you must you the word in your post
This is a self tapping pin head pozi screw or something like that
/youtube buffett why don’t we get drunk and screw
@shahnm, dammit, I was going to respond “You should ask Jimmy Buffett”…
@haydesigner Don’t let me stop you. You just go right ahead and say whatever you like.
@haydesigner @shahnm if you aren’t drunk before starting on home improvement or the car you did it wrong. Just saying
Well there are right hand vs left hand vs twin screws. (We are talking about boat engines and propellers)
@mediocrebot? Screw that.
@f00l really knows how to screw with people in whisper chat.
I suppose:
/giphy Indeed!
/giphy Agreed!
Screw that. I’m a jerk, doncha know?
@f00l @therealjrn yep… he screwed up!
A screw is one of the six classical simple machines, and is a mechanism that converts rotational motion to linear motion.
What are the other five classical simple machines? Oooh, a game within a game!
@mike808 I’m not inclined to say… though maybe I could leverage that knowledge for something…
@chienfou @mike808 I see how you wedged that comment in there…
@mike808 @therealjrn …ohh… good one!
Screw you.
@kuoh one of my favorite quotes on BBT!
@tinamarie1974 Let’s try and science-tize an old saying and see if it catches on.
Torque you and the inclined plane you wound in on!
My thigh high boots and low cut tops really screws with guys
@tinamarie1974 yep, you put the screws to me with that one!
@tinamarie1974 oh, you died your hair again…
@tinamarie1974 oh enough about your top secret boots :p
@unksol my boots are not top secret silly. If you figure out which footwear company I modeled for you can even find my feet in print or on the internet.
/giphy mind blown
@2many2no you screwed the pooch on that one…
Some of you must have a screw loose since you can’t follow the simple ‘rules of engagement’ of this post.
@chienfou So, who might you blame for such a travesty? A scapegoat, perhaps?
@aetris is the shadow on the moon at night. Filling your dreams to the brim with fright
@mike808 That’s just screwy!
Getting the meh email so early now screws with my sense of time and space.
You’re no shewiff! You’re that scwewy wabbit!
@yorkrk Bugs Bunny dressed as a girl screws with my head. /giphy transvestite Bugs Bunny
You must you the what?? Your instructions don’t make any sense.
This is a self tapping pin head pozi screw
or something like that
/youtube buffett why don’t we get drunk and screw
@shahnm, dammit, I was going to respond “You should ask Jimmy Buffett”…
@haydesigner Don’t let me stop you. You just go right ahead and say whatever you like.
@haydesigner @shahnm if you aren’t drunk before starting on home improvement or the car you did it wrong. Just saying
Well there are right hand vs left hand vs twin screws.
(We are talking about boat engines and propellers)
@mediocrebot? Screw that.
@f00l really knows how to screw with people in whisper chat.
I suppose:
/giphy Indeed!

/giphy Agreed!

Screw that. I’m a jerk, doncha know?
@f00l @therealjrn yep… he screwed up!
A screw is one of the six classical simple machines, and is a mechanism that converts rotational motion to linear motion.
What are the other five classical simple machines? Oooh, a game within a game!
@mike808 I’m not inclined to say… though maybe I could leverage that knowledge for something…
@chienfou @mike808 I see how you wedged that comment in there…
@mike808 @therealjrn …ohh… good one!
Screw you.
@kuoh one of my favorite quotes on BBT!
@tinamarie1974 Let’s try and science-tize an old saying and see if it catches on.
Torque you and the inclined plane you wound in on!
My thigh high boots and low cut tops really screws with guys
@tinamarie1974 yep, you put the screws to me with that one!
@tinamarie1974 oh, you died your hair again…
@tinamarie1974 oh enough about your top secret boots :p
@unksol my boots are not top secret silly. If you figure out which footwear company I modeled for you can even find my feet in print or on the internet.
/giphy mind blown

@2many2no you screwed the pooch on that one…
Some of you must have a screw loose since you can’t follow the simple ‘rules of engagement’ of this post.
@chienfou So, who might you blame for such a travesty? A scapegoat, perhaps?
@aetris is the shadow on the moon at night. Filling your dreams to the brim with fright
@mike808 That’s just screwy!
Getting the meh email so early now screws with my sense of time and space.
You’re no shewiff! You’re that scwewy wabbit!
@yorkrk Bugs Bunny dressed as a girl screws with my head.

/giphy transvestite Bugs Bunny
You must you the what?? Your instructions don’t make any sense.