A very special non-fuko from @jbartus (Part II)
18So @jbartus did an Early-Bird Fantasy Movie League. For reasons I’m still not entirely clear on, I earned a prize of some sort. I think I won because someone else couldn’t win two categories.
(Thank you @hanzov69 for typing a lot of the stuff so I didn’t have to)
- Two bags of air from Moreno Valley, CA. (1 deflated) Tyrion
- Lannister figure from GoT (which I just finished binge watching)
- Bag of old comic books
- An Ed Hardy air freshener
- A plush Batman
- WTF notepad (NWF)
- The Walking Dead Soap-on-a-Rope Daryl’s Walker Ear
Necklace - AVP figure
- The Joker painted wooden figure Mini task light
- A Coors Light Belt buckle/bottle opener
- meh coozie, stress puck, and sticker
- My Little Pony Magic Friendship pop-up songbook
- Doctor Who sonic spork
- Who? (not the Dr.) deck of cards
- Nascar poncho for my golf bag
- Fidget spinner
- A Criss Angel Mental Freak card trick
- A rubber pad of some sort (a little bit of help here?)
- A Rubik’s Cube with stand
- Gummy sour octopi which the spouse ran off with
- Packs of trading cards (where did you ever find these cool cards?)
- Michigan State Spartans Fan Beads
- A 3’x5’ Michigan State/breast cancer flag suitable for flying when my neighbor puts out his FL Gater flag.
I have got to know; How did @jbartus know I’m a Michigan State fan when I live in Florida? That I actually do collect weird and off-beat trading cards. Puzzles and magic tricks, oh yeah! And I’m a HUGE SF fan going back many many (too many) years.
BTW: The Sonic Spork will go well with my Sonic Screwdriver collection.
I’m impressed to say the least. Thank you @jbartus for a job well done!
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Crap… now the other two winners will be expecting Sonic Sporks… figures both would revealed in a row.
@Mehrocco_Mole I’m glad you like it. You’ll have to ask either @Speediedelivery or @Yoda_Daenerys about the pad thing, I forget which one of them it originated with but your guess is as good as mine.
I was trying to emulate Meh by including some offbeat oddball stuff any they seemed perfect. Unless I am much mistaken, the same Amazon listing was later used by Meh to source cards from for the first Mehrathon fukos so I guess I did a great job at that. I even commented on it when they started popping up in the reveals. Oddly enough it wasn’t the photo when I bought them but I think the current listing photo is of the exact bundle they sent me.
If I’d known, you’d have gotten more than just two parts… then again I sent the prizes out blind so you might not have gotten any after all…
@jbartus i disembowel all knowledge
@jbartus @Mehrocco_Mole The rubber pad thing is an anti slip mat for a stuff on the dash of your car. I don’t remember where I got it and I never did get around to trying it out.
@Mehrocco_Mole what size shirt do you wear? Email it to me if you don’t want to say publicly.
Large, buff, muscular, sexy… It’s all the same right? If you’re planning on sending a shirt you have already gone above and beyond!
@Mehrocco_Mole check your front porch! I know how you Floridians get when the mercury drops below 85 but it’s worth it, I promise!
@jbartus Oh I got it!!! Getting pictures but it involves the neighbor so I have to wait for him. As far as the weather goes:
We’re looking at Hurricane Nate hitting us Sat-Sun.
@Mehrocco_Mole that meme is so true! I love the winter parkas that come out on days in the 70s.
@Mehrocco_Mole so I just wanted to check, did I get the team right, is it nice, and does it fit okay? Pix are completely not necessary and up to you, I am simply living vicariously through you as it was a good deal I couldn’t take advantage of personally due to my lack of collegiate affiliation with any school with athletics of note.
Wow another really cool box Congratulations
Congrats, and thumbs up to @jbartus!