A not-water-resistant watch would last me maybe a day, until I forget to take it off before washing my hands. I'll stick with the metawatch I got on Meh.
No alien hand available with the watch, per disclaimer in meh ad ( looks like a possible Martian hand shown) ..so guess citizens from other countries can't buy one to wear .......which makes me wonder if non citizens of any country can buy a "citizen watch" in the country they are in at the "time" if they aren't citizens..
For a few dollars more than list, I would get an actual mechanical watch. Of course, this is the Meh community I'm talking to, where nobody buys for list.
However, the type of watch I'm thinking of typically sells for about half it's list, so if you're the type of person who buys things because of how much you "save," then maybe I'm not shouting into the dark.
@DMlivezey yep, different Meta model. And a 15 buck experiment that taught me what I want/don't want in a smart watch. A visible display is requirement one.
As a person who's owned a couple of smartwatches, notifications are the best thing a smartwatch does. All the other stuff is neat, but knowing when to pull out your phone or ignore it is the most significant improvement a smartwatch will make in your daily routine.
Even though I haven't broken the seal on my Meta that came in the Fuku yesterday, and my Moto 360 gets worn almost daily, I'm tempted to check this out.
With daylight savings time now in effect today, effectively we now had to stay up to midnight CST to view the deal on meh ...we in CST time zone use to have to only stay up to 11 pm CST to view the "meh"nificent deal....oh the tragedy of it all..guess that's why the deal tonight was on a "watch" list tonight ..it's about time after all.
@Thumperchick hmmm, i think edt just ended and now we are in est, at least in MI, what's dst? i wish i had time to say up for your reply, tic-tock, tick-tock...
Not for nothing, but it is not "daylight savings" time, it is "daylight saving" time. It is appropriate to say "daylight savings" only in certain instances when used without the word "time" (per Merriam-Webster).
And yes, we're now back on "standard" time. However, one might posit that the "standard" time is actually daylight saving time, since we observe it longer . . .
@RedOak But most of the Central Time zone follows Daylight Saving Time (except part on IN?), so it seems like MI would be with the eastern states part of the year, and central states the rest of the year, similar to AZ? I doubt it will pass. @thumperchick, I would never heckle anyone as nice as you, at least not intentionally or at least not with malice.
@Thumperchick well I am sure you will find mistakes in my post..happens when Your mom has been in the hospital after breaking her ankle and then in rehab facilities and you haven't had much sleep in days..literally. Goes with getting old and your parents are a lot older than yourself ( of course) .. There have been days I have literally slept only an hour and then gone in to work..so u r correct DST is over but for me time never seems to end... My puns are my comic relief ( even if only to myself) from the reality I find myself in.
@AttyVette oh sure, just use the whole "my mom's sick and in the hospital" excuse, making me feel like a jerk... Thanks. (I hope your mom's on the mend and gets to go home soon.)
@Thumperchick well I thought you knew that as you told me in another thread you were sorry about my mother ..or at least I thought you did in the beginner fantasy football A league trash talking thread ..anyways thanks for well wishes..actually mom isn't better and can't walk or put any pressure on her foot/ankle for three months.. Very stressful and we are all at wits end ..
@AttyVette When I see the posts about ill or distressed members here or their families, I do genuinely stop and send a nice thought or prayer out for them. Unfortunately, I don't always remember who has what going on in their world - even a few hours later. So when I made my chiding comment - your mom's recovery was nowhere in my brain.
@Thumperchick ok..understood ..I thought it was a nice touch when you wrote me in the other thread. But seriously mom has fallen a lot and then she fell October 19 crushing her ankle and they did surgery putting a plate in her ankle and a fixator on her leg (looks similar to a halo) . Enough about my woes ..I just jump in here for comic relief from reality that now is mine.
@AttyVette I understand. My grandmother is, yeah, anyway. When it's your loved one, they're on your brain every minute of every day - the concept that anyone could just not be thinking about it seems foreign at best. I'm sorry I didn't have you and she at the forefront of my mind - I do genuinely hope she goes through rehab without setbacks and can get back to her life as she wants it, soon. Also, that you get back to a less stressful version of yours. Since you asked for comic relief...
@Mehrocco_Mole I did. It was worth it, but now my PC is forcing me to watch GitS all day long, which really isn't a bad thing. ... back to hacking. I can't find a thing on this watch. I suppose it's too "defeatured" to hack, but it would have been nice if someone had done something. I can't even find a developer portal.
@cfg83 Ok, maybe it's closed source. Guess has hired them : "... In August 2014 it was revealed that Martian was teaming up with Guess to launch a range of branded smartwatches. ..."
@OnionSoup it is splash proof. I've had mine for a little over a year...works great. Never loses Bluetooth. I receive alerts from any app on my phone that I link to it.
Okay, I understand that the alien hand is not included (because of the disclaimer and the fact that alien hands don't grow on trees) but... What about that human hand? (no disclaimer).. Myself, I could use an extra hand or a least my boss thinks it would help me maintain my daily quota. About the watch? What about it...?
I have this watch. I was very surprised at how much I liked it.
Being able to see the time like a normal watch is great. It actually looks nice on. I got multiple compliments on it from people who thought it was a normal watch. And the notifications are great. The app for setting what gets sent to the watch is fairly versatile as are the actual notification settings.
The only thing this doesn't do that I wanted to try is voice commands and making calls through the watch.
@thePenrod I'm glad to hear this! I bought one as soon as I saw it, and then this morning I bought one to give my dad for Christmas.. Glad to hear they're nice!
And sadly, I just canceled. Upon closer inspection I found that I really don't like that giant 'M' near the display. I thought at first it was part of the LED, but it seems so out of place there. The aesthetic would be better without it IMO.
"Q: Do you ship internationally? What about AK/HI? A: Nope. Nope. But, apparently, many of you are using a freight forwarding service to order and ship out of the US, which seems to be working just fine. Here are a few that we don't have anything to do with."
Unless you've vetted your copy with your attorney, you should expect to hear from Consumer Reports' legal department. Last time I looked, they forbid commercial use of their findings.
uhm, so the description says "Music control with artist name and song title displayed," but I can't really find a confirmation on this point. Anyone know? Can I control Pandora, for example, on my phone with the watch? Maybe it's just the tunes on the phone.
I've been wanting this type of hybrid for a while, I was looking at these Kairos, which look sweet as hell, but I need to climb a few more rungs on the social ladder before I can afford one of those bad boys.
I'm much more comfortable with $34, got 2, one for my brother, both black, because you know, batman
I've been off the meh for a while now, looks like I just can't stay away jammed-luscious-pet
Dang... for the price, I kind of want this. I'm concerned about the "deep" Mini USB cable... I don't have others if the included one fails, or gets lost/damaged. I also bought the Meta M1 (stainless steel) a couple months back... per the reviews, some of the same issues exist with bluetooth & buggy app / odd notifications. And the non-metal band is kind of a downer. I see there are replacement, but just other colors of the same material.
I like that this actually looks like a watch instead of a blocky, rectangular hunk of bleck. A few of my coworkers have other types of "smartwatches" and they look like they are wearing the screen from an old flipphone on their wrist.
I will be replacing the band of the black one I bought with a nice leather one very soon. Not a fan of silicone bands. Maybe this one: band
Didn't get very good images on this order: lifeless-blocky-condor
@Teddydogno1 My intention is to replace the strap on the black one as well. I'm thinking a nice brown NATO strap. The thing I'm a little nervous about is that it's a half inch thick. I've already been shopping for one. What do you think about this strap?!
Ordered one, $5 for shipping, and FedEx takes TEN DAYS to get it from Texas to Florida? That's walking speed. Guess I won't be ordering here again unless I want my purchases meh-andering their way to me at Super Slow speed...
Q: Ok, fine, it's [the shipping] slow. But when will it be shipped? And how can I track it?
A: We wait until the day after the event ends to print the shipping labels, and sometimes if it's busy it can be two or three days (not counting weekends, because we don't ship on weekends). Once it ships, we'll throw a tracking number on your orders page at https://meh.com/orders (Enough people have asked for a tracking email that we'll probably do that, but we're not there yet.)
@MrNews To me the fact that they can get someone to take something from Texas to Florida for $5 is amazing. I'm not going to bring you a watch across town for $5.
I read all item info, and FAQ, before ordering. Guess I'm too used to Amazon Prime delivering items the SAME day or, at worst, in 24-48 hours. Even in Amazon Marketplace, where vendors may estimate 10-14 day shipping speed, it's usually much faster. I don't mind the wait for a non-essential purchase, but delivery time is one measure of an e-tailer's overall quality.
@MrNews - If you (actually) read all the item info, then you may want to consider brushing up on your reading comprehension skills. Plainly stated in the offering, as detailed above: ESTIMATED Delivery 11/11-11/13 - because for someone that says
I don't mind the wait for a non-essential purchase
you certainly don't act like it.
There's a special medicine to help you in this matter, ask your pharmacist for a large dose of QYB.
Ah, another welcoming community of Interweb scowlers. Sorry, wrong room; I didn't realize this was the Mehgalomaniacs Support Group. My pharmacist said she's all out of QYB because some online forum had cornered the market. Thanks for stopping by... Sheesh.
@thewynner I didn't think that the watch had music control. That was the allure that made me buy one. It was just notifications and none of the other unnecessary stuff.
@thewynner It appears that the only way to control music is to use the watches UL button to activate your phone's voice command function. The Notifier does not actually have music controls itself.
keen-quotable-egg just arrived in Seattle. It looks cheaper in person, but the price was still good. I wish I knew in advance that the charging port is non-standard. The Micro USB jack is mounted so deeply into the watch that they had to supply a special cable with a jack that's about 40% longer than any cel phone micro USB plug. Probably wouldn't have ordered it if I saw that first.
I'm pleasantly surprised with this watch. I think it looks good. I had to update the firmware which took a bit of time. Once I updated, it worked pretty well. Although I get about 120 emails a day and I may stop the email alerts.
Got the watch... Finally. Shipped FedEx, then they gave it to USPS to deliver it.... Wth? I live in Denver not the boondocks. Anyway, the watch is awesome, fun, and a bargain. No complaints. Weird, huh? Would buy it again. It's not an apple and I'm grateful.
@dmh1969 That's Smartpost SOP. Fedex gets it to the post office then lets the mailman do the last mile. Takes advantage of each organization's strengths and cuts costs, but it does make it take at least a day longer.
@djslack..... three days after it arrived at the USPS it was delivered to me. Taking advantages of the strengths of USPS, may just be an oxymoron. But thanks for the education on the shipping protocol. Did not know that, but I do know what time is..... Finally! 👍
@dmh1969 USPS basically already has to hit every house. At the very least, they have to hit an area close to every house. Neither FedEx nor UPS necessarily will have such a detailed route on a given day. While, aside from cost, it's not great for the consumer, it definitely does take advantage of the logistics of the Postal Service.
I got mine today and found it wouldn't take a charge unless I sat there putting pressure on the USB cable. Right now its hanging with the cord wedged into my desk drawer and a tub of Blistex weighing the watch down to keep the connection. Probably will end up sending it back to Martian once I see if its worth my time.
got the latest firmware and paired with moto x 2014.
used it since 5am, so 13 hours ~15% watch charge used, and this was a fairly active day. texts were nice and readable, call from mom was identified so i knew to fish the phone out of my pocket.
the little static cling it came with makes a great watch face protector, i used a tiny bit of soapy water to make it stick smooth on the watchface. the only issue i can think of is the extended tip micro usb. but amazon sells cords with 8mm tips for under ten bucks.
lost bluetooth connection once when i went to the bathroom and closed door, it reacquired after a minute when i came out.
Got mine today and the analog portion of the watch doesn't work! I am also having problems with the find my iPhone. The phone vibrates but does not play the ring tone!
@stevek13 Did you set the time and then push the crown in until it clicks? This turns the analog clock on. Mine came with the crown out, to preserve battery power, I guess.
Mine arrived today. So far, so good. Installed the app on my iPhone. Charged the watch, paired it, upgraded the firmware, and just got my first text message on it. The watchband seems to attract a lot of cat fur, but I planned on replacing that anyway. I tried to figure out how to get CNN and Ingress notifications to appear, but it looks like I can't do that until after I get my first Ingress notification after pairing.
Got one for me and My Son. We both love it. I do have to explain to people why I am looking at my watch so much, but I look at my phone less throughout the day and I love it. working out the kinks on my google calendar. the surface touch is a little wonky, but overall, a good looking and working watch. Thanks!
I've had my watch for a week now, and here are my thoughts:
It connected to my iPhone 6s Plus without issue. Firmware updating was simple as well.
I dislike that I need to have the app open all the time in the background. It does work without the app, but it functions "differently".
The battery has been running for 7.5 days and is still at 38%, and I use it heavily every day.
It seemed like it would be more polite to just check my watch during a meeting or conversation, instead of pulling my phone out.. It turns out that staring at your watch while the message scrolls across feels just as rude. If you position your arm correctly, it might not be noticeable though.
I like that the screen isn't a "touch screen", and it uses accelerometers to determine touch.. This means I can flick my wrist to operate it single handedly.
I never use the side buttons.. at all.. I don't even remember what they're supposed to do.
Overall I'm very happy with the watch, and I'm glad I bought it! I just need to figure out what to do with my second one that was supposed to be a Christmas present for my dad.. When I showed him mine, he said "that's ok, but I'm going to buy a Samsung Gear 2 pretty soon".. So much for me trying to get a good gift!
The glass face of the watch is very slightly raised above the rim that's around it. I don't like that, it seems like it should be flush or lower.. But so far it hasn't caused any problems.
I spent more money (after shipping) on an upgraded band than I did on the entire watch! But I really like this one! The silicon one that comes with it started to bother my wrist by the end of the day. I don't know if it was the way it pulled on my arm hair, or the way it rubbed my wrist.. Either way, I really like the new band I got!
I think that's all for now. I just wanted to document this in case it gets sold again. Please feel free to ask me any questions you may have.
@kadagan If the thing you decide to do with it is sell it to a fellow mehtizen, I VOLUNTEER AS TRIBUTE (email is my username at metaphorce dot net). Of course I wouldn't blame you if you sold it elsewhere for a profit to put towards your gift fund instead, it may come back up here anyway.
@djslack I'm gonna be pretty pissed if that's the case. The USPS lost my watch and CS told me that they didn't have any there to send me, so meh refunded my money. I went to morningsave.com and bought one there (for less of a deal, but still a deal). If it comes up on meh.com again and for less than morningsave.com, I won't be a happy customer any longer.
@kadagan I've also had mine for just over a week, and agree with most of what you say, particularly 1, 3, 4, 5, & 8. Pretty happy with notifications, battery life, & appearance, though it would be nice if it weren't quite so thick. The stock band doesn't bother me, fake links notwithstanding. I may eventually cave and get an Apple Watch, but if so I will grumble about charging the damn thing every day. Nearly 8 days with the Martian, and I'm still at 54%.
@djslack I'll consider it :) I've also thought about giving it as a nicer gift in a white elephant at work (normally a $25 minimum, so this is a bit over).
@harrison I think it was giving the default notifications (not my updated vibration patterns), plus it gives notifications on things that I had turned off. I haven't tried it again lately, so maybe I'm mistaken.
Also, my battery finally ran out this evening.. It lasted about 8.5 days. Not bad! It drained a lot faster from 35% down to dead.. But overall I'm impressed!
One recommendation from me - I purchased the Illumishield for this watch - it fits perfectly, and no scratches: http://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B00HYGHOGG (I love the last 4 characters of the Amazon ID)
My husband does not get notified on his watch for incoming calls but he is notified of a missed call after. Anyone else experience this? How did you fix it?
@mehsterious hmm. I've got mine connected to my Android so I might not be much help. On IOS the notifier app appears to tie into native notifications, so make sure all of the notification options for phone are turned on. Maybe someone using it with iPhone can be more helpful, or I may hook mine up with my iPhone and check it out.
@thismyusername All settings are correct in the app. All other notifications are working properly just not for incoming calls. Thanks for the suggestion.
@mehsterious Did he update to the latest firmware from the Martian website? Some people had issues with certain notifications and the update fixed the issue in most cases.
One year later and this thing is still going. I still get ~10 days of battery life. Changed to one of the NATO straps after having it a few months - much more comfortable, but I have noticed the strap is rusting.
Issues with the watch:
I don’t know where it pulls the weather info from on IOS, but it is way off (always has been).
The chrome bezel popped off after about 9 months - JB welded back on.
Lost the stupid charge cable, had to shave down another cable to fit in the watch.
I backed the Time2 on Kickstarter so unfortunately this watch will probably be shelved for the most part some time beginning early next year, we’ll see.
@Wolverine350r Didn’t charge over Christmas, Dec 23 to Jan 4th (12 days) and was still running with 7% left.
Guess I will be wearing it for a while still since Pebble sold out to s#itbit.
@Wolverine350r Shortly after that last post (March probably) the watch fell off the counter on its face and several of the chrome markers fell off the inside. I disassembled it as far as I could with no way to get to them still to glue them back in. So she went in the trash. I bought the Olio that Meh had, that was a waste of money, it was like having a normal watch that couldn’t run all day. So I backed the new Ticwatch on Kickstarter and just received it and like it so far.
As of this morning, the USB port actually fell further into my watch, and even taking off the back does not allow me access to it. Guess I’ll be calling Martian!
Description from November 2015: “7 days of use time (separate analog watch battery will run for up to 2 years)”. Well, I’m happy that I got 2 years and 2 months out of it. Unfortunately, despite what this YouTube video says, replacing the analog battery isn’t easy, or I lack the finesse to do so.
I’m glad I didn’t actually buy a replacement battery before trying to remove the old one, because once I popped out the motherboard to get to the battery, it somehow popped off the minute hand, which is now stuck off to the side, with the “hub” at 9 and the end at 7. Is two years a good run for $34? I guess so.
Compatible with:
iPad Air, iPad mini, iPad (3rd generation), iPhone 6, 6 Plus, 5, 5C, 5S, 4S
Android Phones and Tables 3.0 or later
Quick connect guide
iOS user manual
iOS app
Android app
Android user manual
Condition: New
Warranty: 1 Year Martian
Estimated Delivery: 11/11 - 11/13
Shipping: $5 or free with VMP
What’s in the Box?
Paired with your phone
Side view of white
Side view of black
Side of red
Price Comparison
$129.00 List, $78.99 for Red
$129.00 List, $84.76 for Black
$129.00 List, $84.99 for White
Find a relevant price comparison? Please share it in a comment in this thread
Estimated Delivery
Monday, January 28th - Monday, February 4th
Watch out..it's about time for a new deal!
@AttyVette Sales page is too "time consuming" for me to read, Meh.
what a time to say MEH
Dial up a new deal tonight!
So this show one word of a message? Am I missing something??? Definitely not something I am buying.
@conandlibrarian Well,
@conandlibrarian It scrolls from left to right on the notifier. You can read the whole thing I believe.
@hoborg You win the Internet today.
A not-water-resistant watch would last me maybe a day, until I forget to take it off before washing my hands. I'll stick with the metawatch I got on Meh.
@thezeusjuice It is splashproof, according to a review I found.
This is like the TiMehx of the smartwatch world.
I got a smartphone. I will stick with my dumb watches.
I wonder if anyone mentioned this watch in an article. Maybe since reputable like consumer reports...
The second hand on this will sweep you away..."meh"by
What Android Tables are compatible? Can I get one from Meh? Can I get one with 4 chairs?
$34 isn't bad just for a nice non-smart analog watch. I just dropped $300 on a Pebble Time Steel though, so I'll pass on this one.
@Fish_Kungfu I used to have a button like that...
$39 new at eBay (including shipping)
@eulestadt White is 28.49 and Black is 29.49 with 9.99 shipping on each.
@conandlibrarian shhhh its basically the same as $39... eh or at least for me it is :/
When are they gonna make a windup smart watch? I'd be all over that.
@nogoodwithnames I came to the comments to complain that there is no winding needed. I want a wind up smart watch now :)
No alien hand available with the watch, per disclaimer in meh ad ( looks like a possible Martian hand shown) ..so guess citizens from other countries can't buy one to wear .......which makes me wonder if non citizens of any country can buy a "citizen watch" in the country they are in at the "time" if they aren't citizens..
For a few dollars more than list, I would get an actual mechanical watch. Of course, this is the Meh community I'm talking to, where nobody buys for list.
However, the type of watch I'm thinking of typically sells for about half it's list, so if you're the type of person who buys things because of how much you "save," then maybe I'm not shouting into the dark.
"WATCH " out...this deal might "time out" before you buy it..
What does this do that my $15 Metawatch doesn't? Still nothing to make me renew my VIP membership
@mrken30 You can actually see what time it is with this one.
@mrken30 hopefully it will stay connected to bluetooth for more than a while, my Meta has issues there, but no regrets
@mrken30 I paid $48 for my Meta, where did you get yours ;)
@DMlivezey 15 bucks:
@RedOak ah, i don't recall seeing this one, i purchased the new one for $48, different model too from the looks of it
@DMlivezey yep, different Meta model. And a 15 buck experiment that taught me what I want/don't want in a smart watch. A visible display is requirement one.
"The best notifications I've ever seen from a smartwatch" http://www.cnet.com/products/martian-notifier/
As a person who's owned a couple of smartwatches, notifications are the best thing a smartwatch does. All the other stuff is neat, but knowing when to pull out your phone or ignore it is the most significant improvement a smartwatch will make in your daily routine.
Even though I haven't broken the seal on my Meta that came in the Fuku yesterday, and my Moto 360 gets worn almost daily, I'm tempted to check this out.
@djslack FUKU? Feck me, I messed another one. B-(
@djslack That's exactly how I use it. It was a good buy for me. I look at my phone less than half of the time I used to, during a working day.

I hope the rules of Meh. don't say I have to take the first pic, I picked not the first pic
@DMlivezey there are very few rules here. You could take the last pic if it is better.
@RedOak hmmm, let me go check that
@DMlivezey Well, almost the last one - in the second to last row, but I found it more amusing than the last one:

$49.99 groupon
Does anybody really know what time it is?
Does anybody really- meh!
@jester747 Ask Morris Day. "What time is it?"
@jester747 http://www.ask.com/?o=10181&jr=true
With daylight savings time now in effect today, effectively we now had to stay up to midnight CST to view the deal on meh ...we in CST time zone use to have to only stay up to 11 pm CST to view the "meh"nificent deal....oh the tragedy of it all..guess that's why the deal tonight was on a "watch" list tonight ..it's about time after all.
@AttyVette you'd better watch what you are saying, or Meh. might clock you in the head
@AttyVette DST just ended. Now it's Standard Time. Where's your time/clock based puns NOW?
@Thumperchick hmmm, i think edt just ended and now we are in est, at least in MI, what's dst? i wish i had time to say up for your reply, tic-tock, tick-tock...
@DMlivezey Daylight Savings Time... I see why you're heckling me. I replied based on the first sentence of Atty's post.
Not for nothing, but it is not "daylight savings" time, it is "daylight saving" time. It is appropriate to say "daylight savings" only in certain instances when used without the word "time" (per Merriam-Webster).
And yes, we're now back on "standard" time. However, one might posit that the "standard" time is actually daylight saving time, since we observe it longer . . .
@DMlivezey There is a bill pending in MI to eliminate DST that will likely evolve into moving to Central Time year round.
@RedOak But most of the Central Time zone follows Daylight Saving Time (except part on IN?), so it seems like MI would be with the eastern states part of the year, and central states the rest of the year, similar to AZ? I doubt it will pass. @thumperchick, I would never heckle anyone as nice as you, at least not intentionally or at least not with malice.
@DMlivezey Perhaps it won't pass. But this time there are bipartisan bills.
@Thumperchick well I am sure you will find mistakes in my post..happens when Your mom has been in the hospital after breaking her ankle and then in rehab facilities and you haven't had much sleep in days..literally. Goes with getting old and your parents are a lot older than yourself ( of course) .. There have been days I have literally slept only an hour and then gone in to work..so u r correct DST is over but for me time never seems to end... My puns are my comic relief ( even if only to myself) from the reality I find myself in.
@AttyVette oh sure, just use the whole "my mom's sick and in the hospital" excuse, making me feel like a jerk... Thanks. (I hope your mom's on the mend and gets to go home soon.)
@Thumperchick well I thought you knew that as you told me in another thread you were sorry about my mother ..or at least I thought you did in the beginner fantasy football A league trash talking thread ..anyways thanks for well wishes..actually mom isn't better and can't walk or put any pressure on her foot/ankle for three months.. Very stressful and we are all at wits end ..
@AttyVette When I see the posts about ill or distressed members here or their families, I do genuinely stop and send a nice thought or prayer out for them. Unfortunately, I don't always remember who has what going on in their world - even a few hours later. So when I made my chiding comment - your mom's recovery was nowhere in my brain.
@Thumperchick ok..understood ..I thought it was a nice touch when you wrote me in the other thread. But seriously mom has fallen a lot and then she fell October 19 crushing her ankle and they did surgery putting a plate in her ankle and a fixator on her leg (looks similar to a halo) . Enough about my woes ..I just jump in here for comic relief from reality that now is mine.
@AttyVette I understand. My grandmother is, yeah, anyway. When it's your loved one, they're on your brain every minute of every day - the concept that anyone could just not be thinking about it seems foreign at best.
I'm sorry I didn't have you and she at the forefront of my mind - I do genuinely hope she goes through rehab without setbacks and can get back to her life as she wants it, soon. Also, that you get back to a less stressful version of yours.
Since you asked for comic relief...
@RedOak All IT staff and application programmers will rise up and riot over having to deal with yet another DST patch to create and deploy.
Can this thing be hacked? Can we add a different firmware/OS? Can it be the bluetooth master instead of a client?

Don't click here.
@thismyusername I didn't.
W. T. F. (For disoriented pauses; not an acronym)
@Mehrocco_Mole I did. It was worth it, but now my PC is forcing me to watch GitS all day long, which really isn't a bad thing. ... back to hacking. I can't find a thing on this watch. I suppose it's too "defeatured" to hack, but it would have been nice if someone had done something. I can't even find a developer portal.
@cfg83 Ok, maybe it's closed source. Guess has hired them : "... In August 2014 it was revealed that Martian was teaming up with Guess to launch a range of branded smartwatches. ..."
Nice idea this watch. Not as ugly or dorky looking as most smart watches.
If it were waterproof at this price or even more I would have pulled the trigger.
@OnionSoup it is splash proof. I've had mine for a little over a year...works great. Never loses Bluetooth. I receive alerts from any app on my phone that I link to it.
Disappointed in the lack of Matt Damon references.
Okay, I understand that the alien hand is not included (because of the disclaimer and the fact that alien hands don't grow on trees) but... What about that human hand? (no disclaimer).. Myself, I could use an extra hand or a least my boss thinks it would help me maintain my daily quota. About the watch? What about it...?
I have this watch. I was very surprised at how much I liked it.
Being able to see the time like a normal watch is great. It actually looks nice on. I got multiple compliments on it from people who thought it was a normal watch. And the notifications are great. The app for setting what gets sent to the watch is fairly versatile as are the actual notification settings.
The only thing this doesn't do that I wanted to try is voice commands and making calls through the watch.
This is a good deal at this price.
@thePenrod I'm glad to hear this! I bought one as soon as I saw it, and then this morning I bought one to give my dad for Christmas.. Glad to hear they're nice!
I can't believe I bought something else. I think I am starting to develop a problem... Somebody help me. Or start selling speaker docks more often.

@Willijs3 yes, it is a contagious condition. The only cure? Go away, cold turkey.
@Willijs3 the first step is admitting you have a problem, you are on the right path
@RedOak But... my meh face streak... I can't just give that up.
@Willijs3 admittedly that is a dilemma.
Are you going to make this compatible with Windows cellular telephone operating systems?
@Mattsy As soon as Meh takes over the manufacturing of this watch, yes.
@ACraigL @Mattsy Nope! Windows Phone operating systems are not even supported in fantasies, except in the fantasies of paid astroturfers.
In for one.
Unbiased Pitiful Sock
God knows why but I went for one.

And sadly, I just canceled. Upon closer inspection I found that I really don't like that giant 'M' near the display. I thought at first it was part of the LED, but it seems so out of place there. The aesthetic would be better without it IMO.
@ACraigL That's why God made electrical tape ;)
@kadagan That would be not at all janky. Thanks for the advice :P
@ACraigL glad I could help!
@ACraigL "Funny that 'M' being there" (Jump to 2:50 since Meh doesn't appear to like Youtube time bookmarks)
Meh.com, 35 years offering meh-ticulously chosen holiday gifts
Great looking gift for Christmas season. In for one! Black one is hard to find.
Twice in a week. I need to stop working from home...

Looks like Georgia Red. . . need a pick-me-up after this past weekend.
@jrwofuga - For that alone, you're in??? Woo Hoo! Finally!
Do you ship outside USA ?
"Q: Do you ship internationally? What about AK/HI?
A: Nope. Nope. But, apparently, many of you are using a freight forwarding service to order and ship out of the US, which seems to be working just fine. Here are a few that we don't have anything to do with."
Bought at 9:02 PM PST--forgot to post.
Not even noon Eastern and 2,300 sold. Impressive. And all three colors still available.
Meh must have bought a boatload of these.
@RedOak Valid. Seems to be a lucrative day for Meh.
@RedOak I noticed the same! I kind of wish I hadn't ordered 2 already.. I'm sure they'll sell again at a lower price
@kadagan Those are my thoughts. Hmm stock up now or wait it out. Perhaps, it did so well, that next time it will be a higher price?
@connorbush @kadagan Meh goes both ways.
@RedOak ;-)
"We hereby loudly proclaim our strong belief that this is one of the best smartwatches you can buy."
Unless you've vetted your copy with your attorney, you should expect to hear from Consumer Reports' legal department. Last time I looked, they forbid commercial use of their findings.
@brakeforbeer meh. Consumer Reports thinking to themselves that 'rule' saves their credibility is amusing.
uhm, so the description says "Music control with artist name and song title displayed," but I can't really find a confirmation on this point. Anyone know? Can I control Pandora, for example, on my phone with the watch? Maybe it's just the tunes on the phone.
I've been wanting this type of hybrid for a while, I was looking at these Kairos, which look sweet as hell, but I need to climb a few more rungs on the social ladder before I can afford one of those bad boys.
I'm much more comfortable with $34, got 2, one for my brother, both black, because you know, batman
I've been off the meh for a while now, looks like I just can't stay away

@tentalces1349 Those Kairos smart bands are intriguing, if a little pricey. The watches are great looking, but dat price tag though.
Here's a video review. Seems like it was mostly positive, but not 100%.
Note that this was from July 2014, so some of the software issues may have been fixed in app and firmware updates.
Still can't wear this at work, though.
In an unexpected twist, white sold out first. What a sell-out.
Dang... for the price, I kind of want this. I'm concerned about the "deep" Mini USB cable... I don't have others if the included one fails, or gets lost/damaged. I also bought the Meta M1 (stainless steel) a couple months back... per the reviews, some of the same issues exist with bluetooth & buggy app / odd notifications. And the non-metal band is kind of a downer. I see there are replacement, but just other colors of the same material.
In for Black... "whole-realistic-creator". It's only money, right?

Are these refurbished watches?
Condition: New
Warranty: 1 Year Martian
Estimated Delivery: 11/11 - 11/13
Shipping: $5 or free with VMP
source: https://meh.com/forum/topics/martian-notifier-watch#5637f7ae1469b5300af017b8
I like that this actually looks like a watch instead of a blocky, rectangular hunk of bleck. A few of my coworkers have other types of "smartwatches" and they look like they are wearing the screen from an old flipphone on their wrist.
I will be replacing the band of the black one I bought with a nice leather one very soon. Not a fan of silicone bands. Maybe this one: band
Didn't get very good images on this order: lifeless-blocky-condor
@Teddydogno1 My intention is to replace the strap on the black one as well. I'm thinking a nice brown NATO strap. The thing I'm a little nervous about is that it's a half inch thick. I've already been shopping for one. What do you think about this strap?!
I purchased the Meta M1 and it never worked, I sent a email and still to this day I haven't heard from anyone they just robbed me :(
@ellcapp1 Oh no! You should definitely write in again - meh.com/support and see what happened. Be sure to check your spam folder!
Ordered one, $5 for shipping, and FedEx takes TEN DAYS to get it from Texas to Florida? That's walking speed. Guess I won't be ordering here again unless I want my purchases meh-andering their way to me at Super Slow speed...
If you check your orders page you will find it usually ships faster than the estimate.
From the FAQ
@MrNews To me the fact that they can get someone to take something from Texas to Florida for $5 is amazing. I'm not going to bring you a watch across town for $5.
Walk it. Then complain.
@thismyusername pfft. Reading information clearly available, before purchasing! Who does that?
I read all item info, and FAQ, before ordering. Guess I'm too used to Amazon Prime delivering items the SAME day or, at worst, in 24-48 hours. Even in Amazon Marketplace, where vendors may estimate 10-14 day shipping speed, it's usually much faster. I don't mind the wait for a non-essential purchase, but delivery time is one measure of an e-tailer's overall quality.
@MrNews - If you (actually) read all the item info, then you may want to consider brushing up on your reading comprehension skills. Plainly stated in the offering, as detailed above: ESTIMATED Delivery 11/11-11/13 - because for someone that says
you certainly don't act like it.
There's a special medicine to help you in this matter, ask your pharmacist for a large dose of QYB.
Oh, and Vote for Pedro!
Mine arrived yesterday--California.
Received mine today, SD. Fun little thing, worth the meh price. Anyone have any idea how music control works? I haven't had any luck figuring it out.
@thewynner I didn't think that the watch had music control. That was the allure that made me buy one. It was just notifications and none of the other unnecessary stuff.
@thewynner It appears that the only way to control music is to use the watches UL button to activate your phone's voice command function. The Notifier does not actually have music controls itself.
I'm pleasantly surprised with this watch. I think it looks good. I had to update the firmware which took a bit of time. Once I updated, it worked pretty well. Although I get about 120 emails a day and I may stop the email alerts.
Got the watch... Finally. Shipped FedEx, then they gave it to USPS to deliver it.... Wth? I live in Denver not the boondocks. Anyway, the watch is awesome, fun, and a bargain. No complaints. Weird, huh? Would buy it again. It's not an apple and I'm grateful.
@dmh1969 That's Smartpost SOP. Fedex gets it to the post office then lets the mailman do the last mile. Takes advantage of each organization's strengths and cuts costs, but it does make it take at least a day longer.
@djslack..... three days after it arrived at the USPS it was delivered to me. Taking advantages of the strengths of USPS, may just be an oxymoron. But thanks for the education on the shipping protocol. Did not know that, but I do know what time is..... Finally! 👍
@dmh1969 USPS basically already has to hit every house. At the very least, they have to hit an area close to every house. Neither FedEx nor UPS necessarily will have such a detailed route on a given day. While, aside from cost, it's not great for the consumer, it definitely does take advantage of the logistics of the Postal Service.
I got mine today and found it wouldn't take a charge unless I sat there putting pressure on the USB cable. Right now its hanging with the cord wedged into my desk drawer and a tub of Blistex weighing the watch down to keep the connection. Probably will end up sending it back to Martian once I see if its worth my time.
@Xakdublin at least one of ours had this problem, turned out to be the USB cable. Haven't checked all 3 yet though.
initial review: works great, am loving it so far.
got the latest firmware and paired with moto x 2014.
used it since 5am, so 13 hours ~15% watch charge used, and this was a fairly active day. texts were nice and readable, call from mom was identified so i knew to fish the phone out of my pocket.
the little static cling it came with makes a great watch face protector, i used a tiny bit of soapy water to make it stick smooth on the watchface. the only issue i can think of is the extended tip micro usb. but amazon sells cords with 8mm tips for under ten bucks.
lost bluetooth connection once when i went to the bathroom and closed door, it reacquired after a minute when i came out.
Got mine today and the analog portion of the watch doesn't work! I am also having problems with the find my iPhone. The phone vibrates but does not play the ring tone!
@stevek13 Oh no! You should probably contact the warranty for help with this:
@stevek13 Did you set the time and then push the crown in until it clicks? This turns the analog clock on. Mine came with the crown out, to preserve battery power, I guess.
@MrNews Yep, I did.
Mine arrived today. So far, so good. Installed the app on my iPhone. Charged the watch, paired it, upgraded the firmware, and just got my first text message on it. The watchband seems to attract a lot of cat fur, but I planned on replacing that anyway. I tried to figure out how to get CNN and Ingress notifications to appear, but it looks like I can't do that until after I get my first Ingress notification after pairing.
Got one for me and My Son. We both love it. I do have to explain to people why I am looking at my watch so much, but I look at my phone less throughout the day and I love it. working out the kinks on my google calendar. the surface touch is a little wonky, but overall, a good looking and working watch. Thanks!
I've had my watch for a week now, and here are my thoughts:
I think that's all for now. I just wanted to document this in case it gets sold again. Please feel free to ask me any questions you may have.
@kadagan Is the second one black? I've been digging it more since the nato strap pics, and didn't jump in before.
@djslack yes, both of the ones I bought were black
@kadagan If the thing you decide to do with it is sell it to a fellow mehtizen, I VOLUNTEER AS TRIBUTE (email is my username at metaphorce dot net). Of course I wouldn't blame you if you sold it elsewhere for a profit to put towards your gift fund instead, it may come back up here anyway.
@djslack It was on morningsave.com up until yesterday. I just checked and they pulled it down.
@densa Maybe that means they're counting inventory for another appearance on Meh :)
@djslack I'm gonna be pretty pissed if that's the case. The USPS lost my watch and CS told me that they didn't have any there to send me, so meh refunded my money. I went to morningsave.com and bought one there (for less of a deal, but still a deal). If it comes up on meh.com again and for less than morningsave.com, I won't be a happy customer any longer.
@kadagan I've also had mine for just over a week, and agree with most of what you say, particularly 1, 3, 4, 5, & 8. Pretty happy with notifications, battery life, & appearance, though it would be nice if it weren't quite so thick. The stock band doesn't bother me, fake links notwithstanding. I may eventually cave and get an Apple Watch, but if so I will grumble about charging the damn thing every day. Nearly 8 days with the Martian, and I'm still at 54%.
@djslack I'll consider it :) I've also thought about giving it as a nicer gift in a white elephant at work (normally a $25 minimum, so this is a bit over).
@kadagan Regarding 2, I've noticed that it's a lot more consistent once you update the firmware.
@harrison if you notice, I did that in list item #1.. Haha
@kadagan Oh, whoops. Totally missed that. Weird, what does it do differently?
@harrison I think it was giving the default notifications (not my updated vibration patterns), plus it gives notifications on things that I had turned off. I haven't tried it again lately, so maybe I'm mistaken.
Also, my battery finally ran out this evening.. It lasted about 8.5 days. Not bad! It drained a lot faster from 35% down to dead.. But overall I'm impressed!
@kadagan They popped back up on Morningsave tonight so I pulled the trigger on one for myself. Thanks for considering it, though.
@djslack Congrats on the new purchase. You had mentioned you liked the Nato strap I had. Here's the one I purchased.
@densa Thanks for the link!
@djslack awesome, I hope you love it!
One recommendation from me - I purchased the Illumishield for this watch - it fits perfectly, and no scratches: http://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B00HYGHOGG (I love the last 4 characters of the Amazon ID)
My husband does not get notified on his watch for incoming calls but he is notified of a missed call after. Anyone else experience this? How did you fix it?
@mehsterious The notifier app lets you select notifications for every type of event on the phone. Is he using iPhone or Android?
How... @mehsterious...
@djslack he is using iPhone and he has the calls notifier selected in the app. Thanks.
@mehsterious hmm. I've got mine connected to my Android so I might not be much help. On IOS the notifier app appears to tie into native notifications, so make sure all of the notification options for phone are turned on. Maybe someone using it with iPhone can be more helpful, or I may hook mine up with my iPhone and check it out.
@mehsterious Settings, Notifications, Phone, make sure "Allow notifications" and "Show in notifications center" are turned on.
@thismyusername All settings are correct in the app. All other notifications are working properly just not for incoming calls. Thanks for the suggestion.
@mehsterious if all else fails, toggle them off then back on? :) good luck!
@mehsterious Did he update to the latest firmware from the Martian website? Some people had issues with certain notifications and the update fixed the issue in most cases.
@Willijs3 Will do that now. Thanks!
@Willijs3 Problem solved. Thank you, kindly. (not typing from CA)
One year later and this thing is still going. I still get ~10 days of battery life. Changed to one of the NATO straps after having it a few months - much more comfortable, but I have noticed the strap is rusting.
Issues with the watch:
I backed the Time2 on Kickstarter so unfortunately this watch will probably be shelved for the most part some time beginning early next year, we’ll see.
@Wolverine350r Didn’t charge over Christmas, Dec 23 to Jan 4th (12 days) and was still running with 7% left.
Guess I will be wearing it for a while still since Pebble sold out to s#itbit.
@Wolverine350r Shortly after that last post (March probably) the watch fell off the counter on its face and several of the chrome markers fell off the inside. I disassembled it as far as I could with no way to get to them still to glue them back in. So she went in the trash. I bought the Olio that Meh had, that was a waste of money, it was like having a normal watch that couldn’t run all day. So I backed the new Ticwatch on Kickstarter and just received it and like it so far.
As of this morning, the USB port actually fell further into my watch, and even taking off the back does not allow me access to it. Guess I’ll be calling Martian!
If you have problem with the cable itself:
Description from November 2015: “7 days of use time (separate analog watch battery will run for up to 2 years)”. Well, I’m happy that I got 2 years and 2 months out of it. Unfortunately, despite what this YouTube video says, replacing the analog battery isn’t easy, or I lack the finesse to do so.
I’m glad I didn’t actually buy a replacement battery before trying to remove the old one, because once I popped out the motherboard to get to the battery, it somehow popped off the minute hand, which is now stuck off to the side, with the “hub” at 9 and the end at 7. Is two years a good run for $34? I guess so.
Time to find another smart-ish watch.
@laurict You’re in luck! https://morningsave.com/events/martian-hybrid-smartwatches
@Willijs3 I almost grabbed one of those, but none of them really were my style. I was very, very close to buying a “like new” Apple watch off of Amazon… and then today’s deal hit. In for one. https://meh.com/forum/topics/martian-mvoice-smartwatch-with-alexa