Let's convince @Kidsandliz to do another exchange
11So it has been a while since the last Irk and even longer since the last Meh exchange. We are in the lul between end of summer and fall winter holidays. We could use some exciting exchanges full of random.
An October exchange would be great.
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Having finally gotten an IRK and a thoughtful gift from another Meh person, I would be up for an exchange.
It would only be my fault for today.
/giphy yes please

With whom and what would we be exchanged?
The people in your life you would like to get rid of.
/giphy “go away!”

It’s actually far more positive that that.
Meh exchanges are an odd thing. Basically everyone fills up a box with things that they do not need that may cause a smile on the other end. It should never be junk but can be random. Usually a medium post office flat rate box.
They are like an irk in random stuff but not like an irk in that they are exchanged between those that sign up.
I need a refund. Who runs the CS department of exchange?
@CaptAmehrican I disagree with the “should never be junk” statement.
I’d be ok with “should never be garbage.”
And items should never be food or other potential allergens without knowing (not merely believing) that said items are acceptable. (I will note tho, that all items I and many others send out are treated with cat, dog and other allergens… such is life (and perhaps death, if ones EPI-pen is not handy),
However, perhaps I’m overestimating the desirability of my junk. (Yes, I acknowledge the pun.) I’ll let those who have received boxes from me say whether or not my junk is acceptable for a Mehxchange or not.
@baqui63 I think I received your junk once and it was wonderful!!
I’d like to play - currently cleaning house and I’m sure there’s a couple
cratesboxes of useful interesting random stuff I’m not using that I’d be happy to send to somewhere else.@CaptAmehrican Maybe Kidsandliz needs a break? I’m all for having one, but I dislike the idea of community pressure forcing Kidsandliz to wrangle it.
@ruouttaurmind I think @CaptAmehrican maybe should step up?
@CaptAmehrican @ruouttaurmind @therealjrn that was my thought…thanks for volunteering!!!
@amehzinggrace @CaptAmehrican @ruouttaurmind @therealjrn Srsly. @kidsandliz needs a break, and wasn’t even able to participate in the last one. So I happily volunteer to organize the next one if @CaptAmehrican doesn’t want to. And a few of us should send random fun stuff to kidsandliz to thank her for her tirelessness.
@amehzinggrace @CaptAmehrican @ruouttaurmind @therealjrn @UncleVinny I don’t mind doing it. I have it together now so that it isn’t all that much work. And I didn’t send last time due to postage cost, not due to time constraints. All’s good. All of you folks are working and I am not (although hopefully that will end soon as I have a zillion applications out there) so other than a couple of things in the next couple of days I have a lot of time on my hands (do a lot of volunteering but still nothing near full time work equivalent). People don’t need to send me thank you stuff. It’s not like I was strong armed into it. It is something I can contribute to the community. I mean… I use the scape goat thread enough. It’s only fair
@amehzinggrace @Kidsandliz @ruouttaurmind @therealjrn @UncleVinny i know that this is not my skill set. @kidsandliz is great and had said in a previous thread something about doing one soon.
@Kidsandliz If I can help in any way, please give me a poke! And really, thank you for organizing; these are really fun.
@UncleVinny will do if I get time crunched. Thanks for the offer.
I would like to play. I got a few things that I believe might be considered enjoyable by someone.
Need someone well organized
that lets most of us out
@Cerridwyn HA! You think I am well organized? Excel saves me from total catastrophe but I still have to proof the final random match about a zillion times.
Sorry I initially missed this thread as no one flagged me (well I see it in the title but I don’t think I got an email)… thus the late reply - still have computer screen issues so not online as much…
I’ll set one up but you need to give me a couple of days to get the form updated. I can’t guarantee I will be able to get the assignments out prior to mid month because I have an out of town doctor apt (day’s drive each way) and every time I go to Houston I try to go to IKEA, Trader Joes, Whole Earth Provisions and REI to play tourist (never buy much except chocolate and jam at Trader Joes but fun to look as there are none of those stores here). If the CT scan area gets backed up (fairly typical) I can work doing the random match while there.
I’ll start a new thread once I have the form updated and up.
When exactly do people want to time the exchange for the mail out?
@Kidsandliz No rush. No rush at all. I hope the appt goes well and that the shopping is fun.
(IMHO, shopping need not include buying.)
Under this message please indicate when you’d like to have to target “mail your crap out” date (or short date range). Thanks.
Also what do you want me to do if in the middle of all of this there is an IRK. Meh seems to have one somewhere around in Oct and morningsave was doing a clearance sale which implies to me once that is done the crap pile for
the dumpsteran IRK will be available. Hold off on the outgoing mail date? Or?@Kidsandliz What’s an IRK?
@Gypsigirl213 @Kidsandliz I’d like a couple weeks to get the time to get a box (or two) together, so mid month would work for me.
I assume instructions will follow but I haven’t done this - How do the logistics work? Do you act as a central distribution point to receive the boxes and then just randomly send out boxes to the participants?
IRK = Instant Regret Kit.
@Gypsigirl213 It’s a box of stuff, extras accumulated at Meh, varying in quality but high in either surprise or regret but highly sought after when they go on sale for a (very) limited time - here’s the link to the last forum thread on what people received with their IRKs
@stolicat I do a random match using excel’s random number generator (checking that you aren’t sending to yourself and any other constraints people have noted in the form) and send you the address where to send your box.
I’m out of town from the 10-16, so would want it after that.
@Kidsandliz I’m in and whatever date you pick is fine. I’ll have something ready in a week or so. Remind me, is there a target minimum value or other restrictions?
@ybmuG There isn’t any target minimum value. Each of us have our own financial constraints. The goal is to have at least a couple of things that might be appreciated… While many people use a medium priority mail box, some folks send bigger boxes. Last exchange @Bramby2 and someone else I can’t think of at the moment sent bonanza boxes to their folks (but that isn’t expected and the folks who got those were beyond shocked and excited). The other goal is for this to be fun for everyone.
Some people put some humorous things in there… stalking your assigned person on meh may yield some ideas (although with some folks that will never happen as they don’t post personal things - for example someone I got had said they needed meh ping pong balls so I got some cheapies at Walmart and with a sharpie made some, of which they then passed some of them on in future exchanges; with some other people I got they had contributed maybe 3 comments on meh, all on product threads so I had no clue and just tried to put some things in there that would make the average person at least smile)…
Then there are the nearly useless white elephant style items from fuko’s/IRK’s get passed around (hubmen, fidget spinners, those fits nothing neoprene cases that meh was selling for pennies in packets of 25 and 50 come to mind), other odds and ends you have around the house that you were saving for the garage sale you never had, often stuff from old meh sales shows up as the person who bought that/those items on impulse isn’t going to ever use the stuff and have buyers remorse… sometimes people get meh branded items (I have sent some and received some)… BUT there should be no actual garbage/trash/broken crap sent.
As someone else mentioned, food you need to be careful with. You don’t know what allergies people have, how long boxes will sit on a porch in the hot sun… This time of year a couple of pieces of halloween candy ends up in some boxes but that has a melting risk in the deep south, especially this year (it was 98 today here).
The goal is to have at least something the person might appreciate, it needs to be things you’d not be upset getting. You don’t need to go buy anything if your house is full of stuff you can toss in. If you have any questions you can privately email me (I post an exchange email) and ask if it is way out of line. I’d say just use common sense. It’s a crap shoot for all of us. Some years there is nothing I’d want to keep. Other years I hit the proverbial jackpot so to speak. In all cases but one (where I got a lot of literal trash) I knew thought had gone into it and being part of the fun was enough.
is the game called screw with the bot?
if it is, I’m in!
@Kidsandliz thanks for the detailed answer (and some strategy). That’s very helpful. I don’t think I’ll have any trouble filling a box, regardless of who I get!
@ybmuG You are welcome.
@Kidsandliz @ybmuG Yes, thank you for explaining the way and the spirit of it all - I am mentally starting to fill my box now, leaving room for particulars depending on who will get it.

@Cerridwyn @mediocrebot The question is what is the trigger word this time for that way too big gross giphy.
@Kidsandliz @stolicat @ybmuG two ferrets in a box of packing peanuts just might be my new happy place!
@Cerridwyn @Kidsandliz @mediocrebot is the trigger screw?
@Kidsandliz @llangley @mediocrebot
you called it
I was hoping it was one of the manually triggered ones
@Kidsandliz @llangley @mediocrebot
and then again, maybe not
@Cerridwyn @llangley @mediocrebot I didn’t use that word either, nor did the posts above mine. SOMEONE must have not been reading the threads yet to manually add that giphy in the other post you mentioned… That SOMEONE better be careful or the bot is going to hijack their brain. And then they’ll be sorry.
@Cerridwyn @Kidsandliz @mediocrebot balls
I’ll try to get the signup form posted sometime Friday. I’ll start a new thread when I do that.
@Kidsandliz thank you
@Kidsandliz ypu are wonderful
Well fucking shit balls…I really havent been around much if there is talk about a Mehrican exchange and not a single comment about @studerc…
I had to stumble upon it like some sort of common peasant.
/giphy peasant

@studerc we miss you
I’m in
Sign up is up