Mediocre Fantasy Movie League 4: The Next Cut


Season Three of the Mediocre Fantasy Movie League is over, so if you were wanting to join but didn’t want to be left in the dust with a pitiful score, now is the time! It’s Spring, that time of year when Oscar hopefuls don’t even consider releasing out of concern for getting lost in the mix but it’s going to end with the long Memorial Day weekend which always throws a wrench into things, it should be fun!

Join here (if it asks for a password: wearemeh)

If you have already joined during a previous season, you don’t have to do anything. We’ve kept the same league and your cineplex will carry over.

What is this?

Think Fantasy Football, but you own a movie theater instead. Each week you must choose from 15 movies that you can put on your 8 screens, and try to have the lineup that will make the most money at the box office for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday night.

How does this work?

You are given a $1000 budget and the movies cost a certain amount based on expected return, so new releases may cost $300 - $800 per screen, but movies that have been running for awhile might only be $15 - $50.

Unlike a real movie theater, variety is not necessarily a good thing here; some times the best cineplex for a given week features many screenings of the same movie and it might not include any new releases.

A good example of this was during the summer season when Independence Day 2, Central Intelligence, and The Shallows came out. The first two did great at the box office, but cost so much you could only run one or two; The Shallows was cheap enough that running it on seven screens ended up bringing in a lot more money. Then in the fall Moana was literally the movie that would not die being a viable cineplex member for literally months.

Okay, but I can’t predict the future and I don’t care to do the research…

Fantasy Movie League has great info in their Research Vault and forum, and the FML Nerd Analyzer is also very helpful; you can adjust how well you think movies will do and it will tell you what your best lineup will be. Beware though, the default settings are often not correct.

Are there any hints or tips you can give me?

Give the Beginner’s Guide a read, it’s got a lot of good information and don’t be afraid to ask your fellow Mehtizens for help.


The wheels have kind of fallen off the whole prizes thing, I’m not sure if any have ever been awarded though @Moose could set the record straight if there have been some. With that said, there’s a bit of a side game going on that’s got a few prizes and different ways to win you might want to check out if prizes are important to you.

Okay I’m in

Join here (if it asks for a password: wearemeh)
Please post what your movie theater name is, otherwise we can’t praise your success, ridicule your failure, or (potentially) send prizes.

Who’s won this thing anyhow?

Summer 2016

Our innaugaral season, mediocrity reigned but a few stalwart individuals managed to show us all up with their non-mediocrity, here are the top 3:

  1. @Moose - $1,115,149,710
  2. @ChadP - $1,028,718,643
  3. @sammydog01 - $970,656,672

Full Results

Fall 2016

Somehow we started to get our shit together this season, fucks were given, and fully five of us entered the billionaire’s club this season with @ChadP narrowly missing by a mere $8,000,000. The top 3 for this season were:

  1. @jbartus - $1,062,037,926
  2. @Pavlov - $1,032,502,952
  3. @cj0e - $1,020,404,851

Full Results

Awards 2017

Our third season was decidedly non-mediocre with fully twenty four players entering the billion dollar club and another six within $50M. The top 3 for this season were:

  1. Melvin T Mopboy* - $1,332,585,346
  2. @jbartus - $1,248,340,489
  3. Plexiplex* - $1,170,073,707
    • If anyone knows who these people are on Meh I’d love to get them the appropriate recognition.