 @Speediedelivery @compunaut @Mehrocco_Mole @mick @RiotDemon @hanzov69 @woodhouse
Week 4 Is Now Live!
@Confusedkitty @Djslack @Nuurgle @f00l @Pantheist @abmille @SaintO @bstjohn27 @carl669 @Speediedelivery @compunaut @Mehrocco_Mole @mick @RiotDemon @hanzov69 @woodhouse
Goddam it. I can’t remember. Did I use a gmail address or not, signing into the form? (As opposed to another domain.)
@f00l I thought you had to use a Gmail to use the form?
If the domain email is hosted by gmail, that also works. But I think I figured it out. Thx.
@f00l I have no access to see your email addresses. Google keeps track of it on their end with regards to allowing you to submit a response but does not pass that information along to me.
Furthermore you can create a Google account using any email address you like from any domain.
I have a feeling I’m wrong this week, but after having that same feeling last week and ending up with first place, I’m willing to admit I have no idea how any of this works.
i have not went to the movies in 30 years. way too much sitting still for me. i like silly games though… lol
who among us? “physically” goes to the movie theater to watch the new movies?? just wondering…
/giphy raises hand
/giphy raises hand
@mick I try to go once or twice a month, and this contest has actually inspired me to go out and see more movies in theaters (never would have even heard of Arrival without last season). Big action super hero movies are my main “need to see this in a theater” experiences.
It helps that many new theaters have assigned seats you pick at checkout and reclining chairs now (and some near me also serve booze).
@mick Not very often, but it can be a fun date night thing. Going to one tonight.
When a few Star Wars movie comes out I go.
Other than that, once or twice a decade.
@Pantheist beauty and the beast? Logan?
I’m betting Logan… Totally a date movie.
@RiotDemon That would have been my pick, but beauty and the beast. No complaints anyway.
@Pantheist saw Logan already. B&B is next. Would of taken either as a date night, haha
@RiotDemon Nice How was Logan?
@Pantheist I loved it. I don’t want to say much to spoil anything.
@RiotDemon now I’m stuck at the impasse between curiosity and hating spoilers…
@Nuurgle comfy chairs nice, beer essential, but do they have a pause button yet??? lol
@RiotDemon B & B?? ugh. i voted for it , but haven’t they made like 5000 different versions of it??? sooo many sequel movie, tv, cartoons themes… all the time. it is so boring to me. any original stuff… feels like preaching not entertainment. i want to be entertained! i am going to shut up now.
@Pantheist Go see Logan before it gets spoiled for you. It’s extremely hard to talk about without ruining everything, but it’s near the top of my Marvel movie rankings and that wasn’t an easy spot to move into.
@Nuurgle Nice I have no friends though, so not too worried about it
@Pantheist a friend wouldn’t spoil Logan for you. That’s something only an enemy would do. Everyone has enemies.
@mick I’ve never seen anything but the original and this. If there was anything else, I have never heard of it.
The original was one of my favorites as a kid. As soon as I saw the trailer, I got chills. Brought me right back to childhood.
@Pantheist after you see it, we’ll start a thread and discuss it.
There’s only one thing I want to say about it, and even that gives away too much.
I tried to stay away from the media and everything about it. I heard just a tiny bit, and that was enough to let me know a thing that was probably going to happen. It didn’t ruin the movie, but I was anticipating it throughout.
@RiotDemon Aw, I hate it when that happens. I can be good and not look at your other thread if you wana talk now though
@Pantheist I’ll wait a few more days.
Definitely go see it on the movie theatre though. Movies like this benefit from the big screen.
@RiotDemon dunno if I can convince Jen. We’ll see.
@Pantheist just go alone. That’s what I do.
Week 5 Is Now Live!
@Confusedkitty @Djslack @Nuurgle @f00l @Pantheist @abmille @SaintO @bstjohn27 @carl669 @Speediedelivery @compunaut @Mehrocco_Mole @mick @RiotDemon @hanzov69 @woodhouse
Power Rangers was rad. That is all.
@Nuurgle I didn’t really like the tv show. Would I possibly like the movie?
@RiotDemon It’s a really slow burn until you really get to the “show” part. They actually spend some time building up the characters instead of just telling you these teens can magically can fight space wizards.
It’s hard to say how I would have felt about it had I not been a fan of the source, but I think it was good fun.
@Nuurgle fair enough review, thanks.
Things @jbartus forgot to do:
Sorry guys, work has been a bear this week. Hopefully it hasn’t screwed anyone up besides me!
/image the beatings will continue
for transparency, people who updated after the deadline this week:
Jbartus: 3/31
Wesley: 3/31
micks: 3/30 (6:50 pm)
yourlazybutt: 3/31
compunaut: 3/31 (looks like an autolock)
stevenbrooken: 3/31 (probably another autolock)
What is an autolock?
@Pantheist Mine was an automatic rollover.
@jbartus whoops- didn’t notice on yours because you had all of your screens
@f00l @Jbartus, @compunaut, and @stevenbrooken all had their screens locked a couple minutes after 12 est on friday. All but @Jbartus had missing screens, but I trust him- I assume you do to. If you don’t change your picks by that point FML locks what you had last week for you
edit: wesley and yourlazybutt were probably autolocks too.
@Pantheist HEY!!! i had my picks in on tuesday. they stayed the same. probably should have changed them…lol i kept checking to see if it was locked down?? ummm, it never happened…
@Pantheist You can go back and check my prior week to be sure.
This is the best I’ve done in the league so far… hopefully I wont slide down to the bottom of the pack.
Crap! I forgot to brag about my PERFECT lineup last week. Only 39 people did it. Which only proves that 1000 monkeys typing forever will eventually type out the complete works of Shakespear.
WHOO HOOO!!! well, now you have to do it every week!. and write a play of some sort…
@Mehrocco_Mole I dunno man… 1000 monkeys sounds like a lot of cleanup… how about 250 octopodes?
Should of known better than to pick an anime turned into a live action movie as my top pick versus a cgi baby movie. As much as I want to see Ghost in the Shell, I guess it’s just not that popular.
@RiotDemon Wow, REALLY? I thought the baby movie was going to be the next big animated flopfest. There was nothing about the previews that led me to believe it would be even slightly watchable, and I assumed the rest of the audience would think the same. I mean, I predicted Ghost would be terrible, but to have it that far outdone by Boss Baby…ugh.
@Nuurgle I dunno what your standards are but among my friend group everyone wants to see it… or did before it came out, I haven’t seen the takeaways.
@Nuurgle i know!!
so i made my 16 year old granddaughter listen to all the movie choices, she said “well kids are saying the boss baby sounds funny”. and than she said,“gran i am not helping you with your stupid movie contest stuff”. ungrateful she is! for all i do for her, i say!! lol going to ask her, her “thoughts” about the new movies anyway!! LOL
Week 6 is Live
@Confusedkitty @Djslack @Nuurgle @f00l @Pantheist @abmille @SaintO @bstjohn27 @carl669 @Speediedelivery @compunaut @Mehrocco_Mole @mick @RiotDemon @hanzov69 @woodhouse
Welp, I completely forgot about this. Form is still open so I’m putting in my picks now. Feel free to ignore this week if you have to. Not really in the running either way.
Where are you?
Everything ok? Friends and family ok?
You kinda vanished and I thought you would reappear, but so far …
So I have just realized that today is Friday and therefore last night when I closed the form and updated my own FML picks it was Thursday. This is turning into a shambles… sorry everybody!
No worries.
/image it’s just a game
@jbartus But this is very important life changing critical…wait…nope. Playing for fun.
I was busy this week and did not read much. I should have changed mine from the first plug ins from Monday but didn’t take the time to do it. I can see how this could be addictive if you played seriously.
Week 7 is LIVE
More news to follow on the matter of prizes to be won. Dealing with some stuff, will get it up as soon as I can.
If there’s anyone out there who’d like to lend a hand getting the forms up and closed each week (@f00l maybe?) it would be appreciated. If not, well it hasn’t fallen completely apart yet so I’ll manage.
@Confusedkitty @Djslack @Nuurgle @f00l @Pantheist @abmille @SaintO @bstjohn27 @carl669 @Speediedelivery @compunaut @Mehrocco_Mole @mick @RiotDemon @hanzov69 @woodhouse
@jbartus shambles?? pft!!
i think you are doing this fun game, just right! i am cool with the deadline, being whenever you can get to it. and if the form still happens to be open after midnight wednesday, so what.
folks who forgot can still pick and folks who want to change their picks can. it’s still a fair game!
[If there’s anyone out there who’d like to lend a hand getting the forms up and closed each week (@f00l maybe?)]
i don’t know how to do this. or i would.
unless maybe? you or fools wants to teach me how??? sooooo…
i still want to help you with the prize stuff!!
please, let me know how i can assist you ???
@jbartus If an unreliable helper sounds good, I’ll help.
I appreciate the form not closing at midnight because I invariably forget until like 3:27am…
Week 8 is LIVE
@Confusedkitty @Djslack @Nuurgle @f00l @Pantheist @abmille @SaintO @bstjohn27 @carl669 @Speediedelivery @compunaut @Mehrocco_Mole @mick @RiotDemon @hanzov69 @woodhouse
i took a risky gamble. oh, my. what a catastrophe!!! lol shaking head… damn…
It’s monday again? Fuck me.
The form wasn’t closed last week, the emails never went out, and I feel like I’m always playing catch up.
@jbartus meh, don’t stress! I appreciate you doing it at all, sure others feel the same.
@jbartus you had asked for volunteers to help. I have no idea what I’m doing, but I’ll do whatever I can.
@RiotDemon the problem is just getting a volunteer up to speed requires time. Coordinating a means of contact, explaining the process, showing them what needs done.
I haven’t even finalized the prize categories and told ya’ll where to ship stuff yet.
@jbartus don’t worry yourself. I don’t think anyone is freaking out.
@RiotDemon I am.
@jbartus besides you. It’s just a fun thing. Seriously, no worries!
@RiotDemon @jbartus Ditto. Playing for fun. Real life stuff like work and family are important. I think it is traditional to figure out prizes at a later date here anyway.
I am busy calculating my way to mediocre. I think I would have made changes past lock time at least half the weeks so far. I think the change would have helped maybe twice. I should have wrote it down and kept track. I can see where this game could occupy alot more time if I started running numbers instead of a bit of reading and basic math.
@speediedelivery Reading and math? By the stats on the fml site, I’ve outperformed two whole players in the early bird league (and 40 in the main Meh league) by picking very poorly in less than one minute a week.
In an unrelated matter, do we have two players who aren’t submitting any more? Lol
Week 9 is LIVE
@Confusedkitty @Djslack @Nuurgle @f00l @Pantheist @abmille @SaintO @bstjohn27 @carl669 @Speediedelivery @compunaut @Mehrocco_Mole @mick @RiotDemon @hanzov69 @woodhouse
@jbartus Guess who remembered to set his lineup before the lock time?
@Confusedkitty @Djslack @Nuurgle @f00l @Pantheist @abmille @SaintO @bstjohn27 @carl669 @Speediedelivery @compunaut @Mehrocco_Mole @mick @RiotDemon @hanzov69 @woodhouse
I’m headed to bed but I noticed we’re short one entry from last week so I’m gonna leave the form up for a bit. I will be closing it when I wake up so if you haven’t already get your entries in!
We do appreciate you, ya know.
Much thanks.
@f00l i agree!! i think we all really do, think jbartus . is…
@Pantheist Ouch, I got the lowest out of all active players this week
@Nuurgle we peaked early.
edit: you’re still number 5 overall. Not bad. No complaining for you.
@Pantheist Meanwhile I’m stoked that I’m even in the top 10… thanks to the inactives it’s a little easier.
@hanzov69 I’m number 11 Been trying to pick on monday/tuesday. Not going great.
Week 10 is LIVE
@Confusedkitty @Djslack @Nuurgle @f00l @Pantheist @abmille @SaintO @bstjohn27 @carl669 @Speediedelivery @compunaut @Mehrocco_Mole @mick @RiotDemon @hanzov69 @woodhouse
Much thx. Usually forget to say that.
What @f00l said.
I remembered to set my lineup again. I’m getting pretty good at remembering to waste time at work.
Forgot to do my picks because busy. Forms still open too. Bah!
@jbartus Must be nice to have a life.
Week 11 is LIVE
@Confusedkitty @Djslack @Nuurgle @f00l @Pantheist @abmille @SaintO @bstjohn27 @carl669 @Speediedelivery @compunaut @Mehrocco_Mole @mick @RiotDemon @hanzov69 @woodhouse
So um… I’ve decided that the finalized prize categories are going to be announced along with their respective winners. Both because surprises are fun and because then nobody can angle for any specific goals. That sounds plausible, right?
Okay fine you caught me, I just can’t spare the time to lay it all out. It’s kind of fun though… right?
On the topic of prizes there were people who wanted to contribute, if people are still interested in helping make the fukos they can mail otherwise I’ll just have to hope for @narfcake levels of luck at thrift shops and dollar stores… whenever I find the time to go shopping that is.
Anyhow, that’s it for this week’s edition of @jbartus Is A Slacker, tune in next week for more exciting excuse making!
@jbartus sorry, i just saw this. i sent you an email i hope… if i did it wrong. just tell me and i will try again lol.
just says, tell me what to do! i hope i did it right…
Are you kidding me?? Last week doesn’t register as a “win” because I tied for first? This game is dumb, and serious business!
@Nuurgle Yeah, if you tie whoever locks it in first gets the win.
Hey @jbartus
Is @compunaut still playing? I haven’t seen any activity in the Meh forums recently.
PS are you hurting after all that office stuff fell on you?
Hope not!
@f00l not that I’ve noticed but I’ll check in detail tomorrow and report back.
I am fine thanks for asking.
@f00l I haven’t received a form entry from @compunaut since Week 2
I’m sorry @compunaut vanished. I think in early or mid March? Hope things are ok with him.
@f00l me too. I assumed you were asking to confirm that @compunaut’s disappearance was total. For my end of things, stuff happens. I’m more concerned for @compunaut than I am bothered that they stopped participating in the contest.
I don’t care about the contest regarding him. I just saw he had vanished from here, and hoped at least he was still doing that, but … i guess nothing.
Really hope he and family are ok.
@f00l yeah that’s what I meant, I didn’t figure that was the concern so much as “has he been doing anything?!”. I share your concern and hope.
He’s quite nearby. I know that much. But I don’t have a name. I think I know where he works, but …
@f00l Let’s stalk them!
i have been making terrible picks… how do all those folks know, to pick 7 latin lovers and something??? like how??
@mick I’d like to know as well. Then again, I’m doing zero research and just sort of guessing…
Week 11 is closed!
Week 12 is LIVE!
We’re down to the final two weeks! Reminder: If you wanted to contribute to the prizes (no pressure, I just know some people had volunteered) send me an email at
@Confusedkitty @Djslack @Nuurgle @f00l @Pantheist @abmille @SaintO @bstjohn27 @carl669 @Speediedelivery @compunaut @Mehrocco_Mole @mick @RiotDemon @hanzov69 @woodhouse
@jbartus I have zero clue what to do about this week. Blind guessing!
Week 13 is LIVE!
We’ve reached the final week. My performance was lacking this season guys, sorry about that. Work has been eating more and more of my time. With any luck I’ll be in a more stable situation in the future (I’m discussing a potential position with a client right now) and if I ever do something like this again I’ll hopefully be more reliable. Thanks for sticking with it!
@Confusedkitty @Djslack @Nuurgle @f00l @Pantheist @abmille @SaintO @bstjohn27 @carl669 @Speediedelivery @compunaut @Mehrocco_Mole @mick @RiotDemon @hanzov69 @woodhouse
@jbartus Did you get my email?
@speediedelivery let’s add not checking the email often enough to my list of failures this season. Responded!
I’m closing this thing out with a BANG! Either I’ve solved the whole puzzle and this will rocket me into shining fame, or I’m shooting myself in the foot. We’ll see!
Another week, another completely idiotic set of picks.
@f00l Hey, it’s the same set I went with, and someone else did the exact same thing. To make it even better, the definitive winner this week used the same idea (7 screens) with a different set of movies. It was a fun way to end, even if it didn’t work out.
Forgot to fill in the spreadsheet on time.
Completely forgot to make picks last week. Yay $17,700,000
Are we up for another round?
@f00l I can’t be relied on for this right now, too much going on. If you guys want to pick it up somehow I will be happy to pass over editing rights to the site and copies of the forms and such.
So, we’re done for the season. I will work out the results as soon as I can. Things have been crazy lately but as soon as I can I’ll figure everything out. Thanks everyone for participating, sorry it wasn’t better coordinated this season.
@jbartus hey!! i need you to check your email!
@mick I did an hour ago!
@jbartus i have been busy, talking. I just now got this! timing is so funny… talk to you soon…
good lord, have you seen all the vast pages of emojis on meh… wow.
i think everything is all set up for more of the Mediocre Early Bird Contest Redux. i made my picks already. lets see if anyone else does. lol
we can still play if we still want to. it’s just for shits and giggles anyway. i am playing.
maybe just me and fool, fighting for 1st place!! LOL
@mick I made my picks too. I’m also in the regular meh league… But I’m doing terrible in that one.
I did pix on the site. there’s no form to fill out this week, right?
@f00l at present things are continuing in an unofficial capacity so that is correct there is no form this week. It occurs to me that we might be able to keep this going if it’s got less management type stuff for me to do. What do you guys think of running it strictly through the FML website and only having a prize for the top grosser? Now that we know you can see when somebody locked in their picks we can always check back at the end to verify the win.
@jbartus I like it better without the form anyway. Less work and less chance of mistakes.
@RiotDemon yeah I generally agree. During the first rendition the form was the means by which we were able to keep track of things without making people pick in accordance with the rules for this contest. With that said last season it was the means by which I will get all of the information in a hopefully number crunchable format for figuring out the convoluted prize structure. Now that we know we can check the timestamps and streamlining the prize back down to a single offering there’s really no need for the form.
I’m all for saving work. I always kinda felt bad that you had to do the setup.
So let’s skip the extra work.
PS I was a little late today? I think around 1:15pm?
But given a holiday weekend plus no clear announcement that we were still on for the new season, I want my entry allowed in this time. Forgive the small indulgence of extra time I used, pls.
Besides, I swear I did my usual amt of research. Which is to say, none.
Thx thx thx thx thx. In case you didn’t know, you and all this are appreciated.
@f00l I’ll assume you meant AM. At any rate on weeks where we don’t have Monday due to a long weekend we extend til noon on Thursday instead of midnight Wednesday night.
You guys are welcome just wish I had been less ambitious
I just received a package full of all kinds of goodies for the prize Fukos, I think I know who sent it but I’m not 100% sure, will let you guys know if they say it’s okay or they can speak up here if they like.
@jbartus we have not sent out the prize fukos yet! let’s do this!!.
@mick I know, it’s been a busy few weeks.
@jbartus it is busy… too much so.
just let me know when you are ready. i will help you.
@mick will do thanks for volunteering to provide one of the prizes!
@mick just ordered a whole bunch of stuff for the prizes to add to my collected stuff plus contributions from other sources that wish to remain nameless. Will be trying to crunch the numbers this weekend so we can get these out though mine might take a couple of weeks before everything comes in to assemble.
it is very hard to pick out the best movies … when, i do not want to see… like, all of them… lol
i think they are making terrible, boring, re-hashed movies.
it is fun, the math… i don’t quite get how to figure out all the bonus stuff? so many combos… makes me dizzy.
So. Much. Data.
@jbartus no worries, take your time.
@RiotDemon I am motivating myself with the thought of the hopefully awesome reactions to the prizes. Between the stuff I have, the stuff I’ve sourced, and the stuff that’s been contributed these should be some awesome prize fukos.
Okay guys, after eleven hours of crunching numbers and trying to figure out how not to have this process take weeks due to my time constraints I’ve made a few decisions I hope nobody will be too upset about.
First and foremost, and I think this was true from the start but I’m going to restate it here: a given contestant may only win one prize. If you win Midas, you can’t win Earliest Bird and so on, it will be awarded to the next ranked person for that prize. This is done for a number of reasons but the most obvious is to prevent all or most of the prizes being awarded to the person with the highest gross revenue.
When I started this thread I laid out some overly optimistic guidelines for how the prize winners would be determined for each prize. From a sheer practicality standpoint I can’t stand by those criteria as a whole, with my limited time I’d be rushing to get it done and there would just be so many variables flying around that I’d probably just screw it up anyhow in my haste. Accordingly, following are the final criteria used to pick a winner for each of the prizes, hopefully you guys won’t be too upset with the changes:
As you may recall, there is one other prize that was never finalized. As hinted at earlier, I took it upon myself to determine the nature of this prize and arrived at the following:
All of these figures were arrived at using only the entry data contained in the forms results and as such may differ from that listed on the FML League page.
I will post the winners of these prizes along with Top 3 Rankings and Honorable Mentions in a post to follow as well as a link to the data sheets.
Without further ado, it is time to present our winners!
The Midas Award
The Midas Award is presented to the contestant who scored the highest overall revenue across the entire 13-week contest.
In third place, with a total revenue of $1,087,248,883…
In second place, with a total revenue of $1,109,731,813…
And your winner, with a total revenue of $1,199,381,068 is…
The Earliest Bird Award
The Earliest Bird Award is awarded to the contestant who averaged the earliest submission times throughout the contest. They were given a score multiplier based upon this average and their total revenue was ranked based upon this multiplier.
In third place, with an adjusted revenue of $11,650,979,523.38…
In second place, with an adjusted revenue of $12,647,103,214.31…
And your winner, with an adjusted revenue of $13,130,621,125.46…
The Mr. Scrooge Award
The Mr. Scrooge Award is awarded to the contestant who achieved the best results with the least expense over the course of the entire 13-week contest. Midas rankings were adjusted in accordance with a $50K/$ saved bonus for each week and then averaged.
In third place, with an average ranking of 7.0000…
In second place, with an average ranking of 6.7692…
And your winner, with an average ranking of 6.4615…
The Best In Show Award
The Best In Show Award is awarded to the contestant who accumulated the most Best Picture screens in their cineplex over the course of the 13-week contest.
In third place, with eleven best picture screens played…
In second place, with thirteen best picture screens played…
And your winner, with fourteen best picture plays…
The Top Billing Award
The Top Billing Award is awarded to the contestant who scored the most weekly #1 cineplexes over the course of our 13-week contest.
As you can imagine, this was a fairly tight field with only thirteen points to spread around. As such, it should come as no surprise to anyone that we have a tie for second place with two #1 weeks apeice. Congratulations on your strong performances…
@abmille & @mick!
This of course brings us to our winner in this category and, if I may be frank, this contestant’s victory is a testament to sticking with things even when you’re not having the best of luck. This contestant came in eighth overall, dead center of the pack, their average placement of 7.3077 is unremarkable, and they only scored 7 best picture screens which brought them in at 10th place in our Best in Show category but none of that matters because with a total of three #1 weeks our winner is…
Honorable Mentions
There are a few people I want to recognize here, but first and foremost I want to recognized @speediedelivery for their remarkable performance. Not only did they qualify in first place for The Midas Award but without the policy disqualifying contestants from winning multiple awards @speediedelivery would be taking home the Mr. Scrooge and Best In Show awards. Congratulations @speediedelivery on a remarkable performance!
Next, I would like to recognize @mick for generously offering to provide a hand-crafted prize fukobukuro for one of our lucky winners! Thank you so much for your generosity!
Our lucky winners will also benefit from an array of awesome contributions from @speediedelivery, I look forward to their reactions to the awesome items you were so generous to provide!
Next up, I would like to thank @abmille, @bstjohn27, @carl669, @compunaut, @Confusedkitty, @djslack, @f00l, @hanzov69, @Mehrocco_Mole, @mick, @Nuurgle, @Pantheist, @RiotDemon, @SaintO, and @Speediedelivery for your participation in this contest. It wouldn’t be much of a contest without all of you, and your patience with me and my zany schedule has been much appreciated!
And finally, I would like to thank @woodhouse and @Thumperchick for absolutely nothing! You guys know why!
Congratulations to all of our winners! Please contact me at with the shipping address you’d like your prize sent to as soon as possible! Be sure to include your username in the email so I can identify you!
The complete rankings and data as assembled from the forms and my calculations can be viewed by clicking this link.
Congratulations to all the winners!
I got second place twice, how perfectly meh, haha
@RiotDemon That just means you did really well! Although technically one is a third place… had I handed prizes out in a different order you’d have won Midas but possibly only come in 3rd elsewhere.
@jbartus A sincere thank you for the time you put into this.
@jbartus Thank you! It has been/is fun playing. I got lucky last season with an early good week and some decent weeks later.
You are doing a great job as commissioner. I know this takes time out of real life and it is likely more time than I am guessing to put this together.
@jbartus no bonus prize for my dashing streak of 3rd place finishes in almost every category I didn’t win (some of which were actually 4th but @speediedelivery couldn’t win everything)?
Thanks again for putting this together, and to everyone who has helped out behind the scenes and with prizes, and who kept playing along and kept the whole thing fun.
That was fun Thanks, @jbartus !
@jbartus Thanks for all your work putting this on! It was fun to participate in.
@abmille @speediedelivery @Nuurgle @Pantheist @djslack I’m glad everybody had fun, it make all of the work worthwhile.
So, not counting contributions and stuff I’ve got lying around already the first shipment of stuff for the prize fukos came in today. Would you guys have any interest in seeing a sneak peek of some of the goodies or should we keep 100% of the contents 100% confidential?
Also on the prize front, I have heard from @Nuurgle, @Speediedelivery, and @hanzov69 but still need addresses from @Mehrocco_Mole and @bstjohn27!
@jbartus turns out the first four shipments came. Two were hiding somewhere weird. Gotta love Amazon sending single orders in like 30 boxes.
@Nuurgle @Speediedelivery @hanzov69 @Mehrocco_Mole @bstjohn27 I have an important question for our winners. There is quite the accumulation of stuff that will be going into these prize fukos, each of you will be receiving one Large Flat Rate Box because that’s what I’ve budgeted for in my prize budget. The question is as follows, would you rather:
A. Receive items in ‘regiftable condition’ meaning everything is in original packaging (if applicable) and thereby may result in less content fitting in the box.
B. Receive as many items as I can possibly fit into the box meaning that I may or may not remove items from their original packages but knowing that anything important (instructions, manuals, warranty cards, etc.) will be included and, if space allows and it is practical to do so, I will flatten out the original packaging and include it in the box.
Please indicate your preference in a reply to this comment if you don’t mind.
@jbartus I do not need original packaging. Do as you wish. Sounds like there should be a video of you packing.
Check your weights and distances. Between our zipcodes, if a package is under 11 pounds, it is cheaper NOT in a large flat rate box. Size would not matter until you got pretty big in this case.
You can check this for any zipcode on the usps app or website. I can give you a quick breakdown if you email zipcodes you are using. Size and distance both matter when figuring prices.
@speediedelivery I will keep that in mind, thanks for the heads up. Weight really shouldn’t be a factor so…
@speediedelivery do you shipstation or or anything or just regular postage calculations then drop at the post office?
@jbartus I use
No fees just postage and you get a discount from retail prices. Round up any ounces to the next pound if you are not using flat rate. Prices break down by the pound so you are not paying extra. (Minor exceptions to that pricing rule do not apply to you here)
Sign in to paypal. Follow the screen that comes up. You will see a summary to check everything before you pay. Print on regular paper and tape to the box. Leave the top half of the barcode with no tape. You can give it to your mail carrier or drop off at the post office.
@jbartus I am a greedy hoarder. Anything I receive will be for my own enjoyment/disappointment. I don’t need fancy packages.
@Nuurgle I knew I liked you.
@jbartus Cram it full please!
/giphy greedy
@Mehrocco_Mole I’ll be happy to but I need your address to send it!
@jbartus I expected nothing, so anything you send my way is both amazingly cool and well exceeds my expectations.
Besides, my personal policy is to always unbox items I plan on regifting. Just so they know how little consideration I gave them
@jbartus Sent the address via
@jbartus Should I be expecting a package?
@Mehrocco_Mole as soon as I ship them, things have been a bit crazy here lately.
@jbartus Not a problem. I just wanted to know if something disappeared from the porch and I’m coming across as an ungrateful jerk for not acknowledging the gifts.
/giphy ungrateful jerk
I’ve been so damned busy.
I just filled out forms and left it at that recently.
First, thxthxthxthxthxthx for doing all this.
I hope you got everything spreadsheeted nicely, so that it’s way easier presuming we keep doing this.
Can I contribute to the mailing expenses or something?
We all really owe you.
/giphy boffo!
@f00l you all are most welcome. As for the postage it’s really not necessary, I budgeted for this awhile ago and with @mick taking on the mantle for one of the boxes I am below budget on my shipping, though I admittedly used some of that to enhance the existing boxes. That said, you have my email, if you want you can send something, I won’t get into one of those silly ‘who’s paying for dinner’ debates about it.
Just a quick update guys. I bought some stuff for these prizes from the Loot Vault sale a few weeks ago and my order is still not shipped. I plan to reach out to them for a status update but I wanted to assure you that I have not forgotten about this!
@jbartus just another small update. Am expecting the last shipment of goodies Tuesday and should be shipping out prizes (and having @mick send theirs) later this week. Waited so that everything would hopefully be coordinated!
Hmm… July 17th eh… fuck me.
Hi All,
Sorry for the insane delay on this end. I have good news, though! As of today all four prizes coming from my end of things are boxed up and ready to ship. I’m going to mail them out tomorrow so if @Nuurgle @Speediedelivery @hanzov69 @Mehrocco_Mole or @bstjohn27 need to update their addresses please let me know. I’ll be emailing you guys as well just to be safe.
Sorry for the delay. I have many excuses. Some are good. Some stink. Please forgive me!
@mick I’m gonna email you too!
@jbartus hahaha.
I expected nothing and had fun playing. No need to apologize!
@jbartus i just now saw this!!! send me the unlucky persons address!!! lol
@mick done!
All of the prizes from my end went out Wednesday night and are expected to deliver Saturday. Tracking has been sent to each of the winners except @Speediedelivery who is receiving a prize prepared by @mick.
@jbartus forgot to tell you i sent it! lol
if you did not get your box today, it should be there thursday! WOO HOO!!!
@mick It is at the post office now. I will be picking it up soon.
@mick You made my day! I will do a proper thank you post hopefully tomorrow.
@speediedelivery damn! i am happy already.
@Nuurgle @hanzov69 @Mehrocco_Mole or @bstjohn27???
did you get your prizes??? i want to see what you all got!!!
@mick no word from @bstjohn27 or @Nuurgle yet but I got the impression from @Nuurgle at least that life had gotten busy.
@mick I did get mine on Monday of this week (USPS were dumb) and will try to get something posted in the next couple of days. I just recently moved and everything in my new place is kind of a mess at the moment.
@Nuurgle sorry to add to the mess!
@mick I got my box on Saturday. I’ve just been busy and haven’t inventoried it yet. A lot of stuff was packed in there. I was overwhelmed by all of it.
@bstjohn27 Overwhelmed?
I hope you’ll think it’s…
@bstjohn27 we will wait… for the reveal… of this most legendary box!! WOO HOOO!!! imma so excited!!
• Call of Duty Black OPS large mouse pad
• Kid’s “Adventure Time” backpack
• gummy sour octopi
• 2 meh coozies and sticker
• Piranha Sunglasses
• Pad of “Awesome Citation” tickets
• Wonder Woman Luggage tag
• Peanuts Fall Leaves Cutouts
• fidget spinner
• Funko Pop! Assassin’s Creed Aguilar (crouching) vinyl figure
• kidrobot “The Simpsons” Homer Budda figure
• The Settlers of Catan game extension pack
• The Walking Dead construction set
• Package of Various DC comics
• Michigan State Pet Leash
• Starland Read-Along Book and Recording -Mr T in “The Mystery of the Mind Thieves”
• and a bunch of early 90s trading cards
(sorry, the lighting is really bad)
-Danerys action figure (with baby Drogon)
-Morgan action figure from Walking Dead
-Futurama Planet Express Ship statuette
-banana slicer
-Body Glove flip phone clip on holster
-USB wall charger adapter
-universal memory card wallet
-bag of air from Felton, MI
-assorted 90s trading card packs
-black fidget spinner (some assembly required)
-umbrella hat with elastic band
-stack of comics
-Ed Hardy air freshener (probably also from the 90s)
-ball ice molds (which were really confusing until I found the paper that said what they were)
-white meh hockey puck
-white meh can cozy
-meh sticker
-deck of Who playing cards (not the band, maybe references the show? I’ve never seen it)
-pad of Office Citations
-penguin party invitations
-Invent It! printer pack
-NCAA domino set (Michigan State)
-Dale and Thomas Popcorn canvas bag, that’s large enough to cover everything on the table
@mick @jbartus sorry it took so long, but that should wrap up all of the missing boxes now.
Also not pictured, a bag of Sour Gummi Octopi that was consumed pretty much on sight.
@Nuurgle no need to be sorry. Taking pics and such was never a requirement I was just happy to be sure you got it.